




1. About your college and Specialty

A: What university do you attend?

B: I attend Zhongshan University.

A: When will you graduate from the university?

B: I will graduate this coming July.

A: Are you going to receive any degree?

B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Adminstration.

A: Please tell me about the courses you’ve completed at university.

B: I’ve completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Business English and so on.

A: What is your favorite course?

B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.


2. About your academic records

A: What university do you attend?

B: I attend Zhongshan University.

A: When will you graduate from the university?

B: I will graduate this coming July.

A: Are you going to receive any degree?

B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Adminstration.

A: Please tell me about the courses you’ve completed at university.

B: I’ve completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Business English and so on.

A: What is your favorite course?

B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.


3 . About your student life

A: Are you a student leader at college?

B: Yes. I’ve served as the monitor of our class for two years.

A: Have you got any honors or rewards in your university days?

B: Yes. I’ve been on the honor roll for three academic years.

A: Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities at college?

B: Yes. I’ve been on the college basketball team.

A: What sports do you usually take part in at college?

B: I sometimes play table tennis and sometimes play basketball.

A: Is there anything you regret not having done or would like to have done differently at college?

B: I’ve spent so much time on club activities during the four years. However, I’ve never missed any of my classes. But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put more time and energy into studying, looking back on it.

A: Is there any teacher who impresses you very deeply during your student life?

B: Yes. Our maths professor has left a deep impression on me. In class, he is responsible in


4. About your reasons for application

A: Why are you interested in working with this company?

B: I am interested in working with your company because I know yours is one of the largest computer companies in our country (porvince, city). My major in the university is computer programming, so I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here.

A: Do you choose this company on account of high pay (or remuneration)?

B: No, not only for high pay (remuneration), but also for a good working environment. As far as I know, working in a Sino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility. It is such a working environment that I am looking for.

A: Have you applied for a similiar post to any other company?

B: Yes, I’ve also applied to Global Huada Company Ltd. -- a Sina-American joint venture, in case I may not be accepted here.

A: What is the result of your application to that company?

B: They’ve turned me down.

A: What’s the reason why you failed to get the post?

B: My domicile isn’t in this city and they needed a local resident. That’s the sole reason for my failure to get the post.

A: If you are employed by both companies, whose offer will you accept?

B: Needless to say, my first choice is your company.



1) 说明信函目的,表明自己对该公司的兴趣。

2) 文章的主体部分,要介绍自己的技能、成就、经验等,文字简练,态度积极,也可以就该公司的某个方面进行阐述,表达自己的见解,引起对方的兴趣。

3) 要恳求能够给予面对面讨论以及面试职位的机会,表达自己的感谢和期望,切记要留下自己的联系方式。




Dear Ms. Zhang,

I am a graduate student at Minzu University of China. I am majoring in corporate management. I am very interested in your company,and your corporate culture attracts me a lot.(介绍自己来自哪个学校、什么专业,表明对公司强烈兴趣)

Therefore, I have searched for information about your company. I am going to graduate soon and would like to ask if your company has any vacancies. I really hope to work for your company.(询问该公司是否有职位空缺)

My research at university is mainly about the operation and management of small and medium-sized companies. I have participated in many small and medium-sized corporate forums and have competedin a variety of related competitions, and I have received many awards.(介绍自己的成就、经验和获得的奖励) I had a short-term summer internship in your company. During the internship, I accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge. I think I am very suitable for your company and hope you can provideme with an employment opportunity.(介绍实


I am looking forward to your reply and hope to get a job interview. If it is convenient for you, please contact me, my phone number is 2222-1111.(请求给予面试机会并留下自己的联系方式。)

Yours sincerely,

Serena Wei


My name is___________ . There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the university. I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.


一. Personal Information关于个人信息的问题

1. What is the meaning of your English name?你的英文名字有什么含义么?

2. What is the meaning of your email address?你的电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?

3. Where are you from?Where is your hometown?你是哪里人?家乡在什么地方?

一. Education 关于教育背景的问题

4. Why did you select your major area of study?你为什么要选择这个专业?

5. What subjects were your favourite?Why?你最喜欢的课程是什么?为什么?

6. What subjects were your least favourite?Why?你最不喜欢的课程是什么?为什么?

7. Other than the courses you studied,what is your important thing you learned from your college experience?除了学习方面,你在大学里面最大的收获是什么?

