自主招生 英语面试技巧


自主招生 英语面试技巧(精选6篇)

篇1:自主招生 英语面试技巧




很多考生都知道具体的事例比空洞的条条杠杠更容易被人记住,但是在介绍事例时应注意时态的变化,介绍自己的现状时用一般现在时,介绍自己的过去经历时用一般过去时,介绍自己过去经历对现在人生观的影响时用现在完成时。除了介绍事例以外,陈述自己的观点也是必不可少的,而陈述观点时需注意语态的变化,当要婉转表达自己观点时,可以用被动语态“It is thought”,“It is believed”,当要引述他人观点时也可以用被动语态 “It is said”,“It is reported”。(注意语气,一定要对事不对人,适当的时候用被动语态)

Life is an opportunity, seize it!Life is a dream, realize it!


1.What gifts will you buy for your parents for their birthdays? Why? For example, “Mother’s Day”

2.How will you get ready for your high school life?

3.There are so many cars in the streets.Do you think it’s good or not? Why?

4.How will you celebrate your birthday? Why?

5.What kind of school life can you imagine in high school?

6.What can we do to save water?

7.Do you think it is good for a student to have a mobile phone? Why/ Why not?

8.Please describe your perfect day.9.What kind of people would you like to make friends with? Why?

10.Why do you want to study here?

11.What do you think is the most important in life? Why?

12.Who has influenced you most so far? Give an example.13.What do you think of FAILURE/SUCCESS?

14.Suppose one of your best friends asks you to help her/him cheat in the exam, what would you do? Why?

15.If you have a chance to travel abroad, which country would you like to go? Why?

16.If a foreigner wants to visit Hangzhou, which place would you like to introduce to her/him? Why?

17.If a foreigner comes to China, which place would you introduce to her/him? Why?

18.If you have a chance to talk with a famous person, who would you like to talk to? What would you like to talk about? Why?

19.How much do you know about Hangzhou …Middle School? Why do you choose to study here?

20.How would you help someone who is disabled?


1.审清题目意思。2.列个提纲,你要说什么?3.不要怕错,everybody makes mistakes.从上面收集到的面试试题看,面试题灵活,涉及面广,大部分是开放性的问题,没有标准答案。面试的题目主要着眼于学生的逻辑思维能力,对于问题的看法,回答问题的条理性等。更多的是考查学生的逻辑思维能力和面对考官是否拥有一个良好的心态。

My Opinions on the Relationship between Girls and Boys

Students, parents and teachers usually hold different opinions on this topic.In my opinion, all the students study in one classroom, it’s quite common to make friends with others, of course including boys.But I think the relationship between us is just friendship.That’s enough.Because the most important thing for us students is to study and we are under too much pressure every day, we have to face so many things;we might have one or two close friends to talk with, of course, that friend might be a boy, but that is not love.And I think what teachers and parents worry about most is that we teenagers are not mature enough to deal with the relationship properly.So it’s our duty to communicate better with our parents and teachers, to tell them the truth, and also make them understand us better

What kind of school life can you imagine in high school?

No.2 Middle School is really new to me.If I have the chance to study here, I think I will leave my parents and live and study on my own for the first time.But I’m quite excited, because I will have the chance to face the challenges all by myself and make new friends here.It is out of question that we will be busier than we are in junior middle school, for there’re so many things to learn and there are so many top students here.We have to work hard if we want to get progress.I think having the ability of learning is the most important for a student.So first of all, I think I should get used to the school life here, and make a schedule for my daily life.Then I’ll learn to form good habits.And I think living in the dormitory can help me to be more independent and at the same time, I can learn a lot from other students.I used to go to school in my father’s car, and we live quite far from school, so we had to spend much time in the traffic jam, you know.So I think living in the dormitory can save a lot of time, I can have more time to relax and also to study.Do you think it is good for a student to have a mobile phone? Why/ Why not?

Nowadays the mobile phone plays an important part in people’s life.So it’s quite common for a student to own a mobile phone.In my opinion, it’s Ok for a middle school student to own a cell phone if he can use it in the right way.You know every coin has two sides.It’s convenient for us to contact with others.Many of my classmates have cell phones, so do I.But I hardly ever use it at school.It’s only for the time when I am outside alone, so that my parents can get in touch with me.So if we don’t treat it as a toy, it’s Ok for a student to own a mobile phone.How will you get ready for your high school life?

High school life is new to me.So there is a lot for me to learn As for how to get ready for the high school life, I think I can do it through these ways:

First of all, I want to get some ideas about what subjects we will learn in high school.Maybe I’ll borrow some of the books and start learning on my own.I’ll also go to the library and read some books.Second, I will set each period a goal.I may not be the best student in my class, but I think I can set a goal that I can achieve.So I’m sure I can improve.Next I’ll try to use time outside school wisely such as making a schedule for my daily life and developing habits that will lead to success.

