









等到有一天,我青丝染霜,再无法移步海边,我会携一壶浊酒,甩两袖清风,伸手,接住一片被雨打湿的晚秋残叶,将此生未了心愿涂在叶面,在清莲绽放的池畔边,哼一首《我心永恒》,为青春做最后的祭奠。因为,岁月荏苒,青春已逝,流年在指尖匆匆滑落。转眼人生的季节已是素雪纷飞,我站在季节的转角,怀抱着岁月的素笺念它如初。在这冬的扉页,经不起对青春的染指。青春仿佛是天上的浮云,我们越是想要伸手去抓,越是挽留不住。它似贴着墙壁灵活游走的花蛇,悄无声息地与我们擦身而过。青春是天边的霓虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;青春是清晨的雾霭,朦胧含蓄,却又适合彷徨;青春是山涧的溪流,清丽柔和,却又时常飘荡。青春,就是我们躲在某一时间,想念的一段时光掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念的一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我不想失去的陌生人。只是 因为,我的青春,我的梦。




Today, we stand here! Standing in the Chinese land! The ancestors with blood and dignity to irrigate land! In front of me, standing is a nation, a nation in the humiliation of moan! The Opium War and the war of resistance against Japan since, our national pride is not! The winners are on our necks tyrannically abuse ones power, they will tread down our dignity, an Asian continents most noble national dignity! You tell me, you choose to be a freedom fighter like Benjamin. Martin, or a slave!

You may want to say: Sir, I needed a job, a piece of bread. Yes. You are right, life is too important. But I want to tell you. In this world there is a thing more important than life, they are free! That is a dignity!

As long as the South China Sea and the northwest region over a day still flies inferior flag, our dignity does not exist! As long as the inferior in our land run amuck, our dignity does not exist! As long as the Asian domain, the country called China is weak state. Our dignity is not exist! As long as the people of other countries will laugh in the context of the Chinese word being issued ,our dignity does not exist!

What we need, not a piece of bread! But a living space! A national living space! The living space,is not achieved by begging and protest , but by blood and iron to achieve!

Others bully us, even the weakest people to trample on us, we will only shout and protest, such a person. There is no bones! Such a person, is humble! We should use a cannon to deaf ear sound earthquake let the enemy tremble! We should crush their dignity, life, let them know we are not only know of protest!

You have to remember, a know only in protest of the state, is not a head of state! One only understands the protests against the government, is a no bones, office politics! When our dignity, territory, living space are trampled upon it, also shamelessly protested the government, we dont need! You finally will abandon their! Im proud of you, in these people. So the man without bones, less and less! In front of me, is a keep Millennium unyielding blood legion! This blood, once in our ancestral vascular which flows through, they did not yield! Now, they are in our body inside a flush, you tell me. Would you like to cool it!?

Able to unite the people. There are two things: the common ideal and the common crime. We are carving in the Chinese national flag above the great ideal, we will for this ideal out our last drop of blood! In todays Berlin. Nothing can save our motherland, only the ideal! Negotiation? This is a great shame! We have refused to perform it is determined and the reason! Do you want to do! Just like Benjamin. Martin picks up the gun, as he led his countrymen holding aloft the banner as freedom fighting! If you wish to fight, the fight! Then I can see you are one billion three hundred million or one billion three hundred million of the slaves be and unyielding chinese!

If one day, I would want, Benjamin. Martin, holding belongs to our Chinese nation banner rushes to the front! Even the dead, I will smile in heaven! I will see the glory of Chinese ancestors, I can holding a head high to go to Qin Shihuang the great, Tang Taizong, Kublai, and, I can proudly said to him: I, your children, not give you lose you face, I as the great Chinse nation shed the last drop of blood!

We do not fight for slavery! We fight for freedom! We are not machines, not cattle, we are the people! Never yield to the chinese!