8. How did you finance your college education?你大学的费用是怎么样支付的?(家里供还是自己打工?)

二. Experience关于工作经验的问题

9. Would you briefly describe this company to me ?介绍一下你


10. Would you describe your typical working day?请你描述一下自己典型的一天的工作吧。


12. Why do you want to leave your job?你为什么要离职? Describe the employee you most enjoy working with.你最喜欢和什么样的同事一起合作?


14. What is an ideal boss like?你最喜欢的老板是什么样子的? What were the best aspects of your last job?在上一份工作中,你喜欢的是什么地方?

15. What were the worst aspects of your last job?在上一份工作中,你最讨厌的是什么地方?

16. What were some of your achievements in your last job?在上一份工作中,你有哪些成就?

17. What were some of your disappointments in your last job?在上一份工作中,你比较失望的地方或者失败是什么?

18. How would you evaluate the progress you made in your last job?你如何来评价自己在上一份工作中的表现?

19. What pressures did you have in your last job and how did you manage them?


20. Sometimes a work assignment requires frequent travel.How do you feel about the prospect of frequent travel?有时候


21. Most employees and bosses have some disagreements.How did you react to these disagreements in your last job?很多雇员都和老板有意见相左的时候,在上一份工作中,你是如何处理和老板意见不同的情况的?

三. Position and company 关于所申请职位和公司的问题

22. Why did you select this company?你为什么要选择这家公司?

23. Why did you decided to apply for this particular position?你为什么要申请这份职位?

24. Why do you think you’re qualified for this position?你为什么觉得自己适合这个职位?

25. What about this position is especially attractive to you?这份职位最吸引你的地方是什么?

26. What do you see in the position that is not attractive to you ?这份职位最不吸引你的地方是什么?

27. Tell me what you know about this company.说说你对这间公司的了解吧。

五.Self-evaluation 关于自我评价的问题

28.How does your mother describe you ?你母亲认为你是个怎样的人?

29.What do you consider your strengths as an employee?作为一名公司职员,你觉得自己有什么优点?

30.What do you see as your weakness as an empioyee?作为一名公司职员,你觉得自己有什么缺点?

31.What factors in a work situation motivate you?工作中有哪些因素能够激励你?


32.Where do you see yourself being in your profession in five years ?Why did you establish these goals ?你的五年职业目标是什么?你为什么会确立这样的职业目标?

33.What will you do to achieve your career goals ?为达到职业目标你会做什么?

34.What are your salary expectations for this position ?Staring salary ?Salary in five years ?你期望的薪资是多少?你希望你五年后的薪资是多少?

七.Questions 请提问

35.What questions do you have for me ?你有什么问题要问我的吗?


1、Have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today?If yes,describe how you pact the expositions to be the same? 你过去从事过与你今天应聘的岗位相似的工作吗?如果是,谈一谈你的预计他们哪些共同之处?

2、What is the most important thing you learned from your previous experience that you will bring to this job? 你从以前的工作经历中学到哪些最重要的东西可以带到这项工作中来?

3、If there were two things you could change in your last (or present ) ob,what would they be and how would you change them? 如果在你的前一份(或现在的)工作中,你可以改变两件事,这两件事会是什么?你如何改变它们?

4、Please describe your last (or present ) supervisor’s management style。 描述一下你的前任(或现任)主管的管理风格。

5、If you could make one constructive suggestion to your last (or present) CEO,what would it be ? 如果你有机会向你的前任(或现任)公司总裁提一个建设性的建议,你会提什么?

6、Can you give a ratio for the amount of time you worked alone to the amount of time

1 / 18 you worked with others? 在工作中,你独自工作的时间和你与其他人共同工作的时间各占多大比例?

7、How do you feel about present workload ? 你对自己目前的工作负荷感觉如何?

8、Describe the most significant report or presentation you had to prepare. 描述一下你所准备的一次最重要的报告或演讲。

9、Tell me about a team project of which you are particularly proud and your specific contribution? 谈谈令你尤其引以自豪的一个团队项目。你在其中做了哪些具体贡献?

10、Why have you chosen this particular field? 当初为什么你选择这一领域?

11、If we hired you,what are the top three goals you would like to see this company (department, team )achieve? 如果我们雇用了你,你希望看到我们公司(部门、团队)实现的三个最高目标是什么?

12、What can you do for us that someone else cannot? 你能为我们做的哪些事是别人不能做的?

13、Think back to a time when you trained a new employee 。Tell me exactly what you

2 / 18 did to trainthat employee and bring the person up to the job’s performance standards? 回想一下你培训一名新员工的一次经历。具体谈谈你在培训那名员工时做了些什么?你是怎样使他达到绩效标准的?

14、What were the biggest decisions you made in the past six months ? 最近六个月以来,你做出的最重大的决策是什么?

15、What kinds of obstacles to completing assignments on time do you most frequently encounter at work ? 在工作上,通常什么样的问题妨碍你按时完成任务?

