



成都纺专建筑工程学院 第五届演讲比赛总决赛

建筑学院团总支学生会主席团 2014年2月15日

















环境 9)观众文明观赛,不得故意影响选手发挥。10)当有扰乱比赛秩序的情况发生时,工作人员有权将其带离比



1)班级初选,选出代表本班参赛的同学; 2)学院学生会主席团、学习部通过复选,选出参加决赛的12名




1)主办单位:成都纺专建筑学院团总支学生会 2)承办单位:学生会学习部 3)组织单位:学习部及全体学生会成员



八、活动地点 南苑教学楼c101



易传英 曾小林 王劲枝 王霖 王蕾 游媛 张洁 曹谦 黄曦俊

陈雨生 彭梦玲 边川针 岳俊涛 周雪明







十二、【人员安排】: 详见附表三

十三、比赛流程 1)播放励志音乐(例:汪峰 《飞得更高》、《怒放的生命》、五月天《倔强》、江涛《好男儿》)。(比赛前播放)


学校建筑工程学院第五届演讲比赛”——“时代.人生.理想”正式开始。7)选手按照比赛具体步骤依次上台演讲,其他选手在特定的观众席上耐心等候。8)前4个选手比赛顺序是: 9)前4个选手演讲完后,主持人邀请文艺部暖场节目登场。10)中间4位选手比赛顺序依次是: 11)中间4位选手演讲完后,主持人邀请文艺部暖场节目登场。12)在第2位选手演讲完后,礼仪部开始收集加分条交给秘书处统 计。统计出来交给主持人,主持人每次宣布两个选手的得分情况。在嘉宾点评之后,主持人宣布最后两位位选手的情况。13)第十二位选手演讲结束后,主持人邀请嘉宾上台做点评。(期间有工作人员统计第十二位选手的得分,并得出本次演讲比赛最终的比赛结果。)点评期间再次循环播放本次参赛选手地 ppt,不能有声音。14)当老师点评完后,主持人宣布最后两位选手的得分并公布最终的比赛获奖名单。(先公布获得最具潜力奖、最具人气奖的4位选手,再公布获得三等奖的3位选手,接着公布获得二等奖的2位选手,最后公布获得一等奖的1位选手。)15)让参加比赛的十二位选手分别上台,先是获得最佳台风奖和最受欢迎奖的4位选手,接着是获得三等奖的3位选手,然后是获得二等奖的2位选手,最后是获得一等奖的1位选手,并分别篇二:(免费)全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿

全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿 im grateful that ive been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to stand here as a spokesman of my generation and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as well.though it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, i believe, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years.in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons.the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me.but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, i always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself.one day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, could you please explain this to me? i want very much to do better this time.i started explaining, and finished in a hurry.pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, i ran off quickly.nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam.and two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer.no one ever knew about the little task i failed to fulfill, but i couldnt forgive myself.i simply couldnt forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, why didnt you do a little more to help me, when it was so easy for you? why didnt you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that i would not have to leave this world in such pain and regret? i was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for i began to understand the word responsibility and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society.later in my life, i continued to experience many failures.but never again did i feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that i have always done everything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best i can.words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts.such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures.such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it.yet in the meantime, many problems still exist.we learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting.we hear that there are still about 1 million children in this country who cant even afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars.we buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people believe, is the most important thing in the world that must be made, even at the expense of morality and responsibility.such an era, furthermore, demands, that we are a generation with a clear perception of our historical responsibility and an aggressive will to take action and solve the problems.history has long been preparing these qualities in this generation and it is now calling us forward to give testimony to our patriotism and heroism towards this nation and all humanity.standing here now, i think of the past 15 years of my life as an ordinary student.probably ill be an ordinary man for the rest of my life.but this doesnt discourage me any, for i know that with my sense of responsibility and devoted efforts to always strive, for the best, its going to be a meaningful and worthwhile life that i will be living.i cant ever forget that little girl in my class who couldnt had the same opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world tomorrow.it is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to the challenges of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the historic cause of making this nation a greater and happier land for every one of us.we are not going to evade that responsibility.we are going to let people down.and people, far and near, will hear of us.frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, so let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in victory and glory.篇三:全国大学生英语英语演讲比赛第一名_顾秋蓓_演讲稿(绝对精彩)good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.today i would like to begin with a story.there was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a census about mountain gorillas.these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world;this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the zoo.she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures.she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged weve ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their babies.yes, thats a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs.dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment.today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems.on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great all these appalling(令人震惊的)facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding(侵蚀)our resources.encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the worlds attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 1invalids(残疾人), some of them can not afford to send the money but they do.these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood.why? because they care.because they still want their mother nature back.because they know it still belongs to them.the other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs.i found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to some-thing else, someplace else.a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, theres always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.thank you very much.篇四:全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖 演讲稿 good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.today i would like to begin with a story.there was once a physical 1)therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a 2)census about mountain 3)gorillas.these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world;this put them severely under threat of 4)poaching and being put into the zoo.she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures.she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged weve ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5)cuddled their babies.yes, thats a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs.dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a 6)timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment.today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems.on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most all these 7)appalling(令人震惊的)facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been 8)eroding(侵蚀)our resources.encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the worlds attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives, 9)plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 10)invalids(残疾人), some of them can not afford to send the money but they do.these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood.why? because they care.because they still want their mother nature back.because they know it still belongs to them.the other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs.i found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to some-thing else, someplace else.a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into the world.and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, theres always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.thank you very much.thanks,contestant#18.the topic for your impromptu speech is:which is more important for you: knowledge from books or personal experience? answer: thank you.i remember, on my very first day of my beloved university, one of my professors said to me,“from now on, you’ll be on a journey between who you think you are and who yo can be.the key is to allow yourself to continue the journey in the ocean of the books.”and i do learn a lot from books: i know the geometry of euclid, logic of aristotle, fable of aesop known to children around the world.well, no nation enjoyed so much prospertity and so much social progress with so little internal crises.and never before have our young people had so much great opportunity to practice ourselves and, therefore, have a profound obligation to build a more perfect nation of our ancestor’s dream.and i think our government had provided us young people with the tools and condition to build the future of our dreams.even if we know some rules, some regulations, or experiences from our books, we still simply cannot graft it onto today’s busier, more impersonal, contestant#18, in your speech, you talked about ecotourism.could you explain to us difference between ordinary tourists and e-tourists, or ecotourists? answer: thank you for your question.and i think the key issue is the differences between our awareness.fot example, if you want to go to a place to have a trip, enjoy your trip.and i think before you get on board, get on the bus, you can have the awareness that “i’m not a polluter, but an environment keeper.” we’re not go to all those scenic spots to destroy all those beautiful scenes but we to appreciate the mother nature giving us so much things.thank you very much.answer: well, i think, maybe, umm, i don’t think that all those technologies can replace the importance of books.we’re in our modern village where so many new industries—it industries, tourism industries—crop up every day and this brave new world seem a little bit dehumanizing and inhospitable to a lot of people.the world can no longer be defined as a place on a map or list or people in organizations but i think the true value, the essence of our village remains the same.it is the network of values relationship that support our lives and we can learn those things from our books because books is the very first beginning stage of what we learn.thank you very much.i’d like to ask you a question about your prepared speech,please.you mention that the un has declated the year 2002, i think it was, “the year of ecotourism.” do you think that such gestures really serve a purpose? answer: and i think one of my teachers said to me, when i prepared my prepared speech, and he tells me that if we pay more attention to something like environmental protection or ecotourism, it is more, it is better for us to bear in mind we should learn something in our hearts, we should have something about the awareness about how to pay more respect to our environment, not to talk about something orally but to bear something in our hearts.follow our hearts, our environment can be better.thank you very much.篇五:全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿 dream is my top concern honorable judges , fellow students: good evening!i’m number xxx--wangxi who is major in chemistry and biology.i’m glad to be here to share my speech today.what’s your top concern? maybe the answer of a father is his family and of a mother is her children, for the young adults , maybe a good job、a bright future or endless fortune is their top concern ,and you may tell me that your girlfriend or your boyfriend is your top concern, after all, love is beautiful right? but i was expected to hear a loud voice here to tell me that“dream is my top concern”。


















