




good morning everyone ,today, the topic of my lecture(演讲) is “do you love automobiles(??t?m?bi?lz)”. before i start my speech ,i want to ask a question,did there anybody present had seen the movie”the fast and the furious[fj??r??s]”.there are many cars of different styles in the movie,for example ,when you see the movie,you can find roadsters(跑车)



设计师的设计作品能为我们的生活增添色彩,为我们生活带来方便.我要设计的作品会朴素而不失美感,华丽而不失庄重.总而言之,我要设计出符合全人类眼光的作品. 这里我还要说,我们不是以自身的审美观而定格的,而是以大众的审美观而定格的.因为自身的眼光不代表大众的眼光,只有大家看了喜欢的作品,才称的上是好作品.再一个,我要设计的作品还要是独一无二的.是大家想不到的,能带给大家惊喜的.但是不管我要怎么设计,都要求是美的. 在未实现理想之前,我要做好充足的准备,为我的人生进行设计,为我的理想奋发图强,争取做一名出色的设计师,为世界增添色彩,受到大众的青睐. 我认为一个合格的设计师应该具备以下几方面的能力:



些姊妹艺术的知识,装修设计是一门综合的设计学问,它是多方面艺术的综合,所以对其他姊妹艺术的知识了解的越多,越有助于启发你的灵感,才有更多的创作激情。 2设计的最终目的是让别人(客户或甲方)了解并同意你的设计,表达设计的方法一方面是各类的效果图(草图、手绘图以及电脑效果图等)和你的口述表达。前者需要你掌握各种表现技法,而后者则需要你具有良好的沟通和说服能力,这种能力除了天生的个人性格决定外,还需要你了解一些客户心理学方面的知识,比如说你不能跟一个农民去讲意大利文艺复兴的艺术。


(1)扎实的美术基础知识 (2)对理论知识的良好把握

(3)合理的工作流程和工作习惯 (4)经典设计合理的借鉴



成功的设计师应具备以下几点: a、强烈敏锐的感受能力 b、发明创造的能力 c、对作品的美学鉴定能力 d、对设计构想的表达能力 e、具备全面的专业智能


设计师一定要自信,坚信自己的个人信仰、经验、眼光、品味。不盲从、不孤芳自赏、不骄、不浮。以严谨的治学态度面对,不为个性而个性,不为设计而设计。作为一名设计师,必须有独特的素质和高超的设计技能,即无论多么复杂的设计课题,都能通过认真总结经验,用心思考,反复推敲,汲取消化同类型的优秀设计精华,实现新的创造。 设计的提高必修在不断的学习和实践中进行,设计师的广泛涉猎和专注是相互矛盾又统一的,前者是灵感和表现方式的源泉,后者是工作的态度。好的设计并不只是图形的创作,他是中和了许多智力劳动的结果,涉猎不同的领域,担当不同的角色,可以让我们保持开阔的视野,可以让我们的设计带有更多的信息。在设计中最关键的是意念,好的意念需要学养和时间去孵化。设计还需要开阔的视野,使信息有广阔的来源,触类旁通是学习平面设计的重要特点之一,艺术之间本质上是共通的,文化与智慧的不断补给是成为设计界长青树的法宝。







家装设计:第一步,你要学会看cad图纸,绘制cad图纸 第二步,你要懂家装材料,工艺,量房,预算,






第三就是要提高审美,多看看权威的书刊,看看别人都在怎么做, 作为一名成功的设计师,如果没有坚毅的性格,勇于创新的思路。不断上进的进取。那也只能是半途而废。无论是正在为成为合格设计师的人还是已经成为设计师的人都是如此。已经上班的设计师半路转行很多,归其原因还是缺乏进取的精神,随波逐流固守止步,最终在职场竞争中被淘汰。而那些一直不断学习不断进步的人才能走到最后。也希望选择学习设计想成为设计师的人能谨记,转变、理性思考、与众不同、持之以恒,方能脱颖而出。篇三:汽车演讲稿 f1引擎 v10发动机采用了v型90度夹角的设计,这对抑制发动机的振动以及在发动机运转的平顺性上都能取得很好的效果。在如何提高发动机的动力性上,bmw的工程师选择了提高发动机转速的解决方案,因此这款发动机的最高转速达到了令人痴狂的8250rpm虽然相比普通发动机只多出了2000转左右的最高转速,但就是增加的这2000转转速会对发动机的正常运转产生一系列不良的影响。这种提高发动机动力性的方法对技术有着极高的要求,因此bmw的工程师需要付出更多的努力来保证其正常的运转以及达到与车辆本身一样长的使用寿命 2006年的f1世锦赛拉开战幕。众所周知,新赛季的f1在技术上的最大变革无疑是采用全新的2.4升v8引擎,但是直到现在,大多数车迷对v8的了解仍只停留在字眼上而已。v8引擎和v10有何不同?


从3.0升v10到2.4升v8,从字面上看只是减少了0.6升的排量和砍掉了两个气缸而已。但事实上,这是两个完全不同的概念。 1,曲柄夹角不同






需要特别提醒的是,点火顺序的不同,将直接决定引擎的振动临界转速区域的不一样。这不仅意味着v8和v10的振动临界转速区域不同,而且即便同样是v8引擎,当选择不同的等间隔燃烧角时,引擎也将面临不同的振动特性(请看下文)。 3,振动临界转速区域不


但是v8引擎则完全不同,它进入振动的关键区域比v10要晚,大约从16000转/分开始,而且随着转速的上升会继续加剧,如果不采取措施,这将威胁到引擎的寿命,而且会增加底盘上其他部件承受的负荷,特别是与引擎相连的部件。 为了解决这个问题,必须精确计算和分析引擎的每一个部件在工作中承受的负荷,确保完全可靠。然而分析个体部件仅仅是整个工作的一部分。了解在整个系统中,它们之间 是怎样协同工作,同时又相互影响相互制约的才是最主要的作,马里奥-泰森如是说。

二,v8引擎到底会带来怎样的变化 1,机体长度减少10厘米,车身布局发生微调

砍掉两个气缸后,v8引擎的机体长度将减少大约10厘米。此时工程师必须设法合理的利用腾出的这段空间。但不论是增加前部的长度还是后部的长度,都将影响到车身的重量分配,如果使用更长的变速箱,重量分配将向前移,反之如果加长单体壳,将得到相反的结果。在这点上,普里司通和米其林用户采用了截然不同的方案。 由于普利司通的前胎胎面宽度比米其林窄,因此他们的用户大多数将单体壳加长,以实现重量分配靠后。而米其林用户则反其道而行之,普遍使用加长的变速箱。如果单纯考虑v8引擎振动更大这一因素,米其林用户的选择似乎更合理,因为加强的变速箱有利于提高强度,而且可以让后悬挂远离振动源。【注:在这里我们只提到引擎的尺寸而没有谈引擎的重量,是因为在后面将对重量做专门的分析】 2,动力输出降低20%,散热要求降低


随着排量降低后,引擎的散热要求也将降低大约20%,这意味着v8引擎节约的空间不只是纵向的10厘米。现在大家可以把散热器的尺寸减小20%,这反映在外观上,则是所有赛车的测箱都压缩了(str01除外)。 3,扭矩输出降低


