



























































































60.在Excel中,如果输入“0 1/9”,则在单元格中会出现()。


























































































































































B: 14A Park Street Seattle Washington 98117 2.2.A: Okay Scott.Where do you work? B: I work at Skiers Sports Shop.A: Oh I know the place.Now do you have e-mail? B: Yes I do.A: sometimes the club sends information over the Net.What’s your e-mail address? B: It’s Scott S-C-O-T-T at mountain dot com.3.3.A: I want to sign up for the jazz dance class.B: Sure.Your name please? A: It’s Sarah Cahill.That’s C-A-H-I-L-L.B: And your home phone number? A: 933-0160.B: Do you also have a cell phone or pager number? A: My cell phone is 912-477-1124.4.4.A: Hi.I’d like to join the tennis club for the summer.B: Okay.Fill in your name address telephone number and so on here„ Let’s see.You forgot to write your date of birth.A: It’s March 14 1986.B: And where do you go to school? A: I go to Hillview High School/ Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer Do you have your card? What’s your name? How do you spell that? And what’s your address? What is your telephone number? Where do you work? 2 Get the main ideas Answers Ted Mendrou 27 Red Tree Drive 818-777-0768 NA(He doesn’t work he’s a student.)NA(HE doesn’t have a credit card.)script Clerk: Next.Ted: Yes I’d like this video.Clerk: Do you have your card? Ted: No I don’t have a card.Clerk: Okay.I’ll make a card.What’s your name? Ted: Ted Mendrou.Clerk: How do you spell that? Ted: M-E-N-D-R-O-U.Clerk: And what’s you’re address? Ted: 27 Red Tree Drive.Clerk: Red Tree? Is that one word or two? Ted: It’s two words: Red.Tree.Clerk: What is your telephone number? Ted: 777-0768 Clerk: Is that the 818 area code? Ted: Yep.Clerk: Where do you work? Ted: I don’t work.I’m a student.Clerk: Okay now I just need a credit card number.Ted: A credit card? Clerk: Yes you know VISA MasterCard„ Ted: Uh-oh.)a kitchen sink(K)a table & chairs(K)a coffee table(LR)script In my living room there is an old couch a soft chair a table and a lamp.In my kitchen there is a stove a sink and a refrigerator.There’s also a big table and two chairs.My bathroom has a large bathtub a small sink a shower and of course a toilet.And my bedroom has a bed a dresser a small table and a lamp.There’s also a big bookcase.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 5.1.bedroom 3.bathroom 6.2.kitchen 4.living room 2 Second Listening Answers 5.1.This is a pretty big room.6.2.It’s nice and sunny.7.3.This room is very small.8.4.This room is great.script 1.1.This is a pretty big room I think.The bed is in the corner and there’s a small table next to the bed.There’s a lamp on the table.There’s a

dresser too and two big bookcases.2.2.Now I like this room.It’s nice and sunny.There’s a stove and a small refrigerator.The sink is next to the stove.There is one chair and a small table where you can eat.There’s a small TV on the table.3.3.Now there’s this room.I know this room is very small but it’s okay.It has a shower and a toilet.There’s a sink too next to the toilet but as you can see no bathtub.4.4.Isn’t this a nice room? It’s big.There’s a big old couch and two soft chairs.There’s a table next to the couch.And there’s a lamp on the table.But the best thing is there is a really big TV.This room is great!Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer Size of room furniture how much it costs swimming pool.2 Get the main ideas Answers Business hotel: two beds a bathtub a couch a table Ritz Hotel: two beds a bathtub a shower a couch a table chairs refrigerator TV pool script Alan: I looked on the Internet today and I think I found a hotel for us.Bob: Oh yeah? Me too.What does yours have? Alan: Well it’s a business hotel.The room has two beds.And of course a bathroom.The bathroom has a bathtub but no shower.Bob: That’s it?

Alan: Well in the picture it looks like there’s also a couch and table.Bob: Two beds a couch a table and no shower.Okay.Want to hear about my hotel? Alan: All right but I –

Bob: It’s the Ritz Hotel.It looks great!The room is really two rooms: a bedroom with two really big beds and a living room with a couch a table and chairs.There is a bath room with a shower and a big bathtub.And listen to this.You also get a refrigerator and a big-screen TV!Alan: Sounds expensive.Bob: Wait.There’s even a health club with a pool!Alan: How much?Unit 5 Where are you from? Vocabulary Task Answers Colombian Korean French Brazilian Japanese American English Thai script Here is our music club.There are members from all over the world!First is Carlos.He’s Colombian.He’s from Bogota Colombia.Second is Sang-kai.He’s Korean.He’s from Seoul Korea.Third is Michael.He’s French.He’s from Nice France.Fourth is Maria.She’s from Sao Paulo Brazil.Next is Michiko.She is Japanese.She’s from Osaka Japan.Then Jackie.She’s American.She’s from Miami Florida.And Jonathan.He’s British.He’s from Cornwall England.And last is Sunt.He’s Thai.He’s from Bangkok in Thailand.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 11.1.Australia 2.Spain 3.China 4.India 2 Second Listening Answers 9.1.Liz(Walker)3.Yu-an(Lee)10.2.Carlos(Fernandez)4.Purni script A: Is everyone ready? Please come up when I call your number„Number 1.1: My name is Liz Walker.L-I-Z.A: Are you British? 1: No.No I’m Australian.I’m from Sydney Australia but I live in the United Stated.A: Number 2.2: My name is Carlos Fernandez.A: Carlos? 2: Yes.Carlos.C-A-R-L-O-S.I’m Spanish.I’m from Barcelona Spain.A: Number 3.3: My name is Yu-an Lee.That’s Y-U-A-N.A: Okay.And Yuan where are you from? 3: I’m Chinese.I’m from Shanghai China.A: Number 4.4: my name is Purni.A: Perdi? 4: No.Purni.P-U-R-N-I.I’m Indian.I’m from New Delhi India.Real World Listening 1 Predict Answer They met at a youth hostel.2 Get the main ideas Answers They are at a youth hostel in London.Robert is from San Francisco California.Miguel is from Bogota Colombia.Keiko is from Japan but she lives in Paris.She works there.She wants to do something fun.Silvia is from a small town near Venice Italy.script Robert: Hi I’m Robert.How’s it going?

