




活动名称: boys and girls 活动目标:1 正确区分男孩和女孩的显著特征.

2 愿意在集体面前大胆的介绍自己.

3 能够正确的说出自己的性别. 活动准备:1pictures of two children 活动过程:1 game: a boy and a girl.

2 show the picture of two childen.

3 put the hair and clothes on one child.

4 put hair and clothes on the other child.

5 let the children distinguish the boy and the girl.

6 point to the boy or the girl in the picture.

7 let them play the game in groups. 教学效果: 活动名称:on the farm 活动目标:1 认识农场里的各种动物。

2 培养幼儿爱护小动物的情感。

3 能够说出集中动物的名称。

活动准备:music tape hats of animals picture of farm. 活动过程:1 talking: going to the farm.

2 come to the classroom and play the background music.

3 scene: on the farm.

4 the children stand in front of the picture of the farm.

5 game: what can you see?

6 the teacher shows the pictures of the animals to the children.

7 have the children listen to the song. 活动名称: song: where are you? 活动目标:1巩固对男孩,女孩外貌特征认识。

2 欣赏自己和同伴的作品。

3 能够通过绘画正确区分男孩,女孩。 活动准备: music tape 活动过程:1 divide the children into some groups to play the game: hide and seek.

2 the teacher shows the pictures of the boy and the girl.

3 hide the picture of the girl, show the picture of the boy.

4 listen to the song and learn to sing the song.

5 the teacher chooses a boy and sing the song together.

6 we do body movements and invite each other to sing.

7 game: where are you?< let them gooutside to play the music game>. 活动名称: introduce themselves 活动目标:1 :1 巩固男孩女孩外貌特征的认识。

2 介绍自己的作品,体验成功的快乐。

3 能够与他人分享并介绍自己的作品。

活动准备: artworks, pictures. 活动过程: 1 the teacher shows their artworks in the classroom.

2 sing the song; where are you?

3 let them introduce each other and rember their main characteristis.

4 let us play the game in some groups.

5 find their good friends and introduce friend.

6let us read the chant together and do body movements.


Lesson 10 Tigers and Elephant

教育系11接本小学教育 梁银珠 20111215007


1.掌握新单词 tiger elephant kangaroo camel 和身体部位的单词 stripes trunk pouch hump.掌握句子及其答语 What animal has humps?Does a tiger have a hump?

2.能够听说读写单词tiger elephant kangaroo camel stripes trunk pouch hump 3.让孩子们在开放、民主的课堂中保持学习英语的积极态度。












Panda 熊猫——————fat 胖的

Monkey猴子—————thin 瘦的

Girraffe长颈鹿————tall 高的

Deer 鹿——————short 矮的 T:好

let us have a chant(师生一起)

Panda panda

I can see a panda。It is fat. Mongkey monkey I can see a monkey.It is thin. Girraffe girraffe

I can see a girraffe. I t is tall. Deer deer I can see a deer. It is short.


(1)T: today , let us go to zhe zoo, OK?

S:OK (教师在黑板上画个围栏,里面的动物就是tiger elephant kangaroo camel的卡片,但要用白纸盖上。)



T;Yes,this is a tiger.

Read after me: tiger!

What does a tiger have?

教师指着老虎的斑纹,问学生“What is this?""stripes"


T:What animal has stripes ?

S: A tiger has stripes.

(2)T: The next animal is very special.只说一句话看哪个同学能猜出他是谁。I have a long nose.

S: 大象

T:Yes . It is an



after me :elephant.

T: 我们把大象的长鼻叫“trunk” Read

after me: trunk

Does a lion has a trunk?

S: No

T: what has a trunk?

S: An elephant has a trunk.



OK, now let us have a chant 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说

Tiger tiger 是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹。Stripes Strips 是斑纹 Camel camel 是骆驼,金色的骆驼有驼峰,hump hump是驼峰 Elephant elephant是大象,可爱的大象鼻子长,trunk trunk是象鼻 Kangaroo kangaroo是袋鼠,育儿袋里装宝宝,pouch pouch育儿袋 动物特征要牢记,保护动物我第一。


课文抄一遍,新单词写5遍。 七.板书设计

Lesson 10

Tigers and Elephant

What animal has stripes ?

A tiger has stripes.

A kangaroo has a pouch.


elephant has a trunk.

A camel has humps. 八 教学反思

采用have a chant这种方法充分调动了学生学英语的积极性,课堂气氛十分活跃。学生掌握的也很快。


The teaching plan for Teaching goals: 1. Enable the Ss to familiar with/get ….knowledge(针对本单元的主题内容) 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to/the way to express(eg.request&thanks) 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of…

4. Let the Ss learn to use…/ Help the Ss identify…(语法方面) 5.

(写作方面) Key and difficult teaching points (according to teaching goals) How to …

Teaching methods 1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text. 2. Discussion methods t make the Ss undertand what they’ve learnt in class. 3. Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching and learning activities. 4. Competition & role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest. eg. Role play a conversation… Teaching procedures Step I Warming up Warming up by defining/describing/presenting/discussion/quiz Meanwhile, teach them some new words Step II Pre-reading Sample(1) Do you know….

