














































和、同、跟、与、及、以及,联接并列的名词或名词短语:如: 老师和学生 这个或那个 魏晋风度及文章和药及酒之关系 单句或复句并、而、连接动词、形容词或动词短语、形容词短语:

勤劳而勇敢 愿意并实行


不但、而且、并且、虽然、但是、因为、所以、因而、不论、尽管、可是、或者等等。(这个在复句中还会详谈)如: 她爱诗,并且爱用歌唱的音调教我们读诗。(连词:“并且”) 如果说瞿塘峡象一道闸门,那么巫峡简直象江上一条迂回曲折的画廊。(连词:“如果……那么”)



很多语法学家研究过转折词的用法。Quirk et al. (1985) 认为, but和whereas可作表转折意义的连词, however, nevertheless/nonetheless作表转折意义的副词, however, nevertheless/nonetheless和whereas更为正式。Parrott (2000) 也认为这些转折词是话语标记语, 引出的信息与前文信息相反, 使读者或听者关注话语的前后不一致。关于转折词, 大多数研究集中于其用法和语法功能上, 有关学生习得和使用转折词的研究不多。因此, 本文试图用语料库研究英专学生使用转折词的情况, 揭示其存在问题, 为相关教学提供建议。

2. 研究设计

2.1 研究问题


1) 转折词but, however, nevertheless/nonetheless和whereas在英语专业学生作文中的分布情况如何?它们的出现频率有无差异?

2) 这些转折词在英语专业四个年级学生作文中的分布情况是否随着年级的提高而有所变化?

2.2 语料来源和语料分析

本研究用的语料为《中国学生英语口笔语语料库》 (文秋芳、梁茂成、晏小琴2008) 中书面语子库WECCL 2.0中的英语专业学生作文。用Sub-corpus Generator在WECCL 2.0中提取五个子语料库:英专语料库 (2047篇) 、英专一年级语料库 (344篇) 、英专二年级语料库 (1071篇) 、英专三年级语料库 (542篇) 、英专四年级语料库 (90篇) 。用Ant Conc算出每个转折词在每个语料库中出现的次数, 然后算出每个转折词在每组语料的转折词总量中所占的比例。

3. 结果与讨论

3.1 转折词but, however, nevertheless/nonetheless和where-as在英语专业学生作文中的分布情况

研究发现, 英语专业学生使用这些转折词时表现出明显的不平衡。but使用频率最高 (2767次, 占转折词使用总次数的75.354%) , 其次是however (834次, 占22.712%) , 而nevertheless/nonetheless (47次, 占1.28%) 和whereas (24次, 占0.654%) 的使用频率较低。既然这些词都起转折作用, 为什么它们在英专学生中分布极不平衡呢?主要有以下原因:

第一, 这些词在语义和语体上有一些差别。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 (2005) 指出, but应用范围广, 可以引出一个词、一个短语或一个句子 (一个陈述) , 表示与前文内容相反;however引出一个句子 (一个陈述) , 表示与前文内容相反;nevertheless/nonetheless意思是先让步, 后转折, 即“尽管如此, 然而”;whereas用于对比两个事实。however, nevertheless/nonetheless和whereas比but更加正式, 而且前者多用于书面语。这些转折词的细微差别影响了学生写作时的选择。but应用范围广, 使用时不易出错, 因此学生遇到需表达转折意思时, 很多情况下用but。however适用范围没有but广, 其使用频率比but低, 也就不足为奇。nevertheless/nonetheless和whereas适用范围较but局限, 比however更为正式、书面化, 所以学生对这些词的使用率较低, 说明英专学生在写作中使用转折词时带有口语化倾向, 这和文秋芳等 (2003) 的研究结果:中国高水平英语学习者在书面语中表现出较强的口语化倾向相一致。

第二, 学生一般先学会but和however, 然后是nevertheless和whereas, 学习和使用前者的时间长于后者, 因此前者的掌握程度较之后者好。限时作文中, 学生倾向于使用已熟练掌握的转折词, 也许是为求保险;还有可能是学生平时较少使用nevertheless和whereas, 在限时作文中, 由于时间紧迫, 一时想不起这些更书面化的词汇。

