




如何开发小学英语课程源 ——实验小学三年级 彭文玲

英语高效课堂的突出的特点之一就是要在较大程度上发挥教师和学生的能动性、创造性和自主性,把师生从过于死板和机械的课程资源设置中解放出来。可是,长期以来,我们对英语课程的理解相对来说比较狭隘,基本上局限于“教学大纲” “教学计划”和“教科书”,教师的教学行为也往往只是遵循“教学大纲”,执行“教学计划”,教授“教科书”。


怎样开发和利用英语课程资源呢? 英语教学的特点之一就是要使学生尽可能多地从不同渠道、以不同形式接触和学习英语。亲身感受和直接体验语言及语言运用。开发英语课程资源是教师与学生的主体性行为,是教学回归生活、回归社会、回归自然的过程。


1 材是人民教育出版社出版的;而





5、社会资源的开发。例如,广告、家用电器使用指南、药品说明书、路标、计算机程序等都有英语。英语社会资源开发,就是要求学生注意收集、积累校外接触到的英语资源,如电视、杂志上的英语广告词、商品的英语说明书和英语格言等。学生接触到这些英语可以利用“英语图书角”里的词典自查,也可以咨询老师。学生对商品说明“MADE IN CHINA”、公共标志No smoking!以及计算机语言copy, window, edit等句子和词语耳熟能详,从而扩充了知识面



3 自己的衣服来说,让孩子们对这两个单词有了更加立体和形象的感知。她再带领孩子们背诵课文的时候,也会加上各种肢体动作,来加深和加强孩子们的记忆。





4 总之,英语课程资源的开发和利用对于转变课程功能和学习方式具有重要意义。不仅可以超越狭隘的教育内容,让师生的生活和经验进入教学教程,让教学"活"起来;而且可以改变学生在教学中的地位,从被动的知识接受者转变成为知识的共同建构者,从而激发学生的学习积极性和主动性。同时,还可以开阔教师的教育视野,转变教师的教育观念,从而更好地激发教师的创造性智慧。





Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: could, tell, sure, speak, some, poor, with, help sb. with sth., problem, pet, often, want 2. Learn Present Simple to do: (1)—Do you come from the U.S.A.?—No, I do

5T: You can say “Sure. My English name is …”. (板书并要求学生掌握。) —Could you please tell me your …? —Sure. (教师示范) 1

T: Could you please tell me your age, S?6 S: Sure. I’m … 6 T: Could you please tell me your telephone number? S: Sure. It’s … 6(学生两人一组运用Could you please tell me …?句型询问个人信息。) 3. T: I’m an English teacher. I can speak English. Do you speak English after class, S? 7

S: Yes, I do. (帮助学生回答。) 7(板书并要求学生掌握。)

speak T: Do you like it? (教师提示此处like作动词。) S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (帮助学生回答) 7(学生两人一组操练,运用Do you speak …?和Do you like …?句型及其肯定和否定回答。) 4. (教师请一个学生,用not good来引出poor一词。) T: Is your English good? S: No, it isn’t. I can speak some English, but my English isn’t very good. 8 T: You can say “My English is poor.”


some poor S: My English is poor. Could you help me? 8 T: No problem. I can help you with it after class. (板书并要求学生掌握。) No problem. help … with … T: S, do you like English?S: Yes, I do. 99 T: Do you often speak English after class?S: Yes, I do.T:Good! 9 (板书并要求学生掌握。)

often (通过以上的活动导入1a。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:8分钟) 通过听力、教学挂图等形式呈现本课对话,让学生练习使用重要句型,培养学生的听、说能力。 1. (教师利用幻灯片展示问题。播放1a录音两遍。学生听录音并选择正确答案。) (1) Where does Jane come from? A. Japan. B. Canada. C. China. (2) Does Jane speak English? A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. We don’t know. (3) Whose Chinese is poor? A. Jane’s. B. The boy’s. C. Maria’s. (核对答案。) 2. (再次播放


录音,学生听并且跟读,注意语音语调。) 3. (教师将全班学生分成两组,分角色朗读1a。) 4. (展示1a教学挂图,要求学生两人一组运用下列句型,可适当发挥,操练1a的对话,完成1b。) (1)Could you please …?(2)Sure.(3)Do you like English?(4)Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (5)Could you help me with my …?(6)No problem. (教师巡回作指导,然后挑出表现比较好的一组登台表演。) 2

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟) 通过复述对话、做游戏等活动,进一步巩固本课所学知识,培养学生合作精神,增强他们的集体荣誉感,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 1. (教师利用幻灯片出示练习题,要求学生根据1a内容填空。以此展示复述范本。)

The girl’s name is Jane. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. Jane likes Chinese but her Chinese is poor. Li Xiang can help her with her Chinese. (画线部分是要填的词) 2. (利用幻灯片,呈现1a中一些关键词,帮助学生学会从对话中提取重要信息,学会复述。要求至少用三句话来介绍Jane的情况。教师将学生分组,先在小组内进行,然后各小组选派代表向大家汇报。) come from, speak English, like Chinese, poor, help … with … 3. (举行“小组对话大赛”,巩固所学句型。教师先做示范,然后各小组操练。评出优胜组。) T: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? S: Sure. My name is … 1 T: Do you come from the U.S.A.? S: No, I don’t. I come from … 1 T: Do you like English? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 1… 4. (学生两人一组合作完成1c。核对答案后请两三组学生练习对话。) 5. (做游戏。) (方案一) (1)(请四名学生上讲台,老师拿出四件物品给全班学生看,例如:铅笔、尺子、玩具猫和玩具狗。然后快速分给讲台上的四名学生,让他们把物品放在背后,注意不要让下面的学生看见谁拿到了什么。) (2)(老师问其中的一名学生:Do you have …?并故意问错,学生回答:No, I don’t.老师进而引导其他学生用Do you have …?句型提问讲台上的学生,被问到的学生作出回答,直到台下有学生猜对。) (方案二) (五个人一小组练习。四件物品摆在桌前。其中一人A看过物品后,蒙住眼睛,另外四个人则各拿其中一样物品,A解开蒙眼布,用Do you have …?句型猜四个人手中各拿什么物品。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟) 通过练习找笔友,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。

1. (做“问答接龙”游戏。从教师开始问第一排第一个学生,第一个学生回答后再问第二个学生,第二个学生回答后再问第三个学生,以此类推。) 2. (根据自己的情况回答2a的问题,看谁可以做李伟的笔友。) (两分钟后询问几个学生的答案,看他们是否能成为李伟的笔友。) T: Do you like pets? (板书并要求学生掌握。) pet 3. (三人一组帮助李伟找笔友,一同学分别询问另两名同学,另两名同学回答。) 4. (自己找笔友,三人一组,一同学向另外两名同学发问,看他们是否可以成为学习上的笔友。完成2b。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟) 通过编对话让学生学以致用,通过诗歌吟唱活动培养学生学习兴趣,使他们能积极主动地参与学习活动,提高合作意识和探究精神。 1. (假设你的英语成绩不好,你想找一个网友帮助你,两人一组编对话。然后抽几组进行表演。) 2. (教师帮助学生完成3。教师打节拍,或者放录音,让学生有节奏地跟读。) 3. Homework: 3


(1)Could you please …?(2)Sure.(3)Do you …?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.(4)No problem. 板书设计: Does he speak Chinese? Section A speak —Could you please tell me your …? No problem. —Sure. help … with … —Do you …? —Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Section B

The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words:live, say, visit, great, wall 2. Learn some questions and answers with does: (1)—Does he speak Chinese—Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. He speaks English. (2)—What does he say in the letter?—He wants to visit the Great Wall. 3. Learn some useful sentences: (1)—Who is the letter from?—It’s from my pen pal, Sam.(2)—Is the letter in English?—Yes, it is. (3)—Where does he live?—He lives in England.(4)Kangkang knows me. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/教学挂图/录音机/幻灯片/若干个装有信件的信封/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 以问题为线索,引出单词和话题,培养学生的语言表达能力。 1. (检查作业。教师请学生登台表演上节课的家庭作业。) T: Now, I’ll check your homework. SS, please, come to the front and perform your dialog.

12、2. (师生对话。引入并运用China和Chinese。) T: I come from China. I am Chinese. Ss: We come from China. We’re Chinese. (教师提问一名学生。) T: Where do you come from, S? 3S:I come from China. 3 T: Do you speak Chinese? S:Yes, I do. 3 (学生两人一组互相问答。) (教师可以穿插讲解“吉鸿昌爱国”的故事,培养学生的爱国主义情感,增强“爱国意识”。解放前,外国人都看不起我们中国人,说我们是“东亚病夫”。当时在国外,有的中国人都不敢承认自己是中国人,但吉鸿昌到国外后,勇敢地对外国人说自己是中国人,并且自制了一个纸牌挂在胸前,上面用英语写道:I am Chinese!) 3. (教师出示一幅长城的图片。) T: Can you say it in English? S:Yes, the Great Wall. (教师帮助回答。)

4 T: Where is it? S:It’s in China. 4 T: Do you live in China? S:Yes, I do. (教师帮助回答。) 4 4

T: Is China great?

S: Yes, it is. 4 (板书并要求学生掌握say, wall, live, great;理解the Great Wall。) say, wall, the Great Wall, live, great 4. (教师接着出示第二幅图片。) T: Do you like the Great Wall? S:Yes, I do. 5 T: Do you want to visit the Great Wall? S:Yes, I do. 5(板书并要求学生掌握。) visit (教师让学生两人一组,运用所呈现的生词编对话。) 5. (教师介绍S的情况,然后让学生根据介绍回答问题。) 5

T: Slives in China. He/She likes the Great Wall. He/She wants to visit the Great Wall. 5 (教师请另一位学生,根据这段话回答问题。) (通过以上活动导入1a。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟) 根据1a的教学挂图回答问题,练习本课基本句型,引出对话内容。培养学生听说能力和阅读能力。 1. (教师呈现1a的教学挂图,与学生谈论。) (教师播放1a录音,让学生听并回答Who is the letter from?) Who is the letter from? (核对答案。) 2. (教师再播放一遍1a录音,要求学生根据1a判断正(T)误(F)。)

(幻灯片展示试题。) (1)Sam is Kangkang’s pen pal. ( ) (2)Sam speaks Chinese. ( ) (3)Sam says he wants to visit the Great Wall. ( ) (核对答案。) 3. (分角色朗读对话,进一步理解对话内容。教师板书重点句子和短语并解释,要求掌握。)

(1)speak+语言名称=say … in+语言名称

(2)live in …

(3)in the letter (4)—What does he say in the letter? —He wants to visit the Great Wall. 4. (根据1a内容,教师随机提问学生,并核对答案,完成1a。) 5. (双人小组活动。学生独自完成1b,然后同桌分角色表演1b对话。)

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟) 模仿1a,1b编对话,让学生学以致用,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 1. (教师利用幻灯片呈现习题,要求学生根据对话内容填写所缺单词,每空一词。) S: What’s that in English? 1 5

S: It’s a letter. 2S: Is it yours? 1S: Yes, it’s mine. 2S: Who is it from? 1S: It’s from my pen pal, Tom. 2S: Does he speak Chinese? 1S: No, he doesn’t. He speaks English. 2S: What does he say in the letter? 1S: He wants to visit China. 2(画线部分是要填的词。) 2. (教师把事先准备好的信封发给各小组,然后根据信封及信的内容两人一组进行对话练习。对话应包括以下句型:) T: Let’s make a dialog in pairs with the following sentences. (1)—Who is the letter from?—It’s from … (2)—Where does he/she come from?—He/She comes from … (3)—What does he/she say in the letter?—He/She wants to … (教师挑选两组学生表演,掌声鼓励。) 3. (双人活动。同桌对话,了解对方笔友的情况。要求运用以下幻灯片中的句型。)

(1) Is it a boy or a girl? (2)

It’s a boy/girl.

(3) Does he/she come from …?

(4) Yes, …

does./No, … doesn’t. (5) Does he/she live in China? (6) Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t. (7) Does he/she like China? (8) Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟) 在不同情景中练习目标语言,展开任务型活动,学以致用,锻炼学生合作能力。 1. (教师播放


T: Listen to the tape of 2 and answer the following questions. Then check the answers. 2. (教师将2的听力材料用幻灯片或小黑板展示出来,然后让学生两人一组根据内容编对话。)

T: Please work in pairs to make a dialog according to the sentences on the blackboard. And then act it out. 3. (教师引导学生观察

3中的句子,并归纳句子的规律——当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词原形后加(e)s。) T: Please observe the sentences in 3 and find out the rules of verbs changing in the third single personal pronouns. (板书下列内容并解释。) Kangkang→knows He→lives/helps/wants She→speaks … 4. (教师播放3录音,让学生跟读,练习(e)s的读音。完成3。)

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟) 通过练习动词第三人称单数的读音规则及其一般疑问句的问答,培养学生观察探究能力。 1. (教师鼓励学生探究“动词第三人称单数的读音”,并总结。)


lives, speaks, spells, phones, knows, does, hands, comes, looks, gives, likes, dresses,

thinks, guesses, finds, helps, tells, meets, wants, visits 6

(教师先领着学生读一遍,要求学生边读边注意词尾s的发音。接着,教师将学生分组,并为各小组命名,如先锋队、雄鹰队、立志队等,引发学生的兴趣。然后,为各小组明确共同目标,即归纳出-s在动词后的读音规律。每个成员针对词尾s的不同读音进行观察,发现规律并进行归纳总结。接下来,组内成员互相补充,力图达到全面、准确。各组选出小组发言人进行汇报,其他各组学生均可补充发言。最后由教师总结,再按读音将幻灯片上的词分类。) 2. (问答接龙。参照4,教师让学生八人一组,第一位同学用Do you


Yes, I do./No, I don’t.回答,并用Does he/she …?向第三位同学提问,而第三位同学又用Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.回答并向第四位同学提问。以此类推,每位同学提问时要用到盒子里不同动词,完成4。) Example: S: Do you have a ruler? 1 S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Does your friend like China? 2 S: Yes, … does./No, … doesn’t. Does … want …? 3 … 3. Homework: (1)根据1a内容写一段话。(四十个单词左右) Example: This is a letter in English. It’s from Sam. Sam is Kangkang’s pen pal. Kangkang lives in China. Sam lives in England. In Sam’s letter, he says he wants to visit the Great Wall. (2)制作卡片,把人称代词的主格宾格分别写在卡片上。 板书设计: Does he speak Chinese? Section B say … in English —Who is the letter from? =speak English —It’s from … live in … —Does he speak Chinese? the Great Wall —Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. want to visit … —What does he say in the letter? —He wants to visit the Great Wall. Section C The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn some new words and phrases: many, lot, a lot, all, not … at all, so, study, each other, little, a little, them, very, much, very much 2.Review personal pronouns. 3.Go on learning some questions and answers with do/does. 4.Express preferences: (1)—Do you like …?—Yes, I like it a little/very much/a lot. —No, I don’t like it at all. (2)—Does he/she like …? —Yes, he/she likes it a little/very much/a lot.—No, he/she doesn’t like it at all. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/幻灯片/小黑板/实物或图片/学生自制卡片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 通过调查学生对英语和语文的喜欢程度,引出本课新单词,培养学生的语言表达能力。 1. (让几名学生朗读上节课布置的家庭作业:根据1a内容改编的短文。) 2. (做调查,引出本课新单词,教师在黑板上画出三幅图。) 7

very much like … like … a little don’t like … at all

a lot (板书并要求学生掌握。) a little, very much, a lot, not … at all T: Do you like English, S?S:Yes, I like it very much. 11 T: Do you like Chinese?S:No, I don’t like it at all. 1 T: Do you like English, S?S:No, I don’t like it at all. 22 T: Do you like Chinese?S:Yes, I like it a little. 2 T: Do you like English, S?S:No, I don’t like it at all. 33 T: Do you like Chinese?S:Yes, I like it a lot. 3 T: Can you often help them study Chinese? (指向S和S。) S:Yes, I can. 123 T: Can you often help them study English, S?S:Yes, I can. 11 (板书并要求学生掌握。) them, study T: We have many good friends, so we should help each other. (板书并要求学生掌握。) many, so, each other T: I have a good friend. Her name is Jane. Do you want to know something about her? Please follow me. (导入1a的学习。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:10分钟) 通过听、说、读等形式多样的活动,培养学生口头交际能力、阅读能力及观察、分析问题的能力。

1. 教师让学生略读课文1a并回答问题:

(1) Are Jane and I classmates?

