



What emerges into our sights is a familiar yet far-reaching picture that there are a wide range of reality shows in front of a middle-aged man who, half lying on the sofa, is swinging a remote device in his hand with a confused face, wondering which one is the best to choose.

The meaning revealed by the picture is that reality shows have hit into our common cultural market. On the one hand, not only does this sort of consumer culture drives the improvement of cultural industry, but also it exerts a strong influence on our daily life, such as being informed of local customs and folklore from place to place, relieving the pressure derived from our working class’ regular work and so on. On the other hand, it is the wide spread of this form of entertainment that makes it difficult to present the real, cultural contents but only stays in the half-hearted nature. What’s worse, what the increasing imitative behaviors brings about, to a new high, is the national over-consumption.

As for me, the type of reality shows is a special product of the economic and social development that produces more benefits but less adverse impact. However, it is imperative for us, common people, to take a rational yet responsible attitude to the life we lead, especially the kind of activity we are obsessed with.



2014年英语专八真题作文答案(网友回忆版)作文题目:my views on working from home 作文范文:仅供参考,作文自己写


按照专八写作的套路我们思路可以如下写作思路提示:文章可分为三部分,第一部分,提出问题,有些公司给员工提出方便,在家任务,在家任务视乎很温馨,自己自由支配时间,但实际上在家任务远没有想象的那么好,第二部分,剖析在家任务的弊病。容易懒散,需求自控才能较强,第三部分指出在单位任务的优点,我们需求与人沟通,协作,需求提升,自己的任务得到别人的认可第四部分总结一下。working from home


名词化是一种惯用的词汇语法现象, 长期以来受到语言研究的关注。结构主义语言学、转换生成语法、系统功能语法以及认知语言学等都对语言的名词化现象进行了较为深入的理论探讨。 (刘国辉、刘建茹, 2004) 国内一些学者开展了实证研究, 探讨名物化在语体中的作用, 结果发现, 名词化是语言使用者做出的一种语法选择, 文体的变异与名物化的分布有密切的关系, 语体越正式, 其名物化程度就越高。 (霍红、刘淑范, 2009) 本文通过统计分析专八英语写作中优秀作文与中档作文名词化使用差异, 来探讨名词化与写作分数的影响, 以期对专八写作提供启示和反馈。

2 名词化的分类

本文借助王立非、刘英杰 (2011) 提出的名词化整合性分类, 搜索了英语专业学生写作中的词性类别与句法结构, 将名词化分为词汇名词化和句法名词化两类。词汇名化包括动词名化、形容词名化, 词汇名化在同一语言层面内部发生转类;句法名化包括V-ing结构、to不定式结构和小句三类。

3 名词化与专业英语八级写作

3.1 专八写作评分中有关语言表达的评分标准

根据2007年修订的《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》对写作部分简短明确的规定:“学生应能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的说明文或议论文。该作文必须语言通顺, 用词得体, 结构合理, 文体恰当, 具有说服力。”该规定清楚地说明专八写作考查的重点是考生的英语语言水平。再加上其写作体裁弹性不大, 多以说明文和议论文为主, 考生很难在内容和结构上有出众之处, 因此优秀作文与中档作文的分水岭最终在语言表达上。

3.2 名词化使用与专八评分标准

下面的例句来自随机抽取的一份中档作文 (得分为13分) :

When I left home for school, my parents stayed behind and after this I felt very isolated and I really missed them and I made a series of personages to show how I felt.

很显然, 考生的这句话是由多个and连接的小句组成的, 句子表达臃肿, 且很难显示句子中的逻辑关系, 这样就造成了严重的口语化倾向, 从评分的角度看, 不符合优秀作文规定的逻辑性和得体性。如果把语句变成名词化的表达方式, 即把句子中的动词如left、miss、made和felt名词化, 把形容词isolated名词化后, 变成“The earliest serried of personages articulate my intense feeling of loss and isolation from my parents who remained at home after my departure.”通过名词化的过程, 使得个小句之间存在着一种因果关系, 更富有逻辑性。因此可以得知, 写作中名词化的使用可以有助于考生的作文达到优秀的标准。