关于影响v8扭矩输出的另外一个极为重要的因素——禁止使用可变进气歧管,我们也将放在后面的新规则分析中做详细的阐述。 4,全油门时间加长,油耗大约降低15% 由于v8引擎的动力和扭矩输出都降低了,因此车手在同一条赛道与使用老v10相比,全油门的时间将延长。据雷诺估算,现在引擎在一条赛道的平均转速,将比过去提高300到400转。


5,允许车手犯错的空间减小,驾驶风格顺滑的车手将从中受益 车手犯错的空间减小了,同样是因为v8引擎的动力和扭矩输出都降低了。在过去,车手在弯道上的小失误,可以通过引擎强大的功率和扭矩迅速摆脱困境,但是现在驾驶的是动力输出降低了200马力的赛车,车手细微的失误都可能带来巨大时间损失,也就是说新引擎将把车手的失误“放大”。 在功率和扭矩两个指标都降低的情况下,将对那些驾驶风格流畅顺滑,能够在同一时间完成减速和转向的车手有利,因为只有这样才能保证最高的出弯速度,这在中高速弯道表现的尤为明显。相信这点玩过赛车游戏的车迷都很清楚,而这也正是巴顿自诩他的驾驶风格将在新引擎规则下受益的理论依据。 f1轮胎

f1轮胎最神秘的就是它的轮胎配方,据说每一场比赛都是单独的配方,原料除了基本的橡胶、碳黑、硫磺、石油外,还有超过200种其它的添加剂,由此调配出适合不同的赛道的硬胎、软胎和超软胎。一般来说橡胶里的石油越多,轮胎会越软。雨胎上的花纹是用来排水的,因为轮胎在轧过积水路面时路面和胎面之间会有一层水膜,如果不把这些水排干,赛车就等于在水面上滑行,是十分危险的。而雨胎的排水能力也是非常惊人的,达到每秒26l(车速300公里时)这就是为什么雨战时在赛车驶过的路面我们会看到两条干燥的轮胎印记。另外,值得关注的是,f1轮胎充的都是氮气,利用氮气的高稳定性获得更好的驾驶性能最神秘的就是它的轮胎配方,据说每一场比赛都是单独的配方,原料除了基本的橡胶、碳黑、硫磺、石油外,还有超过200种其它的添加剂,由此调配出适合不同的赛道的硬胎、软胎和超软胎。一般来说橡胶里的石油越多,轮胎会越软。雨胎上的花纹是用来排水的,因为轮胎在轧过积水路面时路面和胎面之间会有一层水膜,如果不把这些水排干,赛车就等于在水面上滑行,是十分危险的。而雨胎的排水能力也是非常惊人的,达到每秒26l(车速300公里时)这就是为什么雨战时在赛车驶过的路面我们会看到两条干燥的轮胎印记。另外,值得关注的是,f1轮胎充的都是氮气,利用氮气的高稳定性获得更好的驾驶性能. f1方向盘







一、 说教材



知识与技能:1.了解汽车发展历史与未来发展趋势以及汽车的组成部分和结构。 2.设计出造型和功能独特的汽车并用绘画表现出来。




3、教学重点、难点 重点:了解汽车的基本结构和发展趋势后设计出有新意的汽车。 难点:通过想像设计出功能和造型独特的汽车并用绘画表现出来。












学生通过观看图片、思考分析、合作交流,再进行构思设计,主要用了“直观感受法”、 “模仿迁移法” “小组讨论法”。















(五)、展示品评,借鉴提高。 把完成的作品贴在黑板上。

















spring festival(春节英语)(转摘) transportation systems of about half a month from the spring festival. airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees. the spring festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the gregorian calendar. it originated in the shang dynasty (c. 1600

everybody can help the environment we should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect. finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river. be good to the trees. smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze. be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”






我们应该永远记住,在我们的脑海,保护环境是我们的责任,我们不能忽视。最后,请你让我结束这是一个小诗讲话“,善待河流。是好树木。在阳光的笑容,并鞠躬风。是友好与自然,与自然友好的将你!“ looking at this , i remembered another act : there is a stream through our village. over it there are two bridges .at the age of seven years old , i enjoyed the beautiful scenery under the bridge very much. it was the best place to swim in summer. but now the rubbish was getting more and more .dish leaves,fruit skins,dead ducks and chickens„.after rotting ,not only the mosquitos flew around but also the bad smell made everyone feel quite terrible.though the stream was cleaned up several times, it’s still happening now. a lot of plastic bags always float on it .in summmer we have to go far away from the village to swim. what causes this? who is the devil?it’s the human ourselves. i have got to known from a book .the rubbish in the countryside mostly occupies the fields and damages the earth’s surface .it pollutes soil,wave ,atmosphere and damages our health. the adults often say “the body is capital.” but why are they able to make woollen cloth like this ? does it affect everybody’s safe and sound life ? schoolmates, we are the host of society tomorrow . it’s our duty to improve and build the safe invironment. safety is in our hands .we must take park in more environmental protection activities, plant more trees and flowers to make us live in a beautiful home with the blue sky ,blue water and green land forever. safety is in our hands . please try your best to tell people around you to deal with the rubbish , and to make a contribution to building our safe hometome . my dear teachers,fellow students and friends: good afternoon. as we all know, the earth is a planet almost covered by water,and it is water made every thing on the earth lively.water is also one of the important part of our environment.though,is there really so much water for us to clean,to produce many things,to play with? how much water are there on the earth then? most of the water is in the oceans or locked away as ice.the largest volumes of fresh water are stored underground as groundwater,imagine there is only one barrel of water in the world,then there is only a spoon of it on the land,and the water we can use is only a drop of it.now i have to remind all of you here that the single drop of water is never as clean as before,it has been polluted severely by our human beings.

there is a very beautiful river in paris.it is the seine,it runs across the city,people drink coffee, chat on the bank in the day,at night,they enjoy the beautiful scenery in the boat,songs from the river fly into the sky made the river more attractive, the seine is a famous symbol of france;on the west coast of pacific ocean there lies the modern city shanghai,another river which used to be a very important transportation route runs through the center of the city,people respected and regard it asmother.it is thesuzhou river,but l believe that few of you would sit beside it,people will be scattered by the terrible smell of water when walk by.i have to say it is extremely dirty! and we all know that a lot of beautiful rivers in the world also are sharing the same fate with suzhou river. who is the devil? i cant help asking. the unique earth is the only planet full of lives, the water is just like the blood in the active body, protecting water is saving ourselves. not to waste a single drop of water, otherwise, the only drop of water we could keep in the future would be our tear! my dear friends, mankind still faces a great difficulty in solving the problems of the environment and development, and there is a grand task to perform and along way to go. the middle school students in china will always cooperate with the young people of the wor ld to protect the environment. the future is ours to build! thanks for listening. 《love and take car of nature》 in spite of this, humans cannot live without earth. they live on the earth, drink the sweet water, and enjoy the sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grains utilize the energy and so on. in a word, the human being cannot live without nature, and mother nature makes us grow stronger. up to now, relying on their scientific power, the human have opened up too much and over developed nature, in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth. they destroy the balance of nature, however, they dont realize, their own development and existence will be threatened. therefore, our sights should be focused on nature and we should try to develop the concept of keeping human and nature in unity. we should lay emphasis on our education with consider cultural and natural emotion. to use the vivid example to wake up the conscience in peoples hearts. to love nature is to love our mankind. as the new generation who enter the new century, we should make efforts to love and respect nature, to treat it well and protect it. at last, we have the night to enjoy it. 你好!