(2) Where does Jane come from? (3) Do many students in our class like English? (4) Who often help me study English? 2. (学生再读1a,并画出文中的关键词,然后完成1b。核对答案。) 3. (播放1a录音,让学生跟读,注意语音语调。) 4. (教师利用幻灯片将文中的关键词展示出来,并简要讲解语言点。)

friend, come from, speak, in the same class, many students, a lot, not … at all, poor,

help, Chinese, help each other 5. (要求学生利用幻灯片上的关键词,试着复述课文。先在小组内进行,然后各小组推选一名学生向全班复述。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟) 通过练习喜好的表达,培养学生的口头表达能力和交际能力。 1. (播放3a录音,让学生听,然后操练喜欢和不喜欢的问句及其答语。) (教师用幻灯片或小黑板将下列内容呈现出来。) (1)—Do you like …? —Yes, I like … a little/very much/a lot. (2)—Does he/she like …? —No, he/she doesn’t like … at all. (教师让两位学生S和S到台前。) 12T: S, do you like English? 1S: Yes, I like it very much./ No, I don’t like it at all. 1T: S, does Slike English? 21 8

S: Yes, he/she likes it a lot./ No, he/she doesn’t like it at all. 2(学生三人一组,仿照上面对话进行操练。然后请几组学生表演,掌声鼓励。) 2. (做句型练习活动,操练very much/a lot, a little和not … at all。) 具体操作:



(2)学生看见两个 图标说very much/a lot,看见一个 图标说a little,看见 图标说not … at all。组内其他同学用前一个同学说出的词组各说一个相应的句子。 Example: (两人一组) S: a little.S: I like apples a little. 34 (三人一组) S: very much/ a lot.S: I like apples very much.S: I like apples a lot. 567(三人一组) S: not … at all.S: I don’t like apples at all.S: He/She doesn’t like apples at all. 8910(教师用同样的方法展示其他已学食物的图片供同学们练习。) 3. (教师播放3b录音两遍,让学生完成3b,并核对答案。)

Step 4 Practice 第四步

练习(时间:7分钟) 讲解人称代词主格和宾格的用法,完成作业,使目标语言得到强化操练。 1. (教师挑选含有人称代词主格和宾格的句子,板书并作简单讲解。要求学生掌握画线部分代词的用法。) She often helps me with it. I help her study Chinese. He wants to visit the Great Wall. Could you help me with it? 2. (两人一组,A说人称代词的主格,B说宾格,轮流进行,然后让学生做2。核对答案,完成2。) 3. (学生两人一组朗读2中对话。) Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:10分钟) 通过做游戏,巩固人称代词主格和宾格的用法,培养学生合作精神,激发学生的学习兴趣。 1. (教师播放4录音,师生共唱歌曲“The

more we get together.”完成4。) 2. (做游戏:找朋友,学生拿出准备好的人称代词卡片。) (1)(教师说“主格”,学生把所有人称代词的主格拿出来。) (2)(教师说出一个人称代词,学生找出这个人称代词和它的主格或宾格形式。)


For example: ①(“第一人称主格”,手拿第一人称主格的就出列。) ②(“第三人称主格和宾格”,手拿第三人称主格和宾格的就出列。)

(4)(教师在黑板上写出一些动词,让学生用手中的卡片完成句子,并翻译。) For example: They help me with English. (他们在英语方面帮助我。)

He gives you some books. (他给你一些书。)

3. Homework: 根据1a


My friend,词数在四十个左右。 板书设计: Does he speak Chinese? Section C like … a little I help her study Chinese. like … very much/a lot Do you like …? 9

don’t like … at all Yes, I like it a little/very much/a lot. No, I don’t like it at all. 主格:I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Does he/she like …? 宾格:me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them Yes, he/she likes it a little/very much/a lot.

No, he/she doesn’t like it at all.

Section The main activities are 1, 2a and 4. 本课重点活动是


1, 2a和4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn the phonetics:/tr/, /dr/, /ts/, /dz/ 2. Learn some new words and a phrase:home, at home, its, dog, any, of 3. (1)Review questions and answers with do/does: ①—Do you want a pen pal?—Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. ②—Does he speak Chinese?—Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.

(2)Review the personal pronouns, including subject pronouns and object pronouns. 4. Review the useful expressions: (1)—Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?—Sure. My name is Jane. (2)—Could you help me with it?—No problem. (3)—Do you like English?—Yes, I like it very much/a lot/a little.—No, I don’t like it at all.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 信/玩具/录音机/小黑板/幻灯片/图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟) 复习表达喜欢与不喜欢,导入本课新词,培养学生口头表达能力。 1. (师生对话,复习本单元主要句型。) T: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? S:Sure. My name is … 1 T: Do you come from Shandong? S:No, I don’t. I come from Chongqing. 1 T: Who’s the letter from?(学生手里有一封信。) S:It’s from my pen pal, Sam. 1 T: Where’s Sam from? S:He’s from England. 1 T: Does he like Chinese? S:Yes, he does. But his Chinese is poor. 1 T: Is the letter in English? S:Yes, it is. 1 T: Do you like English? S:Yes, I do. But my English is poor. 1 T: Could you help him with his Chinese? S: No problem. He helps me study English and I help him study Chinese. We can help each other. 1 T: Then what does he say in the letter? S:He says he likes China very much and he wants to visit the Great Wall. 1 T: Oh, that’s good. We are glad to have him here. 2. (教师拿出一个玩具狗,引出本课新单词。) T: What’s this? 10 S:It’s a dog. (帮助学生回答。) 2 (板书并要求学生掌握。) dog T: Do you like a dog? S:Yes, I like dogs very much. 2 T: Do you have a dog? S:Yes, I do. 2 T: What is the name of your dog? S:Its name is Huanhuan. 2 (板书并解释its与it’s的含义与写法,要求学生掌握。) of, its T: I have a pet cat at home. Its name is Mimi. Do you have any cats at home? S:No, I don’t. I don’t like cats at all. 2 (板书并要求学生掌握。) at home, any T: S has a pet dog. Its name is Huanhuan. He likes it very much. He doesn’t like cats at all, so he doesn’t have a pet 2cat. Is Zhou Lan’s pet a dog? Does she like her pet? Now, please follow me. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10


2a听录音,做阅读理解,培养学生听、说、读的能力。 1. (播放录音,让学生回答问题:(1) Is Zhou Lan’s pet a dog? (2) Does she like her pet?) 2. (让学生阅读2a,回答小黑板上的问题。)

(出示小黑板上的练习题。) (1)What pet do I have at home? A. A dog. B. A cat. C. None. (2)My pet’s name is . A. Meimei B. Kitty C. Huanhuan (3)How do I like Kitty? A. A little. B. Very much. C. Not … at all. (4)Zhou Lan’s pet is . A. a dog B. a cat C. a toy (5)Does Zhou Lan like Tommy? A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. We don’t know. (核对答案。) 3. (学生朗读课文,判断正误,完成2a。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟) 听录音并跟读,掌握四个辅音音素的发音。模仿课文,练习写作,培养学生的书面表达能力。 1. (讨论宠物,完成2b。) T: Do you have a pet?S:Yes, I do. 1 T: What is your pet?S:It’s a dog. 1 T: What’s its name?S:Its name is Linlin. 1 T: What color is it?S:It is white. 1 T: Does it have long legs?S:Yes, it does. 1 T: Does it have long ears.S:Yes, it does. 1 T: Does your friend Jack have a pet dog?S:No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like pets at all. 1(教师要求学生根据对话内容改写成一段文章。) Example: 11

I have a pet dog. It is white. Its name is Linlin. I like it very much. It has four long legs. Its ears are long. My friend Jack doesn’t have pet dogs. He doesn’t like pets at all. 2. (三人一组讨论宠物,并把讨论内容转述出来。) T: Now, please discuss your pets with your classmates and retell the result. (两分钟后挑几个学生讲述,鼓励优秀者。) 3. (学习/tr/和/dr/这一对音素。教师板书。) tree train

trousers (让学生自己读、观察、体会并总结画线部分的读音。教师板书。) tr — /tr/ (教师在/tr/的基础上自然引出/dr/。板书。) /dr/ dress drink driver (以同样方法学习/ts/和/dz/这对音素。) 4. (教师用小黑板呈现出含有/tr/, /dr/, /ts/和/dz/四个音素的单词,检验学生的拼读能力。) 5. (教师播放1录音,让学生跟读。完成1。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11分钟) 复习人称代词主格和宾格及本话题重点句型,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。 1. (教师将人称代词的主格和宾格利用幻灯片呈现出来。领读并简单说明主格与宾格的用法和区别。)

I—me; you—you; he—him; she—her; it—it; we—us; you—you; they—them (然后两人一组,一个学生说主格或宾格,另一个学生说其相应的宾格或主格。) 2. (教师将所有人称代词主格、宾格的顺序打乱并将其板书在黑板上,让学生“找朋友”。) Find friends: me he her you it we they him you it I us them she (让一个学生在黑板上连线。核对答案。) 3. (教师用小黑板出示下边的练习,要求学生根据括号内的汉语写出英文,完成句子。填对一个词,该同学加一分。)

(1) My English is poor, so (她) often helps (我). (2) Where do (你们) live? (我们) live in Beijing. (3) I don’t know (他们). (4) He wants (我们) to go to his home. (5) What is (它)? (它) is a jacket. (核对答案后,让学生齐读练习并奖励得分高的学生。) 4. (出示幻灯片,要求学生根据范例口头做句型转换。改对一个句子加两分。) Change the following sentences according to the example. Example: He speaks Chinese.→Does he speak Chinese? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. →He doesn’t speak Chinese. (1) I have a pen pal. (2) Li Hong likes oranges a lot. (3) They often help Wang Fei. (4) Jane wants to visit China. (5) Your pet has blue eyes. (练习完毕,教师点评并奖励得分高的学生。) 5. (教师播放3a录音,学生跟读,并模仿语音语调,完成3a。) 12


Complete the dialog: —Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? —Sure. My name is Zhang Lan. —Where do you come from?/Where are you from? —I come from Shanghai./I’m from Shanghai. —Do you like English? —Yes, I like it very much. And you? —No, I don’t like it at all, so my English is poor. —You should(应该) learn(学习) English well. —Yes, you’re right. Could you please help me with my English? —No problem. (以上画线句子是学生要填的句子。学生两人一组操练上面的对话。完成3b。) Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:7分钟) 组织 6. (“英语角”活动,做调查报告和命题作文,锻炼学生综合运用能力和探究能力,体现学以致用原则。 1. (教师用图片展示一个关于英语角的通知,让学生根据通知内容展开讨论。)

Welcome to English Corner

Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Playground(操场) Topic(话题): Like English or not Host: Class 2, Grade 7 (要求:在活动中充分练习本话题中所学的重点句式及语言点。) Example: T: Excuse me, could you please tell me your English name? S: Sure. … 1 T: Do you like English? S: Yes, I like it very much. 1 T: My English is poor. Could you help me? S: No problem. 1… (教师示范后,将每个英语小组设置为English Corner,进行操练。完成4(1)。) 2. Homework: Write a passage about one of the topics in 4(2). Finish 4(3). 板书设计: Does he speak Chinese? Section D tr—/tr/ dr—/dr/ me he her you it we they ts /ts/ tes him you it I us them she —/dz/ ds Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 13

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.(1) Learn some words about jobs:doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse (2) Learn some other new words and a phrase:kid, glad, seat, have a seat, mother, father, parent, office 2. (1)Talk about jobs: ①—What does your mother do?—She is a teacher. ②—What do your parents do?—They are both office workers. (2)Talk about greetings and introductions: ①—Glad to meet you.—Glad to meet you, too. ②Maria, this is my mom. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 名词卡片/人称代词卡片/图片/教学挂图/录音机/幻灯片/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 通过做游戏和师生问答等形式,复习上个话题的重点知识,并导入新课。 1. (问答游戏。复习Do you like …?句型及答语。) (1)把学生分成六人一组,每组准备

七、八张名词卡片。 (2)第一个学生先抽一张卡片,其他学生一起问:Do you like …?让这位学生用Yes, I like it a little/a lot/very much.或No, I don’t like it at all.来回答。 (3)小组内每个学生轮流问答一次后,游戏停止。 T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game: Ask and Guess. 2. (教师出示人称代词卡片,让学生以“接龙”形式用教师呈现的人称代词造句。) T: Nice work! Now please look at these cards. Please use these words to make sentences one by one. Example: T: me S: He often helps me. 1 T: they S: They are teachers. 2 T: she S: She is my friend. 3… (换成学生持卡片,教师造句子,导入新句型。) S: you 4 T: What do you do? (教师讲解。) Ss: We are students. (帮助学生回答。) T: (指着一个男/女生) What does he/she do?

Ss: He/She is a student.

(板书学习新句型,并要求学生掌握。) What does he/she do? He/She is a student. T: Do you want to know more jobs? Let’s come to the new lesson.(导入新课) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟) 通过展示图片、师生问答和分角色表演等形式,初步呈现新单词及新句型。 1. (出示3a图片,教授关于职业的新单词。) T: Look at Picture 1. What does he do? Ss:He’s a driver. (教师帮助学生回答。) 14



T: Look at Picture 2. What does he do? Ss:He’s a farmer. (教师帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求掌握。) farmer (以同样的方式,出示图片,学习新单词cook, nurse, office, worker, doctor。并要求学生掌握。提醒学生注意an office worker。) 2. (让学生听3a录音,跟读,并注意语音语调。) T: Please listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 3. (学生两人一组,运用3a的图片,练习What does he/she do? He/She is a/an …句型,完成3a。) T: Please practice in pairs using the pictures in 3a. Then I’ll ask several pairs to act out in the front. 4. (师生问答,自然过渡到1a的教学。) T: Nice work! Boys and girls, we learnt so many jobs just now. Do you want to know Kangkang’s families and their jobs? Ss:Yes. T: Please follow Maria, Jane, Michael to Kangkang’s home. (呈现1a的教学挂图,向学生们介绍。) T: Look at this picture. This is Kangkang’s mother. The four kids are Maria, Jane, Michael and Kangkang.


mother, kid

T: What does Kangkang’s mother say to the kids? Ss: Glad to meet you. T: Good! Then how do the kids reply? Ss: Glad to meet you, too.


glad —Glad to meet you. —Glad to meet you, too. T: These kids are standing at Kangkang’s home. Do you know how to say“就座”in English? Ss:Have a seat. (教师帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求学生掌握。) seat, have a seat 5. (教师放1a录音,让学生跟读并注意语音语调。) T: OK. Please listen to the tape and read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. (教师设置一个场景At Kangkang’s home.) T: Suppose you are at Kangkang’s home. Let’s role-play. (教师和四个学生合作,示范表演1a对话,之后学生五人一组操练,教师巡回指导,挑两组比较出色的上台表演。完成1b。) 7. (根据1a的教学挂图,过渡到2a。)

T: Look at the picture. Kangkang’s mother welcomes the kids at Kangkang’s home. What do Kangkang’s parents do? Do you want to know? (板书并讲授parent(s)的含义,引出father,要求学生掌握。)

mom—mother dad—father mother or father—parent mother and father—parents 15

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步

巩固(时间:7分钟) 通过听录音回答问题、填空以及分角色朗读、填写表格等形式,使学生在运用中进一步掌握新单词和新句型。 1. (教师播放2a录音,要求学生根据录音回答问题。) T: Please listen to the tape and answer the question: What do Kangkang’s parents do? (核对答案。) 2. (再放2a录音,要求学生根据录音填空,教师将听力问题用幻灯片呈现出来。)

T: Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks on the slide.

—Kangkang, what does your do? —She is a . —And your father? —He is a . Michael, what do your do? —They are office workers. (核对答案后分角色朗读2a,然后四人一组操练。完成2a。) T: Read 2a in roles. Then practice in groups of four. 3. (让学生独立完成2b。) T: Read 2a again and fill out the table in 2b. (核对答案。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟) 通过“职业竞猜”游戏、师生和生生问答等形式,使学生熟练掌握新单词和新句型。 1. (做“职业竞猜”游戏,使学生在表演中熟悉职业名称。)

T: Let’s play a guessing game. (1)(活动过程:) ①(教师事先制作写有职业名称的卡片。如:teacher, worker, doctor, cook, driver等。) ②(活动前教师作一次示范:教师随意抽取一张卡片(如teacher),并根据卡片上写的职业,做一个能代表该职业的动作(表演哑剧,假装在黑板上写字,或拿着书来回踱步等。)然后示意学生举手猜出该职业。学生若不能猜对,可以提问,但教师只能用Yes或No作答。)例如: S: Are you a doctor?T: No. 1S: Are you a teacher?T: Yes. 2③(学生猜对教师示范的职业后,教师退出活动,同时让猜对的那个学生上台抽卡、表演和回答问题,下一个猜对者接着上台抽卡,以此类推。) (2)(有关说明:) ①(每次提问次数和猜测次数应有所限制,在规定次数内仍未猜对,则可进行下一轮竞猜。) ②(本活动也可采用两组对抗形式,即一组派代表抽卡片表演,另一组猜职业。双方轮换角色,最后猜对次数多,准确率高的一组获胜。) 2. (教师出示各种职业人士的图片和学生进行对话练习,操练What do/does … do?) T: What do you do? Ss: We’re students. (教师按照图片依次问学生。) T: What does the man do? S: He is a driver. 3 T: What does she do? S: She is a doctor. 4 T: What does the man do? S: He is an office worker. 5(教师应提醒学生注意此句中an的用法并板书。) 16

He is an office worker. 3. (教师把图片分给各小组,小组内每人轮流模仿老师提问其他学生,让每一位学生都有机会说英语。然后各组交换图片,进行对话练习。)

T: Please ask and answer in groups using these pictures.

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟) 通过作调查、填表格和写短文等形式,培养学生综合运用本课目标语言的能力。 1. (出示小黑板,学生两人一组,运用3b中的例子,对同伴的家庭成员情况作调查,并填表格。完成3b。) T: Make a survey about your partner’s family after the example in 3b. Then fill out the table. ×××’s Family Family member(家庭成员) Job(职业) Mother Father „ 2. (根据表格信息,写一篇小 短文对调查结果进行汇报。) T: Please report your partner’s family. 3. Homework: (1)学生采访自己的爸爸或妈妈,然后写一篇短文介绍他们工作的具体情况。鼓励学生在作业纸上画一张父亲(母亲)的画或贴一张父亲(母亲)的照片。下节课向全班宣读。 (2)准备一个硬纸板,剪成圆形的,直径10cm,制成一个转盘,下节课用。 板书设计:

What does your mother do? Section A an office worker —What do you do? Glad to meet you. —I’m a(an)… Please have a seat. —What does… do?

