二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计


二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计(通用6篇)

篇1:二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计

Unit 2 Goodmorning.Period 2



能运用“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”向他人问好,及对此作出回应;



重点:运用 “Good afternoon!”向他人致意。

难点:灵活的运用“Hello!”“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”向他人问候致意。


Step 1 Warming up


唱英语歌曲《Good morning!》

Step 2 Presentation and drill.Free talk.听课文B、C部分录音,跟读。然后让学生们戴上人物面具,分角色表演。

Step 3 Practice

Game----Listen and act.Step 4 Consolidation

听课文D部分录音,看课文,理解意思。理解“Answer me!”and”Hey!Wait for me.”的含义,然后有感情的朗读课文。






篇2:二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计

New words:

1. reliable adj. able to be trusted; dependable可信赖的,可靠的


He looks a nice, reliable man.

Is this information reliable?

reliance n. 依靠,信赖

have/ place / put reliance on sb.

A child has reliance on his mother.

You can put no reliance on Tom.

Do you place much reliance on your doctor?

2. fire vt. 解雇, 开除dismiss from a job(反)take on , hire, employ

Get out! You are fired / dismissed!

vi. shoot off bullets发射(子弹),射击

fire at sb./ sth.

fire a gun at sb.

He is firing at us.

He ran into the bank and fired his gun into the air.

Don’t move or I’ll fire.

3. face n. 1)脸,面孔 [c] 2) 表面,面貌

*face to face

She stood face to face with him.

a face-to-face interview

hide one’s face (由于难为情或羞愧)低下头或把脸躲开

*in one’s face当面,迎面

“It’s your own fault!” he shouted in her face.

*in the face of

What could he do in the face of all the difficulties?

*look in the face正面看某人(而不羞愧),正视

If he knows ---how can I look him in the face?

I want you to look the facts in the face.

*lose (one’s) face

*make a face / faces

*pull / wear a long face

vt.1) 面向,朝着

The kitchen faces north.

2) 面临(形式,问题)

Such was the situation we were facing.

*be faced with面临,面对

We are all faced with the same problem of rising costs.

4. reason n. 意思是理由,原因,缘故着重指产生某种行为或想法的理由:

the reason for /why

Give your reason for the plan.把你计划的理由讲一下.

The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus.

The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.


There is no cause/reason for alarm.

You have no cause for complaint.

cause n.1).起因,原因,缘故,理由,根源[c]

着重是指产生某种结果的原因:the cause of

The cause of the fire was dry. 起火的原因是干燥。

The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving two fast.事故的原因是他开车太快了.

reason vt.i. 说服,推理,劝说

She can reason very clearly.

I reason that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me. 我推断既然她不给我回信,她一定是生我的气了.

reason with sb. (try to persuade by fair argument)以理说服;劝说

You should reason with the child instead of just telling him to obey.

5. injure vt.

1)injure vt.事故中受伤或器官,the injured


2)hurt vt.身体的内伤和精神上的伤

vi. 痛

3)harm vt.人们已认识到的客观害处,


4)wound vt.肉体上的外伤 (多指刀枪伤) the wounded

a) When I fell , I _____ my leg.

b) His words _____ her.

c) He was badly _____ in the accident.

d) Doctor says getting up early won’t

_____ you.

e) He got ________ in the war.

6. inform vt. to tell or give the information to (正式)告知,通知,报告

inform sb. that


疑问词+ to do

n. / pron.

She informed him that she was to send for it the next day.

He informed them of his arrival.

He will informed us where to go.

If you saw the accident please inform the police.

a well-informed man消息灵通的人

*say, tell, inform, speak, talk用法

*say vt.只能用话语(不能用人)作宾语:

He said, “I’m tired.”

He said a few words then sat down.

*tell vt. 接宾语或双宾语

He told us that he was tired.

*inform vt. 宾语是人

He informed us that he was tired.



speak, talk 不及物,有时可及物但绝不是人作宾语.

Do you speak French?

informed adj.有知识的,见闻广的,了解情况的

7.relate vt.

1) to tell a story讲述(故事)

relate to sb. sth.

relate +clause

He related (to us) the story of his escape.

The witness related what he had seen.

