





Yrs.of 10 years Experience:

Residency: Shanghai-Pudong Degree: Bachelor

Mobile Phone: ***



Management of Information Systems

Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1978/10/

3Address: ShangHai Pudong YangGao Road 2128 Postal Code: 200135 Current Salary: 150,000RMB Hukou: Sichuan

Career Objective I can start: to be determined Type of Employment: Full-time Desired Location: Shanghai;Shenzhen;Chengdu;Changsha Desired Salary: Negotiable/Month Desired Position: Senior Software Engineer;Database Engineer/Administrator;Consulting Manager;Project Manager;Project Specialist / Coordinator

Work Experience

2005/8--Present:LOTUS SUPERMARKET CHAIN STORE CO.,LTD.(>50000 people)Industry: Wholesale/Retail


IT Manager/Supervisor

To maintain Retalix storeline system,solve kinds of problems, support China hundreds of supermarket in normal operation;

-To solve store daily problem and support stores system operation in normally;

-To organize train for IT technique workers, improve skills in IT team and ability to solve problem effectively;

Coordinate with each soft supplier to solve the conjunction integration problems of software

with POS system base with company operation requirement.2004/5--2005/8:Shanghai Aurora Office Equipments Co., Ltd(>500 people)Industry: Office Supplies & Equipment IT DEPARTMENT

System Integration Engineer

During the period of working in Aurora, as a program designer, system analyst, and responsible for

several project.Joined in the ERP system secondary development for many times, and designed independently and compile mass report program.Organized inner technique for explaining and training class, supported colleague to deal with each system problem happened in daily working process;Participated in the work of constructing and bridging VC, VOIP and VPN between each subsidiary company, long term provided information consultant and technique support for oversea company;According to Aurora’s own business development requirement, have organized and developed Aurora’s own commercial information issue website which made great contribution for company’s information and none-paper building.Appraised as excellence worker for many times and highly be praised by company director and colleague.2002/7--2004/5: Alexandre INTERNATIONAL Co., Ltd(>500 people)

Industry: Office Supplies & Equipment IT DEPARTMENT System Integration Engineer

During the period of working in Alexandre, as a hardware engineer,network engineer and program designer.I joined the Oracle 11i ERP implement work.during this work,I attended the ERP finance module training,D2K training and oracle DBA training.Assisted IBM consultant to implement ERP successfully.Education 1998/9--2002/6 Wuhan University of MIS Bachelor


Main course in the university:C language, data structure、electronic technology、database principle、compter framework and structure、computer hardware and connect port electrocircuit design、assemble language program design, C++ program design、VB program design、Delphi program design、software engineering、computer net principle、net program,net construct、ASP、SQL Server database、college english、altitude matematics.Training

2006/3--2006/5 Speciality instrutor PMP

2004/7--2004/10 2004/5--2004/6 ESG consultant Co.Ltd Aurora consultant

Axapta,X++ Program

ASP.Net develop training

2002/12--2003/2 ORACLE Taiwan subsidiary ORACLE Oracle ERP,Oralce DBA,Oracle Developer 2000,SQL/Plus

Language Skills English(Excellent):

IT Skills Skill Name Skill Level Experience

SQL Server Visual Basic

Expert Expert 10Year 10Year

Windows Server Oracle AIX Unix

Developer/ Designer 2000 Linux

LAN/ WAN C++.Net Java Expert Expert Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced 8Year 8Year 5Year 6Year 5Year 5Year 5Year 5Year 5Year


Name: Jeffrey C. Bratton

Sex : Male

Age: 28 years

Marital Status: Single

Date of Birth: December 7, 1982

Nationality: American

Languages Known: English and Spanish

Hobbies: Programming and Web Designing


Name: Harry Kleten

Designation: Manager

Organization Name: XYZ Inc., New York

Telephone Number: 893-XXX- XXXX

Email Id:/jianli

Career Objective

Seeking a high position in enterprise planning area, which will allow me to utilize my knowledge and skills to prepare efficient and effective budget plans for the company, thereby improving their profitability.

