




Teaching plan

Great Minds Objects: 1. Review the words and expressions. 2. Review the contents. 3. Guide students to study what a genius is in their opinions. 4. Arouse students‟ awareness of what leads to success. Teaching Aids: Multi-media

Teaching processes: 1. Lead-in ① If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giant. We should learn from past experience and others. The former generation had laid the foundation for us, and we should draw lessons from them. ② Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. The gift is not the main factor that makes us a genius. It‟s your efforts and constant hard working that makes person a genius. ③ If a equals success, the formula is: A=X + Y + Z. X is work, Y is play, Z is keep your mouth shut. Success is not easy to achieve, and we have to make efforts. We need time to rest and recover, and put all your dreams and plan into action, instead of talking and bragging. After all, action speaks louder than words. ④ Chance favors the prepared mind. Chance always belongs to people who are prepared. It will not fall on some one accidentally, and chances are the product of preparation. 2. Making sentences Make impressive and inspiring sentences with the given phrases:

① regard … as…

; attempt

② lead to ;let down

③ learn „by heart ;guide

④ in trouble ;offer 3. Retelling the story in different roles. Group A and B retell the story in the role of Einstein, you can begin your story with the sentence: “I „m always invited to the university to explain my theory…..” Do you worry about Hans when he was giving the lecture on the stage? Do you feel anxious when Hans was asked so complex a question? Group C and D retell the story in the role of Hans, you can begin your story with the sentence: “I have been Dr. Einstein‟s driver for many years….”

Do you feel nervous when you are asked such a complex question that you don‟t know how to answer it? How do you feel driving a genius like Einstein? 4. Ask and answer: further study of the real meaning of being a genius.


① ② ③ ④

⑤ Why was Einstein called a genius? humorous, outstanding, clever, workings of the universe, creative What do you think a genius is? great mental ability, wisdom, creation, something significant Why did Einstein call Hans a genius? I am confused. clever, quick wit, ordinary, able Let‟s redefine “genius”. You don‟t have to be a scientist to be a genius. ordinary, clever, able Is there any possibility to become genius? Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. ⑥ How can you be successful?

If a equals success, the formula is: A=X + Y + Z. X is work, Y is play, Z is keep your mouth shut. This is Einstein‟s formula of success, but I don‟t think it can apply to everyone. What would you add to this formula? Let‟s try to make your own formula of success. 5. Assignment: Read more about Einstein and make a formula of success for your own.







内江市五初中 吴腊梅

Ⅰ、Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Get the students to grasp the use of “by doing sth.”and some other phrases and patterns. Skill aim:Help the students to improve their reading ability. Emotion aim:Develop the students’ ability of dealing with different problems. Ⅱ、Key and difficult points:

1. Understanding of the passages. 2. Methods of expressing ways of studying different subjects. Ⅲ、Teaching tools: 1. A tape-recorder. 2. Several flashcards. Ⅳ、Teaching methods: Help the students to use dictionaries in reading to deal with the new words and try to understand them according to the context. Ⅴ、Teaching process:

Step 1: 1. Greeting. 2. Check up the new words. Step 2: Presentation Ask the students to talk in pairs about how they study English. Then get several of them to tell the class their ways. And I’ll ask the others to discuss if they are successful or unsuccessful ways. Step 3:Tasks Task 1

1. Here I have an interview in which three students told us how they studied English. Let’s listen to the tape and try to find whose ways are successful and whose are not. 2. Play the tape twice for the students. Then I’ll show them the following chart to complete. Ways of learning English Not successful OK Successful Lillian Li Wei Ming Liu Chang

I’ll ask several students to tell us their answers and the others will correct their possible mistakes. 3. Play the tape again for them to understand it better. 4. Have the students read the article in Section A, 3a and see if they have any difficulties in understanding the passage. Then I’ll explain to them some language points. ① frustrating/frustrated e.g. I find it frustrating that I can’t speak other languages. As a nurse she got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit her.

