





Academic community 学术团体Advertising 广告

Announcement 公告Article reprints 文章翻印Audiovisual communications 视听沟通


Banks,insurers 银行,保险公司

Belief 意见、信仰

Biography 传记/简历Board of directors 董事会Brand-building 品牌打造Budgeting 预算

Bulletin boards 公告牌

Business objective 经营目标 Byliner 署名作者


Case history 个案记录Cause-related marketing 事件营销

Change 变革

Clerical employees 办公人员

Client 客户

Communication audits 沟通审查

Communication vehicles 沟通工具

Community neighbors 社区同胞

Community publics 社区公众Community relations 社区关系

Competitors 竞争对手Conflict 冲突Confrontation 对峙

Conscience 良心

Consumer movement 消费者运动

Consumer 消费者

Consumerism 消费者权益保护

Contributions 捐赠

Corporate codes of conduct 企业行为准则

Corporate image 企业形象Corporate social

responsibility 企业的社会责任

Corporation 企业Counseling 顾问

Cover-up 掩盖(手段)

Credibility 可信性

Crisis management 危机管理Environmentalism 环境保护Ethics 道德(准则)Customers 消费者


Database marketing 网络营销

Deals/distributors 交易商/分销商

Desktop publishing 电脑排版 Direct mail 直邮Distortion 歪曲

Education 教育


Electronic media 电子媒体

E-lobbying 电子游说E-mail memorandum 电子邮件备忘录

E-mail 电子邮件

Employee communication strategies 员工沟通战略Employee communication tactics 员工沟通策略Employee communication 员工沟通

Employee families 员工家庭Environment 环境

Evaluation 评价


Face-to-face 面谈


legislators 联邦,州,当地立法者

Financial relations 金融公关 G

Goodwill 商誉

Government relations 政府关系

Government 政府

Grapevine rumor 小道消息


Idea 思想、观念

Insider trading 内部交易

Integrated marketing

communications 整合营销传播

Interactive public relations 互动公关

Internal video 内部录像

International community 国际社区

Interview 面访

Investment community 投资团体

Investor relations 投资者关系

Investor 投资者

Multinational corporation 跨国公司


Narrowcasting 窄播News release 新闻发布

Issues management 问题管理Newsworthy 有新闻价值的


Journalist 记者

Key messages 关键信息Labor unions 工会Lobbying 游说

Local community relations 社区关系


Management 管理

Managers/supervisors 经理/主管

Marketing mix 市场营销组合 Marketing publicity 营销宣传Marketing 行销

Media contact and monitoring媒体联络与监测

Media directories 媒体库Media kit 媒体宣传袋Media 传播媒介


On-line communications 在线沟通

On-line media relations 在线媒体关系

On-line monitoring 在线监测Online publicity 在线宣传Op-Ed 评论文章


Persuasion 说服

Pitch letter 产品宣传信Position paper 专题报告Press conferences 新闻发布会

Press monitoring 媒体监测

Press relations 媒体关系Press 新闻界

Print media 印刷媒体

Print publications 印刷出版物

Product promotion 产品促销Public relations tactics 公关策略

Public relations 公共关系Product publicity 产品宣传Project team 项目小组Public aspiration 公众抱负

Public attitudes 公众态度Public awareness 公众意识Public issues management 公共事务管理

Public mood 公众情绪Public need 公众需要Public opinion 舆论

Public policy forecasting 公共政策预测

Public relations advertising 公关广告

Public relations agency 公关公司

Public relations counseling and research 公关咨询与调研Public relations department 公关部

Public relations

objectives/strategies 公关目标/战略

Public relations plan 公关计划

Public relations programs 公关方案

Public sentiment 公众意见Public service announcement 公益宣传广告Publicity 宣传


Questionnaire 问卷

Regulatory authorities 监管当局

Research 调研

Risk communication 危机沟通

Round-up article 摘要文章


Sales promotion 促销Sample 样本

Satellite media tours 卫星连线访谈

Sensationalism 轰动手法Situational analysis 形势分析

Societal expectations 社会预期

Soft news 软性新闻

Special interest groups 特殊利益团体Speech 演讲

Speech-writing 演讲稿写作

Spin 扭曲事实

Spokesperson 代言人

Standby statement 备用声明 Stockholders 股东Subterfuge 托词

Supervisory communications上下级沟通

Suppliers 供应商

Surveys 调查


Talk radio 电台访谈节目Target audience 目标受众Telephone communication 电话沟通

Third-party endorsement 第三方认可

Top management 高层管理Trade associations 行业协会Trade show 行业展览Truth 真相

TV interviews 电视访谈

Two-way communication 双向沟通


Value 价值观

Video conferences 视讯会议

Video news releases 视讯发行


Web relations 网络公关

Web site newsroom 网上新闻室

Web site 网站

World Wide Web 国际互联网Writing 写作







































































67、土地划拨:持县级以上的政府依法规将土地划拨给土地使用者无限期使用的一种形式。 房屋建筑的构造:由基础、墙体、梁、板、柱、屋顶、楼盖、楼梯和门窗、阳台、雨蓬等部分组成。