Skills and Proficiencies

Knowledge of Cognos software tools and applications

Proven track record of implementing enterprise planning and business intelligence strategies and solutions successfully

Experience in working with data warehousing tools

Translate business requirements into processes and make effective decisions to achieve business/project objectives

Communicate fluently and effectively with domestic and international clients and associates

Use easy techniques and solutions to solve complex problems without using complicated languages and scripting

Ability to explore information or data from the right source at the right time

Abreast with latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos enterprise planning environment

Technical Skills and Knowledge

Cognos tool - Cognos 8 Planning application, Administrator, Author, Framework Manager, Report Studio, etc.

Business intelligence/OLAP tools, Data stage, Informatica and Abinitio

Software languages including SQL, Java, XML, PL, C, C++, etc.


Operating System and Windows XP, , Unix, MS-DOS

Microsoft suite

TOAD, Enterprise manager, Quality SQA

Educational Qualifications

MBA with specialization in Financial Management (major) and Information Technology (minor) from XYZ University, NY,

Diploma in Computing and Programming from Hightech Institute, NY,

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, NY,

High School Diploma from XYZ High School, OK,

Professional Training

Completed one year technical training program from IBM Software Group Training and Certification with specialization in Cognos suite.

Professional Experience

Company- IT Corporation Ltd., NY

Designation: Sr. Cognos Enterprise Planing Consultant

Duration- May 2003 to June

Job responsibilities:

Provide support to enterprise planning requirements through the use of Cognos Planing software of all versions

Plan, analyze and evaluate solutions for Cognos enterprise planning environment by using the appropriate version of the software

Take quick decisions and prepare financial budget and forecast plans in line with the available resources and company objectives

Ensure optimum utilization of resources and plan the overall design solution for the enterprise

Design and deploy complicated software methodologies

Compare past records and the present performance status to build a framework for the future

Involve in identification of drawbacks in the application process and take effective corrective actions

Maintain, develop and upgrade the ETL and data warehousing tools

Apply knowledge and solutions by using latest and updated technologies

Company- XYZ Inc , NY

Designation: Cognos Enterprise Planning Consultant

Duration- Sept 2000 to May 2003

Job Responsibilities:

Develop enterprise planning applications for the company through the use of Cognos planning software

Build new models by comparing with the present and past models

Apply and use the latest version of Cognos Planning tool to the old models/ applications to increase more efficiency

Apply Cognos TM1 and Enterprise to install, configure and maintain the server

Optimize and improve the solutions and applications according to the best industry practices

Maintain cordial relations with the client, colleagues and stakeholders to ensure continuity of information flow, as and when required

Maintain reports and documentation related to Cognos enterprise planning

Make necessary changes to the report, as and when required

Ensure delivery of project within the deadline

Evaluated the performance of the project and analyze the effect of Cognos enterprise planning application

Improve the financial performance of the company and clients


诚然, 去年的求职旅程并不平坦。正因如此, 我似乎更应该写些文章来纪念一下, 重温一下那段艰辛而苦涩的求职旅程。

我毕业于电子科技大学, 专业是计算机科学与技术, 这个专业主要培养的是软件设计方面的人才, 说白了, 就是程序员。程序员是最紧缺的人才, 十有八九的IT公司都会招聘程序员, 所以, 计算机专业也被称为求职招聘的“香饽饽”, 很多其他专业的学生也来“抢我们的饭碗”。

9月刚开学时, 前来招聘的公司并不多, 学院抓住这个机会给大家做了一次很好的求职培训, 包括如何制定职业规划, 如何应付招聘中出现的问题等。而我也抓住这个机会, 对招聘笔试中可能涉及的基础知识大大弥补了一番, 包括C语言基础、数据结构、网络应用基础等。后来, 就开始写简历, 经过一周的修改和加工, 才出了个相对完美的版本, 似乎是万事俱备, 只欠东风了。