They are both office workers. —He/She is a (an)… Section B The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase:work, hospital, on, farm, on a farm, drive 2. Talk about jobs and workplaces: (1)—What does the man do?—He’s a doctor.(2)—Where does he work?—He works in a hospital. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/教学挂图/小黑板/录音机/幻灯片/自制的转盘 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟) 通过检查家庭作业,问答接龙等形式,复习重点知识,导入新课。 1. (师生应用Glad to meet you.相互问候,全体起立。)

T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Glad to meet you again. Ss: Glad to meet you, too. Miss/Mr. … T: Please have a seat. Ss: Thank you. 2. (将学生分为五人一组。学生先在小组内宣读上节课布置的家庭作业,然后各小组推选一名学生向全班宣读。) T: Please work in groups of five and introduce your father or mother to your classmates in groups. Then vote a student to report to us. 17

3. (运用图片,做“问答接龙”活动,复习What do/does …


T: What does … do? (教师手持有某职业人员的图片。) S: He/She is a … 1 (转向另一个学生)What does/do … do? S: He/She is a …/They are … 2 (转向下一个学生)What do/does … do? S: … 3… Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟) 运用图片及教学挂图,通过师生、生生问答的形式,引出并学习生词及新句型。 1.(教师出示一位医生在医院的图片。) T: Very good. Boys and girls, do you know what Kangkang’s father does? Ss: He’s a doctor. T: Yes, he’s a doctor. He works in a hospital. (板书并要求学生掌握。) work hospital in a hospital T: Where does Kangkang’s father work? Ss: He works in a hospital. (教师帮助学生回答。)


Where does Kangkang’s father work? He works in a hospital. (教师解释in a hospital表示地点,用where提问。) T: (出示一个农民在农场的图片。) Boys and girls, look at this picture. Where’s the farmer? Ss: He’s on a farm. (教师帮助学生回答,并强调“在农场”是“on a farm”。注意介词“on”的使用。)


on, farm, on a farm 2. (利用构词法教授新词drive,板书并要求学生掌握。) (出示小黑板) work(工作)——worker(工人) farm(务农)——farmer(农民) drive(开车)——driver(司机) teach(教学)——teacher(教师) T: Look at the small blackboard and guess the meaning of“drive”. (先让学生仔细观察每组词的变化,再观察汉语意思,然后总结规律。在小组内讨论、探究,达成一致意见后,各小组长向全班汇报。)


——speaker(演讲者);visit(参观) ——visitor(来访者)等等。) (学生大声朗读教师板书的词。) (导入1a。) 3. (教师出示1a教学挂图并谈论。)

T: Look at this picture. The man is a doctor. This is a hospital. He works in a hospital. (教师要求学生看图复述,可以增加更多的内容。) 4. (教师放1a录音,学生跟读,然后师生互动,先模仿,后操练。)

T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Then practice 1a in pairs. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟) 18

通过对话、猜谜等形式,让学生进一步掌握重点句型及生词,完成1b和2。 1. (用幻灯片呈现1b中女教师上课的图片。) T: Look at this picture. What does she do, S? 1S: She is a teacher. 1 T: Where does she work, S? 2S: She works in a school. 2 T: Well done! (教师接着用幻灯片呈现农民干活的图片。) T: Look at this picture. What do the men do? S: They are farmers. 3 T: Where do they work? S: They work on a farm. 4(教师用幻灯片呈现机关人员工作的图片。) T: Look at the picture. What do they do, S? 5S: They are office workers. 5 T: Where do they work? S: They work in an office. 52. (学生看1b,两人一组依照范例操练对话,完成1b。然后找几组学生到前面表演。) T: Practice in pairs according to the pictures in 1b after the example. Then I’ll ask several pairs to act out in the front. 3. (两人一组做“问答猜谜”活动,教师示范,完成2。)

T: Let’s ask and answer to guess riddles. Example: T: My sister works in a hospital. But she isn’t a doctor. What does she do, S? 6S: I think she is a nurse. 64. (教师将Section A,3a中的图片呈现出来,依次和学生进行问答练习。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟) 通过听录音回答问题并填空,做调查等形式,继续巩固本课的重点语言项目,完成3和4。 1. (教师播放3录音,先让学生口头回答下列问题,然后再听录音填表格,完成3。)

T: Listen to the tape, and answer the following questions orally. Then listen again and fill out the table in 3. (小黑板出示下列问题。) (1)What do David and Paul do? (2)Is Lisa a driver? Where does she work? (3)Where does Danny work? (依次让五名学生回答问题并核对答案,核对3中表格的答案。) 2. (做调查,完成4。每个学生至少要问三个学生,然后完成表格。先在小组内汇报,然后每个小组挑选一个代表向全班汇报。)

T: Make a survey. Ask your classmates about their parents’ jobs and workplaces. Then fill out the table in 4. First report in groups, then vote a student to report to the class. 3. (教师利用幻灯片呈现下列内容,要求学生填写所缺的句子,补全对话。)

T: Please look at the slide and complete the dialog. —Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? —Sure, my name is Da Long. And you? —My name is Li Gang. Glad to meet you, Da Long. —Glad to meet you, too. —What do you do? —I’m a student. —What does your father do? —My father is a worker. —Where does he work? 19

—He works in a factory. (画线句子为学生要填写的。) 4. (出示小黑板或幻灯片。让学生把职业和职业特征连接,复习职业类词汇及相关句型。) farmer works in the hospital driver teaches at school cook works on the farm nurse drives a bus doctor works in an office office worker studies English student works in the kitchen(厨房) teacher looks after patients(病人) T: Please match the jobs with the workplaces. Example: doctor—works in the hospital (核对答案。) 5. (以幻灯片形式呈现chant的内容,教师领着学生有节奏地读。) T: Let’s chant. Please read after me rhythmically. Work, work, work, work People work every day Fathers work Mothers work Teachers work Nurses work Cooks work Farmers work Work at home Work at school Work everywhere Work, work, work, work Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟) 通过做游戏、写短文等形式,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 1. (教师可以用自制的写有worker, farmer, student等职业名词的转盘向学生演示,转动转盘,当停住时,问一位同学,让他/她回答。然后让学生拿出上次课外作业布置的自制转盘,一个学生问,另一个学生回答。完成5。)

T: Let’s play a game: Job Spinning. Now ask and answer in pairs after the example. Example: S: What do you do? 1S: I’m a(an) … 2S: Where do you work? 1S: I work … 2 2. Homework: (1)将所学过的表示职业类的名词制成卡片,然后两人一组操练What do/does … do?和 Where do/does … work? (2)写一篇介绍家庭成员职业的文章,词数在四十个左右。 (3)让有全家福照片的同学下节课带上,以备下节课使用。 板书设计: What does your mother do? Section B 20

in a hospital —What do/does … do? on a farm —He/She is a(an) … /They are …/I am…

in a school —Where does he/she work? in an office —He/She works …

Section C The main activity is 1a.

本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. (1)Learn some words about family members and relatives: aunt, uncle, brother, grandparent, cousin, daughter, son (2)Learn other new words and a phrase: family, sofa, tree, family tree 2. Identify family members: (1)This is a photo of my family.(2)Who’s the young woman in yellow? (3)Who are they on the sofa?(4)I have a big family. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/照片/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板/幻灯片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步

复习(时间:10分钟) 运用图片和全家福照片,通过师生问答的形式,复习有关职业及工作场所的句型,并引入部分新单词,导入新课。 1. (教师出示各种职业人物的图片,复习有关职业及工作场所的句型。) (教师出示一个医生的图片。) T: What does he do? S: He is a doctor. 1 T: Where does he work? S: He works in a hospital. 1(教师出示一个女教师的图片。)

(教师出示一个办公室男职员的图片,让学生互相问答。) 2. (出示一张四口之家的全家福,通过陈述人物关系引入新词汇。) T: Look at this photo. It’s a photo of Michael’s family. (板书并要求学生掌握。)


T: (指着图片上的男孩) The boy is Michael.(指着图片上的女孩) The little girl is his sister, Jane. Michael is Jane’s

brother. (板书,让学生猜其意。然后要求学生掌握。)

brother T: The man in black is Mr. Brown. He is Michael and Jane’s father. The woman in red is their mother. So Jane is the woman’s daughter and Michael is her son. (板书并要求学生掌握。) daughter, son 3. (猜人物关系,学生听教师的描述,在教师的帮助下学习更多新词汇。) T:Your father’s brother is your …? 21

Ss: Uncle.(帮助学生回答。)



T: Your mother’s brother is your …? Ss: Uncle. T: S, do you have an uncle? 5S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 5

T: Your father’s sister is your …? Ss: Aunt.(帮助学生回答。)

(板书并要求学生掌握。) aunt T: Your mother’s sister is your …? Ss: Aunt. T: Your aunt’s son is your …? Ss: Cousin.(帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求学生掌握。) cousin T: Your aunt’s daughter is your cousin, too. Here, cousin means“表姐妹”in Chinese. T: Your parents’ parents are your …? Ss: Grandparents.(帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求学生掌握。)

grandparents (导入新课。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:6分钟) 利用师生问答、听录音跟读、分角色朗读等形式,呈现师展示1a

1a内容,学习部分生词。 1. (教

1a教学挂图,通过问答形式,学习新单词,理清中的人物关系。) T: This is a photo of Kangkang’s family. (板书) a photo of … (师生问答,允许有不符合原文的回答,为后面的听力打基础。)

T: (手指沙发) Who are they on the sofa? (板书并要求学生掌握。) sofa S: They are Kangkang’s grandparents. 5 T: Who is the little girl? S: She is Kangkang’s cousin. 62. (听1a录音,核对答案。) 3. (再听1a录音并跟读,模仿语音语调。)

T: Listen and repeat. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 4. (学生分角色朗读,完成1a。) T: Read 1a in roles. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10

分钟) 通过找关键词、表演对话、展示全家福等形式,使学生在运用中掌握新知识。 1. (学生自读

1a,并找出关键词。教师板书关键词,让学生根据关键词表演1a对话。) T: Read 1a by yourselves and find out the key words. Then act out the dialog according to the key words on the blackboard. (板书) a photo of —— woman in yellow —— woman in red —— man in a green T-shirt —— 22

on the sofa —— big family 2. (学生再读1a。根据1a内容,完成1b。并互相核对答案。) T: Please read 1a again. Then fill in the blanks in 1b according to 1a. Then check the answers together. 3. (挑选几个学生,展示自己的全家福,并作简单介绍。)

T: Please show us photos of your family. Then introduce them to your classmates. S, please. 1 S: This is my … He/She is a(an) … He/She works … 1 S: There are three people in my family. They are my mother, father and I. My mother is a 2 teacher. … … (对于介绍流利,发音准确的学生,给予表扬。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)

1. (教师出示画在小黑板上康康的家谱。)

Kangkang’s Family Tree T: This is Kangkang’s family tree. (板书并要求学生掌握。) tree, family tree 2. (让学生参照1a内容,完成康康的家谱,核对答案,完成1c。) T: Please complete Kangkang’s family tree according to 1a. Then check the answers together. 3. (让学生参照康康的家谱,编对话。两人一组练习,然后找几组到讲台前表演。)

T: Please make conversations after the example according to Kangkang’s family tree. Then practice in pairs. I’ll ask several pairs to act them out in the front. Example: T: Who’s the man in black? S: He’s Kangkang’s father. 14. (教师用幻灯片展示一篇短文,学生读后完成家谱,并核对答案。)

My name is Jack. I am a boy. I’m 12 years old. I’m a student. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My aunt and uncle are both office workers. They have a daughter. I have a little sister. My little sister is four years old. She is at home with my grandparents.

T: Nice work. Please read the passage on the slide, then complete the following family tree. (板书) _ _ _’s Family Tree (核对答案。) 5. (让学生画自己家的家谱,并对家庭成员作简短的批注,如:职业、年龄和工作地点等。) T : Draw your own family tree and write some information about your family members, such as jobs, age and 23


6. (根据自己家的家谱和2中的提示性问题写一篇小短文,完成2。) T: Write a short passage according to your own family tree and the questions in 2. I’ll ask several students to read your passages. Example: This is my family. My father is … years old. He is a/an … . He works in/on/at … . My mother is … years old. She is a/an … . She works in/on/at … . My aunt is … . My uncle is … . I am … years old. I am a … .

(教师挑选几个学生,让他们大声朗读自己的短文,并给予点评和鼓励。) Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:7分钟) 通过chant、采访和填表格等探究活动,培养学生综合运用目标语言的能力。 1. (播放录音,学生跟着chant。在吟唱中复习所学词汇,完成3。)

T: Listen to the tape and have a chant. 2. (采访活动,让学生充当小记者采访同学,然后完成下表。出示小黑板。)

T: Suppose you are a journalist and interview your classmates about their family members. Then fill out the table on the small blackboard. Name Relation Age Job Workplace _ _ _’s Family _ _ _’s Family 3. Homework: 收集家人及亲戚的照片,用英语写一篇短文,简单描述他们的职业、工作单位、与你的关系等情况,并带到学校来,与同学们共享。 板书设计:

What does your mother do? Section C This is a photo of … on the sofa family tree key words: a photo of——woman in yellow——woman in red——man in a green T-shirt——on the sofa——big family

Section D The main activities are 1, 2a and 5. 本课重点活动是1, 2a和5。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. (1) Learn the following phonetic symbols:/m/, /n/, /l/

(2) Learn some new words and a phrase:happy, teach, only, after, look after 2. Review Wh-Questions with what/where: (1)What do your parents do?(2)Where do you/they work?

3. Learn the useful sentences: (1)I have a happy family.(2)My grandparents live with us and look after Rose at home. (3)Jack’s mother is in red. 24

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 单词卡片/图片/录音机/幻灯片/录像设备/小黑板/奖品/投影 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟) 放录音,出示全家福,师生对话,复习有关职业的词汇及句型,引出新词汇,导入新课。 1. (方案一)(播放含有职业性对话的录音片断,师生互动。) T: Now, let’s listen to the tape, and answer my questions. (1)(播放医生询问病人病情的录音片断,可以是中文的。) T: What does the man/woman do? S: He/She is a doctor. 1(2)(播放教师上英语课的录音片断。) T: What does the man/woman do? S: He/She is a teacher. 2

T: He/She teaches English.

(板书,教学新单词,并要求掌握。) teacher —— teach (3)(播放学生上课的录音片断。) T: What do they do? S: They are students. 3(以同样的方式进行其他“听录音辨职业”训练。) (方案二)(看录像/幻灯片/投影/图片,找出具有职业特征的人物。) (教师让学生快速观看录像/幻灯片/投影/图片,然后提出问题。) T: Who can you see? S: I can see a teacher. 4S: I can see a doctor. 5S: I can see a driver. 6… (直到没有学生补充为止,然后再现材料,让学生仔细观察,师生合作,共同找出所有职业性人物。) 2. (看谁演得好:让学生上前表演各种职业的特征,可利用道具。)

T: Nice work! Now I’ll ask some students to act out different jobs and say what you do and where you work. S, 7 please. S: I am a … I work in a …(学生一边说一边做该职业的标志性动作。) 7S: I am a … I work in a …(像S一样) 87(所有volunteers表演完毕后,师生一起评出“最佳演员”,并颁发奖品。如:英语本。) 3. (教师出示一张自己家三代同堂的全家福,师生问答,引出新词汇。) T: Boys and girls, please look at this photo of my family. This girl is my little daughter. Can you guess how old she is? Ss: She is four years old. (学生猜测女儿的年龄。) T: Yes. She is only four years old, and she is very cute.


only, cute

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you know who’s looking after my daughter now? Ss: Her grandparents. (板书,并要求掌握。) after, look after T: You are right. I think I have a happy family. 25

(板书,学习新单词,并要求掌握。) happy (导入1。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟) 运用卡片学习音标;听录音,做阅读理解,掌握目标语言。 1. (出示

1中的单词卡,让学生认读单词。) T: Boys and girls, we all know this word, right? (手持family单词卡。) Now I’ll show you more word cards. Please read these words in turn. (手持nurse单词卡) S: Nurse. 1 (手持apple单词卡) S: Apple. 2 (手持map单词卡) S: Map. 3 … T: (出示mouse, monkey的单词卡。) Well done! Now please look at the two words. Can you read them? The old words can help you. Ss: Mouse, monkey. (教师可帮助学生学会怎样用学过的单词拼读新单词。) 2. (让学生把单词卡片归类。教学音标/m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /l/.) T: Good. You are very clever. Now please divide these words according to the pronunciation.



/n/ /ŋ/ /l/ 3. (播放1录音,并让学生跟读,直到读准确为止,完成1。) T: Very good! Now please listen to the tape and repeat. 4. (由自己家的全家福照片,导入2a。)

T: You know about my family. Today we have a new friend, Peter. Here is a photo of Peter’s family. After listening to the tape, you’ll know about his family. Do you want to know him? (1)(让学生听2a,然后回答小黑板上所列的问题,师生核对答案。)

T: Please listen to the tape. Then answer the following questions. 1. How old is Peter? 2. Where is he from? 3. How old is his little sister? (2)(再播放2a录音,完成在小黑板上绘制的如下表格,训练学生的听力。) T: Listen to the tape again. And fill out the table on the small blackboard. Family member Job Workplace Peter Father Mother Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟) 通过复述短文和人物访谈,使学生进一步巩固目标语言。 1. (学生精读


T: Read 2a again. Then answer the questions in 2b. Then check the answers with your deskmate. 26

2. (板书关键词,让学生复述2a。) T: Please retell the passage according to the key words on the blackboard.

