


Friends 篇1

The activity here has been based around the concept of pragmatic competence being fundamental to learning.In order to implement the activity,we decided to go with explicit instructions as experiments by Billyer. s(1990),and Bouton. s(1994)resulted in students doing better when receiving explicit instructions compared to students who was not.Because of this,we decided to described,then explain and talk about the implicature with students. We also provided required input as well as practices,however it was not in this particular order.We went through with the activity as followed:1-22 minutes: The first part of the activity had the students watching the full episode of Friends.We then had them write down the sections they found interesting.23-30 minutes:The students were provided original scripts,and they were requested to explain which sections they found interesting,and why.31-50 minutes:We went over and discussed the students perceptions,while explaining any questions.Grice. s CP was also an alternative used in order to explain certain sections.

2.Verbal Humour Analysis regarding the Friends sitcom as viewed as CP Theory

E x p e r t : D u r i n g R o s s a n d E m i l y. s w e d d i n g r e h e a r s a l dinner,oebe makes a call to Emily. s step mother to say she wants to speak to Joey to tell him Rachel will come to destroy R o s s . w e d d i n g . M r s . Wa l t h a m : H e l l o , Wa l t h a m I n t e r i o r s . Phoebe:Oh,hi,Mrs.Waltham.I need to speak with either one of the best men,or Ross's sister Monica.Mrs.Waltham: Who is this?Phoebe:Oh,I'm Phoebe Buffay.I'm one of Ross's best friends.Mrs. Waltham: Well,if you're one of Ross's best friends,why aren't you here? Phoebe:Yeah,um,I can. t fly.I'm having my brother's babies. (laughter)Mrs.Waltham:Oh, I on the radio?(laughter)Phoebe: No.. umm,could I talk to one of them? It. s very very important.Mrs. Waltham:No,I'm bored with you now.I.m going to cut you off(She hangs up)(laughter) Phoebe:Ohh! Okay,I'm going to have to kick her ass too.(laughter)In fact,one could say that Phoebe breaches the Maxim both ways.On the one hand,one could claim that she. s providing too much information: the fact that she’s pregnant and not able to fly would suffice as an answer to the question.There is no need to mention who the actual father is.However,since Phoebe does mention the very peculiar fact that she. s having her brother.s children,she would of course have to provide more information to avoid the implication of incest(i.e.she would have to tell that she is a surrogate mother).Here,there is obviously not enough information and hence Mrs.Waltham. s obvious disbelief in the follow-up turn(Am I on the radio?),referring to typical phone games on the radio in which people are tricked or fooled,the implicature we get is “are you playing a trick on me?”.At this time,Phoebe is unaware that the superfluous vague information she provides just now will make Mrs Waltham doubt about the thruthfulness of what she speaks.And at the same time,she is still obsessed with putting forward her own request and does nothing to explain the awkward situation,which makes the“quality”of the whole conversation at risk.In the end,Mrs Waltham cut off this telephone conversation. What is humorous about this extract is the honesty and the‘matter of factness’ with which Phoebe provides the answer,an honest and ture answer,which must be supported by proper explanation and background information(her brother's wife can not bear baby and she is a surrogate mother for them ).Without proper explanation,it sounds actually very odd indeed and the other people will not believe what you says.


A few advantages of developing the pragmatic competence of L2 Learners through analysing the verbal humour that is found in the sitcom are:(a)unconstrained true items show traits of normal every day discourse in a way which anyone might hear don't,(b) it would draw learners' consideration rapidly and constantly,(c)this makes ready for clarification of more intricate subjects.


[1]Billmyer,K.(1990).‘I really like your lifestyle’:ESL learners learning how to compliment.Penn Working Papers in Educational Linguistics.6:2,31-48.

Making friends 篇2

Making friends

Every one needs friends. One relies on his friends for a lot of help during his lifetime; friends not only help through his difficulties and hardships(艰难) but also share his joys. Without friends one feels lonely and solitary(寂寞的).

Knowing how valuable friends are, we should be very careful in making friends. In order to make friends one should reach out first instead of just waiting. When one takes in initiative(主动的.行动), he will find many people who have common goals, tastes and interest with his. And his circle of friends grows. If one is always concerned about other people and helps them rid out a storm(平安度过困难), they will certainly become his good friends.

One should be polite, prudent(审慎的), sincere, honest, tolerant(宽恕的) and considerate in making friends. But one should also keep the principle in his mind that a good friends is helpful while a bad friends would be harmful. One should break off with false friends, get to know new ones and never forget old ones.

