


完成句子练习 答案


70. 由于天气变化,我们没能去爬山。

___Because of _____ the changes in weather, we couldn’t go to climb the hill..

71. 昨天晚上,直到十点钟,他才回来。

He _didn’t come back until_______ ten o’clock last night.

72. 我们花了一个星期的时间才完成并上交自己的作业。

It __took us a week to finish and hand in_______________ our homework.

73. 事实上, 当天来的人太多了,以至于地板很难保持干净。

In fact, _there were so many people that it was hard/difficult to keep__ the floor clean that day.


69. 你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。

You’d better get up now. Don’tschool again.

70. 你能和同学们相处融洽,我很高兴。

I’m glad that you can ___get along with___________ your classmates.

71. 冰箱出什么故障了? 噪音太大。

_____what’s wrong/ the matter with_________ the fridge? It’s so noisy.

72. 我上周用了两天时间为妈妈选了一件礼物。

_It took me two days to _________ find a present for Mom last week.


69. 你能帮我倒下垃圾吗?

__Could you take out_________the rubbish?

70. 我弟弟年龄太小以至于不能独自移动那个箱子。

My brother is _so small that ____________ he can’t move that box alone.

71.她的父亲既不会游泳,也不会滑冰。Her father can __neithre swim nor skate_________________________..

72. 昨天怀特先生修理自行车用了一个小时时间。

Mr. White _spends one hour fixing up/repairing________ this bicycle yesterday.

73. 我的妈妈经常告诉我坚持锻炼很有必要。

My mother often tells me _it is necessary to keep exercising___________.


69. 不用担心,我一到伦敦就给你打电话。

Don’t worry. I’ll call youI arrive in London.

70. 天气多好啊!为什么不出去散散步呢?

How nice it is! ___Why not/Why don’t you___________ go out for a walk?

71. 我们开始吧!我认为他不会来了。

Let’s begin.he will come.

72. 你帮助了我,是我有可能有了上学的机会。

You helped to __make it possible___________ to have the chance to go to school..

73. 我们用了两年使我们学校像花园一样漂亮。


69. 我能再读一期“校刊”吗?

_Can I______ read another “school magazine”?

70. 你看起来显得很疲劳,怎么了?

You look very tired. __What’s the matter/What’s wrong________?

71. 对我来说,篮球和足球一样有趣。

For me, basketball is _as interesting as football__________ .

72. 你愿意和我一起谈论这个话题吗?

__Would you like to talk about__________ the topic with us?

73. 阻止学生们浪费水是很有必要的。

__it is necessary to keep students from wasting__________ the water.


69. 让我们明天去看电影吧。

__Let us___________ go to see a movie tomorrow.

My mum _asks me to buy____________some milk for her yesterday.

71. 玛丽花了三个小时把房间打扫完。

Mary _spends/spent three hours cleaning____________the room up.

72. 汤姆不仅会说汉语,还会写汉语。

Tom __can not only speak but also write___________Chinese.

73. 老师告诉我们今年不仅要忙于学习还要坚持锻炼身体。

Our teacher told us __to not only be busy with our study but also keep (on) exercising __ this year.


69. 听力录音出了点问题,咱们先做下面的试题吧。

__There is something wrong with_____the listening record, let’s do the following tests first.

70. 我父母总是要求我不能晚回家。

My parents always___ask me not to______________ go home late.

71. 虽然他感觉很累,但他没有放弃而是坚持跑着。

Though he felt tired, he didn’t give up ___but keep on running___________________.

72. 这个问题现在太难解释了。

The problem ___is too difficult to _______________ ___ explain now.



It’s fine today. ____70. 我的电子词典出问题了,能借用一下你的吗?

my E-dictionary. Can I borrow yours? 70. 昨天妈妈让我去给她买了点牛奶。

71. 请现在就把申请表填了,好吗?

72. 我已经15岁了,不再是个孩子了。

I’m 15 now and I’m __73.你看的书越多,你懂得就越多。



___what’s wrong________________________ with your computer?


72. 虽然我的房间很小,但我还是想让它尽可能的舒适些。 73.很多人都记得汶川地震发生时他们在做什么。 Wenchuan.