Peter—come from—twelve—student—Beijing—father—doctor—hospital—mother—teacher—school—Rose—four—grandparents—look after (学生如有困难,教师要及时给予帮助,对复述流畅、准确的学生给予鼓励。) 3. (仿写短文,让学生把自己的家庭情况,用关键词概括,然后口述。) T: Imitate the passage in 2a and retell the information about your family orally. 4. (人物访谈:让两位学生表演,S扮记者,S扮外国明星。) 12

T: Let’s have an interview. Suppose S is a reporter, S is a famous foreign star. S interviews S. OK, please! 1212S: Welcome to China, Mr./Miss … 1S: Thank you. 2S: May I know your family? 1S: Sure. 2S: What does your father/mother do? 1S: My father/mother is a (an) … 2S: Do you like China? 1S: Yes. I like China very much. 2S: Thank you very much. 1S: You’re welcome. 2(让学生两人一组练习人物访谈对话。)

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟) 通过做游戏和做练习,使学生在运用中掌握目标语言,并训练学生的听力。 1. (播放两遍3的录音,第一遍让学生了解大意,第二遍后判断正误,核对答案。) T: Listen to the tape for the first time in order to learn about main ideas. Then listen again and mark True or False in 3. I’ll check the answers. 2. (重放3录音,学生获取更多信息,并根据对话内容,复述



T: Listen to the tape again, and try to get more information. Then retell Jack’s family according to the dialog. 3. (做游戏:找朋友。课前把4a,4b中的问句和答句写在卡片上,打乱顺序,让十六个学生抽取卡片,然后迅速找到与自己相对应的问句或答语,两人一组表演出来。)

T: Let’s play a game: Finding friends. Here are sixteen cards. I’ll ask sixteen students to draw the cards. Then find out their own questions or responses quickly and act out in the front. Example: Group 1 S:What do your parents do? 1 S:They are both office workers. 2 Group 2 S:What do you do? 3 S:I’m a student. 4

… 4. (播放4a、4b录音,学生跟读,并注意语音语调。完成4a和4b。)

T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 5. (教师出示小黑板,学习并操练本单元的特殊疑问句。) T: Let’s do some exercises. Please look at the small blackboard. Fill in the blanks, then check the answers together.


(1) My parents are workers.

do your parents ? (2) I am a student. 27

do you ? (3) The man works on a farm. the man work? (4) They work in a school. they work? (核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟) 通过画家谱,采访,填表格,写短文等形式,培养学生综合运用本话题语言知识的能力。 1. (听叙述,画家谱。 老师让一个或几个学生介绍自己的家庭情况,其他学生根据叙述,画出家谱,看谁画得最正确。完成5(1)。)

T: Listen to the description of your partner’s family photo. Then draw his/her family tree. And we will decide who draws best. 2. (人人都做小记者。学生两人一组相互采访,完成5(2)。)

T: Suppose you are a reporter, interview your partner about his/her family members. Then fill out the table in 5. 让学生根据5(2)采集到的信息,写一篇介绍搭档家庭的小短文,完成5(3)。教师挑选几篇写得好的短文,粘贴在教室后面的《英语学习园地》栏。 板书设计:

What does your mother do? Section D live with us look after 1. /m/, /n/,/ŋ/, /l/ in red 2. My grandparents live with 3. Homework: us and look after Rose at home.

on the sofa 3. What do your parents do?

a photo of my family 4. What does the man do?

Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section A The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. (1)Learn some words about food and drink: fish, chicken, rice, drink, juice, milk, water, vegetable, bread, hamburger (2)Learn some other new words and phrases: yourself/yourselves, help oneself (to), would, about, What about …? all right, for, idea, good idea

2. Talk about having meals and making suggestions: (1)—Help yourselves!—Thank you. (2)—Would you like some …?—No, thanks. (3)—What would you like to eat/drink?—Apple juice, please.—I’d like … (4)—Milk for me, please.—Me, too. (5)—What about some …?—Good


3. Learn countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 28

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/实物/录音机/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟) 利用图片和实物,通过师生问答的形式,激活学生的英语思维,调动学生的积极性,并导入新课。 1. (教师出示图片,复习表示食物的单词。)

T: Hello, boys and girls. I know you learnt many words about food, now look at the pictures. What’s this in English?(图片上为一红色苹果。) S: It’s an apple. 1

T: Good. What color is it? S: It’s red. 1 T: Do you like it? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 1(教师以同样的方法,复习orange(s), banana(s), egg(s), cake(s)。) 2. (教师摆放几个水果,如:oranges, bananas, apples, 引起学生的兴趣。) T: (教师拿一个苹果) I have an apple. T: (教师手捧几个苹果) I have some apples. T: (换成几个橘子) I have some oranges. T: (换成几个香蕉) I have some bananas. (教师引导学生说:I have some …) S: I have some books. 2S: I have some friends. 3S: I have some pens. 4… 3. (教师手拿橘子,请一个学生进行如下对话。) T: S, do you like oranges? S: Yes, I do. 55 T: Do you want some oranges? S: Yes, I do. 5T: (把橘子给S) Here you are. S: Thanks. 554. (学生积极性已被调动,教师趁热打铁。) T: Do you want some oranges? Ss: Yes, I do. T: OK. Now, please look at the blackboard. (板书)

Do you want some oranges?=

T: We can say it like this: (在等号后面板书并领读。) Would you like some oranges? (师生交换角色,引出Would you like some …?的答语。)

T: S, S: Would you like some cakes? 6

T: No, thanks. (教师表扬S并给他/她一个橘子。) 6

T: Now, boys and girls. Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Let’s try. S, would you like some oranges?

S: Yes, please./No, thanks. 77

T: S, would you like some apples? S: Yes, please./No, thanks. 88(教师在Would you like some oranges?后面板书。) 肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks. (导入1a。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟) 利用图片、创设情境以及肢体语言等方式学习生词和新句型。引导学生运用观察、归纳和实践等方法学习语言知识,感悟语言功能。 1. (教师出示食物图片,并在食物下方写上英语。) 29 please say “would you like some …?” S: OK. Would you like some oranges? 66 T: Yes, please.

T: S, would you like some chicken? (教师手持chicken图片。) 1 S: Yes, please./ No, thanks. 1(教师把图片贴在黑板上,教学该单词,并要求学生掌握。) T: S, would you like some rice? (教师手持rice图片。) 2 S: Yes, please./ No, thanks. 2(把图片贴在黑板上,教学该单词,并要求学生掌握。) (用同样的方法,教授fish, juice, milk, water, vegetable, bread, hamburger。) (板书) fish, chicken, rice, juice, milk, water, vegetable, bread, hamburger 2. (为学生创设情境,引出句型。) T: S, look! There are many kinds of foods here, are you hungry? (手拍腹部。) 3 S:Yes. 3 T: What do you want to have?(作吃东西状,提示该学生。) S: I want some … 3 (板书) What do you want to have?= I want some …= (教师继续提问。) T: S, there are many kinds of drinks here. Are you thirsty?(作喝水动作,提示该学生。) 4 S: Yes. 4 T: What do you want to drink? S: I want some … 4 (板书) drink What do you want to drink?= I want some …= 3. (让学生观察前面的Do you want some …?部分,引导学生说出以上句子的同义句,并板书。) What do you want to have?=What would you like to have? I want some … =I would like some … What do you want to drink?=What would you like to drink? I want some … =I would like some … (师生互动操练板书的句型。) T: S,what would you like to have? 5 S: I would like some … 5(操练完毕,教师说明I would like通常写成I’d like,板书,领读,并要求学生掌握。)

I would like=I’d like T: Can you say some sentence patterns like this: I’d like some apples. (学生模仿) S: I’d like some … 64. (待四个学生操练完毕,教师总结,提问,引出另一句型What about …?) T: Different people like different foods and drinks, S would like …, S would like …, S would like …, S would 6789 like …(教师叫S) What about you, S? 1010 S:I’d like some …(教师帮助回答。) 10 T: Would you like some …? S:No, thanks. 10 T: What about some …?

S:Good idea.(帮助学生回答。) 10

(教师板书,解释What about的用法。) 30

What about …? Good idea. 5. (看图猜句子,教师展示一幅用餐图片,图中主人正请客人用餐,在主人头上画一云状话语框,用纸片盖住Help yourselves。)

T: Guess, what will he say? S: Do you want some rice? 11S: Would you like some …? 12S: What do you want to have? 13S: What would you like to have? 14S: What would you like to drink? 15… (学生积极发言,教师最后掀开纸片露出Help yourselves。板书并要求学生掌握。)

Help yourself/yourselves. (先让学生猜意思,然后教师解释含义及用法。) (教师拿几个橘子,走到一个学生旁边。) T: Help yourself to some oranges. (教师示意那个学生拿一个橘子。) S: Thank you. 16(做同样的活动,直到教师手里橘子被拿完。) 6. (播放1a录音,让学生找出所听到的表示食物或饮料的名词,并核对。) T: OK. Listen to the tape and find out the words about food and drink you hear. Try, please. 7. (要求学生再听1a录音并跟读,注意语音语调。)

T: Good. Listen and repeat. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (用英语解释部分生词并板书,要求学生掌握。) all right=OK Milk for me.=I’d like some milk. Me, too.=I’d like some milk, too. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟) 通过填表格、观察讨论等活动,培养学生观察力,巩固所学语言知识。 1. (读1a,填1b表格,核对答案,完成1b。) T: Please read 1a again. Find out what Michael, Maria and Jane want to have. Then fill out the table. 2. (教师出示小黑板,黑板上写有食物和饮料的名称,并按可数名词和不可数名词归类。让学生观察小黑板并讨论,然后说出观察结果,引出可数名词与不可数名词。) Group A: Countable nouns Group B: Uncountable nouns some eggs some fish some cakes some rice some apples some bread some hamburgers some chicken some vegetables some apple juice some oranges some water some bananas some milk T: Now, let’s look at the blackboard together! Who can tell me the differences between Group A and Group B? Ss:There is an “s” in the words in Group A, but in Group B there isn’t the letter. T: Well done. But do you know why? Ss:Sorry. We don’t know. (教师稍作解释。) 3. (看图找物。教师展示一幅用餐图片,让学生找出所学的食物类名词。) T: Look at the picture. What kind of food can you see? 31

S: I can see some cakes. 1S: I can see some vegetables. 2S: … 3… (教师提醒学生,注意使用正确形式。) 4. (播放3录音,让学生先配对,再按可数名词与不可数名词归类。完成3。)

T: Well done! Now, please listen to 3. Then match the food and drink with the words, next divide them into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. (核对答案。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8

分钟) 通过角色表演,听力练习及情景表演,强化训练本节课的功能用语和新单词。 1. (角色表演,学生四人一组操练

1a对话,然后教师挑选一组表演该对话。) T: Let’s role-play. Please practice the dialog in 1a in groups of four. Then I’ll choose one group to come to the front and act it out. 2. (播放2录音,完成2。) T: Very good. Here’s another conversation about having meals. (教师可以用汉语解释having meals。) Please listen to the tape and write down the words about food and drinks. Are you ready? Please go. (核对答案。) 3. (情景表演:晚上你的朋友到你家用餐,请你和朋友一起表演就餐对话。)

T: Nice work. Imagine one of your friends comes to your home to have supper this evening. Can you make a conversation with your friend? You can use these useful expressions: Help yourself! Would you like … ? What would you like …? I don’t like … What about …? Good idea. … Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:5分钟) 通过采访和讨论等活动,把学习英语与学生生活有机结合起来,培养他们的健康意识。 1. (采访活动) (1)(教师先示范,然后学生四人一组,进行采访,并填写4表格。)


T: In the lesson, we learned some names about food and drink. Now let’s work in groups of four. Ask your three classmates what they would like to eat and drink. Then write them down to fill out the table in 4. You can begin like this: S, what do you like to eat? 1 S: I like some vegetables and fish. 1 T: What do you like to drink? S: I like some milk. 1 T: Good! I’ll choose some of you to report it like this: X X likes to eat vegetables. X X likes to drink some milk. Do you understand? Please go! 2. (讨论:我们应该吃什么食物才是最健康的?) (教师可以设计如下内容,学生讨论后连线。) (教师出示小黑板。) fish make us clever (使人聪明) chicken make us healthy (使人健康) milk make us fat (使人变胖) eggs make us sleep well (帮助入睡) vegetables juice hamburgers T: Let’s look at the small blackboard. Please discuss and match. (核对答案。) 3. Homework: 32

(1)熟读1a对话。 (2)对自己的家人做一个调查,制作如4表格。 板书设计:

What would you like to drink?

Section A Help yourself/yourselves. What about …? I would like … =I’d like … Good idea.

Do you want some oranges?=Would you like some oranges? Yes, please./ No, thanks. What do you want to have?= What would you like to have? I want some …=I would like some … What do you want to drink?= What would you like to drink? I want some …=I would like some …

Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases: usually, breakfast, lunch, supper, food, may, take, order, take one’s order, sir, something, glass, a glass of, wait, moment, wait a moment, let, well 2. Talk about having meals and ordering food:

(1)What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael? (2)May I take your order, sir?

3. Go on talking about offering, accepting and refusing. (1)It’s my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much. (2)—Would you like something to drink? —Yes. A glass of apple juice, please./No, thanks. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/录音机/图钉/小黑板/彩色粉笔/实物/菜单 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟) 通过游戏,复习Section A,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们的观察能力。 (玩游戏,复习已学词汇,培养学生速记能力与观察能力。) (方案一)(少了什么?教师准备若干食物卡片,并将这些卡片一一展示,学生逐一读出卡片上的食物名称,然后将卡片抽去一张让学生快速辨认,看少了哪一张,教师可以问What’s missing?学生只需回答单词。) T: Are you ready? Go! (教师先拿出卡片让学生快速看一眼,然后合卡,抽卡,再呈现给学生。) What’s missing? S: Chicken. 1(重复活动,复习词汇。) (方案二)(找区别:教师准备A,B两幅相似的用餐图片,让学生快速看一眼A图然后收起来,并出示B图,提问学生What’s the difference?学生可以用I can see some … (a/an …) in Picture A, but I can’t see them (it) in Picture B.教师示范。) T: You can begin like this: I can see an apple in Picture A, but I can’t see it in Picture B. I can see some fish in Picture A, but I can’t see it in Picture B. (对找出最多区别的同学给予表扬。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟) 33

设置情境,引出新句型。 1. (教师戴上服务生的帽子和领结,手里拿着一支笔和一张菜单,通过对话引出新词汇。) T: Boys and girls, can you guess what I do? Ss: You are a cook. T: No, I’m not a cook. I am a waiter/waitress.(教师解释waiter和waitress。) (然后教师展示一张饭店菜单。) T: What’s this in English? S: It’s an order.(教师帮助学生说出an order,板书并要求学生掌握。) 1 order 2. (情景表演:教师请三位同学扮演顾客,到讲台来。教师在课前将讲台桌装饰成餐桌,并在上面放一些食品,如鸡蛋、蛋糕、一杯牛奶、一杯苹果汁„„) T: S, S, S, please come to the front. 234S: OK. 2,3,4 T: S, would you like some eggs? 2S: Yes, please./No, thanks. 2 T: S, what would you like to drink? 3S: A glass of apple juice, please.(学生可能会回答apple juice,帮助学生回答a glass of apple juice。解释glass,板3 书并要求学生掌握。)


T: S, would you like something to drink?(板书并解释something, 要求学生掌握。) 4 something S: A glass of milk. Thanks. 43. (教师另请两名男生,到讲台前。) T: S, S, please come to the front. 56S:OK. 5,6

T: May I take your order, sir?(教学may, take, sir板书并要求学生掌握。) may ,take, sir S: Some eggs, please. 5S: Some cakes, please. 6 T: Would you like something to drink? S: A glass of apple juice, please. 5S: A glass of milk, please. 6 T: OK. Wait a moment, please.(教师讲解wait a moment,板书并要求学生掌握。)

wait a moment 4. (播放2a录音,让学生判断说话者的身份,并指出录音中提到哪些食物和饮料。) T: Well, now listen to the dialog, and guess what the woman does. And what the food and drink are mentioned in the dialog. 5. (再放2a录音,让学生跟读,注意语音语调。)

T: Good! Now listen again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. (学生两人一组根据2a对话,画出不懂之处。) T: OK. Now practice the dialog with your partner. Then underline the sentences you don’t understand. 7. (教师解答学生疑问,完成2a。) T: Do you know another way of saying“Would you like something to drink?” S: What would you like to drink? 7 S: What do you want to drink? 8 (教师板书) What would you like to drink? = What do you want to drink? 34

=Would you like something to drink? (以同样方式让学生说出Would you like something to have?的同义句。) T: Good. Can you tell me another way of saying“Would you like something to have?” Ss: What would you like to have?/What do you want to have? Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟) 通过表演,巩固2a,完成2b。培养学生听说读写的综合语言技能。 1. (角色表演:教师挑选几组表演2a对话。) 2. (情景剧表演:教师提供几个单词,学生自由发挥,但要运用所学句型。) (小黑板出示。) 场所:restaurant(餐馆) 人物:Michael, Jane, Kangkang, a waiter/waitress 必用词汇:may, would, chicken, milk, what about, something, wait T: Well done! Now look at the small blackboard. Suppose you are Michael, Jane, Kangkang and a waiter/waitress. You are at the restaurant. Please come to the front and act out. You can use the words on the blackboard and

expressions about offering, accepting and refusing you have learnt, volunteers? (鼓励学生积极参与。) 3. (让学生自己先试着填写2b中的空格,画出不懂之处,然后教师解决学生所提疑问。) 4. (待学生完成后,核对答案,让学生两人一组表演2b。完成2b。) T: Very good. Let’s check the answers now. Next, please go on acting with your partner. One acts the rabbit, and the other acts the monkey. (教师可以用英语解释Something to drink?=Would you like something to drink?用汉语解释What do you usually have for lunch?) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11分钟) 学习三餐饮食习惯的表达,进一步巩固所学句型和单词。 1. (教师出示三张钟表简图,分别是早上7∶00,中午12∶00,下午5∶00,内容都是一家人吃饭的情景。) T: (出示图片1)It is seven o’clock in the morning. (出示图片2)It is twelve o’clock at noon. (出示图片3)And it is five o’clock in the afternoon. Are you clear?Ss:Yes. T: (手持图片1) Do they wait for a bus?Ss:No. (教师解释wait for …,板书并要求学生掌握。) wait for… T: What do they do?Ss:… (学生会用汉语回答。)T:They have breakfast.