Miguel: Hi.My name’s Miguel.Sorry I didn’t catch your name.Robert: It’s Robert.I’m from San Francisco in the U.S.Nice to meet you – Miguel.Miguel: Nice to meet you too.Robert: Is this your first day here? Miguel: Yes.I just got to London today.Robert: Where are you from? Miguel: I’m Colombian.From Bogota Colombia.Keiko: Hi.Can I sit here? Robert: Hello.Sure.There’s plenty of room.I’m Robert.Keiko: Hi.My name’s Keiko.Where are you from Robert?

Robert: Hi.Keiko.I’m from California.And you„? Are you from Japan? Keiko: Yes I’m from Osaka originally.Now I live in Paris.Robert: Really? What do you do there? Keiko: I work for a high-tech company.I’m so glad to be away from work.Robert: Right.Keiko: Do you have any ideas on fun things to do here in London? Robert: Yeah.Let me get my guidebook.And my map.I’ll be right back.Silvia: Hello.I’m Silvia.Do any of you know what time it is? Miguel: It’s 6:15.I think dinner is at 7:00.have a seat.Silvia: Thank you.Miguel: I’m Miguel.I’m from Colombia.And this is Keiko from Japan.Where’re

you from Silvia? Silvia: I’m from Italy.From a small town near Venice.Have you been to Italy? Miguel: No but I’d love to go.I like Italian food.And Italian cars.Unit 8 where are we going? Vocabulary Task Answers/script The post office is next to the First National Bank.The bank is between Broadway Bookstore and First Aid drugstore.Antonio’s Restaurant is across from the library.Sherwood hospital is on the corner.It is next to Apple Tree Flower Shop.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.1.post office 3.bank 2.2.hospital 4.library 2 First Listening Answers 1.1.It’s on the corner next to the bank.2.2.It’s between the drugstore and the police station.3.3.It’s down the street.4.4.It’s on the corner next to Adam’s shoe store.script 1.1.A: Excuse me where’s the post office?

B: The post office? It’s on the corner next to the bank.A: Thanks.2.2.A: How can I get to a hospital? B: A hospital? A: Yes I need to find a hospital fast.B: Well there’s a hospital on Main Street between the drug store and the police station.A: On Main Street? Thanks.3.3.A: Whoops!I need to get some money.B: Well there’s a bank down this street or an ATM machine in the hotel.A: Let’s go to the bank.It’s closer right?


20世纪50年代末, 鞍钢在生产管理中提出并实行了“两参一改三结合”的方针, 其内涵是:干部参加劳动, 工人参加管理;改革不合理的规章制度;实行工人、技术人员、领导干部在生产实践和技术革命中三结合。1960年3月22日, 中央领导对此进行批示, 随后向全国转发, 这就是著名的“鞍钢宪法”。60年代初, 大庆等企业在执行“鞍钢宪法”的过程中, 形成了以岗位责任制为中心、以操作者为主, 对设备进行定期点检和保养的一种群检、群修、专群结合的制度。60年代中期, 在总结前苏联计划预修制在中国机械设备生产行业实践的基础上, 由济南柴油机厂进一步发展、完善, 进而形成了日保、一保与二保、大修的三级保养大修制。

逐步完善和发展起来的设备的三级保养制, 体现了中国设备维修管理的重心由修理向保养的转变, 反映了我国设备维修管理的进步和以预防为主的维修管理方针的进一步明确。三级保养制是依靠群众、充分发挥群众的积极性, 实行群管群修, 专群结合, 搞好设备维护保养的有效办法。

60年代末至70年代初, 日本在美国生产维修制的基础上, 吸收英国《设备综合工程学》的精华, 并借鉴中国“鞍钢宪法”中“二参一改三结合”的方法, 创立了日本式的TPM。日本于1961年将美式PM生产保全引入GE公司, 以此为母体开始探索日本式的PM活动, 1968年开始确立全体生产和维护人员参与的PM活动, 即“全员生产保全TPM”。1969年, 日本电装公司首先采用全员生产维修制。1971年TPM正式得到日本设备管理协会 (JIPE) 的认可, 并在日本企业界全面推广。由于TPM首先是在丰田公司的关联供应商日本电装开始的, 因此TPM很快在丰田公司普及, 继而在汽车产业、机械、半导体等加工组装产业迅速推广, 80年代普及到化学、食品、烟草、建筑、陶瓷、石油等装置产业。

在欧洲与美国, 工业管理学家认为“两参一改三结合”的精神实质是“后福特主义”, 即对福特式的僵化的、以垂直命令为核心的企业内分工理论的挑战。实行群管群修, 专群结合, 就是“团队合作”。如瑞典的Volvo汽车公司, 为了发挥“团队合作”的效率优势, 于1988年开始将“装配线”改造为“装配岛”, 使工人不再象从前那样在装配线上重复单一的劳动任务, 而是8至10人一组, 灵活协作, 组装整车。1995年2月1日美国国会开始辩论“团队合作法案”。目前欧美等工业先进国家均已对“全员参与”、“集体协作”予以高度重视, 赋予管理以全新的概念。



由于行业的不同, 三级保养制的时间周期、内容有很大差别。如在烟草行业, 目前设备的三级保养制规定:日常保养为白班保养与准备工作60min, 二、三班保养30min;一级保养每周末进行, 一般2~4h;二级保养每月末进行, 一般不少于6h。


实行“三级保养制”, 必须使操作工人对设备做到“三好”、“四会”、“四项要求”, 并遵守“五项纪律”。三级保养制突出了维护保养在设备管理与计划检修工作中的地位, 把对操作工人的要求更加具体化, 提高了操作工人维护设备的知识和技能。三级保养制突破了原苏联计划预修制的有关规定, 改进了计划预修制中的一些缺点, 更切合实际。三级保养制在我国企业取得了好的效果和经验, 由于三级保养制的贯彻实施, 有效地提高了企业设备的完好率, 降低了设备故障率, 延长了机械设备大修理周期, 降低了设备大修理费用, 取得了较好的技术经济效果。



1971年日本电装公司Nippon Denso在进行PM活动时开始试行点检制, 后随着日本设备管理协会对TPM的推进, 1985年左右点检形成了较为规范的标准与细则, 并在日本企业界得到全面推广。