69. 我的自行车出了点毛病,你能帮我修理一下吗?

70. David 和 Jack都非常喜欢足球。

___both David and Jack____________________ enjoy football very much.

71. 孩子们正忙着打开圣诞礼物。

Children __are busy opening_________________ the Christmas gifts.

72. 过度玩电脑游戏不利于你的健康。

__it is bad for you health to ________________play computer games too much .

73. 妈妈让我为了能上一个好高中和进入好大学而努力学习。

My mother __askes me to study hard in order t0 get into a good high school and a good university_______.

第二篇:完成句子 错题答案

73. 哥哥花了三个星期的时间计教我弹吉他.

It took brother a week to teach me /my brother spent a week teaching me to play the guitars.


Mom often tells me neither to show myself off, nor to look down upon others. 73在体育测试中我尽力了.

I tried as hard as possible in the PE test.


You’ d better not depend too much onour parents, and learn to look after yourself

2011 一模

72 因为下了大雨,它让我等了两个小时.

Because of the heavy rain, it kept me waiting for two hours

73 我花了很长时间才了解了那幅油画的含义.

It took me a long time to know the meaning of the painting.

74 李先生过去总吸烟.直到得了重病,他才戒烟.

Mr Li to smoke a lot. He didn’t give up smoking untilhe was serious ill. 2

73 讲英语时,不要害怕犯错误.

Don’ be afraid ofmaking mistakes when you speak English

74 学生正在帮老人们打扫房间.

The students are busy helping the old people cleanthe house.


71 有空儿你给我打个电话好吗?

Would you please call me when you are free

73 外边正在下雨,但李丽忘记带雨伞了.

It is raining now, but LILy forgot to take an umbrella with her

74 往往是灾难来临的时候,我们才意识到相互帮助共度难关的重要性.

Usually we don’t realize the importance of helping each other and getting through difficulties together untildisasters happen.


74 这里的景色太美了,我们停下来爬了很多相片.

The sights here were used to make a living by singing.


73 对不起,但我认为您把停在这里是不对的.

Excuse me, but I park the car here. don’t think it’s right for you to/ think it’s wrong for you to

74 在科学俱乐部里,孩子们不是忙着做模型,就是忙着解决遇到的问题

In the science club, the kids are busy either making models or dealing

with/working out /solving problemsthat they meet.


73 昨晚我的朋友李娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时.

My fiends Linna kept me talkingon the phone for half an hour last night.

74 现代城市里越来越多的成年人,到大学努力提高自己

Now more and more city adults spend their free time trying toimprove themselves at collage.

8 我有两个学习英语的方法.一个是大声朗读, 另一个是坚持因可能多做


I have two ways of learning English. One is reading aloud, the other is keeping

reading as much as possible


73 孩子们正在忙着准备妈妈的生日聚会

The children are busy preparing for / are busy getting ready for their mother a

birthday party

74 很多学校都需要加固装修,这可以使他们的学校既安全又美观.

Many school need to be reinforced and decorated, and it can make the

schools not only safer but also more beautiful


73 我很高兴能与同学们相处的很好.

Iam glad that I can get on well with other students.

74 你的单位离家很近,我认为没有必要天天开车去上班.

Your workplace is quite near your home . I don’t think it is necessary for you

to drive to work everyday.


71 我的自行车昨天出现问题了,我只好步行去学校

There was something wrong with/ something was wrong withmy bike yesterday. I had to go to school on foot.

73 妈妈得知哥哥在日本地震中安全后才上床睡觉.

Mum didn’t go to beduntilshe know my brother was safe in the

earthquake in Japan.

74 他那么喜欢听应约,我有必要给她买个手机作为生日礼物.

He likes listening to music so much that I think it’s necessary to buy him an

ipod/buy an ipod touch for himas birthday gift.


74 他花了很长时间致力于如何研究阻止学生沉溺于电脑游戏.

Hehas spent a long time keeping studying on how to stop students from

losing themselvesin the computer games.


71 我的自行车出了毛病,你能帮我修理一下吗?

There is something wrong withmy bicycle. Can you help me mend it?

