




1、My ideal job(我理想的工作)

I have been dreamed to be a teacher since I was a kid.Everyday when I arrived at school, my lovely teacher would give me a warm hug with a big shining smile.It made me felt like a flower which had been taken good care by the gardener and I felt comfortable.Not only me, but also the other kids had the same feeling, and this feeling helped us grow happy and healthy.So I thought, teacher was such a job that full of significance.I do should be a teacher.I have studied so hard since then, and I believe the solid basis of the job is build on it.I will stick to my faith and work even harder.I believe my dream will come ture sooner or later.2,Talking About Myself(自我介绍)

My name is Holly.I’m 37years old.I’m from Ningxia.I’m a math teacher in a primary school.My school is far away from my home.So I usually take the bus to work.There are three people in my family.They are my wife, my daughter and I.My wife is a doctor in a big hospital and my daughter is a ten-year-old pupil.In my spare time, I like reading books, watching TV, playing table tennis and so on.I used to fishing in the weekends, but I don’t now,because I have to attend class in the TV University.3,My Family(我的家庭)

There are five persons in my family, my parents, my wife, my daughter and I.My father used to be a senior engineer.His responsibility was designing new machines.My mother would work in a factory.They are retired now.My father is very serious about everything in life and pays attention to the details.My mother is patient and hardworking.I take after my parents.They have influence upon me to make me a good teacher.My wife is a nurse and she is very busy everyday.My daughter is a pupil.She is pretty and lovely and looks like her mother.4,My Family Life(我的家庭生活)

Like most ordinary Chinese families, my family life is busy and meaningful.My family members often get up at about six o’clock in the mornings.My wife deals with my little kid, while I’m cooking the breakfast.I drive my daughter to her school and then to my work.My wife takes the subway to her hospital.Around 4:30 p.m., I pick up my daughter and do some grocery shopping.My wife is good at cooking.So when we arrive home, a delicious meal is waiting for us.During the eating, we chat about interesting things from our daily life and discuss current affairs.We go tobed at 10 p.m.5,Changes in My Life(我生活中的变化)

There have been many changes in my life.With the development of the economy, my life is better off.For clothing, I have spare money to buy sorts of pretty clothes.But in the past, there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe.For food, I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal, rice, noodles or a steamed bun with one or two light dishes such as preserved pickles.Nowadays, Ican afford any delicious food, including western foods.For housing, I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat.For getting around, I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago.At present, I drive my private car to travel.I believe my life will be better and better in the future.6,My Home(我的家)

I am living on the 10th floor of a tower building with my wife and daughter.It is a newly-built block of flats with 22 stories altogether in the north of the city.We have three bedrooms, one big living-room, one kitchen and two bathrooms.The size is about 127 square meters.When we moved in three years ago.I painted the doors myself, but I had the window frames painted.We are satisfied with the decorations except the cupboards in the kitchen, so I need to build them again.The neighborhood is nice too.I think my home is cozy and I like my home.7,My Hobbies(我的业余爱好)

Hobbies are activities from which one can benefit a lot.In my spare time, I like painting, singing, raising flowers and cycling.My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work.Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me.My hobbies help me maintain a mental and physical balance.As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or educational.So everyone should have one or two hobbies, then the life is meaningful and amusing.8,My Favorite Sport(我喜爱的运动)

My favorite sport is swimming.There are three reasons why I like the sport best.First, it is good for keeping fit.It benefits the heart, the lungs(肺)and the limbs(四肢).Thanks to the sport, I lost my weight and am graceful in form.Second, it is easy to find a place to swim.In the country, I can swim in lakes and rivers.In the city, there are many swimming pools spotted among the residential areas.Third, it can be done in any weather.It is very cool swimming in hot summer.In cold weather, swimming is especially refreshing.Swimming is a very popular sport.I hope you can enjoy it too.9,Health and Eating Habit(健康与饮食习惯)

An eating habit is closely related to health.In order to keep fit, we should pay more attention to our eating habits.My suggestions for a good eating habit are as follows.First, don’t eat too much or too little for each meal.Eating too much will cause overweight and eating too little, malnutrition(营养不良).Second, don’t eat between meals.Sometimes we like eating biscuits and chips before the mealtime, as a result, we lose our appetite(胃口)for lunch or dinner.Third, eat more vegetables and fruits everyday.In my opinion, a good eating habit leads to a healthy life.10,How to Keep Healthy(如何保持身体健康)