good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.today i would like to begin with a story. there was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a census about mountain gorillas.these gorillas are main attraction to tourists from all over the world;this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the zoo.she went there out of curiosity,but what she saw strengthed her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures.she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we’ve ever been,where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their babies.yes, that’s a memotable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian fossey,who spent most of her lifetime in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-environment.today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems.on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great occur-natural scenes aren’t natural anymore.defirestation to heat lidges is devastating nepal.oil spills from tourist boats are polluting antarctica.tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to u2 on walkman and weat nike and reeboks.all these appalling facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding our resources.encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which os why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism,for the first time to bring to the world’s attention the benefits of tourism, but also it’s capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations are receiving donations—big notrs,small notes or even coins—from housewives, plumbers, ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids.some of them can not afford to send the money but they do.these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological danage in their neighborhoood.why?because they care,because they still want their mother nature back, because they know it still belongs to them.this kind of feeling that i have, ladies and gentlemen, is篇三:关于朋友的英语演讲稿 关于朋友的英语演讲稿

hello,everyone. good afternoon. thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my top concern. im no.26, ill talk about friend. everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends. my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life. when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school. i had to left my friends i had ever known. as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known. nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely. the time when i couldnt sleep, ill always miss them, then the tears filled my eyes. later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some friends ,which became my best friends then. they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick. even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other. they work hard in order to gain a higher position in the society and to earn more money for their work. they have few time to share with their friends. with the time goes by, they will be far away from each other. friend is kind of treasure in our lives. its actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts. friends,especially best friends. it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination. thanks for your listening. this is what i concerned. 大家好。下午好。谢谢你给了我这个机会来谈论我的最关心的问题。我先到,我将会谈论的朋友。 我们每个人,无论贫富,都应该至少试一两个好朋友。我的朋友会听我,当我想说,帮助我,当我需要,会照顾我在我生病时,我的朋友和我一起肩并肩在这的人生旅程。



在我们的整个生命中,我们将会见太多的人,但只有少数人才能成为我们的朋友。待在一起的时候,我们可以放松自己完全。我们可以做任何想要的,我们能一起大声笑,谈论,甚至是哭泣篇四:关于成功的英语演讲稿 1. success, as is known, is the pursuit of many ambitious people. it requires much of a person. in my above all, one should be a person of strong perseverance. rome was not built in a day. on our long way to success, there are undoubtedly many difficulties standing in the way. if we lose heart and give up halfway, nothing can be achieved. throughout history, we havehad many famous successful people in the world, of whom no one is weak-minded. take the great american scientist edison as an example, he tried experiment after experiment and had one failure after another before he finally invented the bulb, which lighted up the whole world. so we can conclude perseverance can surely be one of the secrets of success. furthermore, one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “hard work leads to success”. look at these around us and we’ll find diligent people are always the favor of our society. they usually achieve more than expected. why do so many of our classmates of average intelligence go far ahead of others? hard work is definitely supposed to be the answer. and still, i hold that one must keep in pace with the informative world. there’s no denying that our world is changing every day. so one can never be locked alone inside his own room, doing his research work and dedicated to book knowledge how can an isolated person be well-informed enough to go ahead of others? if so, that could be ridiculous. success is what one desires. so long as one is perseverant, hard working and up-to-date, i am sure success is near at hand. 2.. .success is what?what is success? this is an old topic. however,however, everyone’s understanding of success is quite different. some people think that having money, house, car, a woman is successful. some people think that success is doing something that you want to do. some even deny the existence of success, he thinks this world is not successful, only the endless pursuit.so i want to make a new definition of success: success is something that people are very eager to do good things gained a sense of satisfaction and excitement. therefore, we do things, no matter big and small, as long as you want to do, and through your efforts made, and you happy, then you succeeded. do not look too far successful, they should not be too easy to see success, success requires your effort. those who believe that successful people do not exist, in fact, continue to define new goals, they will from what they have done to get happy, they succeeded.( each other. if you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in thefuture. in my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in ones work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. so my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, i don’t think there’s any reasons for him tobeconceited. 3.uccess 大学英语作文


首先,毅力让人离成功越来越近。大多数人都想用不同的方式证明自己的价值。设定自己的目标,向着目标走,就可以使梦想成真了。然而,有些人设立了目标,却在困难面前妥协了将以失败告终。我认为成功与失败之间的差别是毅力。如果我们有毅力,即使我们不聪明,我们也会有很大的不同,但是如果我们没有毅力,我们注定是要失败的。我们都知道,爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家。但是,在他发明电灯泡前,他试了为数千次去找一个合适的线。让我们想象一下,如果他在第九百九十九次放弃了,那么他就不可能变得如此成功。因此,我强烈认为,坚持就会成功。 其次,还有一种人是天生聪明的,他们是幸运的。然而,如果他们没有在实现目标之前努力工作,他们当然也会成为失败者。无论我们是否有天资,我们都应该努力工作以获得成功。我认为勤奋是成功的一个有效的方法,因为我相信的“付出和收获”。对于那些不努力工作的人最后是失败的了。在古代,有一个聪明的男孩,在他能说话的时候就可以作优秀的诗歌。当他的父亲发现他孩子的聪明时,他只是让孩子到处作诗歌来炫耀,却从不让他儿子学习别的知识。孩子长大后,人们把他遗忘了,因为他失去了创作能力,成为了普通人。从这件事中,我们可以看到,只有通过努力工作才能获得知识,拥有一个好的 anyway, i think perseverance and hard-working are both important in our way to success for they enhance us and produce success 不管怎么样,我觉得毅力和勤奋在成功路上都是很重要的,因为他们提升我们并获得成功。

4.、cease to struggle and you cease to live. —— thomas carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。——卡莱尔 you have to believe in yourself. that’s the secret of success. —— charles chaplin 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。——卓别林

33、man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。 、the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. —— bernara shaw 在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。


travel is a very good means of broadening a persons perspective. travel may relieve a person of boredom and gloom. travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. 范文

travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. it gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. later,you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences,

thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. 整理

关于旅游的英语作文 tourism has enjoyed sex. tourism in order to escape from real life stress, relax, feel differently through the journey, different experiences, the pursuit of joy to experience. tourist enjoying enjoyment of the physiology of the body, or it can be free of emotion and imagination. tourism is enjoying nature and allows people to really integrate into the grounds, enjoy a very enjoyable trip. 旅游具有享受性。旅游是人们为了逃离现实生活工作的压力、自我放松,通过旅途中不同的感受,不同的经历,追求愉悦身心的体验。旅游的享受性既可是身体的生理的享受,也可以是情感的无拘无束,充满想象。因此旅游是具有享受性的,让人们真正融入到旅途中,享受旅途快乐。