3.2 上述转折词在英专四个年级学生写作中的分布比较

研究表明, but在英专学生中的使用频率随着年级的提高 (即英语水平的提高) 而下降 (一年级610次, 占一年级转折词总次数的81.442%;二年级1494次, 占76.108%;三年级549次, 占69.318%;四年级114次, 占67.857%) ;however (一年级124次, 占16.555%;二年级431次, 占21.956%;三年级227次, 占28.662%;四年级52次, 占30.953%) 的使用频率随年级提高而上升, 其上升的幅度和but下降的幅度几乎相同。这可能说明随着英语水平的提高, 英专学生在写作中有意识逐步用however替换but, 使表达多样化, 更加正式。nevertheless/nonetheless (一年级14次, 二年级22次, 三年级10次, 四年级1次) 和whereas (一年级1次, 二年级16次, 三年级6次, 四年级1次) 的使用频率起伏不定, 这可能说明学生对这些更加书面化的词掌握不够牢固, 使用起来偶然性比较大。

4. 结论

本研究发现, 英专学生使用这些转折词时表现出明显的不平衡。主要因为这些转折词在语义和语体上有一些差别, 学生对它们的掌握程度也影响了学生在写作中的选择。同时, 研究还发现英专学生在写作中使用转折词时带有口语化倾向。随着英语水平提高, 英专学生在写作中有意识地逐步用however替换but, 使表达更加多样化, 更加正式。但学生对更书面化的nevertheless/nonetheless和whereas掌握不牢固, 使用次数较少, 还会犯一些错误。因此, 教学中, 教师应帮助学生分清这些转折词的细微差别, 掌握其用法, 使学生在作文中能正确使用这些转折词。

摘要:本文通过语料库研究英语专业学生使用转折词的情况, 发现他们使用转折词时表现出明显不平衡, 主要是因为转折词在语义和语体上的差别、学生对它们的掌握程度以及英语水平影响了学生在写作中的选择, 同时, 英语专业学生在写作中使用转折词时带有口语化倾向。



[1]、Parrott, Martin (2000) .Grammar for English Language Teachers.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

[2]、Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech&Jan Svartvik (1985) .A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.London:Longman.

[3]、霍恩比 (2005) , 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary) , 石孝殊等译。北京:商务印书馆。

[4]、文秋芳、丁言仁、王文宇 (2003) , 中国大学生英语书面语中的口语化倾向《, 外语教学与研究》35 (4) :268-274。


【关键词】鲁迅 《希望》 青年 然而





鲁迅在《热风·题记》中感叹:“五四运动之后,我没有写什么文字,现在已经说不清是不做,还是散失消灭的了。” [4]在鲁迅失去人生方向的时候,与羽太信子的冲突又衍化为与好兄弟周作人的决裂,因此他格外痛恨羽太信子。于是,因多次救国失败及与兄弟周作人的决裂,鲁迅深感寂寞与无奈,但是“然而”的出现,否定了鲁迅内心的寂寞,这种表面的“平安”“如同大海一般,表面平静和缓,然而可能激起狂风大浪,这种平安的状态下面其实存在着深深的不安,生命的苍白单调之下掩埋着沉重和窒息的感觉。” [5]

“然而这是许多年前的事了。” [6]上承鲁迅苍老的独白,下启鲁迅对曾经奋斗光阴的回望。看似是对未来雄心勃勃的鲁迅不复存在了,后面又紧接着用“然而就是如此,陆续地耗尽了我的青春。” [7]第二个“然而”的运用,囊括了鲁迅的青春期都充盈着希望,尽管希望缥缈,但鲁迅还是以一颗积极向上的心来面对,与这希望纠缠耗尽了他的青春。

当自身的青春消逝时,鲁迅还寄希望于身外的青春,“虽然是悲凉飘渺的青春罢,然而究竟是青春。” [8]这里的“然而”进一步说明鲁迅对青春的坚定,哪怕是看不到未来的青春,但只要青春尚在,就代表着希望仍存。