accountant genaral 会计主任

account balancde 结平的帐户

account bill 帐单

account books 帐

account classification 帐户分类

account current 往来帐

account form of balance sheet 帐户式资产负债表

account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表

account payable 应付帐款

account receivable 应收帐款

account of payments 支出表

account of receipts 收入表

account title 帐户名称,会计科目

accounting year 或financial year 会计

accounts payable ledger 应付款分类帐

Accounting period(会计期间)

are related to specific time periods ,typically one year(通常是一年)

资产负债表:balance sheet 可以不大写b

利润表: income statements (or statements of income)

利润分配表:retained earnings

现金流量表:cash flows



销售部 Sales Department (也有其它讲法,如宝洁公司销售部叫客户生意发展部CBD)

客户服务 Customer Service ,例如客服员叫CSR,R for representative

人事部 Human Resource

行政部 Admin.

财务部 Finance & Accounting

产品供应 Product Supply,例如产品调度员叫 P S Planner


助理 Assistant

秘书 secretary

前台接待小姐 Receptionist

文员 clerk ,如会计文员为Accounting Clerk

主任 supervisor

经理 Manager

总经理 GM,General Manager






制造费用 Manufacturing overhead

材料费 Materials

管理人员工资 Executive Salaries

奖金 Wages

退职金 Retirement allowance

补贴 Bonus

外保劳务费 Outsourcing fee

福利费 Employee benefits/welfare

会议费 Coferemce

加班餐费 Special duties

市内交通费 Business traveling

通讯费 Correspondence

电话费 Correspondence

水电取暖费 Water and Steam

税费 Taxes and dues

租赁费 Rent

管理费 Maintenance

车辆维护费 Vehicles maintenance

油料费 Vehicles maintenance

培训费 Education and training

接待费 Entertainment

图书、印刷费 Books and printing

运费 Transpotation

保险费 Insurance premium

支付手续费 Commission

杂费 Sundry charges

折旧费 Depreciation expense

机物料消耗 Article of consumption

劳动保护费 Labor protection fees


总会计师 Finance Controller

高级 Senior 如高级经理为 Senior Manager

营业费用 Operating expenses

代销手续费 Consignment commission charge

运杂费 Transpotation

保险费 Insurance premium

展览费 Exhibition fees

广告费 Advertising fees

管理费用 Adminisstrative expenses

职工工资 Staff Salaries

修理费 Repair charge

低值易耗摊销 Article of consumption

办公费 Office allowance

差旅费 Travelling expense

工会经费 Labour union expenditure

研究与开发费 Research and development expense

福利费 Employee benefits/welfare

职工教育经费 Personnel education

待业保险费 Unemployment insurance

劳动保险费 Labour insurance

医疗保险费 Medical insurance 会议费 Coferemce

聘请中介机构费 Intermediary organs

咨询费 Consult fees

诉讼费 Legal cost

业务招待费 Business entertainment

技术转让费 Technology transfer fees

矿产资源补偿费 Mineral resources compensation fees

排污费 Pollution discharge fees

房产税 Housing property tax

车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)