Friends 篇3

When American viewers said goodbye to the two popular TV series after eight seasons, fans shared their loss more than 10,000 km away in China, where millions tuned in online to watch the emotional finales. After the final episodes of Desperate Housewives were aired on May 14, Chinese netizens posted over 1 million messages paying tribute to the show on micro-blogging sites.

American shows like House M.D. and Desperate Housewives are not aired on Chinese television, but are instead watched by a growing number of young people on the Internet.

Fan favorites

“I still remember the Desperate Housewives scene that our teacher showed to us during an English class at college. Eight years are a long time, and along with the show, we gradually grew mature,” said Xia Xiaonuan, a devoted fan of Desperate Housewives, on her micro-blog.

“The show has accompanied me like a friend since I was a girl,” said Xu Duoduo, a 25-year-old mother living in Beijing who was also a loyal viewer of the TV series. As the show’s four housewives underwent various plot twists and turns, such as murder, illness, divorce and remarriage, Xu grew from a girl to a mother. Many like her have matured and changed to the backdrop of popular television dramas.

For the Chinese audience, American TV shows have played an increasingly important role in their entertainment lives.

“In addition to the clever plot twists, American TV series impress me with rich knowledge and expertise,” said Wang Fan, a 28-year-old audience from Chongqing Municipality.

After watching Lie to Me, a popular crime series where detectives solve criminal cases by scrutinizing suspects’ facial “micro- expressions,” Wang began observing people’s facial cues more closely.

“It is amazing that American screenwriters and directors could make an entertaining program so professional,” said Wang.

Chinese audiences first started watching American TV series in large numbers in the 1980s. In 1980, China Central Television(CCTV) broadcast The Man From Atlantis. The short-lived science fiction show, though flat by today’s standards, immediately swept China. After years of isolation from the outside world, the people were eager to learn more about the West. The broadcast became a landmark event in China’s long process of reform and opening up.

At that time, many households didn’t own televisions, and few domestic TV series were on the air. In 1979, the Central Government encouraged all local TV stations to produce TV series to spur demand. Any television station that could air 12 episodes a year was even given an award.

For the Chinese audience of the early 1980s, The Man From Atlantis was fresh and exciting. Many lines became common slang phrases among young viewers. Even the sunglasses worn by the hero, Mark Harris, became a stylish must-have accessory popularly referred to then as “Mark glasses.” His swimming style was widely adopted. The TV series also inadvertently introduced a new sport to China—playing Frisbee.

The people’s humor

Roger Christiansen, director of the international hit comedy show Friends, came to Beijing and Shanghai again in May of this year. And again, Chinese fans warmly welcomed him.

Friends attracted a devoted following in China during its 10-season run, and has not been forgotten since the series drew to a close in 2004.

Christiansen, who became the director of the situation comedy in 2000, said he was surprised by the show’s success in China because it was made for an American audience. He found that people of all countries and regions liked it for different reasons.

He admitted that he didn’t expect the humor to cross over and amuse the Chinese audience, as comedy is often culturally specific and difficult to translate. Although the show presented a different culture, certain elements of it were common to all human beings, said Christiansen.

Friends delivered a rare brand of comedy that had wide appeal. When the audience watched Friends, they laughed and cried along with the characters as if they were personal friends, said Christiansen to a group of Chinese journalists.

In his view, Chinese TV series were developing and making progress with shows in the United States. The screenwriting, lighting and sound effects improved as producers learned from one another.

The popularity of American sitcoms like Friends also contributed to the development of China’s own TV series.

The Chinese people first saw situation comedy in 1982, when the American TV series My Favorite Martian was broadcast by a number of local TV stations in China. Until the show was aired, most Chinese were unfamiliar with the format.

In the next 10 years another American sitcom, Growing Pains, entertained the Chinese audience with its amusing family-centered stories. The sitcom has since become a favorite form of television in the mainland.

The country saw its first domestic situation comedy in 1994, with the airing of Wo Ai Wo Jia (I Love My Family). The series became extremely popular and is loved by the audience even today. Similar to Growing Pains, the comedy focused on family life. By telling stories of three generations of a family and their neighbors, it presented a vivid picture of ordinary people’s lives. It presented Chinese humor with an American format.

Ready for primetime

The success of American TV series has led to comparisons with domestic shows.

“After watching House M.D., I couldn’t bear to watch domestic medical dramas any more. I find them simple and dull,” said Wang Qiang, a 28-year-old fan.

American shows attach great importance to interacting with the audience. No matter the stage of plot development, series are cancelled when ratings fall, said Wu Mengjie, a media professional.