虽然鲁迅仍有重重的心理障碍,但他还是愿意扮演一个信仰坚定的角色。一九二六年十一月,他更在公开的文章中写道:“几年以来,有人希望我动动笔的,只要意见不很相反,我的力量能够支撑,就总要勉力写几句东西,……” [9]


另外,对《希望》里两次出现的“我只得由我来肉薄这空虚中的暗夜了。” [10]和“青年们很平安。” [11]作一个自我的解读。从表面上看,这就像是一对因果关系,由于青年的不觉醒、消沉,鲁迅要一个人独自面对虚无,打破黑暗,昂扬着反抗绝望的激情。但不妨作这样一个解读:鲁迅作为思想启蒙的先驱,忍受着觉醒不被认可的孤独。但鲁迅却有天生的自我牺牲精神,他愿意带领青年去开拓,这主要体现于后来发生的“女师大风潮”和“三·一八”惨案,鲁迅都极力保护学生,站在学生一方,甚至公然与官方政府作对。王晓明在《无法直面的人生——鲁迅传》中提及二十年代的鲁迅是带着面具呐喊,“因此,鲁迅就是心再诚,再想遵从启蒙主义的‘将令,他内心的那些与启蒙态度并不相符的情感体验,还是会不由分说地涌上笔端。” [12] 但鲁迅在《两地书·四》中写道:


“所以我想,在青年,须是有不平而不悲观,常抗战而亦自卫……” [13]




[2][3][4][6][7][8] [10] [11]鲁迅.鲁迅全集(第一卷)[M].北京:人民文学出版社,1982:177.








[3]兴万生.鲁迅《野草》与裴多菲《希望》诗[J]. 鲁迅研究动态,1983,7.




1)We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.我们原以为这些数据正确,不过我们现在发现了一些错误。

2)However, he smothered, as best he was able, these feelings.然而,他尽其所能抑制住了这些感情。

3)If, however, you are an extrovert you are quite likely to enjoy it.然而,如果你是一个性格外向的人,你很可能会喜欢它。

4)It was, however, a little disappointing.不过,这有点儿令人失望。

2. Nonetheless

1) The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.这本书篇幅太长,但是很有知识性和趣味性。

2) The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.问题不严重, 不过我们还是需要尽快处理。

3) Nonetheless, it contains an element of truth.然而它也有些道理。

3. Nevertheless

1) He was very tired, nevertheless he kept working.他累得很,然而仍继续工作。

2) There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.我们几乎没有可能改变法律。不过,重要的是我们努力争取。

3) Nevertheless, they deserve notice and respect.然而,他们应该受到重视和尊敬。

4. By comparison

1) He was mortified by comparisons between his classmates’ good marks and his own.拿自己的成绩与同学们的优异成绩相比较他感到羞愧。

2) By comparison, expenditure on education increased last year.相比之下,去年教育经费增加了。

5. By contrast

1) By contrast, she was much more outspoken.对比起来,她坦率得多。

2) When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.看看他们的新系统,我们的相比之下就显得太过时了。

6. Therefore

1) He is young and therefore easily pervertible.他年轻,因而容易变坏。

2) All sincere opinions should therefore be respected.因此一切诚恳的意见都应该收到尊重。

3) He is highly strung, and therefore, subject to heart attacks.他神经高度紧张,所以很容易发心脏病。

4) Therefore energy is now not a peripheral but a central issue in the economy.因此,能源在现时经济中并非枝节问题而是一个中心问题。

5) We have a growing population and therefore we need more and more food.我们的人口越来越多,因此我们需要越来越多的食物。



in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.


in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as


whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while

4.因果(Cause and effect)

because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus


certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant


although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true....


for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.