4 研究方法

鉴于针对英语名词化在专八作文中的实证研究较少, 为了尝试研究这一现象, 笔者以2008年~2010年英语专八写作的评分样卷共为语料, 共计17篇。其中界定17~20分的作文为优秀作文, 13~16分的作文为中档作文。评分样卷是每次专八写作正式阅卷之前, 阅卷组从考卷中挑出的几篇代表各个水平的典型试卷, 供阅卷人员参考, 是评分标准的最佳体现, 因此保证了语料的代表性。另外, 此次研究以王立非、刘英杰 (2011) 提出的整合性分类为标准 (见表1, 表2) 。利用搜索工具Ultra Edit-32以及Excel 2003对专八写作语料库进行量化分析及对比分析。

5 数据统计与分析

5.1 优秀作文与中档作文名词化使用分布对比

通过对18篇优秀作文和中档作文中名词化的使用情况进行分析。统计出学生作文中名词化使用的分布情况, 如表1所示:

通过上表的分析, 可以得出两点: (1) 优秀作文中名词化的使用数量大于中档作文中名词化使用数量, 这说明优秀作文的学生比中档作文的学生更注重写作时对名词化的应用, 而后者对名词化的使用意识薄弱, 还不能熟练地将其应用到作文中。 (2) 优秀与中档作文在词汇名词化使用上的差距要大于句法名词化使用上的差距, 这说明优秀作文的学生在写作时由于掌握了更多丰富的词汇量和词汇变形, 因此更加注重词汇使用的简洁性、逻辑性, 力求在语言表达上寻求亮点, 而在句法名词化使用上, 两类学生由于对句字语法的掌握程度大体相同, 因而在句法名词化使用上无明显差异。

5.2 名词化的具体使用分析

5.2.1 从词汇名词化的分类角度分别对所选的8份优秀作文与8份中档作文进行对比分析, 如表2所示:

通过对表2的分析, 可以从词汇名词化使用角度分别看出优秀作文的写作特点: (1) 从总体水平看, 优秀作文的学生可以高频率地运用各类名词化, 而中档作文的学生对名词化使用欠缺; (2) 动词名词化派生型在两类作文中比例最多, 形容词名词化派生型次之, 说明这两种名词化的使用是高分学生专八写作中常用技巧, 不过这两种类型的名词化在两类作文分布还是有一定的差距, 表现为, 动词名词化派生在两类作文中的使用差距较为明显。

5.2.2 从句法名词化的分类角度分别对所选的8份优秀作文与8份中档作文进行对比分析, 如表3所示:

通过对表3的分析, 可以得出以下结论:从总体水平看, 优秀作文的学生句法名词化使用在数量上要大于中档作文的学生, 而且在各类名词化的使用上更加灵活, 中档作文的学生较集中在to-不定式名词化和That从句这两种类型。可见优秀作文灵活的运用各类名词化结构, 体现了考生对语言运用的熟练程度, 而且更容易在专八考试中取得高分。


名词化现象是英语书面语的一个主要特征, 通过研究英语专业八级优秀作文与中档作文名词化的使用分布情况, 发现优秀作文使用名词化的数量远大于中档作文, 而且分数高的学生能更自由、准确地使用英语名词化。虽然名词化的使用未必是学生取得专八写作高分的唯一因素, 但是善于运用名词化, 对提高英语专八写作分数确实有一定的帮助。

摘要:名词化是书面语写作中常见的词汇语法资源, 本文借助小型语料库分析专业英语八级写作中优秀作文与中档作文名词化的使用分布情况、频率, 旨在说明名词化使用对专八写作分数有积极影响。



[1]胡壮麟, 朱永生, 张德禄.系统功能语言学概论[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2005.

[2]霍红, 刘淑范.中国大学生英语作文中语法隐喻使用情况的分析与启示[J].外国语言文学, 2009 (3) .

[3]刘国辉, 陆建茹.国外主流语言学派对名词化的研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2004 (9) :17-22.


Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (40 min)

In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct response to each question on your Coloured Answer Sheet.?


Questions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you w ill be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now list en to the talk.?

1. The technology to make machines quieter ___.?

A. has been in use since the 1930’s?

B. has accelerated industrial production?

C. has just been in commercial use?

D. has been invented to remove all noises?

2. The modern electronic anti-noise devices ___.?

A. are an update version of the traditional methods?

B. share similarities with the traditional methods?

C. are as inefficient as the traditional methods?

D. are based on an entirely new working principle?

3. The French company is working on anti-noise techniques to be used in a ll EXCEPT ___.?

A. streets B. factories C. aircraft D. cars?

4. According to the talk, workers in “zones of quiet” can ___.?

A. be more affected by noise

B. hear talk from outside the zone?

C. work more efficiently

D. be heard outside the zone?

5. The main theme of the talk is about ___.?

A. noise-control technology

B. noise in factories?

C. noise-control regulations

D. noise-related effects??


Questions 6 to 10 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you wil l be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview.?