20世纪80年代中期, 国有大型企业开始引进国外先进生产设备和先进管理经验。1985年, 上海宝钢在引进全套日本先进设备的同时, 也引进了日本TPM管理系统, 并派技术与管理人员前往新日铁研习先进设备管理和维修管理方式。1987年2月18日, 上海宝钢焦化厂成立了TPM推进委员会, 在宝钢推广应用点检、定修等一系列设备管理与维修的方式、方法。

20世纪90年代初、中期, 点检定修制在我国各行业开始推广应用。如在烟草行业, 1988年中国烟草总公司开始组办设备管理培训班, 对国内外的设备管理理论与经验进行系统培训学习, 1991年5月6日, 河南新郑卷烟厂卷包车间开始在卷接等设备上运用点检制。应用至1995年, YJ14/YJ23、MK9R/PA8R等机型的设备有效作业率平均已达84%以上, 为当时全国先进水平。2006年之后各烟草企业也先后采用了点检制。



一般的设备三级点检, 是指生产点检、专业点检和精密点检;有的按岗位性质定义为岗位点检、维修点检、精密点检;有的则按人员层次定义为实施班组点检、车间点检、设备管理室点检三级等。

但依此对设备三级点检进行理解与实施则显得过于简单, 设备三级点检的内涵是建立在设备三级保养基础之上的人员上的三级、时间周期上的三级、手段上的三级、指导定点维修方式的三级等时空划分上的三级设备管理体制。二者有很强的关联。

设备点检制度是以设备点检为中心的设备管理体制。专职点检人员既负责设备的点检, 又负责设备管理, 是操作和维修之间的桥梁与核心。点检体系由5个方面组成:岗位操作人员的日常点检;专业点检人员的定期点检;专业技术人员的精密点检;专家的技术诊断和倾向性诊断;技术专家的精度测试检查。

设备点检由操作人员、专业点检人员、专业技术人员、维修技术人员等“全员”的力量, 在不同专业和不同阶段协调于同一目标下, 使这些各类专业技术的各个层次的人相互配合、协调, 形成完善有效的设备管理体系。

日常点检由操作工人按规定标准, 以五官感觉为主, 每日对设备各部位进行技术状态检查, 以便及时发现隐患, 采取对策, 尽量减少故障停机损失。周点检则是以维修工为主, 操作人员为辅, 按企业规定标准与要求, 以人的五官感觉为主要手段, 结合便携式仪表, 每周对设备各部进行一次技术状态检查, 以规定的符号为标记, 指导周检修工作。月点检以技术人员为主, 维修人员为辅, 按企业规定标准与要求, 以专业仪器仪表为主, 每月或定期对设备指定部位进行的技术状态检查或判断, 指导重点机台 (重点部位) 的检修工作。


设备三级点检强调全员参与、分级进行, 实行定点维修, 对设备的一生进行管理。它是设备管理与设备维修的基础, 是设备管理数据化、标准化、信息化、程序化的重要手段;是提高操作与维修人员的技术修养、维修技能的有效形式;是设备管理与维修发展过程中的模式再创新;是企业实现充分发挥现代化设备的作用, 不断提高生产效率, 追求费效比利益最大化, 增加企业效益的重要方法。


设备三级保养与设备三级点检都是分级进行的。设备三级保养是以维修保养为目标, 而设备三级点检是为设备维修保养作技术准备。设备的三级保养制源于计划维修、预防维修的需求而先于设备的三级点检;设备的三级点检制度源于TPM的推进, 是在以设备三级保养为基础而进行的设备管理与维修制度、模式、方法的再创新。设备的三级保养与设备的三级点检有重合进行的趋势, 如有的企业在进行设备三级保养时一同安排设备的三级点检工作, 但也存在由于目的不同、手段不同造成的内容与形式上的差异。设备的三级保养是以设备管理员、技术员为指导, 以操作工、维修工为主体进行的全员性的维修保养活动;而三级点检制的内涵则是以点检员为核心的设备预防维修检测管理, 点检员负责设备存在故障隐患的鉴定判别以及设备维修计划的制定。在理论上, 设备保养的范畴要包含设备点检, 点检应属于保养的一部分, 是为维修保养服务的;但点检由于其专业上的特点、技术上的要求, 目前已自成体系。

在人员上:设备三级点检一般是分操作工、维修工、专业技术人员三级进行的;而设备三级保养则是由操作工, 操作工为主、维修工为辅, 维修工为主、操作工为辅三级进行的, 都强调全员参与。但也存在着点检人员越来越专业化的趋势, 具有制定维修计划职责。而两套制度的执行者在大部分企业是相同的。

在时间上:三级点检有日点检、周点检、月点检;三级保养则相应有日 (班) 保养、一级 (周) 保养、二级 (月) 保养, 都强调按时间周期进行, 以此为基础, 点检、保养频次也可以作短期与长期上的灵活安排, 如班点检、旬点检、年点检等。

在采用工具方面:三级点检依次采用人的感官、简单量具和专业仪器, 三级所用仪器工具较为明显;三级保养则相应有三级保养与维修形式上的对应, 其对应内容所使用的工具也依次越来越多, 越来越专业。

在维修方式上:点检按事后或应急、预防、项修来进行, 强调定点检修, 动态管理;三级保养则是严格的计划性预防维护, 强调维修在保养时要穿插安排、间隙进行, 保养中有维修, 维修中有保养, 三级保养时安排有三级点检时所发现的设备故障隐患处理。

在进行状态上:三级点检有运行点检、停机点检、半解体与解体点检等;三级保养则由于安全的要求, 必须停机保养。

在标准与内容上:三级点检与三级保养都有各自独立的标准与内容。保养的级别越高, 内容越多, 标准要求也高;点检则级别越高, 项目越少, 标准越高, 具体项目的检测内容越多。

新郑卷烟厂在多年的设备管理实施过程中, 分别制定了设备三级保养与三级点检的规定、内容、标准及汇总后的跟踪服务、考核制度, 形成了以设备机型工程师为主要负责人的三级保养与以点检员为主要负责人的三级点检管理体制。










Unit 1 Relationships Warm-up(Answers in bold.)1.This is Joe: When I was in high school, I was really into sports.In college I found out that my true calling is to be a science fiction writer!After high school, my girlfriend, Melissa, and I went to different colleges.After a while, we just drifted apart.2.This is Lindsay: My junior year of college I lived in Europe as an exchange student.I ended up going back to New York for graduate school.3.This is Chris: My dad owns a flower shop.He always wanted me to take over for him when he retired, but flowers really aren’t my thing.Right now I’m working as an apprentice to a famous chef.Someday I hope to have my own television cooking show.4.This is Allison: As a teenager, I had my own unique style and way of thinking.I was a free spirit, while my boyfriend, Brad, was very conservative.Everyone was really surprised when Brad and I decided to get married.I guess they thought we’d eventually break up.Listening Task

First Listening 1.traveling in Europe, living in Boston.2.apprenticing as a chef, learning how to run a restaurant 3.working as an accountant 4.working as a lawyer Second Listening 1.He isn’t surprised that Jake lived abroad.2.She wants to eat at Terry’s restaurant.3.He doesn’t remember much about high school.4.She is surprised by Cindy’s physical appearance.Third Listening(For the first dialog)1.— Studying at Boston University.2.— He went to Spain as an exchange student and traveled a lot in Europe.(For the second dialog)3.— No, he didn’t.Instead he took over his mother’s business, a restaurant.4.— Cooking.He wants to be a famous chef.(For the third dialog)5.— Because he works as an accountant in the city now.6.— Barry’s wife and his brother, Tom.(For the fourth dialog)EX-L&S-Book3-Key-1 7.— Because she has changed so much.8.— Cindy’s hair styles.She often dyed her hair in different colors.Real World Listening Prepare Karen is an actress.Charisse married her high-school boyfriend Craig.Get the main ideas Karen wanted to be an actress.She ended up as a makeup artist.Charisse wanted to be a mother.She ended up becoming an executive.Unit 2 Identity Warm-up(Answers in bold.)1.Ms.Kelsey is a librarian, but she’s passionate about sports cars.2.Kris rides a motorcycle, but she’s also a nerd when it comes to history.3.Dave’s friends thought that making it big in Hollywood would change him, but Dave is still just a regular guy.Fame hasn’t changed him.4.Jonathan might be the best basketball player in the state, but he doesn’t have any dreams of going pro.He just wants to play for fun.5.Terry is a jock, but when he’s not on the football field, he’s watching romantic movies.6.Everybody assumes Carrie is a serious person because she’s quiet.But she’s really got a great sense of humor.7.Jordan is very friendly and open with everyone, but she keeps some things about her life private.8.Mark is very intelligent, but he’s not a straight A student.Listening Task First Listening 1.He has a lot of interests outside of sports.2.He enjoys dancing privately.3.She’s in a rock band and she’s a good student.Second Listening 1.She is surprised that Brett is romantic.2.He thinks Jeff should be proud of his hobby.3.He thinks rock musicians can’t be good students.Third Listening(For the first dialog)1.— She thought a jock must be very big and not good at speaking and with poor academic performance.2.— One day Brett gave her a poem which she thought was romantic and full of imagery.(For the second dialog)3.— From his girlfriend who showed her some photos of him dancing.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-2 4.— Because he thought it was private.(For the third dialog)5.— Kayla is a straight A student who can play the drums in a band called Rock Hard.6.— Because he thought it’s impossible for a nerd to join a Rock band.Real World Listening Prepare TJ’s friends and family are worried about him.Get the main ideas F, ?, T, T, T, F, F, T

Unit 3 Advice Warm-up(Answers in bold.)1.Q: My 4-year-old daughter has horrible tantrums.How do I get her to stop crying? 2.Mabel: You need to discipline her.Some people aren’t comfortable spanking their kids.If you don’t want to punish her physically, try taking away something special— maybe a toy.Whatever you do, pick one method and stick to it.Use the same method all the time.3.Q: Whenever I start dating a new girl, my parents get in the way.They always invite her over to talk.What should I do? Mabel: Don’t blame your folks for being interested in your life.They care about you!4.Q: One of my friends wants to fix me up with her neighbor.She thinks we would be a great match.Should I agree to a date even though we’ve never met? Mabel: Blind dates are kind of scary.You don’t know what to expect.But I say: Go for it!5.Q: My boyfriend doesn’t want me to spend time with my friends.What can I do about his jealousy? Mabel: Ooh … that’s a bad sign.If your boyfriend is possessive now, he’ll just get worse later.You should meet someone new.Listening Task First Listening 1.Have a baby soon.2.Don’t move back home after college.3.Discipline the child.4.Make an effort to meet someone.Second Listening 1.They want to have the baby only when they are ready.2.He’s already decided to move back home.3.She doesn’t believe in spanking.4.She doesn’t want to date anyone right now.Third Listening(For the first dialog)1.— 35.She should have a baby now.2.— A struggle between career and family.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-3(For the second dialog)3.— Studying in a college.4.— Because he wants to save some money and many of his friends are doing the same.(For the third dialog)5.— One believed in the saying that spare the rod spoil the child while the other doesn’t.6.— No, she doesn’t.Because she thinks it’s her privacy.(For the fourth dialog)7.— She is still single now./ It’s been a while since she’s dated anyone./ She doesn’t want to be dating anyone right now.8.— Maybe her parent or very close friend.Real World Listening Prepare 1.Follow your parents’ rules.Move out.2.Exercise.3.Call someone else.Get the main ideas 1.Jackie’s parents have the right to set rules in their house.2.Losing weight is more complicated than Beatrice thinks.3.It would be better to consult a mechanic.Unit 4 Family Warm-up(Answers in bold.)1.My family is a little unusual.Some people might even say we’re nuts.2.My mother is extreme when it comes to neatness.She can’t stand to see even a speck of dust in the house.3.Mom is really strict with us when it comes to household chores.Every day, we have to do a couple of hours of chores to keep things neat.4.My father loves to barbecue.He’s definitely a fanatic.He can’t live without his barbecue grill.5.One time, I accidentally broke Dad’s grill.He completely freaked out.He was so upset, he couldn’t even wait a day to buy another one.6.My sister, Alicia, is a vegan.She not only avoids meat, but also any animal products, like milk and eggs.7.Sometimes Alicia and Dad argue because they have opposite interests.She’s as devoted to her vegetarianism as he is to his barbecuing.8.Some of my other relatives are a little strange, too.I’ve got an aunt who thinks she can see the future and a cousin who does four hours of bodybuilding exercises every day!

