









我们去了同学妈妈的店里,同学妈妈开了家婚纱摄影店,阿姨主动请缨,给我们提供比赛的衣服还免费化妆呢。我们在欢声笑语中化好了妆,换好了衣服,当我们匆忙回到学校的时候,老师见到我们着急地说:“你们怎么才回来呀?马上要轮到我们上场了,赶紧去排队吧!”“是”我们异口同声地回答。因为我们穿的是小婚纱裙,非常漂亮,很多人都围过来看我们呢,我们的回头率好高哦!报幕员报上了我们班,大家都很紧张,我们一进去,评委们眼前一亮,我们调整了一下情绪,就开唱了“love In your……”我们一唱完,全场就响起了雷鸣般的掌声,看来我们的名次一定错不了。比赛后的那几天,大家都在焦急地等待着比赛结果。终于,一位老师来到我们班级通知:“恭喜,你们班名列第一名。”“耶!太棒了!”“太厉害了……”同学们欢呼起来。满脸笑容的老师对我们说,我们之所以能取得第一名的好成绩,不光是参赛同学的努力,也是我们班级里每一个同学还有家长共同努力的结果,所以同学们一定要记住团结就是力量。这次英文歌曲大赛表明,一个人的力量是有限的,同学们相互配合共同努力才会取得好成绩,看似一张小小的第一名奖状,它汇集的却是全体同学老师和家长心血啊!



拿到新教材, 图文并茂, 引人入胜, 充满好奇的小朋友早已被课文中五颜六色的插图所吸引。第一学期, 开学初, 我就让学生每天写一句话, 不会写的字用拼音或问家长, 先是给书上的插图配话, 每学一课之前, 让学生绘声绘色地给书上的插图配音 (读自己写的话) , 学生兴致很高……有一天, 我对大家说:“小朋友们, 你们能不能自己画, 自己写?”鼓了一番劲以后, 学生兴致更高, 他们通过各种途径画画、写话, 有的是从美术书上找的画, 自己加工、剪辑, 有的是从课外书上模仿来的画, 有的干脆剪贴一张自己喜欢的图片, 在图画下面配上内容相关的话。在无拘无束状态中, 一句句妙趣横生、情真意切的话就“蹦跳”出来。笔者从实践中体会到, “每天写一句话”对学生写话是一种量的积累, 这种积累终会导致质的飞跃。


小学生处在充满奇异幻想的时期, 处在富于无限想象的思维发展阶段, 教师应让“想象”这支美丽的思维花朵进入孩子们的写话中。为了开拓学生思维, 激发学生的想象力, 教师应给学生一个可以尽情拓展奇思妙想的空间, 真正让想象为写话导航, 其方法有:看动画想象、看玩具想象、看图画想象、读课文想象等。

例如, 《坐井观天》一文, 课文最后是这样写的:小鸟也笑了, 说:朋友, 你是弄错了。不信, 你跳出井口看看吧!”这段话, 留给学生一个极大的想象空间。我根据这段话设计一个训练, 让学生顺着课文的情节, 展开丰富的想象, 想一想, 说一说, 小鸟飞走以后, 青蛙有没有跳出来?如果跳出来了, 它会看到些什么?会怎么说?在教师的点拨下, 学生畅所欲言, 描绘了一个又一个鲜活的画面;一个又一个富有创意的构思从孩子的心底流露。有个孩子这样说道:一天有个人到井边来打水, 这时青蛙就跳进了木桶出了井口, 眼前的一切让它惊呆了, 看!远处是蓝蓝的、高高的天空, 天空下面是一座座相连的山;近处是一片片碧绿的小草, 小草丛中盛开着一朵朵漂亮的小花, 怎么和我在井底看见的完全不一样, 我要搬家!”我随机说道:“孩子们, 你们编的故事真美, 要是能把它写下来, 就更棒了!试试看吧!”一节课下来, 多数孩子能比较出色地把自己编的故事写下来。我抓住时机, 给予赞赏和鼓励, 孩子们“写话”积极性更高了。