土地使用税 Tenure tax

印花税 Stamp tax

财务费用 Finance charge

利息支出 Interest exchange

汇兑损失 Foreign exchange loss

各项手续费 Charge for trouble

各项专门借款费用 Special-borrowing cost


一、 资产类 Assets

流动资产 Current assets

货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents

现金 Cash

银行存款 Cash in bank

其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents

外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank

银行本票 Cashier's cheque

银行汇票 Bank draft

信用卡 Credit card

信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits

存出投资款 Refundable deposits

短期投资 Short-term investments

股票 Short-term investmentscorporate bonds

基金 Short-term investmentsother

短期投资跌价准备 Short-term investments falling price reserves

应收款 Account receivable

应收票据 Note receivable

银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance

商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance

应收股利 Dividend receivable

应收利息 Interest receivable

应收账款 Account receivable

其他应收款 Other notes receivable

坏账准备 Bad debt reserves

预付账款 Advance money

应收补贴款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable

库存资产 Inventories

物资采购 Supplies purchasing

原材料 Raw materials

包装物 Wrappage

低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods

材料成本差异 Materials cost variance

自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods

库存商品 Finished goods

商品进销差价 Differences between purchasing and selling price

委托加工物资 Work in process - outsourced

委托代销商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis

受托代销商品 Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

存货跌价准备 Inventory falling price reserves

分期收款发出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages

待摊费用 Deferred and prepaid expenses

长期投资 Long-term investment

长期股权投资 Long-term investment on stocks

股票投资 Investment on stocks

其他股权投资 Other investment on stocks

长期债权投资 Long-term investment on bonds

债券投资 Investment on bonds

其他债权投资 Other investment on bonds

长期投资减值准备 Long-term investments depreciation reserves

股权投资减值准备 Stock rights investment depreciation reserves

债权投资减值准备 Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves

委托贷款 Entrust loans

本金 Principal

利息 Interest

减值准备 Depreciation reserves

固定资产 Fixed assets

房屋 Building

建筑物 Structure

机器设备 Machinery equipment

运输设备 Transportation facilities

工具器具 Instruments and implement

累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation

固定资产减值准备 Fixed assets depreciation reserves

房屋、建筑物减值准备 Building/structure depreciation reserves

机器设备减值准备 Machinery equipment depreciation reserves

工程物资 Project goods and material

专用材料 Special-purpose material

专用设备 Special-purpose equipment

预付大型设备款 Prepayments for equipment

为生产准备的工具及器具 Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate

在建工程 Construction-in-process

安装工程 Erection works 在安装设备 Erecting equipment-in-process

技术改造工程 Technical innovation project

大修理工程 General overhaul project

在建工程减值准备 Construction-in-process depreciation reserves

固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets

无形资产 Intangible assets

专利权 Patents

非专利技术 Non-Patents

商标权 Trademarks, Trade names

著作权 Copyrights

土地使用权 Tenure

商誉 Goodwill

无形资产减值准备 Intangible Assets depreciation reserves

专利权减值准备 Patent rights depreciation reserves

商标权减值准备 trademark rights depreciation reserves

未确认融资费用 Unacknowledged financial charges

待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income

待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income

待处理流动资产损溢 Wait deal intangible assets loss or income

待处理固定资产损溢 Wait deal fixed assets loss or income

二、负债类 Liability

短期负债 Current liability

短期借款 Short-term borrowing

应付票据 Notes payable

银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance

商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance

应付账款 Account payable

预收账款 Deposit received

代销商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue

应付工资 Accrued wages

应付福利费 Accrued welfarism

应付股利 Dividends payable

应交税金 Tax payable

应交增值税 value added tax payable

进项税额 Withholdings on VAT

已交税金 Paying tax

转出未交增值税 Unpaid VAT changeover

减免税款 Tax deduction

销项税额 Substituted money on VAT

出口退税 Tax reimbursement for export

进项税额转出 Changeover withnoldings on VAT

出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 Export deduct domestic sales goods tax

转出多交增值税 Overpaid VAT changeover

未交增值税 Unpaid VAT

应交营业税 Business tax payable

应交消费税 Consumption tax payable 应交资源税 Resources tax payable

应交所得税 Income tax payable

应交土地增值税 Increment tax on land value payable

应交城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities


应交房产税 Housing property tax payable

应交土地使用税 Tenure tax payable

应交车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate

tax(VVULPT) payable

应交个人所得税 Personal income tax payable

其他应交款 Other fund in conformity with paying

其他应付款 Other payables

预提费用 Drawing expense in advance

其他负债 Other liabilities

待转资产价值 Pending changerover assets value

预计负债 Anticipation liabilities

长期负债 Long-term Liabilities

长期借款 Long-term loans

一年内到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due within one year

一年后到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due over one year

应付债券 Bonds payable

债券面值 Face value, Par value

债券溢价 Premium on bonds

债券折价 Discount on bonds

应计利息 Accrued interest

长期应付款 Long-term account payable

应付融资租赁款 Accrued financial lease outlay

一年内到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable due within one year

一年后到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable over one year

专项应付款 Special payable

一年内到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable due within one year

一年后到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable over one year

递延税款 Deferral taxes


资本 Capita

实收资本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)

实收资本 Paicl-up capital

实收股本 Paid-up stock

已归还投资 Investment Returned


资本公积 Capital reserve

资本(或股本)溢价 Cpital(or Stock) premium

接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Receive non-cash donate reserve

股权投资准备 Stock right investment reserves

拨款转入 Allocate sums changeover in

外币资本折算差额 Foreign currency capital

其他资本公积 Other capital reserve 盈余公积 Surplus reserves

法定盈余公积 Legal surplus

任意盈余公积 Free surplus reserves

法定公益金 Legal public welfare fund

储备基金 Reserve fund

企业发展基金 Enterprise expension fund

利润归还投资 Profits capitalizad on return of investment

利润 Profits

本年利润 Current year profits

利润分配 Profit distribution

其他转入 Other chengeover in

提取法定盈余公积 Withdrawal legal surplus

提取法定公益金 Withdrawal legal public welfare funds

提取储备基金 Withdrawal reserve fund

提取企业发展基金 Withdrawal reserve for business expansion

提取职工奖励及福利基金 Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and

welfare fund

利润归还投资 Profits capitalizad on return of investment

应付优先股股利 Preferred Stock dividends payable

提取任意盈余公积 Withdrawal other common accumulation fund

应付普通股股利 Common Stock dividends payable

转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利 Common Stock dividends change to

assets(or stock)

