




Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.Section A


The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn a new word and some phrases:

as a result, behavior, in the beginning, day by day, die out

2.Learn some useful sentences:

(1)As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.(2)Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals.3.Learn the indefinite pronoun and adverb:

(1)None of us likes pollution.(2)Don’t spit anywhere in public.(3)Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.4.Learn the importance of protecting the environment.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步




T: What kind of pollution is it?


It is noise pollution.T: What harm can it cause?


It can disturb others and make people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.S2:

It does great harm to people’s hearing.It can even make people sick or deaf.T: Good.How should we solve this problem?


Don’t always listen to loud pop music.S4:

Don’t make a loud noise in public.…


Step 2 Presentation 第二步




T: It is too dirty and there is too much heavy smoke outside.I can’t stand it.1.(教师展示1a的图片,导入新课。)

T: Do you like the environment here?


No, we don’t.T: Why?


Because there is too much smoke.It’s a serious air pollution.T: Very good.We should stop burning coal.It is said that China has become the world’s largest producer and user of coal.As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.


仁爱版英语八年上册 and





姓名:夏春伟 学科:英语 年级:八年

单位:海伦市第五中学 指导教师:张丽


us 仁爱版英语八年上册

Unit 4 Topic 1 Section D 《Plants and animals are important to us》优质课

The main activities are 1 and 4 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands : 1.Learn some useful words and expressions: in danger, bamboo, land, whale, kill, south, bear, wolf 2.Review comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives:(1)They have less and less land to live on.(2)Their number is getting smaller and smaller.(3)They are the oldest type of tigers living in the world.3.Review how to describe animals and plants.4.Love and protect animals and our world.Ⅱ.Teaching aids

Tape/Pictures/Multimedia/Blackboard Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review(通过对话,复习本话题中的重要句型。)T: Hello!S1, do you like the countryside or the city? S1:I like the countryside.T: Why? S1: Because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and there are also greener trees and clearer rivers.S1: Hello!S2, do you like the countryside or the city? S2: …

(学生用接龙形式操练此句型。)T: Most of us like the countryside better.Do you like plants or animals in the countryside? S2:I like the animals.T: Which kind of animals do you like best? S2:I like dogs best.T: Why do you think so? S2:Because they are more friendly than other animals.(教师示范后,找两组学生进行表演。)T: From your talking, I know some students like animals better, some students like plants better.Now who can tell us something about rainforests? S3, please.S3:Rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface, …(学生分组复述,教师评出优胜组并表扬。)T: We know the rainforests are very important to us.In fact, water is also important to us.Please tell us the importance of water, S4.S4:Water is very important to all living things.All animals can’t live at all without water.Water makes up the largest part of the human body, but water is becoming dirtier and dirtier, so we must save every drop of water.Step 2 Presentation 1.(教师出示熊猫、蓝鲸、华南虎的图片。引出生词,导入新课。)T: Well done!I have some pictures here.Can you name these animals? Ss: Yes, they are pandas, tigers and …

T: Good, they are pandas, blue whales and Chinese tigers.(板书)blue whale T:(出示熊猫的图片。)Where do pandas live? Ss:They live in the forests and mountains.T: Right, they live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China.(板书)southwest T: What do pandas feed on? Ss:They feed on bamboo.(帮助学生回答。)(板书)bamboo T: Their number is getting smaller and smaller.Do you know why? Ss:Because they have less and less land to live on.T: Good.They have less and less land to live on.(板书)land T:(出示蓝鲸的图片。)Are blue whales the largest animal in the world? Ss: Yes, they are.T: Where do they live? Ss: They live in the ocean.T: What do they feed on? Ss: They feed on the smallest sea animals.T:(出示华南虎的图片。)Where do the Chinese tigers live? Ss:They live in the south of China.(帮助学生回答。)(板书)south T: Their number is getting smaller and smaller, too.Because people kill lots of them.Why do people kill them? Ss: They kill them for money.T: Right.People kill them for their fur and bones.(板书)kill fur bone T: Pandas, blue whales and Chinese tigers are all wild animals.Can you name other wild animals?(教师可以引导并帮助学生回答。)Ss:Yes, monkeys, bears, wolves.(板书)bear wolf T: Which do you like best, blue whales, pandas or Chinese tigers? Ss:I like the panda best.T: Why do you think so? Ss:Because it’s the most lovely animal of the three.2.(让学生读短文1,回答问题。)T: Pandas, blue whales and Chinese tigers are all wild animals.Their numbers are getting smaller and smaller.They are in danger.Why are they in danger? Read 1 on Page 83 and answer it.(板书)in danger(核对答案。)Ss: Pandas have less and less land to live on.Blue whales don’t have enough clear water and humans kill them, too.Chinese tigers are killed by people for their fur and bones.3.(再读一遍短文,回答短文后的问题。)T: Now read this passage again, then answer the questions below.(核对答案。)Step 3 Consolidation 1.(让学生听1录音,写出关键词。)T: Listen to the tape and write down the key words.(板书)pandas: forests and mountains, bamboo, less and less land, smaller and smaller blue whales: ocean, Chinese tigers: south, oldest type, small animals, fur and bones, in danger 2.(让学生根据关键词复述课文。)T: Please retell the text according to the key words.(2分钟后找几位学生复述。)3.(让学生讨论,唤起保护动物的意识。)T: Some animals are in danger, and their numbers are getting smaller and smaller.What should we do to protect them? Discuss in groups.(2分钟后回答。)S1:We should plant more trees.S2:We should keep the water clean.S3:We shouldn’t kill them.(最后教师补充。)Step 4 Practice 1.(利用多媒体或小黑板,复习形容词比较级和最高级。完成2a。)T: Now, class.Let’s do an exercise.(教师出示小黑板。)用所给词的比较级或最高级填空:

1.But now rainforests are becoming ____ and _____(small).2.I like cats best, because they are _____ _____(lovely)than other animals.(核对答案。)T: Now, listen to the tape.And then read 2a together.2.(做一些有关形容词比较级和最高级的书面练习。)(1)(用多媒体或小黑板出示。)Adjective Comparative Superlative funny little important large long thin(2)(用多媒体或小黑板出示。)用所给词的正确形式填空。Jim is(tall)than Tom.Peter is(tall)student of the six students.Michael is(fast)swimmer of all the students.Kangkang’s drawing is(beautiful)than Jane’s.Sally’s English is(good)in her class.3.(学习2b,掌握常用的短语。)(1)Listen to 2b and repeat.(2)Read and write the useful expressions.(3)Make sentences or a dialog with the phrases in the table.(核对答案。)4.(比较农村和城市的区别,运用形容词比较级。完成3。)Compare the two pictures in 3 carefully and write a passage about them.Then I’ll let some of you report it.(核对答案。)Step 5 Project

1.(分组讨论,比较动物和植物,农村和城市,谈一谈水的重要性,写一篇短文。)T: Discuss the questions in 4 with your partner and write a passage with the title, “The World in My Eyes”.2.Homework: 写一篇呼吁人们提高生态环境保护意识的演讲稿。


用好新教材, 首先要了解课程改革的目的以及内容。新的课改目标旨在改变过去过于注重知识传授的倾向, 强调形成主动的学习态度, 使获得知识与基本技能的过程同时成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程.从单纯注重传授知识转变为引导学生学会学习, 学会生存, 学会做人, 学会合作。它强调了通过任务型教学法, 以为学而学, 在用中学和学了就用为原则, 结合各种有效的教学手段, 达到培养学生综合素质, 提高学生专项技能的目的。仁爱版英语教材中, 改变了以往教材中只注重语法的习惯, 强调了听说读写的重要性。与此同时, 仁爱版教材也对教师提出了各种要求:使用各式多媒体, 培养学生听说读写能力;开展形式多样的活动, 提高学生学习积极性;敢于抓住各式说英语的机会, 为学生创造“在用中学, 学了就用”的学习环境等等。其核心要求就是在教学工作中使用任务型教学法。


任务型教学要求教师依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容, 创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动, 吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式, 学习和使用英语, 完成学习任务。


(1) 任务前:老师布置任务给学生, 让学生清楚地了解学习任务以及目标。 (2) 任务环:学生为完成任务而进行只是学习和能力培养。 (3) 任务后:学生将任务中所学知识和所培养的能力在实际生活中的运用。


(1) 起点低, 循序渐进, 阶梯性强。 (2) 内容新颖, 贴近学生, 贴近生活。 (3) 注重开发学生综合运用语言的能力。 (4) 教法、学法指导明确。


仁爱版英语每册分为四个模块。让学生就每个模块展开探究学习, 并在教学过程中进行听、说、读、写的各种任务型学习。以任务的方式开展各种活动。让学生在活动中自然而然地完成任务, 获取知识。活动结束后, 总结活动内容, 并将所学到的知识进行运用。仁爱版英语教材共六册, 每册由四个模块单元共十二个话题加两个复习单元组成。教材以“语言+话题+功能+任务”的形式作为单元体系, 将语言知识与语言技能与学生的语言交际活动有机结合, 相辅相承。其中每个单元由四个部分组成:

Section A引入话题

Section B展开话题

Section C开展讨论阅读短文

Section D复习综合技能总结归纳

教师应根据以上四个不同部份分别布置不同类型任务, 全面发挥学生听、说、读、写能力。

二、培养学生学习兴趣, 提高自主学习能力

“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 使学生树立自信心, 培养良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略”是课改目标之一, 单纯的填鸭式教学法已不能满足现代教学需要, 只有通过提高学生学习兴趣, 才能将知识传达到学生手中。

1、培养学生兴趣, 提高学习能力要求教师改变传统教学观念。

传统教学中, 教师是课堂的主角, 但是现代教学要求课堂主角从老师到学生这一角色转换。只有将学生积极性提高, 才能真正教会学生知识。教师不能再像从前一样讲满40分钟。这40分钟要求教师引导学生自主思考, 回答问题, 并掌握知识。俗话说得好, 受人以鱼不如授人以渔, 只有教会学生怎么去学习, 才能让学生真正学会知识本领。

2、结合任务型教学法, 组织各式活动。

现在学生的学习压力大, 学习生活紧张, 要求教师能够在课堂上能够制造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 提高学生的学习能力。教学过程中, 教室可以通过布置各种小任务并加以及时鼓励, 提高学生的自信。


情感态度是英语课程目标之一。情感教学在学生听说过程中, 尤其重要。


建立良好的平等的师生关系, 有助于学生大胆与老师使用日常生活英语。老师也可借此机会向学生教授英语中的疑问, 反问, 问候, 告别等不同情境的英语知识, 真正做到“在学中用, 在用中学”。


英语学习是漫长的学习过程, 需要老师不断的鼓励。学生取得进步时, 老师应给予鼓励和嘉奖;学生碰到困难时, 老师应帮助其解决困难, 并勉励其继续努力。

四、利用一切可利用的教学手段, 全面提高学生的学习兴趣


教师可自制教学模具, 例如分别将写有windows, classroom, desk, blackboard等的小纸板贴于教室各处, 让学生能充分接触这些英语知识。


以竞赛的方法进行教学, 能激发学生的学习兴趣。同时利用英语歌和讲故事来教学或导入能激起学生学习的兴趣。

3、充分利用北京市仁爱教育研究所的网站 (www.

renai-edu.com) 。北京市仁爱教育研究所的这个网站为我们提供了各种实用的并与教材同步的材料, 下载与教材同步的案例和多媒体课件, 进行有效的教学, 调动学生的学习兴趣。


关键词 英语词汇 教学策略

中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2016)14-0021-02



在具体的教学过程中教师要让学生像记生字那样巧妙掌握方法,设法培养他们记单词的积极性。例如,在七年级入学阶段,我们指导学生学习“Good morning”时要让学生提高兴趣,我们可以说“早上好”三个字,而英语才两个词,从笔画和字母来说,英语都要简单点,这样可以提高学生学习词汇的兴趣。另外就要让学生学会用小笔记本、手机等随身复习巩固学过的单词,这样他们逐步增加词汇量就会产生积极主动的学习动力。


词汇教学一定要结合语境,避免孤立的教单词。我们的仁爱版教材好多都是附有彩色图画的,在教学过程中教师就要善于把句子与图画情景结合起来,再分析句子的词汇结构。特别是应用一些恰当的故事来加深学生对词汇的掌握有很大的作用。当前的“电子白板”在词汇教学中的作用就很大,我们可以利用各种动画来辅助教学而提高学生对词汇的掌握。利用媒体来创建语境非常的合适,特别是词汇的发音是非常有利用价值的。通过语境创设,学生有了兴趣,教师再乘热打铁,使学生真正学会生词的含义和基本用法。另外,充分运用故事情景来提高学生对单词的掌握程度很重要。在教学中还可以利用有效的教具实施情景设置。在教单词home、room、house、building等词时,我就把单词所表达的事物设计出一个课件,当屏幕上出现了形象逼真、色彩鲜艳的画面时,学生的注意力马上集中到了屏幕上,这时,我就趁机教学What's this/that. It's… There is a…反复几次学生不仅掌握了单词拼读,理解了词义,还练会了What's this/that. It's… There is a…的句型。