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.Without good health, we can do nothing.For me, there are mainly three ways to keep healthy.First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.We should have plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday.Secondly, it is important to do regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on.Last but not least, it is essential to keep in good spirits.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.11,High School Life and College Life(我的大学生活)

High school life is quite different from college life.In high school, the students have to wear school uniform.Teachers always ask students to do many tasks in the classroom and supervise students’ behavior in detail.In college, students have to be responsible for themselves.They have more freedom in college than in high school.For example, they put on the casual clothes instead of uniform.Tutors give them lectures and assignments, and they must spend more time studying by themselves in the library.That means students must manage themselves very well.Although I often recall my high school life, I like college life more.12,My TV University Life(我的电大生活)

Our TV University is mainly engaged in long distance education.The form of study is very convenient for adult learners like me.I can learn my courses anywhere in my spare time by computer.There are many web-based courses and sources on line.Moreover, I not only use e-mail to send our homework to our tutors but also join online discussion forums.Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week.The e-learning life is meaningful and demanding.I enjoy my TV university life.13,Living in a Big City(城市生活)

In the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences.People can buy almost all kinds of things at supermarkets or shopping malls, dine out in good restaurants, and more important, they can have more educational opportunities.However, with the expansion of the city, more and more people are flowing into the big city, the traffic is heavier and heavier, the pollution is more and more serious, and the living condition is worse and worse.Most people love the advantages of city life, but a big city also has its disadvantages.14,Help For Elderly People(爱护老人)

It is reported that China has stepped into an aging society.As the aging of the population quickens, the number of elderly people is becoming very large.Therefore, it is necessary to find good ways to deal with the problem.According to traditional Chinese moral values, it is the sons or daughters who should take the responsibility of caring their elderly parents.The youth should not only look after their elderly parents in material terms but also understand their loneliness and do their best to spend more time with them.But because the family plan has been carried out for many years in China, it is a common picture that a young couple has to support four elderly parents.This trend will reach its peak in coming years.The government is responsible for guaranteeing the basic living standards of the elderly and safeguard(保护)their legitimate(合法的)rights and interests and establish a multi-level old-age insurance system.15,My English Studies(我的英语学习)

I have been learning English for more than twenty years.Recalling my English studies, I would like to share some good ways and some frustrations with you.First, I am independent in English studies.Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, I try to find the patterns and rules on my own.Second, I am an active English learner.I never wait for a chance using English.I look for such a chance, and create a language environment by myself.I am willing to make mistakes and not afraid of losing face.Try your best to enjoy the pleasure of English studies, bear in mind that “frustration gets you nowhere”.(焦虑于事无补)


Dear zz,I am very glad to write to you.the reason why I wrote to you is that I wande if you could help me to sell my chinese knots,which are made by all kind of materials including closes and threads.As we all know,It is acknowledged that chinese knots stand for luck and happyness.they are very beautiful and look like a diamond,which about 5 inches long and 4inches wide.First of all.It is necessary to give others as a gift during a holiday or hang the chinese knots in their houses,For another thing.It is one of the most beautiful knots that I saw.So as far as I am concerned.,It is easy for us to sell them with each 12.99 USdollers,I sincerely hope that you can help me,I am looking forward to receiving your reply.Best wishes




根据任务型教学理论,即以“具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学成就的教学活动”[3],整个教学过程可以分为三个部分:前任务(pre-task),任务循环流程(Task-cycle)和语言聚焦(Language focus)。[4]其中前任务阶段主要是由教师引入任务以及提供实施任务所需的信息,同时调动学生的积极性并激发学生的兴趣;任务循环阶段就是任务实施阶段,它是由任务、计划和汇报组成,学生通过真实运用任务并讨论呈现任务结果主动地去习得英语,并获得学习成就感;语言聚焦包括语言分析和语言练习,掌握和巩固所学知识。

下面我们以《新视野大学英语教程》第二册第八单元There is a lot more to life than a job课文学习(90分钟)为例,实现任务型教学理论在实际教学中运用的。

1 教学内容


2 教学目标

理解并能够口述出文章的主要大意、了解文章脉络结构,对文章所涉及到的文化背景有一定了解,能够拼读出并且使用文章中的重点词汇、短语、句型、进行句子翻译练习,以及通过文章学习能够就主题阐述发表自己的观点。其中的教学重点为:文章大意和文章理解;重点单词词组的应用理解如holdvalue,be fond of,be meant to do,occupation,while等;特殊句型的理解应用如if only引导的虚拟语气等。教学难点是找出文章主题句和中心词并能够复述文章。

3 教学媒体


4 具体的课堂教学活动


4.1 前阅读任务阶段




4.2 中阅读任务阶段



How do young students and older teachers see the role of education differently?