16、What strategies have you devised to handle such obstacles ? 你采取了哪些措施来克服这些问题?

17、What suggestions did you make in your last job to cut costs,increase profits,improve morale,increase output,etc? 在前一份工作中,你在降低成本、增加利润、提高员工士气、实现产量增长方面有哪些建议?

18、When some managers make a decision,they often feel a need to defend it,can you describe a time when you changed a stated decision or opinion because you were persuaded you were wrong? 一些管理者一量做出了决策之后,常常感到需要维护它。能否给我们描述一下你的这样一次经历:你改变了原定的决策,因为在别人的说服下,你认识到自己错了。

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19、If you could eliminate one responsibility from your last job, what would it be? 如果你可以从前一份工作中去掉一职责,你打算删去哪一项?

20、Some people feel that spending so much time at one job demonstrates a lack of initiative。How do you respond to that? 有人认为在一个工作中干了太长时间,意味着缺乏进取心。你对此有什么意见?

21、Give me some examples of different approaches you have used persuading someone to cooperate with you。


22、Had to implement an unpopular decision。 不得不实施一项不受欢迎的决策。

23、Tell me about yourself using only one-word adjectives。 用几个形容词来描述自己。

24、If you had the opportunity to do the last ten years of your career over again,what would you do differently? 如果你有机会重干一遍这十年来的工作,你会做的有什么不同?

25、Please rank the following from most important least:job duties, hours, distance

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from work, pay, work environment。


26、What do you do when things are slow at work? 当工作比较清闲时,你会做些什么?

27、How can we best reward you for doing a good job? 当你出色地完成了一项工作,什么是对你最好的奖励?

28、Tell me about a time when you went “out on a limb” in a job。 谈谈你在工作中“陷于危险境地”的一次经历。

29、How do you know if you’re doing good job? 你怎么知道你的工作干得不错?

30、In what ways do you and your supervisor think alike? 你和你的主管在哪些方面想法一致?

31、How do you get along with superiors? 如何与自命不凡的人打交道?

32、Are you able to predict a people’s behavior based on your reading of them? 基于你对别人的认识和了解,你能预测他们的行为吗?

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33、Tell me about a time when your team made emotional decisions about the project。What happened and how did you handle it ? 谈谈你的这样一次经历:你所在的团队曾经在工作中做出了情绪化的决策。而后发生了什么事?你们是如何处理的?

34、Tell me about an occasion when the team objected to your ideas。What did you do to persuade the team of your point of vies? 谈谈你的这样一次经历:你的团队拒绝了你的建议。你是怎样劝说团队授受你的观点的?

35、As a team leader, how much tolerance do you have for mistakes or false?In other words, If a team member wanted to do something in a way you were convinced was a mistake,how would you weigh the team member’s learning experience against protecting the project? 作为团队领导,你在多大程度上能够容忍错误?换句话说,如果团队成员想以一种你可以肯定是错误的方式活动,你如何权衡下面两个因素:让团队成员有一次学习的机会和经验,保护工作项目不受损失?

36、Have you ever had to work with a manager who was unfair to you,or was just plain hard to work with? Please give details。


37、Have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes?

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38、How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over years ? 在过去几年里,你在容忍下属犯错的程度上有无变化?

39、You want to go swimming in a pool .The water is a little colder than comfortable .Are you the type of person who jumps in or do you wade in ? 你想在一个游泳池中游泳,池中的水有点凉。你是一跃跳入池中,还是慢慢涉入水中?

40、Where do you think the power comes from in your organization ? Why ? 你认为在你的组织中权力来自哪里?为什么?

41、How will you handle the least interesting or least pleasant tasks of this job ? 你如何对付工作中那些最没有意思或最令人不快的事情?

42、What have you heard about the company or department that you don’t like ? 你是否听到过一些你所不喜欢的有关公司或部门的事情?它们是什么事情?

43、If you were going to be fired,how would you like your supervisor to handle it ? 如果你将被解雇,你希望你的直接主管如何处理这件事?

44、On what occasions are you tempted to lie?

7 / 18 在什么情况下你倾向于说谎?

45、How have you been an agent for change in your current(or last)position? 在你现在(或前一个)工作岗位上,人事如何推定变革的?

46、Your supervisor tells you to do something in a manner you are convinced is dead wrong。Wart would you do ?


47、What would you do if everyone in your department called in sick? 如果你部门中所有的人都请病假的话?你将怎么做?