2) show a relation between把…联系起来,看出或显示出…与…的关系

I can’t relate those two ideas. 我看不出那两个想法之间的关系。

*relate to 1)和… 有关,涉及

This letter relates to the sale of the house.

I don’t know to what this relates

2)和…相处很好, 和...合得来 (通常用否定)

She doesn’t relate very well to her mother.

*be related to


All things were related to all other things.


Are you related to Mr Smith?

8. talent

genius – 是一个很重的词,只用于少见的才华或有天才的人:

Einstein had genius./was a genius.

She has a genius for mathematics.

talent-- 也表示特殊才能(她不指人本身not the person who has it),但不如genius重

a young actor with a lot of talent

She has a talent for music.

He is a talented football player.

skill -- talent和genius都是某人天生的能力,而skill指一种可以学到的本领,技能,只可以做好某事的能力

a skilled worker

gift-- a natural ability to do sth.天赋,天才

He has a gift for music.

a gifted painter

9. switch vt.i. change or exchange改变,交换

They switched the positions.

He got tired of teaching and switched to painting.

*switch off = turn off

电器用品的开关用turn on, turn off或switch on / off


水龙头或煤气的开关用turn on或turn off

10. interview n.会晤,接见

have an interview with sb.

Father had an interview with the teacher about John’s work.

receive an interview受到采访

give an interview to sb. 接受某人的采访

He refused to give an interview to the journalist.

a face-to-face interview

interviewee n.

interviewer n.

11.present /pri’zent/ vt.


He presented a silver cup to the winner/ presented the

winner with a silver cup.

2)bring to one’s attention, offer for consideration呈递,提交

The committee is presenting its report next week.

3)introduce (正式) 介绍

May I introduce Mr. Johnson ( to you)?

introduce sb. to

make oneself known

present adj.

1) in the place talked of出席的,到场的opp. absent

How many people were present at the meeting?

People present will get a gift each.

be absent from

Four students are absent from class.

2)现存的, 现在的

What’s your present address?

present n. 现在,当前,目前

We learn from the past, experience the present, and hope for success in the future.

at present= at this time = now现在

for the present暂时

12.truthfully yours

13. effort ---努力,尽力the use of strength

with (without)effort 费(不费)力

He lifted the heavy box without effort.

make an/ every effort to do努力做某事

spare no effort不遗余力

The prisoner made an effort to escape but he failed.

power-1)动力doing work, driving a machine, producing electricity

Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.

2)力量 Knowledge is power.




14.ignore 不顾,不理,忽视refuse to notice, take no notice of

比较:ignore : He ignored the s peed limit (=he knew about it, but paid no attention to it) and drove very fast.它无视时速限制,车开得很快。

ignorant :无知的,不知道的

He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that (= he didn’t know that) there was a speed limit. 他车开得很快,因为他不知道有时速限制。

15.attention n. 注意 (力)[u]

pay (close) attention to注意,重视

draw / catch / call /attract attention to

devote one’s attention to专注于

turn one’s attention to注意力转向

give attention to

concentrate / hold one’s attention upon将注意力集中在

fix one’s attention on留意,专心于02

Now they stopped to pay attention to him.

He is very quiet and doesn’t draw much attention to himself.

All his attention was concentrated upon the great blue circle.

16.tolerate vt.忍受,容忍is used of people or behavior , but usually not of suffering (用于忍受人或行为,通常并不指忍受痛苦)

tolerate doing

I find it hard to tolerate your behavior.


He bore/ stood the pain as long as he could. 他尽力忍受

痛苦. 还可同can连用,表非常讨厌的事情

I can’t bear/ stand strong coffee.

17. 1)affair事,事情[c]多指已发生的大小事情或必须去做的任何事情;

Leave me alone: mind your own affair.

It’s no affair of mine.


international affairs

affairs of state / family affair

current affairs时事

2)event 事件,事[c]

The important event of the year was the big earthquake.


July 7th Incident


by accident偶然

business n.商业,生意上的事

18. concern vt.

1)关于,关系到,与…有关to be about(无被动)

The story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned.这个故事是关于一个被冤枉入狱的人.

Does this concern me?

2)过去分词作表语be concerned with … 和…有关,牵涉

I’m not concerned with that matter any longer.