Other words that have the same usage are “interested/interesting, excited/exciting” and “bored/boring”. ② not … at all e.g. I like milk very much. I don’t like coffee at all. ③ get excited about=be excited about e.g. Are you excited about going to Beijing? ④ end up doing sth.

e.g. We didn’t like it at first, but we ended up cheering. Task 2 1. I know that all of you want to learn English well, but it’s not easy for every one of you to do so. Next one student will tell us how he is successful in learning English, which will be very helpful to us. OK, let’s listen to the tape and try to find how he did it. 2. Play the tape for the students to listen and understand. 3. Ask the students to summarize the way that the student used to learn English in small groups. 4. The students look at Section B, 3a and listen to the tape once more to understand the article better and find out the difficulties in it. 5. Explain to the students the following. ① begin with

e.g. We began our lesson with a song. ② be afraid to e.g. She is afraid to go out at night. Task 3 1. Now, everybody, I know you all have your own successful ways of learning different subjects. Would you like to write them out and share with us? I’ll offer you several minutes to think about it and them try to form it an article. 2. I’ll give the students some necessary guides while they are writing. 3. “Who likes to tell us your ways? Now stand up and do it.” Next I’ll encourage them to offer their ways and exchange with each other. 4. Now, please read the article “How do we deal with our problems?” Try to use your dictionaries to help you as much as possible. When they are reading, I’ll provide them what they need. Step 4: Summary

This class we mainly learned how to study through reading several articles.

Step 5: Homework Write a short passage to sum up the ways of learning English that they have been using and analyze if they are successful or not and tell us how you will do later on.

Blackboard-writing design

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

How do you study for a test? By using English.

memorizing words. reading.

Ways of learning English watching English-language TV

studying grammar taking grammar notes


本节重点以使用“by ”来阐述或表达做事的方法,在教学设计中我重点强调了如何用“by” 说、写,用“I study English bylistening to music” 导入,之后让学生discuss学习中的策略,对程度较差的学生要求能用by 说一句话,对程度较好的学生要求用“by ”表达学习方法并能表明理由。这样做就是最大限度的为听力、阅读文章作出铺垫,而在文章的教学上首先让学生找出显在的方法句(即由“by ”引导的)和隐性的方法句(即没有“by ”引导,但仍然呈现一种方法),紧接着就是词汇的训练,将其体现在句子中,由词至句的操练,帮助学生明白意思并能掌握用法,而整个教学过程的检测体现于pair work和group work之中。本节着重从以下几点入手


2、 对难以启齿的学生采用鼓励的策略,尽管学生回答问题是被动的,但目的是解决又说的强压到释言的心理变更过程,使他们明白学习英语不能是心明,而更要脑清、嘴顺,善于表达个人意见;




刚接触小学英语教学时,是在英语培训机构,大多是需要速成的模式,所以老师会通过各种渠道获取小学英语教师应该具备的素养和技能,也在课堂上反复训练和增强。可是,慢慢的会发现,教学好像进入了一个暂时瓶颈,无论教师如何使劲,学生的学习效果也只能一直处在一个水平,无法提高。后来悉心发现, 学生才应该始终是课堂教学的主角,是课堂中活力最充分的体现。要



一、 课堂教学活动的意义

长期以来,传统的教学观念是“英语就是死记硬背”、“满堂灌”,故而造成了“哑巴英语”“聋子英语”的不良恶果。小学基础教育必须摆脱应试教育,转变“教师为中心(teacher-centered)”为“以学生为中心(student- centered)”。要想在教学中充分发挥学生的主体作用。使学生主动参与课题教学,使他们带着个人发展的需要、带着强烈的求知欲、浓厚的兴趣、高昂的积极性、饱满的热情参与学习,教师就得设计一些新颖、有趣的教学活动,这样利于激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,启发学生的思维,使他们主动地获取知识、提高课堂教学效果。同时,课题教学活动利于学生个性的培养和发展。课堂活动就是学生主动参与课堂教学,学生在这一特殊的思维活动中主动思考,严格要求自己,并经历种种诸如困惑、焦虑、喜悦、激动等情感的变化,获取了知识和经验,提高了思维能力、发展了兴趣爱好,从而养成了良好的思考习惯,科学的态度,掌握了良好的学习方法。同时通过活动,不同层次的学生都能用已知的经验和知识去认识解决新的知识,从而增强了他们的学习自信心。






















实施小学英语有效课堂教学的技巧有很多。在教学中教师应注意:充分全面地了解学生, 面向全体学生,尽可能使教学活动符合学生的兴趣;让学生清楚地了解学习目标,并鼓励和指导学生确定自己的学习目标;教学中尽量使用容易理解的教学语言,不熟悉的教学语言则尽量使用体态语,必要时直接使用汉语;以教学目标为评价标准的依据,建立合理的、有层次的评价体系,使学生清楚了解评价目标,鼓励学生进行自我评价。





Passive voice

I Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can master the usage of grammar item “passive voice”. Ability aim: Through different kinds of teaching activities, students can use “passive voice” to express themselves appropriately. Emotional aim: After learning this class students will become interested in learning grammar. II Teaching key point and difficult point:

Key point: learn usage of the grammar item “passive voice”.