学完了汉语拼音, 我就给学生讲了一些作家的故事。告诉他们, 当作家要写好多好多的东西, 他们写的东西叫作品。不仅大人可以当作家, 许多的孩子从很小的时候就开始写作, 还出版自己的专集呢!我拿来了几本小学生的作品集, 读给孩子听, 让他们翻看, 他们好羡慕。之后, 我又告诉他们, 我们上学了, 学习了语文, 也能够写好多好多的作品, 将来也能出自己的作品集。我们现在就开始写!我亲自为他们挑选了印有各种卡通图集的日记本, 并教他们在封面上端端正正地写上“我的作品”。

第一次写日记, 有的学生问我:“老师, 写什么呢?”我告诉他:“想写什么, 就写什么。”因为是学生学习写话的起步阶段, 我为学生设计了绘画日记这一形式。第一行写×月×日星期×, 天气可以画相应的图像, 晴天就画太阳, 阴天就画一朵云, 如果下雨就在云下面画上雨丝, 再接着写“我想说的话”。刚开始要求不要太高, 想写什么都行, 一两句也行, 但一定是真实的。下面是“我的画”, 让学生想办法把日记本打扮得美一点, 画上自己喜欢的内容。刚开始有的学生图文不配套, 但画上画, 确实给日记增色不少。这种“画”对日记起到装饰之用, 目的也正在于把对画画的兴趣迁移到日记中来。慢慢地我们可以把学生从装饰“画”, 转移至内容“画”中去。有的小朋友会动脑筋把图文的内容结合得很恰当。书面表达一般有两种, 一是画画表达, 二是文字表达, 也就是我们常讲的“画”与“写”。如果让一二年级的学生纯粹练“写”, 因为词汇少, 积累还不多, 显得比较困难。但对“画”, 学生具有天然的兴趣, 因此, 有了“画”的介入, 学生的写也会兴趣盎然。

第二种日记形式则为情境日记, 即有意识地创设游戏、图画、童话等情境, 让学生体验情境, 然后写上几句话。它是一种寓教于乐、直观形象的写话训练形式, 不但能解决孩子写日记无话可说的烦恼, 还能充分调动孩子写话的积极性和趣味性。

平日里, 教师有意地创设游戏情境、实物情境、角色情境和童话情境, 使学生在充满玩乐、充满美、充满爱的情境下, 写下一段话。情境日记的目的在于提高学生对日记的兴趣, 主要是在于指导学生“写什么”, 如何创设一段趣味浓浓的情境或择取生活中的片断作为日记的内容。我们经常看到这样的日记:“今天我到外婆家玩, 我很高兴。”多么空泛!因此, 通过情境日记, 让学生感觉日记所要记、可记的内容能随手拈来, 时时处处皆文章。


口语交际课是语文课, 所以它承载着一个重要的任务是学习语言。口语交际课主要是用来提高口头语言水平, 培养良好的语言习惯, 同时也涵盖了写的内容, 也是学生进行书面表达的一次历练。

例如, 二年级上册有一堂口语交际课, 设定的内容为:秋天多美啊, 我们建议组织一次秋游吧!咱们商量一下到哪儿去, 干什么?做哪些准备, 再向教师提出建议。由于条件不允许, 学校没同意安排秋游。于是, 我把这次内容设计为:“要不要秋游”作为话题的口语交际课。在引出话题以后, 就安排了“七嘴八舌”“校长访谈”“家庭对话”“递交申请”四个环节。在“七嘴八舌”环节, 让学生就到底“要不要秋游”各抒己见, 想到什么说什么。“校长访谈”环节要求和“校长”进行直接对话, 关于要不要秋游的话题。“家庭对话”环节, 家长”要阻止孩子秋游, 孩子要说服家长, 最后“递交申请”环节, 要求向校长递交一份向往秋游的申请。强烈要求秋游的孩子, 洋洋洒洒写下了很长的一段理由。因此, 在这个过程中, 不仅是交际能力得到了锻炼, 而且口头语言, 书面表达也都得到了训练。

口语交际的许多话题都是写话的好材料, 学生都是在洋溢着快乐的情景中写话, 语言也特别的丰满。低段的写话训练是由说到写, 说写结合的路子。我认为写话训练的重点不在写而在说, 说的有条理, 富于想象, 表达了真情童趣, 基本上就成功了一半。而口语交际课为写话提供了很好的空间, 所以, 每一次的口语交际课过后, 我们都会有一次写话的练习。


