



我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导我一句话,我至今念念不忘。 “每逢你想要批评任何人的时候,”他对我说,“你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你那些优越的条件。”


不知有多少人是因为村上春树才读菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》,我只是其中的一个。但是还有一个原因,那就是电影版的《了不起的盖茨比》是我最喜欢的美国演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥担任男主角,村上多次在他的作品里提到过菲茨杰拉德和《了不起的盖茨比》,如果没记错的话,第一次知道菲茨杰拉德是因为读《挪威的森林》,后来好奇,就决定看一遍《了不起的盖茨比》菲茨杰拉德用了第一人称内聚焦的叙事方式,通过尼克的回忆来讲故事,他既是当局者,又是旁观者。作为当局者,他是盖茨比的邻居,是黛西的远房表哥,是汤姆的旧相识,他和乔丹交往,参加盖茨比的奢华派对,帮盖茨比搭起与黛西重聚的桥梁,他目睹汤姆与盖茨比之间的冲突,知道茉特尔出事的真相,他处理盖茨比的后事„ „作为旁观者,他从不识盖茨比到成为盖茨比的送殡人,这短短日子里的经历令他最终看透了他接触过的那些人,看清了他所生存的那个“黄金”年代的美国社会„ „


真实到连故事里每个人所向往和追求的似乎都是应该被理解的真实,包括盖茨比。虽然盖茨比追求的是一个看似虚无的梦想,但他需要的同样也是一种真实,一个黛西,一段他自以为暂停的爱情。可是实与虚又好像是一体的,黛西是真实的,而盖茨比苦苦追求的爱情梦想却如他豪宅对岸的小绿灯一般虚无缥缈,黛西无情的离开,盖茨比的被害,葬礼的冷清„ „盖茨比的苦心经营最终换来的是一场空,他追求的梦只是一个短暂而美丽的气泡。







姓名:陈玉龙 班级:公管教育 学号:2012221111110039

头上戴顶金帽子,为博她的青睐 你要跳得还算高,给她跳个痛快, 等她喊出来:“我的情人戴金帽、跳得高



第一次世界大战结束的时候,第二次工业革命也刚刚完成。美国作为一战的战胜国,一跃超过英国成为资本主义世界第一大强国,出现经济空前繁盛的景象,全国各地一派欣欣向荣,小汽车、电灯、电话便利了人们的生活。人们觉得不会再打仗了,是时候尽情享乐了,年轻的一代更是觉得进入了一个欢乐绚丽的新时代,他们开始放弃传统的道德标准,信奉拜金主义、享乐主义,整日纸醉金迷、灯红酒绿。经济的繁荣代价是社会的世风日下。 《了不起的盖茨比》的故事就发生在这个时期。












“这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代; 这是智慧的时代,也是愚蠢的时代; 这是笃信的时代,也是疑虑的时代; 这是光明的季节,也是黑暗的季节; 这是希望的春天,也是绝望的冬天; 我们什麼都有,也什麼都没有; 我们全都会上天堂,也全都会下地狱.”











The Book Review of the Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby, written by Fitzgerald K. Scott, is one of the most famous classics. The narrator of the story is Nick and the hero is Gatsby. Nick was a graduate of Yale and then he lived in the West Egg, which was in the west of America. And then he made his acquaintance with Gatsby, a rich and mysterious man. Gatsby loved Daisy, Nick’s cousin, and he tried his best to meet her again with the help of Nick. However, Daisy had got married with Tom and she didn’t want to betray her husband. Unfortunately, Gatsby didn’t realize the fact that Daisy had changed a lot, which resulted in a tragedy, and still asked her to elope with him. When they went home from New York, Daisy killed Myrtle, Tom’s mistress, in an accident. Gatsby took the responsibility and killed by Myrtle’s angry husband at the last.

After reading this books, I felt upset for a long time. Gatsby was an innocent man and all he wanted was to regain his love. To achieve his own dream, he tried his best to earn money and raised his social class after the war. However, the sad truth is that the woman Gatsby loved most is the one who exploited him most. And the result of Gatsby’s effort was his death while he still thought that Daisy love him when he died.We always hold the opinion that we should work hard for our dream and we also believed that we can achieve it with our effort. That’s the reason why Nick added “the Great” to “Gatsby”. However, I think that we shouldn’t drown ourselves in our fancy all the time and we should think whether our dreams are reasonable and achievable.In the book, Gatsby was died and Nick didn’t lead a rich and comfortable life while Tom and Daisy had a great fortune and belonged to the upper class. Some people may draw the conclusion that we can’t be innocent like Gatsby and Nick or we will share the same ending as them. However, I disagree with this. Though Gatsby’s life was tragic, he enjoyed his life and was satisfied with it. If you had watched the film adaption of this books, you may find that Gatsby always smile. And Nick had a beautiful soul. On the other hand, Tom and Daisy didn’t suffer from the material life but they may feel guilty all the time. I strongly believe the fact that we can live well without much money but without a beautiful mind.