6. Employees in the US are paid for their time. This means that they are supposed to ___.?

A. work hard while their boss is around?

B. come to work when there is work to be done?

C. work with initiative and willingness?


So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, every language appears to be as well equipped as any other to say the things its speakers want to say.It may or may not be appropriate to talk about primitive peoples or cultures, but that is another matter.Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in nuclear physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice or the engraving of Benares brass.But this is not the fault of their language.The Eskimos can speak about snow with a great deal more precision and subtlety than we can in English, but this is not because the Eskimo language(one of those sometimes miscalled ’primitive’)is inherently more precise and subtle than English.This example does not bring to light a defect in English, a show of unexpected ’primitiveness’.The position is simply and obviously that the Eskimos and the English live in different environments.The English language would be just as rich in terms for different kinds of snow, presumably, if the environments in which English was habitually used made such distinction important.Similarly, we have no reason to doubt that the Eskimo language could be as precise and subtle on the subject of motor manufacture or cricket if these topics formed part of the Eskimos’ life.For obvious historical reasons, Englishmen in the nineteenth century could not talk about motorcars with the minute discrimination which is possible today: cars were not a part of their culture.But they had a host of terms for horse-drawn vehicles which send us, puzzled, to a historical dictionary when we are reading Scott or Dickens.How many of us could distinguish between a chaise, a landau, a victoria, a brougham, a coupe, a gig, a diligence, a whisky, a calash, a tilbury, a carriole, a phaeton, and a clarence ?

be后插入 as;their改为its;There改为It;Whereas改为But;further 改为muchcome改为bring;similar改为different;will改为would;as important去掉as;the part去掉the


对于没把握的同学,可以考虑一下捷径θθ,954565870 很不错,记得用联通3G手机或4G,大部分都有信号。


2.把possessed 改成 attracted,3.把a改成 the

4.在 facts 和adults之间加个that,5.把第二个the 去掉。

6.把第二个of 改成in


8.把or 改成 and

9.what改成 how




在英语专业八级听力测试中, 难度最大的当属小讲座题型 (mini-lecture) , 该部分由900个单词的讲座和一项填空任务组成, 要求学生边听边做笔记, 然后完成10道填空题。通过主述位的分析, 句子结构及信息分布情况清晰可见, 更加有利于探索语言形式与内容间的关系。本文以主述位结构和信息结构作为理论指导, 探索其在英语听力理解中的重要作用, 并提出相应的解题技巧。

1 主述位结构和信息结构理论

主述位的概念的最早提出者是马泰休斯 (1939) 。他认为, 在交际过程中, 句首成分有着一种特殊的作用, 即引出话题的成分称为主位, 其他成分则称为述位。主位通常负载已知信息, 是叙述的前提基础, 而述位则通常负载新信息, 实则叙述的核心内容。

主述位这对术语为以韩礼德为代表的系统功能学派所吸收, 并对其有了新的改进及发展。韩礼德的系统功能语法包括概念、人际和语篇功能三个纯理功能。语篇功能由主述位结构、信息结构和衔接三个组成部分。韩礼德将马泰休斯的主述位理论作了主位-述位理论和信息理论的区分, 前者着眼于说话者, 后者着眼于受话人。实际上, 主述位结构与信息结构紧密相关。一般说来“主位通常传递交际双方已经熟悉或有所闻的内容, 即已知信息。述位则通常传达受话者未知的信息, 即新信息。” (黄国文1998) 。

2 主述位结构和信息结构理论在专八听力中的作用

微型讲座听力理解往往是专八听力中的重头戏, 但是其中遇到的困难往往使学生变得无所适从甚至丧失信心。究其原因:学生在学习中过分注重分析词汇、语法层面, 而忽视了以语篇为中心的语义整合。