T: (出示图片2) They have lunch.

(板书,让学生猜测词义,然后领读,要求学生掌握。) lunch T: (出示图片3) They have supper. (板书,让学生猜测词义,然后领读,要求学生掌握。) supper (联系实际,板书学生在校用餐的时间, 并提问。) in the morning / 8:00 at noon / 12:00 in the afternoon / 5:30 T: (手指8:00) What do you do at this time?Ss:We have breakfast. T: (手指12:30) What do you do at this time? Ss: We have lunch. T: (手指5:30) What do you do at this time? Ss: We have supper. 35

(提问一名学生) T: I know, you often have breakfast at eight. What do you usually have for breakfast? (手拿些食物做吃饭动作,帮助


学生理解。) S: I often

usually。) … for breakfast. 1(教师板书解释并领读,要求学生掌握usually, What do you usually have for breakfast?

T: S, what do you usually have for lunch? 2S: I usually have … for lunch. 2

T: S, what do you usually have for supper? 3S: I usually have … for supper. 3(教师总结。)

T: Different

people like different foods and drinks. I like Jiaozi. It’s my favorite food. (板书并解释food,教学该句并要求掌握。) food It’s my favorite food. T: That means I like Jiaozi very much. (问学生) T: S, what’s your favorite food? 4S: My favorite food is rice/chicken … 4 T: S, what’s your favorite drink? 5S: My favorite drink is milk/juice … 5

T: Well. S, do you know what Michael’s favorite food is? 6S: Sorry, I don’t know. 6T: OK. Now let’s come to learn 1a, and then you can find the answer. 2. (播放1a录音,完成下列表格,板书。) T: OK. Please listen to the tape. Then fill out the table on the blackboard. Name For Breakfast For Lunch For Supper Michael 3. (重放1a录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调。完成1a。) T: Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 4. (学生两人一组根据1a编对话并表演。)

T: Well. Now work in pairs and make a conversation similar to 1a. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟) 结合学生用餐习惯,开展探究和讨论活动,提高学生学习和运用语言的能力。

1. (学生分组,调查组内同学的用餐习惯。然后每组选一个代表,汇报调查结果,完成1b。) T: OK. Now we know what Michael usually have for three meals. Now please ask your classmates about their three meals and fill out the table in 1b. Then I’ll ask some of you to report it like this: X X usually has … for breakfast. He/She usually has … for lunch, and has … for supper. You can ask and answer after the following example. Example: A: What do you usually have for …? B: I usually have … . 2. (听3录音,学唱歌曲,拓展食物和饮料类名词。) 3. Homework: (1)把Section A,B中表示建议、接受和拒绝的语句抄在练习本上。 (2)把Section A,B中所有食物类名词,按可数名词和不可数名词分类列在练习本上。 板书设计:

What would you like to drink? 36

Section B Wait a moment, please. What do you usually have for …? have breakfast It’s my favorite food. have lunch May/Can/Could I …? have supper Would you like something to drink? Yes. A glass of …, please. Section C The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: eat, out, eat out, dinner, have dinner, why, Why not …? 2. Learn some useful sentences about having meals and making suggestions: (1)—Would you like to have dinner with me?—Yes, I’d like to. (2)—What would you like to eat?—Let me see. (3)—Why not have some fish and eggs?—Good idea. (4)—Help yourself to some fish.—Thanks. (5)Here you are. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/投影仪/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟) 通过歌曲、图片、师生互动等形式,培养学生的学习兴趣。复习重点知识,导入新课。 1. (师生共唱歌曲《Old McDonald Had a Shop》,调节课堂气氛,提高学生的学习兴趣。) 2. (利用图片,快速复习食物名称。) T: Look at these pictures. Let’s say them out as quickly as possible.

S: Rice.(教师出示rice图片。) 1


Hamburger.(出示hamburger图片。) 2 S: … 3… 3. (让学生两人一组模仿Section B,2a,表演一段就餐对话,导入新课。)

T: Well done! Please make a conversation about having meals with your partner. Then I’ll ask some pairs to act out in

the front.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:14分钟) 通过创设情景,师生问答等形式,学习本课新单词及新句型。 1. (师生问答,谈论学生的日常饮食,复习有关句型,并引出本课新知识。)

T: What do you usually have for breakfast? S: I usually have … for breakfast. 1 T: What about lunch? S: I usually have … 1 T: Do you often eat Jiaozi for supper? S: Yes. I like it very much. 1 (板书并要求学生掌握。) 37

eat T: S, would you like some Jiaozi? 2 S: Yes, please./No, thanks. 2 T: S, would you like some vegetables? 3 S: Yes, please./No, thanks. 3 T: S, would you like to have breakfast with me?

4S: Yes, I’d like to.(帮助学生回答。) 4 (板书并要求学生掌握。) —Would you like to do sth.? —Yes, I’d like to. (教师讲解其用法。师生操练。) T: Would you like to have lunch with me? Ss: Yes, I’d like to. T: Would you like to have dinner with me? Ss: Yes, I’d like to. (板书并要求学生掌握。) dinner, have dinner T: Where do you often have dinner? Ss: I often have dinner at home. T: I often eat at home, too. But sometimes I eat out. (板书并要求学生掌握。) eat out T: S, would you like to eat out with me? 5S: Yes, I’d like to. 5 T: What would you like to eat? S: I’d like some … 5 T: What about some chicken? S: Good idea. 5 T: I can also say“Why not have some chicken?”

(板书并要求学生掌握。) —Why not do sth.? —Good idea. (师生操练。) T: S, why not have some apple juice? 6S: Good idea. 6 T: S, why not have some fish? 7S: Good idea. 7 T: Very good, sit down, please. S, if you want to ask your classmates to eat apples here. What do you say? 8S: Help yourself to some apples. 8 Ss: Thank you./Thanks. T: Good, but you should say: Help yourselves to some apples. (教师应加重语气,强调yourselves。) (然后教师拿起一个苹果递给一个学生说。) T: Here you are. S: Thank you./Thanks. 9(板书并让学生猜测句子的意思,要求学生掌握。) Here you are. T: OK. Do you want to know where the children have dinner? Please listen to the tape and find out the answer. 2. (播放1a录音,学生听并找出答案。核对答案。) 38

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步

巩固(时间:8分钟) 通过角色表演,进一步巩固就餐用语。培养学生用所学语言进行交际的能力。 1. (重播1a录音,让学生听录音,完成下列问题。)

T: Listen to the tape again and complete the following questions. (1) Do they eat out? (2) What do they eat? (3) Do they have some drinks? 2. (再播1a,让学生跟读,注意语音语调,加深理解。) T: Listen to the tape again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 3. (角色表演:学生三人一组,分角色表演1a。然后挑选几组上台表演,并给予鼓励。完成1b。) T: OK. Now please practice the dialog in groups of three. Then I’ll ask some groups to come to the front and role-play. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:9分钟) 通过排序、填空和给句子配对等活动,帮助学生继续操练本话题的功能语言项目,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 1. (看2的图画,对句子进行正确排序,核对答案。完成2。) T: Well done. Next, look at the picture in 2 on Page 74. Can you guess where they are? Ss: They are in the shop. T: And what do they say? Read the following sentences first. Then put them into the correct order to make a conversation. (核对答案。) T: Boys and girls, I’ll divide you into two groups. Boys act the boss. (教师可以用汉语解释boss。) Girls act the customer. (教师用汉语解释customer。) Are you ready? Go. Boys: May I help you, sir? Girls: Yes, two hamburgers, please. Boys: Would you like something to drink? Girls: No, thanks. Boys: OK. 16 yuan, please. Girls: Here you are. 2. (将3中的图贴在黑板上,师生讨论笑脸的含义。学生两人一组问答,然后完成3的文章。) T: Look at the pictures on the blackboard. Talk about them in pairs. (1)S: Do you like chicken? 1S: Yes, I like it a little. 2S: Do you like hamburgers? 1S: Yes, I like them very much. 2 (2)S: Do you like fish? 3S: Yes. It’s my favorite food. 4S: Do you like bananas? 3S: No, I don’t like them at all. 4T: Nice work! Now let’s complete the passage in 3. Then we will check the answers together. (核对答案。) 3. (用投影仪或小黑板展示4中两组句子,让学生配对,以提高他们对句子的运用能力,完成4。核对答案。)

Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:8分钟) 通过接力活动及讨论学生的饮食情况,提高学生听说读写的综合语言技能。 1. (接力比赛。) (方案一:看谁说得对。) 39

(教师念some,学生接食物类名词,且要注意是否加s。学生按座位顺序快速轮流说,食物名称不得重复,说错者退出比赛,最后剩下的同学为获胜者。) (方案二:比一比谁快。) (1)(事先准备两份内容相同的卡片,卡片上给出的是本话题的功能句。) (2)(将全班同学分成两组并站成两路纵队,每组的第一位同学用卡片上的第一个问题提问,第二位同学回答,然后第二位同学用卡片上下一问题提问,第三位同学回答,问完问题的同学站到本队的最后,当再次轮到第一位同学提问时,一个赛程结束,教师记下两组分别花费的时间,花费时间短且问答准确率高的组获胜。) 2. (让学生两人一组讨论自己的饮食情况,并模仿3写成短文。学生互评,然后教师挑选一个学生的作文进行点评。) 3. Homework:

(1)让学生运用所学的句型自己编一个关于就餐的对话,并写在练习本上。 (2)询问亲友,或上网查询本地有哪些名菜。 板书设计: What would you like to drink? Section C eat out have dinner/have supper Here you are. Thanks. —Would you like to do …? —Yes, I’d like/love to. —Why not have some fish and eggs? —Good idea. —What about some vegetables? —Good idea.

Section D The main activities are 1, 2a and 4. 本课重点活动是1,2a和4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some phonetic symbols:/h/, /r/, /w/, /j/ 2. Learn some new words and a phrase:dear, kind, such as, be

3. Review ordering food and having meals. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/单词卡片/多媒体课件/投影仪或小黑板/图片/信封 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟) 通过竞赛、表演、游戏等方式,帮助学生进一步巩固本话题的功能语言。 1. (头脑风暴,复习本话题所有的词汇。)

(将学生分成四组,组之间进行抢答。若某一组员回答不上来,组内其他组员三秒内有一次机会给予帮助。若无人帮助,机会转给其他组。答对一次,画一面红旗,评出优胜组,并颁发“最佳团体奖”。培养学生集体荣誉感。) T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you remember all the words in the topic? Now let’s PK. I’ll divide you into four groups. Try your best to speak out the word quickly when I say it in Chinese. The group which get the most red flags will be winner. Are you clear? Please go. (教师示范。) T: 鸡肉 S: chicken 1 T: 鱼肉 S: fish 22. (男女挑战赛,复习本话题的句型。) (把全班分成男、女两大组,每组依次各出一人,采用一问一答式,相互交换,每个人只有一次机会,问一句或答一句可得一面红旗,组内相同的问句不能超过三次,否则违规。) 40

T: OK. Now boys can make a challenge for girls by asking and answering. You can use the important sentences in the topic. You can begin like this: (教师和一学生示范。) T: Would you like some eggs? S: Yes, please. /No, thanks. 3(交换角色。) S: Here you are. T: Thank you. 3(教师观察,若本话题所有句型均已提到,且大部分学生已参与,即可停止。) 3. (即兴表演:三人一组,其中一人为waiter/waitress,运用所学就餐用语,演一个在酒店/饭店用餐的短剧。) 4. (给单词贴尾巴,复习可数名词与不可数名词。) (教师把以前所学和本单元所有表示食物/饮料类的名称写在动物形的纸板上,贴在黑板上,然后把s写在部分尾巴形的纸板上;另一部分尾巴什么也不写,表示不加s,即不可数名词。给动物贴上正确的尾巴。) 5. (教师出示一封信,引入新课题。)

T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a letter. T: Yes, do you know how to write an English letter? (用汉语翻译此句。) Ss: No, we don’t know. T: OK. I’ll teach you how to write an English letter today. (老师做写的动作。) (导入2a。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:10分钟) 学习2a短文。帮助学生了解并掌握英文信件的书写格式,拓展他们的文化视野。 1. (教师用幻灯片出示各种形式的英文信件,让学生整体感知。也可以打印出来,让学生传阅, 了解英文写作的多样性。)

T: Look at these letters and see how English people write letters. 2. (教师用课件或黑板展示英文信件的基本框架。)




Yours, ××× (板书并要求学生掌握。)


T: Do you know this word? Ss: Yes. 亲爱的。(随着大众媒体的传播,学生都知道它。) (教师解释。) T: In English letters, we usually use (翻译该词) this word to start a letter, not only say it to young men or young women, but also to old people or kids. (教师举例。) T: Dear … (用班上学生的姓名,有男也有女。) (教师提醒学生注意“Dear … ,”的标点符号。) Dear Sam, √ Dear Sam: × (教师指着小黑板/课件中信的正文部分。) T: This is the body of a letter. Here you can write something that you want to tell the receiver. (用同样的方法,讲解信的结尾及签名。) T: This part is the end of a letter. People usually use “Yours,” and the writer has to write his/her name here. (教师展示几封内容简短的英语信件,以增强学生印象,了解文化常识。) 3. (教师展示两幅图片,一幅是一个凶神恶煞的壮汉正对一个弱者大动干戈,另一幅是一个 小朋友正给一个流浪汉食物。) T: Do you like this man? (出示图片。) Ss:No. We don’t like him at all. T: Neither do I. Because he is not kind. What about the boy? (出示另一图片。) Ss:We like him very much. T: Good. The boy is very kind. (板书让学生猜测词意,然后领读并要求学生掌握。) 41

kind (然后教师用

be kind to说出下列四句话,帮助学生加深对kind的理解,以此引出生词be。) 例如: T: We should be(用汉语翻译该词) kind to other people. Teachers should be kind to students. We should be kind to our parents. We should be kind to each other. (板书,解释,然后领读,要求学生掌握。) be (am, is, are) (教师用汉语解释be的用法,并举例。) T: I’m glad to be here. I’m happy to be with you. Are you glad to be a student of mine? Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up? (教师在叙述时,应重读be,突出be动词。) 4. (播放2a录音,学生跟读,并画出有用的短语。) T: OK. Here’s a letter for Jack. Do you want to know who writes it? Please listen to the tape and repeat. Then underline the useful phrases. (核对答案。) T: Who is the letter from? Ss: Jane. T: Right. We know the phrases in the letter are very important, such as be kind to, have dinner, be glad to be here. Can you remember them? Ss: Yes. (教师板书such as让学生猜测其意,然后领读并要求学生掌握。)

such as

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟) 根据关键词,复述2a。完成2b并学习四个辅音。 1. (让学生再读短文,回答下面两个问题,加深对2a的理解。) T: Please read 2a again. Then answer the following questions. (1) Does Jane often have dinner with her friends? (2) What does she like to eat? (核对答案。) 2. (要求学生根据关键词复述信的内容,完成2a。)


Dear, in China, many friends, kind, have dinner, like Chinese food, such as … , be nice, be very glad to be here, Yours, Jane 3. (让学生根据2a给自己的朋友写一封信。提醒学生注意格式。教师检查完毕,选几位学生大声朗读自己的信件,完成2b。) 4. (教师将1的例词写在黑板上,让学生读出单词,并注意画线部分辅音字母的读音。) /h/ head hand have house /r/ red ruler sorry river /w/ welcome worker woman watch /j/ your young yellow year 5. (播放1录音,学生跟读。) 6. (小组活动。把全班同学分成四组,为上述音标补充单词,每一组同学就某个音标补充单词。) T: OK, you do very well. Now let’s add other words to each phonetics. For example, Group 1 adds words to /h/. Group 2 adds words to /r/. Group 3 adds words to /w/. Group 4 adds words to /j/. Do you understand? You can find the words in your books. Ss:Yes. 42

T: OK. Let’s begin. … Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10

分钟) 通过听说读写等练习,在不同情境中练习目标语言,展开任务型活动,培养学生综合运用语言的技能。 1. (找同义句。在本单元中,学习了不少同义句,让学生掌握这些句子,明白英语这门语言的灵活性。) (用小黑板或投影仪,列出下列句子。) (1) Why not have some milk? (2) What would you like to drink? (3) What would you like to eat? A (4) I like Chinese food very much. (5) I want some bread.

(6) Would you like to have dinner with me? (7) Would you like some eggs? A. Do you want some eggs?

B. What about having dinner with me? C. I’d like some bread.

B D. Chinese food is my favorite. E. Would you like something to eat? F. Would you like something to drink? G. What about some milk? T: Nice work. Well, in the topic we know many same meaning sentences. Please look at the blackboard, read the sentences in Column A first, and then find the same meaning sentences in Column B.