There is one more reason why I like this book. It’s the writing skills used by Fitzgerald that makes this books a classic. One of these skills is symbolism and it’s the symbolism used in the books that makes it become an irreplaceable classics. Take the dream of Gatsby as an example, dream is an abstract thing but Fitzgerald used the green light shinning on the dock of Daisy’s house as the symbol of Gatsby’s dream. What’s more, the change of Daisy is also symbolized by the change of the green light. When Gatsby invited Daisy to his house, he found the green light covered by fog. It’s the signal of the fact that Daisy was not the sweet girl any more.

Many people like to talk about the social class conflict linked to Gatsby and Daisy when they talk about this book. I agree that Gatsby’s story is an epitome of that age and the America Dream but I would rather consider it as a story of a man who fights for his dream all the time. And compared to the opinion that we should protect

ourselves and do what others do, I agree more that we should keep our innocence and fight for our dreams.


The disillusion of the American dream

- The Great Gatsby book review

The Great Gatsby is the representative work of American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald. It is a true reflection of 1920s. The book is a classical novel and has profound meaning of the essence of the American dream’s illusory. The writer showed the American social after the World War I in the book. It uncovers the money worship and hedonism in the Jazz Age and people’s selfishness and indifference in that time. What the novel describes is a tragic story about the disillusion of the American dream.

The story happened after the World War I. A young business man named Nick Carraway rent a house in the Long Island. In the opposite house there lives his cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom

Buchanan. In the villa next lives Jay Gatsby. Gatsby holds big party every weekend in his villa but there is few people has seen his face. After a while Nick knows that when Gatsby was a soldier, he fell in love with Daisy. However, Daisy finally married with a rich man Tom Buchanan. When the war is ended, Gatsby began to do illegal business and become a millionaire in high society. In order to draw Daisy’s attention, he bought a big house in opposite to Daisy’s and often holds big party. Gatsby and Daisy meet again in the help of Nick. When this is known by Tom, he is burst into anger and they have a quarrel. With extremely nervous, Daisy

drives the car and killed Tom’s mistress Myrtle accidentally. However, Tom suggests Myrtle’s husband Wilson that it is Gatsby who killed her wife. In extreme anger Wilson shoot Gatsby and suicide. In the end of the book, when Nick held a funeral for Gatsby, none of his old friends join. Nick is disappointed to the dark high society of New York so he leave the city and go back to his home in the American Midwest.

The theme of the novel is to present the tragedy of the American dream’s disillusion by showing the story of Gatsby’s pursuing of dream. The so-called "American dream" means that in America everyone is equality of opportunity. People can realize their dream and achieve success just by themselves’ struggle. The American dream has always been an ideal that people are convinced of and pursue of. It is a kind of spiritual strength that promote America to developing and flourishing quickly. After the World War I, America has entered into an

unprecedented era of prosperity and the American dream becoming a crazy worship to money. The wind of money worship prevailing. So the American dream has been deteriorated as the social develop.

In this novel, the short life of Gatsby has go through the process of dream from start to burst. It symbolize the rise and burst of the American dream at the same time. One side of his American Dream is the dream of money. He realize this dream by illegal business which made him from a poor boy to a millionaire. However, the other side of his dream is the

dream of love and it make him into a sad ending. In fact, his loving dream is another form of his money dream. At first when he fell in love with Daisy, he was attracted by her material life. He yearns for not so much Daisy’s love as Daisy’s high society life. Daisy is the combination of love and money which he’s longing for. She is the represent of a beautiful life. However, in real life, Daisy is far from what Gatsby imagine. She is a selfish, shallow and timid girl and all she wants is money and high society life. Finally Gatsby’s dream broken and it also symbolize the broken of the American dream. The essence of the tragedy of Gatsby is the tragedy of American idealism. But then again, although Gatsby’s effort did not pay off, his spirit of struggling to realize his dream and change the fate is moving and deserves our admiration and learning.