听力理解实则为一个交际的过程, 是听者尽力把握整个语篇情景的过程。做听力理解一个非常重要的技巧在于:把听力理解的对象看做完整的一个语篇而不是孤立的句子和单词。听者不能想当然地从词、句子的层面上去理解, 而应以语篇为单位来考察其语义, 因为语篇是传达信息的载体。若教师从语篇出发, 教授学生有关主述位及信息结构等语篇知识, 为学生提供相关的听力技巧及策略, 学生就更加容易克服影响听力提高的各种障碍, 树立起对听力这只拦路虎的信心, 进而提高利用听力理解技能获取精准信息的实力和水平。

3 讲座文本分析实例——语篇主述位结构和信息呈现模式

下文将应用主述位与信息结构为理论框架, 分析2012年英语专业八级考试的听力部分的, 阐述其对英语听力教学的启示, 以证明其使用价值。

Observing Behaviour

In this lecture, I’ll (T1) briefly introduce two kinds of sample, that is, time sampling and situation sampling (R1) .Time sampling (T2) means that researchers choose various time intervals for students’observation (R2) .Intervals (T3) may be selected systematically or randomly (R3) .Then in systematic time sampling (T4) , our observations might be made during five twenty-minutes periods beginning every hour (R4) .However, in a random sampling (T5) , these five twenty-minutes periods may be distributed randomly over the course of the day (R5) .One point I’d (T6) like to make is systematic and random times sampling are not always used in isolation (R6) .They (T7) are often combined in studies (R7) .Now, let’s (T8) come to situation sampling (R8) .Situation sampling (T9) involves studying behaviour in diffident locations and under different circumstance and conditions (R9) .By sampling (T10) as many different situations as possible, researchers can reduce the chance that their observation results will be peculiar to a certain setup circumstance and conditions (R10) .So, by sampling different situations (T11) , a researcher can make more objective observations than he would in only a specific situation (R11) .



T2 (=R1) ——R2

T3 (=R2) ——R3

T4 (=R3) ——R4

T5 (=R3) ——R5

T6 (=T1) ——R6

T7 (=R6) ——R7

T8 (=T1) ——R8

T9 (=R8) ——R9

T10 (=R9) ——R10

T11 (=T10) ——R11

学生通过以上分析可总结出, 该听力语篇是介绍实验室观察法的取样方式的说明文。首先, 主位结构方面, 从T4=R3=T5, T1=T6=T8等可得知:各句多采用上句主位或述位中谈到的信息做下句的主位或部分述位, 突出其述位的特点。R2中提出两种抽样方式time sampling和situation sampling, 分别作为T2和T8进行分述。而由T2开始对time sampling进行解释, 下定义以及分类 (T4和T5) , 起到承上启下的作用, 使T3到T7都能自然地呼应前面的T2。同理, T9到T11则是介绍了第二种抽样方式situation sampling, T9是对R1的分述, 之后又通过上句的述位作为下句的主位介绍出新信息, 具体对情境抽样作出解释。此外, 语篇主位Then, However, So, Now体现了这个段落的语篇衔接关系。

其次, 在信息结构方面, 已知信息sampling贯穿始终, 与time sampling, situation sampling遥相呼应, 主要特点表现在:由已知信息引出新信息, 声调重音主要落在小句的动词或者动词词组上, 并且带出名词和形容词及其词组。因此通过分析新旧信息分布特点, 听者可以预测和关注新信息, 也就是说可获得主要信息。正如笔者所选取的这篇听力理解:首先在句 (1) 的新信息中顺利获取抽样的两种方式, 在句 (2) 和句 (11) 中分述这两种方式。由句 (2) 出发, 句 (3) —句 (7) 通过下定义、举例子具体介绍第一种抽样方式, 在介绍第二种抽样方式时同理。在整个听力输入的过程中, 学生一边听一边分析主述位结构, 理清了说话者的思路:说话者要表达的内容围绕两种抽样方式展开;与此同时, 听者可以通过信息结构的分布去预测, 利用声调、重音去聚焦重点:两种抽样方式各有何特点, 最终获取文本中有效的相关信息, 从而达到英语听力理解的目标。

4 主述位与信息结构对英语听力理解的教学启示

经上述分析可见:主述位结构可以提高学生预测和聚焦听力文本的能力, 把握听力语篇的行文框架结构, 从而有效地促进英语听力教学。信息结构不仅体现出已知信息和新信息的具体分布情况及其之间的联系, 而且点明了说话者的重点和意旨。两种并行分析可以使考生准确预测和把握说话者的话语发展方向, 摆脱过去目的散漫、效率低下的传统听力教学模式, 成功实现理解信息、获取信息的教学目的。