在小学语文教学中, 阅读无疑是培养学生练习写话的一块肥沃土壤。它不仅使学生享受美, 更是培养学生语言表达能力和想象能力的主要渠道。要充分利用教材资源的“导航”作用, 把教材作为写话题材的来源, 灵活运用, 充分发挥, 内外结合, 消除低年级学生畏惧写话的心理, 激发学生的写话兴趣, 培养语感, 发展语言能力。


背诵是语言积累的重要训练途径。小学低年级的四册课本中安排了大量的课文背诵。这些课文短小精悍、言简意赅, 又行文优美, 生动形象, 琅琅上口, 题材涉及到多个领域。教师应充分利用教材指导熟读成诵, 让学生直接感受语言, 积累语言材料。了解多种的语言表达方式, 就能学会运用语言文字准确地表达自己的思想, 抒发自己的感情, 从而发展自己的语言。在课堂教学中, 要重视背诵的指导, 要给予学生充分的背诵时间, 加强背诵检查的力度。对规定背诵的课文和片段, 都要不折不扣地反复训练, 一抓到底, 毫不含糊。除了课文中要求背诵的以外, 部分能激发学生真实情感的句段也要熟读成诵, 使学生有更多的机会积累语言。

小学阶段是人的一生中记忆力最好的黄金时代, 趁着小学生的记忆好, 多背诵一些好文章, 有利于培养记忆能力, 更有利于积累语言, 尤其是对于学生“不会表达”的缺憾是一种很好的补偿。


朗读是语文教学的基本方法, 是阅读教学的重要环节, 也是语言积累的一个重要途径。教材中的文章大多文质优美, 读起来朗朗上口。在初读、精读过程中, 老师可用有声有情的范读来引发学生读书的欲望, 还可采用同桌读, 小组读, 分角色读, 找小伙伴读等多种形式来增加学生接触语言的机会, 使学生感到新鲜, 读有收获, 从而愿意主动去读。当学生反复地愉快地诵读时, 文本中的语言材料往往已经得到了积累和内化。

如《识字1》 (第三册) 是三组关于秋天的四字词语:金秋时节、景色宜人、层林尽染、叠翠流金、天高云淡、大雁南飞、秋高气爽、山河壮美、五谷丰登、瓜果飘香、春华秋实、秋收冬藏。

这些词语既描绘了秋天的美丽景色, 又描写了秋天的气候特点和丰收景象, 三组词语排列有序, 合辙押韵, 读来上口。

在教学时, 教师可以先进行范读, 让学生边听边想画面。接着屏幕展示与词语相对应的秋景图片, 让学生边读边联系大自然实际, 整体感悟词语的意思。最后, 指导学生读出词语的感情色彩, 让学生能够熟读成诵。在师生的一呼一应中, 在清脆稚嫩的童声中, 学生读得有情, 读得有味, 更在图文结合中积累了语言。

除了朗读课文, 我们还可以就类似的文章进行拓展阅读, 人教版的配套读物《小学语文同步阅读》紧跟教材, 里面的文章大多和教材同一主题。每学一篇课文, 就配套设有两到三篇文章。如《秋天的图画》是一幅美丽的秋景图, 描绘了秋天的果园和田野, 但文中对秋景的描写不是很多, 于是我们利用《小学语文同步阅读》以及其他相关书籍, 让学生通过课外阅读, 多方面多角度去了解秋天, 积累更多描绘秋景的语句。

另外, 也可在教材的空白处超越文本, 拓展阅读, 如学习了关于春的古诗《春晓》和《村居》后, 我除了让学生背诵有关描写春天的古诗《咏柳》和《春夜喜雨》, 还让他们去搜集朗诵描写夏、秋、冬的古诗各一首。在实践中, 学生读得多了, 词语积累得也多了。日积月累, 在说话、写话时就可呼之即出, 信手拈来。