旅游的意义在于有所发现,然后提升自我。 travel is all about discovery and self. yudan, famous scholars, professor of beijing normal university the teachers words made me realize that tourism is not the meaning of travel thousands of miles, but from thousands of miles were found journey. road, we encountered a situation is uncertain, constantly changing environment can sometimes give us surprises, and more is let us start thinking experiences that are already starting to rediscover yourself. when we swim in tourist destinations, as well as the native way of life when it is hard to fit into their lives, then let us have more opportunity to quietly reflect on our old life, or even think about life. 于老师的这段话让我认识到,旅游的意义不是踏遍千山万水,而是从千山万水的旅途中有所发现。旅途中我们所遇到的情况都是不确定的,在不断变化的环境中有时会给我们惊喜,而更多的则是让我们从已有的经历中开始重新认识思考自己。当我们穿梭在旅游地以及当地人的生活方式中时,我们很难融入进他们的生活,则让我们有更多机会去静静思考我们原有的生活,甚至思考生命。

旅游者游走在不同的景观,不同的生活方式,不同的文化背景之间,总会让人的情感心灵发生碰撞,让人的心倾刻宁静、胸怀广阔、思绪明朗,发现平时所发现不了的东西。旅游中得来的这些感悟是难能可贵的,它常常是我们对自己、对生命更深层次的理解与感悟,这也正是旅游的意义所在 everyone has a different definition of travel, some people only think of travel as a way of relaxing, while others travel as a learning, they need to be alone on the roads, one free lessons of travel are nutrients for their growth helped. 每个人对旅行的定义都不同,有些人仅仅把旅行当作放松的一种方式, 而有些人把旅行当作一种学习,他们需要孤身上路,一个人随心所欲的汲取旅行中得到的养分,为自己成长助益。

someone said, life is just a journey, traveling is the taste of a different life. travel, is to leave the familiar place, then dont return. travel, is to return to the starting place and know it again. travel is a point on the map, leaving their footprints, then slowly and taste memories. travel is to experience a variety of geography and culture, there has a different way of life, has a different kind of life posed by the varied cultural polymorphism. 有人说“人生其实就是一场旅行,旅行就是体味不同的人生”。



方式,有着别样的人生所构成的多姿多态的文化。 travels on holiday china nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. the other day i read a report about the ways people spend their holidays. it is reported that in recent years several new holiday habits have been developed. among them, the most interesting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps. why did those changes appear? i think there are several reasons. first, it s because people can afford traveling. second, people prefer to pursue a high-quality and colorful life. third, their attitudes to relaxation have changed. less people want to save much money by leading a simple life. in short, peoples living standard today has been rising greatly. the best way of traveling 最好的旅游方式 people travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. for me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot. 人们去旅游有的乘飞机、有的坐火车、坐船、乘公共汽车。对我来说在暑假,最好的方式是徒步旅行。 my preference depends on the purpose of the travel. on a summer vacation i travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. when i use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills i feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. and when i travel on foot i get more freedom. i can plan my own schedule. i can choose my own route. i can stop where i like. and i can see things and people that i might miss if i travel on a train or on a bus. 我的偏好取决于旅行的目的。在暑假我旅游是为了消除疲劳并欣赏乡村美景。当我沿着河流或在群山之间走在一条青草覆盖的路上时,我觉得我远离了城市的喧嚣、亲近了自然。徒步旅行,使我很自由。我可以自己安排行程。可以选择我自己的路线。我可以把车子停在我喜欢的地方。而且我可以遇到那些坐火车或公共汽车会错过的人和事。


旅游有的乘飞机、有的坐火车、坐船、乘公共汽车。对我来说在暑假,最好的方式是徒步旅行。 tour is not only a personal interest but also a kind of knowledge. a merry journey will be the memory that you can’t forget through your lifetime. it’s really at ease if you wander with two or three china pates who have a little exploratory energy to stay in the interesting places as long as you want but just ignore the unsightly places. 旅游不单是一种兴趣,还是一门学问,快乐的旅途是你终生难忘的回忆。要是有点探险精神的,三两同游,好玩的多逗留,游个饱,不好的不看也罢,自由自在; it’s not good to join the travel agency otherwise we should call it gaining a superficial understanding through cursory observation but not traveling. of course, we should study to choose a most toward occasion for the most famous and beautiful scene in the places before we are going to. 不参加旅游团为好,那叫走马观花,不叫旅游。当然,出去之前应该研究一下,要知道你想前往的地方最出名最美丽的风光何时才有 and we need enough money, enough time, special channel and also an economical plane, it’s convenient for us. and we can save more time to view the blue sky generally and look out upon the cloud dancing freely outside the plane. 要是有足够的钱,宽容的时间,路线也应讲究,经济许可的可坐飞机,便捷省时,一览碧空,看云儿在脚下自由自在的飘舞; it’s also not bad to travel by train. enjoy the scenery out of the train on the way, just look around here and there , maybe you can get some new friends in this narrow but long carriage. certainly you’d better choose the different path when you return back from the place of interest so that you can make your eyes full of the landscape of interest on the way and never need to revisit the once familiar place. how far-flung and galland the rivers and mountains in our homeland are! there are still too many places we can go. 坐火车呢,那也不俗,沿途景致,这边看看那边望望,说不定在车上还能交上朋友呢!当然来回路线最好不要一样,这样可把沿途的山水名胜游个饱,将来也不用再到这一片热土作重游之想了。我们的祖国啊河山辽阔壮丽,要去的地方多着呢。 time is limited but the interest of traveling is limitless. we travel just because of our love knot to the natural mountains and rivers! 旅游之趣,不是一时能谈完的,不过,旅游,皆自对山水之钟情呵! 作文

there is a saying that “you can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way.” with the improvement of living standards, more and more people have time and money to travel. during traveling, one can meet various people, make new friends and experience various lifestyles of different places. 有句俗话说:“你可以去旅行或者阅读,但是你的身体和灵魂必须在路上。”随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人们时间和金钱去旅游。在旅游期间,可以见到形形色色的人,交新朋友,在不同地方体验不同的生活方式。