His work is concerned with the preparation of the documents for

3)过去分词作后置定语: 有关的

The man concerned was her husband.

We shall have to consult the other countries concerned.


concern oneself with / about

be concerned about /with /for / over

Please don’t be concerned about me.

We are concerned about/for her safety.

5) so(as) far as … is concerned就…来说, 就…而论

So far as I’m concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory.

It is impossible as far as we are concerned.

n. 担心,焦虑 [u]

There is no reason for concern.

Mother’s concern over her sick child kept her awake all night.

19. telegram n. 电报

He sent me a telegram yesterday.

比较: telegraph n. [u]

The news was sent by telegraph.


We telegraphed her the news.

20. locate -v.

1)to learn the position of确定…的地点,找到…的位置

We located the library, schools, and stores as soon as

we moved into the town. 我们一搬到这个城镇里,就


2)使…坐落于, 把…设置在fix/ set in a certain place.

be located位于

Where is it located?

The firehouse is located on Main Street.

The house is located next to the river.这房子坐落在河边.

21.look up to =respect=admire

(opp.) look down upon

look into

look on

look forward to

look on …as

look out

look through

22.bore vt.使厌烦make sb. uninterested

The lesson was boring.

The students were bored (by it).

23.fall in love with

be in love with

24.attitude n.

(1) a way of feeling态度,表现

attitude to( towards)

What ‘s you attitude towards this idea?

(2) a position of the body (正式)姿态,姿势

25.disappoint –vt.

1)使失望, 使计划受挫unhappy at not seeing hopes come true

I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t come after all.


2)disappointed adj. 失望的

*be disappointed about/ at/ in / with sb. /sth.

be disappointed to do

Are you disappointed about/ at losing the race?

My parents will be disappointed in/ with me if I fail

the examination.

She was very disappointed to hear it.

3) disappointing adj.令人失望

Her acting was disappointing.; I hoped she would do better.

What disappointing news !

He was disappointing , so his parents were very disappointed with him.

to one’s disappointment

The film made all of us ___. It is really ___.

A. disappointing; disappointed

B. disappointed; disappointing

C. disappointed: to be disappointed

D. fell disappointing; disappointing


1. generous 1) 慷慨,大方 (opp) mean

It is generous of sb. to do

It is generous of you to lend me your car yesterday.

be generous to sb.

The poor are usually generous to each other.

be generous with sth.

She is not very generous with the food.


He gave me a generous meal.

2.rob sb. / sp. of sth

不能说:rob sth.

Mrs Smith was robbed of her 4 3,000 designer watch at her west London home.

steal sth from sb./sp.

不能说:steal sb.

She was caught stealing food from the shop.他在商店偷食品时被发现了.

pick one’s pocket掏腰包

3.Food prices are going up.

go up go down vi.

上涨 rise 下降 bring down (the prices) vt.

get higher reduce vt.

The prices have been brought down.

The price is too high/ low.

The shirt is too expensive / cheap.

4. burn down (a building) be destroyed by fire烧毁 (强调破


The building was burned down and only ashes were left.

burn out make hollow by fire烧光,烧掉

The building was burned out and only the walls remained.

burn up destroy completely by fire烧完,烧尽 (强调结果)

All the wood has been burned up.所有的木头都已烧完.

5. experienced pp. used as an adverbial分词作定语

1) When shall we send the corrected papers back to them?

2) The unexpected arrival of the letter made us jump with joy. 那封信突然的到来使我们高兴得跳了起来.

3) He made an inspiring speech at the meeting.

4) The inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.受到鼓舞的听众站立起来,对他报以长时间的热烈掌声.

6.relate to sb. / sth. 能理解或同情某人(某事物)

Students find it difficult to relate to the life of a scientidt. 学生们发现理解科学家的生活很难.

relate… to有关联的, 相关的

It refers to something in the past which is directly relate

to the present time. 它指的是发生在过去但与现在有直接关系的某件事.

If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple. 如果你把结果与援引联系起来看,你会发现事情并不那么简单.

7. for once=just for once=for this once=this once (至少)这一次(平时不这样)

1) For once, they broke the rule.

2) For once ,you are wrong.