48、Say your supervisor left an assignment for you in –box,then left town for a week。You can’t reach him you don’t fully understand the assignment。want do you do ? 假如你的直接主管把一项任务留在你的收文栏中,而他离开本城约一周后回来。你找不到他,而你又没有完全理解他所交待的任务。此时你会怎么做?

49、If you were on a magazine cover,what would the magazine be and what would the headline say ? 如果你上了一本杂志的封面,这可能是一本什么杂志,它的标题是什么?

50、Finish this sentence,“I know I am taking a risk when …” 请补充完整这句话:“我知道当XX时候我会去冒险”

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51、Can you suggest three reasons why manhole covers are round ? 为什么(锅炉、下水道等供人出入进行检修的)检修口盖是圆的,你能说出三个原因吗?

52、What would you do if you saw a peer taking office supplies home ? 如果你看到一名同事把办公用品拿回家,你会怎么办?

53、Is there anything positive to be said about conventional wisdom? 保守的思想有什么积极的地方吗?

54、What did you accomplish at work the day before yesterday in detail ? 前天你在工作中做出了什么成绩?请具体说明。

55、How much money do you want to be making five rears form now ? 你希望5年以后自己能拿多少钱?

56、How would you justify a raise to your current supervisor? 你如何评价对你当前主管的提薪?

57、How would you feel if a person reporting to you made more money than you ? 如果你的一名直接下属挣得比你多,你会有什么感觉?

58、If you were to start college over again tomorrow,what are the course you would take ?why ?

9 / 18 如果你明天可以重新开始大学生活,你打算学哪些课程?

59、Based on what you know of the job market, which of your course were the most useful?The least? 根据你对就业市场的了解,你认为你所学的什么课程最有用?什么课程最没有用?

60、If you are hired for this job, how will you approach the first thirty days ? 如果我们聘你从事这项工作,你最初的30天,会做什么?

61、Let’s talk about standards of performance。How would you describe your own standards ?what would your subordinates say ?what would your boss say? 我们来谈谈绩效标准。你如何描述自己的标准?你的下属怎么说?你的上司怎么说?

62、Some managers are quite deliberate about such things as communications,development,and motivation。Do you have examples of how you addressed these areas ? 一些管理者非常注重下面这些事情,如沟通、开发和激励。能否给我们举几个例子来说明你在这些方面是怎样做的。

63、Some managers are short-fused and impatient in their reactions。How would you describe your won patience ? 一些管理者的脾气易怒而且不耐烦,你如何描述你自己的耐性?

64、How would you handle a subordinate who deliberately went about a task in a way

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that contradicted your instructions yet was wildly successful ? 当下属在工作中使有的方法显然与你的指导大相径庭,但最终却大获成功,你会如何对待这种事?

65、Are you prepared to fill in for someone who has different,even lower-level,responsibilities? 你打算临时替代一个职责不同的、甚至职责和级别更低的人吗?

66、Describe a time when you unfairly got caught up in office politics ? 谈谈你的这样一个经历:在组织的权力斗争中,你受到不公正对待。

67、What strategies do you employ for finding common ground with your customers? 你采用了什么样的策略来寻求我与客户的共同利益?

68、Can you give an example of how you are able to be positive about a product even when discussing anegative?


69、Have you found it helpful to take motes when talking to a customer ? How ? 你认为在与客户交谈时做记录是否很有帮助?你是如何做的?

70、If I were a prospect,what clues about me does this office give ? 假如我是一名潜在客户,这间办公室能够给你提供什么线索来了解我?

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1、What strategies do you use to repeat the customer’s key concepts back to him or her during a sales pitch? 在销售过程中,你使用什么策略把顾客的关注点强调给他听?

72、How do you turn an occasional buyer into a regular buyer ? 你怎样把偶然的买主变成固定的买主?

73、Have you ever taken over an existing territory or desk?what was the volume when you started ? what was it when you left ? 你是否接手过一个已然存在的销售地区或销售岗位?刚接手时销售量是多少?你离开时销售量是多少?

74、What have you learned about using sales incentives to promote sales ? 在利用销售刺激因素促进销售增长方面,你学到了什么?

75、What strategies do you use to plant questions in your customer’s mind ? 你使用什么样的策略在顾客心中引起好奇?


6、When is it appropriate to ask a prospect ,“How much do you want to spend ?” 什么时候对潜在客户询问下面的问题最为恰当:“你打算出多少钱买它?”

77、Tell me about a time you adjusted your approach to a prospect based on their body language。

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78、Tell me about a time you adjusted your approach to a prospect based on their body language。


79、Tell me about a time when you followed up with a reluctant prospect and still failed to get the order。


80、Talk about a time when you overcame your own mental block or prejudices to make a sale。


81、Can you talk about a sales incentive program that motivated you ? 能否谈一谈能够激励你的一项销售刺激方案?