现代都市,生活的高节奏,生存空间的喧嚣和拥挤,使越来越来的人背起行囊轻装走向自然,记得有一首歌《我想去桂林》,正很好地唱出了人们想去远游的愿望。 traveling, of course, it’s to get into the physical landscape which can help to give you a good temper, wash away the dust from your soul and make you cheer the nice life. 旅游,当然是到真正的山水中去,可以陶冶你的情操,荡涤心灵的尘埃,令你欢呼生命的美好。 advantages of travel by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. we will see with our own eyes many places read of in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots. we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. we can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and special local flavour if we like. in this way, we can understand how differently other people live. first of all, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. secondly, we can make friends and practice a foreign language through travelling. finally, travel is the best way of pastime. we can enjoy eating various foods and seeing beautiful sceneries.篇二:英语旅游演讲稿 good morning everyone, my name is zhouchangsong and my partner yangweijin and qiushurong. today, we will introduce the topic of travelling. ok, now my lecture has three parts. the first one is the history of traveling. the second is the ways of traveling and the last one is the impact of traveling. ok, it seems that traveling is a recent invention, but as a matter of fact, traveling exists since ancient times. and traveling activities rise in china as early as 22 century b.c. in the late ming dynasty, a famous geographer and traveler—xuxiake.when he was 22, he began traveling through all over the country. after 30 years, he traveled most cities and sight spots of china. the next one, marco polo, a famous traveler from italian, his famous book ”the travels of marco polo” contains a large amount of information about an unknown world and its nations, have been described the flourish of yuan dynasty. well, this is the picture of xuxiake, this is the picture of marco polo and his book. ok, next, let me introduce the ways of traveling. as we all know, before we go travel, we should make a careful plan. first, we should choose the place we travel. there are four choices, the natural spot, the historic site, the countryside and big cities. then we should plan how many days we travel, only several days or more than a week. after we choose a place, we should choose the traffic to go travel. if the way is not very long, we can travel on foot, it is safe and easiness, but you should take enough food and water. if you have a car, you can drive it of course, it will be very exciting and you can enjoy the roadside scenery. if you travel abroad or a long distance you can travel by ship or by plane. well, in the near future, people can travel to other stars. a survey show that 11% people believe that it will possible to travel to the moon in 2020. at last, you should choose the people you travel with. you travel with your family, travel with your friends, or travel alone or join a travel group. ok, now let me introduce the impact of traveling. it includes the impact to individual and the impact to our society and economy. well, there are many advantages of traveling. travel can widen our knowledge of geography and the knowledge of cultures and customs. and we can experience the lifestyles of different places and countries. the most important, we can see many different beautiful sceneries and it will be a good memory in our future life. well, travel is take exercise and it can build up our body. we can make many different friends through traveling and it is a good way to free our life and relax after busy work and study. many cities have its feature snakes, when we travel, we can enjoy many delicious food. wuhan, for example, hot-and-dry noodles, duck necks are very delicious. well, there are some disadvantages of traveling. travel can waste many time and money, especially when you join a travel group. and it has higher prices for transportation. sometimes travelers are not very safe when they travel and safety is the most important problem. to solve these problems, government should make related laws and visitors should improve the awareness to protect the economy and environment. then we will ensure the sustainable development of tourism. thank you!篇三:英语旅游演讲稿 good morning everyone, today, i will introduce something about travel. as we all know, before we go traveling, we should make a careful plan. first, we should choose the place. there are four choices, the natural spot, the historic site, the countryside and big cities. then we should plan how many days we travel, only several days or more than a week. after we choose a place, we should choose the traffic to go travel. if the way is not very long, we can travel on foot, it is safe and easiness, but you should take enough food and water. if you have a car, you can drive it of course, it will be very exciting and you can enjoy the roadside scenery. if you travel abroad or a long distance, you can travel by ship or by plane. travel is very good for us. it can widen our knowledge of geography and the knowledge of cultures. and we can experience the lifestyles of different places and countries. what’s more, we can see many different beautiful scenery and it will be a good memory . well, travel is take exercise and it can build up our body. we can make many different friends through traveling and it is a good way to free our life and relax after busy work and study.篇四:环境与旅游英语演讲 do not make environment overtime but as we know, every coin has two sides,tourism’s development bring huge economic benefits to the region, it also make the environment even worse. how to realize the sustainable development of tourism industry is a problem that need to deal with in time.now i give servel facts and suggestions. second, tourism environmental protection is unconscious. in the scenic spots we can often see the tourists touch or climb on the monuments and places of historic interest, graffiti phenomenon also occurs from time to time, all of these make the original style and and scenic beauty and even its’ life.so when we try to solve it we have to strengthen the conduct propaganda of environmental protection and sustainable development of publicity and improve the awareness of citizens environmental awareness and sustainable development. in my opinion,we live on the earth,which we have only one,so we should make the environment the top one. in the development of today’s tourism resources and the development of the tourism industry, we must pay attention to the protection of the environment. 随着人们生活质量的提高,旅游已成为人们生活中的一个重要组成部分。与此同时,旅游业的快速发展也导致了经济的增长,而现在,人们通过旅行来放松自己。 旅游业可持续发展的主要问题主要包括三个。首先,旅游城市的生态环境变得恶化。由于旅游业的快速增长,旅游城市有一些问题,包括空气污染和河流污染。另一方面,游客大量增加对当地基础设施的负担。所以,当地政府应该限制游客数量来避免更多的环境破坏。

二、旅游环境保护是无意识的。在风景名胜区,我们经常可以看到游客触摸或爬上古迹和名胜古迹,涂鸦现象也会不时发生,所有这些使原来的风格和风景秀丽,甚至它的生命,所以当我们试图解决它,我们必须加强对环境保护和可持续发展的宣传和提高公民的环保意识和可持续发展。 最后,今天,旅游资源管理体系不完善。一些空间无法处理旅游与环境的关系,使旅游工作人员和环境都超负荷运行,这也成为在人与环境的关系恶化的问题的一个重要原因。所以,我们应该做的是提高旅游系统和管理关系的处理。 在我看来,我们生活在我们只有一个地球上,所以我们应该把环境放在第一位。在当今旅游资源开发,旅游业的发展的同时,我们必须注意保护环境。


篇一:足球英语演讲稿(非常详细) the britain is the hometown of modern football. in the 18th century, some soldiers and poor workers began to play a kind of sports by kicking a ball filled of fur and leather(皮革), soon, the sport called football became famous all a round the europe. today football is the most popular sports in the word. more than 4,000,000,000 of

in some poor countries,football is the only joy which the children could afford. let us watch a video about fun scene on the pitch. iraq won the 2007 asian cup篇二:足球英语演讲

football is originated in ancient china which was called cuju at that time. cuju has a long history of over two thousand years. it started from chunqiu period and was very popular in song dynasty. in song dynasty, even the women loved play cuju at that time . as everyone knows, ,gao qiu ,the worst government official in the novel of water margin , specializes in playing cuju and by coincidence, he met the prince, and then he was promoted to an aga. unfortunately, due to the limitations of the feudal society ,nobody played cuju any longer in qing dynasty. and now, cuju is protected as a kind of culture heritage in china . in the 17th century, cuju was spread to europe and developed into the sport called modern football. in the 18th century, some british soldiers and poor workers began to play a kind of sport by kicking a ball filled of leather , soon, this sport called football became famous all over the europe. and now. football is one of the most popular sports in the world. there are more than 4 billion of football fans all over the world. people like football ,because it has magnificent skills、fast speed、wonderful goals、perfect teamwork and handsome football players. for example, beckham、kaka. now, there are many famous football clubs likes real madrid,barcelona,manchester and so on. they have the greatest players and coaches in the world. for example, real madrid, it has one of the greatest players in the world—— c. ronaldo.he has strong muscles, superb skills, and fast speed. he has a yearly salary of more than 10 million euro which means that he is one of the most valuable football player in the world. in 2008, c.ronaldo won the uefa champions league and then he got the fifa world player of the year. the world cup trophy , is made of pure gold. the bottom of trophy is made of two layers of malachite , which can be carved 17 champion countries. the fifa set a new rule that the new champion can’t have the trophy forever and it should be given back to the fifa. what’s more, every champion country just can keep it till next world cup while their name is carved on the trophy 足球是怎么回事


首先,让我们了解这项运动。足球是由皮革和其他材料制成的,比篮球轻一些,也软一些。踢足球需要个比较大的球场。国际足联规定标准的足球场长度为105m,宽度为68m。上面铺满天然草皮或人工草皮,我们学校铺的就是人工草皮。足球场可能是世界第二大的球场(第一是橄榄球场),一座足球场可以容纳4至5万人,这可以让更多的人观赏足球。 开球时,双方队员各自站在中线两侧,由裁判监督比赛,一共有四名裁判,