9.My family might be a little irritating to some people, but they don’t bother me much.After all, they’re the only family I’ve got.Listening Task

EX-L&S-Book3-Key-4 First Listening 1.She has a very particular diet.2.He is a clown at heart.3.She is a fanatic about her hobby.4.He likes to pretend he is a TV or movie character.Second Listening 1.She makes her cat follow a vegan diet.2.He makes balloon hats when he’s not working./His duck follows him everywhere.3.She keeps the dolls in their boxes.4.His family is worried about him.Third Listening 1.a family dinner, just for her 2.a professional clown, kids’ birthday parties 3.collecting dolls, from floor to ceiling 4.TV and movies, be a character

Real World Listening Prepare Lydia: 300–400 Greg: 11 Get the main ideas 1.Abigail, Greg’s aunt: She lives nearby.Greg doesn’t now her well.She’s kind of crazy.She has fifteen cats.2.Chia-Lin, Lydia’s aunt: She lives in Shanghai.She couldn’t miss it for the world.Her mother wouldn’t forgive her if she didn’t come to the wedding.3.Lydia’s Dad: He is in the restaurant business and as lots of friends and associates.He has many suppliers and customers.He is getting along very well with his associates.He thinks that his friends and associates will get insulted if they are not invited.Unit 5 Decisions Warm-up(Answers in bold.)1.Pamela is pregnant with her first child.She has to decide whether she wants to be a working mom or a stay-at-home mom.2.The Yamamotos are planning a vacation.They have to figure out which airline offers the cheapest rates.3.Stan is unhappy at work, but he makes a good salary.He’s going to weigh the pros and cons of getting a lower-paying job that he likes better.4.Kelsey is leaning toward going to Harvard because she has family near Boston, but she also really likes Yale.5.Ben just decided to propose to his girlfriend, Laura.He’s going to have an airplane write ―Will you marry me?‖ in the sky.6.Mrs.Lai’s company wants to transfer her to another country.She’s going to have a EX-L&S-Book3-Key-5 heart-to-heart conversation with her husband about it tonight.7.Katherine isn’t sure whether she wants to major in anthropology or linguistics.8.Jeremy and Priscilla didn’t realize until they got engaged how difficult it is to plan a wedding.9.For Roland, the downside of buying a new car is that he has to do lots of research to make the best decision.Listening Task First Listening 1.getting a job 2.accepting a new job and moving 3.choosing a major 4.getting a puppy Second Listening 1.No one will take care of things at home.2.Texas is far away./The job is a great opportunity.3.She could do great things in any subject.4.A puppy is messy./A big dog wouldn’t like their little apartment./A cat might be a better choice for them.Third Listening 1.She will go to work and if it is the case, the house work will be shared by the family members.2.Frank may take the job with an engineering firm and if that’s true, he’ll move out to Texas.3.Jamie’s probably choosing theater as her major.4.They may come to a decision to get a cat instead of a dog.Real World Listening Prepare 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.a Get the main ideas 1.An adapter tends to think in terms of the minimum change necessary to produce the results they want.2.An originator tends to produce decisions that are less similar to past ideas.3.A concrete information processor needs complete and detailed information before making a decision.4.An abstract information processor focuses on the big picture and general information before making a decision.5.A challenger prefers a more extreme and risky choice in order to gain more.6.A conciliator tends to be cautious and avoid taking actions for fear of losing too much.7.A flexible decision maker is slow to make and act upon his decisions, and often change plans.8.An organized decision maker tends to make and act upon his decisions quickly.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-6 Unit 6 Warm Upïve expert slang applying accent dialects, come in handy amazing, pick up hire

Listening Task First Listening 1.Australian slang 2.a teacher who is hard to understand 3.learning to imitate an accent

Second Listening 1.T, F, T 2.T, T, F 3.T, F, F

Third Listening 1.It was great!The people there were so friendly.The weather was great.2.Australian English.3.It’s hard to pick up what she’s saying.Her English is so hard to understand.She has a strong accent.4.Better.Sugar.Don’t bother me any more.Real World Listening

Prepare Department Manager

Get the Main Idea 1.A management job(manager).2.A bachelor’s degree in travel industry management, five years’ experience, management experience.3.Customer service representative.4.She thinks they were worried about her English.5.She’ll accept the job and show them how good she is.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-7

Unit 7 Warm Up, date blown away income warm up to click sensitive fall for commitment quality time

Listening Task First Listening 1.Michael—age: 32, marital status: divorced, hobbies: rock music, dancing, surfing 2.Anita—age: 34, employer: corporation, interests: nature 3.Jack—age: 28, personality: sensitive, hobbies: bodybuilding, movies, golf 4.Cora—age: 24-26, background: Chinese-American, interests: romantic dinners, long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligent conversation

Second Listening 1.a casual relationship/a fun person 2.an independent person/an honest person 3.a good cook / a fun person 4.an intelligent person / a humorous person

Third Listening 1.surfing experience, not necessary 2.very involved, respect for nature 3.a lifetime of commitment 4.candlelight dinners, intelligent conversation

Real World Listening

Prepare Amy(about Luis): He’s handsome./He’s funny.Luis(about Amy): She’s attractive./She’s independent.Get the Main Idea About Luis: He looks like a Greek statue./ He’s sweet and funny./He’s easy to be with.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-8 About Amy: She’s romantic./She’s thin./ She’s aggressive./She’s independent.Get the Details 1.didn’t think so

2.more fashionable than;wasn’t my type;on top of all that 3.hanging out with him;swept me away 4.bothered 5.―the one‖


Unit 8 Warm Up updates, incompatible, identity theft, viruses, spam, clogged up, deleting, forwards, obsession, addictive

Listening Task First Listening 1.her credit-card 2.upgrades 3.receive useless e-mails 4.video games

Second Listening For each of these, either answer could possibly be correct.Ask students to give reasons for their choices, and to discuss those reasons with people who chose the other answer.Real World Listening

Prepare It’s fun./It helps to prevent violence.Get the Main Idea Video games are just entertainment./People are smart enough to understand the difference between fantasy and real life./No one is going to try to imitate ―The Butcher.‖/You’ll be more relaxed if you play the game./It’s better to let out your anger and frustration in a fantasy game than in real life.Get the Details 1.―The Butcher‖, ―Pirate Party‖, ―Marooned on Mars‖ 2.violence, a bad influence 3.entertainment, between a video game and real life 4.hack up;in a peaceful, happy mood


