



The squares of Dalian

Dalian is renowned for its emerald lawns and for its blooming flowers.The best way to see these splenders in all their delights is to visit one of Dalian's squares.The urban area of Dalian has approx.70 squares--that forms the striking feature of its town planning, which outshines any other major city in China.The numerous squares can be compared to inlaid pearls, or, resemble musical notes written in one's imagination.The comeliness of the Sea Melody Square, the manliness of Xinghai Square, the elegance of Zhongshan Square and the meaningfulness of the Renmin Square, all present a galaxy of pleasure to one's eyes, intoxicate one's heart and crystallize into a dulcet memory.As the city's drawing room, the citizens flock to these squares to relax, to communicate, and to exercise.Similar to an cosmopolitan European city, many of these squares are frequented by doves and have beautiful fountains, some even have Greek sculptures and Parisian lamps in them.Zhongshan Square(中山广场)

Built up in 1899 by Russians, this's the oldest square in Dalian.Its name evolved from the “Nicholas Square” under Tsarist Russian concession, to “Big Plaza” within the Japanese colonization, and then “Zhongshan”(the formal name of Mr.Sun Yat-sen)after the Liberation(1945).About 100 years ago, a group of Russian architects fascinated with France culture came to Dalian with the construction blueprint of Paris.They dreamed about rebuilding an oriental Paris here, hence the architectural style of the city was formed--to take squares as the center and radiate outwards, with Zhongshan Square being the focal point.The square is also the first musical square in China.In 1995, 36 sets of audio systems were equipped around it.At every dawn and dusk, people crowd here to play Chinese chess, kick shuttlecocks, dance, do Taijiquan or see an outdoor movie, watch an entertainment show or enjoy concerts companied by the flowing music in the air.Renmin Square(人民广场)

The square, formerly known as Stalin Square, was built for commemorating the Red Army of the Soviet Union's liberation over northeastern China.In 1999, the cenotaph in the center was moved to Lushun Soviet Army Martyr Cemetery, where memorial facilities for the Army are concentrated.Instead of the cenotaph a white marble waterfall cloister was built, and the musical fountain in front of it ranks the largest of its kind in the city.Every morning under the backdrop of the fountain mist one can view cheerful dancing of the natives.Women troopers who appear in fixed period are another highlight.North of the Square is located the City Hall.Youhao Square(友好广场)

In Chinese, “youhao” means “friendship”.The square was built in the Tsarist Russia colonial period, and changed its name to “West Plaza” under Japanese reign.Later for the sake of commemorating the friendship between PRC and the Soviet Union, the name of “Youhao” was initiated, and after renovation, in 1996 a giant “crystal ball” was set up.The ball is said to stand for the image of the city as the “China's Northern Pearl”, and the five colors of the “hands” upholding it represent the five different ethnic colors from the five continents.Xinghai Square(星海广场)

Xinhai Square was erected in 1997 to commemorate the reversion of Hong Kong.It sits at the center of the Xinghai business district, and maybe is roughly as big as two Tian?ˉanmen Squares in Beijing.The design of the square combines Chinese tradition and modern concepts: A tall, straight and pure-white marble ornamental column stands at the pivot of the square, ranking the largest across the country.The column is 19.97 meters high, with a 1.997 diameter, indicating that it was built in the year HK returned to the motherland.The base of the column has 8 carved dragons, and the arch is carved with another huge dragon, implying that Chinese are descendants of the dragon.To the north of the square lies Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Center and to its south is the sea.Nearby the sea is located the city centennial sculpture.The sculpture is just like an opened book, and on it is written the history of the city, showing that the locals are confident to open a new historic page and march into the new era.The square has become a major stage for city galas like the Fashion Festival and the Spring Festival Fireworks &.Firecrackers Gathering.On the other side, if you know the history that only several years ago, the site of the square was covered by a large-scale stinking dump and at that time the land-value of it was under RMB1000, while at present the value has risen to over RMB10,000--what will you think of the city's creativity?