82、When was the last time you sent a thank –you note to a customer ? 你上一次是在什么时候向顾客发出的感谢信?

83、How do you try to show each customer that he or she is important ? 你如何做到让每一位顾客都感到自己是重要的?

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4、When you cold–call a prospect,what obstacles do you expect the clerical staff to put in your way ? 当你给客户冒味地直接打电话时,你预计他的秘书或其他办事人员会给你设置哪些障碍。

85、When you telephone a prospect,what strategies do you use to get past the secretary or receptionist ? 当你给潜在客户打电话时,你使用什么策略绕过他的秘书或前台接待员?

86、Where do you find your telephone leads ? 你从哪里找到电话号码的线索?

87、What do you despise about telephong sales ? 你看不上电话销售的什么方面?

88、How long does it usually take you from initial contact to sales closing ? 从最初接触客户到销售结束,你常常需要花多长时间?

89、Tell me about a time when you almost lost a sale and worked hard to get it back。 谈谈你的这样一次经历:你几乎失去了一次销售机会,但经过艰苦努力后赢得了这一机会。

90、What are the five most common objections you face and how do you deal with them ? 你最常遇到的5种拒绝方式是什么?你是如何处理它们的?

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1、What was the most surprising objection you have ever received,and how did you handle it ? 你曾遇到过的最意外的拒绝方式是什么?你是如何处理它的?

92、Describe a situation where you had to go an extra mile for a customer。 描述一下你不得不对一名顾客多做很多额外工作的经历。

93、At your last job, how often did you take a survey of customer satisfaction? 在前一份工作中,你每隔多少时间调查一次顾客满意水平?

94、What strategies have you learned to encourage customers to pay on time? 在鼓励顾客按时付款方面你学到了哪些办法?

95、Can you tell me about a difficult collection problem and how you dealt with it ? 谈谈你在收款中遇到的一个难题,你是如何处理的?

96、What strategies have you evolved to listen to emotional customers without getting hooked ? 在倾听一个有情绪的顾客的诉说而不恼怒方面,你有哪些策略?

97、How do you deal with customers who think they are right even when they are wrong ? 对于那些即使在自己错了的时候也变为自己正确的顾客,你如何与他们打交道的?

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8、How have you handled customers who take advantage of sales support staff? 你如何对待那些起欺瞒销售辅助售人员的顾客?

99、How would you compare your oral skills to your written skills ? 你的口头技能和局面技能相比,哪一个更好?

100、Can you recall a time when you persuaded someone who initially disagreed with you of the correctness of your position? 是否记得你的这样一次经历:经过你的劝说,一个原本与你的意见不一致的人最后同意你的观点?


1、How often do you communicate with the person who receives the output of your work? 你每隔多长时间和在你下一道工序工作的交流一次?


2、Do you have a favorite interviewing question? 你是否有自己偏爱的面试问题?


3、To what do you attribute turnover ? 你把人员流动归功于什么原因?


4、We know that fourth generation languages(4GLS)have many benefits,Which of these benefits do you find most compelling ?why ? 我们知道第四代语言(4GLS)有很多优越性。你认为这些优点中最突出的是什么?为什么?

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5、How can you tell a good program from a bad one ? 你如何区分好的和不好的程序?


6、Well,based on what we have discussed,how do you feel about this job ? 根据我们所讨论的问题,你现在觉得这项工作怎么样?


7、Is there anything you’d like to know about the job that would help you to-do it better than anyone else could ? 为了能使你在这项工作中干得比别人更好,你还想了解什么信息?


8、If there were one reason why we should select you over the other applicants,what would that be ? 如果有一条理由证明我们应该选择你而不是其他求职者,这条理由是什么?陈旧的问题:你打算在我们公司呆多长时间?


9、How would you finish this sentence:“Most people are basically …?” 补充完整这句话:“大多数人本质上是…。”

110、How would you define a difficult manager ? 你如何界定一个难相处的管理者?


11、What are the three most significant things that need to be accomplished in this

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position in the first year and what are major hurdles ? 在这一工作岗位中,第一年要完成的最主要的三件事是什么?它所面对的主要障碍是什么?


12、Are there any aspects of my background or skills that you would like to hear more about? 对于我的背景和技能方面,你是否还需要了解其他信息? 1

13、Can you describe your organizational culture ? 能否描述一下你们的组织文化?


14、I see that you do not have very much organizational work experience .what qualities do you have that especially qualify you for this position ? 我发现你并没有太多的企业工作经验,那么,你有什么特殊品质能使你胜任这一岗位的工作?

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