(学生配对完毕后,教师核对答案并作解释。) 2. (口头翻译句子,让学生加深对句型的记忆。)

T: Please change the sentences into Chinese or English orally. S, please. Would you like some milk? 1 S: 你想要点牛奶吗? 1 T: 你想喝点什么吗?S, please. 2 S: What would you like to drink?/Would you like something to drink? 2… (对于表现好的学生要给予表扬,对于有困难者,要给予提示。鼓励他们尽量开口说英语。) 3. (播放3b录音,让学生跟读,模仿语音语调,加深巩固。) 4. (教师从3b中抽取五个句子听写,完成3b。) T: Now, let’s have a dictation. (1)Would you like something to drink?(2)What do you usually have for breakfast? (3)May I take your order, sir?(4)Help yourself to some fish.(5)Wait a moment, please. 5. (学生看3a,朗读单词,掌握可数名词与不可数名词。教师可适当补充,完成3a。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟) 通过组织英语角活动,为学生提供实际运用英语的机会,提高学生的学习兴趣和语言运用能力。 1. (小小英语角,带着任务去交谈。) (教师把学生分成六人一组,组织一个小英语角,不准用汉语。运用前面所学知识,谈论家庭、食物。教师在各小组间走动,提供帮助,鼓励学生大胆发言,完成

4(1)中表格。) T: Boys and girls, would you like to go to the English Corner with me? (可以用汉语解释the English Corner。) Ss: Yes. We’d like to. T: OK. Now I’ll divide you into many groups, six members in a group. Talk about your family members, food and drink at the English Corner using the questions, such as: (1) What does your father/mother/ … do? (2) Where does he/she work? (3)What’s his/her favorite food? (4) What does he/she usually like to drink? … You can only speak English at the English Corner. Then fill out the table in 4(1). 2. Homework: (1)找一些自己的玩具、书刊,带到学校,以备下节课使用。 43

把本单元所学的食物类名词归类。) 第一种方法:按食物和饮料归类。 第二种方法:按可数与不可数归类。 (3)根据4(1)中谈话内容,写作文,四十个词左右。教师要求作文必须用真实姓名,且必须写其他人,内容要包括他人的个人信息,家庭信息。完成4(2)。 板书设计:

What would you like to drink? Section D have… for… (三餐名称) (2)(They are all kind to me. be glad to be here I like Chinese food very much, such as … be kind to sb. I’m very glad to be here. have dinner with sb. something to eat/drink Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.(1)Learn some useful words and phrases:

madam, buy, over, there, over there, try, try on, How much …? (2)Learn some new words about numbers: thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred

2. Learn some expressions about shopping: (1)—What can I do for you, madam?—I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. (2)—Can I try it on?—Sure.(3)It looks very nice on you.(4)That’s fine. We’ll take it. 3. Learn how to express and respond to the thanks: —Thanks a lot.—Not at all. 4. Learn how to ask and state prices: —How much is it?—It’s only seventy yuan.

5. Learn how to make suggestions: —What about this one?—All right. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/彩色粉笔/小黑板/价格标签/录音机/实物 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟) 由已学过的数字导入新数字,整合教学内容,完成2a。 1. (教师在黑板上贴一大张白纸,上面已事先画好一个动物,但线条很浅,在线条上分布0-20之间的数字,直到数字连接完毕,方可显现动物轮廓。) T: Who can help me? 44

S: I can. 1 T: Good, listen and match (运用肢体语言,让学生明白match意思是“连接”。) the numbers, OK? S: OK. 1 T: Please match number“0”to“20”. (学生连线,从0到20,完毕。教师面向大家。)

T: What can you see


Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 How do you usually come to school? Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1.(1) Learn some means of transportation: by bike, by subway, by bus, on foot, by plane, by car, by train, by ship, by boat (2) Learn other new words and phrases: gate, the same to, come on, go to school, Ms., grandmother, group 2. Learn adverbs of frequency: often, usually, always 3. Review the present simple tense. —Do you often come to school by bike? —Yes. I do./No, I don’t.

4. Talk about how to go to school. —How do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school by subway./I always come to school by bus. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/交通工具的模型/图片

Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟) 复习日常用语并呈现1a内容。 Ⅳ.疑点探究

本课我们学习了介词by表示“用,靠;通过,借助于(方式、手段)”时的用法。如:by car, by plane, by ship等。

用来表示交通方式的介词还有in和on。如:in a car, on a bus等。此时交通工具前要加限定词。但on foot意为“步行;走”。foot前不需任何限定词,foot也不能用复数。(建议:教师可在总结课上或练习课上补充。) Section B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 1. Learn some new words and phrases: weekday, early, bird, catch, walk, ride, park, do (one’s) homework, watch TV, television 2. (1)Go on learning adverbs of frequency: seldom, never, sometimes (2)Review the present simple tense. I always get up at about six o’clock. Li Xiang often comes to school by bike. 3. Go on learning adverbs of frequency and means of transportation in different expressions. (1) I seldom walk to school. I never go to school by subway. (2) —How does Maria go home? —She sometimes goes home by subway. / She sometimes takes the subway home. 4. Encourage the students to be diligent. The early bird catches the worm. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1) Learn other words of frequency: once, twice (2) Learn other new words and phrases: life, American, or, few, have lunch, at school, day, have a rest, play, basketball, football, go swimming, and so on, ball, more, talk, game, listen to, music, read, library, must, first, week, every 2. Learn how to express frequency. How often do you go to the library? Once/Twice/Three times a week./Very often./Every day./Seldom … 3. Talk about the daily activities. play soccer, play basketball, read books, go swimming, go fishing, listen to music, watch TV, do one’s homework, go to the park, meet friends, cook, go to the zoo 4. Learn about the differences of the school life between American students and Chinese students. Topic 2 He is running on the playground. Section A needs 1~2 periods. Section A需用1~2课时。

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1.(1) Learn the names of school buildings: playground, gym, dormitory, lab, computer room, dining hall, classroom building, swimming pool (2) Learn other new words: make, card, boring, soon, run, dance, sleep, clean 2. Learn the present continuous tense. What are you doing now? I’m making cards.

What is Maria doing now? She is reading in the library. Are you watching TV? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.

Is Kangkang reading in the library? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和2b。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases: borrow, a few, of course, use, look for, shelf, keep, return, on time, pleasure, post, bye-bye, another, Lost and Found, purse, money, else, picture, put on 2. Go on learning the present continuous tense. Many students are using them, and they are doing better in English now. I’m looking for my purse.

3. Learn how to borrow things. Excuse me, may I borrow a few Ren’ai Project English workbooks? How long can I keep them? You must return them on time. 4. Learn how to write Lost and Found. (1)look for与find的用法:

look for意思是“寻找”, 强调“找”的动作。find是及物动词, 意思是“找到, 发现”, 强调“找”的结果, 后跟宾语。如:

I can’t find my purse. 我找不到钱包了。

Please look for it in your bag. I think you can find it. 请在你的包里找一下, 我想你能找到它。



What’s that in your other hand? 你另一只手里拿的是什么?

else修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词,必须位于这些词之后。如: I have nothing else to say. 我没有其他要说的了。 What else do I need to do? 我还要做其他的什么事情吗? Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn other new words and phrases: show sb. around, sit, write, at the back of, draw 2. Review the present continuous tense. What is/are… doing? Is/Are…?

The boy is drawing pictures. He isn’t making cards.

3. Review the names of school buildings. 4. Talk about everyday activities. Encourage the students to take part in various kinds of activities actively. Topic 3 My school life is very interesting. Section A needs 1~2 periods. Section A需用1~2课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1)Learn days of the week: Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (2)Learn subjects: physics, geography, P. E. , art, math, science, history, biology, politics (3)Learn other new words and phrases: today, meeting, outdoor activity, lesson, learn 2. Learn Wh-questions. What day is it today? What time does the class begin? 3. Talk about subjects and timetables. What class are they having? They are having a music class. What time is it over? At a quarter to eleven. How many lessons does he have every weekday? What lessons does he have on Wednesdays? How often does he do outdoor activities? Ⅳ.疑点探究

1. Sunday意为“星期日,星期天”。在英国它被看做是一周的最后一天,在美国则被看做是一周的第一天。

2. class指整个课堂, 包括老师讲授和学生听讲, 比如英语课,美术课等。 lesson是课文本身, 范围非常小, 比如:Lesson One第一课 Section B Section B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1)Learn some adjectives: easy, interesting, difficult (2)Learn other new words: which, subject, best, story 2. Talk about interests, likes and dislikes. You must like English very much. I don’t like it very much.

Which subject do you like best? I like history best. Why do you like it? Because it’s easy and interesting. Section C needs 1 period. Section C 需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ.Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases: friendly, other, news, attention, between, stamp, world, Saturday, from…to…, night, place, program 2. (1)Review subjects and school activities.


Unit 6.I like sweets. Period 1 一. 教学目标

1. 熟悉学生,树立老师的威信 2. 复习Part A. 3. 通过有趣的课堂,让学生喜欢英语课

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:树立老师威信,对学生要求严格到位,同时也做到严中有爱 难点:特别树立在男生中的威信,找到恰当控班的方法。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1. 老师的自我介绍(严厉,讲明英语课的规矩) 2. 教会学生口令 3. sing a song.(活跃气氛) Step2:Revision 1. 看嘴型说句子(can you hear me?)复习I like sweets.Which one do you like?a hard one or a soft one? 2. 黑板上的认读(指对认错,陷阱) 3. 课本认读(黑猫警长、上下左右)

Step3:带学生做练习P25 布置家作:P23 Period 2 一. 教学目标

1. 能掌握新单词lollipops,nuts,jelly 2. 能用“What do you like?Which one do you like?询问他人的喜好,及用”I like.don’t like…表达个人的喜好。

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:熟练的运用句型I like.don’t like表达个人的喜好 难点:顺利完成课文C、D部分的调查。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1. 口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位) 2. sing song 3. Greetings Step2:Presentation and drill 1. 导入教学

(设置情境,T为assitant。输入 I like.don’t like的句型。带读单词,声音好听玩爬楼梯的游戏)

(Cake,drink,dumplings,water,nut,jelly,lollipop,sweets) 实物可作奖品 2. 句子教学

What do you like?I like nuts,jelly ….(游戏一口气) 课本PartB C D 的认读(游戏黑毛警长) 3. 反义词复习

Soft-hard thin-thick old-new old-young tall-short (作业P25) 4. 歌曲教学 输入(抢椅子)

Period 3 一. 教学目标

1. 复习Unit 6的内容,带学生做完练习 2. 观看英语电影

二. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位) 2.sing song 3.Greetings Step2:Revision 1. 课本认读 2. 练习

Step3:Film show 作业:试卷

Period 4 8单元 一. 教学目标

1. 能听懂、会说新单词和短语hobby,roller-blading,a sticker album,collecting stickers,reading stories. 2. 能运用Do you have any hobbies?询问他人的兴趣爱好,及对该询问做出回应。

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:掌握新单词;运用句型I like doing…”表达个人的喜好。 难点:动名词的用法

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 4. 口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位) 5. sing song 6. Greetings Step2:Presentation and drill 1. 导入教学

T 做动作S猜 T输入I like doing的句型(sing.dance,read,collect stickers,run,roller-blading,fly) 3. 操练重点单词

roller-blading,a sticker album,collecting stickers,reading stories.在句型中操练(左右手,魔法手指,炸弹) 4. 问句学习 5. 见文字 6. 课本认读A。B

Unit 7.Do you have any hobbies? Period 1 一. 教学目标

1.复习六单元. 2.新授Unit 7的PartA.B 二. 教学重点及难点

1.能听懂、会说新单词和短语hobby,roller-blading,a sticker album,collecting stickers,reading stories. 2. 能运用Do you have any hobbies?询问他人的兴趣爱好,及对该询问做出回应。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1. 课前准备 2. 口令组织课堂教学

3. sing a song.(活跃气氛)《Edilwess> 4. Greetings. Step2:Revision 1.看嘴型说句子(can you hear me?)复习I like sweets.Which one do you like?a hard one or a soft one? 2.课本认读(黑猫警长、上下左右)P21 Step3:Presengation and drill.(七单元PartA.B) 1. 导入教学

Boys and girls ,please look at the window.What’s the weather like today?(简笔画)What’s your habby on this day?Do you know hobby?通过肢体动作(play computer games,sing,dance,reading,swimming,drawing Eating,roller-blading,collecting stickers)引导S理解hobby的意思。引出重点句型Do you have any hobbies?可以让学生用中文回答,T则不停输入重点句型Do you have any hobbies? 2. 正音操练

Reading,Eating,roller-blading,collecting stickers(上下左右,左右手,魔法手指)(在句子中操练I like…) 3. TS问答。教Schant. Hobbies hobbies,what hobbies do you have?I like reading,I like eating, I like roller-blading.I like collecting,collecting stickers(动作) 4. 见文字

5. 课本认读(黑猫警长) Step4:Check homework. P29,听写UNIT 6 words.

Period 2 一. 教学目标

1.能掌握新单词hobby,collecting stickers,roller-blading,story,a sticker album 2.能用“Do you have any hobbies?询问他人的爱好,及用”I like.表达个人的爱好。

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:熟练的运用句型I like.表达个人的爱好 难点:顺利完成课文C、A.B部分的熟练掌握。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 7. 口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位) 8. sing song 9. Greetings Step2:Revision 1.通过chant 复习Hobbies hobbies,what hobbies do you have?I like reading,I like eating, I like roller-blading.I like collecting,collecting stickers(动作) 2.Review key words. 黑板认读(陷阱)

Step3:Presentation and drill 1.导入教学

(通过书本认读让S熟练掌握Part A,针对Part A让S掌握三人称的说法:He likes/She likes)在熟练的基础上,注意学生点上的检查,大组-小组)P27-28 2.chant教学 输入(抢椅子) 3. PPT练习

让S熟练掌握PartA-E 4. check homework 听写六单元单词 抄写七单元单词上作业本 练习册

Period 3 一.教学目标

1.复习Unit 7的内容,带学生做完练习 2.观看英语电影

二. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位) 2.sing song 3.Greetings Step2:Revision 5. 课本认读 6. 练习

Step3:Film show 作业:试卷

Period 4 八单元 一.教学目标

1.能听懂、会说新单词和短语get up have breakfast go to school have class come home能运用Do you have any hobbies? 2.复习时间的说法

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:掌握新单词;运用句型What time do you…询问时间 难点:时间的说法

3. 教学准备


4. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 10. 口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位) 11. sing song 12. Greetings Step2:Revision TSchant,T ask Sanswer,review I like reading stories,I like eating,I like roller-blading,Ilike collecting stickers. Step3:Presentation and drill 1. 导入教学

Free talk.clock(复习时间说法,板书或画画)输入What time do you get up?What time do you have breakfast?What time do you go to school?What time do you have class?What time do you come home? 2. 正音操练

短语get up have breakfast go to school have class come home(左右手,魔法手指,一口气) 7. 问句学习 8. 见文字 P31,32 9. 课本认读A。B Step4:Practice 作业本、练习册 P33


鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ Unit 1 Greetings Unit 2 who is the first Unit 3 Catch and run Unit 4 Color it green Unit 5 Let’s play unit6 Hide and seek unit7 Point to your nose unit8 How many doors? unit9 Tell your friends. unit10 Let‟s do it. unit11 Let‟s guess. unit12 Bounce a ball. unit13 Exercise our body. unit14 Clap our hands. unit15 I can draw

Unit 1 Greetings Teaching aims and demands:

1)can use simple English greet others 2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening” 3) Can read the new words about letter A a 4) can speak out the sentences of part 7

二、Important and difficult points: What„s this? It‟s the letter Aa. Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening . Hello! Hi! Slide

三、Teaching Steps : Step1 Greetings:

Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? ……

Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence. Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang …… Step 3: Presentation Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, what‟s the picture say? ---- Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word. Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening. 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a. Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times . Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa Step 8 :Do some exercises 1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students‟ book 2) match them 3) Good morning Hello! Good night. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning. Hello! Good night. Good afternoon! Good evening

Unit 2 who is the first Teaching aims and demands : *They can understand some simple actions and do it ; *They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “., * Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”. *Can read B b and some new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 5

二、Important and difficult points What‟s this? Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Go back Hands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ball beef

三、teaching method: 本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。教师一到课堂里就可以边做手势边说,Now ,stand up ,sit down, Stand up! sit down.说的时候可以先慢后快,也可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后面叫一个同学说,Come here! Come here! 等到学生来了之后,教师可以说Go back. Go back. Go back.然后再叫另外的同学,在这四个句子中来回变换花样,最好是时常有所变化。 等大家熟悉了以后,、让大家一起来说顺口溜,Up, Up, stand up. Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back ,back, go back.边说边做动作。然后教师开始用实物来做替换练习。如,Hands up! Hands down. Hands up, hands down. 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ Books up .Books down .等等。

当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。接下来便是教字母的时间。教师首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛)。边看大写B的时候,边说Big B is a cat.然后拿小写b说,Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail .They are the letter Bb,等.让大家反复说,反复练习,然后,让小组的同学进行朗诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在学字母的时候,注意把这几个词给学生,让他们练习一下。其中还有:bee, ball, beet字母组合等。在适当的时候,让学生放松一下,可以随时让他们做一些动作,即复习了所学内容,有有助于学生上课保持新鲜感,更有兴趣参与到学习中来。 请一个学生到讲台上去做动作,其他同学在下面说他做的动作,看谁说得最快最准确,老师可适当给予奖励。然后再换其他同学去,做到充分练习。 四 、Exercises : 1. Read and do: Stand up. Sit down. Come here Go back pen up. Pencil down Books up. Feed down…… 2. Let‟s chant A. Up, up, stand up .Down, down,sit down. Here, here, come here. Back, back, go back. Up, up, stand up. Down, down, sit down Up, up, books up. Down down pencils down. Up up pens up, down down feet down. B Good morning, mummy! Good morning, daddy! Good afternoon, teacher! Good evening, my little cat! C. Two, two, two books up! One, one, one pen down! Two, two, two books up! One, one, one pencil down!