按照新课程标准,教师要充分运用英语来跟学生对话交流,从各个方面来提高其英语综合运用能力,其中英语表达是提高词汇这个基础关的动力。英语解释法正符合了听、说向大脑输入大量语言材料的要求。如可以这样解释下列单词:(1)supermarket:a place where you can buy many things;(2)visit:go to see sb or some places ;(3)animals:Dogs and cats are animals .当然用简单英语解释英语单词要求教师在课前做一定的收集工作去查找最简单的词汇,同时可配合一些肢体语言来解释。





课题《Review Unit One Topic 2》


1. 本单元重要的语言点

2. 现在完成时


1. Read the words

2. Listen to the tape

3. The important language points :

(1) Call sb call sb up give sb a ring telephone sb

(2) Be in / be at home

(3) Not … any more / not … any longer / no longer

(4) Because / because of

(5) Get lost / be lost

(6) Fin d / look for

(7) Each other / one another

(8) Hate doing / hate to do

(9) On the phone / radio

(10) Do some shopping / washing / cleaning

(11) What’s the population of China ? It’s 1.3 billion

Have a population of + 数字 large / small

(12) Increase by 增长了 increase to 增加到

(13) Developed / developing countries

(14) So it is .

(15) Carry out . the one – child policy

(16) More than / over

(17) Half of …..的一半

分数表达: one fifth two fifths a quarter a half

(18) Because / because of / thanks to

(19) Find jobs / get jobs

(20) Satisfy sb / be satisfied with

(21) So far 迄今为止

(22) Take measures to do sth

(23) Work well in doing 做某事取得成效

(24) Have fun doing sth

(25) Such as +并列名词 for example / instance , +从句

4. 现在完成时:(二)

(1)和for , since 引导的短语、从句连用

(2)和already / yet / never / ever / just / before / so far

5.Homework :

Exercise :


1. Could you tell me some ____________(有趣的) places around here ?

2. The population in developing ___________(国家)is growing faster .

3. China has already _____________(执行)the one – child policy .

4. ___________(多亏于) the policy , China is developing quickly .

5. Have you found him _________(已经)?

6. I have __________(never /ever )been there before . I want to go there again .

7. I _______________(have lived / lived) since I was three .

8. China has the ____________(larger / largest ) population in the world .

9. We still have a long way __________(to go / going )



(1) 能掌握以下单词

train, bus, subway, ride, bike, foot,walk.

(2) 能掌握以下句型:

① —How do you get to school? —I ride my bike.

② —How does Mary get to school? —She takes the subway.

2.Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式)

take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .


让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活中进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习,了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。


1.教学重点:乘坐 交通工具的表示方法.


—How do you get to school? —I take the …/ride …/ walk…

—How does Mary get to school?—She takes the subway.


(一)Warming-up and Lead in

学生和老师进行简单的问候并播放英文歌曲Over the mountains

Ss : Good morning , teacher.

T: Good morning , class

T: Listen to the song and answer my questions.

Q1:How many kinds of transportation can you see?

Q2:What are they?



bike, car, ship, train, taxi, boat, plane, bus.

2. A guessing game.

Listen to sound of the transportation and guess what kind of transportation it is.

(三)Free talk

How do you get to school?

Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi

I ride a bike / motorbike

T: Do you know any other way?

2. Teacher shows pictures on the big screen .归纳出行方式和常用短语.

Ask some questions about how you get to…?


3. Show a picture about Part 1, on the screen.

Point at girls or boys in the picture.

Ask students to answer and write in the blanks.

S1 : How does he / she go to school?

S2 : He / She … …



ride a bike by bike 骑自行车

walks on foot 走路、步行

take the subway by subway 乘坐地铁

take the train by train 乘坐火车

take a car by car 乘坐小车

take the plane by plane 乘坐飞机

take the bus by bus 乘坐公车

take a boat by boat 乘坐船

(五) 1a

T: Look at the picture on your book. Match the words with the picture.



1. Make sure the Ss know what to do. Give them an example if possible.

2. Read the names in the box.

3. Play the tape and check the answers.

(七)Pair work

Ask two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the class. Then ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer how students get to school in the picture.

Finally ask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.

(八)A survey

Make a survery:How do your classmates get to school?

Classmates(同学) How to get to school?

BobBy bus

(九) Consolidation

Let students do some exercise.



1. 掌握本课关于天气的生词和短语;

2. 学习和了解怎样谈天气;

3. 掌握There be句型的时态和结构变化。


1. 拼读生词。

2. 回顾并整理有关天气的词汇和句子。

3. 朗读课文,完成Ex 1。

4. 阅读理解:朗读课文,完成任务:

1) What is Danny doing ?