Victory Plaza(胜利广场)

Someone said that Dalian is the “drawing room of the Northeast China”, and to apply it in this way we can say Victory Plaza is the drawing room of Dalian.Located in front of the central railway station, the Plaza is a point where any visitor to the city has to pass.Just like what they had drummed up in the ads, the Plaza is a comprehensive shopping mall that sets multi-functions like dining, recreation and shopping under one roof.On a Romanesque square in the north of the Plaza many art shows and commercial promotions are held.Olympic(奥林匹克广场)

In 1932, Liu Changchun, a Dalian local resident, competed in the 10th Olympic Games held in Los Angeles.Liu was the first Chinese to take part in the Games.Decades have passed, the spirit of sport loving is inherited and now Dalian is known as a “Soccer City” and the “Home of Track & Field”.In September 1999, Mr.Samaranch, Chairman of the Int'l Olympic Committee of the day, attended the foundation-stone laying ceremony for the Square.To the south of the square stands the city's central stadium where its soccer team calls home.Haizhiyun Square(海之韵广场)

Haizhiyun means sea melody in English.The square is located at the eastern entrance of Binhai(Seaside)Rd.It faces the vast sea to the north, and is backed by a barrier-like mountain to the south;to its east is Laojiangou Bathing Beach, and to the southwest is the newly-built Huale Street.Built in June 1996, it has won the grand award for sightseeing planning in the National Art Design Competition.There is a main sculpture and 26 super-realistic sculptures that are divided into 9 groups on the square.The fact that such amounts of super-realistic sculptures are set on one square is rare not only in China but also throughout the world.Navy Square(海军广场)

The square was set up in Sept.2000.It's the third square named after navy following the ones in the U.K.and the U.S.A


Ladies and Gentlemen;Welcome to my hometown Dalian city.And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Sophie.or Miss Liu , and on my left hand is our driver Mr.Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe.Today,we are going to the Star Sea Square.Now, we’re at the outskirts of Dalian, it will take us 30 minutes’ drive to get there.This Star Sea square is built in 1997, general Zhan field area is a maximal at present complete Asia public square 1100000 in total square meter.The square is divided into two parts, one is Ornamental Column Square, and the other one is Hundred Year City Carves.Now we are in the Ornamental Column Square.This is that one commemorates the Hong Kong’s return project.In its center is the maximal white marble of the whole nation ornamental column.19.97 meters of height, 1.997 meters of diameter, without exception in commemoration of Hong Kong return in 1997.The ornamental column’s base has 8 dragons, and the column shaft also has a dragon, that means we are descendants of the dragon.The center of the public square follows the example of Beijing Temple of Heaven surrounding the mound design.It is being accomplished by 999 pieces of red marble and is carving the Ten Heavenly Stems, Terrestrial Branch, the 24 Solar Terms and Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs.It is always said that if you take photos when you are standing on your self’s animal of the year it will bring about good luck.What’s more, the thing embracing the public square vicinity’s is a large-scale music fountain.By the four sides of the square, there are 9 big different shape of Ding(ancient Chinese cooking vessel).On each Ding, one Chinese word is carved.The 9 words in total mean “Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation”.Now, let’s move on to the next part, Hundred Year City Carves.It is composed of two parts, the front part is footmark emboss, the back part is to resemble the book form table model public square that capital turns open.Everybody of us can see many footmarks in front of us, depending on footmark emboss.But these footmarks are not groundless to go up to carve, it is made by 1000 people.Every pair of footmark has a host one to be identifiable by both given name and surname from 1000.These footmarks lead to ocean from north to south, and they are ordered according to age.Arranging in the first row is 1899, which is the year Dalian was born.The final group was babies’ footmark who was born in 1999.These 1000 pairs of footmarks have indicated the history of Dalian century was created by diligent dalians.Now we are in the back part of Hundred Year City Carves.It is a square which likes a phoenix.It means not only Dalian has turned over a new page of history, but also we will write the next chapter in Dalian’s story.Walking from the center of the square to the south, you can see the exhibition center.It is the international first-class level modern construction which is used for exhibition, meeting, trade, finance and entertainment.The central gallery that runs through the square from north to the south has fountain waterscape.The whole square is covered by green grass.There are peristele lights every 20 meters.The inner diameter of the square is 199.9m, outside diameter is 239.9m, this means in the year 2399, it will be the 500 anniversary for Dalian.Let’s all of my introduction.It is 9:30 now.Next it is the free time for all of you to take photos.Please take care of your bags and don’t tread Hundred Year City Carves.All of us must get together at 10:30 under the phoenix.