In the eyes of Gao Qunshu, a Chinese director well known for making TV series about the lives of cops, the Americans have a prominent advantage—respect for commercial and artistic rules.

After a century of development, the Americans had established an effective mechanism for storytelling and movie production, said Gao.

Gao advised young directors not to rush into innovation, but to learn from the existing masterpieces of their American counterparts in the first place. Only in this way can they build a sound foundation for future creativity.

However, there is also encouraging news for domestic TV series, which have seen an increase in ratings despite widespread criticism. The number and size of the series are already enough to make China the world’s top producer of television shows.

According to official statistics, only half of these shows can be broadcast on television. Fortunately, the Internet has provided an alternative broadcasting platform for viewership.

The market-oriented operation which started in the 1990s has also served as a driving force for the development of Chinese TV series. The government investment and corporate sponsorship are no longer the only sources of funds for TV show production. More private capital has flown into the industry in the form of commercial investments or loans.

Friends 篇4






对于英语初学者来说,《Friends》无疑是最佳的提高英语的途径。在整部剧中,都是简单的人物对话,没有长句,并且词汇也是些口语的基本词汇,例如:working on commission赚佣金,take your forever to find……花费很长时间找到某物等等,这些对于想突破发音以及基础对话的学习者来说是练习的经典之作。像类似《Friends》这样的经典美剧带给学习者更多的就是真实的语言环境,也营造了相应的语言文化氛围。很多英语学习者掌握了大量的单词,但是真正要想说一口地道流利的美式发音却很困难,一张口就会给人发音不地道的感觉,这就是口语练习没有相应的环境。英语的语音对于学习英语来说是基础,它包括单词的发音以及核心词汇和日常习语的掌握,语音语调也是英语学习者需要注意的方面,通过对《Friends》反复观摩,会对发音错误的单词有一个良好的纠正作用、模仿过程。学习英语的康庄大道离不开对句子的仿效,对句子的循环练习。这样才能在模仿与反复观摩的双重动力下产生脱口而出的地道口语。《Friends》给学习者通过大量的精彩情节展现了单词以及句子的使用语境,对语感的建立起到至关重要的作用,并营造了听力训练的实用信息。在现有的大量英语听力训练材料中话题陈旧,句式固定,很难让学习者产生学习兴趣,而《Friends》这种美剧带给英语学习者的是日常生活中的实用语句,并用妙趣横生的方式让学习者记忆深刻,每个人物在发音中的连读、弱读都风格迥异,与我们日常练习的听力材料相差深远,因此通过对美剧的反复观看,也能够起到纠正发音、熟悉不同的发音风格以及积累句型的作用,更在潜意识中理顺了地道英语的逻辑思维,这对日后的听力训练产生了巨大的推动作用。











口语课-Friends试讲稿 篇5

Friends Good morning/afternoon, boys and girl.How was your day? Pretty good? That’s nice.Ok, let’s start our English journey today.Different person has different characteristics.As for me, I am not very tall and I am a gentle.What’s your character? Tom? You said you are a little bit shy.Try to be brave, ok? And what about you Lucy? She said she always want to help others.So she is a very kind person.Right? Class, we have a brainstorm now.Try to think as many words as possible to describe a person and then write them down on your paper.One minutes for you.Finished? Four students as a group to have a discussion, you are asked to make decisions whether all those words you think about are proper to describe a person.Delete the wrong ones.Clear? Ok, stop here.Group one, what are the words your group think to describe a person? Funny, shy, and short? Are all these proper to describe a person? Yes.Good.Group three? What’s your opinion? Quiet, humorous and tall? Are they right? Yes, but pay attention the two words, humorous, humorous, quiet, quiet.Repeat after me.Humorous, quiet.And don’t mix quiet with quite.Ok?