What is“quality of life”and how can it be improved?

According to the writer,what must educators prepare students for?




Task One:Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.

The detailed information of survey

Objects students in Macon and Robins Resident Center

The number188,000

Background of objects college beginners

The most popular course accounting not literature or history

Students'major objective financially rich

Task Two:Read the part again and answer the following questions.

What do students think about the importance of developing a meaningful philosophy of life?

What do you think of these students?


4.3 后阅读任务阶段





We all know Liu Huan(刘欢),a famous pop singer in China,is a teacher by profession.Why do you think he’d rather pursue a teaching career in a university in Beijing than become a professional singer?What can you get from his decision?

5 评价与反思









在现代英语中,你若听到英国人在你面前提起something is just the ticket时,千万不要会错意,以为不过是一张票而已。实际上,英国人提醒你“这正是你梦寐以求的东西(its exactly what you wanted or needed)”。在日常交往中,英美人常常用一些非常简单或浅显易懂的词语,却含义深刻,又有一些典故的来历。这就是我们常言道:一种语言文化的内涵和精髓。请看下例:

1. These sleeping bags are just the ticket for our walking holiday in the Rocky Mountains. (这些睡袋正是我们要在假期徒步旅行落基山的必备品)

2. Janet said my low-calorie food was just the ticket for someone whos on a diet. (加内特说我的那些低能量食物深受节食认识的欢迎)

3. Jimmy told me what his father has collected was just the ticket for me. (杰米对我说他爸爸的收藏品正是我的至爱追求)

除了“just the ticket”之外,在英语中我们常常还会听到英美人在言谈中喜欢许多与其类似的词语,这些词语一般而言都是常用语,但对我们中国人而言,每每为此挠耳抓腮。如英美人现在常用big ticket items来表示需要购买的大件家用电器或大型的奢侈品。如下例:

1. Lucia complained that she wanted to buy some big ticket items for her new house but her husband refused her. (露西亚抱怨说她想给新房添置一些冰箱、洗衣机和中央空调,可是她丈夫拒绝了她的建议)

2. Now the sales have started. Its a great time to buy some big ticket items at a good price for Christmas. (现在销售商们正在为圣诞节的到来开始大型家用电器的促销活动)

2013年的《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》记载了一个事例与上面这个词语有点联系。这个记载说2012年的伦敦奥运会的最昂贵的票价(the most expensive ticket)为2,012英镑,而当年最便宜(cheaper tickets)的奥运会票价仅为20英镑。

4. Spill the beans(说实话;道真情)

作为中国人没事在一起的时候喜欢闲聊,闲聊的时候喜欢吃瓜子、花生或其他一些见过之类的食品。在我们的日常食物中我们也经常吃一些豆类食物,如青豆、黄豆和扁豆等。而英美人聊天时吃喝的东西与我们中国人不尽相同,他们喜欢饮酒、喝咖啡或其他一些软性饮料。不过英国人还喜欢喝中国的红茶。丹妮与英美人在交谈时,常常能听到他们正在谈论起劲的时候,突然有人会冒出一句让你摸不着头脑的一句话“Hey, why didnt you ask Mayor to spill the beans about it?”实际上“spill the beans”在这儿不是“要某人去倒满豆子”而是说“真是的,你干嘛当时不让梅耶说出事情的真相呢?”英语的魅力和难度就在于英美人和你交谈时,总是不断地会爆出一些简单实用但又让我们这些学英语的外国人有点不知所云的感觉。因此,我们在学英语的时候,要经常记下那些英美人说出的俗语,以便我们日后的更好的理解。请看下例:

1. As soon as he was arrested the pocket-picker spilled the beans: he told the police about the other members of his gang. The police caught them all. ( 那个窃贼一被抓住就立马招供了:他向警察供出团伙其他成员。警察将他们一网打尽)

2. You spent a whole hour in the presidents office. Is he going to give a pay rise? Come on, spill the beans!(你在总裁办公室里呆了整整一个小时。他要给我们加工资吗?快点呀,如实说来!)

