



Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States.Together, we will lead our party back to the White House, and we will lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace.We will be a country of generosity and warmth.But we will also be a country of law and order.Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation.The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life.Any

politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country.Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities.Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end.Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens.Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.It is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation.I will present the facts plainly and honestly.We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore.So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully-crafted lies, and the media myths the Democrats are holding their convention next week.But here, at our convention, there will be no lies.We will honor the American people with the truth, and nothing else.These are the facts: Decades of progress made in bringing down crime are now being reversed by this Administration’s rollback of criminal enforcement.Homicides last year increased by 17% in America’s fifty largest cities.That’s the largest increase in 25 years.In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent.They are up nearly 60% in nearby Baltimore.In the President’s hometown of Chicago, more than 2,000 have been the victims of shootings this year alone.And more than 3,600 have been killed in the Chicago area since he took office.The number of police officers killed in the line of duty has risen by almost 50% compared to this point last year.Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, ordered deported from our country, are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens.The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015.They are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.One such border-crosser was released and made his way to Nebraska.There, he ended the life of an innocent young girl named Sarah Root.She was 21 years-old, and was killed the day after graduating from college with a 4.0 Grade Point Average.Her killer was then released a second time, and he is now a fugitive from the law.I’ve met Sarah’s beautiful family.But to this Administration, their amazing daughter was just one more American life that wasn’t worth protecting.One more child to sacrifice on the altar of open borders.What about our economy? Again, I will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper: Nearly Four in 10 African-American children are living in poverty, while 58% of African American youth are not employed.2 million more Latinos are in poverty today than when the President took his oath of office less than eight years ago.Another 14 million people have left the workforce entirely.Household incomes are down more than $4,000 since the year 2000.Our manufacturing trade deficit has reached an all-time high – nearly $800 billion in a single year.The budget is no better.President Obama has doubled our national debt to more than $19 trillion, and growing.Yet, what do we have to show for it? Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in Third World condition, and forty-three million Americans are on food stamps.Now let us consider the state of affairs abroad.Not only have our citizens endured domestic disaster, but they have lived through one international humiliation after another.We all remember the images of our sailors being forced to their knees by their Iranian captors at gunpoint.This was just prior to the signing of the Iran deal, which gave back to Iran $150 billion and gave us nothing – it will go down in history as one of the worst deals ever made.Another humiliation came when president Obama drew a red line in Syria – and the whole world knew it meant nothing.In Libya, our consulate – the symbol of American prestige around the globe – was brought down in flames.America is far less safe – and the world is far less stable – than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy.I am certain it is a decision he truly regrets.Her bad instincts and her bad judgment – something pointed out by Bernie Sanders – are what caused the disasters unfolding today.Let’s review the record.In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map.Libya was cooperating.Egypt was peaceful.Iraq was seeing a reduction in violence.Iran was being choked by sanctions.Syria was under control.After four years of Hillary Clinton, what do we have? ISIS has spread across the region, and the world.Libya is in ruins, and our Ambassador and his staff were left helpless to die at the hands of savage killers.Egypt was turned over to the radical Muslim brotherhood, forcing the military to retake control.Iraq is in chaos.Iran is on the path to nuclear weapons.Syria is engulfed in a civil war and a refugee crisis that now threatens the West.After fifteen years of wars in the Middle East, after trillions of dollars spent and thousands of lives lost, the situation is worse than it has ever been before.This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness.But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy.The problems we face now – poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad – will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them.A change in leadership is required to change these outcomes.Tonight, I will share with you my plan of action for America.The most important difference between our plan and that of our opponents, is that our plan will put America First.Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America First, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect.This will all change in 2017.The American People will come first once again.My plan will begin with safety at home – which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders, and protection from terrorism.There can be no prosperity without law and order.On the economy, I will outline reforms to add millions of new jobs and trillions in new wealth that can be used to rebuild America.A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests.That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit.Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place.They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does.She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.That is why Hillary Clinton’s message is that things will never change.My message is that things have to change – and they have to change right now.Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals.These are the forgotten men and women of our country.People who work hard but no longer have a voice.I AM YOUR VOICE.I have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before the national good.I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.When innocent people suffer, because our political system lacks the will, or the courage, or the basic decency to enforce our laws – or worse still, has sold out to some corporate lobbyist for cash – I am not able to look the other way.And when a Secretary of State illegally stores her emails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can’t see her crime, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every different form and faces no consequence – I know that corruption has reached a level like never before.When the FBI Director says that the Secretary of State was “extremely careless” and “negligent,” in handling our classified secrets, I also know that these terms are minor compared to what she actually did.They were just used to save her from facing justice for her terrible crimes.In fact, her single greatest accomplishment may be committing such an egregious crime and getting away with it – especially when others have paid so dearly.When that same Secretary of State rakes in millions of dollars trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers I know the time for action has come.I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves.Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens, just like it was rigged against Bernie Sanders – he never had a chance.But his supporters will join our movement, because we will fix his biggest issue: trade.Millions of Democrats will join our movement because we are going to fix the system so it works for all Americans.In this cause, I am proud to have at my side the next Vice President of the United States: Governor Mike Pence of Indiana.We will bring the same economic success to America that Mike brought to Indiana.He is a man of character and accomplishment.He is the right man for the job.The first task for our new Administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threatens their communities.America was shocked to its core when our police officers in Dallas were brutally executed.In the days after Dallas, we have seen continued threats and violence against our law enforcement officials.Law officers have been shot or killed in recent days in Georgia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kansas, Michigan and Tennessee.On Sunday, more police were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.Three were killed, and four were badly injured.An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans.I have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: when I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order our country.


Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: Thank you.首席大法官罗伯茨先生、卡特前总统、克林顿前总统、布什前总统、奥巴马前总统、各位美国同胞、世界人民:感谢你们!

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.各位美国公民,我们现在正参与到一项伟大的全国性事业当中:重建我们的国家、重塑对全体人民的承诺。

Together, we will determine the course of America, and the world, for many, many years to come.我们一起将决定未来多年来美国、甚至整个世界的前途命运!

We will face challenges.We will confront hardships.But we will get the job done.我们将面对挑战、我们会遭遇困难,但是这项事业终将会成功!

Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.They have been magnificent.每过四年,我们都相聚在这里进行有序和平的权力交接,我们应该感谢奥巴马总统和第一夫人米歇尔,感谢他们在权力交接中给与我们的慷慨帮助。他们真的很棒!

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning.Because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to anotherbut the people did not share in its wealth.华盛顿一派繁荣——但是人民却没有分享到应有的财富。

Politicians prosperedstarting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.但这些都会改变——就从这儿开始、就从现在开始!因为你们的时刻来临了:这一刻属于你们!

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America.这次胜利属于所有聚集在这里的人、属于全美国所有正在观看这次典礼的人!

This is your day.This is your celebration.这是属于你们的一天、这是属于你们的庆祝日!

And this, the United States of America, is your country.而这个国家——美利坚合众国,也是你们的国家。

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.真正重要的并不是我们的政府由哪一个政党掌控,而是我们的政府到底是不是由人民做主。

January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.2017年1月20日,这一天将被永远铭记,人民重新成为了这个国家的主宰!

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.那些曾经被忽视的人将不会再被遗忘!

Everyone is listening to you now.现在所有人都在倾听你们。

You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.你们数以千万计的人投入到这场历史运动中,这样的事情世界上从来没有过!At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens.这场就职典礼的中心是一个极其重要的信念:国家是为服务人民而存在的!

Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.美国人民想要为他们的孩子提供良好的学校教育、为他们的家庭提供安全的生活环境、为他们自己提供好的就业岗位。

These are the just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.这些是正直的人民和正直的公众所发出的公正合理的要求!

But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities;rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation;an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge;and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.但是许多公民的境况和我们的期望并不相符:在内城里,母亲和孩子困顿于贫穷之中;锈迹斑斑的工厂像墓碑一样遍布我们国家的土地;教育系统充斥着黑暗的权钱交易,剥夺了我们年轻俊俏的学生们本该学到的知识;犯罪团伙和毒品夺走了许多人的生命、阻碍了我们国家如此之多未被开发的潜力。

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.我们国家的这些屠杀行为将从此时、此地开始,永远地结束!

We are one nationand I will never, ever let you down.为了你们,我将拼尽每一口气奋战到底——而我永远不会让你们失望!

America will start winning again, winning like never before.美国将重新成为胜者,它的胜利将远超往昔一切荣光!

We will bring back our jobs.We will bring back our borders.We will bring back our wealth.And we will bring back our dreams.我们将夺回属于我们的工作;我们将重新守住我们的边疆;我们将拿回属于我们的财富;我们将重拾我们的梦想。

We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.在我们辽阔壮丽的国土之上,我们将重建我们的道路、高速公路、桥梁、机场、隧道和铁路。

We will get our people off of welfare and back to workbut we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.我们也将和世界其他国家和睦修好——但是却有一个共同原则:所有国家都有权以自己的利益优先。

We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an examplefor everyone to follow.我们不寻求把自己的生活方式强加于别人,但是却更加期望它发挥榜样的光辉——我们也能够做到,让所有愿意效仿我们的人都能感受到这种榜样的力量。

We will reinforce old alliances and form new oneswe are protected, and we will always be protected.我们不应在心存恐惧——我们会被保护,我们永远都将受到保护!

