



I asked whether they could change my ticket.


Whether I believe you or not is irrelevant now.


The jury is out on whether or not this is true.




She was in a dilemma whether to stay at school or get a job.


We are in twenty minds whether to accept the proposal.


Does she have any say in whether she goes?


Consultation exists in whether public social activities or private sexual relations.


1. What用作代词, 在名词性从句中作主语、宾语、表语。

[含义] (1) “什么;怎么;……的;所……的”。

[经典例句]What you need is a good meal. (你所需要的是一顿美餐。) /Nobody knows what will happen next (没有人知道接下来将会发生什么。)

[典型考题] (1) He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning_____his teammates had done.

A.what B.which

C.why D.while

[分析]what引导宾语从句, wha在宾语从句中作的宾语。意思为:“没有提到他的队友所做的事。”wha相当于:the thing that (his teammates had done) 选A。

(2) _____makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.

A.What B.Who

C.Whatever D.Whoever

[分析]what引导主语从句, what在主语从句中作主语。意思为:使这家商店与众不同的是它提供更多的个人服务。what相当于:the thing that (makes this shop different) 选A。

[含义] (2) “……的样子;面貌;状况”。

[经典例句]I am not what I was. (我不再是以前的样子了。) /He don’want to be what his parents want him to be. (他不想成为他父母想让他成为的样子。)

[典型考题] (1) Great changes have taken place in that school.It is no longer_____it was 20 years ago, _____it was so poorly equipped.

A.what when B.that which

C.what which D.which that


[含义] (3) “……的地方”。

[经典例句]A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago. (一座现代化城市已在十年前还是一片荒地的地方建起了。) /He is living in what used to be a temple. (他住在以前是个庙宇的地方。)

[典型考题]After five hours’drive, they reached_____they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of.

A.that B.where

C.which D.what

[分析]they thought是插入语, what在宾语从句中作主语。意思为:“……的地方”。选D。

[含义] (4) “……的时间”。

[经典例句]After what seemed to be a long time, he came back to life. (似乎过了很长时间之后, 他才苏醒过来。)

[典型考题]The boy dived into the water and after_____seemed to be a long time, he came up again.

A.which B.it

C.what D.that


[含义] (5) “……的速度”。

[典型考题]The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at_____Ithought was a dangerous speed.

A.as B.which

C.what D.that

[分析]what在宾语从句中作主语。I thought是插入语。选C。

2. What用作形容词或副词, 在名词性从句中作定语、表语或状语。

第一, 作定语。

[含义] (1) “什么;多么;多少”。

[经典例句]I don't know what book they are reading. (我不知道他们在读什么书。)

[典型例题]———Go and ask her come.


A.what time would she like to

B.at what time she’d like to

C.when would she like to

D.when she likes to

[分析]宾语从句用陈述语序, what作定语修饰time。选B。

[含义] (2) “ (所) ……的 (事物或人) ”。

[经典例句]I will give them wha help I can. (我将尽我所能帮助他们。) /What family and friends I still have live abroad. (我现在所有的家人和朋友都住在国外。)

[典型例题]_____education he had was picked up from time to time under the pressure of necessity.

A.What B.Which

C.That D.When


第二, 作状语, 后接little, few等, 意为“全部的……尽管不多;仅有的那么一点;小的;不重要的。”

[经典例句]I spend what little time I had with my family. (我仅有的那一点点时间都与家人一起度过。) /I wil lend you what few books I spare. (我愿意借给你所有我用不着的那几本书。)

[典型考题]The home improvements have taken what little there is_____my spare time.

A.from B.in C.of D.at



像一些及物动词say, ask, know, wonder, decide, inform, advise等,后接含有“是否”意思的宾语从句时,用if或whether都可以。如:

1. I don’t know if/whether the letter is overweight. 我不知道这封信是否超重。

2. I’m wondering if/whether these figures are accurate. 我想知道这些数字是不是准确。

3. Ask if/whether Tom is at home.


4. Lily asked if/whether she liked it.


5. Lucy asked if/whether they were too expensive. 露西问它们是否太贵。



Please tell me if he has a car. 此句有两层意思:①如果他有辆小汽车的话,请告诉我一下。②请告诉我他是否有辆小汽车。按第一种译法,if 引导的是条件状语从句;第二种译法,if引导的是宾语从句。如果说话人要表达的是问对方“是否”有汽车,用whether 最好。

用if 或whether来引导宾语从句,在实际使用上到底哪种情况用哪一个,需慎重考虑,因为它们在用法上是有区别的。下面从这几个方面加以论述:

A. if 多用在口语中,而whether多用在书面语中,特别是在正式文体中。如:

1. Mother asked me if I could help them.


2. I put it to you whether that’s the best solution of the problem. 我提出让你考虑,究竟这是不是解决问题的最好办法。

B. 有些动词(如discuss)后,不能用if,只能用whether。如:

Let’s discuss whether we shall go there by plane. 我们讨论一下是否坐飞机去那里。

C. whether强调“怀疑”、“选择”,它引导的宾语从句可以跟“or”, “or not”, “or no”等。如:

1. I don’t know whether I should accept or refuse. 我不知道我该接受,还是拒绝。

2. I don’t know whether they are coming or not. 我不知道他们是否要来。

上句中的or not 如果省去的话,用if也可以。美国英语口语中也有用“if…or not”的,但我们还是认为用“whether…or not”句型为好。


I don’t doubt whether she is right.

我们看出,主句谓语动词是“不怀疑”,宾语从语是“她是否对”,自相矛盾,类似这样的情况,我们可以不用whether,改用that 来引导宾语从句,变成:I don’t doubt that she is right. 我不怀疑她对。

D. 宾语从句放句首,这时就不能用if, 只能用whether。如:

1. Whether that is a new car or not, I can’t tell. 那是否是辆新车,我不知道。

2. Whether or not Mike broke the glass, I don’t know. 迈克是否打碎了玻璃杯,我不知道。

3. Whether that is her pencil-box or not, I can’t say. 我说不上那是不是她的铅笔盒。

E. whether 引导的宾语从句可以用在带to的动词不定式之前,也可以作介词的宾语,而if引导的从句则不能这样用。如:

1. Will you advise me whether to accept the offer or not? 请教你,我是否要接受那提议?

2. We worry about whether we hurt their feelings. 我们担心是否伤了他们的感情。

3. The building depends on whether they have enough workers and money. 楼房取决于他们是否有足够的资金和工人。

F. 当问话人把握性较大或期望得到肯定的答复,应用if;如果问话人对肯定或否定答复都不介意,就用whether。如:

1. Shall I ask the shopkeeper if I can try it on? 我问店主能否试穿一下好吗?

2. Will you ask Tom if he has that book?