语言能力的形成大都经过由吸收到模仿再到独创的过程。摹仿是儿童的天性, 在人教版教材中, 有许多诗歌内容浅显, 语言生动活泼, 琅琅上口。教师如果能充分发挥教材的示范作用, 指导学生进行仿写练习, 就会发现每个学生其实都可以成为诗人。如学习了儿歌《四季》 (一册) 我请学生学学书上的样子写写, 于是就有了:百花盛开, 它对青草说:“我是春天”;青蛙呱呱, 它对池塘说:“我是夏天”;落叶飘飘, 它对大地说:“我是秋天”;北风呼啸, 它吹着哨子说:“我就是冬天”。

又如, 学习了《春雨的色彩》 (二册) , 我请学生仿照课文, 写写《秋雨的色彩》, 学生写道:秋雨是黄色的, 你瞧, 秋雨洒在树叶上, 树叶枯黄了;秋雨落在桂花树上, 金灿灿的桂花盛开了;秋雨飘在菊花丛中, 金黄的菊花开得更艳了。


我们经过对“小学低年级写话教学研究与实践”课题的不断深入研究, 要真正实现低年级学生自主写话, 培养小学生的观察能力显得至关重要。引导学生学会观察的方法可体现在以下几方面:

1.玩中观察。有位老师在上低年级写话教学中, 选用了“吹泡泡”。先让学生玩一玩, 并在玩中观察, 然后让学生说一说, 再想一想、写一写。有一位学生写道:“五颜六色的泡泡一个跟着一个活蹦乱跳地跑了出来, 在阳光下飘呀, 飘呀, 有时像串串葡萄, 有时像颗颗珍珠……它们飞上天空, 好像要去找白云姐姐玩呢!”还有位学生写道:美丽的泡泡飞呀飞, 从屋内飞到屋外, 看到了绿绿的大树, 黑黑的泥土, 还看到了小朋友在操场上踢球……”看到孩子那一篇篇充满童真童趣的写话, 使我们得出启示:学会观察是引导学生写话的源泉。

2.生活中观察。一位二年级老师在上课时, 课堂上一只蝴蝶飞进教室, 老师没有阻止孩子们对蝴蝶这位不速之客的好奇和注意, 而是利用这只蝴蝶, 引导学生把观察到的写下来, 学生写出了《课堂上的小捣蛋》《一只美丽的蝴蝶》等精彩的写话。培养学生做生活的有心人, 把生活中看到的、听到的、想到的随时记下来, 内容不限, 可长可短, 非常灵活。不仅大大增加了学生写话练笔的机会, 还促使他们留心周围的事物, 更加关注生活、热爱生活。

3.方法引路。大千世界, 有写不尽的人、事、物、景。然而, 学生写话则往往空洞无物, 这不是因为他们没有观察, 而是他们在观察时, 没有得到正确的指导, 缺少发现。因此, 教师在教学中要教给学生正确的观察方法。其观察方法主要有:

(1) 观察要抓特点。教师要注重引导学生对事物进行观察比较, 发现事物的异同之处, 捕捉它们的特点。这样, 才会使写出来的语言鲜活、生动。

(2) 观察要有顺序。小学生写话条理不清、言之无序是主要毛病之一。究其原因, 主要是由于学生不能按一定的顺序观察周围的事物而造成的。如果观察有顺序, 就能为今后习作做到有条理打下良好的基础。


以上的种种写话教学策略, 无非是解决两个问题:一是如何让学生“想写”“乐写”, 提高写话兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”, 写话兴趣必能促进写话水平的发展。二是如何让学生明确“写什么”, 使学生“有的写”, 对写话的本质有更多的感悟。“巧妇难为无米之炊”。从一句话始, 运用图画, 童话, 童诗, 结合阅读教学, 口语交际, 日记尝试。一定能培植学生“想写”的意识, 激发“乐写”的兴趣, 培养“善写”的能力, 促进低段学生写话水平的提升, 唱好小学作文“打桩歌”!


[1]何艳.让低年级写话教学“活”起来[J].小学教学研究, 2010, (11) .

[2]徐瑛.低年级写话教学三大要素[J].教育科研论坛, 2010, (01) .

[3]吴永兵.小学低年级写话的几种有效途径[J].小学教学参考, 2009, (24) .
















































英文歌歌词 1.Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!

Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!Wash your head.Wash your shoulders.Body body bop bop bop!Wash your tummy.Wash your bottom.Body body body body bop!Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!Touch your eyes.Touch your nose.Body body bop bop bop!Touch your mouth.Touch your ears.Body body body body bop!Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!

