


《Starter Unit2》的教学反思

本节课是学习“what’s this in English?”的第二课时,我采用了任务型教学方法设计的几个内容都得到了落实,取得了较好的成效。我在教学过程中发现:任务型教学是一个很好的教学理念。任务型教学注重体现学习过程,强调学生之间以及学生与教师之间的多边互动,力图创设一个自然、真实的语言环境。在导入新课之前,我设计了一个问题:让学生猜“what’s this in English?因为小学生最擅长猜测,而且也喜欢这种活动,不仅活跃了学生的思维,也活跃了课堂气氛。我对学生各种各样的回答给予肯定和鼓励,如“you are very clever!”,“wonderful”,这样自由与和谐的学习氛围为学生提供了创新的环境,能够引起学生的兴趣,激发学生的参与欲望,每个参与者在执行任务的过程中,都







7、G8”, 给学生布置同一个任务,列出“table manners”。我首先要求学生独立思考“What’s this in English?”然后让学生在小组里交流自己的意见。每个学生取得的成绩都是对小组的贡献,小组成绩取决于小组组员的共同努力,这也成为学生主动参与的动力,相互激励,相互补充,这样学生就开阔了思路,有利于创新思维的培养。总之,任务型教学从新课程理念出发,能使教学过程任务化,让学生积极地“动”起来,让英语教学“活”起来!

第二篇:人教版必修3 unit2 reading教学设计

人教版必修三Unit2《Healthy eating》

Period 2 reading教学设计

重庆黔江新华中学 郑乐明

Teaching material:人教版高中英语必修三Unit 2

Teaching type: reading Teaching duration: 40mins



This is the second teaching period of this unit. At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the lesson by talking our daily life with students

Pre-reading contains a general question about the importance of health for discussion. Students can be encouraged to discuss how to be healthy in pairs. Then they are asked to make sentences with modal verbs and lead students to thinking about if you want to have a healthy diet which door you want to open. This part is very useful for the next part Reading. The reading passage Come and Eat Here(1)introduces students to two unbalanced diets through the restaurants of Wang Peng and Yong Hui. Food at Wang Peng’s restaurant contains too much fat while Yong Hui’s restaurant offers little energy-giving food. The person who often eats at Wang Peng’s restaurant will become too fat. That can lead to illnesses such as a heart attack or high blood pressure. The person who often eats at Yong Hui’s restaurant will become too thin and suffer illnesses such as anorexia or malnutrition. It is important for students to know about the two extremes and avoid them. The teacher can encourage students to skim for the general idea and scan for further understanding.

To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to read the passage again and then retell it. In order to arouse their interest, the teacher can hold a competition. The teacher also needs to make a summary on the passage including the general idea, writing characteristics, and so on to let students understand the passage further at the end of the class. 教学重点

1. Let students learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition. 2. Get students to learn different reading skills. 教学难点

1. Develop students’ reading ability.

2. Enable students to talk about different kinds of food and balanced diet. 三维目标 知识目标

1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part: diet, nut, bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, balanced diet, ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, win. . . back. 2. Let students learn the knowledge of balanced diet and nutrition. 能力目标

1. Develop students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. 2. Enable students to talk about different kinds of food, problems with diet and balanced diet. 情感目标

1. Stimulate students’ sense to form a healthy eating habit. 2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.


设计方案(一) →Step 1 Leading-in Have a free talk with students. Ask them the following questions: 1. Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? 2. What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper? 3. What kind of food do you like best? 4. Why are you so strong/weak/fat/thin? Does it have anything to do with your diet? 5. Do you think you are eating a balanced diet? →Step 2 Warming up

1. Let students turn to Page 9. Ask them to look at the pictures, name the foods in them and then fill in the form. Healthy food

Unhealthy food

2. Show the following on the screen. Let students read the question and the information about food in the form below. Do you know that the food you eat helps you grow in different ways? Food that provides Food that helps grow Food that helps the body fight g. bones and muscles(e. g. diseases(e. g. protective food)

body-building food) energy(e. energy-giving food) ricespaghettipotatoes

noodles meat eggs cheese Most vegetables(e. g. beans, peas, bread milktofu chocolate