3) For once, Brown, the toughest man, was asking for support.只有这一次Brown这个硬汉,开口求人了.

at once/immediately/

all at once/ suddenly/ all of a sudden

8. 1)rather than 而不是,与其…宁愿 instead of

The color seems green rather than blue.

He is a write rather than a poet.

He ran rather than walked.

Rather cause trouble, he left.

2)rather than连接两个并列主语时与前者一致

He rather rather you is to blame.

3) A rather than B = more A than B与其说B,不如说A.

He is an artist rather than a philosopher.

=He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家.

4)would (had) rather … than宁愿…不愿

He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would

beg in the streets.

9.keep + adj. (present p./past p.) 使保持,继续(处于某种状态)

Will you take these home and keep them safe?请你把这些带回来,安全保管好吗?

Keep the fire burning.

Would you keep me informed of how things are going? 你随时通知我事情的进展好吗?

10. make sure that 确保,设法做到

Please make sure that the house is locked when you leave.

Before she called on her friends, she rang to make sure that they were home.

make sure of / about

Make sure of all the facts before you write the report.


There is just one or two details that I would like to make

sure about. 只有一两个细节我想弄明白.

11. bring back 1)带回, 送回

He always brings me back something nice when he goes overseas.

4) 使回忆起来,使恢复

Her heart stopped three times, but they brought her back.

Talking about it brings it all back.一谈起这件事就全想起来了.

12. adapt to改变,使能适应change so as to be suitable for new needs

It is not easy to adapt oneself to new conditions. 要使自己适应新环境是不容易的。

When you go abroad, you are often obliged to adapt yourself to foreign habits and customs. 一个人出国后往往被迫适应外国的风俗习惯。

13….it was the first time that I had written with real passion…


1) That /It is the first /second …time that + have done

was had done

This is the first time I’ve come here.

It was the third time(that) he had made the same mistake.

2) It is / has been + 一段时间 + since did

was had done

It is ( has been) two weeks since I came here.


It is five years since I smoked.


I have smoked for five years.吸烟五年

She said it was five years since she had finished her work.完成工作五年了

It is ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.十年没这么快乐了

3) was/ were about to do when + did

was/ were doing

was/were going to do

was / were on the flight

We were about to leave when the telephone rang.

4) Hardly had…done when did

No sooner than

Scarcely when/ before

Hardly had I got home when it rained.

5) It won’t be/take + 一段时间+before do用不了多久就

It will be/take + 一段时间 +before… 用了多久就...

It won’t be long before he comes back.

It will be two hours before he comes back.

It wasn’t + 一段时间 + before did 没过多久就...

It was + 一段时间 + before did 过了多久就...

It wasn’t ten years before they met again.

6)It is time that should do/ did

It is time that they went to school.

13.be/ get / become addicted to sth.… 对…有(上)瘾unable to stop having, taking

Soon he became addicted to cigarettes.

The children are addicted to television.

addiction 嗜好

14. on all sides = on every side 在各方面,四面八方

On all sides there was great enthusiasm over his speech. 他的演讲及其各界人们极大的热情.

They were trapped with enemies on every side.他们陷入困境四面楚歌.

15. respect 1) vt.

He respect every opinion his friend held.

2) n. 尊敬 [u, 可加a ] 重视

have (no, much) respect for sb. /sth.

I have much respect for him.

He has no respect for his promises.

3)n. (pl) 敬意,问候 =regards

Give my respects/ regards to your wife.

16. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.示威者们在场外与工人们交谈,积极呼吁保护地球,表现出了勇气和力量。

brave and strong表句子主语在talk和leave a message时的情形, 即:when the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth, they were brave and strong..

eg. The old man went to bed hungry last night. (The old man was hungry when he went bed last night. 这种结构与副词作状语结构不同.前者主要说明主语,后者主要说明谓语.

The old man went to bed slowly. (The action of “ going to bed” is slow)

He went home, tired and hungry.

篇3:二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计

1. Mastery words: find, their, woman, point

2. a dialogue about what they see through the train window

3. There is/are…

Teaching goals: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1. There is/are….

2. Difference of some words: see, look, watch, find

Difficult points: the usage of some words

Teaching aids: tape recorder, slide projector, word cards

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) greetings in English

2) duty report (say anything he/she likes to say)

3) check the homework of last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT” with the students:

Look out of the window of your classroom. What can you see?