to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary


therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise


support/oppose(in favor of/object)ideas, opinions, arguments, views …赞成(反对)某观点

make/ state a(one’s)point, make one’s opinions or feelings known, put forward, point out 提出(某人)观点

likewise, similarly, accordingly, in the same way, equally important同样地,相应地

on the contrary, by contrast, conversely, as a contrast, in contrast正相反,恰恰相反

for one thing, for another(thing);in the first place, in the second place;on the one hand, on the other hand


on the exterior, on the surface表面上,从外部而言

on the interior从内部而言

in other words, in another word换句话说,换言之

in short, in brief, briefly speaking, in a few words, in a word, simply speaking简单来说,简言之

to be honest, to be frank, honestly speaking, frankly speaking, to be sure, objectively speaking


on the whole, overall总体而言,总的来说

in general, generally speaking, broadly speaking, normally, conventionally广泛而言,通常地,通常下,通常来说 in conclusion, to summarize, to sum up, in sum, in summary综上所述

needless to day不必多说

much less, let along, not to mention, to say nothing of更不用说

not unusually, not surprisingly, undoubtedly, with no exception 毫无疑问,司空见惯,毫无例外

no wonder, it is not surprising that, It is no surprise that不足为奇

apparently, obviously, evidently明显地,显然的from one’s viewpoint/respective, in one’s opinion, in one’s eyes在某人来看,某人的观点是

in one’s heart of hearts, from bottom of one’s heart在某人的内心底,从某人心底而言

personally speaking, as far as I’m concerned就我个人而言

more/most importantly更重要的是,最为重要的是

worst of all最糟糕的是

first of all, above all, most of all, especially, first and foremost, in particular, particularly首先,最重要的,尤其是 例句:

last but not the least最后一点,也是最重要的一点

in the end, finally, eventually, ultimately, in the ultimated最后,最终

as a result, consequently, in turn, therefore, for this reason, thus, then结果

at last终于

in addition, further, furthermore, moreover, what’s more, besides再者,更甚,还有

after all毕竟

sooner or later迟早

none the less依然

now that既然

in spite of, despite尽管

unlike, rather than, instead of不像,不是……而是

result in …, lead to, cause导致……,以至于……

over and over, again and again, repeatedly一次次,反复

at first, initially, originally, in the beginning起初

in the event of, in the case of, in that case如果……发生,如果,那样的话

right away, right now, at once, on the spot , without delay, immediately立刻

bit by bit, gradually, step by step渐渐地,逐步地

by comparison, compare with/to, in comparison to, in contrast to 比较起来

in most cases在大多数情况下

once in a while, now and then, at times, sometimes, by chance, on occasion, on some occasion, in some cases, occasionally, from time to time偶尔,有时,间或

at the same time, in the meantime, meanwhile同时

at present, at the moment, currently, now, for the time being目前,当前

in some degree, to some degree, to a certain amount, in a way, to some extent, to a certain extent, in some measure, somewhat 在某种程度上

more or less或多或少

in some way, in a certain manner, in a sense在某种意义上


1)What you say is true in a sense.你的话在某种意义上属实。

pay great attention to;attach great importance to, highlight, emphasize, address, put much stress on重视

in light of , as per, according to, in accordance with, based on根据,按照,基于


as for, as to, concerning, regarding, about, with regard to, in terms of;in connection with, in view of关于……,涉及到……鉴于……



like, such as, for example, for instance, including, covering例如……

given, given that, on condition that, take … into account, take account of, consider, allow for, in view of, with a view to, aim at着眼于, 以...为目的, 考虑到,顾及到,体谅,如果……,针对……


2)Given the American values of self-reliance and self-actualization, we can realize why Americans tend not to have long 4)Given that they are inexperienced, they’ve done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们算做得不错了。

in response作为……回应

attribute to, ascribe to, lie in, owing to, due to, result from归因于……,归咎于……

one thing worth mentioning值得一提的是

the question is问题在于……



for convenience 方便起见

with the purpose of, for purpose of, for the sake of, so that, aim at, so as to, in order to, in order that为了……,以便于 例句:



in the world, on the planet, on the earth,(at)home and abroad, all over the world/country, throughout the world


anyway, anyhow, in any case无论如何

for better or worse不论好坏

it is well known that;as we all know;as is known to all;as is well known;as is common knowledge(sense);it is common knowledge(sense)that众所周知


as was expected/unexpected正如所料/始料不及


1)As was expected, she has married again.正如所料,她又结婚了。

in effect, as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, virtually, indeed事实上,事实上,传统上