72 医生总想尽可能多的了解病人的情况.

The doctor always wants to know/ learn as much as possibleabouthis patients

73 那场雨没有阻挡我们上手旅行的快乐.

The rain didn’t stop/prevent us (from)enjoying the trip.


Mr. White didn’t leave until he saw his daughter enter/go into the school.

72 北京有许多名胜古迹。

There are many places of interest in Beijing .

73 要认识到我们的长处和短处是需要时间的。

It takes timeto realize our advantages and disadvantages.

74 我的父母累得不想吃饭,不想说话,但是他们仍然坚持辅导我的功课

Every day my parents are too tired to feel like eating or talking, but they still

keep helping me with/are so tired that they don’t want to eat or talk,

but they still keep helping me withmy homework.

71 劳驾,请递给我词典好吗?

Excuse me, would you please/ Could youpass me the dictionary?

72 上海世博会和北京奥运会一样受欢迎

Shanghai EXPO 2010 is as popularBeijing Olympic Game 2008

73 他知识越渊博,就对学习越感兴趣。

The more knowledge he has, the more interest he showsin learning.

74 我觉得现在不是完全依赖电脑的时候,因此还是有必要把字练好

I don’t think it’s time to fully depend on computer, so it’s necessary(for us)to be good at handwriting.


The exams are coming .I neither play games nor see movies

74 学会如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很必要的

_It’s very necessary for us to learn how to deal with the problems by

ourselves___ in our daily life.



_I am glad that I have kept reading English newspapers after finishing my

homework homework every day for a year.



Reading books_can not only help us get knowledge but also make us




Daming _neither watched TV nor_ played computer games yesterday evening.


_It’simportant for students to spend an hour doing sports every day .

2010-2011 期末


I was glad/happy/ pleased to _see him fit in his new class when I got there.


__It’s necessary to____ reuse and recycleas much as possible________


_Although it takes times to take part in the volunteer activities, _we should

__still try to keep doing it ___



We should travel a lot because it can not only make us relaxed, but also help

us learn more about the world.

4 我们要尽可能多花时间学习英语。

We”llspend as much times as possibles_learning English.

2012 东城区一模

71. 杰瑞既学英语也学汉语。

Jerrynot only learns English but also learns Chinese

72. 73.

72. 九点前完成作业是有可能的。

It’s possible to finish the homework before 9 o’clock.

73. 为了赶上同学,他尽了最大的努力。

In order to catch up with his classmates, he has tried his best.


73 许多人被清华“励志修车哥”所感动,决定像他那样坚持梦想,并努


Many people are so moved by “the guy with courage” in Tsinghuathat they

decide to keep their dreams and so their best to make them come ture



72. 作为一名北京青少年,了解如何把北京精神与我们日常生活联系起来


As a teenager in Beijing,it’s very necessary to know how toconnect

Beijing Spirit with our daily life.

73. 当我们与别人意见不能达成一致时,我们最好既不要与人争吵也不要


Wehad better neither argue with others nor give upour own opinions when we can’t reach an agreement.

73. 许多人被清华“励志修车哥”所感动,决定像他那样坚持梦想,并努


73. Many people are so moved by "the guy with courage" in Tsinghua that

they decide to keep their dreams and do their best to make them come true

like him.


为了保持健康,你不仅应该戒烟,而且应该考虑每天花点时间锻炼身体。 In order t keep health, you should _not only stop smoking but also think about spending a little time_ taking exercise every day.


















19、按要求写诗句。(名言警句) (1)歌颂朋友深情厚谊的诗句:














一、把反问句改成陈述句。 •



3.我们千千万万个普通人,不是正是这样的野花吗?(答案)• 。











13.这个故事怎能不使我感动呢?(答案)。 把下面的陈述句改成反问句。

1.我们不会把你老人家忘怀。(答案)。 2.





7.抗洪救灾中解放军叔叔的英雄事迹使我们感动得流泪。 8不劳动连棵花也养不活,这是真理。(答案)。



1. 西城

69. 我一到美国就会给你写信。

I’ll write to you ______________ I get to America.