我的志向是去深圳, 因为我叔叔在那里。所以, 对成都和其他地方的一些公司并不太重视, 投简历也只是为了谋求一些笔试和面试的机会, 为后面打基础, 当然, 如果待遇方面很好, 也可以考虑。我相信, 有英语六级和参加过工作室的资本, 完全可以谋个很理想的工作, 去深圳几乎是十拿九稳、手到擒来的。

我第一次完整应聘的公司是苏州中磊, 那是在国庆节后的第一个周末, 中磊并未在全校范围内大张旗鼓地搞宣讲会, 只是在计算机学院一间并不太大的会议室开了个很小的讲座, 然后立刻笔试, 很显然, 中磊是冲着计算机方面的人才来的。然而, 一个只针对计算机专业招人的公司居然吸引了通信、微电子学等其他专业的牛人, 对我们不能不说是一大挑战。

初次笔试, 我很不适应, 但好友阿明就坐在我旁边, 这让我捡了个大便宜, 不懂的问题我都参照阿明的。可惜阿明没能过笔试, 我反而通过了。

苏州这个城市我并不感兴趣。后来, 硬着头皮去面试。面试是在一家宾馆进行的, 前去面试的有十几个人, 但负责招聘的那位小姐对我印象很好, 还直截了当地说他们的技术人员很看好我。

但Offer并没发到我手上。反正我对苏州也不感兴趣, 这样反而节约了一个Offer。


第二家完整应聘的公司是平安保险。平安保险在深圳, 而且待遇相当不错, 于是应聘者无数, 单是招聘现场收到的简历就有三百份之多, 而此次平安保险投在电子科大的名额也就三十来个, 竞争之激烈, 可想而知。

笔试进行得很顺利, 第三天, 就业网上就贴出了面试名单, 我“金榜题名”, 于是着手准备面试。

平安的面试分两轮, 两轮完了之后即发放Offer。

第一场面试是技术面试, 由两位技术人员负责考核, 以前的师兄告诉我们, 遇到技术官, 你必须和他就技术问题高谈阔论, 发挥你所有的才智。到那个时候, 面试已经不再是面试了, 而是技术问题的探讨, 能和牛人一起探讨, 这对技术员来说是最刺激的事情, 所以成功率也倍增。

进行一番简短的自我介绍之后, 两位技术员开始对我进行轮番的技术考核。很幸运, 对所有的问题我都对答如流, 工作室的项目经历在这个时候发挥了巨大的作用。不多久, 一位技术员干脆对我说, “我知道技术考不了你, 你谈谈你的其他方面吧”。

我详细谈了我的英语能力和写作能力, 包括一次性过六级, N多文章被新浪、搜狐推荐等等。最喜剧的是, 后来那位技术人员居然说, “我们谈了差不多半个小时了, 我现在觉得你很牛, 你怎么解释这种现象?”我笑了, 他也笑了。

我如愿进入了第二轮笔试, 第二轮由平安保险成都分公司的Boss来担任面试官。据在我前面参加面试的同学回来说, 包括Boss在内总共有三个人, 均难以对付, 叫我说话时要特别小心。

百闻不如一见, 三个人的问题果然刁钻, 让我焦头烂额。其中一个这样问我, “你参加我们的宣讲会没有?”我如实做了肯定的回答。他又问我:“那我们三人中, 谁当时在现场?”这个问题实在是不好回答。如果我凭印象说出某个当时在现场, 又害怕答错。因为事隔好几天, 的确记不清了。如果我说不记得了, 他又会觉得我并没去参加宣讲。

这还只是开始, 后来的面试中屡屡出现不好对付的话题, 我知道这次可能是凶多吉少了。

果不其然, 我不幸被淘汰掉了。这对我的打击并不大, 反正自己尽了力就没什么遗憾了。


平安之后又来了两个大公司, 一是百度, 一是腾讯。这两家公司的实力和待遇自不用说, 应聘者自然也是“趋之若鹜”。很可惜, 两家公司都没给我笔试的机会, 大概投的人实在太多, 我在第一关简历筛选中就被淘汰了。