青年学生多有展示自我的激情, 每次接到演讲比赛的任务, 第一件事就是要确定参赛选手。从众多学生中挑选出合适的选手, 在时间充裕的情况下, 大部分还是采用学校海选的形式, 从而挑出较为合适的选手。给你一块好玉, 你可以很好的雕琢, 但是如果是质地不好的石头, 则花费多少时间最终都会功亏一篑, 因此我很注重选择选手。我一般从几个方面来考察选手:

1. 选手必须口齿清楚、音质高亮

从我多年辅导学生演讲的经验看, 选手的这种素质是非常基本也是非常重要的。演讲, 是要在大庭广众之下说话, 很难想象一个说话要让别人费劲地去听的人, 会有什么优势, 怎能打动别人?当然, 口齿清楚的人其实很多, 并不难找, 难的是还要音质高亮。就像唱歌要有一幅好嗓子一样, 演讲也需要有好的嗓音条件。我要找的就是嗓音优美, 音质高亮的人, 选到了这种选手, 就像挑到了一块好玉一样, 最起码有了演讲的底子。

2. 选手必须情感丰富, 善于表现、敢于表现

唯有情感丰富的人才能以自己的真情演讲打动评委和听众。就像演员在舞台上表演一样, 演讲者也要充分利用在演讲台上的短短几分钟, 表现出或热情洋溢、或义正词严、或痛心疾首、或柔肠侠骨的多种情感来。而且要敢于表现, 不怯场, 人越多, 越兴奋。这样才能使演讲跌宕起伏, 吸引听众和评委。

3. 选手必须普通话基础较好

如果学生普通话不好会影响表达效果, 辅导起来会增加很大的难度, 除非万不得已, 比如他太符合你的前两个条件了, 如果是这样你就要多花时间辅导他的普通话了。


演讲稿很重要, 可以说有好的演讲稿就说明演讲成功了一半。因此我非常注重演讲稿的质量。一般最好要求参赛选手自己写, 然后我再指导学生修改。演讲自己写的稿子, 选手更容易全面理解内容, 并能演讲好。对于演讲稿, 我一般从以下几方面予以辅导、修改。

1. 演讲稿选取的事例要以小见大, 以一滴水来反映太阳的光辉

有一年, 参加南京市的演讲比赛, 主题是“好习惯伴我成长”。许多选手都从道理上阐述好的习惯对于成长的重要性, 可谓引古论今、旁征博引, 言之确确。但我们的演讲稿是选取了一个小女孩“我”的成长历程中奶奶对我的言行方面好习惯的培养, 使得如今的“我”成为一个实训完就知道把工具迅速地收好, 学习优良、品行端正的好学生的事例, 来说明好习惯的养成对人的一生都有帮助的道理。这样一个别出心裁的选材, 让满耳大道理的评委们觉得耳目一新, 再加上我们选手的出色演讲, 获得了二等奖的好成绩。

2. 演讲稿一定要情真意切, 要达到情感与理性的升华

换句话说, 演讲稿一定要煽情。想在短短的几分钟的演讲里打动听众, 说服听众, 平淡的稿子一定不行, 稿子一定要富含感情, 要有细腻感人的“小”情, 要有深重震撼的“大”情, 稿子不能一味的“小”, 虽是感人却不大气。稿子也不能一味的“大”, 一路高歌会给人很不真实很空的感觉。稿子要在“小”情的积淀下水到渠成的抒发“大”情。