置是后腰。后腰负责保护后卫前方的区域,而组织型前卫负责在场上组织进攻,通过不断地传球来寻找进攻的机会,这也被叫做穿针流战术,这种足球观赏性特别强。巴萨罗那拥有哈维,伊内斯塔,法布雷加斯三名世界级中场,在我眼里简直无所不能了。 最后剩下三人就是插入对方阵型中的前锋,一名中锋比如我最喜欢的西班牙


我喜欢足球,这是集体的运动,所以可以让很多人和你一起欢呼。最后,我 希望你们也能喜欢上足球。 football is how football as the worlds largest sports always attracts people of all over the world, a lot of people crazy for it. a few days ago, a british player on the pitch a heart attack, and his teammates show the tough and tender side, which is the magic of football. although the chinese soccer team level is poor,i still have confidence that we can return to the world cup. in addition, we have3 midfielders, they according to market situation and divided into forward and back, i most like position is defence middle field. the defence middle field is responsible for the protection of the guard in front of the region, while the organization responsible for the avant-garde offense, passing through constantly looking for opportunities, its also called transfixation stream tactics, this soccer watch very strong. barcelona has xavi, iniesta, fabregas three world-level midfielder, in my eyes they can be equal to anything. the last three is inserted into the team striker, a center forward for example i like most of spains torres, a left winger, such as robben, a right winger like super handsome c ronaldo. of course there are almost be equal to anything messi. these have supercapacity, is dazzling stars. they do the finally is the most important thing -- the goal. the highest scoring is roger bailey, football career and scored1281 goals, i couldnt imagine. i like football, this is a collective movement, so you can make a lot of people with you. finally, i hope you can love football. gk goalkeeper 门将 后卫

cb center back 中后卫 lib liberal 自由人 sw sweeper 清道夫

lsb left side back 左边后卫 rsb right side back 右边后卫 前卫

wb wing back 攻击性边后腰

dmf defence middle field 防守型前卫 后腰 lmf left middle field 左边前卫 rmf right middle field 右边前卫

omf offence middle field 进攻型前卫 前腰 cmf center middle field 中前卫 前锋

cf center forward 中锋

lwf left wing forward 左边锋 rwf right wing forward 右边锋




我是来自 年 班的xx,很荣幸能站在这里与大家一同分享学习英语的心得!



“兴趣是最好的老师”。把英语当成玩具,当我们得到一个玩具的时候,总是欣喜的,好奇的,学习英语也是一样的,26个英文字母就好比26个小朋友,我们把小朋友分成不同小组,就可以组成不同的单词,例如,g-o-o-d,组成good,m-o-r-n-i-n-g,组成morning,我们再来组合,就是good morning,组成一个句子!保持这种好奇的心态,去不断地探索我们“小玩具”中的秘密。


要想学好英语,首先要有信心。要相信自己,别人能学会,我也能学会。 同时,要想学好英语,还要有恒心。学英语是一个漫长的过程,在这之中难免会遇到困难,学英语要一鼓作气,天天坚持,扎实的语言基本功是要靠勤学苦练、日积月累才能得来的。

其次,要有良好的学习习惯和学习方法。 ? 学习习惯方面: 1.认真听课、积极参与课堂教学的习惯。英语课上,认真听老师讲课,积极主动,大胆开口练习说英语,一定不要怕出错,通过实践掌握英语的表达方式。 2.记笔记,整理笔记的习惯。听老师讲课时,要记好重点内容,以便将来查用。 3.背诵重点句子和课文的习惯。学习英语是一种模仿,久了,能形成语感,张口就来,脱口就出。

4. 纠错的习惯。 准备一个纠错本,随时整理错题。纠正错误即进步。 5.及时复习的习惯.单词、句型、课文、语法等很容易遗忘,因此我们要养成及时复习的习惯。 6.用英语与别人沟通的习惯。

学习方法方面: 1.单词的记忆。 1)根据读音记写法,学会划分音节,分段记单词。不要一个字母一个字母地背。在短语或句子中记意思。记单词要讲究方法,比如分类记忆:我们把动物的有关词汇放在一起,把有关校园的有关词汇放在一起,或者天文,地理等。对比记忆;把同音词、同义词、反义词 放在一起进行对比,效果会更好。 2.)及时复习,克服遗忘。我们遗忘的规律是“先快后慢,先多后少“。上课认真听讲,及时记忆。准备一个小的单词积累本,可利用零散时间经常复习,和遗忘做斗争。如利用早操前,睡觉前,课间,饭后等时间。还要有恒心和毅力,不能三天打渔两天晒网。 通过不断积累,词汇量一定会大大增加。

三、要有良好的学习英语的氛围。我们不仅英语课上尽量多张嘴说英语,课下也要多使用英语。大大方方地说,不要怕出错,不怕别人笑话,就像我们小时候学说话,练得多了,自然水平就提高了。don't be shy!just try!

同学们,“一份耕耘,一份收获”,成功的大门向勇于探索,勇于攀登的人敞开的,只要我们刻苦努力,持之以恒,再加以正确的方法,我么就一定能学好英语!篇二:如何学好英语的演讲稿 如何学好英语








老师保持一致、同步,不能自搞一套,否则就等于是完全自学了。入门以后,有了一定的基础,则允许有自己一定的活动空间,也就是说允许有一些自己的东西,学得越多,自己的东西越多 。

其次,阅读理解和完形是至关重要的。所谓“得阅读者得天下”。只要保证阅读和完形不错或少错,成绩就不会低。但如何提高阅读的水平呢?这里没有捷径可寻。只有每天练习2-3篇阅读和完形,一直坚持下去,才会提高阅读水平,而且你的阅读水平达到一定层次后,你就会发现你的成绩会有突飞猛进的提升。 有紧迫感是促使你努力学习的方法之一。养成习惯,观察你的竞争对手或班上成绩好又刻苦学习的同学。看到他们在课桌上奋笔疾书时,你难道不会想学习么?每次我松懈下来的时候,都会想:你不是一个人在奋斗。其实学习就像攀岩比赛,如果你不努力,你下面的人就会爬上来,把你踩在脚底下。而保持领先优势的唯一方法就是永远不要停止向上攀爬。



总之,任何成功的获得都要靠自己的努力,要勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业、一步一个脚印的学习,端正态度,认真对待学习中的挫折和失败,失败并不可怕,可怕的是对自己丧失信心而一蹶不振。只要你对胜利充满信心,善于总结经验教训,不断努力、不断追求、胜利一定是属于你的. 最后,送给大家一句话:dont give up and dont give in. 不要放弃,不要言败!篇三:英语演讲稿:怎样学好英语? how to study english well? hello, everyone! my name is________. i am from class ______, grade 8 of huaqiao middle school. of all the subjects, i like english best. today i am going to introduce you some good ways to study english well. second, to learn english well, listening, speaking, reading and writing are important. for listening, you may listen to some tapes every day. it helps you speak more like a foreigner; for speaking, you should often speak english with your teachers and friends, even you can make friends with foreigners; for reading, you should read english every morning; as for writing, you had better keep a diary. write down what happened every day. all in all, practice makes your english perfect. actually, there are many ways to learn english well. but not every one is suit for you. if you find the ones that suit for you, you will learn english better and faster. these are the advice i introduce to you. i hope they are useful for your english study, and you will make more progress in the future. that’s all, thank you for your listening!篇四:我是如何学好英语的——演讲稿