Unit 9 Warm Up 1.b 2.f 3.a 4.e 5.d 6.c 1.dormitory 2.negatives 3.curfew 4.annoying 5.snores 6.barge in 7.concerned 8.appreciative 9.space

Listening Task First Listening 1.noisy neighbors 2.parents go into his room/mom checks the phone bill 3.snoring/messiness 4.borrowing things

Second Listening 1.Move out next year.2.Either solution could be implied.3.Get used to it.4.Be more respectful.Third Listening 1.some major negatives 2.snooping around;figure out;my cell phone bill 3.neat freak;on the messy side 4.disrespectful

Real World Listening

Prepare + The Johnsons are concerned about Kara.– Mrs.Johnson visits Kara in her apartment.+ Mrs.Johnson makes Kara home-cooked meals.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-11 – Mrs.Johnson asks Kara questions about her plans.– Mr.Johnson is affectionate with Kara.Get the Main Idea Mrs.J visits every day: Her privacy is being violated.Mrs.J brings homemade soup: It makes her feel like a child.Mrs.J asks where she’s going: She feels like she’s being watched.Mr.J is affectionate: It makes her uncomfortable.Get the Details 1.―It was nice to feel that people were concerned when you lived alone‖.2.One day, when she got home, Mr.Johnson came up to her and gave her a hug;and then he kissed her on the cheek.3.He said that maybe Kara reminded Mr.Johnson of his granddaughter.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-12

Unit 10 Warm Up 1.b 2.e 3.d 4.c 5.f 6.a 7.h 8.g, shelter sharp jolt, collapsed, rubble knocked, rescue rip, ashes, surrender to

Listening Task Preparation Question 1.avalanche 2.volcanic eruption 3.earthquake

First Listening 1.mountain climbing 2.camping 3.sleeping

Second Listening 1.He slowly climbed down the mountain.2.She walked through hot ashes to get help.3.Someone rescued her.Third Listening 1.passed out 2.separated from, a kind of daze 3.emergency, so thankful 4.the building had collapsed, on top of me

Real World Listening

Prepare She almost drowned.Pieces of trees and buildings crushed her.Get the Main Idea 1.? 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.? 6.? 7.? 8.? 9.?

Get the Details 1.Her arms were bare, scratched, bleeding, aching.They were wrapped around a palm tree 2.Black, filthy, oil-slicked, muddied, and inky water.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-13 3.In the bungalow.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-14 Unit 11.Work ―I’m not sure what he actually does.‖ Warm up 1.cubicle.2.business attire

3.―Casual Friday‖ 4.startled 5.sloppy 6.force on 7.snap 8.uptight

9.get away with

Listening task First listening 1.He made his employees sharpen his pencils./He left work early.2.She liked to make junk food./Her cookies tasted bad.3.The company’s dress code is ―business attire.‖/She wears jeans, T-shirts, and sweatpants to work.Second listening 1.He was arrogant and didn’t do any work.2.She makes everyone eat too much.3.She doesn’t look professional.Third listening 1.The library;somewhere opposite the library.2.Lazy and dishonest.3.Sweet and fattening.4.She would/could be hurt.5.At an insurance agency.6.(She was)a slob.Real world listening Listen and Check Steve: schedule, social customs, rules, language Mr.Takahashi: He doesn’t dress appropriately./He doesn’t bow./ He behaves informally./ He’s late.Get the main idea Steve: T, T, ?, T, F Takahashi: T, T, ?, F, ?

Unit 12.Lifestyle ―You may need to change your routine.‖ Warm up Match words:

EX-L&S-Book3-Key-15 a—6, b—4, c—1, d—3, e—2, f—5

Choose the correct words and phrases.1.kick

2.gradual 3.fast food 4.gossip 5.cut down 6.interrupt 7.eavesdropping 8.scold

9.addicted to 10.public

Listening task First listening 1.He wants his friend to stop listening to private conversations.2.She’s annoyed that her husband keeps talking while she is trying to tell a story.3.He doesn’t want Jill to be nervous.4.They think he’s being rude.Second listening 1.You’ve got to stop doing that.2.I didn’t even realize I was doing it.3.I just hope you’re not too nervous around me.4.Do you think we should say something?

Third listening 1.Cheese cake.2.She was nervous.3.They will talk loudly too.Real world listening Listen and Check eating fast food, not exercising, working too hard

Get the main idea Excuses: diet: he’s addicted to fast food;exercise: it’s so boring;relaxation: work is too busy, and three teenagers keep him stressed out Changes: diet: he stopped eating junk food;exercise: he’s taking dance classes;relaxation: he took a vacation

Unit 13.Travel ―Getting there is half the fun.‖ Warm up

EX-L&S-Book3-Key-16 1.trek 2.advance 3.cheat 4.refused 5.booked 6.persistent 7.insisted 8.soaked 9.stranded

10.back 11.realized

Listening task First listening 1.When you travel, it’s important to learn about the place you’re going to.2.In some cultures, people are very generous to strangers.3.People in different cultures have different ideas about danger.Second listening Answers 1.She left before she got to the top.2.He stayed at the stranger’s house.3.The bus continued on to Kathmandu.Third listening 1.probably 2.hairpin 3.straight 4.leaning 5.push on the bus to make sure it didn’t roll over the cliff

6.The tires were almost flat with the weight of all those passengers 7.we would read in the newspaper the next day about a bus that had gone over the cliff

Real world listening Listen and Check He got into an argument with the travel agent.Get the main idea 1.Tim and Randy go to the travel agency.2.A van pulls up.3.Tim and Randy don’t get on the van.4.Randy gets angry at the travel agent.5.Randy demands a taxi ride.6.The woman squirts ketchup on Randy.EX-L&S-Book3-Key-17 7.The van pulls up again.8.Tim and Randy get on the van.9.They arrive at the bus terminal.10.Randy regrets his behavior.Unit 14.Finances ―You can make some real money.‖ Warm up 1.get-rich-quick 2.gullible 3.risky 4.invest 5.Real Estate 6.Stock Market, broker 7.starting own, set up 8.come up with

Listening task First listening 1.using a computer to invest in the stock market 2.thinking of ideas for a new business 3.selling a comic book collection 4.inventing a new kind of hat

Second listening 1.The plan might fail and she could lose a lot of money.2.It’s not a good idea because somebody else already thought of it.3.He might get lucky like other people who have sold old collector’s items.4.Nobody will use the product.Third listening 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F

Real world listening Listen and Check What will the infomercial be about? Real estate investments.What kind of person is Steven Crowe? Dishonest.(Some may say ―intelligent.‖)

Get the main idea A plan for investing in real estate;Comments from people who have made a lot of money;The price of the product(Some students might mention a phone number you can call to buy the videos.)


