



SYMBOLS Cj …… Junction Capacitance 结电容 ηv …… Rectification Efficiency 整流效率 I(AV)…… Average Forward Rectified Current 正向平均整流电流 IBO …… Breakover Current 转折电流 ID …… Stand-off Reverse Leakage Current 关态反向漏电流 IF …… DC Forward Current 正向直流电流 IFM …… Maximum DC Forward Current 最大正向直流电流 IFSM …… Peak Forward Surge Current 正向浪涌峰值电流 IFRM …… Repetitive Peak Forward Current 正向重复峰值电流 IH …… Holding Current 维持电流 IO …… Mean Forward Current 正向平均电流 IPPM …… Maximum Peak Impulse Current 最大脉冲峰值电流 Irr …… Reverse Recovery Current 反向恢复电流 IR …… Reverse Leakage Current 反向漏电流 IRM …… Maximum Reverse Leakage Current 最大反向漏电流 IRRM …… Repetitive Peak Reverse Current 重复峰值反向电流 IRSM …… Maximum Non-repetitive Reverse Peak Current 最大反向不重复峰值电流 ITRM …… Repetitive Peak On-state Current 重复峰值开态电流 ITSM …… Non Repetitive Surge Peak on-state Current 不重复浪涌峰值开态电流 IT …… Test Current 测试电流 I2T …… Rating for Fusing 正向浪涌电流的平方对电流 IRRM …… Peak Repetitive Reverse Current 反向重复峰值电流 IZ …… Zener Current 齐纳电流 IZM …… Maximum Zener Current 最大齐纳电流 PM(AV)…… Maximum Steady State Power Dissipation 最大稳态功耗 PPPM …… Peak Pulse Power Dissipation 峰值脉冲功耗 Ptot …… Total Power Dissipation 总功耗 Qrr …… Recovered Charge 恢复电荷 RθJA …… Thermal Resistance(Junction to Ambient)热阻(结到环境)RθJC …… Thermal Resistance(Junction to Case)热阻(结到管壳)RθJL …… Thermal Resistance(Junction to Lead)热阻(结到引线)TA …… Ambient Temperature 环境温度 TC …… Case Temperature 管壳温度 Td …… Time Duration 持续时间 Tf …… Fall Time 下降时间 tfr …… Forward Recovery Time 正向恢复时间 Tj …… Junction Temperature 结温 TL …… Lead Temperature 引线温度 tr …… Rise Time 上升时间 trr …… Reverse Recovery Time 反向恢复时间 TP …… Pulse Duration 脉冲持续时间 TSTG …… Storage Temperature 存储温度 TT …… Temperature of the terminals(SMD)引线端的温度(SMD)V(BR)…… Reverse Breakdown Voltage 反向击穿电压 VBO …… Breakover Voltage 转折电压 VC …… Clamping Voltage 箝位电压 VDC、VR …… DC Reverse Voltage 反向直流电压 VF …… Forward Voltage 正向电压 VFM …… Maximum Forward Voltage 最大正向电压 VFR …… Forward Recovery Voltage 正向恢复电压 VISO …… Isolation Voltage 绝缘电压 VO …… Output Voltage 输出电压 VRM …… Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage 最大重复峰值反向电压 VRMS …… RMS Input Voltage 均方根输入电压 VRRM …… Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage 反向重复峰值电压 VRSM …… Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 最大反向不重复峰值电压 VTM …… Peak On-state Voltage 峰值开态电压 VWM …… Working Stand-off Voltage 关态工作电压 VZ …… Zener Voltage 齐纳电压 ZZ …… Dynamic Zener Impedance 动态齐纳阻抗 ︱+VBO︱-︱VBO︱ …… Breakover Voltage Symmetry 转折电压的对称性 ︱±△ V ︱ …… Dynamic Breakover Voltage 弹回电压(负阻)αV(BR)…… Maximum Reverse Voltage Temperature Coefficient 最大反向电压温度系数 αVZ …… Temperature Coefficient of Zener Voltage 齐纳电压的温度系数 Duty Cycle(Ratio of pulse duration of full cycle)占空因数(由脉冲比率持续 时间制成的完整周期)





























1 Introduction

Insurance plays an important role in protecting against dangers to life and property and promoting savings and investment.Insurance industry in China has been absorbing insurance rules and terms and learning from abroad,especially after the implementation of opening-up and reform in China.China's entry to the World Trade Organization has also facilitated this trend.

With the emerging market of insurance,the demand for insurance references is increasing.Nowadays the printed or online versions of insurance encyclopedia,dictionaries and glossaries are available.This paper explores these resources that are accessible in the library of Chinese University of Hong Kong from the points of terminological record,the usefulness in facilitating the translation and standardization of terms.It points out the appropriateness and deficiencies of these resources and the paper concludes that the standardization of terms is essential for the development of insurance industry.

2 A Brief Review of Insurance Terminologies in Different References

2.1 Terminological record

Terminological record contains all the information relevant to a term.Cabré(1999)pointed that the information of a term can be presented in different models to meet specific needs and objectives.She listed that the standard terminological records usually contain information about"identification of the term,entry term,source of term,grammatical category,subject area(s),definition,source of the definition,context(s),source of the context,cross-references,author of record and data written…source of each equivalent(p.124)."

Apart from the encyclopedia,the resources that I have consulted are small-sized or medium-sized,so the number of terms covered is quite restricted.The presentation of terms varies in different resources.The English insurance terms are presented alphabetically.The Chinese terms are ordered according to the thematic categorization or strokes or the initial sound of the first word.Some insurance dictionaries and encyclopedia contain entries and descriptions of terms.Examples in the same language are also provided in such dictionaries to clarify the description For instance,"the drunken man shoots other people death"is an example for the term"wrongful death".The compliers also mention the equivalence or antonym of the term.For instance,"insurance"means the same thing with"assurance".Insurance dictionary published by Silver Lake Publishing is the only one dictionary that label terms.When a term belongs to the automobile insurance,a cartoon of car is labeled below the term.Such resources are informative and thus can satisfy the decoding need of users.

However,the final goal of the terminology compilation is to achieve appropriate communication.Apart from the reference need,the pragmatic information and encoding need of users can not be ignored.From this point of view,there are some deficiencies with these resources.

The first one is that the terminological information provided in some monolingual and bilingual insurance dictionaries is quite limited.For example,Glossaries of Insurance Terms compiled by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers merely contains the English terms and their equivalents in Chinese.Most of the resources that I access do not record the grammatical category,contexts and cross reference of the term.Without such information,one may meet obstacles when deal with terms that are polysemous and have different parts of speech.Users may have no clear idea about how the terminological unit functions grammatically and how to use the terms appropriately.One of such terms is"cover".

1)Periods to be covered保险期间

2)Commonly known as an"All Risks Policy",the insurance contract covered accidental loss in buildings and household contents.


3)Mr.Liang then explained the policy covers to me.


The above sentences show that"cover"can be used both as a verb like the first two examples and a noun such as the third one.

The second problem with these resources is that the lack of cross reference,which may confuse the readers.Scholars such as Sager and Dungworth&McDonald(1980)held that a special language can be divided into different levels of specialization(as cited in Cabré,1999).A specialized dictionary such as insurance dictionary can be used by experts for professional communication or by the layman for the consultation of general information Thus,the cross-reference is necessary for users to have a better understanding of terms.

The third problem faced by the present printed insurance dictionaries is timely updating.The compilation of printed insurance dictionaries has to take a long time although it has speeded up with the assistance of computer,For example,according to Google book,the latest English-Chinese insurance dictionary was published in 2009 and the latest English one was in 2002.

At present,glossary of insurance terms can be found online The striking feature of such resource is that they are portable free and provide quick search.The interface is user-friendly and users can click the hyperlink to obtain further information such as illustrations on the screen.In addition,the online resources are machine readable,so they can be easily processed by computer and become part of the terminological data banks.However,at present the glossaries or dictionaries of insurance online are issued by government,insurance companies or individuals like translators.The main problem is that the online glossaries are not as complete as those in hard copies.Their quality is not guaranteed.

2.2 Usefulness in facilitating translation

Translation aims at facilitating the precise and unambiguous communication among professionals.Translation relies on the bilingual vocabularies.Bilingual terms in the dictionaries or glossaries can improve the efficiency of translators.

However,it always happens that some terms and their equivalents are not listed in the available dictionaries or glossaries.On this occasion,translators have to find equivalents by themselves.Different translators may come up with different versions.Three reasons may account for this.The first one is that the personal style,competence and insurance knowledge of translators.Secondly,the updating of knowledge has accelerated than ever before.Thirdly,the regional or historical factors effect the translating.Domino theory(of accident causation)is translated into“多米诺事故发生理论”and“骨牌效应”by adopting different translation methods.A typical case for the third reason is that the same insurance term can be rendered differently in mainland,China,Hong Kong and Taiwan.For example,the equivalents of administration bond are行政担保(mainland,China),遗产承办保证(Hong Kong)and遗产管理费用(Taiwan)consequential loss is rendered into后续损失(mainland,China)从属损失(Taiwan)and后果损失(Hong Kong).

2.3 Standardization of terms

Just as mentioned above,the translation of the same term is inconsistent due to several factors.Even for the same concept,it can be expressed by different terms.For instance,"insurance agent"or"underwriting agent"refers to the same thing that is“保险代理人”in Chinese.Similarly,“保险标的”can be rendered into"subject matter"or"subject-matter insured".The equivalents for“担保人”are"surety"or"guarantor".

These inconsistencies may hinder the effective and complete communications.Therefore,it is necessary to standardize these terms.

In the industry of insurance,standardization contributes to achieving effective and complete communication by discarding other variants for the same concept and choosing one alternative over others.Standardization involves fixing a concept with a more precise and appropriate linguistic form."Mortality table"was translated into“生命表”in mainland but now it is translated into“死亡表”which is commonly used in Hong Kong.From this point,some terms have a tendency to be consistent with globalization and increasing communication.Just as Sager mentioned that,standardization plays a crucial role in establishing an agreed system of concepts and their symbolic representation to facilitate communication(1990).

3 Conclusion

This paper discusses the problems that exist in the insurance encyclopedia,dictionaries and other resources from three perspectives.Some deficiencies such as inconsistencies of terms are illustrated.To achieve professional and unambiguous insurance communication worldwide and enhance the competitiveness of domestic insurance industries,it is essential to standardize the insurance terms and achieve successful translation.


[1] Budin G,Wright S E.Handbook of Terminology Management [M].Amsterdam; Philadelphia:J.Benjamins Publishing Compa- ny,1997.

[2] Cabré M T.Terminology: Theory, Methods and Applications [M].Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Publishing Com- pany,1999.

[3] Sager J C.A Practical Course in Terminology Processing[M]. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990.

[4] 陈彩稚.保险字典[M].台北:广场文化出版事业有限公司, 1999.

[5] 何靜芝,吴申元,魏原杰.中国保险百科全书[M].北京:中国发 展出版社,1992.

[6] 吳越,徐文虎,乌通元.中国保险词典[M].北京:中国社会科学 出版社,1989.

[7] 香港保险业联会.保险业常用词汇[M].香港:香港保险业联 会,1996.


[关键词] “编辑学”英文术语 讹传

[中图分类号] G230 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-5853(2012) 01-0023-04

[Abstract] The paper reviews the coin of the term “Redactology” by the author and its misrepresentation in the process of citation by the circles of redactology in China. It is helpful for reminding people of what right citation is and how the history of redactology in China will be recorded.

[Key words] Redactology Misrepresentation

近日不期收到我国编辑和出版界老前辈邵益文先生的来信[1],令晚辈喜出望外。邵老希望我谈谈当年在美国《克利夫兰旗帜日报》(Cleveland Daily Banner)刊登《中国人研讨编辑学》一文的来龙去脉,以免学界就“编辑学”的英文术语Redactology和所谓的美国报道以讹传讹。




我在《河南大学学报》编辑部工作期间,适逢王振铎教授等撰写的《编辑学通论》一书出版。王老师要我用英语写个书评,碰巧美国的《克利夫兰旗帜日报》向我约稿。我和该报有多年联系,在河南大学读本科时发表了第一篇用英语写的文章Christianity in China is Reviewed(1985年4月11日),后来陆续发表了十几篇,主要写一些中国的民风民俗。该报对我信任有加,聘我做专栏作者,称有稿必发,且配以“编者按”和我的照片,连我孩子1995年出生的纪念文字和大幅照片也刊载了(1995年11月19日),这些短文有几篇还转录于我主编的《英语写作》(中国人事出版社2000年版)一书中。“编者按”不乏溢美之词,如1987年3月31日刊发拙文时赞扬道:Zhou Ling Shun, whose command of a foreign language (English) is remarkably good…。

这家报纸是美国田纳西州克利夫兰市的一份市报,读者面有限。为了方便读者阅读,我故意把我的名字Zhou Ling Shun分开写(按规则应拼为:Zhou Lingshun),竟使他们分不清我的姓氏,报纸上常称呼我为Shun(顺)而不是Zhou(周)先生,比如该报在刊发我这篇编辑学书评(Chinese groups studying ‘redaction’)时配发了王老师和我的照片,照片下方就注的是:Duo(铎)和Shun(顺)。这些英语文章全是闲来习作,主要以练习英语文笔为目的。虽后来不再投稿,但原件和来往信件至今保存着;虽然纸张均已发黄,但一切历历在目,宛然如昨。






Chinese groups studying ‘redaction’(Book Review)

Editor’s Note: Zhou Ling Shun is an English teacher at Henan University in China, who occasionally submits articles to the newspaper. The following is a book review he wrote about “General Redactology”.

I would like to introduce a newly-developed Chinese science to my Western readers—“redactology”, or the study of editing and publishing.

The study of editing and publishing has been going on all over the world, but in-depth study of redaction as a form of serious learning is very rare. In recent years, Chinese editing circles have started studying redaction, thus, the term“redactology”has been coined.


Since the beginning of this new science in 1983 to now, some pictorials and over 10 books on redactology have appeared. The latest, most systematic and comprehensive is “General Redactology”, which was published by the Henan University Publishing House in October 1989.

“General Redactology” was written by Wang Zhen Duo, a well-known professor at the famous Henan University and several others.

The book is good, both in theory and in practice. It introduces several new innovative theories of editing, including those which follow the rules of information screening. In practice, it outlines principles and concrete approaches to the editing of news, science, literature and art, broadcast, film, and TV, textbooks, local records and reference books, etc .

Western readers, especially those in editing circles, may be interested in learning more about redactology. If you would like to obtain a copy of “General Redactology”, an English translation can be made available to you. For more information, contact me by writing Zhou Ling Shun, Public English Department, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan P.R.China.

About the author: Wang Zhen Duo, professor of literature and redactology at Henan University, and also Special Research fellow of China’s Publishing Research Institute.






王先生还在《编辑之友》2010年第4期发表的《一笔一画的觉悟:追忆恩师林穗芳先生》一文中明确说:“美国《克利夫兰每日旗帜报》1990年8月28日报道我国编辑学研究进展情况时采用了这一术语,并承认这是一门new science(新科学)。”他虽然把美国的这份报纸名称重新翻译了一遍,可惜把发表日期误写为28日。


我不在编辑学界,编辑学的信息不够敏感,也不够畅达。但作为一个外语学者,在英语redact(编辑)一词后加个-ology(学问、学科)后缀来表示一个学科,是一种本能的、自然的构词联想,这是构词常识。比如,“翻译学”(translatology)就是在translate(翻译)后加上-ology构成的。况且,在此基础上,我在文章中还作了进一步的解释,即:or the study of editing and publishing(或者说是编辑和出版的学问/即对编辑和出版的研究)。从这个角度讲,命名的理据不够充分并不是最关键的,只要有同位语做出解释并做到自圆其说即可。



1990年8月26日,美国《克利夫兰旗帜日报》(Cleveland Daily Banner)以题为《中国有组织地从事编辑研究》的文章报道了中国编辑学的研究情况。可见,中国的编辑出版学已在20世纪90年代初受到西方关注。

