










爷爷喜欢在冬天的午后躺在摇椅上晒太阳,他总是闭着眼睛。他说幸福的感觉要放在心里慢慢体会。摇椅载着爷爷轻轻地摇晃,而爷爷的笑容也一点一点地荡漾开来。 这时我总会趴在爷爷身边,品尝一点温暖的滋味。



这一个个的美丽的弧,总是在那么亲切的脸上出现。我想,这是因为这些弧都是倾注了无法计量的爱才形成的。它们成了我成长的支柱,成了我坚强起来的理由。 这些弧,这些世间最美丽的弧,会一直陪伴着我,直到永远、永远„„



八(1)班 黄润君

或许,你看过无数的蝶,无数的美丽。但你是否记得曾有一只一边翅膀是灰,另一边翅膀是土黄的蝶儿从你眼前飞过呢?如果你记得,请你不要笑话她,因为那只蝶儿就是我。 当我还是一只丑得怪可怜的毛毛虫的时候,就成天想着自己的未来到底有多美。我常看着那些舞在花丛中的“精灵”发呆,想要是我能快些变成那样多好,能四处飞,还有一对艳美的翅膀。我常常对同伴们胸有成竹地说:“啧!有什么了不起的,我以后肯定美过它们。” 接着,我每天都比其它的毛毛虫更努力的啃着绿叶。虽然常常会有人来喷浓药,但我不怕,不能怕,因为我的未来在等我。后来,我比其他虫儿更早的进入“睡眠”,在梦里继续地静静等待。








八(1)班 叶佳慧









春天到了,春风吹醒了每一片土地,所有的动植物都显得生机勃勃。在一座悬崖上,有一株柔弱的小草。它周围没有一片土地,更没有温暖的阳光。但是它却顽强地破“石”而出,在不属于它的舞台上舞蹈。它顽强的生命力,难怪有“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的赞叹呢! 点评:顽强的生命,美丽的生灵。作者选取一处小景,却折射出万丈光芒。







八(1)班 柯少霞




灵颖呢?一个曾经是充满活力的女孩,就像那阳光,和谐笼罩一切。阳光包围所有! 直到有一天,灵颖不再有活力了,阳光也不再包围她。她的家庭破碎了,父母离了婚。灵颖跟着妈妈离开了,她转了学。新学校里,灵颖是那般突出,成绩优秀,美中不足的是,她变得沉默了。那个过去充满活力的女孩不见了,她不爱阳光了,甚至憎恨阳光。















炀还在大笑着上气接不了下气,却突然感到车子的强烈撞击,额头迅速地撞上了什么东西,顿时脑袋感到昏眩, 眼前逐渐迷糊起来„„





一次体育课上,炀与体育老师吵了起来,老师不分青红皂白地惩罚他绕田径场跑10圈。 炀倔强地挺直胸膛,坦然面对老师咄咄逼人的目光。这位体育老师也不是好惹的,见炀目中无人的样子,顿时老羞成怒,气急败坏地挥起手来准备给不知天高地厚的小子一记耳光。在这紧要关头,一只手伸了出来,避免了老师留下过激的行为。炀猛一抬头,见是他同桌——清。






“两年前,那场重大的车祸还记得吗?我的父亲,就是与你父亲发生车祸的那个司机,他„„在那场车祸中也丧了命。炀,我们都是孤儿。”清淡淡地说,抬起头来看炀的反应。 此刻,夕阳竟散发出刺眼的光芒,大地异常的空寂。











从小学到初一 ,我们上了很多的语文课,几乎都是老师在讲台上口若悬河,唾沫横飞,我们在下面洗耳恭听,有的奋笔疾书,有的昏昏欲睡„„






语文课,原来如此精彩! 我爱上语文课了!

