

It不仅是英语中使用频率极高的代词, 而且还可以构成特殊的结构和惯用语, 学生在第二语言的语境中若进行有效的阅读, 就必须掌握好it的用法和表达。此外it作为英语语法的重点、难点, 同时又是考试的热点, 因此应给予充分的重视, 本文试就it常用的用法和表达进行详细的归纳, 并给出完整的实例, 以便读者参详。

1 作人称代词, 指代事物、动物、婴儿或未知的人


(1) Look at the baby, isn`t it lovely? (指代婴儿)

(2) Who is knocking at the door?

It`s me. (指代不明身份或性别的人, 一般不必译出)

(3) The ant is not gathering this food for itself alone.It has two stomachs in its body. (指代前面出现的事物)

2 作非人称代词, 表示天气、时间、距离、自然现象、环境等


(1) It is very cold today. (指代天气)

(2) It is seven o`clock.Mrs Tuner goes into the kitchen. (指代时间)

(3) It is twenty mils to the zoo. (指代距离)

(4) It is very quiet here. (指代环境)

(5) It was winter.It was ten degree below zero. (指代自然现象)

3 作关系代词

3.1 代替不定式, 作形式主语或形式宾语

在这种结构中, 被代替的成分要置于句末, 这样的句式可避免句子显得头重脚轻。例如以下几句。

(1) It is of great help to master a foreign language.

(2) It took me a week to rewrite the paper.

(3) I consider it advisable to tell her beforehand.

(4) We find it quite necessary to make some changes.

3.2 代替动名词


(1) It`s dangerous sleeping out in the woods at night.

(2) I find it a waster spending so much money drinking and eating.

(3) It is worthwhile making another try.

3.3 代替名词性从句

该结构中的名词性从句可用that, what, when等连接代词或连接副词引导。例如以下几句。

(1) It is obvious that metals in common use are very important in our life.

(2) It happened that she was not at home when I called.

(3) It is not known when caused the incident.

(4) It is a mystery when they got married.

4 使用“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其它”的形式构成强调句型

当it构成强调句型时, 既无指代关系也无实义, 去掉句型中“It is/was…that/who…”三个词后, 剩余的词仍能单独组成一个完整的句子, 此外翻译时要突出句子中被强调成分。


I met Bob in your room yesterday.→

(1) It was yesterday that I met Bob in your room. (强调时间状语)


(2) It was in your room that I met Bob yesterday. (强调地点状语)


(3) It was Bob that I met in your room yesterday. (强调宾语)


(4) It was I who met Bob in your room yesterday. (强调主语)


5 使用it构成虚拟句型

考虑到主句中形容词的差异, that后面引导的从句中要用虚拟语气 (should+动词原形) , should可以省去, 这类形容词包括:important、necessary、right、strange、natural等等。例如以下几句。

(1) It is important that we (should) learn English well.

(2) It is necessary that we (should) remember these words.

此外主句中使用的过去分词若表示请求、建议、命令等词时, that后面引导的从句也要用虚拟语气 (should+动词原形) , should可以省, 常译为“据建议、有命令”等等, 这类过去分词包括:s u g g e s t e d、ordered、demanded、insisted、commanded等等, 例如以下几句。

(1) It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off.

(2) It was ordered that we (should) arrive there in three hours.

6 用it组成的惯用语

It同动词组合可以组成惯用词组, 这种情况下, it的用法无明确指代关系, 也无明确含义。例如以下几句。

(1) Take it easy.

(2) We had a nice time of it.我们玩得很好。

(3) Win or lose, we`ll stick it out (坚持到底) .

(4) Go it (加油) !We`ll back you up.

再如:call it a day (今天就干到这里, 到此为止) 。

make it (做到, 办成) 。

go it alone (独自干) 。

rough it (生活困顿, 艰难地生活) 。

hit it (猜对, 说中) 。

beat it (走开, 滚开) 。

come it (达到……目的, 成功地做……) 。

brave it out (拼着干到底) 。

face it out (把……坚持到底, 挺到底) 。

foot/walk it (步行) 。

just for the hell of it (只是为了好玩) 。

as luck would have it (碰巧, 不凑巧, 倒霉) 。

take it out of somebody. (拿……出气) 等等。

7 构成have it that结构, 其含义为“…说”


(1) The newspaper has it that (声称) the president will resign.

(2) Legend has it that there is a dragon in the lake.

据传说, 这个湖里有一条龙。

(3) Rumour has it that he has escaped into the forest.

据谣传, 他逃到森林里去了。

8 构成for it结构, 其含义可以表示“应付的手段和方法、因此、受罚”等。


(1) There`s nothing for it but to wait. (办法)

(2) She will be in for it. (倒霉、受罚)

(3) It is none the better for it. (因此)

以上只是对it的常见用法作了一些简单的陈述。要全面正确理解和把握好它的用法, 还需要在学习和阅读时不断地进行归纳和总结。

摘要:it是英语表达中基本的指代要素, 除了承担指代功能外, 还可以构成特殊的结构和惯用语, 本文就it丰富的用法做出详细的归纳, 并给出完整的实例。