未分配利润 Undistributed profit

四、成本类 Cost

生产成本 Cost of manufacture

基本生产成本 Base cost of manufacture

辅助生产成本 Auxiliary cost of manufacture

制造费用 Manufacturing overhead

材料费 Materials

管理人员工资 Executive Salaries

奖金 Wages

退职金 Retirement allowance

补贴 Bonus

外保劳务费 Outsourcing fee

福利费 Employee benefits/welfare

会议费 Coferemce

加班餐费 Special duties

市内交通费 Business traveling

通讯费 Correspondence

电话费 Correspondence

水电取暖费 Water and Steam

税费 Taxes and dues

租赁费 Rent

管理费 Maintenance

车辆维护费 Vehicles maintenance

油料费 Vehicles maintenance

培训费 Education and training

接待费 Entertainment

图书、印刷费 Books and printing

运费 Transpotation

保险费 Insurance premium

支付手续费 Commission

杂费 Sundry charges

折旧费 Depreciation expense

机物料消耗 Article of consumption

劳动保护费 Labor protection fees

季节性停工损失 Loss on seasonality cessation

劳务成本 Service costs

五、损益类 Profit and loss

收入 Income


主营业务收入 Prime operating revenue

产品销售收入 Sales revenue

服务收入 Service revenue

其他业务收入 Other operating revenue

材料销售 Sales materials


包装物出租 Wrappage lease

出让资产使用权收入 Remise right of assets revenue

返还所得税 Reimbursement of income tax

其他收入 Other revenue

投资收益 Investment income

短期投资收益 Current investment income

长期投资收益 Long-term investment income

计提的委托贷款减值准备 Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves

补贴收入 Subsidize revenue

国家扶持补贴收入 Subsidize revenue from country

其他补贴收入 Other subsidize revenue


非货币性交易收益 Non-cash deal income

现金溢余 Cash overage

处置固定资产净收益 Net income on disposal of fixed assets

出售无形资产收益 Income on sales of intangible assets

固定资产盘盈 Fixed assets inventory profit

罚款净收入 Net amercement income

支出 Outlay

业务支出 Revenue charges

主营业务成本 Operating costs

产品销售成本 Cost of goods sold

服务成本 Cost of service

主营业务税金及附加 Tax and associate charge

营业税 Sales tax

消费税 Consumption tax

城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities

资源税 Resources tax

土地增值税 Increment tax on land value

5405 其他业务支出 Other business expense

销售其他材料成本 Other cost of material sale

其他劳务成本 Other cost of service

其他业务税金及附加费 Other tax and associate charge

费用 Expenses

营业费用 Operating expenses

代销手续费 Consignment commission charge

运杂费 Transpotation

保险费 Insurance premium

展览费 Exhibition fees

广告费 Advertising fees

管理费用 Adminisstrative expenses

职工工资 Staff Salaries

修理费 Repair charge

低值易耗摊销 Article of consumption

办公费 Office allowance

差旅费 Travelling expense

工会经费 Labour union expenditure

研究与开发费 Research and development expense

福利费 Employee benefits/welfare

职工教育经费 Personnel education

待业保险费 Unemployment insurance

劳动保险费 Labour insurance

医疗保险费 Medical insurance

会议费 Coferemce

聘请中介机构费 Intermediary organs

咨询费 Consult fees

诉讼费 Legal cost

业务招待费 Business entertainment

技术转让费 Technology transfer fees

矿产资源补偿费 Mineral resources compensation fees

排污费 Pollution discharge fees

房产税 Housing property tax

车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)

土地使用税 Tenure tax

印花税 Stamp tax

财务费用 Finance charge

利息支出 Interest exchange

汇兑损失 Foreign exchange loss

各项手续费 Charge for trouble

各项专门借款费用 Special-borrowing cost

营业外支出 Nonbusiness expenditure

捐赠支出 Donation outlay

减值准备金 Depreciation reserves

非常损失 Extraordinary loss

处理固定资产净损失 Net loss on disposal of fixed assets

出售无形资产损失 Loss on sales of intangible assets

固定资产盘亏 Fixed assets inventory loss

债务重组损失 Loss on arrangement

罚款支出 Amercement outlay

所得税 Income tax

以前损益调整 Prior year income adjustment


(2010-09-20 23:35:07)





杂谈 分类: 翻译行业新闻














2. 译员能力排序:英汉双语流利,知识面,道德,经验。(缺一不可)