1 现状分析

世纪广场景观工程项目位于大连开发区主要干道金马路、哈尔滨路及赤峰街的交叉处, 是从大连市区进入开发区的主要景观节点。设计前是一片空旷的草地, 孤植了为数不多的几株大树, 主要问题是入口太窄, 铺装地不足, 主要以草地为主, 比较空旷, 对广场的开放、外延不够, 没有给居民提供良好的驻足、休憩、娱乐、健身运动空间。 (见图1)

2 设计构思

本次对世纪广场景观工程设计是同时把构成景观环境整体的所有元素都作为设计的依据与目标, 为居民需要而设计, 为美而设计, 也为更合理的城市环境而设计, 最终使景观系统的功能得到整体优化。 (见图2)

基于该环境特点和特定的功能要求, 结合大连地域文化特色, 以文化为内涵, 让传统文化与现代信息相互交流, 将广场建成一个高起点的、具有时代气息的、娱乐休闲健身赏景相结合的、地方风情特色突出的文化中心场所, 充分展示大连开发区城市的新形象, 因此, 在设计构思时重点考虑如下几点:a.重点突出广场的植物景观效果, 充分展示大连开发区城市的新形象;b.强调地域文化与现代文化的有机结合, 以园林小品的表现形式, 赋予文化内涵, 突出时代气息;c.加强广场景观空间的有机结合, 使广场、木栈平台、园路之间既相互独立, 又相互联系, 营造一个大气整体的环境空间景观;d.强调以植物造景为主, 特别是彩色植物的应用, 既突出景观效果, 又注重生态效益;e.加强灯光夜景的景观效果。 (见图3)

3 整个广场设计主要突出以下几点

3.1 本着因地制宜、适地适树、注重生态、

钵, 以起到画龙点睛的作用。

3.3 铺地设计。

为了统一广场硬质景观效果, 世纪广场的铺地主要选用了广场砖材料, 园路主要以咖啡色广场砖为主, 中心广场则以咖啡色和黄色广场砖搭配放射状铺设, 图案整齐美观, 纵深透视感强。以统一的铺装材料将广场及园路空间景观融为一体, 加强相互间的联系, 整体效果很好。

3.4 灯光设计。

为了能给居民提供夜晚休闲健身场所, 该广场对灯具的选择也独具特色, 并具有前瞻性。主要从节能角度出发, 该广场采用了太阳能灯具, 从而大大节省了能源。 (见图4)

4 结论

以崭新面貌展现给开发区居民的世纪广场正是顺应了开发区人民的实际需求, 将绿色景观与运动、趣味有效地结合起来, 在绿色中创造了个性突出、设施齐全、功能完备、环境优美的体育活动区, 引导居民投入积极的健身活动。同时“绿肺”功能对于保护人们的身体健康功勋卓著。加强绿化、改善生态和积极运动、增强体质是城市居民的心声。

经过改造后的世纪广场景观, 在空间效果、环境气氛、景观特色方面都发生了巨大变化。不仅为开发区市民提供了一个更加舒适大方、富有时代气息的户外休闲空间, 而且为提升城市形象, 展现大连开发区风貌增添了精彩的一笔。

摘要:世纪广场景观工程建设, 主要从环境空间景观的角度, 利用铺装、绿化、灯光等这些景观元素, 着重对广场景观及植物栽植进行了协调和布局。植物造景、灯光夜景的景观效果及运动场地的增设大大满足了居民的户外休闲健身需求。