【点评】本文最大的成功之处在于生动具体地展现了语文课精彩的一幕,通过记叙、描写、议论,将课堂上同学们自主、合作、探究,积极参与学习活动的场面淋漓尽致地表现出来。既有小组内的学习情景的记叙,又有组间激烈争论的描写,特别是精心选取了原来“比较腼腆”的高辉和“毫不示弱”的赵进,充分表现了活动单学习方式使学生在获取语文知识、领略母语文化的同时,更收获了一份精神的快乐宇能力的提升,使主题鲜明突出。(王 洁)






我曾经这样想:如果让我喜欢上语文课,除非老母猪能爬树。 我虽然没有看到老母猪爬树,但我确实喜欢上了语文课。




【点评】作者审题准确,本文的标题是《语文课,原来如此精彩》,小作者成功地运用了对比手法,将以前语文课的“沉闷”与现在语文课的“活跃”进行比较,从而发现以前那么无趣的语文课现在竟然深深地打动了“我”,以前“四十五分钟”觉得是“四十五个世纪”,而现在,下课铃响了仍意犹未尽,“不相信四十五分钟就这样快速地消失”。对比极其鲜明,究其因,是因为语文课堂发生了改革。作者运用点面结合法,从面上介绍了新的课堂学习方式,并从点上细致地描写了“我”的表现极其感受,“往昔一根针掉到地上都能听见,而现在,炸弹爆炸了恐怕我们也浑然不知”,既运用了对比,又运用了夸张,写出了两种语文课的一大区别,很明(指导老师:何春红) 显,现在的语文课学生参与的热情变高了,也更受学生欢迎了,学生自然就觉得更精彩了。



















1. My vacation plan

I’m taking a relaxing vacation next week. I’m planning to spend time in Hawaii, and I’m planning to stay there for four days. I heard that Hawaii is a good place to have fun, and I want to do something exciting. I hope I will be happy there. I’m planning to go swimming there, and lie down on the beach. It’s relaxing for me to have a rest. I also want to play beach volleyball, because exercise is good for my health. I am going to Wenzhou for a day. I’m planning to go to the zoo to see some animals.

A great vacation. I can’t wait.

2. How to feel happy

Nobody can be happy all the time. When you become unhappy, you can try to control your feelings. Because bad feelings can make you lose your friends and give you other bad effects. Here are some ways to make you feel better.

(1) Look in the mirror and speak to yourself, “I’m the best in the world. I can do anything.”

(2) Do something for others. You will feel happy if you always help others in need.

(3) Smile when you get up in the morning and believe you will have a nice day.

(4) Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want. Writing always helps you express your feelings.

(5) Stay with your family. You may talk with your parents, relatives, friends and so on.


Last Sunday evening, my father, mother and I went to see Beijing Opera. I was looking forward to seeing it, because I heard that it was our national opera with a history of 200 years. It expresses Chinese culture. It’s full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. On the night before we started, I felt so excited that I couldn’t sleep well. When we got to the theater, I found there were so many people there. They looked very excited, too. Then I had a nice evening there. After seeing it, I think it is really wonderful.


My life in twenty years In twenty years,I think I will live a happy life. I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Beijing. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I’ll buy a big house and live with my families. I’ll have many differents pets. I might keep a pet parrot. I’ll have my own car and drive to work and take my famil

My report card of end-of-year exam I finished my end-of-year exam last week. I got my report card yesterday. I always get nervous when I see the report card. But luckily I did OK this time. My Chinese teacher said my grade was the best. My math teacher said I was pretty smart.My English teacher said I was better at reading than writing. My physics teacher said I was the most careful. My geography teacher said I was very hard-working. My PE teacher said I did best in playing basketball. However,my biology teacher said I could do better and my histroy teacher said I was a little lazy. I think I will do better later on.

If I am a teacher Everyone has their own dreams. When I was young ,my dream was that I would be a teacher when I grew up. I think if I am a teacher, I will work with students and love them like my children. If I am a teacher , I will make friends with students and help them solve all kinds of problems they meet. If I am a teacher ,I won’t give students too much pressure and homework . If I am a teacher, I will try my best to teach students more knowledge. However, if I am a teacher , I will also be strict with them to make the students’grades better and better. If I am a teacher,I will probably go to work in the poor areas and help chilren there open up their eyes to the outside world . This is my beautiful dream. I will work harder to make my dream come true from now on.