3. 翻译教学离不开语言的教学,本科阶段应该注重语言水平的提高(英汉双语),特别要提高英语的熟练程度。打好基础才能向上攀登。现在我系的翻译教学也本着这样的原则。基础阶段应该加强听说读写的训练,鼓励学生广泛阅读各科书籍,扩大知识面。翻译教学不能急于求成,最好能把笔译与口译想结合。教学内容能贴近市场需求,在文学翻译的基础上加大非文学类,特别是当前社会经济文化类的翻译。朝向应用型翻译人才培养转变。这也复合MTI教学的培养目标。

4. 翻译专业相比传统的英语专业更复合时代发展的潮流。翻译系的学生应该比英语系的学生更努力才对,因为翻译能力比语言掌握本身更具挑战性,要求也更高。翻译系的学生在优越感背后更应该知道自己的担子。任何技能的学习都离不开长时间的练习,没有上万小时的练习难以练就高超的翻译能力。



注塑专业英语全攻略! 成型工艺流程及条件介绍

Molding technique procedure and parameter introduction 第一節 成型工艺

Section 1 molding technique. 1.成型工艺参数类型

Sorts of molding parameter. (1).注塑参数

Injection parameter. a.注射量 Injection rate. b.计量行程

Screw back position c.余料量 Cushion d.防诞量

Sucking back rate e.螺杆转速 Screw speed f.塑化量 lastic rate g.预塑背压

Screw back pressure h.注射压力和保压压力

Injection pressure and holding pressure i.注射速度 Injection speed (2)合模参数

Clamping parameter a.合模力 Clamping force b.合模速度 Clamping speed c.合模行程.

Clamping stroke d.开模力 Opening force e.开模速度 Opening speed f.开模行程 Opening position g.顶出压力

Ejector advance pressure h.顶出速度

Ejector advance speed i.顶出行程

Ejector advance position 2.温控参数

Temperature parameter a.烘料温度

Dry resin material temperature b.料向与喷嘴温度

Cylinder temperature and nozzle temperature c.模具温度 Mold temperature d.油温

Oil temperature 3.成型周期 Molding cycle a.循环周期 Cycle time b.冷却时间 Cool time c.注射时间 Injection time d.保压时间

Holding pressure time e.塑化时间

lant time


Knocking out and delay time g.低压保护时间 Mold protect time 成型工艺参数的设定须根据产品的不同设置. Molding technique parameter setting differs depending on type of product 第二节成型条件设定

Section 2 Molding parameter Setting 按成型步骤:可分为开锁模,加热,射出,顶出四个过程. Molding steps: mold opening/closing, heating injection and knocking out. 开锁模条件: Mold opening parameter: 快速段中速度

低压高压速度 High-speedmid-speed Low pressure high pressure speed 锁模条件设定: Mold closing parameter setting 1锁模一般分:快速→中速→低压→高压

Mold closing: high-speed →low-speed →low pressure→high pressure

2.快锁模一般按模具情况分,如果是平面二板模具,快速锁模段可用较快速度,甚至于用到特快,当用到一般快速时,速度设到55-75%,完全平面模可设定到80-90%,如果用到特快就只能设定在45-55%,压力则可设定于50-75%,位置段视产品的深浅(或长短)不同,一般是开模宽度的1/3. In high-speed section, Mold closing speed depends on type of mold. For two –plate mold it can set quick and even especially quick usually, it set speed within 55-75%. For full-plate mold it set speed within80-90% while using especially high speed it set speed within 45-55% and pressure within 50-75% position distance setting differs depending on the volume of product and usually it can be set 1/3 of mold opening position. 3.中速段,在快速段结束后即转换成中速,中速的位置一般是到模板(包括三板模,二板模)合在一块为止,具体长度应视模板板间隔,速度一般设置在30%-50%间,压力则是20%-45%间. In mid-speed section: Mold closing speed changes into mid-speed after high-speed section finish. Mid-speed start position is where two plates meet (include three-plate mold and two-plate mold ) Distance of mid-speed is up to distance of two plates plate it speed within 30-50% and pressure 20-45%. 4.低压设定,低速设定一般是在模板接触的一瞬间,具体位置就设在机台显示屏显示的一瞬间的数字为准,这个数字一般是以这点为标准,,即于此点则起不了高压,高于此点则大,轻易起高压.设定