What can you see out of your bedroom window?

In this part they will have many things to say. Their answers may be different. Gather their answers.

Step 2 Play the audiotape with the following questions:

What do Danny and Jenny see outside?

Can they see a village?

Is there a school outside the train?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text with the students. Make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. The teacher can write the important points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and then let them act out the text in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue that uses loud and quiet. Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching Techniques.” To make up a dialogue, the students need to think and be creative! Encourage them to use the dialogue in the student book as an example, not as something to memorize.

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with two partners. Write and practice a dialogue. What else do you think Jenny, Danny and Li Ming see? Present your dialogue to your classmates.

Step 7 A test


1)quiet (反义词)__________ 2) read (现在分词) _______

3) bottle (复数) _____________ 4) drawing (原形) __________

5) sing (现在分词) ___________ 6) tree (复数) _________

7) photo (近义词) ___________ 8) woman (复数)________

9) baby (复数) _____________ 10) be (第三人称单数) ________

Step 8 Activity book

If time permits, do exercise 1

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text in lesson 10

2) finish the exercises in activity book

篇4:二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计

⒈能听懂会说Good morning.Good afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.会介绍他人:This is „并能在实际情境中运用,要求模仿自然,语调自然。

⒉能听说认读: blue, green, yellow, red, purple.white, black, brown, pink, orange等颜色的单词。

3.能听懂指示语:Show we„ Stand up , Sit down, Turn around, Touch the ground.4.复习字母Aa到Dd的发音及书写占格,认读这四个字母开头的单词:ant apple book bag cat crayon dog duck.5.能完成课后练习,会唱歌曲:Colour song 单元教学重点:

⒈Good morning.Good afternoon.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.会介绍他人:This is „等问候语的学习。

⒉表示颜色单词white, black, brown, pink, orange blue,green, yellow, red, purple的学习。单元教学难点:

⒈ Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.的得体运用.会介绍他人:This is „。⒉ “green”一词的字母组合“gr”的发音较难把握,教师要多带读。

3.white 一词中元音字母 i发的音不易到位,black, brown 的发音也较难,且学生不易区分。

4、Let’s do部分的指令语,听懂、会做即可。课时安排:

A 3课时

B 3课时


Teaching contents: A let’s talk

(各教师根据情况自己填写)Teaching aims: 能听懂、会说Good morning.Good afternoon.等问候语。能介绍同学:This is „

通过创设实际情景,让学生能在相应的情景中准确运用以上句型。3 培养学生正确、自然的模仿语音、语调的能力。Main and difficult points: Good morning.Good afternoon.等问候语的学习。Good morning.Good afternoon.的得体运用。

Teaching tools:

1、本课时教学配套的录音带,以及歌曲 “Hello” “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” 的录音带。

2、Mr.Black, Miss White, Miss Green 的头饰。Teaching procedure :

一、热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.教师播放第一单元的歌曲 Hello,师生共唱。教师边唱边用体态语示范和学生问候,并鼓励学生边唱边和戴有歌曲中人物头饰的同学打招呼。

2.用所学打招呼用语,师生互相问候。Hello/Hi, what’s your name? Hello/Hi, I’m„


二、呈现新课(Presentation)1.打招呼,除Hello/Hi 以外,在早上或上午可用 Good morning.来进行。同时教师出示表示上午的图片,或在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,并在旁边标上时间7:30和 Good morning.。然后教师用学生的英文名字,以不同的身份和学生打招呼。用Hello/Hi, A.和Good morning, A.两种方法同时进行(A代表人名)。

2.教师一一向学生问好:A,Goodmorning.到了不认识的学生面前时故意停顿,让其与学生说出他的名字。教师故作明白导出句子:Oh, this is„ 让学生给老师介绍班里的同学。3.教师指导学生进一步理解课件内容,并用中、英文提问,引导学生用学过的句子练习回答This is „。

4.教师介绍书中人物:Miss Green Mr Jones还可用头饰或简笔画,并让学生先简单了解称谓词Miss, Mrs , Mr。

5.以班上同学为例介绍:This is Miss Liu„.6.学生跟读并模仿Let’s talk 部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)

篇5:二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计

1. mastery words: station, child, room, taxi

2. a dialogue about what they see at the Beijing Station

3. Present Continuous Tense

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Key points: 1. some expressions: take care of; be scared

2. the Present Continuous Tense

Difficult points: the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: pictures, audiotape, flashcards, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greetings in everyday English

2) duty report: they can talk about whatever they like to say.