Let’s get to know Sample(2) Show the Ss the pictures of Pre-reading on P. and ask them the following questions. a. Give them several minutes to discuss the questions; b. Collect answers from the class; c. Check answers while discussing. Step III Reading 1. Fast reading (Skimming for general idea) Get the Ss to read the passage quickly and meanwhile help them to form a good habit of reading. Before reading, look through the following questions. What’s the main idea of the text? In what order is the text written? ……

2. Text structure analysis

Have the students find out the topic sentences of each paragraph

1st paragraph: ….

Ask the students to divide the passage into ( )parts and write down the main idea of each part Part1 (para1-) ……

3. Detailed Reading (listening and scanning for detail information ) 1) Listen to the reading material and pay attention to the new words and expressions. 2) Give them several minutes to locate particular information and complete Ex or answer questions.(教材上的或自己设计的) 5. Difficult words and sentences 1) Analyze some difficult words and complicated sentences; 2)Underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage, copy them to your notebook after class as homework. 6. Reading and information transferring Step IV Discussion Work in groups of four and discuss: What do you learn about… from…? (When we are guiding Ss to read sth, besides hoping that they can learn some basic knowledge the material show, we still hope they can learn sth that can reflect eg. the spirit of human being) 附加: Role-play Work in pairs to act out how to…

Interviewing(suggested for narrative writing) Ask the Ss to do an interview in pairs. A is interviewing B with the following questions. …

Step V Retelling

Retell the story according to the following clues. Step VI Summary This passage doesn’t contain enough information for you to… Please learn more after class. Do remember(情感目标)

Learn about language Teaching goals 1. Master important words and phrases. 2. a kind of skill(eg. enlarge vocabulary by learning word- formation) 3. grammar Teaching important and difficult points Teaching methods Let Ss do the exercises, and then collect their answers. Ask then to conclude the rules and then give them some explanation. Teaching procedures Part one Step one: Revision Review the text by checking the answers for Ex , , … on Page These exercises are about the useful words that appear in the text. Step two: skill or rule The teacher brings the Ss’ attention to…, help them discover the difference…

a. give Ss as many words as possible; b. guess the meaning, conclude, exercises; c. Ss will be interested in (the skill), and begin to use….to guide their word study in their daily life. Part two Step one: Reading, finding& thinking Read the text and tick out all the…

Step two: Learning about the making and uses of (eg. past participle) a. Show typical examples of how to (eg. make a subject clause) b. Guide the Ss to find out what changes we have to make when (eg. making or combining two sentences using subject clause ) c. Teacher shows the example and Ss write the sentences Step three: Explanation Step four: Pair work You may follow these steps: ……

Change role so that each student gets the chance to… follow the points in Ex Step five: Sum up

Listening part Teaching goals 1. Enable Ss to know sth about… and realize…

2. Help Ss learn(听力技巧eg. how to get required information by listening) Teaching important and difficult points Eg. train to get the key words by reading the questions before listening Teaching procedures Step one: listening and taking notes The first listening: try to get the general idea of the material, then ask Ss to try to retell what they have heard. It doesn’t matter whether they are some details…

Step two: Listening and doing exercises Step three: Listening and checking This is a good chance for Ss to check their answers. After listening twice, most students can have a good understanding about the material, and can write down the answers mostly. So this time is for their checking and adding their answers.

Guided writing Step one: making a introduction 每一种新的文体写作以介绍切入,并设计几个questions来了解这种文体。

Further applying 1. Finding information Go to the library to read or get online t search in order to find ….Take notes of your findings and tell the class. 2 Writing

Closing down Summing up We have learnt the whole unit. Let’s look at the chart on page.., try to fill in it.



Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like

一 、教学目标:

1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词monkeys, tigers, pandas, snakes, giraffes.

2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际I like „. I don’t like„.




二、 教学重、难点:

1、理解并正确运用日常交际用语 I like „.I don’t like„.



三 、课前准备:


四、 教学过程:

Step 1 Warming up/Revision


T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: „ T: How are you? S: „

Chant :< everybody clap „„> 2. Sing a song:

T: Today I’m very happy .Are you happy? So let’s sing together.

Four little, five little, six little rabbitsSeven little, eight little, nine little rabbitsTen little paper rabbits.> 把学生分成两组


3. Revision:

T:(让学生看多媒体) What can you see? S:I can see two rabbits . T:利用多媒体引导学生复习以前学过的动物类单词;rabbit, dogs, cats, chick, birds, elephant, zebra, lion .