的速度一般是15%-25%,视乎不同机种而定,压力一般设定于1-2%,有些机则可设于5-15%,也是视乎不同机种不同. Low-pressure section: Mold closing sets low-pressure when plates meeting. This position is set to the data of machine screen on this time. This point is the gage of the data. Data lower the point there is no high-pressure. Data higher the point there is high-pressure easily. It set speed within 15-25% and pressure within 1-2% depending on type within 1-2% depending on type of injection molding machine. 5.高压设定,按一般机台而言,高压位置机台在出厂时都已作了设定,相对来讲,是不可以随便更改的,比如震雄机在50P.速度相对低压略高,大约在30-35%左右,而压力则视乎模具而定,可在55-85%中取,比如完全平面之新模,模具排气良好,甚至于设在55%即可,如果是滑块较多,原来生产时毛边也较多,甚至于可设在90%还略显不足. High-pressure section: To normal injection molding machine, high-pressure position had been set before they were sent to customer. It can not be modified. For example high-pressure position of CHENHSONG machine is 50P.The speed of high-pressure section is about 30-35% and higher than that of low-pressure. The pressure is up to mold, it can set within 55-85% For full-plate mold, it’s eject air well, it can set pressure 55% .If mold has a lot of slides and flash rate high in production, pressure can set 90%. 加热工艺条件设定

Heating technique parameter setting 1.加热段温度设定必须按照产品所使用的原料的不同而不同,但却必须遵循一个这样的规则,即由射口筒到进科段温度是逐步递减的.且递减温度是以10.度为单位. The proper temperature setting differs depending on type of resin material, but it must be abide by a rule that temperature setting should diminish in step 10.C from nozzle to feeding resin material position. 2特殊情况下.如料头抽丝,则射口筒温度应降低,如果是比较特殊的原料冷凝比较快的.则射口筒温度则不止比第二节法兰温度高10度.比如PPS.尼龙等. Nozzle temperature setting should low if product line. If resin material such as PS, PA, cool very soon , Nozzle temperature should higher more 10.C than the second cylinder temperature. 3.机台马达启动温度视乎机台不同而不同,一般出于对机台油路中的油封保护需要,油温最好能控制在40度-60度,以免油封长期高压而变化,缩短使用寿命,造成成型不稳定. ump turning on temperature is different depending on type of injection molding machine. To protect oil seal of machine it set oil temperature within 40.C-60.C, If oil seal work on condition that high pressure and damaged It’s work time will be shorter, it

can cause molding stable. 第三节注射及熔胶(加料)工艺条件设定

Injection and plastic Technique parameter setting 一.注射 Injection 第四节常见塑料原料的有关温度值.

原料 Resin名称 Name熔点℃


Molding Temperature(’c)分解温度℃

Decomposing Temperature(‘C)模具温度℃

Mold Temperature(‘c)干燥温度℃

Resin dry temperature(‘c)

注射是把塑料原料经加热后射进模腔的过程,它一般可分为第一级,第二级,第三级,第四级及保压几段: Injection is a step which inject melt resin material into mold. It consists of stepl,step2 ,step3,step4 and holding pressure step: 1.第一级注射一般是注射料头段.具注射量一般可根据料头的轻重来估计其行程,当然也可以依据公式来计算,如公式: Step l injects usually tunnel material, Injection Volume can be estimated according to the weight of course it can be calculated by formula: L=Si=Vi/0.785Ds2 L:注射行程; Si:注射行程; L: injection stroke Si: injection stroke Vi:理论注射容积; Ds:螺杆直径; Vi: injection volume of theoretical Ds: diameter of screw 0.785:是Ω/4的值. 0. 785: value ofΩ/4. 当然,如果我们在成型时每设定一个参数都要计算一次,要成型出一个产品就要几个小时才能完成了. But it cost a lot of time to produce one product if every time molding parameter is setting by calculation. 2.第二级是注塑产品约2/3的阶段,当然,根据产品特殊需要,也允许成型不到2/3阶段,比如避免结合线问题,这一阶段的成型速度及压力一般是整个成型段的最大值段,如果排的产品与机台基本