比如精细化工0831班的王清雅在演讲稿《助学助自强》中谈到国家助学金对技工学校学生的帮助时, 原来她不知道如何体现出国家助学金的可贵, 我让她用自己身边的事例:“记得入学之初, 母亲待业, 父亲内退, 全家经济来源不过几百块的退休金, 在南京, 在近5000元的学费、生活费面前, 我的家庭捉襟见肘。可以预见, 当知道上技校也可以得到国家助学金时, 我心中的烟花放得有多灿烂, 同班那个穿35码鞋的大男生躲在电话亭里喜极而泣!”用这些细微的情节来阐述国家助学金对困难学生的帮助, 从而引申到对国家助学金这个好政策的大情的抒发:“有技术, 有工作;有工作, 有饭吃。解决了第一层次的生存安全需求, 我们就有余力社交、并赢得尊重, 进而追求理想, 追求成功!站在国家的高度看, 向小康走去的我们能安心工作, 对构建社会主义和谐社会无疑是强大的推动力”, 从而达到情感与理性的升华。

3. 演讲稿所使用的材料一定要精炼、通俗, 整个篇幅长短要适当

要大刀阔斧地砍削那些明显与演讲主题无关或关系不大的字词句段、故事材料。比如在以“道德楷模, 时代先锋”为主题的演讲稿中, 学生先详细列举了几个道德楷模的先进事迹, 故事虽然感人, 但我觉得关键应该是从这些先进人物身上找到与时代同步的可贵精神, 因此, 我建议他对故事进行删减, 而且进行并列、集合式处理。这样一改, 主题鲜明了, 说服力也增强了。另外, 材料的选择还要通俗, 要选择大多数人都知道的、听得懂的, 而不能选择太生僻的、很少人知道的。依我的经验, 演讲稿的字数在1000字左右, 演讲时间在3~4分钟为宜。尽量做到短而精, 在听众的注意力分散前戛然而止, 余味悠长。

4. 演讲稿注意内容安排上要表现出张弛起伏, 有节奏变化

演讲稿的节奏, 主要是通过演讲内容的变换来实现的。演讲内容的变换, 是在一个主题的内容中, 适当地插入幽默、诗文、轶事等内容, 使听众的注意力一直能被你的演讲吸引着。我经常跟学生讲, 写演讲稿, 就是讲一些道理, 举一些例子。就像议论文, 要用事例来阐述道理, 但又不仅仅像议论文。演讲稿中还要有抒情, 要用情感的力量来达到高潮, 打动观众, 从而让你讲述的观点让观众接受。


演讲稿确定下来之后, 就是对演讲技巧的辅导了。这是一个艰难的过程, 一般我是这样进行:先让学生熟悉稿子, 然后就是“抠”, 一段段的来。抠字音, 抠节奏, 抠轻重, 抠动作。我在这里讲讲具体是怎样做的。

1. 抠字音

就是要读准每个字的读音, 特别注意轻声、儿化, 还有平翘舌音、后鼻音。像我们南京这边的方言, 有个特点, 基本上卷舌和不卷舌难以区分, 前鼻音和后鼻音不分。比如“辉煌六十年, 魅力新南京”, “年” (nián) 就容易读成“连 (lián) ”;南京的“京” (jīng) 就容易读成“津 (jīn) ”。我一般让选手在朗读过程中, 发现这些容易读错或读不准的音, 就查字典, 标出来, 反复吟诵, 直到完全读准为止。

如果在抠的过程中, 某个字或者词学生总读不好, 那就改稿子, 改一个他能念得准的词。

2. 抠节奏, 抠轻重

这一环节很重要。一般是逐句抠。演讲和唱歌一样也是有节奏的, 一般是一个词组一个单位, 每个单位的时间是差不多的。如“感谢党!感谢国家!感谢紧密团结的大家!”这一句中虽然“感谢党”和“感谢国家”一个是三个字的词组, 一个是四个字的词组, 前面三个它们所用的时间是一样的, 但是“感谢紧密团结的大家”用的时间就不一样, 我这样处理“感谢—紧密团结的—大—家”, 用的时间是前两句的四倍。这样才能使得演讲有张有弛、有快有慢, 富于变化。

在抠节奏的同时抠轻重。陈述性的句子就是相对轻一些。而“感谢党!感谢国家!感谢紧密团结的大家!”这一句除了“的”字其余均是字字千钧, 而且一句要比一句有力, 到最后一句有多大力气就用多大力气。要注意“重”不等于“喊”, 那种声嘶力竭的喊是大忌。这时候, 选手音质高亮的特点就显现出来了, 而音质低的选手想要说出那种震撼力, 往往会弄巧成拙地变成那种声嘶力竭的喊了。

3. 肢体语言的自然运用

演讲不单是嘴巴在动, 还有头部、脸部、手, 乃至整个身体都要积极参与。点头、微笑、抬手、皱眉, 身体向前或者侧转都要配合演讲的内容顺势而动。其中手势被称为演讲者的第二张脸, 在演讲中要配合内容随时进行。学生开始可能不自然, 做不到位, 但要反复训练, 直到满意。让动作和表情成为他一讲到这里就从内心流淌出来的一种表现, 这就成功了。

4. 进行口语化的加工

把文稿转化为有声语言, 绘声绘色地讲出来, 是需要进行一些加工的。这包括: (1) 要有丰富的语调。 (2) 要有灵动的重音。重音具有区别意义的作用, 可以传达出演讲者微妙的感情和态度。 (3) 要有“活化”的停顿。停顿本身仍然具有影响听众情绪的力量。恰如其分的停顿能产生非凡的效果。我每每指导学生:在报完自己的演讲题目之后, 一定要有至少三秒的停顿;在说出重要结论之前, 一定要有至少五秒的停顿, 你的停顿会让一时注意力没集中的人思想集中起来, 让注意听讲的人有个思考时间, 这时, 你再说出结论, 一定比你用正常语速说出更有震撼力。

5. 演讲词的记忆诀窍

要做一次成功的演讲, 在演讲稿写成之后, 最重要的就是必须要把演讲词烂熟于心。记忆演讲词, 一般来说要分成三步:第一步是识读, 即阅读。第二步是响读。同时我帮助学生设计与内容相应的动作、表情和姿态。这是演讲记忆的关键之处。第三步是情读。这步基本是脱稿了, 在反复讲练的过程中理解感受演讲词的感情基调, 注意辅导学生对感情把握的适度和真实。只有勤奋地、反复地练习, 做到烂熟于心, 张口就来, 才能在复杂的比赛现场, 克服困难, 发挥正展。

演讲, 对于大部分学校来说都是一个经常开展的学生活动, 青年学生也可以从这个活动中锻炼自己的能力, 同时他们也渴望获得老师们的辅导, 希望我的经验能给其他老师一些启发。


[1]谢伦浩.演讲态势表达技巧.石油工业出版社, 2004-01.

[2]宏森.怎样掌握演讲口才技巧.中国民族摄影艺术出版社, 2005-04.

















Think globally, act locally Hello ~pretty girls and smart boys ,my name is XXX.I’m from grade 2013,information and computing science.As you can see, I’m a very casual girl, and a lot of people here,like 18-year-old, I love a lot.I love singing, love dancing , and a little love English.It gives me great honor to invite each of you to my speech.So now , let us get in the main talk:Think globally, act locally.Think globally, act locally has been used in various contexts,including planning, environment, education and many many.Today, I want to talk with you about one of the aspects, business.With the remarkable improvement of people’s living rhythm, a mounting number of people choose to eat fast food because of it’s convenience.At the mention of fast food, all of us must immediately think about Macdonald.Owing to the strategy of glocalization, Mcdonald has been experienced a quik extension between 1990 to 2015.And now , Mcdonald’s worldwild store have overed 35 thousand.But what is glocalization.Glocalization is a combination of the words globalization and localization.Mcdonald, for example, expanding market all over the world is an example of globalization.In order to adapt to local tastes, however, the different chain’s menu.Such an effort help Mcdonald achieve great success.Julius Caesar said: I came, I saw, I conquer.I think the expansion of the Mcdonald’s, just like the proverb domineering.But the strategy of glocalization is just the epitome of the phrase.Think globally, act locally is not only suitable for the development of the company, also suitable for the individual.We can improve ourself through keeping up with the pace of the times in ideological, action implemented at the same time.So let us put our hands on our chest and promise the world: we will think globally, act locally~~