70. 加拿大作家爱丽丝.门罗因为获得2013年诺贝尔文学奖出名。 The Canadian writer Alice Munro __________________ winning the 2013 Nobel Prize in literature.

71. Rebecca太累了,所以停下来休息了一会儿。

Rebecca was ____________________ she stopped to rest for a while.

72. 你越仔细,犯的错误就会越少。

__________________ you are, __________________ you will make.

73. 雾霾天时,戴口罩有助于防止受污染的空气损害我们的健康。 On smoggy days, wearing a mask can help ___________ the polluted air _________________ to our health.

2. 东城


____________ going shopping this afternoon?


France ______________red wine.

71. 老师经常告诉我们要保持教室卫生。

Our teacher often tells us _______.

72. 你应该尽量每天花一些时间做运动。

You should try to _______________ every day.

73. 昨天晚上他兴奋得难以入睡。

He was __________________ last night.

3. 朝阳


____________buy a new CD for your friend as a birthday present?


It’s snowing.____________ going skiing tomorrow?

71.如果我们重复做同样的事情,学到的东西就会很少。 If we ___________the same things we’ll learn very little.


This pair of shoes ____________. Can you buy a new pair for me?

73. 赢得学生们的心对老师们来说是很重要的。

____________________________ the hearts of students.

4. 海淀

69. 让我们张贴英语晚会的海报吧!

_____________ put up the posters for the English Evening?

70. 谢谢你给我买的这张音乐专辑。

_________________ buying me the CD.

71. 上周六我们直到发完所有的广告才回家。

We __________________________ we handed out all the achievements last Saturday.

72. 体育运动不仅能让我们健康,还能让我们快乐。

Playing sports can ________________________ happy.

73. 这次采访如此重要,我们不能将它推迟。

The interview ____________________________________.

5. 延庆

69. 你看上去很累,你最好休息一下。

You look very tired. ________________ have a good rest.


Mother’s Day is coming. _____________ and buy a present for her.

71. 请你明天六点叫醒我好吗?

___________________ wake me up at six tomorrow?


They _____________________ they reached the top of the mountain.

73. 父母经常告诫我做人守信很重要。

My parents often tell me ______________________.

6. 石景山

69. 你今晚愿意和我一块去参加晚会吗?

_______________ go to the party with me tonight?

70. 姐姐语文和英语学得一样好。

My sister studies Chinese __________________ English.

71. 我们正盼望着寒假呢。

We __________________ the winter holiday.

72. 当球迷们听到这个好消息时,都兴奋得无法入睡。

The football fans were ______________ fall asleep when they heard the good news.

73. 他仅用了3天时间就写完了这篇小说。

It ______________________________ the novel.

7. 门头沟

69. 今天下午去看电影怎么样?

_____________ going to the cinema this afternoon?

70. 我和Jack一样高。

I am _____________________ Jack.

71. 你最好别把书包放在这里。

_________________________ put your bag here.

72. 春节临近,很多家庭都忙着为春节做准备呢。

Spring Festival is coming. Many families ___________________ it.


Sara _________________________________ last Sunday.

8. 密云


____________________ try out your idea?

70. 这些孩子们太小了还不能上学。

These children are _____________________ go to school.

71. 她不如她姐姐细心。

She ________________________________her sister.

72. 昨天他的照相机出了毛病。

_____________________________________his camera yesterday.

73. 你们每天花多长时间读英语?

_______________________________________English every day?

9. 顺义

69. — 您是喝茶还是咖啡?— 来杯茶吧。

— __________________, tea or coffee? — Tea, please.

70. 这个问题好纠结,我找不到解决的办法。

This problem does beat me for I ________________anyway.

71. 我们曾经是很要好的朋友,但现在却形同陌路。不知道为什么。

We ______________be very close friends, but now we’re like strangers. I don’t know why.

72. 我新买的房子离超市很近。

______only a very short distance between my new house and the supermarket.

73. 他性格倔强,无论遇上什么事都不甘示弱。

He is ________ tough-minded _________ he can endure all difficult situations with determination.

10. 燕山

69. 你最好能吃光所有的食物。

_________________________ all the food.

70. 为什么不阻止她去河里游泳?