是相吻合的.模具结构合理,排气良好,这一段的压力一般也不会超过80%.速度侧视产品需变,可能大到95%也可,自然一般都是在55%-80%间. Step 2 inject 2/3 of product. It can lower 2/3 of product according to requirement of product. For example to prevent weld line. Molding speed and pressure on this step is the maximum of whole molding section. If Mold suit the injection molding machine and mold structure reasonable and eject air well, pressure of this step should lower 80%. Molding speed setting within 55-80% but it may setting 95% for especial product. 3.第三段是注射余下的1/3段,其速度和压力根据产品的需要,一般是小于第二段,速度和压力存在于一个往下降的过程.主要是为了防止产品毛边的产生,但同时又必须把产品充填饱满. Step3 inject remain 1/3 of product. According to product molding speed and pressure lower than that of step2 To prevent flash speed and pressure should decrease but it can’t shot short. 4.第四段:一般有机台还有第五,第六段,这段的成型速度和压力相同前,都存在两段一个递减过程.其作用都是起到一个再次充满的作用. Step4 section: Some injection machines have step5,step6 which are same as former molding speed and pressure this step should diminish and inject once more. 5.保压段:不论成型什么产品,都存在一个保压过程.任何产品都不同程度的存在一个厚薄不一的问题,正常情况下,较厚的部分都可能存在一个收缩凹陷的现象,为了解决这种现象,就应应用到保压,保压一般来讲都应用较慢的射速,而压力的设置则应看缩水的情况如何,小到25%,大到80%都有可能. Holding pressure step: No matter what product there is a holding pressure step. Any product can’t molding a same thickness. Usually the deeper section may sink mark . To prevent this defect it should set holding pressure, The injection speed of holding pressure step is slow but holding pressure setting within 25-80% depending on sink mark. 二.熔胶段工艺 lastic Technique 1.再复杂的熔胶旋转过程最多不会超过三段,因为熔胶本身就是存在于把胶熔进料筒的过程,如果原料粘度大,熔胶压力则大,但速度则应取决于原料的分解温度,熔胶速度越快,原料中的剪切力则会越大,料管温度则越高,局部原料产生分解的可能性则会越大,故一般熔胶会采用中速为宜,如45%-75%,熔胶同时会碰到一个比较重要的环节,那就是背压的使用,产品精度要求越大,背压的使用则更大,背压可使原料分子间结构更紧密,成型出的产品则尺寸更稳定,外观越好.当然,背压太大,则会产生流涎,所以背压的使用又应考虙到其它原因. lastic should lower 3 steps, because plastic is a step to add melt resin material to cyclinder , Higher stick of resin material ,higher screw back pressure. Screw speed differs depending on decomposing temperature of resin material ,Higher screw speed ,Higher

trim force of resin, higher cyclinder temperature. Some resin material may decomposes so it set screw speed in mid-speed such as 45-75%, In plastic step setting screw back pressure is very important, Higher screw back pressure ,higher quality of product screw back pressure make resin structure order, Molding product is beautiful and volume stable. But ,it maybe flow if screw back pressure too high . So all factors should be considered when using screw back pressure. 2.熔胶过程还有一个比较重要的环节,那就是松退,松退分前松退和后松退,其作用一般是为了防止流涎和抽丝,设定值速度和压力都在20%-50%间,设定的行程一般在2-5cm间,太长的行程可能会使料筒里面贮存空气,导致下一模出现不期望的气泡. In plastic step sucking back is very important too. Sucking back include front sucking back and back sucking back It setting sucking back to prevent flow and line. It sets sucking back speed and pressure within 20-50% and distance within 2-5cm. TOO long distance make cyclinder reserve air and cause bubble at next molding. 顶出的工艺设定

knocking out technique setting 产品经冷却定型后则有一个开模的过程,开模基本上是合模的反过程.开模的未段则有一个慢速设置,开模完成后,产品必须顶出的过程. There is a mold opening step after product cooling taking shape. Mold opening is a reverse step of mold closing. The last step of mold opening speed set slow. Product should be knocked out after mold opened. 一.顶前: Knocking out 顶前最好分两个阶级,第一阶可分为中压慢速,即是把产品轻轻顶出一部分,然后是中压中速顶,中压中速一般指的是35%-55%,而低速则有可能低到5%,这需视产品不同而言,顶出行程设定是顶出长度稍比产品垂直深度大1-2cm即可. Knocking out includes two steps, Step1 section setting mid-speed, knocks product out partly step2 section setting mid-pressure and mid-speed . Depending on different product, mid-pressure and mid-speed sets within 35-55% but low-speed can set 5%. Distance of knocking out longer 1-2cm than the vertical thickness of product. 二.退针 Back 顶退包括两个过程与顶落的过程基本一致,顶退的终点应预留1-3cm的空间,以保护顶针油管不被顶坏. The same as knocking out, ejector back includes 2 steps. To protect the ejector oil jar, it should make a 1-3mm distance in the ending point of ejector back. 三.顶针方式还包括一个多次顶,单次顶及顶针停留的选择,机械手取产品,脱模顺利的情况都采