赵航在《出版科学》2002年第4期发表的《析编辑学中的变量因素 :读〈编辑学理论纲要〉的联想》更是把“大洋彼岸”的上述反应看得特别重要:



王波在《编辑学刊》2000年第5期发表的《编辑学为什么首先在中国诞生》一文的一个小节标题还以“国外媒体的承认”为题进行了报道,认为“报道的内容和语气都表明, 国外至少是西方一直到1990 年代是没有编辑学的。”




编辑学界的作者似更应强调引文的规范:当引用二手资料时,要么努力寻求第一手资料去求证,追根溯源,要么明确标以“引自”或类似的文字。像作者杨春兰所写的《在艰难中探索 在探索中前进:关于河南大学编辑出版学专业建设》模糊地叙述为“美国《克里夫兰旗帜日报》载文《中国人研讨编辑学》,在欧美出版物中第一次使用了中国人创造的‘编辑学’术语——redactology,评介了《编辑学通论》一书”,虽然宣传效果甚佳,但读者不免会产生疑虑:作者何许人也?通过什么途径了解了中国的编辑学?也许有读者会产生错觉,误以为该文作者是美国编辑出版传播界的有名人士而发出的赞许之声。






1990年8月26日,美国《克利夫兰旗帜日报》(Cleveland Daily Banner)以题为《中国有组织地从事编辑研究》的文章报道了中国编辑学的研究情况。可见,中国系统的编辑出版学理论研究已在20世纪90年代引起了西方关注。


1990年出版的姜振寰主编的《交叉科学学科辞典》、1994年出版的《第六届国际出版学研讨会论文集》,其中的“编辑学”均译为redactology。1992年10月通过的中国编辑学会章程第一条把中国编辑学会的名称定为China Redactology Society。1990年8月26日美国《克利夫兰旗帜日报》关于中国编辑学研究情况的报道中的“编辑学”也采用了redactology,可见国外至少西方一直到20世纪90年代都没有编辑学。


注 释







邵益文 敬上


[2] 张如法.编辑学存在研究学派之论的虚妄性[OL].http://blog.sina.com.cn/zrf269

[3] 文中的有关检索信息,均来自Baidu网上检索工具,具体网址不再一一注明。



cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机

cinema, pictures 电影院(美作:movie theater)

first-run cinema 首轮影院

second-run cinema 二轮影院

art theatre 艺术影院

continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院

film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:film club)

film library 电影资料馆

premiere 首映式

film festival 电影节

distributor 发行人

Board of Censors 审查署

shooting schedule 摄制计划

censor’s certificate 审查级别

release 准予上映

banned film 禁映影片

A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)

U-certificate U级

X-certificate X级(成人级)

direction 导演 production 制片 adaptation 改编

scenario, screenplay, script 编剧 scene 场景 exterior 外景

lighting 灯光 shooting 摄制 to shoot 拍摄

dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出 fade-out 淡出 fade-in 淡入

pan 摇镜头

frame, picture 镜头

still 静止

double exposure 两次曝光

superimposition 叠印

exposure meter 曝光表

printing 洗印

影片类型films types

film, motion picture 影片,电影(美作:movie)

newsreel 新闻片,纪录片


filmdom 电影界

literary film 文艺片

musicals 音乐片

comedy 喜剧片

tragedy 悲剧片

dracula movie 恐怖片

sowordsmen film 武侠片

detective film 侦探片

ethical film 伦理片

affectional film 爱情片

erotic film 黄色片

western movies 西部片

film d’avant-garde 前卫片

serial 系列片

trailer 预告片


footage 影片长度

full-length film, feature film 长片


colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film 默片,无声片

dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片

silent cinema, silent films 无声电影

sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影

cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变 形镜头式宽银幕电影

cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影

title 片名

original version 原著

dialogue 对白

subtitles, subtitling 字幕

credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名

telefilm 电视片


cast 阵容

film star, movie star 电影明星

star, lead 主角

double, stand-in 替身演员

stunt man 特技替身演员

extra, walker-on 临时演员

character actor 性格演员

regular player 基本演员

extra 特别客串

film star 电影明星

film actor 男电影明星

film actress 女电影明星

support 配角

util 跑龙套


adapter 改编

scenarist, scriptwriter 脚本作者

dialogue writer 对白作者

production manager 制片人

producer 制片主任

film director 导演

assistant director 副导演,助理导演

cameraman, set photographer 摄影师

assistant cameraman 摄影助理

property manager, propsman 道具员

art director 布景师(美作:set decorator)