Difficult point: use these grammar item correctly and fluently in daily communication. III Teaching procedures: Step 1 warming-up: Greeting and show some pictures about different kinds of animals, and ask students “which one do you like best? Why?”

Step 2 presentation Task 1. Show pictures about the antelope in the story and ask students to guess what happened to him. After discussion, show the teacher material on PPT and ask students to find answer and if there is any principle in this expression. Task 2. Lead students to find the “passive voice” form that have been used for the story. Ask students if there is any law in them, especially the form. Task 3. After students having a discussion, the teacher presents the principle of the “passive voice.” on the blackboard.

Step 3 Practice Do some drills about “superlative degree”, like fill in blanks: How long _____ your uncle ______ (be) in the city? Last year a large number of three____________(cut) down. I had hoped to see her off at the station, but I_________ too busy. The play had already been on for quite some time when we______ at the New Theatre. Step 4 production Group work: Divide students into 6 groups and try to imagine what will happen going on. Students should try to express themselves by using passive voice as much as possible. Step 5 summary and homework Do a summary by asking questions and ask students to write an article about the story. IV Blackboard design passive voice We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. As a result, we are now an endangered species 以上就是教师资格面试高中英语语法课教案设计解。更多关于教师资格面试资料可查看海南教师考试网-教师资格面试频道。

第五篇:九年级英语全册Unit1Howdoyoustudyforatest?教案 教学设计 学案

一、 教学目标

1、语言目标 1)询问别人的学习方法


2、知识目标 1)How do you study for a test? I study by ving . 2) the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法

3、能力目标 1)通过讨论找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难 2)学会给出关于学习方法的建议

二、 重点知识


flashcard vocabulary aloud pronunciation memorize grammar frustrating quickly spoken pronounce mistakes challenge solution realize matter afraid complete impress trouble soft deal unless regard influence friendship development face 基本要求:会读、会写、会用。


make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth have trouble doing sth end up spoken English practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary lists try one`s best to do sth 基本要求: 会读、会写、会用。

3、重点语法 1)How 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法 基本要求:理解其含义,学以致用。

三、导学案 Section A ● 例析导学

1、 They also have fun。

fun n. 乐趣 ,玩笑

【拓展】 1)have fun 意为“过的快活”相当于enjoy oneself have a good time 例如:You are sure to have fun at the party 。

1 2)have fun doing sth 意为“开开心心做谋事”

例如: The children are having fun playing this game . 类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth

2、…and then end up speaking in Chinese . end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式 end up with 以……结束,以……而告终 例如: The game ended up with a song. 【拓展】 end 作名词

1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year 2.边缘;极点,极限 例如:the end of the road 3.结局,结果。 例如:the end of the story

3、……joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English . the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法

【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth the way of doing sth 例如: This is the best way to solve the problem. 或 This is the best way of solving the problem. 2)way 道路 the way to sw eg. on one’s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: He got lost and couldn’t find his way home.

4、Do you ever practice conversations with your friends ? 1) ever adv. 曾经

【拓展】 一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always ,usually ,often ,sometimes ,hardly ,ever ,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。 2)practice n。& v. 练习,实习,实践, practice doing sth. 练习干某事

例如:He practices running every morning .

5、I’ve learned a lot that way . a lot 很多,非常

【拓展】1)在句中做主语 例如:A lot has been done about it . 2) 在句中做宾语 例如: You have done a lot for him . 3) 在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级 例如: He feels a lot better today . 4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数

2 例如:There are lots of differences between them.

6、She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all . add v. 增加 ,补充说 , 继续说

【拓展】 1) add sth to sth. 添加 ,增加

例如: If you add five to nine ,you will get fourteen . 2)add up to 总计 例如: These numbers add up to 177 . ● 专项练习 选择填空

1. The boys are going to have fun ____the picture. A. draw B. to draw C drew D drawing 2.I am sorry I took your umbrella _____ . A. because mistake B.with mistake c.by mistake d.by mistakes 3.Can’t you see Tom and Jim _____football? A.playing B. play C.to play D. played 4. My English teacher was very angry ______Tom . A. at B.about c.with D.on 5.His mother is strict _____. A.with him B.with he C.in him D.in he 6. When we practice English speaking ,we shouldn’t end up ____in Chinese . A. speak B. speaking C. to speaking D. with speak 7. Let’s go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow.