nonetheless/nevertheless, however, but, rather, instead, yet仍然,不过,虽然如此,但是





be made up of;constitute;be divided into;fall into;be composed of;be comprised of;comprise

cover;embrace;include;contain;consist of;involve包含……,包括……


2)Twelve months constitute one year.十二个月构成一年。

4)The book falls into three parts.这本书分三部分。



蒸蒸日上源远流长雄伟险峻惊骇 悬岩峭壁巉岩心平气和一泻千里 浑浊休憩屏息铭记水滴石穿 昙花一现管辖自刎乌江镇定自若 紧凑隐匿嬉戏浸染绚丽爽朗 三省吾身漫不经心滞重颤栗妩媚 浸泡拘谨摇曳瑟瑟颤抖情不自禁 涪江聚敛绚丽跋涉磨砺充沛 不言而喻心态轻盈可望不可即惬意 虚无缥缈凝神遐思柳暗花明殷红 熙熙攘攘蜂蝶云集和盘托出馨香 出类拔萃树碑立传讴歌貌合神离 一气呵成潸然泪下时日渐长余晖 富丽堂皇雍容华贵辐射浩浩荡荡 以身作则刻骨铭心推而广之灵柩 行尸走肉浩气长存虽死犹生簇拥 专横跋扈不可一世门庭若市烙印 因势利导锲而不舍涓涓细流祭祀 女娲补天后羿射日鲧禹治水逾越 诙谐风趣纂定姑妄听之力所不及 患得患失拨云见日无所适从拾掇 不值一提枯燥全军覆没司空见惯 穷追不舍悻悻气急败坏郑重其事 悲愤填膺狂放不羁不合时宜缪斯 呼啸枷锁描摹溯流而上闻名遐迩罡风脊梁屏障曙光表情达意忌讳空洞无物含蓄蕴藉韵味悠长发人深思耐人寻味抚慰焦灼痴迷叶落归根沧海桑田亘古如斯挚爱 一脉相连晶莹剔透洁白无瑕凝聚 手足相连血肉相依勃勃生机憔悴葱茏清波荡漾襁褓梦寐不忘怅惘色彩绚丽欢呼雀跃无限遐想弥漫 五彩缤纷奔腾不息谦虚好学凌辱 表里不一待人以礼细枝末节蹂躏 风景旖旎俯拾皆是缠绵悱恻酌情


无声无息料峭不可抗拒瓦解干涸惺忪翩翩起舞清新隽永独树一帜截然不同粗旷豪迈孕育 愧疚落入俗套渲染炽烈一瞬即逝翁媪迥然而异淋漓尽致名人荟萃 群星璀璨摧残同流合污肆无忌惮 枝桠恍若拳拳爱心殷殷希望厮打跃然纸上水波不兴


饱学之士饱经风霜饱食终日浩渺 酹江月大义凛然络绎不绝才华横溢 文思敏捷千里之行,始于足下隔阂 若隐若现胸怀坦荡泰然自若企盼 慷慨解囊菡萏提纲挈领燕语呢喃 沉积酝酿发酵浩瀚引以为荣 谬误取而代之酣畅淋漓直抒胸臆 亵渎舍生取义惨遭蹂躏遗恨终生 死不瞑目吝啬忠心耿耿视死如归 大义凛然远见卓识铺垫肝胆相照


睿智萦绕叱咤风云祭奠欣喜若狂 腼腆荧光屏表露扼杀振聋发聩 字里行间妙语如珠溢于言表楷模 万劫不复始作俑者忧心忡忡越轨 力透纸背缅怀揩油骨髓魑魅魍魉 犀利望而生畏孤军作战日薄西山 作威作福咀嚼玩味搪塞名垂青史 脍炙人口翌日与世长辞意味深长

万人空巷车水马龙比肩继踵 山清水秀眉清目秀花好月圆


悬殊谐音紧箍咒顾名思义 豪情壮怀顾名思义燕尔新婚 丧权辱国玩物丧志闻风丧胆 意犹未尽尽善尽美尽力而为 称兄道弟拍手称快遗臭万年 臭味相投臭名昭著一帆风顺 自暴自弃微不足道萎缩不全 愁眉不展郁郁寡欢世态炎凉 红尘若梦如愿以偿分道扬镳 毅然决然人云亦云津津乐道 肆无忌惮悲天悯人身无分文 一文不值潦倒不堪风靡全球 最负盛名望尘莫及名噪全球 慢慢腾腾趔趔趄趄跌跌撞撞 不拘一格无坚不摧浮想联翩 第六单元