My Problem Dear grandpa, How’s it going? I hope you are in good health. I have many friends at school. I get on well with my friends. But now I have a problem---One day, one of my friends lost 100 yuan. He/She thought I took his/her money and he/she told that to my other friends. After that they weren’t friendly to me. So I feel very upset now. I don’t what to do. Can you give me some advice? Please write to me soon. Yours, Tim

An Unusual Experience I had a very experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. An alien got out and walked down the street. I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the musuem, I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!

My Hobby Everyone has their own hobbies. My hobby is to collect snow globes. I have been collecting snow globes since I was six years old. I have had more than 200 of them so far. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my sixth birthday. I like snow globes with animals in them best. I think collecting snow globes can bring more fun to me and make me learn a lot about animals.

My Pet The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. I have a pot-bellied pig called Connie. She is my best friend. I often take a walk with her after dinner. She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. However, life with a pig isn’t always perfect. When I got my pig, she was small. But she eats a lot. Now she’s too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to spend with her.

A Thank-you note Dear Allen, Thanks for inviting me to your house on Friday. I really enjoyed meeting your family. And your baby sister is really lovely. I had a great time. I’m sorry I had to leave early, but I had a family dinner. My grandfather was having his 90th birthday party! Yours John

A Wonderful Trip I had a wonderful trip last summer holiday. I went to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents. We went there by plane. I was very happy that I saw Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck with my own eyes. There we took a ride on a roller coaster. We also saw Disney movies and had dinner with Mickey Mouse. Of course we bought some Disney clothes and gifts. We really had a great time there. I wish I could visit it again one day.

Low-carbon Life (低碳生活) Now more and more people get to know (认识到) it’s important to protect(保护) our living environment. As a student, it’s our duty(职责) to do something for the earth. From now on, I’ll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I’ll use fewer plastic bags (塑料袋) to reduce(减少) white pollution. And I’ll plant more trees to make air cleaner. I’ll take less lift(电梯) and reuse water. At last I’ll use second-hand books to cut down fewer trees. I think if we all do these things, our environment will get better and better and our world will be more beautiful.

What should we do to create civilized city(创建文明城市) ? Now our city is creating a natural civilized city. As high school students, we should do these things better: When we walk on the street, we shouldn’t break the traffic rules. When we talk with eath other, we shouldn’t say rude words. When we are in public, we shouldn’t throw the litter around or smoke. When we wait for the bus or shop, we should wait in line. When we are in the hospital or library, we shouldn’t talk loudly. When we take the bus, we should give old people to seats.I hope if everyone can do these, our city will be more civilizing.

How to be a polite student I think we should be a polite student at school. I think we should do these things: We shouldn’t be late for school or class and should arrive at school on time. We shouldn’t talk loudly in the classroom and should keep quiet all the time. After class we shouldn’t run in the hallway(走廊). We shouldn’t copy others’ homework and finish homework by ourthemselves. We shouldn’t throw the litterand should pick it up and keep the school and classroom clean. We should wait in line when we have meals. Whenever and wherever we should say polite words and should never say rude words.


Now playing computer games becomes very popular among the high school students. Many of them are interested in them.They spend all day and all night on them. Even they aren’t intereted in studying at all.

On the one hand, I think playing computer games is bad for students.It is bad for their eyes. After playing computer games they want to sleep when they have classes. Then they won’t finish homework by themselves and will copy others’homework. Of course they will fail the test and get worse grades. On the other hand, I think students may play small computer games for half an hour once to relax themselves.

If I were a teacher

Hello! Good morning/afternoon everyone! My name is Ma Xinjie. I’m from No.3 Middle School of Zhicheng. Today my speech title is 《If I were a teacher》. As we know, everyone has their own dreams. When I was young ,my dream was that I would be a teacher when I grew up. I think if I were a teacher, I would work with students and love them like my children. If I were a teacher , I would make friends with students and help them solve all kinds of problems they met. If I were a teacher ,I wouldn’t give students too much pressure and homework while I would give them more free time to do something they enjoyed. If I were a teacher, I would try my best to teach students more knowledge. However, if I were a teacher , I would also be strict with them to make the students’grades better and would never give up everyone because they were very clever. If I were a teacher,I would probably go to work in the poor areas and help chilren there open up their eyes to the outside world . This is my beautiful dream. So in order to make my dream come true, I will work hard from now on. That’s all. My speech is over. Thank you.


