








简与罗切斯特的爱情故事是曲折的,同时它也是浪漫感人的。从这部影片中,我们看到了一个敢于反抗、敢于争取自由与平等幸福的简,她对生活的信心与坚强不屈,对爱人的忠贞让我们深深地感动与折服。从中我们可以领悟到:我们应该努力追寻自己想要的幸福生活,不管现实如何残酷,只要努力争取,幸福一定会如期而至。Do my best for happiness!



— —光影油画







日景中,为了保持全片的造型总谱,形式的高度的一致性,尽可能地选用了逆光。当摄影机正面迎着太阳的光源拍摄(同时避免视觉的眩光),画面中充满了光雾,于是画面的扁平感加强了,有了一种水粉画式的效果。——使日景和夜景同样具有一种风格化的媒介特征,而这种媒介特征唤起了我们对历史的艺术媒介的记忆,唤起了1847年夏洛蒂·勃朗特书写《简爱》的那个年代的历史感 夜景和日景两种风格化媒介重现历史感}布光非常讲究,通过光、色、摄影机成功复制19世纪主流视觉媒介——古典油画和19世纪中期最早肖像摄影术(用银板长达15分钟曝光,细腻轮廓精美清晰)特殊布光手法勾勒出实黑,黑上面的光与色调所形成的富丽感。画面没有明确的主光源依据,主要精心营造地板散射光(脚光,人物的造型光使下半部脸更亮)充满画面,通过壁灯和顶灯的平衡,以免造成恐怖片效果。日景选用全逆光,避免眩光仍使画面充满光雾,加强画面扁平感,使画面呈现水粉画式效果。{镜头叙事与心理表达}影片人称视觉结构完整(第一人称)。分享画面空间意味着分享心灵空间。景深古典镜头语言运用,浅焦镜头精到的使用展现人物微妙细腻的心理状态(焦点的虚实表现在场与不在场,心理上的拒斥与认同)电影中不光角色,对白,表演,更多的是电影的光,色,构图,景别,景深在讲述故事。{特殊的电影镜头语言:画框里的画框,镜子,窗户,门}这一版本简爱卧室里有三面以上的镜子却从未对镜自照,用这一方式表达角色不自恋自怜,内心刚强。唯一一次婚礼早上的三个简爱,二重镜面反射而扭曲的形象暗示着新娘的幻象。当一切披露,简爱在镜子前撕裂婚纱没有望向镜子,转过身背对镜子时流下泪水。细腻的把握和节制的表达使其成为最忠实原著和最优雅炽烈版本。


人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱,在穷与富之间选择富,在爱与不爱之间选择不爱。很少有人会像简这样为爱情为人格抛弃所有,而且义无反顾。总之,这部电影完美地震撼了我早已泯灭的人性,叫我如何自惭形秽 。


《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是十九世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,是一部具有自传色彩的作品,其中有不少的好词好句值得让我们回味。小编在这里给大家整理了《简爱》的好词好句,希望大家喜欢。


彬彬有礼 记忆犹新 难以言传 痛苦不堪

四肢乏力 笨嘴笨舌 冷酷无情 言谈举止

绘声绘色 跃跃欲试 自言自语 信心倍增

















不要把时间花在多愁善感上,更不要随波逐流的让自己的情绪被别人牵着走,沉下心来冷静思考。 能不能把人际关系梳理好,能不能解决发生在你身边的人的问题也是你今年事业发展的关键之一,建议你平复下来,不要把时间花在多愁善感上,更不要随波逐流的让自己的情绪被别人牵着走,沉下心来冷静思考。

Wuthering Heights , It depicts an abnormal picture of social life for people and deeply outline the human nature which has been distorted by the unbalanced society . It also includes the hatred to betrary for love and

a series of terrifying events . The whole story contains four parts :The first section is to describe the happy childhood between Heathcliff and Catherine ,including their peculiar relationship in a condition out of the ordinary .And the second part emphasizes on Catherine who abandons their affections because of her vanity and ignorance .Finally ,she becomes the hostess of Thrush Heights .In the third section ,the author mainly and largely depicts Heathcliff who and how alerts his hatred to concrete stratagems and actions in deep despair .The last part ,it just refers to the death of Heathcliff ,but highlightly reveals the new change in his mind -----------the recovering human nature .It contributes to a delighting light in the love tragedy with the terrifying air .It also reflects the spirit of humanity of the author . On the other hand ,Wuthering Heights which is regarded as “The most peculiar novel ” in the literature history of British depends on that it is different from the other contemporary works filled with the sentimental tone .On the contrary ,it depicts the strong love and violent hatred along with a series of ferocious revenges ,shocking the spirit of man.

---Jane is ,,,,,`s maiden book which was written in her writing career in a period of the greatest prosperity .love story is the main content of this novel which deeply depicts the firmness,courage and

persistence of the young woman whose name is Jane. Jane is a woman who is different from the other women in that times .she met many sufferings which included the death of her parents and uncle ,when she was a child .what`s worse ,she also had to confront the humiliation.she lived an painful childhood,including the abuse from her vicious aunt.But these bitter experiences didn`t intimidate the young woman .On the contrary , they not only strengthen her will ,but also improve her revolted spirit .In the whole novel ,her behaviors fully express her firm personality which is so strong .

Heathcliff and Jane both tenaciously struggled with the unfair fate ,but they confronted it in two kinds of different ways .Heathcliff lived with the powerful hatredso that his purpose is to wipe out the humiliation .It is the time that he lost the back of spirit when he has achieved his aim .At that point ,it is no sense for him of living .But for the love story of this book called Jane , Jane profoundly understood the dignity which is not based on such revenges.she behaved freely and she is a woman with the honest,noble and pure mind .Even though facing the great love and a fine life ,she still insisted her fair dignity .At the same time ,she accepted her loved one who lost his wealth and still chose to marry with him when he went blind .In the end ,she luckily found out her true love .



Actually,before watching the movie,I have read the book,of cause there was something different between them. in my opion,the book was more excellent than the film.

Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think.

When she was young, her parent were die, her uncle adobted her.after her uncle died,her aunt treat her very bad,and even closed her in the dark

bedroom,her little brother beat her,and her sister don’t treat her as a part of the family.

Eventough, she didn’t lose her heart,she was so brave.Her aunt send her to lowood school,and told the master there is the devil in her. The master

treated her as a liar,punnished her and orerd her stand on the tool without eat and drink untill midniaght. As a child how much hurtless she has suffered,and how much she has tolerated.

Not long before her best friend Helen has died in a fever,she disapart from Lwood school,and finished her painfull childhood.

After that she come to Thornfield as a tutor in that big house, then she meet her beloved Mr. Rochester,the master of that house.after deeply touched with each other,even there was some strange things happened,at last ,they come to a church and prepare to get married.But they was told Mr.Rochester have a wife who was alive ,unfotunately,his wife was mad.

Jane Eyre was hurt so deeply this time,so she left.

When she come back to her aunt, she find that her brother was died ,and her aunt was to die.Her aunt concealed the truth that her uncle leaved a

fortune to her after he died.but she forgived her aunt,and told her she love her.Even she was leaved thornfield,she missed Mr.Rocherster so much,at last ,she come to thornfield,and find Mr. Rochester was a deformed person. But that doesn’t matter ,she loves him , and would take care of him.

How kindless she is.for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her

experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.