A. will be B. would be C. is D. is going to be 8. Taiwan is ____the est of China and _____the west of Fujian province . A.in;to B.to ;to C. on; to D. in; to ●句析导学

1. How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes.你怎样学习,准备应考?通过听录音。

How是用来提问“怎么,怎样”的疑问词,引导一个特殊疑问句,经常用by加动词的Ving形式, 表示“通过……方式,方法”或“借助某种手段”

例如: How do you usually go to school ? I go to school by bus。 He makes a living by working on the farm。 2.What about listening to tapes? 听录音怎么样?

What about …?相当于How about…?后面可跟名词、代词或动词Ving形式。常用来提出建议,征求

3 意见或询问情况。相类似句子有Why not +v…? Let‘s +v . Shall we +v ? You’d better +v. What abou /How about going boating with us ? 3.It’s too hard to understand the voices .语音难以理解。

too +adj /adv +to do 表示”太……而不能……”,句中it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式。可与so…that 和enough…to do sth 改写. 例如: It’s too heavy for me to caryy the box. It isn’t light enough for me to carry the box. It’s so heavy that I can’t carry the box.

4、…he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly . watching movies 动名词做宾语,frustrating 形容词做宾语补足语 find +宾语+形容词 发现…… 例如: He finds English interesting. 不定式做宾语时,用find it adj.for sb. to do sth He found it difficult to pass the exam. ● 专项练习

1. Let the students make conversations about their own way of learning English, and how long he or she used it ,how he or she learns from it. 2. Let the students ask and answer in pairs according to the learning way of 3a. Talk about their ways of learning English. ● 教学设计

本节课以英语学习为话题,重点是介绍英语学习的方法,Section A 就是紧紧围绕该话题,以听说方式展开学习运用的。




2、熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。 能力目标


2、能运用how和 by来介绍学习方法进行对话练习。 教学重难点


2、how对方式方法来提问及by的用法 课型:听说课 教学过程 预习词汇

4 布置学生预习Section A的词汇,能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。



一、新课导入 1.检查词汇预习:




1)让学生根据Section A中的1a第一人称来练习How do you study for a test ? I study by…这个句式,让学生根据自己的实际情况来进行模仿性练习。

2)让学生进一步作对话练习,展开小组合作,并讨论一下,这个学习方法的好处和优点,对How 引起的特殊疑问句,the way和improve等词的用法进行综合操练。

二、听力训练 1.多层听




以上活动有易到难,实现了材料的一材多用,使学生确实得到了更为扎实有效的听力训练。 2.听后说


三、对话处理 1.读前听




5 对话的主要内容进行听力训练和对话练习。


引导学生找出在对话中的语言点,分别是How ,by ,improve,too,practice,What about等词的用法,然后对这些语言点根据听力内容进行对话练习和造句,使他们更好的掌握这些语言点。







1.设计一个针对本节课语言要点的综合性练习,来进一步练习掌握好这一部分的内容。 2.进行一个小结,总结本节课的学习内容,让学生对本节课的 学习内容有一个清晰的概念,也便于学生课下复习。 ● 词语辨析

1.sometimes , sometime , some time ,some times 1)sometimes 表示“有时”,相当于at times用于一般现在时,常用how often 提问。 2)sometime 表示“在某个时候”,常用when 来提问。

3)some time 表示“一些时间”,用于现在完成时,常用how long来提问。

4)some times 表示“许多次”“许多倍”用于现在完成时,常用how many times 来提问。 例如: I will visit my best friends sometime next week. They have been to Beijing some times . Sometimes we go to school on foot. He has stayed in Shanghai for some time. 2. learn study 1)learn 意为“学习,学会”,指通过学习,练习或从中获得某种知识技能,着重学习的成果。多用于学习的初级阶段或带有模仿性的操作技艺等。

2)study意为“学习,研究”,通常带有努力钻研的意味。 例如 It isn’t hard to learn to drive. We must study hard for our country .

6 3. attend ,join ,join in , take part in 参加

1)attend 到场出席,指出席或参加会议,聚会,讲座等.例如:attend the meeting 2)join 指加入到某一组织,团体或人群中去,并成为其中的一员.例如:join the party,join the army ,join the club 3)join in +ving 或活动,表示参加某项活动

4)take part in 指“参加”某一项活动,并在其中起积极的作用,的宾语是表示集体活动的名词。例如:take part in the contest 4.aloud ,loud ,loudly 都是副词

1)aloud出声地,指提高声音为了是他人能听见,不是心想,不是默读。例如:He cried aloud for help . 2)loud 大声地,主要指说话声和哭声等,常用于比较级。例如:Don’t talk so loudly .