郑人买履狐假虎威鹬蚌相争 大匠运斤庖丁解牛借题发挥彷徨 胸有成竹声情并茂竭尽全力揣测 梦寐以求浅尝辄止望而却步企及 褒贬不一尽力而为搬弄是非 丧钟 天有不测风云心神不安如坐针毡 称心 不负众望无巧不成书趾高气扬懦夫 忘乎所以百折不挠奋发图强镌刻 沉沦 兢兢业业胜不骄,败不馁愁眉不展 颓唐 勉励一无所获痴心妄想恍然大悟 殷勤 废寝忘食夜以继日置之死地而后生 废墟 不遗余力天方夜谭渺茫一意孤行 攫取 固执己见忠心耿耿昂首挺胸 颓丧 塞翁失马,安知非福 吓唬青睐

祈求 寂寥 猖狂 揶揄


作文的提高无法一蹴而就,有机会我们可以慢慢来,不过在考前突击的情况下,记住下面的词汇并尽量用到作文里,还是可以一定幅度提分的。拿不准怎么用的问同学或问我。Shaped by the past, create the future—Durham University 的校训,送给大家。Let’s work hard to create our future!-----Best regardsCynthia


For examplefor instancetake…such as…and so on


That is to saynamelyin other words


soforthereforeas a resultthusbecausebecause ofthanks to


thenbesideswhat is moremoreoverfurthermorein addition


Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally.To start with, next, in addition, finally.First and foremost(第一的也是最重要的),besides, last but not least(最后,但也依然重要的)


neverthelesshoweveralthoughthoughbuton the contraryafter alloppositely


in shortin a wordin generalgenerally speakingfinally

at lastas far as I knowin briefbriefly speakingin the endas a matter of factin realityin facton the whole

in conclusiontherefore


reallyindeedcertainlysurelyfor sureabove all

对比:in the same wayjust asin common withcompared withon the one hand…on the other handfor one thing… for anothersimilarly



先后次序:first of all, next, before, after, previously, eventually, finally 并列关系:and, too, at the same time, meanwhile, in the meantime

递进关系:also, moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, not only, on top of that

转折关系:but, however, though, whereas, nevertheless, in fact, instead 让步关系:although, though, despite, in spite of, even though

因果关系:so, thus, hence, as a result, consequently, reason, because, for, due to, conversely

对照关系:like, similarly, in a similar manner

对比关系:different from, unlike, by contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely

解释关系:that is to say, in other words, this means

条件关系:if, unless

, once, provided that, in case (of), had I known, were this to happen



first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, first, then / next, after that / next, finally / last / last but not least, and equally important, on(the)one hand…, on the other hand…, besides / what’s more / in addition(to sth.)/ furthermore / moreover / another / also / too, plus, as well, especially / particularly / in particular


now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, at the beginning(of sth.), to begin with, to start with

later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly = all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment…, form now on, from then on, gradually

at the same time = meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as, during


now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, in fact / as a matter of fact / actually, frankly speaking, in other words, in simpler terms, that is to say, to put it differently


but, however, while, though, yet, still, nevertheless, or, otherwise, on the contrary / on the other hand,in spite of… / despite the fact that…, even though, except(for), instead, in stead of, of course, after all, even so


or, and, also, too, not only … but also…, as well as, both… and…, either …or…, neither…nor…


原因:because, because of = thanks to… = due to… = owing to…, since = now that, as, for,结果:so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result(of), on this / that account, so…that, such…that, in this way


as(so)long as, on condition that, if, unless


though,although,as,even if,even though,whether …or…,however,whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how(who, what, which, where)


for example, for instance, such as…, like…, take… for example


be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with(to)…, just like


for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, in order to, so as to,十二、表示强调

indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all