____________________________________ swimming in the river?

71. 你们赢了周五的足球赛,我非常高兴。

I’m very glad ___________________________________________.

72. 我认为近期不会有暴雪。

________________________________ a snowstorm in a few days.

73. 过度使用汽车是我们这个城市污染的主要原因。

_________________________________to overuse cars in our city.

11. 昌平

69. 你为什么不查查字典呢?

_________________ look up the words in your dictionary?

70. 他差不多和他父亲一样高了。

He is almost ________________ his father.

71. 你看起来不高兴,怎么啦?

You look unhappy. __________________ you?

72. 养成良好的学习习惯是重要的。

_________________________ good learning habits.

73. 李刚帮妈妈做完家务才做作业。

Li Gang ________________________ the housework.


八年级上册完成句子练习 Unit 1 你好,我亲爱的朋友,好久不见!

Hello, my dear friend! ___________________________________! 你对那条狗做了什么特别的事吗?

Did you _____________________________________ to the dog? 聚会上每个孩子都玩得很愉快。

At the party every child___________________________________. Rose感觉她自己就是一个神。

Jack ___________________________ her herself was a god. 我喜欢听TF-BOYS的歌。

I______________________________________TF-BOYS’s songs. 由于天冷,大多数老人和孩子都病了。

Most old people and children got sick _____________________ the cold weather. 在我们到达山顶前,我们又步行了两个小时。

We walked for ____________________________ before we got to the top of the hill. 她的父母太忙了,很少有时间陪她。

Her parents were______________________ they spent little time with her. 让我们尽最大的努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。

Let’s ________________________________________________________the children in poor areas. Unit2 你擅长说哪一种语言?

____________________________________________________ are you good at speaking? Laura多久锻炼一次?

_________________________________ does Laura _________? 我几乎从不吃KFC。

I____________________________________ eat KFC. 吃健康早餐对你有好处。

It is good for you to ________________________ breakfast. 周末我喜欢做各种各样的运动。

I like doing all kinds of sports _______________________. FanFan经常熬夜玩QQ游戏。

Fan Fan often ______________________________________ playing QQ games. 她有时帮她妈妈做家务。

She sometimes help her mother __________________________. 妈妈想让我每天吃健康食物。

My mother ________________________________________every day. 我们学校百分之四十的学生来自农村。

____________________________________ the students in our school are from the countryside. 汤姆总是通过听音乐来放松自己。

Tom always ______________________________________________ to music. 我认为放松的最佳方式是通过跳舞。

I think ______________________________ to relax is by dancing. 我们班有六十多名学生。

There are ______________________ sixty students in our class. 我非常惊讶在这里看到你。

I____________________________ to meet you here. 对人们而言保持健康很重要。

It’s very important for people to __________________________. 不吃早餐去上学对我们的健康有害。

Going to school without breakfast _________________________________ our health. Unit 3 玛丽的头发比莉莉的短。

Mary __________________________________ Lily。 玛丽和莉莉都会谈钢琴,但是玛丽比莉莉弹得好。

__________ Mary ____________ Lily can play the piano, but Mary ______________________ Lily. 我认为最重要的事情就是开心。

I think the ____________________ is to __________________________. 你和你姐姐一样友好吗?

Are you __________________________________ your sister? 你们班谁更加勤奋?

Who’s ___________________________________ in your class? 金钱不如知识重要。

Money is ____________________________________ knowledge. 我妹妹比我高一点儿。

My sister is ______________________ than me. 你的妹妹比你更擅长画画。

Your sister _________________________ painting than your sister. 他们两个都喜欢游泳。

________________ like swimming. 我们的城市正变得越来越美丽。

Our city is ____________________________________________. 我认为一个好朋友使我发笑。

I think a good friend ____________________________________. 老师告诉我一个好朋友就像一面镜子。

The teacher told me a good friend _____________________________. 我妹妹很害羞,因此对于她来说交朋友不容易。

My sister is very shy, so it’s not easy_________________________________. 他和他弟弟非常不一样。

He is quite ______________________________ his brother. 在我困难时,杰克总是能给我帮助,使我感动。

When I am in trouble, Jack always ________ for my hand and _________ me moved. 我知道我的父母很关心我。

I know my parents _____________________________ me very much. 只要你取得好成绩,我就高兴。

__________________________ you can get good grades, I’ll be happy. 我喜欢我的英语老师,因为他能帮我表现出最好的一面。

I like my English teacher, because he helps me __________________________________. 事实上,我应该是一名好的听众。

____________________________, I should be a good listener. 他们两个都在数学方面有天赋。

They are ____________________________ math. 我妹妹比我更外向。

My sister is ________________________ than me. Unit 4 这座城市里最好的电影院是什么?