在将主述位与信息结构应用于听力理解的过程中, 笔者认为要注意两点:一方面, 我们应深刻理解主位结构和信息结构分析方法, 在科学的语言学理论的指导下进行听力输入活动, 学生们的学习积极性会被调动起来, 摆脱以往被动地接收生硬的音频符号的现状, 而是他们自己分析推理已知信息, 努力理解文本中说话者意图。另一方面, 学生听力课的练习时间是相当有限的, 因此要加大练习的强度。这要求学生课下听力真题或预测演练时, 应尝试应用主述位结构去分析和预测主述位, 充分利用已知信息去获取、预测新信息, 同时应用信息结构知识去聚焦说话者的重音所在处, 成功获取信息结构的中心, 从而达到准确理解听力文本中的相关细节以及主旨大意的意图。

5 结论

在英语专业八级微型讲座听力理解中应用主述位和信息结构理论有很强的实践性和有效性:主述位结构分析易于找出获取信息的起点和语篇话语发展方向, 信息结构分析则帮助听者从新旧信息中寻找出对于考生最有价值的有用信息。总之, 这两种分析同步可以使学生准确分析并掌握最有用的相关信息, 有效地提高考生的听力理解水平, 值得在听力教学中推广和应用。系统功能语言学语篇分析是一个丰富庞大的体系, 在各种类型的听力教学中的更多的应用潜势尚需在教学实践中进行教学实验。


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Be ware our favorite telephone

Do you like phones? When college students are asked this question, and I suppose what they will answer.The recent survey about college student’s attitude toward phones aroused my interest.A result that what college students like phone most is that they can reach others and what they like least is that others can reach them is given by a professor.I am partially agree with the professor’s opinion as a college students and a member among the been surveygroup, what I like phone most is that I can reach others and what Ilike least is not others can reach me but it brings mepotential problems.In modern society, I can’t get by without my cell phone and I view it as a necessary tool to reach others.To begin with, I came to college and I am away from my families.Cell phones allow parental communication which can make me feel more secure.Besides, even if the crime rates are low, as a student I may find myself in situations where I feel unsafe.Phones allow me to all for help when I feel unsafe.Cell phones allow me to call for help when I feel I need an escort.In a real emergency, where I need medical attention, a cell phone could prove lifesaving, and it brings me a safe.what’s more telephones allow me to have an always –on connection to my social network.I can use short time and few words to reach others at any time.I like phones which really bring me great convenience.However, for me, what I like phone least is that it brings me potential problems.I waste lots of time on mobile phones, obsessing with the QQ zone, wrapping in the games, chatting with others and so on.These are the visible effects.I think others also have this problem.What’s worse, phone brings indifference and distance between us, and this invisible effect is more awful.when my friend sand I have no phones, we get together playing and talking, but now we talking little when we get together.Everyone has a small screen, and we prefer engraining in the virtual world rather than communicating with our friends sitting beside us.A group of people sit together and play without communication.How awful that was.It is telephone that reducing our communication and bringing a gap between us.I found the telephone is the real subtle poison which is destroying people’s relationship.but few of us has realized this.Most of us just see it’s advantages and college students are addicted into it.Beware our favorite phone which is destroying our relationship.As college students we need realizing this and using our phone properly.


That is something that everyone can take care of on his or her own.

Many students get plenty of physical exercise as part of their daily life or recreation. A student who bicycles ten miles to and from school does not need more exercise. A good physical education program must take a student’s outside activity into consideration. Otherwise, some students will spend valuable class hours repeating physical exercise.

If a school offers such activities, it also suggests that students will be graded on them. The range of possible physical activities is great: football, swimming, weight lifting, ballet, ballroom dance, yoga, skiing, horseback riding, and golf are just a few. However, the number of activities that a school could offer is small. Some students could get bad grades in physical education simply because the school could not provide an activity they enjoy or do well. This seems unfair. Research suggests that participation, not excellence, in these activities determines the physical benefits the body will get.

Another issue is economic. Many schools do not have the money to provide gry facilities, playing fields, and athletic equipment for their student. Other schools are located in cities where the kind of space just is not available. A few schools would rather keep money for academic purposes.