Unit 15.Changes ―She’s still in our hearts‖ Warm up 1.spouse, homesickness, going through, struggling 2.manage, read your mind, cheerful, Focus 3.Eventually, look up

Listening task First listening 1.His dog died.2.Her parents divorced.3.He broke up with his girlfriend.4.She’s living away from her family in a new country.Second listening 1.She listens to his memories./She agrees that Champ was a wonderful pet.2.She talks about her own experience./She encourages Theresa to express her feelings./She agrees that divorce is a difficult loss.3.He tells Joe he’ll find another girlfriend soon.4.He helps Sung-Hee find a friend from her native culture.Third listening 1.Lonely.2.They have different views on life.3.Her mom’s cooking.Real world listening Listen and Check how long they were together, how she died, good memories(Note: sSome students will point out that he says that he had a lot of good memories, but doesn’t actually say what they were.), how he feels now


Vocabulary Task Answers/Script 1.Hello!

Hi, how are you doing? Pretty good.2.Hi, how are you? Fine, thanks.3.Good morning.Morning.What’s new? Not much.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers(at school), 2(home), 3(at a reception desk), 1(in the park)2 Second Listening Answers/Script 1.A: Hello!B: Oh, Hi!

A: It’s a beautiful day!

B: Yeah, a good day for running.2.A: Hello.I’m home.B: Hi!How are you?

A: I’m tired.It’s good to be home.3.A: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: I’m Mia Clark.Is Mr.Lee here?

B: Yes, just a moment.Mr.Lee, Ms.Clark is here to see you.4.A: Hi!

B: Hey.What’s new?

A: Not much.Look, the teacher is coming!B: We need to go to class.Real World Listening 1 Predict Get the main ideas Answers

Good morning.Hi.How are you? Hi, Nadia.Hey, Nadia.How’s it going? Hello, Ms.Barnes.Good morning…coffee? Good morning, Ms.Barnes.Script Man-1: Good morning, Nadia!Nadia: Good morning.Woman-1: Hi!How are you? Nadia: Hi!Fine thanks.Woman-2: Hi, Nadia.How are you doing? Nadia: Great.I had a great weekend!Man-2: Hey, Nadia!How’s it going? Nadia: Morning.Fine.How about you?

Woman-3: Hello, Ms.Barnes.Did you have a good weekend? Nadia: Yes, it was very good.How about you? Woman-4: Good morning.Nadia: Good morning.Woman-4: Coffee?

Nadia: Sure, thanks… Sorry.Gotta go.Nadia: Good morning, everyone.Students: Good morning.Ms.Barnes.302

Vocabulary Task Answers: 1.Petra Fields 2.1904 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94001 3.554-0912 4.Petra@news.com 5.March 19, 1980 6.Apple Computer Script 1.A: What is your name? B: Petra fields.2.A: And what is your address? B: 1904 Broadway, San Francisco.3.A: Okay.What’s your phone number? B: It’s 554-0912.4.A: How about e-mail? What is your e-mail address? B: Petra, P-E-T-R-A, at news dot com.5.A: Okay.When is your birthday? B: March 19th, 1980.6.A: And where do you work? B: At Apple Computer.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.David Gomez 14A Park Street Seattle, WA 98117 2.Skiers Sports Shop Scott@mountain.com 3.Sarah Cahill 912-477-1124 4.03/14/86(March 14, 1986)Hillview High School 2 Second Listening Answers 1.What’s your name? 2.Where do you work? 3.And your home phone number? 4.Where do you go to school? Script 1.A: Good morning.Netcom.B: Uh…Hello.I’d like to get an internet connection.A: Okay, no problem.What’s your name? B: My name’s David Gomez.A: And what’s your address, please?

B: 14A Park Street, Seattle, Washington 98117 2.A: Okay, Scott.Where do you work? B: I work at Skiers Sports Shop.A: Oh, I know the place.Now, do you have e-mail? B: Yes, I do.A: sometimes the club sends information over the Net.What’s your e-mail address? B: It’s Scott S-C-O-T-T at mountain dot com.3.A: I want to sign up for the jazz dance class.B: Sure.Your name, please? A: It’s Sarah Cahill.That’s C-A-H-I-L-L.B: And your home phone number? A: 933-0160.B: Do you also have a cell phone or pager number? A: My cell phone is 912-477-1124.4.A: Hi.I’d like to join the tennis club for the summer.B: Okay.Fill in your name, address, telephone number, and so on, here… Let’s see.You forgot to write your date of birth.A: It’s March 14, 1986.B: And, where do you go to school? A: I go to Hillview High School/ Real World Listening 1 Predict

Answer Do you have your card? What’s your name? How do you spell that? And what’s your address? What is your telephone number? Where do you work? 2 Get the main ideas Answers Ted Mendrou 27 Red Tree Drive 818-777-0768 NA(He doesn’t work, he’s a student.)NA(HE doesn’t have a credit card.)Script Clerk: Next.Ted: Yes, I’d like this video.Clerk: Do you have your card? Ted: No, I don’t have a card.Clerk: Okay.I’ll make a card.What’s your name? Ted: Ted Mendrou.Clerk: How do you spell that? Ted: M-E-N-D-R-O-U.Clerk: And what’s you’re address? Ted:27 Red Tree Drive.Clerk: Red Tree? Is that one word or two? Ted:It’s two words: Red.Tree.Clerk: What is your telephone number? Ted: 777-0768 Clerk: Is that the 818 area code? Ted: Yep.Clerk: Where do you work? Ted: I don’t work.I’m a student.Clerk: Okay, now I just need a credit card number.Ted: A credit card? Clerk: Yes, you know, VISA MasterCard… Ted: Uh-oh.303