Body body bop bop!Body bop bop!

2.Five Senses Song 歌词:

I have two eyes so I can see and a nose to smell.I have ten fingers that can touch, they do it very well.I have two ears so I can hear the birds up in the trees.I have a tongue inside my mouth to taste the food I eat.3.Happy birthday, shark!Happy birthday, shark!Happy birthday to you, baby shark.It’s for you.It’s for you.Have fun today.“Thank you!I’m so happy!” Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.“Stop!Wait!”

Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo.Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.Happy birthday, shark!Happy birthday, shark!This is for you, baby shark.“Ouch!” Happy birthday, baby shark!3 一起唱吧:Morning, morning.Good morning!Morning, morning.Happy morning!Morning, morning.Shiny morning!Good morning!Good morning!

本周Goodmorning Song歌词:

Morning, morning.Good morning!Morning, morning.Happy morning!Morning, morning.Shiny morning!Good morning!Good morning!

When the sunny sun comes up.Morning, morning.It’s morning!With a pretty smiley face.Morning, morning.It’s morning!

The birds chirp, chirp.“Hello, wake up!” The bees buzz, buzz.“Hello, get up!” Everybody everyone says, “Hello!” Morning, morning.It’s morning!



1、Firework2、Roar3、Juliet4、Move like jagger5、We are who we are6、Make my day7、With you8、Civilization9、There you’ll be10、DJ goe us fallin’ln love11、Hey stephen12、I got you13、Almost home14、When I was you man15、One step close


Writing is one of the four basic skills in language learning Writing combines the ability of recognition,thinking and the using of words.It is a process of complicated skilled.Written work is usually produced after careful consideration so it is a relatively complete reflection of the learners'language ability.Errors tha appeared in writing are of great importance and value to both the language learners and teachers.

Among all the errors in writing,lexical errors are the mos frequent and important ones."People could describe few things without grammar,but they could express nothing without vocabulary"(Wilkins 111).Lexis is the centre role of language study while lexical errors are the most frequent category of error(James143).Lexical errors have been a great barrier to English writing In order to promote students'writing ability,this paper will firs discuss the significance of errors,and then classify the lexica errors in writings.Finally it will put forward some approach to the correction of lexical errors in English writing.

2 Significance of Lexical Errors

Traditionally,errors were regarded negatively and have to be eradicated.The more recent acceptance of such errors in learners'language is based on a fundamental shift in perspective from the more traditional view of how second languages acquired(Yule194).An error then,is not something that hinders student's progress,but is probably a clue to the active learning process being made by a student as he or she tries out ways of communicating in the new language.

Errors are not only inevitable but also necessary.Brown argues that"the study of the speech of learners is largely the study of the errors of learners",because"correct items yield little information about the Interlanguage of the learner."(169-171)There are some keys to the understanding of the process of learning language,which can be found in the errors made by learners.Errors are of great significance because they provide valuable information not only for teachers and students but also for textbook compilers,syllabus designers and researchers in the area of second language acquisition.

Errors could provide feedback by telling the teacher the effectiveness of his teaching materials and teaching techniques Errors also show the teacher what parts of the syllabus have been inadequately learned and taught and what parts need further attention.Thus the teacher gets the information which may enable him to decide whether he can move on or devote more time to the item he has been working on.Secondly,by analysis and corrections of their errors,students may know better in what aspect they should pay more attention to and to what extent he is weak Thus they may improve their learning more effectively.They can also test their hypothesis about the nature and rules of he language he is learning.As for the researchers,Corder claims that learner errors show them how the target language is learned or acquired and what kind of strategies or procedures employed in the discovery of the language(Error 10-11).Based on a systematic error study,syllabus,teaching materials and teaching techniques can be refined.

3 Approach to the Correction of Lexical Errors in

3.1 Self-correction

Students have some ability to correct their own errors.Tha is,they can activate their linguistic competence to do so,even without detailed cues.So,students should be encouraged to correct and revise their own work.Revision is an extremely important part of the writing process and students would benefit from strategies and advice to assist them in evaluating and revising their own and peers'work,whether for form or content.Consequently,students would participate in the writing process more actively,and cultivate the ability to take into consideration the expectations of the reader to develop a sense of audience.