3) mainly revision about last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to a very crowded place? Where?

How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in your city?

Help them answer the questions and you can give them some words to guide them to answer.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text and answer the following questions:

How does Danny feel at the train station?

How many people are there at the station?

What are the people doing at the station?

Why is the child crying?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with any question they have and explain the language points at the same time.

Step 3 Listen to the tape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text for a few minutes. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Deal with the “LRT’S DO IT”

Work with a partner. Write a dialogue. One of you is arriving in a city. You need a hotel room. The other person is selling hotel rooms. Practice your dialogue and present it to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) There are so many p_______ on the street.

2) Be quiet! The baby is s_________.

3) We can buy train tickets at the train s________.

4) I’m t__________. I’d like something to drink.

5) Father likes reading n_________ after washing the dishes.

Keys: 1) people 2) sleeping 3) station 4) thirsty 5) newspaper

Step 7 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They arrives in Beijing at last. They see many people at the station. They are doing different things. It’s crowded there. They want to find a hotel. After class you must remember the mastery words of this lesson and you should practice using the Present Continuous Tense.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 15

篇6:二年级上册Unit 2《This is Danny Deer》教案设计

总 课 题 9A Unit2 Colour 总课时 10 第 6 课时

课 题 Grammar C and D 课 型 新授

教学目标 知识目标 1.To learn the indefinite pronouns “someone/somebody, anyone/ anybody” and “no one/nobody”

2. To learn the indefinite pronounces “something,

anything , nothing and none”

能力目标 1.To use the indefinite pronouns “someone/somebody, anyone/

anybody” and “no one/nobody” to talk about people.

2. To use the indefinite pronounces “something,

anything, nothing and none” to talk about things.

情感目标 To learn to care about the things and people around.

教学重点 1.To use the indefinite pronouns “someone/somebody, anyone/

anybody” and “no one/nobody” to talk about people.

2. To use the indefinite pronounces “something,

anything, nothing and none” to talk about things.

教学难点 To learn the differences between these indefinite pronouns.

课前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases

2. Read the contents of the grammar

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

Step1 Daily report

Get the students to give the class a daily report about what

he (she) likes or dislikes. Then answer some questions.

Step2 Warm-up activity

1.Say the following sentences

Somebody / Someone is waiting for you at the gate.

Is there anyone / anybody in the classroom?

Nobody / No one knows the answer.

2.Remind the students that pronouns are used to refer to people. We use them when we do not know who the person is. We can’t use them to refer to objects.

Step3 Presentation (Part C) Give a daily report

Daily report


教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

1.Remind students that the pronouns “someone somebody, anyone anybody, no one nobody” are used to refer to people. We use them when we do not know who the person is. We can not use them to refer to objects.

2. Go through rules 1, 2 and 3 on page 29 with students. Then ask Ss to read the rules aloud, with each student reading one sentence.

3.Check whether students understand the rules by writing the following sentences on the board.

Is there_________ in the bathroom? (anyone/anybody)________ recognized Millie because of her new hairstyle.(No one/ Nobody)

Look, _________ has dropped 100 yuan. (Someone/Somebody)

4.Ask Ss which words should go in the gaps. If Ss got some answers wrong, you may need to go through the rules again in more detail.

5.Review “bad mood, cheer up, secret, normal”

Step4 Presentation

Do with Part D 1.Explain to Ss that “something, anything, nothing and none” refer to things. We use them when we do not know or do not need to say.

2.Read rules 1,2 and 3 on page 31 to the class. Tell them to follow the rules. Ask them if they have some questions.

Step5 Practice

1.Do the exercise.

2.Ask one student to read one paragraph at a time. Repeat the correct answers so Ss can understand clearly.

3.Explain and practice about Language points

Mainly,explain and practice these uses of the indefinite pronouns, such as something, anything ,nothing, everything and somebody etc.