3)loudly 大声地,吵闹地,指声音很大,很喧闹,不悦耳,令人感到讨厌。例如:She cried loudly. 4. memorize ,remember 1)memorize 指learn and remember on purpose ,即有意识地用心去记,则重于主观的动作过程。 2)remember 意为“记得,记起,想起”,指某件事或某个印象存留在记忆里事不需要有意识地追忆便可想起,

例如:He remembered every new word he learned . He tried to memorized every new word. ●专项练习 单项选择

1.He _____the league in 1998. A. joined B. has joined C.was D. took part in 2._____ you should join an English club. A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. Can 3.We should _____each other and _____each other . B. learn ,help B.learn ,help from C. learn from , help D. learn from , help from 4.I have been to the Great Wall _____ . A.sometime B.sometimes C. some time D. some times 5. Did you _____Mary’s birthday party ? A. join B. go C. take part in D. join in 6. He said he would come ______this afternoon . A. some time B. some times C. sometime D. sometimes

7 7.Your father works in an office ._____your mother ? A. How B How about C. How is D. What does 8. You had better _____off your coat .It’s cold . A. not to take B. don’t take C. not take D. take Section B ● 例析导学

1、I make mistakes in grammar . mistake n. 错误

【拓展】1)make mistakes 意为“犯错,出错”

例如He made few mistakes in his English exams,he has done a good job。2)by mistake 意为 “由于差错” 例如:He took my backpack by mistake. 3) mistake v. 意为“把……错认成……” 例如: We often mistake him for his brother .

2、Now I am enjoying learning English . enjoy v. 意为 “享受,享有”

【拓展】 1) enjoy sth 例如: He enjoys good health. enjoy oneself “过得愉快” 相当于 have a good time 2)enjoy doing 意为 “欣赏,喜爱”

例如:He enjoys listening to light music in his spare time .

3、My teacher is very impressed . impress v. 使感动,给……深刻的印象

【拓展】 impress sth on/upon sb. 使铭记, 使深刻地意识到 例如: His words impressed themselves on my memory .

4、I couldn’t always make complete sentences . complete adj. “完整的,完全的” 在句中做定语,表语

例如:The novel is not complete . This is a complete story . 【拓展】 complete v. 完成 例如: She has completed her studies .

5、forget a lot of new words. forget v. ( forgot forgotten ) 忘记,遗忘 【拓展】 1) forget to do sth 忘记去做谋事(未做) forget doing sth. 忘记曾做过谋事(以做过)

例如:Don’t forget to take the raincoat with you . He forgot locking the door when left home . 2)leave sth sw 表示把某物忘在某地

例如: This morning I left my English book at home . 6. challenge n.挑战

【拓展】 challenge v. 向……挑战

例如:Their school challenged ours to a football game . 7.solution 意为“(问题的)解决,是可数名词,后常接介词to。 【拓展】 常与trouble ,problems等搭配 。 例如:What is the solution to your trouble? What is the best solution to the problem ?

8.I don‘t have a partner to practice English with .

practice (practise是英国英语)v. 意为“练习”后接名词、动名词做宾语。 例如:My daughter practices playing the piano everyday . 【拓展】 practice 可做名词

例如: Have you had more practice in nursing the sick? 9. To begin with ,she speaks so quickly…

to begin with 意为“首先,第一“ ,常用来列举原因。

例如:We can’t possibly go .To begin with ,it’s too cold ,and besides ,we will talk about it later on . 10.My teacher is very impressed . impress v. 意为“使感动,给……深刻印象“,

例如:I impressed on him the importance of his work . He impressed me favourably . 11.He had trouble making complete sentences . have trouble(in) doing sth. 意为“做……有困难”还可以写成 have difficulty /trouble doing sth 注意

1)difficulty /trouble前可有修饰语some ,much ,little,no 2)difficulty /trouble 为不可数名词 3)句中介词in 可以省略 4)若宾语为名词,介词应用with

9 His son had trouble working out the problem. ● 专项练习 填空

1.They enjoyed ______( their )at the party . 2. You’d better _____( not take )the notebook with you . 3. He went to school without ______( have ) breakfast. 3. He often practices _____( run )on the playground. 4. We ______( be )to Jinan some times . 5.I often hear Jim ____( sing )in the next room . 6. He _____( take ) part in the sports meeting last week 7. She is much _____(thin) than before. 8. This is the best way _____( solve )the problem. ● 句析导学

1.Why don’t you join an English language club to practice spoken English ? Why don’t you +v 相当于Why not +v 用于向别人提出建议。 例如: Why don‘t you ask the teacher for help ?