【设计意图】:利用多媒体图片,引导学生复习以前学过的动物类单词; 为新课做铺垫。

Step Two: Presentation

1. T:这些都是我们的老朋友,今天我带大家去动物园认识几位新朋友, Can you guess? (教师板书:Animals I like ) 分组

T:呈现多媒体画面学习:monkey (板书并指导发音)。依次学习:tiger, panda, snake, giraffe.(并穿插游戏)

2. 运用水枪,炸弹等游戏练习这几个单词。

3.一个学生做动作,另一个学生猜单词;T:this group ,two students come here one ask and one answer . 4.看多媒体图片,两组抢答。 5.认识这些动物的复数形式。

【设计意图】:利用多媒体课件形象生动地学习monkey ,tiger, panda, snake, giraffe动物单词,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。进而使用游戏操练这些单词。

Step Three: learn “I like ……. And I don’t like ……”

1. T: the pandas are cute. I like pandas.(表情夸张)(板书),Do you know what’s mean? S:。。。。。。

T:Yes。like_喜欢。Which animal do you like? S: 纷纷说自己喜欢的动物。

2. T: 引出“I don’t like ……, I like pandas, but I don’t like snakes. (板书) 讲解don’t like means 不喜欢。 What don’t you like? S:纷纷说自己不喜欢的动物。

3.Pair work :同桌之间互相说出自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物。

T: Now please say what do you like and what don’t you like with your partner. 【设计意图】:利用课件引入本节课所学句型。并让同桌之间互说自己喜欢与不喜欢的动物,提高了学生说英语的兴趣。 Step Four : conclusion 1.通过chant 复习本节课所学内容。

【设计意图】:通过chant充分调动学生的积极性,达到加深对本课知识的理解和记忆的目的。 2.渗透德育教育:Animals are our friends. We should protect them . 【设计意图】:通过图文与声音对照的多媒体图片,渗透德育教育,培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识。 Step five: Homework


小学英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。基于这一理念,我利用chant ,song和flash动画活跃课堂,激发学生的学习兴趣,达到了热身的效果,同时通过再现动画中的动物引出本课内容。

在教学设计时,我遵循以点到面,由词到句的原则,创设了很多学生能够自我表现,直接交流对话的机会,在实际教学中我创设条件让学生多说多练,鼓励学生用“I like„„ ,I don’t like„„”的句型表达自己的喜好,并能及时纠正学生的错误发音。

新课程要求课堂教学要关注每一个学生的发展,不放弃任何一个学生。在本堂课中我采用师生交流,生生交流 ,小组交流 ,比赛等不同的教学活动方式进行操练,辐射面广,每个学生都有机会开口表达,体现了教学面向全体学生的特点。在整节课的教授中,通过“动物王国增添新成员”的比赛让学生注意力时时集中于课堂上,提高了课堂效率。



第五篇:幼儿园英语教案 幼儿园托班英语教案


写好幼儿园托班英语教案对于带托班的老师是非常重要的。只有写好幼儿园英语音乐教案,英语教学活动才能更好的进行。怎样才能写好幼儿园托班英语教案是我们幼儿园老师比较关心的问题。首先,我们要了解托班幼儿的心理生理特点,只有抓住孩子的特点,我们在写幼儿园托班英语教案时才知道写什么样的活动目标,有了目标就比较好写幼儿园托班英语教案了。其次,写幼儿园托班英语教案,活动一定要多样化,幼儿才能更好的参与。只要抓住要点,写幼儿园托班英语教案还是比较容易的。 活动目标


虽然今天是宝宝新学期第一天入园,但他们在进行英文活动时,很积极。在复习歌曲时和我一起做动作并唱歌。新课的反应也比较积极,和我一起做微笑的样子。 环境与材料 画笔、纸、小黑板 活动过程:

1.Show me your hands. Let’s do some warming up. 2.Let’s sing a song. “Good morning”

3.Let’s sing another song. “Head shoulder knees and toes”

4.I can draw a picture. A round face, hair, ear, eye, nose, mouth. Look at the girl. She is smiling. Repeat “smiling”

5.Look at the boy. He is crying. Let’s say “don’t cry, don’t cry. Smile” 6.Play a game


Topic: fruit Teacher: Sunny Teaching steps: 1. Greeting: Good morning , children. Good morning Melody. 2. Warm up: Let’s do the Warm up!

Ok? Ok!

Happy go, happy go, happy, happy go, la, la, la, Happy, happy , go. Good! You say: very good. 3. Topic: No.1 Look at here! What is it? It’s a apple.(orange)

(Do the action)very good! Please say:apple. Look at my mouth (Say the word for three times!) Now let’s call the card out. Ready go! (about three times)OK, OK! You’re very good!

No.2 OK, please pass down the card and say: apple, orange. OK? OK! (do the individual exercise) No.3:Please follow me, let’s do the action! Ok, you say: I like apple (orange),yam, yam, good. One more time. Very good, you say : very very smart. 4. Let’s review the words: apple, orange

5. Let’s play a game. (ye. ye. ye. play a game)

Listening game: If I say the word ,you must run to the card, quickly. OK? OK! Speaking game: Flashing card! 6. Say Good bye to Melody: Then show me your hands. Please go home be a little Melody. Tell your daddy and mummy. OK? OK! Please say Goodbye to melody. Good bye, children, see you a gain! Bye—bye!

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