篇2:自主招生 英语面试技巧

Hello! My name is YJBYS, from XX middle school. I hope that through your independent enrollment to achieve my dream of learning in your school.

My junior high school was at XX high school. During the study, I pay attention to the balanced development of morality, cultivate self-study ability, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, won the XX award or honor. In my opinion, physical exercise can not only make people have a strong physique, but also have a strong will.

Through the hard work of teachers and personal unremitting efforts, I successfully entered the XX middle school to continue to learn, and in to obtain the XX provincial high school mathematics competition three prize and XX high school mathematics competition, such as the two prize.

I am cheerful, hard to learn, strong interest in the natural sciences, especially love mathematics. I am interested in a wide range of astronomy, geography, domestic and international situation will cause me great interest and concern. I like to participate in all kinds of activities organized by the school, like writing, singing, doing the campus party host, etc., these hobbies, let me not only in learning, but also in many ways to make progress.


要说这面试乃是近年来颇为时兴的一种考试方式 (或称“辅助考试方式”) 。其长处便是可以现场考查学生的知识面、对社会关注程度以及临场应变能力和口头表达能力, 这对于全方位了解学生很有帮助。但任何一种好的手段到了教育生态恶劣、应试教育肆行的中国教育界也会完全变味, 由“橘”而“枳”———先是听说沪上出现了许多专为对付名校自主招生面试而开设的“面试培训班”。这类培训班所收费用高得吓人, 当然培训内容也毫不含糊:从社会热点事件的评述, 到各门学科的指点;从语言表达技巧的指导, 到考生身段功法眼神站姿乃至肢体语言的训练……估计央视节目主持人的专业功课也不过如此。不少考生在自主招生笔试结束之后便立马放弃正常功课的学习, 毫不吝惜人力物力开赴各种面试辅导班, 宵衣旰食临阵磨枪。再说那些一流高校, 面试题目的出题者往往都是些名教授, 其智商又哪里是那些民间猜题押题者可比的?瞧瞧网上公布的那些面试题:“‘我是一个克隆人, 我有血和骨, 把我的Y基因换成X基因, 我的小克隆人长大后就成了异性。’怎么看这首诗?”“如果你是联合国秘书长, 如何解决索马里海盗问题?”诸如此类的面试题, 你事先会猜到吗?

岂止是猜不到而已, 猜到了恐怕也拿不出什么像样的答案。真正的联合国秘书长潘基文及其智商不凡的幕僚们也为之挠头的问题, 你指望我们十七八岁的高中生会拿出一个什么上佳方案?不能不说大学的面试题较过去有了进步, 开始接触社会问题了, 但可惜的是, 不是大而无当就是具体而微, 而真正的社会热点 (诸如钓鱼执法、涉黑事件、野蛮拆迁、开胸验肺这类2009年公众极为关注的事件) 却无一所学校涉及, 我估计绝非为了防猜题。

说来可笑, 我的一个学生在正值春运交通极其拥挤的情况下千里迢迢耗资数千由父母陪伴赶赴京城就回答了一个问题:“蔬菜价格上涨超过肉类, 你怎么看这个现象?” (而我所在的这个被农村层层包围的小城里, 是什么时候也没有出现过这类现象的) 你是不是觉得有些滑稽?这样的面试到底能考查出学生什么?是否有些劳民伤财且给交通部门添乱?

所以中国科大毅然取消面试让考生过个安逸年, 真的是值得大书一笔。既然那些无关痛痒的问题无助于考量学生素质, 既然面试行为已成为增加学生 (尤其是那些优秀学生) 学业负担的不小的隐患, 既然赶在春运期间让成千上万的学子长途出行会无端增加学生家庭和交通部门的负担……我们的大学为什么就不能取缔它或是择期而行?难道中学举荐、学生自述、大学筛选加上高难度的笔试还不能让大学招生部门对考生有一个基本的了解?

从我身边一些参加过名校自主招生的学生的得失情况分析, 那些性格外向而健谈的学生往往更容易得到面试老师的青睐, 而性格内向言辞拙讷的学生常常会在面试中吃亏。事实上我们的高校并非都要将学生培养成辩论手、外交家和新闻发言人, 更多的学生将来都要从事事务性工作, 以口头表达能力定成败会在一定程度上削弱自主招生的公平性。难道因为着重培养科技人才这一使命才使得中国科大乐于接受那些“敏于行而讷于言”的学子?









































①经过 ②尺度 ③社会意识形态











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