2.First of all ,it wasn’t very easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class . 1) first of all “首先,第一”常放在句首,用于强调事情的重要性。而at first是“起先,开始”的意思。

2)It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说干谋事 …… it 做形式主语,不定式是句子的真正主语. 例如: It isn’t very easy for her to study English well . 在以下结构中it做形式宾语,如, find/feel /think it +adj +for sb. to do sth I found it difficult to sing the song well. ● 专项练习

1. let the students make conversations about the challenges and the solutions the students face now .First let them talk about the problems in groups. Then, try to find their solution s to their problems .Last, let the students make conversations according to 2a and 2b. 2. Let the students finish the letter of 3a . ● 教学设计


10 布置学生预习Section B的词汇,能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。






2.课前导入 设计情景,激发学生的学习兴趣或简介文章内容导入阅读。 3.泛读训练


(2)对较长的文章可采用总—分—总的形式。 4.精读足练


(2)精讲知识点,辅以造句、对话等多种形式的充足练习,使学生掌握并能灵活运用。 5.写作训练



(3)写作交流 学生将自己的作品在小组内或班内交流,交流的数量尽可能的多。 ● 词语辨析

1.a little a few little few 1) a little 表示肯定的意思,little 表示否定,意为“几乎没有”在句中修饰不可数名词。 2)a few 表示肯定,意为“有几个”, few 表示否定,意为“几乎没有”,在句中修饰可数名词。 3) a little 也可在句中作状语,修饰形容词、副词、介词短语或动词。 例如:There is a little /little water in the bottle . I have a few friends here. There are few apples in the basket. I’m feeling a little hungry now.

11 2. fast quickly 1) 两者意思相近,但侧重点不同,fast 表示强调速度快,quickly表示强调时间短 2) fast 还可以作形容词,表示“快的” 。

例如:He walked fast to get to school on time . He finished his task quickly. He is a fast runner. 3.either,too,also,as well的用法区别。 either,too,also和as well都有“也”的意思。

either作副词,常用在句末,用逗号与前面的句子隔开,连接两个否定句中。 例如: I don’t like math. She doesn’t like math, either. too作副词,用于肯定句中。

例如: His father is a worker ,his mother is a worker ,too. also 作副词,常用于句中。 例如: He also plays the piano . as well 是副词短语,一般放在句末。

例如: My brother sent me a letter and some money as well. 【拓展】(1)、either作代词,意为“(两者中)任意一个”。 例如: --- Would you like an apple or a banana? ---Either is OK. (2)、either 与or 连用,表示在两个可能性中任选其一。

例如: Either Lucy or I will go to Beijing. He’ll either take the train or the bus. 5. spoken speaking 用法区别

1) spoken 为 speak 的过去分词转化成的形容词,意为“口头的,口语的,口说的”。 2)speaking是 speak 转化的形容词,意为“讲话的,说(某种语言)的”

3)spoken 可直接修饰名词;但 speaking 常与某种表示语言的词一起组成一个形容词。例如:I am not good at spoken English . Australia is an English---speaking country. ● 专项练习 句型转换

1.I have finished the work ,too.( 改为否定句 ) ___________________________________________

2.Mary got few mistakes in the final exam .(改为反意疑问句) ____________________________________________ 3.Tom isn’t a Canadian . Dave isn’t a Canadian, either.

(合并为一个句子) ______________________________________________ 填空

1. It’s too hot. Would you mind _____( open )the door ? 2.Tom ,______( not be ) afraid of _____(speak)in public . 3.France is a _____( develop ) country . 4.We couldn’t stop ______( laugh )because Tom made faces in class . 5.I had some trouble _____( make ) complete sentences . 6.We should teach young people how _____(build )their lives on hard work ,not dreams . 答案 Section A 例析 1---8 D C A C A B C D 句析 答案略

词语辨析1----8 A A C D D C B C Section B 例析 1 themselves 2.not take 3. having 4. running 6. sing 6.took 7.thinner 8.to solve 句析 答案略 词语辨析 句型转换

1.I haven’t finished the work ,either.

2. Mary got few mistakes in the final exam, did she? 3. Neither tom nor Davy is a Canadian. 填空

1. opening 2. don’t be 3.developed 4 laughing 5.making 6.to build 13