We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we will be protected by God.军队和执法部门这些优秀的男男女女们都将保护我们,更重要的是,上帝会保护我们!

Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.最后,我们要敢想、敢做梦!

In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.在美国,我们明白一个国家只有不断进取才能够生存下去。

We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action-constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.我们不会再接纳那些只说不做、只会抱怨而从不试图做出改变的政客。

The time for empty talk is over.大谈空话的时代已经结束了!

Now arrives the hour of action.现在是实干的时间!

Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.不要听信任何人说你不可能成功。美国人的心性、战斗力和精神可以克服任何挑战。

We will not fail.Our country will thrive and prosper again.我们不会失败,我们的国家将会再次繁荣和发展起来!

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.我们正迎来一个新的世纪,准备好破解太空的奥秘、将世界从病魔的折磨中解脱、驾驭未来的能源、产业和科技。

A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.一种新的国家荣誉感将在我们心中激荡,提升我们视野、愈合我们的分裂。

It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag.现在是时候让美国的战士们记起将来绝不会忘记的古老智慧:无论我们是黑皮肤、黄皮肤、还是白皮肤,我们都流淌着爱国主义的鲜血,我们共同享受自由的光辉,我们共同向伟大的美国国旗致敬!

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.无论我们的孩子是出生在底特律城郊,还是出生在内布拉斯加州被风吹拂的平原上,他们抬头仰望的都是同一片夜空,他们内心都怀揣着同样的梦想,他们的生命都由同一个万能的主所赋予。

So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words: 因此所有的美国人,无论远近,即便远隔万水千山,你们也要记住:

You will never be ignored again.你们再也不会被忽视!

Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams, will define our American destiny.And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.你们的声音、你们的希望和你们的梦想,将决定我们美国人的命运!你们的勇气、你们是善意和你们的爱,将永远指引我们的方向!

Together, we will make America strong again.我们会让美国再次强大!We will make America wealthy again.我们会让美国再次富有!

We will make America proud again.我们会让美国再次骄傲!

We will make America safe again.我们会让美国再次安全!

And, yes, together, we will make America great again.是的当然,我们还会让美国再次强大!


Ivanka Trump introduced her father at the Republican national convention Thursday, arguing that he is “color blind and gender neutral” and arguing he would fight for women’s issues.“As President, my father will change the labor laws that were put into place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the workforce,” she said.“And he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all.”

Read Ivanka’s remarks as delivered below:

Good evening.Thank you.One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy.In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider.And he prevailed against a field of 16 very talented competitors.(APPLAUSE)For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’s champion, and tonight he’s the people’s nominee.(APPLAUSE)Like many of my fellow millenials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat.More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country.Sometimes it’s a tough choice.That is not the case this time.As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you that this is the moment and Donald Trump is the person to make America great again.(APPLAUSE)Real change, the kind we have not seen in decades is only going to come from outside the system.And it’s only going to come from a man who’s spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done.My father is a fighter.When the primaries got tough and they were tough, he did what any great leader does.He dug deeper, worked harder, got better and became stronger.(APPLAUSE)I have seen him fight for his family.I have seen him fight for his employees.I have seen him fight for his company.And now, I am seeing him fight for our country.It’s been the story of his life and more recently the spirit of his campaign.It’s also a prelude to reaching the goal that unites us all.When this party and better still this country knows what it is like to win again.(APPLAUSE)If it’s possible to be famous and yet not really well done, that describes the father who raised me.In the same office in Trump Tower, where we now work together, I remember playing on the floor by my father’s desk, constructing miniature buildings with Legos and Erector sets, while he did the same with concrete steel and glass.My father taught my siblings and me the importance of positive values and a strong ethical compass.He showed us how to be resilient, how to deal with challenges and how to strive for excellence in all that we do.He taught us that there’s nothing that we cannot accomplish, if we marry vision and passion with an enduring work ethic.(APPLAUSE)One of my father’s greatest talents is the ability to see potential in people, before they see it in themselves.It was like that for us to growing up.He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.And like him, we each had a responsibility to work, not just for ourselves but for the betterment of the world around us.Over the years, on too many occasions to count, I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper about people whom he had never met, who were facing some injustice or hardship.He’d write a note to his assistant, in a signature black felt tip pen, and request that the person be found and invited to Trump Tower to meet with him.He would talk to them and then draw upon his extensive network to find them a job or get them a break.And they would leave his office, as people so often do after having been with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be great again.(APPLAUSE)Throughout my entire life, I have witnessed his empathy and generosity towards other, especially those who are suffering.It is just his way of being in your corner when you’re down.My father not only has the strength and ability necessary to be our next President, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs.(APPLAUSE)My father has a sense of fairness that touches every conviction he’s hold.I worked along side of him for now more than a decade now at the Trump Organization and I’ve seen how he operates as a leader.Making important decisions that shape careers and that change lives.I’ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side.When run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies.Competence in the building trades is easy to spot and incompetence is impossible to hide.(APPLAUSE)These sites are also incredible melting pots, gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work towards a single mission.There have always been men of all background and ethnicities on my father’s job sites.And long before it was common place, you also saw women.(APPLAUSE)My father values talent.He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it.He is color blind and gender neutral.He hires the best person for the job, period.(APPLAUSE)Words and promises, no matter visionary they sound will only get you so far.In our business, you’re not a builder, unless you’ve got a building to show for it, or in my father’s case, city skylines.Most people strive their entire lives to achieve great success in a single industry.My father has succeeded in many on the highest level and on a global scale.One of the reasons he has thrived as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone.Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people doing the work for their opinion of the work.My father is an exception.TRUMP: On every one of his projects, you’ll see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians, he’ll ask them for their feedback, if they think something should be done differently, or could be done better.When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort and excellence.(APPLAUSE)This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization.At my father’s company, there are more female than male executives.Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.(APPLAUSE)Women represent 46 percent of the total U.S.labor force, and 40 percent of American households have female primary breadwinners.In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar made by a man.Single women without children earn 94 cents for each dollar earned by a man, whereas married mothers made only 77 cents.As researchers have noted, gender is no longer the factor creating the greatest wage discrepancy in this country, motherhood is.As President, my father will change the labor laws that were put into place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the workforce.And he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all.(APPLAUSE)As a mother myself, of three young children, I know how hard it is to work while raising a family.And I also know that I’m far more fortunate than most.American families need relief.Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties, they should be the norm.Politicians talk about wage equality, but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career.(APPLAUSE)He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this too, right along side of him.(APPLAUSE)Americans today need an economy that permits people to rise again.A Trump Presidency will turn the economy around and restore the great American tradition of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of the generation that came before.In Donald Trump, you have a candidate who knows the difference between wanting something done and making it happen.When my father says that he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline.Floor by floor a soaring structure will appear, usually record setting in its height and iconic in its design.Real people are hired to do real work.Vision becomes reality.When my father says that he will make America great again, he will deliver.(APPLAUSE)We have a chance this year, to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impossible happen.Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking small.When I was a child, my father always told me, Ivanka if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.As President, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights.He will be unafraid to set lofty goals and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.To people all over America, I say, when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down.He will fight for you all the time, all the way, every time.(APPLAUSE)Maybe it’s the developer in him, but Donald Trump cannot stand to see empty main streets and boarded up factories.He can’t bear the injustice of college graduates who are crippled by student debt, and mothers who can’t afford of the childcare required to return to work to better the lives of their families.Other politicians see these hardships, see the unfairness of it all, and they say I feel for you.Only my father will say, I’ll fight for you.(APPLAUSE)The hard working men and women of this country identify with my father.He is tough and he is persevering.He is honest and he is real.He’s an optimist and he’s a relentless believer in America and all of her potential.He loves his family and he loves his country with his heart and his soul.Politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results.I ask you to judge my father by his results.Judge his values by those he’s instilled in his children.Judge his competency by the towers he’s built, the companies he’s founded, and the tens of thousands of jobs he’s created.He is the single most qualified serve as chief executive of an $18 trillion economy.My father will call upon the best and brightest people from all spheres of industry and both side of the aisle.A new set of thinkers, to face our countries existing and future problems with fresh perspective and brave new solutions.Come January 17, all things will be possible again.We can hope and dream and think big again.No one has more faith in the American people than my father.He will be your greatest, your truest and your most loyal champion.(APPLAUSE)This is the fighter, the doer that you have chosen as your nominee, in ways no one expected, this moment in the life of our country has defined a mission and given it to an extraordinary man.He is ready to see it all the way through, to speak to every man and every woman, of every background, in every part of this great country.To earn your trust and to earn your vote.He earned that and much more from me a long time ago.I’ve loved and respected him, my entire life.And I could not be more proud tonight, to present to you and to all of America, my father and our next President, Donald J.Trump.