stagehand 化装师

lighting engineer 灯光师

film cutter 剪辑师

sound engineer, recording director 录音师

script girl, continuity girl 场记员

scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家


reel, spool(影片的)卷,本

sound track 音带,声带

showing, screening, projection 放映

projector 放映机

projection booth, projection room 放映室

panoramic screen 宽银幕


1....Presents 出品

2....Production, A Production of...摄制

3.A...Film 制片人

4.Director, Directed by, A Film by 导演

5.Screenplay by


6.Based on a Story by 原著

7.Produced by 制片

8.Executive Producer 执行制片

9.Production Manager 制片主任

10.Director of Photography 摄影

11.Music by 音乐

12.Sound Effect 音响效果

13.Sound Mixer 声音合成

14.1st Assistant Director 首席助理导演

15.Casting by 选派演员

16.Cast of Characters 演员表

17.Starring 主演

18.Costumer Designer 服装设计

19.Art Director 美术

20.Editor 剪辑

21.Set Designer 布景设计

22.Property Master


23.Gaffer 灯光

24.Key Grip 首席场务

25.Dolly Grip 轮架场务

26.Best Boy 场务助理

27.Make Up 化妆

28.Hairdresser 发型

29.Stunt Coordinator 特技协调

30.Visual Effects 视觉效果

31.Title 字幕

32.Set Decorator


33.Script Supervisor 剧本指导

Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖项)


1.Costume Design


2.Actor in a Supporting Role 男配角

3.Make up 化妆

4.Art Direction 艺术指导

5.Live Action Short Film 纪实短片

Animated Short Film 动画短片

6.Sound Effects Editing 音响效果剪辑

7.Sound 音响

8.Actress in a Supporting Role 女配角

9.Cinematography 摄影

10.Film Editing 剪辑

11.Visual Effects 视觉效果

12.Documentary Short Subject 记录短片

Documentary Feature 记录长片

13.Foreign Language Film 外语片

14.Lifetime Achievement 终身成就

15.Original Musical or Comedy Score 音乐(喜剧)

Original Dramatic Score 音乐(戏剧)

16.Original Screenplay 原著剧本

Screenplay Adaptation 剧本改编

17.Original Song 歌曲

18.Director 导演

19.Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角

20.Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角


围棋术语中英文对照   段位 dan grading

级 kyu

读秒 byo-yomi

欺招 hamete(trick play)

厚 thickness

气 liberty

轻 karui(light)

失着 slip

本手 honte(proper move)

对杀 semeai

好手 tesuji

后手 gote

劫 ko

缓气劫 yose-ko(approach-move-ko)

筋 suji

双活 seki(impasse)

脱先 kenuki

无忧劫 hanami-ko

交换 furikawari(exchange)

味道 aji(potential)

先手得利 kikashi

眼 eye

星小目布局 hoshi-komoku fuseki

一间夹 ikken bsasme

手筋 tesuji

见合 miai

大模样作战 big moyo , large moyo

生死劫 tsume-ko

劫材 kozai

先手 sente

定式 formalized series of moves

围 contain

拆 extend

立 sagari

叫吃 atari(cheok)

打入 uehikomi

挂角 kakari

逼 tsume(checking extension)

夹 hasami(pincer)

枷 geta

尖 diagonal move

空 chi ,territory

长 nobi

切断 cut-in

腾挪 sabaki

提通 ponnuki

挖 warikom(wedge)

压 kake(pressing move),oshi(push)

挤去眼 sashikomi

断点 cutting point

空提 ponnuki

断 cut

靠 tsuke

跳 j