Next let’s listen to a tape.After listening you will answer

two questions.The first one is “What are the two girls talking about?” and the second one is “What is Peter like and what is Lucy like?” Here we go.The tape is over.Who can tell me the answer to the first question “What are the two girls talking about?” Joey? You said that they are looking at a photo book and talking about friends in the photo.Is he right? Yes, exactly.He grasp the main idea the whole passage.But who are the person the two girl talking about? Yes, Peter and Lucy.And then the second question? What is Peter like? John.He is clever and humorous.Why? Because he often tells us funny jokes.And what’s Lucy like? Linda.She is shy and quiet.And what does she look like? You don’t know? It’s ok.Who can help her? Jolin, please.She is small with a ponytail.Very good.Just like you.Sit down please.So much for the questions.Now listen to the tape again and read after the tape.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ok after the reading, we have a whole understanding of this passage.Now who would like to come to the stage to have a role play? Wow, so many students want to have a try.Ok, Kate, you play as Sandy.And Olivia you act as Helen.Come here.Their show is over.What do you think of their performance? They speak very fluently, right? Let’s applaud for them.Go back to your seat.Do you want to play a game? I know you all love games.Let’s play a guessing game.One student will come to the stage to describe a student in the class, the other students will ask him by what is he/she like and guess what the student on the stage is describing.Clear? Ok, who would like to describe? Eason.Good boy, come to the stage.He said the one he is describe is a boy and he is tall.He is very humorous in our class.Guess who is he? Yeah.It’s our monitor Rogan.Next, He said it’s a girl.She is a little bit short with a ponytail and she is quiet.Who is she? Lily? Is it right? Eason? No? Then give us more information about her.Eason said she is clever in math.Then who is she? Yeah, she is Emma.Very good.Go back to your seat.My class, I was told this morning that a student lost his wallet and finally found it in the Lost and Found office.He was told that another student is the one who gives the wallet back.Now work in groups to find out who is the great helper.Try to use the key words and sentences patterns we have learned.Five minutes for you.// I can see that all of you have finished.Which group would like to show your result? Group 3, yes, please.Come to the stage.They have finished.Are they good performer? Yes, we can see that they have done a lot of preparation and the conversation is very smooth.And they find the great helper is David.He is very kind.Let’s applaud for them.Please go back to you seat.Now, Candy? Can you find the key words and sentence patterns in their dialogue? Yes, words are humorous, quiet, shy and so on and sentence pattern is what is he/she like? he/she is….Exactly.You know in life we should see the good in someone.And know someone’s characters and make good friends with them.While in class, we should learn to work with others closely.Always remember that ok? After class, how about you going home and interviewing your parents to see what are they like.Next class we are going to invite someone to report his/her interview result in front of the class.Let’s call it a day.See you next class.That’s all for my presentation.Thanks for your attention.

Friends 篇6

Invited by the CPAFFC, a delegation of the Forum of Sino-Burkinan Friendship headed by its honorary president Zephirin Diabre visited Guangzhou, Xian and Beijing from October 15 to 21, 2007.Though diplomatic relations between China and Burkina Faso suspended in 1994, contacts between the two peoples have never stopped. The delegation attended the 102nd Session of the China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) and visited the Xian National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone. In Beijing, it called on the China-Africa Business Council, the Export-Import Bank of China, the Ministry of Land and Resources, CNOOC International Limited, China Nuclear International Uranium Corporation, Beijing Holley-Cotec Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., China-Africa Development Fund and China Construction Bank.

Since its founding in 2004, the Forum of Sino-Burkinan Friendship has attracted many personages from the economic, trade and banking circles to join in. They all wish to promote the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries through economic and trade contacts. It is their firm conviction that as Chinas influence in the world grows and its economic size increases, no one can succeed in his attempt to prevent the normalization of relations between Burkina Faso and China.

The delegation made a call on the Export-Import Bank of China to discuss matters concerning the development of bilateral trade and economic relations. The Bank suggested that the mineral resources of Burkina Faso be converted into cash liquidity to construct infrastructure facilities, for which China can provide funds. Chinas economic cooperation mode suits the development in Africa. The delegation was told that as Chinas telecommunications sector has achieved an annual growth rate of 60 percent overseas and that both Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment Corp. have their offices in Burkina Faso, if bilateral diplomatic relations are restored, Burkina Faso will enjoy buyers credit from the Export-Import Bank of China, which will have great impact on its economic development. Members of the delegation expressed regret that they are not entitled to get preferential loan and buyers credit because there are no diplomatic relations between the two countries. Members of the delegation Alain Coefe, former commerce minister and the present president of Burkina Fasos Administration Council of the Mansion of Enterprise, and Bernard Zangre, deputy editor-in-chief of Observer, a daily newspaper with the largest circulation in Burkina Faso, said that they would publish reports on what they had seen and heard in China in newspapers and appeal to the government to resume diplomatic relations with China at an early date.

The delegation also paid a visit to the China-Africa Business Council. The Council was set up in the wake of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. It has already organized Chinese entrepreneurs to go to Togo, Zambia and Tanzania to hold commodity exhibitions and sales and achieved good results. The Burkinan friends said that they were capable of hosting delegations from relevant Chinese departments to come to their country to invite investment, mount exhibitions and hold economic and trade forums. They hoped to carry out nongovernmental economic and trade exchanges to promote governmental ties. They believed that when diplomatic relations between the two countries resumed, bilateral trade and economic exchanges would be elevated to a higher level and cooperation would expand.