Step6 Assignment

Listen and learn

Practise and learn

Listen and learn

Practise and learn





初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师

总课题 9A Unit2 Colour 总课时 10 第7课时

课题 Integrated skills 课型 新授

教学目标 知识目标 1.To understand the context of an advertisement and a TV demonstration.

2. To understand how a color therapist does.

能力目标 1.To get information from a printed advertisement.

2.To get further information from a TV interview.

3.To consolidation the information gained from reading and listening and determine the facts.

情感目标 To learn through different feelings to different colours.

教学重点 1.To understand the context of an advertisement and a TV demonstration.

2. To understand how a color therapist does.

教学难点 To learn to express different feelings according to colours.

课前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

2. Pre-read “Integrated skills”

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

Step1 Revision

Revise something learned in the last period.

Step2 Practice

1. Ask the Ss what they think a color therapist is. A color therapist helps people improve their health, mood and appearance by using colors.

2. Ask Ss if they believe that colors can affect our mood.

3. Explain to Ss that the paper at the top of page 32 is an advertisement. Ask a student to read the advertisement out loud. Tell the students must use the information in the advertisement to complete Millie’s notes. Remind them that they will not be able to complete the note.

4. Ask ss to look carefully at what they have written in Part A1, and pay attention to the gaps they have not yet been able to fill in.

Have a revision

Listen to their

teacher and try to answer some



教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

5. Ask ss to look at their answers. If they still have some questions, play the tape once more without stopping.

6. check the mistakes and pronunciation.

Step3 Practice

Deal with Part B

1. Review “advice”

2. Ask one student to play the role of Millie and another one to play the role of Andy.

3.Write some vocabulary on the blackboard for students to use. “blouse, coat, trousers, loose, tight, comfortable”. Remind students that each color represents something different . Ask them to refer to the passage to check what different colors represent.

4. Work in pairs.


Step4 Sum up

Sum up some Language points

Step4 Assignment

1. Revise this period and do some exercises

2. Pre-learn the next period

Speak and learn

Practise the


Do some exercises after class



初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师

总 课 题 9A Unit2 Colour 总课时 10 第8课时

课 题 Pronunciation 课 型 新 授

教学目标 知识目标 1.To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless “th” sounds.

2.To distinguish the voiced and the voiceless “th” sounds.

能力目标 To pronounce the two “th” sounds correctly.

情感目标 To know the importance of correct expressing

教学重点 1.To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless “th” sounds. 2.To distinguish the voiced and the voiceless “th” sounds. 3.To pronounce the two “th” sounds correctly.

教学难点 To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless “th” sounds.

课前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

2. Pre-learn “Pronunciation”

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

Step1. Revision

1. Tell a student to give a daily report.

2. Revise something learned in the last period.

Step2. Lead and presentation

1). Show some letters on the board. Ask them to read and tell them that there are two ways to pronounce the “th”.

2) Read through the three steps to pronounce the voice //sound. Ask the whole class to pronounce the voiceless sound together. Remind them to put their hands on their throats to make sure they do not feel any vibration.

3) Play the recording for Part A through once and ask students to listen to the pronunciation of the “th” in each word.

4) Play the recording again, and lead them to read again and again.

Have a revision

Read and learn 让学生注意观察和模仿是准确发音的关键。

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

The best way to learn pronunciation is to read again and again.

Step3 Sum up

辅音字符 th 有 清与浊 两种读音:

1 当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。请看:

第一类:在以下 4种 词类 th 读 清音,即国际音标的/θ/ :

a. Noun 名词:thing, theatre, thumb大拇指, thunder雷,

thermos热水瓶, Thursday, theory, theme, throat喉咙, thread线

b. Verb 动词:think, thank, throw, thrive, thicken,

c.Numeral 数词:three, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand

d.Adjective 形容词:thin, thick, thirsty, thoughtful,


第二类:在以下 两种 词类 th 读 浊音:

a. Pronoun 代词:they, them, their, theirs, this, these,

that, those, there, thy[旧时用法]你的

b. Functional terms 功能词:the, than, then, though, thus,


2 当位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清音,如:bath, breath, both, cloth, tooth, health, wealth, arithmetic 等。只有在少数单词中,如:with, smooth 中读浊音。

3 当位于两个元音之间时,其读音多数是浊音。如:other, mother, brother, another, father, weather, feather, leather, further, breathe.