Unit 3 Catch and run Teaching aims and demands: *Can understand some simple actions and do it *Know the meaning of “catch、run .”

*Can read and write letter Bb and can read the new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 7 on page 11

二、Important and difficult points: catch ! Run to the …… door table window boys girls blackboard teacher flowers cab cap

三、Teaching method and steps: Step1:Bring some toys to the classroom at the beginning of the class, throw them to the classes one by one and say: Catch! If they can understand what‟s meaning, take out the pictures show to them and teach the new words: ball, door, window, blackboard, teacher, flowers Step2: Go to the playground play games and learn: Please be ready. Run! 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ Group them into boys and girls. Have a rally race. Then queue in a line, do some actions (Who is the fastest): Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window! Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers! Then chant it and do it: Catch a ball, run to the door. Catch a pen, run to Ben. Catch a pencil, run to the middle. Catch, run, catch, run, catch and run. Step3:Go back to the classroom, have a rest, then color it on page 12.then listen and circles on page 12 Step4:take a piece of paper and ask them ?What‟s this ?It‟s a piece of paper ,yes ,now cut it into a shape of big moon ,and then ask :What‟s this now ?--- Yes ,it‟s moon .What does it look like ike a smiling face , like the letter C c .Who said it likes letter C c ,will be prized . Say: c is the moon, C c is the moon. We are on the moon, we are on the moon. Step5: Show them pictures and teach: cab, cap, and cat. Can add some words about Cc. Step6: Teach them how to write letter Cc. Step7: Exercises: Speak out and do actions: Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window! Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers! Stand! Sit! Catch! Run! Ask and answer in pairs: What‟s this? It‟s a big C. What‟s this? It‟s a small c. Practice reading and writing letter C c

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(上) Unit 4 Color it green

一、Teaching aims and demands:

*can understand and speak out the words about some colors *they can do color the things after the order *使学生能用两种问句问问题



员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ Color it green. What color do you like? Which is the blue duck?

三、交际词汇: pink, green, indigo, red, yellow, purple


可以首先拿出一只剪好的白色鸭子对学生说,This is a duck. This is a duck. I have many ducks. Look, one, two, three, four and five. They are white. Do you know"white"? Now , this is indigo .This is red.教师拿出两种颜色给学生看。接着教师用刚才的鸭子举例,说,Look here ,this is a white duck. This is a indigo duck .Now, look, I have many ducks on the blackboard. What color are they? This is a white duck, this is a indigo duck.从刚才新教的词汇开始,然后再教新的颜色词,每教一个新词之前要复习一下刚学过的词,可以将鸭子贴在黑板上,下面再贴上与鸭子颜色一样的光电纸,然后,教师指着鸭子说,This is a duck .It‟s blue. It‟s a blue duck.然后教师问学生,Who can say the sentences about these ducks?鼓励同学们到前面来描述。当一两个同学到前面说完之后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。 接下来,教师选出一些漂亮、鲜艳的颜色,对学生说,I‟ve got lots of colors. What color do you like? 问不同的同学,如果该学生说,I like green.教师就给该生一个绿色的小苹果(事先剪好不同颜色的苹果或其它图案)

教师教字母D d的时候,可以直接拿出D字母,然后再拿出带有竖琴的图片进行比较,同时带着大家一起说,Big D is a harp. Small d is a chair. The girl is sitting on the chair, playing the harp.教师边说边指着图片和字母Dd. 接着教师说,Look here. What’s this? It’s a dog.D-dog.What‟s this? It’s a doll.D-doll.教师带着大家朗读D字母音的同时,可以带出的读音,并让学生看图片。

在做练习的时候,教师引导大家看画有彩虹的图。教师可以说,Look, we‟ve got a nice rainbow on page 16.This is a rainbow. It has seven colors .Let‟s see. What color are they? 这时教师启发学生说出这七种颜色。



一、. Draw five ducks with different colors and write each color next to the duck.

辨认dog doll door

二、.Read and draw:

1) A cat,

2) Flowers

员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 3) A cap.

4) A dog.

三、.Write down the words which have letter “D d”.

door cat boy doll duck

blue pink red yellow color

dog green pencil indigo ace

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(上) Unit 5 Let’s play

一、Teaching aims and demands * 使学生能正确地做出向右转,向左转的动作 * 让学生能较熟练地说出拍手歌歌谣

* 使学生能模仿发出字母Ee 及所给单词的读音 * 使学生能读出第四部分所给出的句子

二、交际句型:Turn right Turn left Hold your hands and stand in a circle You have one, I have one. Two little children see a big man.

三、交际词汇: one ,two ,three ,four ,five ,a boy ,four boys ,a girl ,four girls

四、教学用具:苹果,梨,香蕉 ,帽子的有关图片或实物字母的大小写及单词读音图片。


教师上课时,先让学生做一些简单的动作,比如,Stand in two lines .Turn right. Turn left .Hold your hands and stand in a circle.在说这些句子的时候,帮他们完成动作,以至于让他们理解这几句话的意思然后,集体一起说课文的第2部分。当学生能较熟练地说这些内容以后,教师可以让学生进行表演,边表演边说。这里教师特别要注意全班同学的整体性,不要让任何人掉队。所以,练习的遍数要多,人员要普遍,不要留死角。换句话说,全班的每一个人要有充分的练习时间。在做这部分的时候,让所有的学生都参与到这个活动当中来,在游戏活动当中来领略新的知识。

在学习完第1,2部分后,教师可以带领大家进行单,复数概念的练习,由于是初次与学生见面,所以教师只通过数数的方式,让学生知道1~5的含义就可以了,至于说a boy , four boys , a girl ,four girls ,也只是让学生知道有变化而已。 在学习字母E e的时候,教师首先拿出字母E e卡片,然后再引导学生看教材的Ee字母的变

员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 形图。同时带领大家一起说,Big E is for sail ,small e is for whale .The ship has a sail, sailing behind the whale. 教师说此段内容时,可以用节奏的方式说,并让学生拍着节奏说。经过数边的练习,然后进行组与组之间的比赛。

在学生大声朗读之后,教师可以带领大家学习字母组合的读音。首先教师强调的读音,然后直接以拼音的方式拼出单词即可。比如,b—e- e=bee ,f—e-e—t=feet等,教师只要带领拼读就行了。

六、教学活动1 Listen and act 上课时,教师对学生说,OK , everyone . Stand up. Sit down. Stand up .Turn right. Turn left. Stand in two lines. Hold your hands and stand in a circle.在说这部分的内容的时候,教师一定要伴随一定的动作,不然学生不会理解,也不会去做动作, Hands up , one ,two (拍手)Hands down , one, two(拍手). Hands right, one , two (拍手)Hands left , one two (拍手)。做这个活动时,教师可以先由慢再逐渐加快,特别是说,hands up ,one ,two 的时候可以快一些,让整个的句子富有节奏感。 教学活动 2 pat-a-cake 教师带领学生说此段歌谣的最后方法是两个人一组,一边拍手,一边说英语的句子。甚至教师在拍手的空隙间可以加进一个动作(比如,高大的人,上学,种树等动作)。在大家熟练的基础上,教师还可以让同学们之间进行比赛,比拍手的协调性及英语句字的准确性等。在用英语教学时,教师只需简单讲一下即可。如,now ,everyone , let’s play Pat- a- cake .Do you know? Let `s try it .You have one, I have one, two little children see a big man .Do you understand? Let `s do it in pairs. First you do it after me .Ready? Let `s start. 教学活动 3 Color it !




剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(上) unit6 Hide and seek 教学目的和要求

* 使学生通过游戏活动培养对英语的兴趣 * 使学生初步掌握简单的指令 * 使学生进一步熟悉所学的颜色 * 使学生掌握字母及相关单词的读音 交际句型:Show me your book , please. Here you are Quick! Hide your pencil. 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ Where is it ? 交际词汇: Pencil, crayon , eraser ,behind my back , in the desk 教学用具:铅笔,橡皮,蜡笔,书,书包,图片及实物 具体教学方式:

教师上课时首先拿给学生们看一件较新鲜的东西。教师说,Look! I’ve got something in my bag.Ah,here it is . 这时教师拿出一件特殊的玩具,让学生看完之后,教师又说,Let me show you another thing.Look,here it is .Is it good? 学生看完之后,教师又说,Look ,let me show you my new pen. This is my pen.It’s new.说到此,教师突然问,Li Ming , have you got a pen ?Show me your pen , please.(讲此话时,教师一定要用手势)Wang Fang, show me your book, please . Thank you . Now, everybody, practice it in pairs. You say ,Show me your pencil , please.’教师边说边给出节奏,这样,学生就容易上口。

在教本单元时教师不要太性急, 特别是前面的几部分,教师要一部分一部分地进行。比如,教师说,Now hide your pencil .Quick! Hide your pencil 然后教师去找.Ah ,here . Ah , in the desk. Ah, behind your back 等等。然后,教师再对大家说,.Now hide your book! Hide your book.接着教师又开始找,然后再说, Hide your pen . Hide your eraser.等等。

进行第二步骤时,教师说,Who can come here and hide my book?等到学生藏好以后,教师说Where is it? Where is it?边说边找。

接下来,教师对学生说,OK, now, let’s play a game ,Who wants to be here?当某个同学上来后,教师让他/她闭上眼睛,或者面对黑板,然后让某个人把东西藏起来.藏好后教师让这个学生问OK ,where ’s the pencil ? where’s it? 大家一起说,There it is ! There it is!教师带领大家做这个游戏时,应该练习说第4部分的内容。

大家活动了一会儿后,教师拿出字母卡片,让大家跟读发音,同时给出几个词,如,(课文中出现的)face ,flag ,foot .并让大家看跳台,同时说出该段的顺口溜-----Diving-platform, diving-platform ,Ff is the diving-platform, Boys are diving ,girls aye diving ,Ff is the diving-platform. 教学活动1 Listen and point 教师首先不让同学们看书,而是问大家Where is the door?大家用手指门.Where is the TV? Where is the table? Where is the blackboard? Where is „? Where are the windows?等等.大家对这个句型了解了之后,教师再让大家打开书,听录音, 教学活动2 Colour it ! 教师让大家准备好彩色笔,然后将本单元第6部分的图片上色,但要规定时间,教师可这样对学生说Now , everyone ,pleas take out your crayons .let’s colour the pictures on page 22. We ‘ve got eight pictures. You have 3 minutes (教师指表)Let’s see who is the first and whose pictures are the best .Now ,are you ready? Start! 教学活动3 LISTEN and circle 在学习完了第7部分的内容之后,教师可以安排听力内容. 练习2的答案是:1(d) 2(b) 3(c) 4 课后作业


剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(上) 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ unit7 Point to your nose 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生会说人体面部的各个部位 *使学生能清楚地辨认人体的主要部位

*使学生初步掌握I have „This is„ There are„的句型 *使学生能模仿发出字母Gg及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:

What’s this? It’s a nose. What are these ? They’re eyes. Point to your nose. This is my mouth. These are my feet. I have two ears. 交际词汇:Nose, mouth , face, eyes, teeth, feet, hands, legs, arms, hair 教学用具:教学图片(人身体的各个部位)娃娃两个(男女各一个) 具体教学方式:

上课时,教师先拿一个布娃娃开始,教师说,Look ,I’ve got a beautiful girl. Her name is Mary. She’s 6 years old. Now ,let’s see. This is her face , nose and mouth.. These are her eyes, ears and teeth. Now follow me ,face ,nose ,mouth ,eyes ,ears ,teeth .Now ,who wants to come here and show us her face ?Very good. Now you say each part and everybody follows you .(这时让全班同学跟他一起说。)重复类似几遍之后,教师对学生说,Now, listen and act .Point to your nose. Point to your face ,point to your mouth .point to your eyes .point to your ears .point to your teeth.教师在做此活动时,可以采取不同的形式。比如,教师说,全班同学一起做;也可以采取同桌的同学一个人说,一个人做;也可以找一个同学到前面给指令,大家一起做。总之,教学的目的是让大家尽快熟悉所学的单词和句型。 接下来,教师可以组织大家一起玩Simon says的游戏。教师说,Simon says,Touch your face.touch your nose .Simon says,Touch your ears.等游戏之后,教师带领学生学习本单元的第3部分。说这一部分的时候,教师要带领同学一起边说边做,由慢到快,最好还有节奏。这样,同学能够很快的掌握此段内容。

在大家说的比较多的情况下,教师可以给出I Have„的句型。教师首先讲I have two eyes .I have a nose .I have two ears .I have a mouth . I have many teeth. I have black hair.起初,学生并不知道have是什么意思,教师只需在黑板上写有,而不需整句话进行翻译。

然后,教师继续举例,I have a face . I have a mouth. I have two ears .I have two eyes等等。教师说完之后,马上找一两个同学复述,最后再让全班同学两人一组进行练习。

在个人和集体练习的基础上,教师再带领同学一起活动做练习5,教师对学生说,Ok, everybody ,let’s do a game. Stand up pleas !Everybody! Follow me. Head ,head, touch your head„(按照课文的内容把动作做完)如果大家做的好,纪律也比较好,接着做第4部分的Chant it.这也要求边说边做动作。教师要特别注意,学生不仅要会做动作,更重要的是会说每一句话。所以尽量多练习,反复练习。

在大家说的比较多,感到比较累的时候,教师接着进行字母教学。教师可以先示范,拿着字母G g说,This is G g. Yes, it’s G g(重复几遍)。在学生跟着一起说,逐渐会了的情况下,教师自然带出顺口溜。Mum is a big G. A baby’s on a small g . Mum and the baby ,they are very happy. 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 教学活动1Listen and touch 教师自己可以在一张纸上画一个大兔子。上课时,将兔子的图挂在黑板上,让两个学生到前面来,听指令,做动作,看哪个同学动作快,动作慢的同学回座位,再换另一个人。教师对学生说,look ,I’ve got a big rabbit here .I’ m putting this on the blackboard. I want two pupils to come to the front. I say ‘ear’, they touch the ear. I say `mouth’ ,they touch the mouth, do you understand ?Who wants to come here? Good , Let’s begin. Nose ,… 教学活动2 Chanting match 教师教完第4部分之后,让同学们进行说唱比赛可以采取男生和女生分开的方式,也可以采取一组一组的方式。看看哪个组说得做得最好。 教学活动3 教师在黑板上画一个没有鼻子的孩子,然后,让学生上来给这个孩子贴鼻子。教师事先准备好一个用纸画好,剪好的鼻子。上来的同学要离黑板有一定的距离。教师要用布将孩子的眼睛蒙住,然后让学生转两个圈,再开始贴鼻子,看哪个同学贴的位置最准确。教师可以这样对学生说,Look, we’ve got a boy here ,but he has no nose.(手势)Who can come here and put the nose on his face? 等同学上来之后,教师说Good, but we have to cover your eyes. You have to turn around twice. Ok., go and stick the nose on the boy. 教学活动4 Draw and show 上节课结束的时候,教师给大家留了一个作业,让每个人回家画一个小孩。这一次,教师利用上课的机会进行点评。首先,教师在黑板前拴上一个线绳,然后让孩子把图片用曲别针挂在线绳上,最后让全班同学进行评比,看看哪个同学画的最好。然后,教师给予一定奖励。通常奖励的人数应尽量达到四分之一,这样,孩子感到稍加努力,都能得到奖品。 课后作业:

Draw an animal of any kind and write down its nose ,mouth, ears ,teeth ,etc.(在一张纸上画任何一种动物,并用英语写上那儿是鼻子,嘴。耳朵,牙齿等。)

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(上) unit8 How many doors? 1使学生进一步熟悉1`5的数字 2 使学生学会6~10的数字 3 使学生加深对单`复数的概念

4 使学生能模仿发出字母及所给单词的读音

5 使学生能读出第7部分所给出的句子 交际句型: How many doors? It’s a book. This is Hh. It’s letter H h 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 交际词汇: One„ten, orange ,pear, apple, banana ,door, window , chair, TV ,book , pen ,pencile 教学用具:1~10的单词卡,有关图片或实物,小布口袋,弹球若干个。小奖品,字母的大小写及挂图的图片。 具体教学方式:

首先教师拿1~10的数字让学生看,同时教师用英语发每个数字的读音,然后教师让大家跟着一起说这些数子。教师也可以拿一些书本来数,边数边说。讲复数概念的时候,教师只需先拿起一本书,说a book,然后再拿起一本书,把两本书放在一起时说,two books教师特别要强调的发音,以便引起学生的注意。然后,教师继续举例说a desk, two desks ,a table,two tables ,a door, two doors, a pen ,two pens, a pencil, two pencils等。教师举例之后,马上让学生来说,教师说第一部分,让学生说第2部分。比如,教师说a book,并马上把两本书放在一起,示意大家说,two books,„大家熟悉了复数的概念时,教师就可以引入课文中的 boy. I like toy cars. 交际词汇:boy ,toy, car, girl , doll 具体教学方式:


员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 说话声,说,Hello, My name is Mary. I‟m Mary.I‟m six.I‟m a

girl.I like dolls.当说到dolls的时候,教师应拿起两个其他的布娃娃,放在该娃娃的手里。然后,教师再重复一遍。说完之后,教师问学生,Who can come here and say like this ?教师找一个或两个同学到前面说之后,让大家再听第二段。Very good,now,listen to me. I have another friend .His name is Tom.说到此教师拿起第二个娃娃,说,Hello, I‟m Tom. I‟m seven. I‟m a boy. I like toy cars.说完之后,教师重复一遍。然后,继续让两三个同学到前面来说这个Tom。在大家都知道 hand. This is a ruler. That is a crayon. 交际词汇:book, pencil-box,crayon, ruler, window, door, boy, girl. 具体教学方式:

在前面的几个单元中,我们都先后学习了一些文具用品的单词,但本单元的重点在于复习这些文具用品的单词,并能了解一些介词的基本位置,如,in , on ,under ,between及next to,并围绕介词来开展一些活动。上课开始时,教师可以拿着已经熟悉的文具问学生们,What‟s this ?What‟s

that?当学生熟悉这些单词后,教师带领同学一起做动作。 教师说,Put the book on your hand.让大家马上做动作,然后,教师接着说,Put the ruler in your hand. Put the book under your chair.除了这三句话以外,教师还可以说,Put your book in your bag. Put the pencil in your pencil-box.Put the book between the two pencils. Put the crayon

next to the book.等


做完一遍动作后,教师还可以继续用别的句子来巩固刚才所练习的 book in your hand.等。 然后教师用一个乒乓球和一个粉笔盒给学生单个示范,The ball is on the box. The ball is in the box. The ball is under the box. The ball is between the two boxes. The ball is next to the box. Put the ball behind the box.在教师解释的基础上,教师让每个人都拿着一支铅笔跟老师一起说、一起做。


员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 此外,还可以进行其它教学活动。 课后作业:

Listen to the chant in the next Unit and say it with the tape. 预习下单元中的说说唱唱。

unit11 Let‟s guess.