We in the name of freedom to unite! As a new, fair world war! We all have to work! For those who enslave us out of Chinese land! We dont need all day shouting protests! Fight for our dignity! For our promise to fight!"

For the liberation of the country! The Chinese people, we provide our ancestors glory! For our descendants can proudly propaganda: we never yield to the family!

" My fellow citizens, China and the Chinese people long live! Long live fee




















4、胜者为王,败者为寇。我知道明天全世界的人都会因为我战败而责备我, 但那又有什么呢?




























第三篇:Adolf Hitler 阿道夫 希特勒 英文演讲 高中水平

Adolf Hitler

This chapter we’re gonna study is about war & peace.

Coincidently, the leader of the NAZI Party, Adolf Hitler has got his birthday on the following Monday, which is 68 years after his death. I am sure that everyone in our class is familiar with him. Adolf Hitler is known as one of the most important war criminals during the Second world war.

Hitler’s father Alois was a stern man, who had a big influence on him. Alois was very stict to his children, and he wanted them to follow his footsteps to work for the government. But Hitler refused his father’s suggestion, and he did poorly in school. This once made his father really upset. However, Hitler finally got his freedom after his father’s death in 1903. His mother allowed him to quit school in 1905, so Hitler left the school without any ambitions for further schooling or clear plans for a career.

From 1905, Hitler lived in Vienna as a painter, selling water colors. Anyway, he wasn’t a successful artist, so soon he ran out of money and lived in a shelter for homeless people.

When World War I broke out, Hitler volunteered to serve the Bavarian Army as an Austrian citizen. During his services at the headquarters, Hitler continued his artwork, drawing cartoons and instructions for an army newspaper. During the battle, he got wounded and spent two months in the Red Cross hospital. While there, Hitler learnt of Germany’s defeat, and became embittered over the collapse of the war effort. His ideological development began to firmly take shape and he described the war as the “greatest of all experiences”.

This is what happened before Hitler entered the NAZI party in 1919, which was really important to both his own life, and World War II.

War is what human beings hate, but it did occur often. What we could do is not to prevent it, but remember the lessons it gave to us. It’s the same for Adolf Hitler. We mustn’t learn from what he had done, but we should be clear that it’s because of people like him that the history could be changed.

第四篇: “冬至”用英文怎么说?


冬至 Winter Solstice

“solstice”这个词我们不太看到,因为它的意思很特别,表示“the time of either the longest day in the year (about June 22) or the shortest day in the year (about December 22)”。这么看来,这个词的用武之地似乎局限性很大。基本上用在“Winter Solstice”(冬至)以及“Summer Solstice”(夏至)之处。

Winter solstice, as the name implies, means the coming of winter. As an important solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar, it is also a traditional holiday for Chinese, which is also called “冬节”, “长至节”,“亚岁”, etc. Generally, winter solstice occurs between December 21st and 23rd. According to the traditional Chinese calendar, five days constitutes a pentad and three pentads constitutes a solar term. One year is divided into twelve periods and twelve climates which are regarded as twenty-four solar terms. The Winter Solstice is one of twenty-four solar terms. On this day, in the Northern Hemisphere the period of daytime is the shortest of the year and the period of night is longest.



Winter Solstice is a time for the family to get together. One activity that occurs during these get togethers (especially in the southern parts of China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion. 冬至是家族团聚的一天。在这天,中国南方的家庭会包汤圆、吃汤圆,以象征团圆的意思。不过在中国北方,似乎更多的人会吃饺子。比如说会有“冬至到,吃水饺”这样的谚语。


其实,但从中国文化方面讲,“冬至”这个日子还可以翻译成“Dongzhi Festival”,中国人为什么都比较重视这个节气?

The origins of this festival can be traced back to the yin and yang philosophy of balance and harmony in the cosmos. After this celebration, there will be days with longer daylight hours and therefore an increase in positive energy flowing in.




心情不好in a bad place

心情很乱pretty dark

极度悲伤feeling messed up

原文来自 必克英语