mushrooms, cabbages)and fruit(e. g. apples, peaches, oranges, lemons) butter cream oils nuts 3. Ask students to work in pairs to discuss the following questions and then one of them tells their ideas to the class. Questions: 1)Which groups of food do you like best? 2)Which do you eat most often? 3)Do you eat the three kinds of food each day? 3)What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet? →Step 3 Pre-reading 1. Let students discuss the following question: What do you think should go into a good meal? 2. Ask students to imagine they are going to invite some friends for dinner. Let them discuss the question: What special food of your place would you offer them? Then have them plan a menu. 3. Let students turn to Page 10, look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures and predict what the passage is about. Then have them read the passage quickly to see if they are right. →Step 4 Reading 1. Fast reading Ask students to skim the reading passage and then answer the following questions: 1)Who are mentioned in the story? 2)Where did the story happen? Three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers: 1)Wang Peng, Yong Hui and Li Chang. 2)It happened in the two restaurants: Wang Peng’s restaurant and Yong Hui’s restaurant. 2. Intensive reading Allow students to read the passage carefully this time to understand the main idea of each paragraph and the important details, and then finish the following: 1)Choose the best answer to each question according to the text. (1)What did Wang Peng think of the food in his restaurant? A. Very bad. B. Just so-so. C. Unpopular. D. Popular. (2)What did Wang Peng do after he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by? A. He just sat in his restaurant felling frustrated. B. He did some research. C. He followed Li Chang to see why he didn’t eat with him. D. He began to advertise his food. (3)Which of the following was not mentioned on Yong Hui’s menu? A. Apples. B. Cola. C. Water. D. Cabbages. (4)Which of the following did Wang Peng not do to win his customers back? A. He improved his food. B. He advertised his food. C. He did some research. D. He found the shortcomings of Yong Hui’s food. Suggested answers: (1)D (2)C (3)B (4)A 2)Use the information from the reading passage to tick out the correct statements and give reasons for your answers. (1)Usually Wang Peng’s restaurant was full of people.

(2)Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. (3)Wang Peng’s regular customers often become fat. (4)Yong Hui’s menu gave customers more energy-giving food. (5)Wang Peng’s menu gave customers more protective food.

(6)Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu. 3)The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Give the main idea in each part. Part Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 3. Reading and discussion Read the passage a third time and then work in pairs to do the following: 1)Write out your answers. (1)The weakness of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was that it did not give ______________. (2)The strength of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was that it provided ______________. (3)The weakness of the diet in Yong Hui’s restaurant was that it did not give ______________. (4)The strength of the diet in Yong Hui’s restaurant was that it provided ______________. 2)Discuss these questions. Write down your main points and compare them with those

Main idea of another pair. (1)What do you think Wang Peng will provide to win his customers back? (2)How do you think the story will end? (Let students have enough time to read the passage carefully and discuss the questions with their partners. Encourage them to expand their answers according to their own experiences. ) 4. Explanation Help students analyze some difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meanings of some new words. Encourage them to try to deal with the language points in the context. Discuss and explain in your own words the following important sentences or parts of sentences taken from the passage. 1)Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. 2)Nothing could have been better. 3)Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. 4)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 5)Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. 5. Reading aloud and underlining Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each new word and the pauses within each sentence. Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebook after class as homework. Collocations: sit in his empty restaurant, feel very frustrated, a very strange morning, prepare his menu, by lunchtime, by now, ought to, be full of, be made of, Nothing could be better. , hurry by, follow sb. into. . . , lose weight, be fit, be amazed at, more than, a good meal, get away with, had better, do some research, too much, even though, energy-giving food, feel more hopeful, win. . . back, be on →Step 5 Consolidation

Ask students to talk about the problems with the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant and Yong Hui’s restaurant in their own words according to the text. Then let them retell the whole story. →Step 6 Homework

1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart. 2. Read the reading passage again and try to retell the story. 设计方案(二) →Step 1 Leading in the topic

1. Learning some vocabulary connected with food and diet. 2. Identifying different groups of food. →Step 2 Warming up by making a survey

Let students interview their teachers and classmates on their diet and fill in the table. Name Breakfast



Favorite food

The being



for →Step 3 Predicting by looking and discussing

1. Look at the pictures and title of the reading passage and discuss in pairs what the passage might be about. 2. Two or three students will give their opinions. 3. Let them read the passage quickly to see if they are right. →Step 4 Reading

1. Give students 2 minutes, and ask them to skim the passage for the general idea of the passage. 2. Give students 5 minutes to read the passage carefully, and answer the following questions. 1)What makes a balanced diet? 2)What is wrong with the diet of both Wang Peng and Yong Hui? 3)Why does it matter if you only eat at Wang Peng’s or Yong Hui’s restaurant?

3. Give students 4 minutes to read the passage a third time. Encourage them to try to deal with the language points in the context. Then let them answer the following questions. 1)What does the word “frustrated” mean in Paragraph 1?

2)How do you understand the sentence “Nothing could have been better”? 3)What does the phrase “get away with” mean? 4. Listening and reading aloud Play the tape of the text for students and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each new word and the pauses within each sentence. Then ask them to read the text aloud to the tape. →Step 5 Discussion

Ask students to work in pairs to discuss and compare the two restaurants. Try to find out the strength and weakness of each to fill in the chart. Strength Weakness →Step 6 Extension

Let students think about and discuss the following questions. 1)What do you think will happen to Wang Peng’s restaurant? 2)In your opinion, what kind of food should we eat? 3)Can you make a balanced diet for yourself? →Step 7 Closing down by retelling the story 1. Have students get prepared in 3 minutes or so and then ask them to retell the story. 2. Ask as many students as possible to have a try in front of the class. →Step 8 Homework

1. Go over the text and try to learn all the useful words and expressions in this part by heart. 2. Finish the exercises in Comprehending on Page 11.