*使学生能掌握简单的问句What‟s in the bag? Where‟s the bird? *使学生进一步复习和巩固所学过的有关文具及水果方面的单词 *使学生能模仿发出字母Kk及所给单词的读音

*使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:What‟s in the bag? Where „s the bird? It‟s on the big K.

It‟s under the small K.

交际词汇:pencil, pen, ruler, bag, apple, pear, banana, boy, girl, teacher 具体教学方式:

上课时,教师手里拿着一个盒子,对大家说,Look, I‟ve got a box in my hand. Guess, what‟s in the box ? If your guess is right, I‟ll give this to you . OK, let‟s guess what‟s in the box ?教师让大家猜的时候,把It‟s a ...的句型写在黑板上,目的是让大家反复运用这个句型。当某个同学猜到以后,教师就可以把东西送给他/她。接下来,教师再让大家猜书包里的东西,还是用同样的方法。最后,教师再让学生猜自己手里、口袋里的东西。通过这些反复的猜东西游戏活动,学生会复习到许多已学过的单词。


接下来,教师带着大家一起说说唱唱(课文的第3部分)。 教学活动 See them all. 教师将许多文具用品及部分水果放在一个书包里,做游戏时,将所有的东西倒在讲桌上。然后,马上用一张报纸盖住。这时教师叫一个同学,站在东西前面,教师迅速地让该同学看一眼,然后让该生说桌子上有什么。如该生说了五个单词,就在该生所在组的记录上写上五,然后找另外一个组的同学上来继续看东西,最后看哪个组同学记得多。教师对学生说,Look, I‟ve got many things on the desk. I‟ll ask one pupil from each group to come here and have a look . Then you tell us

what things are on the table.OK?Group One , who wants to come? Good. Now , look! OK, what are they ? 一组之后,教师再叫第二组。 课后作业:

Draw five balls and colour each ball with a different colour. 用五种不同的颜色画五个不同的球。

员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/

unit12 Bounce a ball. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *让学生进一步复习1~10的数字 *让学生进一步分清各种颜色 *让学生学会使用两个特殊疑问句Who....? Where...? *使学生能模仿发出字母Ll及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第7部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Who can bounce a ball? I can bounce the ball. Where‟s the mouse? It‟s in the boot.

交际词汇:one....ten,catch, here,small, big ,blue, red, yellow, etc. 具体教学方式:

上课时,教师先拿出一个乒乓球让大家看看,Look, I‟ve got a ping pang ball. It‟s small . But I‟ve also got a big ball. Look. This ball is small.(指小球)This ball is small. It‟s white. This


is big. It‟s brown. I can bounce the ball. Lokk,one ,two, three. 教师拍一会儿球, 停住,Who can come here and bounce a ball? 这时教师请一个同学上来拍球,大家一起数数。到10的时候,教师说,OK, stop, you‟re very good. Who else can come here and bounce a ball?(教师再叫一个同学到前面来,重复一遍,然后,教师带领同学做下一个教学活动。) 教学活动 Throw it and catch it . 教师让全班同学站起来,递给他们一个皮球。让第一个同学将球扔给任何一个同学,扔的时候要说,Catch!其他同学喊Here! Here! 凡是扔过的同学就自动坐下,其余的同学继续扔。直到最后一个同学将球传回给教师。教师可以这样用英语说,OK, boys and girls, let‟s have a ball game. Everybody, stand up ,please. When you throw the ball,you say "Catch", then you throw the ball to your friend. The others will say,"Here! here!"When you finish, you sit down. Let‟s see who is the last person. The last person throws the ball back to the teacher again. Understand? OK, let‟s begin. Catch! 教学活动

Draw and hang. 教师让学生每人画一个球,可大、也可小,并涂上颜色,最后,教师让大家把所有的球都挂在线绳上,让大家参观,并评出十个最好的球。 课后作业:

Find a pingpong ball and colour it and bring it to the classroom next time . 找一个乒乓球,把它涂上颜色,看谁涂得最好看。

员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ unit13 Exercise our body. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生会说一些锻炼身体的一般用语


*使学生能模仿发出字母Mm及所给单词的读音 *使学生能听懂和读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Stand in a row. Bend down. Straighten up. Touch the left foot. Right foot up/ down. What‟s that over there? Is it a big mountain? What are they doing ? They are swimming . Are they happy? Yes, they are. 交际词汇:up, down,front , back, row, line 教学活动1

Do as the teacher do ! 本单元的句型比较多,教师要立足于让学生听懂并操练,而不必去讲任何的句型。建议:上课的时候,教师就让全班同学站起来。教师对学生说,OK,everyone , listen and do as I do . Stand up!Sit down ! Now quickly, let‟s do it again.重复起立、坐下的目的是让大家跟着一起迅速做动作,不要拖拖拉拉。教师接着说 Now listen carefully. Stand in a row. Quickly! In a row. Now listen carefully, stand in a line . In a line .Very good . Listen again. Stand in a row.Stand in a line . Very good . Now stand in three lines. Three lines.(手势)Follow me . Bend down . Straight up. Touch the left foot. Touch the right foot. Right foot up. Right foot down. Left foot down . Hands up! Hands down 在做这些动作的时候,教师要把这些动作反复的做,知道熟练为止。在教师给指令的基础上,教师鼓励学生跟着老师一边说一边做。这样,学生能说这些基本的句子,在大家都知道如何说以后,教师让学生一起给指令。这时候,教师独自做动作,记住,教师做动作只是为了检查学生是否熟练掌握了这些基本句型。


Act it in pairs 如果学生纪律比较好,教师可以让学生两人一组练习给指令,做动作。 教学活动3

Listen and do . 在做好动作的基础上,让学生边听第2部分的录音,边做动作。 教学活动4 Colour it ! 接着,教师可以让学生给50页上的两个孩子上颜色,在上颜色的时,教师要规定时间,一般来说三分钟就可以了,然后马上检查哪位学生涂得好,进行表扬。 教学活动5

Ask and answer. 涂好颜色之后,教师可以拿出字母Mm卡片,把它放在稍远的地方,然后教师用两个布娃娃来做对话。教师拿其中一个说 what‟s that over there?Is it a big mountain? 拿着另一个说No, it‟s letter Mm.教师再重复一遍,试图让学生听懂每一句话。然后教师对学生说,Now, let‟s do the dialogue. I ask you a question. You answer my questions.教师在问的时候特别要注意学生的发音, 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 在几次的反复对话之后,教师让学生两人一组练习,并检查学生说的是否正确。如果不够熟练就继续练习。 教学活动6 Show it to all. 接下来,教师拿出自制的小秋千,做成小孩荡秋千的样子,然后,叫一个学生来扶着秋千,并做动作。教师对学生说,Who wants to come here and help me ? 等学生上来后,教师还是拿着两个娃娃对话,What are they doing ? They are swinging. Are they happy? Yes, they are .教师给了几遍示范之后,直接就可以问学生,让学生回答。如果学生回答时有发音等方面的错误就及时纠正。 教学活动7 Practice it in pairs 然后,教师再让学生两人一组进行对话练习,教师进行适当的抽查。在学生坐的时间比较长,需要活动的时候,教师再带着大家来进行本单元第3部分的 Listen and read 最后教师让学生一起听录音,朗读最后的短文。方式是,先让学生听一两遍录音,然后教师带读一两遍,最后让学生自己读,全班读。 课后作业:

Listen to Part 1,2,3 of Unit 13 and do the actions with the tape. 听13单元第1,2,3部分的朗读材料,坚持边听边做动作。

unit14 Clap our hands. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生能掌握一些简单的动词表达方式 *使学生进一步复习单、复数的用法 *使学生进一步学习进行时的表达方式

*使学生学会字母Nn的发音及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第4部分所给出的句子

交际句型:Pick up the stool. Stand around the tree. Stand up and go to the door. Put down the book and bring back the knife.

Who‟ s under the big N ?

Who‟s on the small n? 交际词汇:one......ten, stool, bike , bee, earaser 教学活动1 Clap our

hands! 上课时,教师首先带着大家拍巴掌,练习各种节奏。比如,One, two/one, two, three, four

five/four five six, seven, eight/seven eight nine. Nine, ten/ eight, nine ,ten. 接下来,教师可以让学生拍One, two/one, two, three, four


five six, seven, eight/seven eight nine. Nine, ten/ eight, nine ,ten.教师让学生边拍手边说英语数字。在学生有了一些热身活动之后,教师可以将 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 学生带入本单元的 Read and choose 学生进行了大量的口语训练之后,教师让学生做一些静止的活动。教师可以对学生说,Now, please open your books , turn to page 56. Let‟s do exercise 1.

Choose the best answers. You read the first sentence here , and then choose the best answers here. Later we‟re going to check the answers. We‟ll see who has got the answers correct. 教师说这番话时,有些学生可能听不懂,教师也不必担心,这些学生只要看到别人在做什么就知道该怎么做了。但教师要培养孩子的听力能力,不要说一句英语,再把它翻成汉语,这样,说了等于没有说,因为孩子因此会产生依赖的想法,总盼着教师说中文,否则就不去思考。学生做完之后,教师可以在全班进行检查,让一个学生说A,另一个学生说出正确的答案。教师可以这样对学生说,OK, let‟s check the answers. Who wants to read A? Who wants to answer? Is it A, B, or C ? Who wants to try?这样依次检查。 教学活动4 Ask and answer. 学习字母时,教师拿出事先准备好的Nn 字母的大写和小写 ,同时在大写字母的下方放一个孩子的图片。教师问学生,Who‟s under the big N? 接着再问Who‟s on the small n ? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师给出学生正确的发音,Nn,并带读几遍,同时还说A boy is under the big N. A monkey is on the small n. 以便让学生跟着一起说。教师随后让学生两人一组进行练习,最后再检查说的效果(检查两三对同学)。如果学生说的还不够好,教师应纠正,并再给予一点时间进行练习。等大家都掌握了读音,教师再拿出字母Nn 的变形图,用两个娃娃来做对话表演,引出要交流的 with the tape. Bring your crayons to the classroom 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ next time. 听第14单元第1部分的录音,并模仿朗读,下次带彩色蜡笔。

unit15 I can draw it. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生进一步掌握有关水果及有关动作的单词 *使学生能按照指令画出正确的图案

*使学生能模仿发出字母Oo及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Draw a big house. Draw a

boy in the house. What are these ? They‟re Easter eggs. When is the Easter ? Next week. Who can draw a banana ? I can. Can you draw a window ? No, I can‟t .

交际词汇:apple , orange, pear, banana, draw, colour , read , sing 教学活动1

Show it and eat it ! 上课时,教师首先手里拿着苹果对学生说,Look, I‟ve got something today. What‟s this ?如果学生回答, It‟s

an apple. 教师应说,Yes, you‟re right. It‟s an apple. Do you like apples?(注意要用复数形式)教师应问几个学生,问过几个学生之后,教师说,Yes, I like apples, too. Now, I‟m going to peel the apple.(边说边削苹果,然后自己吃一块,表现出很爱吃的表情,紧接着问学生)Do you like apples? Oh, yes, you like apples, too? OK, now, here you are. 教师削一块苹果给学生吃,并继续问学生,并每人削一小块。吃了一半以后,教师拿着苹果和香蕉问学生,Which do you like , apples or bananas ? 这时,学生肯定要选择一样水果说出来,教师就可以检查学生是否会说。如果学生说喜欢吃香蕉,教师也同样削一块香蕉给学生吃。总之,应把要复习的水果单词放在交流中进行,同时可以加上其它的两种水果,橘子和梨。在学生吃完,说完之后,教师说,OK,now,please take out your crayons. I want you to draw pictures . Now , look at the first one. A green apple. Quick, draw a green apple here. 在学生画画的时候,教师一定要控制时间。一般来说,一张图只给1分钟左右就可以了,否则会影响正常的教学。其它的图画也是如此。学生画完之后,教师要做一个小小的评讲,对画得认真的同学要进行表扬,并适当给予几个人鼓励,发个小贴画等。 教学活动2

Move it and say it . 教师带领学生说说唱唱。在说唱的时候,如果教师把苹果、橘子和鸭梨摆在桌上,让学生看着说就比较容易。比如,先摆好苹果,橘子和鸭梨,教师让学生说,apple, orange, pear,然后教师马上把橘子摆在苹果的前面,学生就可以说,orange,apple,pear,紧接着,教师再拿下橘子换上苹果,学生就可以说,banana,apple, pear.如果教师觉得这个比较费事,可以将这些图实现画在 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 一张大纸上,让学生看着说也可以。在什么教具都没有准备的情况下,教师就用本单元的图,也可以让学生直接看着图来说。教师做教具的目的是使大家的视线比较集中,注意力比较集中,同时也给学生一个新的视觉。


Guess the fruit. 在让大家说水果的时候,教师也可以用猜的方式来让学生猜是什么水果。教师将一个水果拿在手里放在讲台桌后面,让学生猜,What‟s in my hand ? Is it a pear?等。


Draw the fruit. 教师让学生认真阅读教材上所给的句子,按照要求画画。同样,在学生画完之后,教师要组织讲评,评比,看哪位同学画的好。在学生画完教材上的画以后,如果有时间,教师可以让学生进行画画比赛。让每组一个同学到黑板前,教师给指令,学生根据要求画画。比如,教师说,Please draw a tree. Draw one ball under the tree and one ball on the tree. Please draw a fish between the two flowers. Please draw an apple next to the pear.画的时间长短由老师来控制。但不宜太长,一般不要超过5分钟的时间,然后转入下一个活动。此练习可以和本单元练习2相结合。 教学活动5 Chant it ! 教师首先拿出Oo字母的图片,让学生听这个字母的读音,读过几遍之后,教师可往句子上引导,教师可以引导学生说,O O O , O O O . Early in the morning, cocks crow. O O O , O O O . Day time again. It‟s time to go. 在学生反复练习的基础上,教师让学生分组,集体,个人朗读。最后比赛看谁说得好。然后,教师拿出复活节的彩蛋。教师只对学生说,Easter Day is a holiday in

America. It‟s on March 21st.教师可以告诉学生Easter Day 是复活节的意思,Easter egg 是把蛋涂成彩色,或直接用巧克力做成。其余 Listen and tick. 教师首先让学生看这六张图,然后依次问学生What‟s this ? 如碰到有学生不会的,教师要多带领学生读几遍,并且熟悉它们的发音。然后再让大家听录音并判断是打对还是差。最后教师再强调一下house, horse, mouse, mouth的发音,让大家注意看口型。 课后作业:

Draw three things and write their English word under each picture. 任意画三种东西,并在下面写上英语。

unit16 I can see it. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

*使学生学会使用I can see ......的句型,并能做简单的问答 *使学生进一步复习有关动物的词汇

*使学生能模仿发出字母Pp及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/ 交际句型:I



a dog What

can you

see? Can you

see the monkeys?






can‟t. 交际词汇:rabbit , snake, bird, fish ,mouse, cat, dog, monkey 具体教学方法: 上课时,教师对学生说,Today we are going to do something . I‟m sure you like it . Now ,everybody have a piece of paper.如果教师没有带纸时,则说,Now ,please take out a piece of

paper, like this .示意给学生看。Do as I do . Roll ,roll up the paper.Got that ? Let‟s do it again. Roll ,roll up the paper.这时,教师边自己卷纸边让学生跟着做,可以反复多次,并让学生练习说,同时还将许多图片或玩具放在黑板前的左侧,自己站在黑板的右侧,用卷起的纸筒边看边说Roll ,roll up the paper。做完第一个动作之后,教师接着示范第二个动作,让一个学生到前面来,举起一个小狗玩具,这时教师说,I can see a dog.I can see a dog.然后让该同学举起另一个玩具,这样以此类推。教师示范完之后,让学生一起来认读这些动物的名称,数遍之后,教师找学生拿着纸筒站到教室的后半部,同时找另一个学生到前面为后面的同学举图片或实物,并问后面的学生,What can you see ?后面的学生回答说,I can see a dog.I can see a eraser.几分钟后,教师再让学生打开书,说,Now ,please open your books let‟s read.读第4部分,教师可以有意识把这段 Unit 16 and read with the tape. 听第16单元的第4和第5部分,并跟着朗读。

员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/ 鹿胎膏哪个牌子好 http://lu.dsyd.cn/

员工自评范文 http://game.dsyd.cn/