但是,也有读清音的。如在单词 method, nothing, anything, sympathy, sympathetic, mathematics, healthy, wealthy, Luther, Marathon(马拉松)等。

Step4 Assignment

Listen and read




初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师

总课题 9A Unit2 Colour 总课时 10 第9 课时

课题 Main task 课型 新授

教学目标 知识目标 To master the words: protection, warmth, powerful, handbag, balance

能力目标 1.To organize ideas and build a plan. 2.To write a report about moods and colors and what they represent. 3. To present a report.

情感目标 To learn to express ideas to others.

教学重点 1.To organize ideas and build a plan. 2.To write a report about moods and colors and what they represent. 3. To present a report.

教学难点 2.To write a report about moods and colors and what they


课前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

2. Pre-learn Main task

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

Step1 Revision

Revise something learned in the last period.

Step2 Presentaton

1. Explain the context. Students are working on a project

about the relationship between colors and moods. They will

look at pictures of people and assess their moods based on

the colors they are wearing.

2. Tell students that making a list can be a good way to

organize their thoughts and ideas.

3. Point out to students that for each color mentioned in the list, there is an explanation of what the colors mean.

Step3 Practice

1. Tell students to look at the picture carefully, then answer

some questions. After answering some questions, let them

work in groups to finish the report.

Have a revision

Listen and learn

Look, then work in pairs. 告诉学生列表格或清单是组织思想的好方法。

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

2.Free talk. According to the advertisement on the

book, ask them that what kind of advertisement can be

considered as good advertisement.

3. Show them other pictures and encourage them to talk

about their feeling. About colors and moods. Then

work in pairs to ask their desk mates about colors and


4. Exercise: writing.

Step 4 Assignment

1. Revise this period

2. Pre-learn the next period

More exercises make perfect


1. Red represents p __________ and s_____________.

2. Paul has strong p_________ and likes to be the leader.

3. This can help when you have d__________- making a decision.

4. I’d r__________ wear a blue coat than a red coat.

5. Green can give us e_________ because it r___________ new life and growth.

6. White is the color of p________. If you wear white, you will feel p______.

7. Blue can c_______ the feeling of harmony.

8. Is there a_________ in the room? I’m hungry.

9. Do you know that colours can a_________ our moods?

10. Orange can bring you s________ .It can c______ you up when you are sad.

Talk about their feeling

Practise and do some exercises after class.




初三年级教案活页纸 主备人:陈小军 审核人:初三英语组全体老师

总 课 题 9A Unit2 Colour 总课时 10 第10课时

课 题 Checkout 课 型 新 授

教学目标 知识目标 1.To learn a new word “decorate” 2.To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.

能力目标 1.To practice the grammar and vocabulary items. 2.To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.

情感目标 To make Ss to gain confidence through reviewing and checking key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.

教学重点 To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.

教学难点 To practice the grammar and vocabulary items.

课前预习1. Preview the new words and phrases of this period

2. Pre-learn “Checkout”

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

Step1 Revision

1. Tell a student to give a daily report.

2. Review the words and expressions in this unit.

Step2 Practice

1. Tell the Ss to do the exercises on the book.

2. Explain some language points

1) I can’t see anything strange about the photo, either. 我也看不出这张照片有什么奇怪的地方。

either “也”,常用在否定句中。肯定句中用too/also/ as well. (as)

e.g. He doesn’t know anything about it , either.

He (also) knows something about it.

He knows something about it ,too/ as well.

Have a revision

Do exercises and

correct 在完成课本练习之前有必要对本单元的重点词汇及语法作一简单的复习。

教 学 过 程

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记

2)He does look like Mr. Wu. 他看上去真的像吴老师。

does look like 中的does起强调作用。“真的很像”的意思。

e.g. He did go to Shanghai yesterday. 他昨天真的去上海了。

2. Ask the students to do some more practice.



We ___________________ meet him than ______________ him.


He would__________________ today ______________ tomorrow.


Before the children _____________________ there to _________ a bus.