The Burkinan friends expressed the hope that Chinese entrepreneurs would come to Burkina Faso to develop and utilize solar energy. With strong sunshine, the annual average temperature in the country is 35 degrees centigrade, the highest 45 degrees centigrade. They said, Chinas good-quality but cheap construction materials and electronic products are very popular in Burkina Faso. Now, about 70% of daily necessities in the market are from China, but they enter Burkina Faso through entrepot trade. They hoped to realize direct trade through promoting the normalization of diplomatic relations.

Friends 篇7


1.What surprised us was that she was so fond of________ (古典的)music.

2.My father has________(比……活得长)all his brothers and sisters.

3.We cant find the right direction in such a large desert without a________(指南针).

4.On his return from his office,he found the house________(空无一人).

5.These pleasant________(冒险)on the plain were suddenly put to a stop by the war.

6.We dont have enough books for everyone.

Some of you will have to________(共用).

7.After dinner the minister made a short ________ (演讲) to the guests.

8.There were 50 passengers on________(船上) when the ship sank.

9.We heard them________(争论) in the other room.

10.We must be________(忠诚的) to our country.



1.— What does your best friend look like?

— Hes _______. B.kind C.tall D.rude

2.He is loyal ___ his company.


3.He was running the red light________ a policeman stopped him.

A.then B.when C.while

4.Bob was made________the classroom all by himself.

A.clean clean D.cleaned

5.Can you tell me ___ tomorrow?

A.whats the weather going to be like B.what the weather is going to be like the weather is going to be like is the weather going to be like

6.The workers are so________to their company.They wont leave it although it is in trouble.

A.fond B.brave D.loyal

7.Dont________with your parents.What you did is quite wrong. B.speak C.argue D.discuss

8.Many people would like to________their pets________ their close friends.

A.think;of B.develop;as

C.know;of D.treat;as

9.You need special________ to work as a nurse.

A.character B.quality

C.share D.adventure

10.A woman is usually afraid to walk alone down a __________ street at night.

A.desert B.deserted

C.deserting D.deserts

11.As your spoken English gets better,_________ your written English. does will

C.such does D.such will

12.They believe that________ they will defeat the football team. day B.the other day

C.any dayD.either day

13.Do you know the boy________under the big tree?

A.lay B.lainC.laying D.lying

14.— We dont have enough books.What________ would you like to________?

— How about two of us________ one?



15.—Excuse me,is this Mr.Browns office?

—Im sorry,but Mr.Brown________ works here.He left about three weeks ago.

A.not more

C.not longer



1.John said,“I like reading adventure stories.”John said that he________reading adventure stories.

2.She said to me,“I broke your CD player.”She told me that she________ my CD player.

3.He said,“Ill come here this morning.”He said he________go there that morning

4.He said,“I have finished my homework.”He said that he________his homework.

5.He said,“They are playing games over there.”He said that they________playing games over there.

6.He said,“My brother failed in the exam.”He said________brother had failed in the


7.He said to Mary,“How is your mother now?”He asked Mary how________mother was


8.My teacher said,“she is a good student.”My teacher said________ was a good student

9.He said to me,“Ive left my book in your room.”

He told me that________had left________book in________ room.

10.The teacher said in class,“The moon moves around the earth.”

The teacher said in class________ the moon________ around the earth.”



1.Susan is a quiet girl,and she is not into singing,________ (她也不喜欢跳舞).(nor,fond)

2.It was so cold last winter that few birds managed to________(从那场大雪中幸存下来).

3.The police are________(在森林里搜寻)the tourists who have lost their ways.(hunt)

4.Father of two kids as he is,he is still________ (被当作孩子) by his parents.(treat)

5.Would you like to________(分享你的经验)with the rest of the group? (share)

6.The earthquake happened all of a sudden:Chuck was about to leave his home________(就在那时他的房子突然垮了).(when,crash)

7.________(多关注过程) rather than the result,and you will enjoy a better life.(care)

8.Although father and I often________(相互争论),we are good friends.(argue)

9.Dont forget to________(给我写信) to tell me about your holiday in New York,you know,it is the place I want to visit most.(drop)

10.Wherever you are,please________(记住我们的友谊).(keep,mind)


In the movie Cast Away,Chuck is a __1__ .He is __2__busy to have time for his friends.One day the plane he took crashes.He __3__ it and lands on a __4__ island.