Wang Peng’s restaurant

Yong Hui’s restaurant


Unit 2 Healthy eating Come and eat here(1)

Phrasal verbs: food 1.live on—→We ,born in the south of China, live on rice 2.eat out—→Would you like to eat out? 3.order in—→Let’s order in 4.dig out—→The food is getting cold, let’s dig in


As we know from the story, Wang Peng wants to know what’s the matter with his menu and he wonder what he should do to satisfy the demand of the customers who enjoy the taste and also want to keep fit. Suppose you are an expert who knows nutrition very well. Write a research report for Wang Peng to give him some suggestions and advice on diet and make a balanced menu for his restaurant.


新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 10第一课时教学设计

一、 学生和教材分析


1)学生特点和认知特点,以及对英语学习的情感表现:七年级的学生好奇心和求知欲望强烈,对英语学习表现出浓厚的兴趣,经过了一段时间的学习和积累,学生已经有了一定的英语语言基础,而本课的中心话题是在面馆点餐,要求学生能够运用“would like”的句型表达出自己喜欢吃的面条,从而培养学生的人际交往能力。语言结构简单易懂且贴近生活,易于学生接受,学生也会乐学其中。 2)学生学习本课之前已具备的语言知识和技能:学生以及掌握了部分事物词汇的表达,有一定的词汇和语法积累,具备从听力材料中捕捉词汇和句型的能力,能够运用所学知识表达自己的想法和意愿,有一定的语言能力。


1)本课时人教版新目标英语下册Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.第一课时。 2)《Go for it》新目标英语,实行新课程标准,充分发挥学生的主题地位,教师的主导作用,倡导“任务型”教学途径,创造设计切实可行的身世的语言交际情景和任务,课堂活动要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,用英语与他人交流,发展灵活运用英语解决实际问题的能力。

3)本单元重点的情感目标是通过实践让学生体验学习英语的乐趣. 4)本课主要内容是Unit 10第一课时的单词、句型新授,饭店点餐。教师对教材进行整合,以听说可行来教授单词和句型,提高学生在听力中捕捉信息,用已学知识表达想法和见解的能力。




3、课前准备:go for it 教材 ppt,录音机。



1)掌握词汇:noodle,beef,mutton,cabbage,potato, spacial,large,smaal,medium,bowl,size. 2)学习句型:

I’d like some noodles,please.

What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like ......noodles,please.

What size bowl of noodles would you like? I’d like a smallmediumlarge bowl of noodles.

2、能力目标: 1)通过图片导入层层深入引导学生运用woule like 句型谈论自己所需要的面条。 2)通过练习培养学生的语言综合运用能力,听力及英语会话能力。







I’d like some noodles,please. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like ......noodles,please. What size bowl of noodles would you like? I’d like a smallmediumlarge bowl of noodles.




Unit 8 I’d like some some noodles.

I’d like some noodles,please.

What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like ......noodles,please.

What size bowl of noodles would you like?

I’d like a smallmediumlarge bowl of noodles.

五、教学流程图 Warm up and lead in Free talk:I have some apples .Would you like one?


1. Present the new words of food 2. Practice the new words. 3. Present the sentence pattern: I’d like some noodles,please. What kind of noodles would you like?

I’d like ......noodles,please. What size bowl of noodles would you like? I’d like a smallmediumlarge bowl of noodles.


1. Pairwork(Role a play) 2. Make a survey


1. Report your survey

Summary Homewirk 六教学流程 Step1 Lead-in 1. Warm up and lead-in T:Hello everyone ! T: I have some apples .Would you like one? S1:....... T:Here you are! S1:Thank you. [设计意图]通过自由谈论引出本课谈论的话题

Step2 Pre-task 1. Present the new words of food [设计意图]通过食物图片学习本课单词,直观生动,可以加深学的印象和理解,有利于学生识记本课新单词。

2. Practice the new words.Complete the Activity1a. [设计意图]通过1a 检测学生的单词的学习情况,激发学生的学习兴趣。调动学生的积极性。

3. Listening Listen and checkthe noodles that the person orders. [设计意图]通过听力引出本课话题。 4.Present the sentence pattern: I’d like some noodles,please. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like ......noodles,please. What size bowl of noodles would you like? I’d like a smallmediumlarge bowl of noodles.

Step3 While-task 1.Pairwork Ask Ss to have a asking and anwsering practice.


3. Make a survey about ordering noodles in the Noodle House Four students as a group and talk about opinions about ordering noodles.Then write a passage [设计意图]通过小组活动培养学生合作性的能力,获得完整的信息,共同完成任务,增强集体意识。

Step4 Post-task One student from each group makes a report about your members’opinion about odering food. [设计意图]展示合作成果,与更多同学分享学习成果,增进学生间的了解,感受完成任务的成就感。

Step5 Summery In this lesson,what have you learnt?Ask students to sum up the main pionts of the lesson. [设计意图]学生自己总结本课所学内容,将重点语言知识提炼出来,加深印象,进一步巩固复习,为以后的学习打好基础。

Step5 Homework Ask students to write a passage about your family’opinion about odering food. [设计意图]巩固复习本课内容,为第二课时做好准备。




















1. 钻研教材,认真备课。在上课前,我先钻研教材,积极书写教案,精心准备教具,设计好课件。遇到不懂的或没把握的,我会积极请教有经验的老师,努力设计好每一节课,向课堂45分钟要质量。