取多项,为了顶针油缸 寿命的延长,多次顶就以不超过三次为宜,顶针停留一般用在顶针带着产品退回有可能对增品产生损伤的模具,同时为配合机械手使用,有时也需要较短的顶针停留. The way of knocking out includes knocking out once, Knocking out repeat and ejector delay. Take product by manipulator or take product easy, it should select knocking out once. To longer the work time of ejector oiljar, times of knocking out lower 3 times. Ejector delay used when product will be damaged if ejector back or suit manipulator. 成型时间的设定 Molding time setting 在保证产品质量的前提下,周期时间是越短越好,周期时间又包括如下几项:射胶时间,保压时间,熔胶时间,冷却时间,顶出时间,锁模低压时间,甚至乎关系到时间因素的还有还开模与锁模,及顶出的快慢. Cycle time should shorter on condition that product quality well. Cycle time includes: injection time , holding pressure time, plastic time, cure time, knocking out time and mold protect time. Even mold opening closing sopeed and knocking out speed affect cycle. 1.射胶时间包含保压时间,一般看起来,射胶时间越长,产品越饱和,但我们在讲求质量时,同时也须考虑产能,更何况,射胶时间过长,有可能会造成产品过于饱满而寻致粘模顶的变形呎寸偏大等一系列问题,故我们在设置射胶时间时应综合考虑,尽量在合乎质量要求时缩短射胶时间. Injection time consists holding pressure time. Longer injection time, fuller product, we should consider production quantity when we suit for quality. If injection time too long, it may cause a series of defects suck as flash strain. So all sorts of factors should be considered, injection time should be shout if quality suit for requirement. 2.熔胶时间的长短取决于熔胶速度设定的快慢,背压设定的大小,但有一点,熔胶时间控制的长短一定要比冷却时间短. lastic time depends on plastic speed and screw back pressure, but plastic time must shorter than cure time. 3.冷却时间:冷却时间的长短直接影响到成型的周期,冷却时间越长,成型时间就越长,造成产能就越低,故我们在设定高压冷却时间时,只要能保证到产品成型顺利,不会直接影响到变形等问题,设定的时间也是越短越好. Cure time: Cure time affects molding cycle. Longer cure time, longer molding cycle, lower production quantity. So it sets cure time short on condition that product molding succed and can’t deformation.. 4.在大量使用机械手的塑胶公司,我们的顶出时间一般是与机械手配合为宜,全自动使用机械手时顶出停留时间一般保持1.5-2秒,半自动生产,如因顶针退回会导致产品掉落或卡紧,而取不下产品,停留时间则应保持5秒左右. In PCE company, for using manipulator in abundence , knocking out time suits

manipulator, Knocking out delay keeps 1.5-2 second when using manipulator full-manipulator, knocking out delay keeps about 5 second when using manipulator semi-manipulator and product will fall or can’t be taken off if ejector back. 5.低压保护时间对保护我们人身安全,模具安全起很大作用,配合好模具低压位置和低压压力的调整,低压保护的时间应取1-3秒,保护时间越短,可能造成的危害则越小. Low-pressure protect is very important for safety and protect mold, Mold protect time should adjust within 1-3 second suit low pressure and position of mold protect, shorter protect time, make damaged. Surface Appearance 外观 Glossiness/gloss finish 光洁度 Matt finish/matt surface 毛面

Glass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 玻纤外露 Blooming/surface blooming 表面析出 White patches on surface 表面白斑 Silver marks/silver streak 银纹 Splay mark 水纹 Flow mark 流纹 Weld line 溶结纹 Brittle/brittleness 脆 Bubbles/trapped gas 气泡 Void 孔

Burn marks 烧伤

FR failed 阻燃不合格 Flame rating V-2 阻燃V-2 Poor dispersion 分散不好

FR/PTFE …agglomerates etc 阻燃剂/PTFE…结块 Pellet porous 粒子不密/蜜蜂窝 Low impact/tensile etc 物理性能低

High flow/filler content etc 流动性/填充…过高 Longs/fines/doubles 长粒/碎屑/连粒 Poor cut 粒形不好

Bristle/voids 表面有小气泡/孔 Glass bundles 玻纤结团

Product was rejected due to 产品不能接受因为… High moisture level 高水分 Warpage/warped 翘曲 Shrinkage/shrink 收缩 Sink marks 缩影

Short shot/short molding 打不满 Distortion 变形

Over dimension 尺寸过大 Under dimension 尺寸过小

Flashing 飞边 Discoloration 变色 Off color 颜色差异 Flow rate 流动率 Viscous 粘

High flow 高流动 Low flow 低流动 Sticky 粘

Mold release 脱模 Antioxidant 抗氧剂

Flame retardant agent 阻燃剂 Heat stabilizer 热稳定剂

Chopped glass fiber 短切玻纤

Roving glass fiber 粗纱/长玻纤 Glass beads 玻璃微珠 Milled fiber 碾磨纤

Molybdenum disulfide/moly/MoS2 二硫化钼 Colorant 着色剂 Pigment 颜料

Dye 染料

Accepted product specification 接受产品规格 Approved our product 认可我们的产品 Re-set spec 重新定标准

Add in extra … 添加多一点…

Reduced … content 减少…含量

Dropped/reduced … by x% 减少…含量…% Confirmed color standard 确认颜色标准 Approved color standard 认可颜色标准 Re-confirmed color standard 重新确认颜色标准 Qualified our product 认可我们的产品

Undergoing heat aging test 在做热老化实验 Product is under testing 产品在测试当中 Received first order 接了第一个定单

Expected to finish by … 预计在…完成 Expected order is xMT 预计定单量…吨

Estimated annual/monthly consumption 预计年/月用量