Teachers can offer the students two kinds of check list,routine list and special list,which is the precondition for students self-correction.

Teachers may design a routine list for the errors that appeared frequently in English writing.By using this kind of list students can easily identify the errors and then try to reduce these errors in their writings.Such kind of routine list can be applied to correct all genres of writings as it contains high frequency errors in all types of composition.The second kind of check list is called special list that is designed for errors in specific compositions and it is used to aided the self-correction togethe with routine list.

3.2 Peer-correction

Small groups of students play an effective part in correcting written errors.It is considered that this method help teachers save time and free them for helpful instruction.

Students may be asked to correct compositions of his classmates.Small group worked as a team and went through the written assignments.The members of the small group marked,discussed,and correct the written errors.The teacher occasionally emerged to visit the small groups,looked at the corrected work listened to the debates,and offered help if there was a deadlock or made clarification if it was needed.Now,the roles of teachers and students have been exchanged.From this exchange,the students will get a fresh experience and some useful information to correct their own errors.Furthermore,when interacting with peers during small group activities,students may feel less anxious and more confident than they are during whole-class discussions.The interaction hypothesis of second language acquisition states tha interaction may facilitate second language learning by providing learners with negative feedback,drawing their attention to language form in the context of meaning,and pushing them to produce more complex or accurate target language forms.

Peer review can also be used.It is a powerful learning tool providing students with an authentic audience,thus increasing students'motivation for writing.In addition,it enables students to receive different views on their own writing.This will help them learn to read critically their own writing.Therefore,teachers correction should be supplemented with students'self-correction and peer review.

3.3 Teacher-correction

Teacher correction is an essential step in learning process.I they are not able to recognize the errors,the students do need some assistance from someone who is more proficient than they are.The teacher offers marginal notes to these corrections tha explain why certain errors are incorrect.For example,error tha is in inappropriate style.This will help students develop an idea of the criteria to judge their work and avoid similar errors in the future by offering them useful information.

As"language teaching is a very practical business",and teachers should"always be aware of the learners'needs"(胡壮麟386).Thus teacher correction should be carried out differently and error correction should be done according to the students'English level.There are three different strategies as there are three stages,which are presystematic stage,systematic stage and postsystematic stage.(Corder,270-272)At the presystematic stage,the learner's use of the target language is through random guessing because he is unaware of a particular rule in the target language.He fails to correct the errors and explain them.At the systematic stage,the learner is inconsistent in using some rules of the system of the target language even he has discovered them At this stage,he can explain why he made these errors,but he cannot usually correct them.When it comes to the postsystematic stage,the learner's using of the garget language is quite consistent.He can not only correct the errors but also explain why they are incorrect when he makes them.There will be errors at this stage,but the occurrence of them is infrequent.It happens to be the same with the three levels in learning English for Chinese students.

It is time-consuming and difficult to apply the above mentioned procedures.However,self-correction and peer-correction could be carried out after class if they are properly planned.The above mentioned methods are commonly and efficiently used by experienced teachers and play an important part in correcting lexical errors in English writings.

Teachers'correction and students'self-correction are both important.Apart from employing the common principles of error treatment,teachers should put primary focus on content and organization.That is,teachers'feedback(correction)should be given on content before focusing on language use so as to help students appreciate the communicative function of writing.Teachers should avoid premature editing and making revisions to the text at a surface instead of a global level.

4 Conclusion

The classification of lexical errors and lexical error correction mentioned above is,of course,either the only or the best way.It should be carried out differently and vary accordingly in the process of teaching and learning English.The purpose of this paper is to reduce lexical errors in English writings of senior middle school students.


[1]Brown H,Douglas.Principles of Language Learning and Teach-ing[M].2nd ed.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall Regents,1987.

[2]Corder S,Pit.Error Analysis and Interlanguage[M].Oxford:Ox-ford University Press,1981.

[3]James,Carl.Errors in Language Learning and Use:Exploring Error Analysis[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.

[4]Wilkins,George W.Linguistics in Language Testing[M].London:Edward Arnold,1978.

[5]Yule,George.The Study of Language[M].2nd ed.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.

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