2) Why is today’s weather strange?

3) Talk about the weather today.

5. 找出文中重点内容并展示在黑板上。

6. 整理自己的知识难点。

7. 结合图标,猜测“Dig In”中有关天气状况的词汇。

III. 释疑解惑:

1. on the radio: 在播音; 通过广播

2. 10°C:ten degrees centigrade

3. It is going to rain. 天要下雨。

4. There be

e.g. There is a child near the door.

---Is there a child near the door?

There is not a child near the door.

There are some books on the desk.

There ___ (be)a pen and some books on the desk.

There will be lots of fresh meat tomorrow.

5. be scared of ≈ be afraid of: I am scared of thunder.

6. 观察下列单词的构成:afternoon, sunset, sunrise, thunderstorm, etc. 要求学生总结结论,并完成Ex 3。

IV. 当堂检测:

1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空:

1) I was caught in the rain in a ___________(阵雨) on my way to school.

2) In Britain, the sun ______(落下)much later in summer.

3) We need to know the ________(准确的) time.

4) They are talking about s________ and sunset.

5) Please don’t go out this afternoon. There will be a heavy t________.

2. 单项选择:

1)Jane wanted to learn English _____ the radio.

A. in B. with C. through D. on

2) _____ is the temperature today?

A. What B. How C. How many D. How much

3) Don’t be _____ the young man.

A. scared to B. scared of C. angry to D. angry of

4) ---- Do you think it will be cool tomorrow?

---- _____. It has been too hot for a week.

5) There _____ be a rain the day after tomorrow.

A. shall B. are going to C. is going D. will

V. 任务布置:

1. 整理笔记,复习本课知识点;

2. 运用相关句式,口头练习天气预报的播报;

3. 完成《练习册》L1作业;



本课所讲的是仁爱版七年级上册 Unit 3 , Topic2, Section A.本课是整个topic 的起始课,是整个topic的重要词汇和句型的呈现课。1a 部分以一个小对话的形式呈现这个topic的重点句型What does your mother do? What do your parents do? She is a teacher.They are office workers.而1c 部分则是与职业有关的系列单词。


3、技能目标: 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,发展学生的主观学习能力,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说读的技能。形成运用英语的语言能力。

4、素质培养: 培养学生自习听、观察、记忆、思维等学习品质。

5、教学重点 :new words:What does she do? What do they do?5)教学难点:学生容易运用What do your parents do? 但What do his parents do?这个句子用起来,学生会因为his的存在而用到does.另外,cook 要避免学生在使用时用成cooker.所以我认为,这两点是本课的难点。5)课型:听说课

教具: 课件,人物卡片等。二,说教法、学法




通过“Happy time”和“choose the star”两个游戏,让学生在游戏中很自然地学习和巩固词组和句型。








1.Warming up 听歌曲:What does he do? [设计意图:刚上课时,听听跟本节课有关联的歌曲,不仅能吸引学生的注意力,稳定了学生的情绪,也将学生带入到轻松的学习环境中] 2.Greetings and free talk.[设计意图:跟学生打招呼,亲切问好,能适当接近师生之间的距离,这就能较好地展开英语的语言交流,达到运用英语进行交际的目的。] 3.Game: happy time [设计意图:通过对日常活动的辨别和记忆,培养学生的观察能力和记忆能力,刺激他们对先前所学的日常活动的用语的巩固,并让他们掌握本节课的重点句型,对本课的难点有所突破。] 4.新单词教学

通过对学生导学案的检查,及运用形象生动的幻灯片引出元音字母组合的发音,再启发学生根据发音读出新单词,然后对部分单词进行解释,有效地让学生了解了单词的音形意。[设计意图:运用生动活泼富有动画色彩的多媒体展示,让学生与单词进行了亲密接触,并从中获得学习的快乐和学习的效率。音标教学,一直是英语初学者所面临的一个难题,以这种方式,能让学生掌握一些英语单词的发音规律,并有意识地对此规律进行归纳和联系,从而突破语音难关。] 5.句型教学

我运用动画图片引入,并结合游戏操练及巩固句型”hat does your mother do? What do your parents do?”.总的来说,我这节课可以分为三大板块:知识呈现板块,操练板块,游戏板块。三大板块的时间分配上大概如此:知识呈现



Unit 3 Getting together Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section A

What does your mother do? What do your parents do?