英语学习六原则 英语学习应遵循以下六大原则。这些原则都是常识性的。正如美国总统林肯所说:一个人必须依据语言、逻辑和简单的常识来决定问题和建立自己的行动计划。










4、易于学以致用。 但是很多中国学生对简单的语言往往不屑一顾,只求理解而不去尝试着使用自己学到的东西。中国学生在学英语中最喜欢追求一个字——难。尽管学了很多难的东西,却不会用。而事实上,简单的东西如能灵活、准确地使用才是真正重要的。

比如从口语来说,人们并不是看一个人会说多么难的单词,关键在于看他能否熟练运用最简单的单词、句型、语法来表达情感、思想。英语国家人们日常生活的交流是通过有限数量的单词和简单的句型来完成的。 plain english(简洁英语)在英语国家已成为趋势:即在说或写英文时都力求简单。而中国学生尽管学了很多难词,复杂的结构,但就连用简单词和结构来表达思想都做不到;有时用了很大的词,一方面不妥,再者也很难让别人明白。其实当你透彻理解英语中的小词,简单表达方式时,才能熟练地用简单英语交际。







大量初级书。当你读完30本初级读物书后,在你读第31本初级读物时已没有几个生词,能轻松地读懂,并进入作者所描绘的世界时,那你就可以读中级水平的读物了。仅仅读过一本初级水平的读物,基础根本没打好,就急于读一个更高水平的读物,那必然就会欲速则不达,自然不可能学好。也就是说,无论处于何等英语水平,在相应水平上的量的积累是必须的。英语听力、口语、写作的学习亦应遵循这一原则。 语言的学习是培养一种感觉,而感觉要数量的积累来培养。俗话说水到渠成。同样的道理,达到了一定的量,语感就产生了。这时应再把感觉上升到理念,将理念融入到自己的思维中,英语就能运用自如。请注意量的积累在基础阶段最为重要。金字塔的魅力就在于它完美的建筑结构。有宽广深厚的基础,才能造就塔尖的辉煌。学好英文的道理是同样的。 基础必须打牢,也只有在基础打牢的前提下,才能学好英文。


英语有句谚语repitution is the mother of skill(重复是技能之母)。你可以回忆一下你学习任何一种技能的过程。无论是游泳还是骑自行车,都是重复同一类动作的过程。 任何技能的获得,当然包括英语这项语言技能,均来自重复。在刚开始学习英语口语时,重复原则就更为重要。记得在天天英语中有个跟读的功能,它就是让你能够不断的跟读、重复,并且将你的声音进行录制,可以在不断重复跟读的过程中找到自己的差距。 等你背诵一些英语后,就要找同伴来练,反复重复已学内容,这个时候你可以在这个天天英语的口语练习平台里找一个同样是联系口语的人一起来练习不断的重复你已经掌握的内容。 重复原则与量的原则缺一不可,要有机地把两者统一起来。




学习英语时,模仿原则是必不可少的。比如在学习语音时,要大量地重复练习音标、单词发音,朗读句子和文章。 在使用“跟读回音壁”(此功能在天天英语的英语听吧版块)过程中,你可以尽量模仿音标发音和单词发音,同时模仿句子的音调和节奏,通过对比你的模仿录音找到你的不足并不断完善。模仿对学好语音至关重要。模仿得越像越好,这是英语学习最基本的常识。



若想学好英语,需要采取一个个速战速决策略,找到快速进入角色的感觉。只有这样,才能有足够的动力和兴趣把学习坚持到底。你还记得你是如何学会骑自行车、游泳或开车的吗?你是否是通过短时间的大量突击练习才掌握这些技能的呢?学习技能的要素是一样的,那就是去无数次的突击训练。当然,学英语或许不像学会骑自行车、游泳那么简单,但驾驭和使用英语语言的确是掌握和培养一种技能。学习一种技能,突击原则是最重要的。 我在学习英语时就运用了这种突击强化的方法。我最初开始学习英语,先突击英语阅读三个月。从简易读物开始,坚持天天最大量地来读。通过突击英语阅读,不但学到了词汇,还熟悉了各种语法现象,更了解了一些西方的生活、文化和思想。紧接着,又去强化听力,经过三个月的听力突击之后,再回过头强化英语阅读。强化完阅读后,再强化听力。强化完听力后,再强化英语口语。按 照这个原则,进行阅读-听力-口语-写作的突击强化。按照这种方法来学英语,进步是飞快的。在这期间天天英语给了我很大的帮助,听经典句型、跟读、重复录音、直接找好友练习口语。 你这样反复突击五到六次,你的语音定将成为最棒的。句型、阅读、语法、听力、口语也都要有这样一种反复突击强化的过程。




千万法有人说是一种以精听为主的方法,实际上这种说法是不准确和全面的,而且千万法是反对精读,提倡统读的,它包括听说读写的全部,是一个完整的体系,而且是环环相扣,非常严密,不能只以一个阶段的方法来理解千万法,而是五个阶段的全部内容为基础。压码adse就是千万法五个阶段的所有步骤的实现形式。也就是说练习压码adse,首先是严格的按照千万法五个阶段的方法步骤进行,然后才有压码法实现途径,没有了千万法的具体步骤压码就完全不存在了“怎样学好英语英语演讲稿” “如何学好初中英语语法”“如何学好初一英语语法”。

你提问的问题:一个是听清阶段的压码稳听和第二阶段的跟读两个问题。 “开始听的时候感觉到很快,分不清单词之间的停顿,感觉到就象是说一个很长的单词,又怎么能先让几个单词过去,才默读呢“怎样学好英语英语演讲稿” “如何学好初中英语语法”“如何学好初一英语语法”?” 需要按照千万法第一阶段方法逐步练习听清,到达一定程度,才会进行压码心中滞后跟随复述,再逐步加大滞后单词的时间和连续通听磁带时间长度,做到压码稳听以后,注意力提高了,听清的质量也提高了,这是为以后其他形式的压码达基础的阶段。当然不用压码法,只用千万法步骤也能完成各个步骤“怎样学好英语英语演讲稿” “如何学好初中英语语法”“如何学好初一英语语法”,压码法只是强化千万法各个阶段的质量、速度和效率。千万法反对速成、冒进,一个阶段没有高质量完成不能进入下一阶段,压码法就是要打好每个阶段的基础,以慢速的练习达到熟练的速度,而且这种速度是连续的提高,压码的数量也是不断的强化和提高,压码听清可以先磁带常速,然后再用速读软件告诉听清。这个问题在压码听写和压码抄写中体现的更具体,练习从超级低速每分钟20单词开始,逐步提高速度,就将听写的难度进行了分解变得更容易,将复杂的指标变成简单的速度一个指标。压码听写与逆向法听写的区别,是多了一个压码,难度更大一些,但是开始千万法听清一句听写一句的听写也要使用,就是和千万法听写是一致的地方„„

英语,长期以来都是世界上使用最广泛的语言。而随着文化的交流,世界联系越来越紧密,一门使用最广的语言是各国和民族间交流与沟通的桥梁。学好一门语言并真正把它运用到实际,应付考试是远远不够的。听,说,读,写都是必不可少的部分。只有做到这4方面的统一,才能成为一个好的英语使用者。 针对这4个方面的学习,下面向大家介绍我个人的具体经验:


听英语时,口中跟着复诵 听英语演讲,看英语电视和电影时,要耳朵一边听,口中一边复诵。这样既有利于注意力的集中,增进对内容的了解,又可同时模仿母语是英语的人们(native speakers)的发音和语调。这种练习时,如句子长而复杂难以复诵,不必勉强,可以先从较短或较简单的句子开始。练习多了,就会养成习惯。

另外一种有益的练习是逐句口译(consecutive interpretation)。把听到的句子逐一译成汉语,这对于听力,正确的理解及反应能力也是很好的锻炼。


英语是否流利取决于对节奏的正确掌握。英语是按单词和句子的重音来分节奏的。英文诗是练习英语节奏的最好材料之一。例如 worsworth 著名的“the daffodils”(水仙花):“i wandered lonely as a cloud/that floats on high oer vales and hills...”(我象一片白云孤独的游荡,飘越过溪谷和群山......)便是典型的弱强节奏。读熟之后,大声朗诵,一定获益非浅。



寒窗苦读式的方法不但枯燥无味,且效果并不好。如果是为了兴趣甚至“消遣”而读的话,一定会在得到乐趣的同时,无形中取得收获。例如:喜欢爵士乐的人读爵士乐方面的书刊会比看英文教科书效率高得多。同样, 喜欢汽车的人看介绍汽车的英文书刊,喜欢烹饪的人看介绍汽车的„„那么不仅满足自己爱好,又能提高英语能力,是一举两得。不过如果你没有特别的兴趣,那就去阅读故事,小说,被情节吸引,而促使你阅读下去,就会有一气呵成之感。这可是一种愉快的学习方法。



中国人大都比较沉默含蓄,普遍都有喜欢听,不喜欢说,喜欢读,不喜欢写的心理。即使在口语课上也常常是少数几个学生在讲话,多数只是默默的听。这种心理如果不突破,是难以让英语更上一层楼的。 读完一篇文章,试着用英文记下要点,有可能的话,写几句对这篇文章的看法。这样练习,就能将被动(passive)转变成主动(active),把输入(input)转换成输出(output)了。

另外,还可以用英语写日记。既然说是日记(diary),最好能够每天都写。英文能否写的通顺还是次要的问题,能够持续的每天用英文记日记(keep a diary in english)才是最重要的。








词汇 的记忆是必不可少的,词汇是学好英语的基础,没有了词汇,也就谈不上句子,更谈不上文章,所以记单词对我们就显得极其重要。记忆单词关键有二:


二是良好的记忆方法:记忆单词的方法很多,学无定法,但学有良法。掌握针对自己的好的记忆方法,能让学习效果事半功倍。篇五:如何学好英语(发言稿) 如何学好英语(发言稿)


一、 培养学习英语的兴趣

俗话说,“兴趣是最好的老师”。那么我们怎样产生对英语学习的兴趣呢。其实同学们只要认真学习英语,你就会发现英语和我们汉语一样是很美的,读起来朗朗上口,写起来也非常流利,把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。。兴趣在实践中产生和发展的。 如果在学英语的过程中,你能够尽早地尝试使用所学的英语,那么你学习英语的兴趣将日益增加。和热爱英语的人在一起,爱是可以相互传递的。俗话说:近朱者赤近墨者黑。你们应该与喜爱英语的人交朋友,这样,你们对英语的爱就会相互影响、变得更强烈。你有几个喜好学英语的朋友,你们就会组成英语学习小组,一起学习阅读、口语、写作。


要想学好英语,首先要有信心。同学们: 你相信自己能学好英语吗?别人能学会,我们也能学会。 同时,要想学好英语,还要有恒心。学英语是一个漫长的过程,在这之中难免会遇到困难,学英语要一鼓作气,天天坚持,记住:扎实的语言基本功是要靠勤学苦练、日积月累才能得来的,只有那些意志坚强的人才能够取得最终的成功。

三、要有良好的学习习惯和学习方法。 (一)学习习惯方面:


要抓住课堂这一学习的主要阵地。英语课上,认真听老师讲课,同学发言。 英语课上,同学们要积极主动,大胆开口练习说英语,一定不要怕出错,通过实践掌握英语的表达方式。 2.记笔记,整理笔记的习惯。听老师讲课或同学讲解时,要记好重点内容,以便将来查用。

3.背诵重点句子和课文的习惯。学习英语是一种模仿,即俗话说的比着葫芦画瓢。只有多记多背,脑子里有了葫芦才能画出瓢来。 4. 纠错的习惯。 准备一个纠错本,随时整理错题,还要加上注释。纠正错误即进步。 5.及时复习的习惯.单词、句型、课文、语法等很容易遗忘,因此我们要养成及时复习的习惯。



1.单词的记忆。 1)根据读音记写法,长词还要学会划分音节,分段记单词。尽量不要一个字母一个字母地背。在短语或句子中记意思。要在运用中去记忆。另外记忆单词要利用多种方法,比如分类记忆:我们把动物的有关词汇放在一起,把有关校园的有关词汇放在一起,或者天文,地理,等等。对比记忆;把同音词、同义词、反义词 放在一起进行对比,效果会更好。构词法记忆:合成法,即两个单词放在一起组成一个新单词。派生法,即通过加前缀或后缀的方法构成新词。

2.)及时复习,克服遗忘。 著名的艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”告诉我们遗忘的规律是“先快后慢,先多后少“。因而不要指望一次复习就能高枕无忧。不仅在学后当天,在一天后、一周后、一月后以及在你需要用它的任何时候之前都应安排复习。上课认真听讲,及时记忆。我们记忆单词一次不要太多,5-10个,一次不要时间太长。准备一个小的单词积累本,可利用零散时间经常复习,和遗忘做斗争。如利用早操前,睡觉前,课间,饭后等时间。还要有恒心和毅力,不能三天打渔两天晒网。 通过不断积累,词汇量一定会大大增加。 2.培养阅读能力. 1)要养成良好的阅读心理。 阅读时心绪要安定,精神要集中,不要一遇到几个生词难句,就心烦意乱,过分紧张的情绪会影响大脑的正常思维功能。 2)培养猜词能力。可利用构词法、上下文猜测词义。 3) 提高阅读速度。阅读不同于朗读,有的同学虽不出声但是嘴在动,会大大影响阅读速度。因此阅读时应做到眼动嘴不动,嘴里的小舌也不要动。另外,阅读时眼球总是不断地移动---停顿----移动着,理解是在眼停的瞬间进行的。我们要使眼停的时间相对增加,就要扩大视读的广度,把逐词逐句的点式阅读变成一次扫描一句的线式阅读,并且把看到的东西迅速报告给大脑,形成眼脑较快的直映能力。咱们语文速读有一目十行的方法,英语阅读一目一句怎么样?一定不要在个别难懂的词句上磨蹭,而影响阅读的速度。 4)学会找主题句。主题句往往在每段的开头,因此我们一定要重视每段的第一句。当然,主题句也可能在一段的最后,或在一段的中间。要灵活把握。主题句是概括性的句子。 5)较长或较难的文章可以先看问题,再读文章。

四、要有良好的学习英语的氛围。这需要我们师生共同努力,不仅英语课上尽量多使用英语,课下也要多使用英语。大大方方地说,不要怕出错,不怕别人笑话,就像小孩学说话,练得多了,自然水平就提高了。don/t be shy!justtry!