这个时候, 招聘单位几乎已经过了一大半了, 我虽然急, 但也无可奈何, 只能静静等待新机会的出现。而这个时候, 班级里签下工作的还不到五个人, 和我一样郁闷的不在少数, 可见就业形势的严峻。

后来, 被誉为“救星”的华为来了, 华为是个招人大户, 据说要来电子科大招500多人, 虽然进华为很累, 但这对很多人来说几乎成了“救命稻草”, 因为像华为这样“大面积”招人的公司太少了, 而且华为的薪水也不错。

我投了华为的研发部, 因为觉得到这个部门能真正学到东西, 后来, 我顺利通过笔试, 进入面试阶段。

当我知道华为总共有“五面”的时候, 我感觉这次华为也多半是悬了。果不其然, 研发部主要是针对研究生的部门, 第一关面试我就没能过。当时, 面试官出了个很难的C语言的题目, 我半个小时都没能做出来。面试官看我英语能力还行, 说我不适合做技术, 要把我调到海外市场部去, 不过后来也没有音讯了。

华为面试之后, 我已经感到很疲惫了, 求职碰了这么多壁, 的确让我有些失望。我甚至跟家里面说, 如果实在找不到, 我就回家。最极端的情况我都想好了, 底线也设定好了, 反而感到轻松下来。

双选会的前一天, 我签了一家广州的公司, 这是一家给移动运营商做系统的公司, 发展前景和福利待遇都很不错, 总算是给大学生活画上了一个圆满句号, 这是我大学四年努力的美好结果。












投其所需用BaIance Sheet展示自我


good morning,madam and sir!it’s a great honor for me to meet you here today. i would like to introduce myself for you. my name is and my admission number is . i come from county, province. county is also called general county, for it has ever made 54 generals in history. every year thousands of people get patriotic education there.

in 20xx, i was admitted to school of college of mathematics and computer science,guangxi normal university in guilin. i majored in computer science. i have been interested in my major since i was in middle school, because computer can make our life easy. my college teachers were very patient, friendly and knowledgeable. i learned a lot in college, such as how to study, how to get along with others and so on. i also learned independence and the importance of working hard. in 20xx, i graduated from college with honor. college life was wonderful and unforgettable. it’s one of the most important parts in my life.

now i work as a teacher in a middle school in . i teach computer science there. i try my best to be a good teacher. i’m responsible and work very hard. i love my students. they are very young, happy and clever. in order to take entrance exam for graduate, i spend most of spare time on studying. of course i often play badmintonwith my colleagues or with my students. my favorite is studying, especially, discussing and solving the problem with others, because i can learn much from my partners, and i can express my own opinion. i like computer science, especially, computer architecture. i want to have different challenges in my life.that’s all, thank you.


男 21岁

学历: 本科

工作年限: 1-2年

期望薪资: 8000-1元

工作地点: 北京 - 不限


沟通能力强 执行能力强 学习能力强 诚信正直 责任心强




工作时间:3月 至 12月[2年9个月]



6月毕业 北京企业管理研修学院 计算机



Name: *** gender : male

Birth : *** telephone : 150***

Degree : Bachelor Professional: Information Technology and Business ManagementExperience : 10years national : Han

School: ***

address : ***

E-mail :

Self Assessment:

Well independent thinking and problem-solving ability, good communication skill, well known about teamwork, well motivation ability, mature, responsible, optimistic and modest, strong ambition to succeed.Target Job :

Desired Job Category: Computer/Network/Technology | Customer Service

Desired Job Industry: IT Service/System Integration | Hardware/Network Equipment | Internet/e-Commerce | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering |

Telecommunications(Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service)

Desired Salary: Negotiable

Desired City: ***

I can start from: within 1 month

Work Experience:

2010.2-2012.2 *** Construction Group IT Manager Responsibilities and Achievements: IT department daily management.Scheduling department works, appraise the members performance, the training plan for all the internal users

Planning and development of IT solutions for company.Regulate the use of IT assets.Manage and work with members, and ability to communicate effectively with other department.Education:
