





肯定:主语+have/has + 动词的过去分词

否定:主语+have/has +not+ 动词的过去分词

一般疑问: Have/Has+主语+ 动词的过去分词…?

特殊疑问: 特殊疑问词+ have/has+主语+ 动词的过去分词…?

二 改错I have read the book yet.I haven’t read the book already.Have you read the book already?How long did you read the book?

三 新单词讲解


解析:“到期的” 这张票据已到期。2“应付给或应给与某人的”常与to连用。要付给你 一大笔钱 ;我们衷心感谢你。4 “预定的”“约定的”“预定要到达或发生”火车什么时候到? 5 “适当的”“合适的” 我们应当对这个问题给予适当的注意。6(due to 由于,因为)他因暴风雨而缺席;我的成功是因为努力工作。

四 填空.When I first(arrive)on this island, I(have)nothing.But I(find)the

ship and(make)a small boat.I(bring)back many things I can use—food and drink, tools, knives and guns.Although I(lose)everything, I(not lose)my life.So I will(not give)up and I will(wait)for another ship.I(cut)down trees and(build)a house.I(go)out with my gun almost every day to(kill)animals and birds for food.I’m even learning to grow fruits and vegetables.A few weeks ago, I(find)the marks of another man’s feet on the sand.Who else is on my island? How longthey(be)here? Not long after that, I(see)some cannibals(try)to kill two(man)from a(break)ship.One of them(die)but the other(run)towards my house.I(he)

(kill)the cannibals.This man now(live)with(I)and help(I).I(name)(he)Friday because that was the day I(meet)him.He is smart and Ialready(teach)him some English.五 填空.1Would you like something(drink)?

2She(come)to realize how much she actually(miss)all of them.










本单元知识和能力目标:要求学生能够用英文表达四个季节以及每个季节可以做的事情,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读相应对话及短文,并能将所学内容应用于实际生活。本节课的教学目标为:学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文并能完成短文下面所给题目;能够理解lots of,everywhere的意思,能够按照意群朗读短文;最后用写作的方式来介绍自己最喜欢的季节。




教学重点:体现在能读懂“Read and write”部分及选择和填空任务,复习本单元的主要词汇和句型。


6.教学方法选取 :任务型教学和PWP阅读教学模式


步骤1:Warm up: Sing the song:four seasons



Free talk:

T:What can you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?

S:I can...设计意图:复习本单元涉及到的短语,为本节课做准备。

步骤3:Presentation.Listen and answer the question:Which season do Robin like?


步骤4: Answer the question according to the passage.One picture by one picture.设计意图:通过分段阅读,并回答每段预设的问题,来获取更多的信息,更进一步理解短文。

步骤5:Fill in the blanks together.设计意图:考查对本篇短文的理解,同时通过改写填空的方式初步感知对四个季节的总体描述。

步骤6:Listen and repeat.设计意图:练习对本篇短文的朗读。






步骤10:写作:My favourite season.设计意图:写作练习。


Talk about your favourite season.8.教学评价设计


评价方法: 教师对学生进行语言鼓励,奖励Sticker;

学生互相评价,用手势语言赞扬或鼓励彼此 ;



Unit2 B Read and write.I like sping Because beautiful flowers

summer paint a picture

autumn lots of snow

winter white everywhere








二、教学方法: 任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学 ,学案





Step1: 组织教学

Step2: 导入新课Ask the students: How many plants can yo name?


Then ask: How many parts do plants have?(引出新课)

Say: In lesson 10 we can find the answer.(2分钟)

Step3: Task1:(3分钟)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.(听力材料见学案)

Task2: Reading:(10分钟)

Read passage1-passage5 and answer the following questions.(问题见学案。在讲解问题答案时边看屏幕上的画面边讲解,同时讲解一些学生不懂的句型,另外在讲解第二个问题时,展现另一个画面,说明below和under及above和over的区别。)

Task3: Ask two students to read passage1-passage5.Correct the prounciation.(2分钟)

Task4:Read passage1-passage5 again.Fill in the form.(表格见学案)(5分钟)

Task5:Ask the students to draw a plant and tell the plant parts and what they are for.Ask two students to say theirs.(6分钟)

Step4: T: 1.Today we have learnt plant parts and what they are for.Every day we eat many plants, such as: vegetables, rice wheat and so on.But we eat different parts of these plants.For example, a carrot is a root, we eat the leaves of cabbage.(展现胡萝卜和洋白菜的图片。)

Now work in pairs and fill in the form.(表格见学案。)

2.Ask a student to read the last passage.Explain the use of “billion”.(屏幕上出现两个句子,让学生说出它的用法。)

There are 60 billion people in the world.Billions of people eat rice.(5分钟)

Step5: Summary: Ask the students to say what they have learnt in lesson 10.(4分钟)

Step6: Close your books and do the exercises.(7分钟)

Step7: Homework:1.Write a passage to introduce a kind of plant.2.Prepare Lesson11.(1分钟)

Step8: Class is over.板书

above over

below under


单元:Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives

After this lesson, students will be able to

1.Understand the origin of country music and the culture associated with country music.

2.Introduce country music by relating their own life stories, explaining basic information of the music type and as well as introducing the famous musicians.

3.Develop their speaking skills by making an interview.

Ⅱ.Teaching Important and Difficult Points

This lesson focuses on guiding students to learn to introduce a music type by relating their own life stories.Sentences like“It made sb.think about...”“She came to realize...”“It brings us back to...”“It reminds us that...”Through these, students develop their speaking fluency and accuracy.

Students may find it difficult to introduce a type of music by introducing the basic information of a certain music type within limited time especially when internet access is impossible.The teacher will provide relevant information and encourage group discussion to lower the difficulty.

Ⅲ.Teaching Procedure

Step 1:Leading in (3 minutes)

1.Have Ss read the title and tell them they are going to learn a kind of music and someone’s life which has been changed by this kind of music.

2.Have Ss listen to a piece of music, then have them talk about their feelings.

Sentence pattern:The music sounds... (warm/elaxing/...)

3.Listen again and have them guess the instrument that the singer played.

4.Ask Ss to listen again and chant, then tell what they think of the lyrics.

5.Guide Ss to the feature of country music.

(Simple lyrics and very often guitars are played in the music.)

【设计意图】本环节虽然是导入环节, 但作用不仅仅是导入, 一是学生从标题里明白了本课的主要内容;二是自然输入乡村音乐的三要素。学生一边聆听歌曲, 一边品味歌曲的乐器使用和歌词含义, 然后表达歌曲给自己带来的感受。通过对一首歌的处理, 让学生明白了乡村音乐的三要素:歌曲听上去清新, 令人放松;大多数使用吉他、小提琴或班卓伴奏;歌词简朴, 贴近生活。

Step 2:While reading (12 minutes)

1.Read for understanding

Have Ss read and match the main idea for each paragraph.

2.Read details—country music

(1) Have Ss read Paragraph 2 and fill in the chart in the Ss’handouts.

(2) Culture note

Country music Hall of Fame Museum:The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum identifies and preserves the evolving history and traditions of country music and educates its audiences.It was built in 1961 and located at 222 Fifth Avenue South in?Nashville, Tennessee.

Nashville, Tennessee:Guide Ss to know the location of Nashville, Tennessee.

Garth Brooks:He has been the most influential country music singer in the 1990s.The number of records he sold is just second to Beatles.

3.Read for details—Music brings change

Have Ss read Para.1 and find out Sarah’s change.

Sentence drill:Have Ss listen to 2 pieces of music then have them tell the feelings the music brings to them.Use the following sentence pattens.

The music makes me think of...

I came to realize that...

4.Read for details—The value of country music

(1) Have Ss read Para.2 again to find the value of country music.

(2) Have Ss read these two sentences and then try to memorize them.

(3) Memory game:The group that best memorize the two sentences would be the winner.

【设计意图】以语言习得为导向的教学, 要求教师在教学中尽可能多地为学生提供语言输入的机会, 把交际作为课堂教学的中心环节, 使课堂教学以意义为中心, 而不是以语言形式为中心, 这样的教学才能为学生提供理想的语言输入 (蒋祖康1999) 。

以上三个详读环节紧紧围绕乡村音乐这一主题, 分别突破了三个要点:一是乡村音乐的基本常识;二是乡村音乐给主人公Sarah带来的改变;三是乡村音乐的价值观。在阅读完课文后, 学生先了解了乡村音乐的基本信息, 其中穿插了3个文化常识, 即Country Music Hall of Fame Museum, Garth Brooks和Nashville, 使学生对这些文化名词有了一个更深刻的认识, 进而更了解乡村音乐。教师设计的句型操练是让学生先听音乐, 然后用句型说出音乐给他们带来的感受, 这一环节使得学生能够更深刻地感受音乐的力量。感受过后, 教师与学生一起探讨乡村音乐的价值观, 在这个环节里, 既帮助学生理解了故事, 了解了乡村音乐的涵义, 同时又通过操练句型和快速记忆, 突破了本课的4个重点句型, 即It made sb think about...;She came to realize...;It brings us back to...;It reminds us that...这都为之后的综合活动提供了语言支持。

Step 3:After reading (10 minutes)

1.Role play—Country music and me

Scene:Sarah and two other country music lovers are being interviewed by the school TV station.They do this so that more students will know and get to like country music.

2.Task division

A—TV host


C/D—fans of country music

3.Have Ss vote for the best interview.

4.A quote about music

Share a quote with Ss. (Nothing is worth living for without music—Nietzsche〈尼采〉) .

Encourage them to enjoy music and enjoy life.

【设计意图】交际离不开语境, 口语教学也应该在真实的语境下进行。在课堂的最后, 学生通过role play的形式推广乡村音乐, 在采访中学生运用了本课的重点句型来表达观点、互相交流, 达到了丰富和内化知识的目的。


1.Write about one type of music you like or sports or arts that can change people’s mind.

The following parts should be included.

(1) the change that the music brings to you;

(2) the facts of the music;

(3) one famous singer of this type of music.

2.Optional:Listen to the songs of Garth Brooks and try to learn one.

【设计意图】本课以乡村音乐作为主线贯穿始终, 主要包括音乐带来的改变, 乡村音乐基本常识以及乡村音乐的代表人物, 课后作业希望学生写作时能自然模仿这个框架, 介绍自己喜欢的一种音乐类型或体育或其他艺术形式。



第一, 深度解读文本, 挖掘文化内涵。本课话题是乡村音乐, 是一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐。中国学生对这种音乐相对陌生, 为了让学生通过本课的学习能真正了解乡村音乐文化, 而不仅仅是停留在语言知识与语言技能层面, 笔者在详读的三个环节中重点突破了乡村音乐的基本常识和价值观, 在讲解过程中对文化名词The Country Music Hall of Fame Museum, Garth Brooks, Nashville, Tennessee等进行了链接介绍, 抓住了培养学生对未知知识产生兴趣的最佳教学时机。

第二, 教学活动设计指向性明确, 为教学目标的达成服务。本节课中每一个活动的设计都在确保其为教学目标的达成服务的前提下, 兼顾活动的多样性、知识性、趣味性和文化性。例如, 为了让学生在最后的采访活动中流利运用重点句型“It madesb.think about...”“She came to realize...”“It brings us back to..”“It reminds usthat...”来介绍乡村音乐和Sarah的音乐经历。从最后活动的效果来看, 上台的三个小组都能很好地使用目标语言介绍乡村音乐, 表现十分精彩。

第三, 充分体现学生的主体性。首先, 授课教师在展示课前一天与学生交流后, 重新确定了教学目标和教学重难点, 修改了活动形式, 在教学设计中体现学生的主体性。其次, 从时间上来看, 五分之二的时间分配给学生阅读和思考, 体现了学生的主体性。再次, 从课堂话语方面看, 学生的个人表达和小组交流占整节课话语的三分之二, 体现了学生的主体性。

本节课也存在些许不足:本单元的语法是完成时, 文章中出现了许多have done的结构, 比如:Sarah has read a lot about Nashville, has done some research on....笔者没有详细处理, 有待于再完善。



1. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

3. as soon as ...... 一……就……

5. once upon a time 从前

7. continue to do sth. 继续做某事

9. the journey to ……之旅

11. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事

13. give up 放弃

15. instead of 代替;反而

17. turn ... into 变成

19. get married 结婚

21. the main character 主要人物;主人公

23. at other times 在另外一些时候

2. come out (书、电影等)出版

4. become / be interested in 对……感兴趣

6. the rest of the story 故事的剩余部分

8. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

10. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事    12. lead sb. to someplace 把某人领到某地        14. get lost 迷路

16. change one’s plan 改变某人的计划             18. send sb. to someplace 派某人去某地

20. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事

22. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

24. sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事


1. It doesn’t seem very possible to move a mountain.


2. This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.


3. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.



4. Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.


5. The story reminds us that you can never know what’s possible unless you try to make it happen.


----Dale English 2011-4-7 Topic 1






1.go on a spring field trip


2.vehicle(同义词)transportation 4.raise(现在分词)raising(名词)raiser

2.a two-day visit to Mount Tai

3.make a decision

4.Beijing Railway Station

5.find out

6.you two

7.decide on sth.8.take too long

9.book some tickets/rooms

10.the hard/soft sleeper

11.pay for

12.make room reservation

13.a standard room with two single beds

14.the best time to do sth.15.work out the cost

16.do/go fund raising = raise money/ funds 17.come up with

18.get to(call home)

19.order and serve a special lunch

20.sell newspapers/ old books/ flowers

21.put on a show

22.not…any longer = no longer

23.enjoy a good trip

24.at the foot of…

25.count the students

26.in the open air

27.rent coats

28.see the sunrise

29.the sea of clouds

30.places of interest

为期两天的泰山游 做出决定


查找;弄清 你们俩










筹集资金 产生;想出;赶上

达到(打电话回家)的程度 安排服务一段特殊的午餐


办展示会/ 表演节目 不再

享受愉快的旅行 在…的脚下 点名 在户外


看日出 云海


31.look forward to +n./doing sth.32.hear from sb.33.land safely 二.重点句型及重点语言点

期待 盼望 收到某人来信


1.… , we will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai, …我们将去泰山进行为期两天的旅行。

two-day “两天的” , 这是带有数字的复合形容词,复合形容词用连字符号连接时,名词要用单数。如: a 14-year-old boy


a 100-meter race 一百米赛跑

a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行

2.Let’s make the decision together.我们一起作出决定。

make a decision = decide 做决定

decide(not)to do sth.决定(不)做某事

decide on sth.对某事做出决定

3.Going by train doesn’t cost as much as by plane, and going by bus is not as comfortable as by train.搭火车的费用没有搭飞机的高,搭公车不如搭火车舒适。

“going by train” 动名词短语在句中做主语。

cost 表“花费(金钱/时间)”时,主语必须是事物。常用句型“ sth.costs(sb.)some money/time”中。如:This bike cost me 300 yuan.这本书花了我三百元钱。

Finishing the homework costs me two hours a day.通常,每天做完作业花了我两个小时。4.We have tickets at ¥ 145 for the hard sleeper and ¥ 224 for the soft sleeper.我们的票价是硬卧票145元,软卧票224元。

at 在句中表“以……的价格”.如: We have tickets at ¥80 for The Sound of Music.我们有80元一张的《音乐之声》门票。

5.I want to book 10 rooms with two single beds … 我想订10间有两张单人床的房间…

with 结构在句中作定语,修饰前面的名词,表特征。如:

a girl with light hair 一个金发女郎

a boy with big eyes 一个大眼睛男孩 6. Students, teachers and parents have many special ways to raise money for field trips.学生、老师和家长有很多特别的方式为郊游活动筹钱。

raise 及物动词,表示“筹集”外,还表“举起;使升高”,一般指把某物从低处抬高、到高处。如:

She raised her hand.她举起了她的手。

He raised his glass to Mr.Li.他举杯向李先生祝贺。

rise 不及物动词,表示“上升;升起;上涨”一般指事物本身由低处移到高处。如: The sun rises in the east.太阳从东边升起。The river/ price rose.河水上涨了。

7.Some schools come up with great ideas, … 一些学校想出一些极好的主意,……

come up with 表示“想出;产生; 赶上” 如:

Suddenly he came up with a strange idea.突然间他想出了一个奇怪的主意。

We came up with the train in time.我们及时赶上了火车。

8.It costs/takes students one dollar each to buy tickets for a draw to become king or queen for a day.学生要想成为 “一日国王”或 “一日王后”, 就要花一美钱买票才可以参加抽奖。

此句型为“It takes sb.some money/ time to do sth.”花了某人多少钱/时间做某事。

9.The student sits in the headmaster’s chair for the day and even can use the headmaster’s cellphone to call home.这个学生可以坐在校长的座位上,甚至可以使用校长的手机打电话回家(的程度)。三.重点语法


1)… , so … “因此”, 常与because 引导的原因状语从句转换.如: We don’t have much money, so we should go fund raising.= Because we don’t have much money, we should go fund raising.Helen is worried about her trip cost, so she is sad.海伦担心她的旅行费用,因此她很难过。

= Helen is sad because she is about her trip cost.海伦很难过是因为她担心旅行的费用。

2)… so … that … “如此… 以致于…”, 如结果表否定时,常与too + adj./ adv.+to do sth.句型转换.a)主语 + be + so + adj.+ that + 句子

e.g: I was so tired that I couldn’t go on any longer.= I was too tired to go on any longer.The cost is so expensive that we should raise money.b)主语 + 实义动词+ so + adv.+ that + 句子

e.g: He plays basketball so well that we all like to play with him.他球打得如此好,以致于我们都喜欢他。

He got up so late that he couldn’t catch the bus.他起床如此迟,以致他赶不上车。

= He got up too late to catch the bus.他起床起得太迟了而不能赶上车。3)… so that … 结果

e.g.: Jane often makes noise so that I can not fall asleep.珍妮经常吵闹,结果我无法入睡。


1)作表语, 常用在系动词之后.Your group’s task is to find out the cost to go by train.你小组的任务是去弄清搭火车的费用。She seems to be happy.她似乎很快乐。

2)作主语, 常用it(形式主语)代替, 不定式放在后面做真正主语.It is hard to say.很难说。

It is important to learn English well.学好英语非常重要。4)作宾语, 常用在want;like;hope;begin;try;forget;learn;plan;decide;need 等及物动词后,构成动宾结构。

I want to buy some books.我想去买一些书。She likes to join the English Club.她喜欢加入英语俱乐部。We hope to be teachers.我们希望成为教师。Don’t forget to call me.别忘了打电话给我。5)作宾补, His father told him to turn on the TV.他的告诉他把电视打开。6)作定语,常用在被修饰的名词/代词之后。

I have some exciting news to tell you.我有一些令人激动的消息告诉你。I want something to drink.我想要些喝的东西。

四、口语应用 预订车票、房间:

Can I help you? / What can I do for you? Yes.I want/ would like to book …

Which kind of ticket do you want, the hard sleeper or the soft sleeper? What kind of room do you have? How many do you want? How much does …cost?

May I have your name and your number?

Topic 2





3.west(形容词)western 4.south(形容词)southern















(二)重点词组: 1.receive a postcard

收到一张明信片 2.on vacation

在度假 3.cost too much

花费太贵 4.plan a trip

计划旅行 5.come along with sb.与某人在一起 6.go to the cinema

去电影院 7.look forward to(doing)sth.期待做某事 8.go camping

去野营 9.in the old days

在古代 10.in one’s life

在某人的一生 11.survey the area

调查/勘探某地区 12.face south

坐北朝南 13.have mountains at the back


14.plan some exciting adventures

计划令人激动的冒险活动 15.go on a cycling trip

进行骑车游 16.spread over


17.on both sides of the way

在路的两旁 18.be in pairs

成双成对 19.kneel down

跪下 20.two and a half hours

两个半小时 21.be crowded with

挤满了… 22.be surprised at

对…感到惊讶 23.take out sth.拿出某物 24.in all directions


25.take a close-up picture of…

拍……的特写 26.push out

挤出;推出 27.step on one’s toes

踩了某人的脚趾 28.out of sight

看不见 29.flash through one’s mind

从脑中闪现 30.pour down

流下;倾泻而下 31.slap sb.on the back

拍某人的背 32.as soon as

一……就…… 33.give sb.a big hug

给某人一个拥抱 34.along the way


35.stone animals / officials

石头动物 / 官员

36.take each other’s pictures

互相拍照 37.have fun doing sth.做某事有乐趣 38.treat sb.to sth.用……招待,请客 39.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事 40.park bikes


象征和平祥和 41.stand for peace


1.I’m looking forward to meeting him.我正盼望看到他.look forward to 表 “期待, 盼望”, to是介词,后面应用名词、代词或动名词,且常用于进行时态。如: I’m really look forward to summer vacation.我真的期待着暑假的到来。They are looking forward to solving the problem.他们正期待着问题的解决。

2. …and 12 stone officials on both sides of the way.on both sides of the way = on each side of the way 在路的两旁 3.Dinglig is to the southwest of Kangling.定陵在康陵的西南方向.方位介词: in;on;to

in表在…范围内;on表两处相接;to 表示两地不接壤 Fujian is in the southeast of China.福建在中国的东南部.Jiangxi is on the west of Fujian.江西在福建的西面.Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东边.4.While we were having fun exploring , I realized Darren was lost.当我们正在有趣的探险时,我意识到达诺丢了.have fun doing sth.表做某事有乐趣.如:

You’ll find you have fun learning English.你将会发现学习英语有很大乐趣.三、重点语法

(一)时间状语从句: 1.引导词: a)when;while;as 当……时候

when 既可跟短暂性动词也可跟延续性动词 while 跟延续性动词


多用于口语,强调 “同一时间”或 “一前一后”

e,g: The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in.= While the students were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us.妈妈总是边给我们做饭边唱歌。b)until;not…until

until “直到……为止”,主句的谓语动词用延续性动词。

not…until “直到……才” 主句的谓语动词常用短暂性动词。


I will stay here until the rain stops.= I won’t leave here until the rain stops.我是不会离开这里,直到雨停了再说吧

c)after 在……之后;before在……之前;as soon as 一……就…… e.g:

I went to sleep after I finished my homework..= I finished my homework before I went to sleep.As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom.2.时态: a)当主句为一般过去时时, 从句常为过去的某种时态;e.g:

While the students were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.I went to sleep after I finished my homework..b)当主句为一般将来时时, 从句为一般现在时


As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom.I will stay here until the rain stops.(二)不定式作目的状语,修饰谓语动词,表行为的目的。

They organize a show to raise money.为了筹钱,他们组织了一场展示会。

Kelly arrived at the airport early to see Maria off.凯丽早早地来到机场为玛丽亚送行。


Would you like to come to China for your vacation? 你想来中国度假吗?(表邀请)Would/ Will you help me plan a trip? 帮我计划一下旅行好吗?(表请求)Could/ Can you come along with us? 你能和我们在一起好吗?(表邀请或请求)

Should we take him there? 我们带他去那儿好吗?(表建议)

How about taking him to the Ming Tombs?带他去十三陵怎么样?(表建议)

Topic 3

一、重点词组: 1.a traffic accident

一起交通事故 2.obey traffic rules/ laws

3.a traffic station




穿浅颜色的衣服 4.avoid air pollution

5.wear light-colored clothes

6.a little more confident

更自信一点 7.a sharp turn to the left

向左急转弯 8.slow down

9.rush to sb.10.avoid doing sth.11.call the 122 hotline

12.take sb.to spl.13.have strict traffic rules

14.hear from sb.15.learn …by heart

16.wear a bicycle helmet

17.ride into history

18.break the traffic rules

19.get a fine

20.be famous for

21.pay attention to(doing)sth.…

22.on the left-side of the road

23.a middle school student

24.hundreds of… / millions of …

25.go through

26.a serious disease


28.in one’s life

29.win the bicycle race

30.since then

31.one of the top cyclists in the world

32.according to + n.33.have cancer

34.face … head-on

35.break a record

36.bicycle road race

37.the International Cycling Union

38.a dark horse

39.21 timed stages

40.be in danger

减速 急速冲向某人 避免做某事

播打122热线 带某人去某处 有严格的交通规则 收到某人的来信 用心学习…… 戴着自行车头盔 载入史册

违反交通规则 得到处罚 因…而著名

注意(做)某事 在路的左手边 一名中学生

成百的 / 上亿的 穿过;穿越 一场严重的疾病 不是…而是… 在某人的一生 获得自行车赛的胜利 从那以后

世界顶尖自行车赛手之一 据……而言 得了癌症 迎头面对… 打破记录 自行车公路赛 国际自行车联合会 黑马

21个计时赛段 处于危险状态


1.I think traffic in Beijing is crazy.crazy 疯狂的,发疯的;be crazy about… 迷恋… 爱上….热衷于…

句中的意思是 “交通拥堵”.类似的说法还有 : Traffic is heavy / busy / terrible.Bob is in a traffic jam.鲍勃遇到交通堵塞了。

2.To avoid hitting the truck, the young man ran into the wall and hurt his arm badly.年轻人为了避免撞到卡车上而撞到墙上,胳膊伤得很厉害。run into 撞到、碰到

He ran into the old man when he was running.他在奔跑时撞到了墙上。avoid doing sth.避免做某事

We should avoid making mistakes.我们应当避免犯错误。

3.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.如果人们遵守交通规则,交通事故就会减少。

有if 引导的条件状语从句,若主句是将来时,从句用一般现在时。注意there be 句型中表示将来时的助动词是放在there和be之间

4.I agree with you.我同意你的看法。

agree with 同意某人(的看法/ 意见)

agree to 表示“同意,赞成”,后面跟的是表示想法,建议或计划等的词。e.g.: I agree with what he said.我同意他讲的话。

He didn’t agree to our idea.他不同意我们的想法。

5.If you break the traffic rules, you will get a fine.如果你违反交通规则,你就会受到处罚。

fine 既可当名词,也可当动词。

He got a ¥50 fine for parking the wrong places.他因乱停车罚款五十元。(名词)The policeman fined him 50 yuan.警察罚了他五十元。(动词)

6.Cars often cost 100 times / twice as much as bicycles.Cars often cost 99 times / once

more than bicycles.三、重点语法

条件状语从句: 由if 引导,表 “如果”



(1) Be able to pronounce and master the words.

(2) Be able to use the key structures to talk about annoying things.


To develop the students’ skills in listening and speaking.


(1) To learn to communicate in good manners

(2) To be able to help others in trouble and find the correct solutions to the complain.

2. 教学重难点

(1) Learn how to correct solutions to complain.

(2) Master how solve complain.

(3) Make correct sentences using the key structures.




Step1 Greeting and revision

1. The teacher and the students greet each other.

2. Rivision of key structure.

Step 2 Presentation

(1). The teacher shows six pictures to students and asks them to say something about the pictures.

(2). Let students make the conversations after the sample conversation in pairs.

(3). Ask several pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.

(4). Explain the six sentences and then get students to check the most annoying thing among the six pictures.

(5). Ask students to make a list of at least five things that they have complained.

(6). Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully and number the sentences in the order they hear.

Step 3 Practice

(1). Ask the students to look at the three column heading.

(2). Listen to the recording a second time and fill in the chart and pause the tape from time to time to allow the students to write the answers in their book.

(3). Check the answers.

(4). Ask the students to repeat after the recording.

(5). Let students work in pair to practice the dialogue using the sample dialogue in 2c. Then ask several pairs to perform in front of the class.

Step 4 Consolidation


Read the instructions to the class.

Ask a student to read the seven sentences

Let the students finish Task1 individually.


Group work (four students): talk about these questions above and find out new ways.