What’s _______________________ movie theater in the city. 目前为止你认为他的英语怎么样?

How do you ______ his English __________________? 谢谢你告诉了我这个好消息。

Thank you for _________________________ the good news. 黄河餐馆服务最友好。

Huanghe Restaurant has __________________________. 这个广播电台离我家很近,坐公交车只有10分钟的路程。

The radio station is very ____________________ my house and it is only___________________. 脱口秀表演正变得越来越受欢迎。

Talk shows are getting ________________________________________. 观众通常在决定获胜者方面起着重要的作用。

The audience usually ____________________________________in deciding the winner. 你不能太认真对待那些综艺节目。

You can’t _______ those variety shows _____________________. 这是让你梦想成真的最好办法。

This is the best way to _________ your dreams _______________. 海里生活着各种各样的鱼。

There are ___________________________ fishes living in the sea. 那个小男孩编造了很多故事,例如,他去过月球。

The little boy ________________ many stories. ____________, he has been to the moon. 我们应该认真对待学习,因为学习在谋生时发挥着重要的作用。

We should ________________________, because the study ______________________________ making a living. 这个Ipad虽然最便宜,但是和其他的一样好。

This Ipad is the ________, but it is ____________________ the other ones. Unit 5 ----你认为今天的天气怎么样?

----还可以。 我不介意炎热的天气。

----What do you _________________ today’s weather? ----It’s OK. I don’t _________ the heat. 最后我弄清楚了昨天学校周围发生的事情。

At last I _________________ what was going ______ around our school yesterday. 上周一史密斯太太发生了车祸。 A car accident __________________ Mrs Smith last Monday. 人们可以在旅途中学到很多东西。

People can _________________________ during the travels. 在二十世纪五十年代,他制作了他的第一部影片。 ___________________________, he made his first film. 布朗先生总是乐意帮助别人。

Mr. Brown is always ____________________ help others. 他有一双比米奇的还出名的耳朵。

He has a pair of ears _______________________Mickey’s. 木兰女扮男装,替父从军。

Mulan _____________________ like a boy and ____________________ to fight in the army. 妈妈很高兴,因为她的儿子的确做得很好。

Mother was very happy because her son really did____________________. 我认为他是一个成功的演员。

I think he is a _____________________. 不幸地是,他弄丢了他的手机。

___________, he ________ his mobile phone. Unit 6 我长大了想当一名飞行员。

I want ________________________ when I ________________. 你能告诉我你为什么如此擅长写故事吗?

Can you tell me why you’re so ____________________________ stories? 她将要坚持拉小提琴。

She is going to __________________________ the violin. 我父母想让我当工程师,但我对此没有把握。

My parents want me to be an engineer, but I’m _______________________ that. 请确保Jim能把药送到那个老人那里。

Please __________________ that Jim can _______ the medicine ________ the old man. 下周他将要搬到北京去。

He________________________________ Beijing next week. 上个月我对父母许下了诺言。

Last month I __________________________ to my parents. 我的决定与我的自我提高有关系。

My resolutions _______________________________ my self-improvement. 正因为如此,一些人说最好的行动就是没有行动。

________________________________, some people say the best action is to take no action. 你知道如何改善与家人的关系吗?

Do you know how to ______________________________ your family? 我决定尽力赶上其他同学。

I _________________________________ to try my best to catch up with other students. 在上课的一开始,老师让我们问问题。

______________________ the class, the teacher asked us to ask questions. Unit 7 我认为人们家里将会有机器人。 I think _________________________ robots in people’s homes. 很多人都希望能活到一百岁。