这个词语的缘由与英国人喝咖啡有关,因为英国人喜欢自己研磨咖啡豆制作咖啡,spill the beans本义是过滤咖啡或筛选咖啡豆。在现代英语中英国人将其延伸为上文所提到的意思。在英语中,英国人的另外一些俗语也与beans有关,如我们还可以听到英国人说“full of beans”,但其意思不是直接领会为“全是豆子”,其真实的意思是“充满活力”或“浑身有使不完的劲”。请看下例:




(二)答案 作业













There have been many changes in my life(生活发生了许多变化)

be better off(生活状况更好)

preserved pickles(咸菜)

cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat(从狭窄阴暗的房间搬到大而明亮的单元房)getting around(出行)

Changes in My Life

There have been many changes in my life.With the development of the economy, my life is better off.For the clothing, I have spare money to buy sorts of pretty clothes.But in the past, there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe.For the food, I usually only traditional Chinese food rice, noodles and vegetables, or eveNowadays, I can afford any delicious food, including western foods.For the housing, I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat.For the getting around, I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago.At present, I drive my private car to travel.I believe my life will be better and better in the future.ter.(有了许多变化在我的生命中。随着经济的发展,我的生活更好,衣服,我有多余的钱去买各种漂亮的衣服。但在过去,有更少的衣服在我的衣柜。食物,我通常有中国传统食品每顿饭、米饭、面条或流禁令与一个或两个光的菜肴甚至保存泡菜。现在,我可以承受任何美味的食物,包括西方食物。对于住房,我已经从狭窄阴暗的房间搬到大而明亮的公寓。绕过,我骑着一辆旧自行车去上班一年前。目前,我开我的私人车去旅行。我相信我的生活future.ter会越来越好。)


How to Keep Healthy Example

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.Without good health, we can do nothing.For me, there are mainly three ways to keep healthy.First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.we had better have more fruit and vegetables everyday.Secondly, it is important to do regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on.Last but not least, it is essential to keep high mood.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.(如今,越来越多的人知道保持健康的重要性。没有健康,我们什么也做不了。对我来说,主要有三种方法来保持健康。




(三)My TV University LifeOur TV University is mainly engaged in long distance education.The form of study is very convenient for the adult learners like me.I can learn my courses at anywhere in my spare time by computer.There are many web-based courses and sources on line.Moreover, I not only use email to send our homework to our tutors but also join online discussion forums.Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week.The e-learning life is meaningful and demanding.I enjoy my TV university life.(我们的电视大学主要从事长途教育。非常方便的形式研究成人学习者喜欢我。我可以学习我的课程由计算机在我的业余时间。有许多基于web的课程和来源。此外,我不仅使用电子邮件发送我们的家庭作业要我们的导师也加入在线讨论论坛。同时,可以解决困难和谜题的教程一周一次。学习生活是有意义的和要求。我喜欢我的电视大学生活。)



(一)交际用语1—5 CAACB词汇与结构6—15 CCBCABBAAA

完形填空16—25 ACBCBACABC(注:23题其实没有正确答案,但A最接近,应把were改为are)

阅读理解 26—30 CBBCA31—35 FTFFF

书面表达My hobbies

I have some hobbies.For example, I like cycling.Every day, I cycle to work instead of driving to get some exercise.I can benefit a lot from it because it makes me healthy and strong.There is a small garden in front of my house.In my spare time, I like raising different kinds of flowers in it.Some are red, and some are white.They are very beautiful.I have other hobbies, too, such as climbing mountains and swimming.They help me maintain a mental and physical balance.(我有一些爱好。例如,我喜欢骑自行车。每一天,我骑自行车上班而不是开车去得到一些锻炼。我可以从中受益,因为它使我健康和强壮。




(二)交际用语 1—5 CBCAC词汇与结构 6—15 BBAACBCCCA

完形填空 16—25 BCCABABCAC

阅读理解 26—30 CBABC31—35 FFFTT


Living in a Big City

Many people want to live in a big city.City life is attractive with all its advantages.For example, there are many large supermarkets and shopping malls from which you can buy anything you need.And there are many restaurants for you to dine out at any time.So, city life is very convenient.On the other hand, there are some disadvantages about city life.Most important of all, with the rapid expansion of the city, a lot of people flow into the city and this makes the city overcrowded.This will lead to other problems such as pollution and traffic jam.In a word, city life is attractive as well as troublesome.You should think it over before moving to a big city.(许多人想住在一个大城市里。城市生活是有吸引力的,它的优点。例如,有很多大型超市和购物中心,你可以买你需要的任何东西。有许多餐馆在任何时候你出去吃饭。所以,城市生活十分便利。



1、If I with her last summer,I with her now.A、worked…am getting on very well

C、had worked… would have got on ve

ry well B、had worked…would get on very well D、had worked…will get on very well2、I wish I my uncle yesterday.A、met

C、would meet B、have met D、had met

B、you won’t have missed John

D、you would have met John

B、Should I receive

D、Had I received