1. 关于爱好

(1) We have many subjects at school this year. I did a survey about

how much my classmates like some of the subjects and the following is what I found. Computer science is the most popularsubject. We all like to work on computers, but we have only one lesson a week. The easiest subjects are music and PE. We can relax during these two classes. Many students like history and art. They think they are the most interesting subjects. The most boring subjects are Chinese and English. Physics and math are the most difficult subjects. They are not easy to learn.

(2) Different people like different means of transportation when they

go for a vacation. Here are my best friends’opinions. Tony like traveling by car because he can stop in any place and have more free time. Bella likes traveling by boat because she likes water. And she thinks it makes her relax. Cindy likes taking the train because it’s quick. She can also enjoy the scenery when traveling by train. As for my favorite means of transportation, it’s riding bikes. That’s because I like sports very much. If I don't travel very far, I always ride a bike.

(3) I asked some of my friends about their favorite TV shows. Here are

their answers. Sarah likes soap operas best, because she thinks they are very funny and romantic. Peter's favorite TV shows are sports

shows. He likes doing sports and he wants to know more about sports. Minnie likes watching English shows. She likes English very much. She wants to improve her listening and learn it well. Danny likes talk shows, because he thinks that they are enjoyable and educational.

2. 关于如何写通知(notice)

Students in Grade 8 are going to visit the history museum tomorrow from 8:00am to 11:00am. Please arrive at the 7:30 tomorrow morning. Then you’ll take a bus to get there. Please take pens and notebooks with you. In the history museum, please listen and watch carefully. You’d better write down something valuable about the museum. Keep quiet and don't take photos there. Please come to school on time. Thank you.

3. 关于运动

(1)Sports in our school have changed a lot. Now we have more than two PE classes a week, and we have at least one hour to exercise every day. Students are so excited about these changes. More and more students are taking an active part in the ball games, running and jumping in the playground.

Our school life is becoming more and more interesting and colorful. Doing sports is really a good way to relax and keep healthy bodies help us study better and live a happier life.

(2) I study at No.2 Middle School. There is a sports meet in our school every fall. I was first in the long jump last year. We usually take exercise in the early morning and do eyes exercises in the afternoon. After class we play basketball or football. I think sports are good for my health. I am going to take more exercise.


(1)As we all know, good health is more important than wealth. How should we keep healthy? I think we should have a good eating habit, have a strong body, live in the clean environment and keep active. These are very necessary for our health. First, we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat every day. We can’t eat too much or too little. Drinking enough water is a good habit. Second, we had better open the windows and keep the air fresh. We should keep our bodies clean. Don’tthrow litter about. We must make the environment around us clean. Third, exercising a lot is good for us. It may help us keep active during the daytime.

If we try to do that, we will be in a good health.

4. 关于上网的利与弊

Many students like getting on-line very much. They can learn how to use the modern machine-computers. They can learn much more knowledge from the Internet. It can make them clever by playing different kinds of games.

But some students spend too much time playing games. Some even make friends on-line. It takes them too much time to write too many letters each other. So they do worse in their lessons.

Ithink they musn’t get on-linewhen they’re studying at school. They can do it in summer or winter holiday.

5. 关于假日计划

I’m going to the People’s Park with my classmates this Sunday. It is on September 7th. We’r going there by bus at 7:00 in the morning.We’ll get there at about 8:30. In the morning we will go boating and swimming. We are going to have lunch in a snack bar. In the afternoon we are going to have English corner activities. Of course we may take photos. We are going to return at 4:30 in the afternoon, Ihope we’ll have a wonderful time there.

6. 关于梦想

My name is kangkang. My favorite sport is basketball. I play it five days a week. My favorite player is Yao Ming.And I want to be a basketball player in the future. It’s my dream job. My friend Tom’s favorite sport is football. He plays it every day. His favorite player isRonaldo. But he hopes to be a singer when he grows up. Mary’s favorite sport is pingpong. She plays it twice a week. Her favorite player is Zhang Yining.But her dream job is to be a teacher.