Many people hopes to _________________________ 100 years old. 将会有更多的污染,环境将处于极度的危险当中。

There will be _________________, and the environment will be __________________. 我们应尽一份力来拯救地球。

We should _________________________________ saving the earth. 在将来,学校将会电子化。

_______________________, schools will go electronic. 机器人看上去像人,并且和我们做着同样的事情。

Robots _______________ humans and do the same things _____we do. 一场暴风雨之后,许多房屋倒塌了。

After a storm, many houses ________________. 机器人可以为人类反反复复地做一些简单的工作。

Robots can do simple jobs for people____________________________. 他们几乎不能相信这消息。

They could _____________________ the news. 对于我们来说醒来并且知道在哪里很容易。

It’s_________ for us __________________ and know where we are. 有一些男孩正在操场上踢足球。

__________________ some boys __________________ on the playground. Unit 8 我经常在家制作水果沙拉。

I often _________________________ at home. 咱们来做俄式汤吧。

_______________________ Russian soup. 不要忘了往汤里加些盐。

Don’t forget _________________ some salt to the soup. 她完成她的家庭作业之后,打开了电视机。

After he finished his homework, he __________________ the TV. 给我一勺酸奶。

Give me ____________________________ yogurt. 把牛肉和土豆放进锅里,加一些水。

_____________ the beef and _________________ a pot and ________ some water. 他们为她做了个蛋糕。

They ____________________ for her. 首先,把两个苹果洗干净并切碎。

First, wash two apples and ________________________. 在中国,我们通常在特别的节日里吃传统的食物。

In China, we usually eat_____________________ on special holidays. 然后,把水果混合物装满盘子。

Next, ____________ the plate _________ the fruit mix. 为了做这份特殊的食物,你需要有鱼肉、鸡蛋和不同的蔬菜。

_________________ this special food, you need to have fish, eggs and ___________ vegetables. 把胡萝卜再煮五分钟。

Cook the carrots for _________________________. 昨天我病了,妈妈给我量了体温。

Yesterday I was ill, my mother__________________________. 把树放到坑里并用土将其盖住。

Put the tree into the hole and _________ it___________ earth. 我们正在庆祝祖父的80岁生日。

We __________________ our grandfather’s eightieth birthday. 他用苹果把盒子装满。

He _________the box __________ apples. Unit 9 妞妞不能和我们一起去了,她得准备考试。

NiuNiu can’t go with us, she has _____________________ the exam. 我不想拒绝她的邀请,我想去她的生日聚会。

I don’t want to _____________________________, I’d love to go to her birthday party. 他们直到十点才离开。

They aren’t ___________________ ten o’clock. 不要吃太多甜食,否则你会太胖的。

Don’t eat ______________ sweet, or you’ll be ____________ fat. 把你妈妈带到聚会上来,为了给她一个惊喜,不要告诉她。

Bring your mother to the party ___________________ her _____________ she can be surprised. 请在下周二之前以书面方式回复此邀请。

Please reply ________________ to this invitation by next Tuesday. 后天你有空吗?

Will you be free __________________________ ? 在街上碰到汤姆,我感到很吃惊。

I felt very __________________ meet Tom on the street. Unit 10 如果你去公园,你将会过得很愉快。

______ you go to the park, _____________ have a great time. 我认为一半的同学不会做这件事。

I don’t think ____________________ can do it. 下周我将很忙,没有时间见你。

I’ll be ____________________ see you next week. 现在的孩子常常有很多烦恼。

Children these days often have _____________________. 除非你与人交流,否则你必定会感觉更糟糕。

____________ you talk to someone, you will certainly __________________. 最后,他就常见的问题给我们提了建议。

_________________________, he advised us about common problems. 最好不要回避记者的问题。

It is best ___________________________ from the reporter’s questions. 这个苹果太大了,我想把它切成两半。

This apple is too big, I want to cut it _______________。 我们不知道她的岁数,她保守着这个秘密。

We don’t know her age, she ______________________. 玛丽不敢告诉她的父母这个坏消息。

Mary ___________________________ tell her parents the bad news. 医生建议我多锻炼。

The doctor ___________________________take more exercise.