Unit 3 What’s in your kitchen? Vocabulary Task Answers A large bathtub(BR), a stove(K), a dresser(BD), an old couch(LR), a bed(BD), a refrigerator(K), a shower(BR), a toilet(BR), a lamp(LR), a small table(BD), a soft chair(LR), a small sink(BR), a big book-case(BD), a TV(where he lives;+ concerts;+ the people;living alone;+ music Script Rob:Hi!My name’s Rob.How’s it going? Den:Hi!I’m Ken.Nice to meet you.Rob:Are you from Vancouver? Den:Well, I’m from Hong Kong, but I live near Vancouver now.I just started a new job here.Rob:How do you like Vancouver? Ken:Umm.I like it.There are so many things to do: I like the concerts, the music.And the people are very friendly.Rob: Yeah, I like all the parks, the stores, the people.There’s always something happening.Ken: Yeah.I like all that, too.But I don’t like the place I live.It’s a new condo near Stanley park.I live alone, and it’s just a little too quiet.Rob: Quiet is usually good.Ken: Yeah, but I don’t like to live alone.In Hong Kong I lived with my family in a big apartment.My parents, my grandpa-rents, my sister and brother.It was noisy, it was busy, but it was home.We ate dinner together, we talked together.I miss that, especially the food.Now I know that my mother is a good cook!Rob: It sounds to me like you’re a little homesick.I know some good Chinese restaur-ants around here.Here, I’ll write down a few names.It won’t be the same as your mother’s cooking but you can try them.Ken: Sure, thanks.Sounds good.317

Unit 17 How are you feeling? Vocabulary Task Answers/Script 1.A:What’s the matter?

B:My stomach hurts.I have a bad stomachache.2.A:How are you doing? B:I feel really great today.I’m finally starting to get in shape!3.A: What happened? B: I had a skiing accident.I broke my arm.4.A:How do you feel? B:I didn’t sleep much last night.I’m really tired today.5.A:What did you do? B: Ouch!I stayed in the sun too long.I have a bad sunburn!6.A: What’s wrong?

B: Ooh…What a headache!I feel like my head is going to burst!Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.Her throat hurts.They both have sore throats.2.He’s not in shape.He needs to get in shape.3.He has a bad headache and a fever.4.She broke her leg.2 Second Listening Answers 1.Let’s get a cup of tea.2.I need to get in shape.3.That’s too bad.You need to go home.4.How did you break it? Script 1.A:What’s wrong?

B:My throat hurts.I feel terrible.A:I have a sore throat, too.B:Let’s get a cup of tea.2.A:Wow!You look so healthy.B:I feel great.A:I run every morning.B: Not me.I need to get in shape.3.A:What’s the matter?

B:I feel funny.I have a bad headache.I think I have a fever, too.A:That’s too bad.You need to go home.B:I can’t.I have a big meeting this afternoon.4.A:What happened to you? B:I broke my leg.A:I can see that.How did you break it? B:I fell – at the park.I was skating.Real World Listening 1 Predict Answers I have a sunburn.I can’t sleep.2 Get the main ideas Answers 1.sunburn: drink a lot of water;stay in a cool, quiet room;rest;don’t go in the sun;eat cool foods like ice cream and drink cold juice 2.can’t sleep at night: don’t take sleep medicine;try to get exercise;don’t drink a lot of alcohol or coffee;try reading something very boring Script Doctor: Welcome to “Ask the Doctor.” I’m Dr.Helen Monroe here today to help you with your health problems.Let’s go to the first caller.Hello, you’re on the air.First Caller: Hello.My problem is sunburn.I fell asleep in the sun.Now I have a bad sunburn.Really bad.My skin is red and hot.I can’t eat.I can’t sleep.I feel terrible.What should I do?

Doctor: For a bad sunburn, drink a lot of water.Stay in a cool, quiet room.Rest.And of course, don’t go outside in the sun.eat cool foods like ice cream and drink cold juice.Now on to our next caller: Second Caller: My problem is I can’t sleep at night.Every night I can’t fall asleep.So… I’m always tired.Doctor:If you can’t sleep, don’t take sleep medicine.It doesn’t really help you.Instead, try to get some exercise every day.Swim, play tennis, dance… perhaps take a walk.Secondly, don’t drink a lot of alcohol or coffee.Especially coffee.It’s loaded with caffeine that will keep you up.Third, try reading something very boring.A boring book can help you go right to sleep!Now to our next caller…

318 Unit 18 Click to shop Vocabulary Task Answers 1.A carton of milk Big C Supermarket 2.A pair of boots Shoe Express 3.A sweater Westside Boutique 4.A DVD player Electronics World 5.A set of golf clubs Sherwin’s Sports Stop 6.A pair of earrings Royal Jewelry 7.A CD Music Mart 8.A book Books Now.com Script 1.I needed a carton of milk so I went to the Big C Supermarket.2.I went to Shoe Express to get some boots.3.I got the latest designer sweater at Westside Boutique.4.I wanted to look at DVD players so I went to Electronics World.5.I bought a set of golf clubs at Sherwin’s Sport Stop.6.I got a pair of gold earrings at Royal Jewelry.7.I went to Music Mart to get a CD for my brother’s birthday present.8.I wanted a copy of Cher’s latest book so I went to Booksnow.com.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.a medium, black T-shirt 2.a CD player 3.gold earrings 4.a phone 2 Second Listening Answers 1.May I help you? 2.What brand do you want? 3.Will that be cash or charge? 4.Could you repeat that? Script 1.A: May I help you? B: I’m looking for a black T-shirt.Size medium.A: The T-shirts are over here next to the jeans.B: Thank you.I’ll take a look.2.A:Do you have any CD players here? B:Yes, over there in aisle 4B, just past the TVs.What brand do you want? A:I’m not sure.I’m just looking.3.A:I’ll take these gold earrings.B:Will that be cash or charge? A:Charge.B:Sign your name here, please…Here’s your receipt.4.A:Can I help you? B:Ah, yes.What colors does this telephone come in? A:White, black, green, blue, red, and brown.B:Could you repeat that please? A:White, black, green, blue, red, and brown.B:I’ll take one in white.Real World Listening 1 Predict 2 Get the main ideas Answers DVD player

brother $175 Sweater sister don’t know/ doesn’t say

Gold earrings mother $75 Golf clubs father $400 Script Cybermall: Welcome to Cybermall.com.May we help you? Thomas: Yes.I need to buy some Christmas presents.Cybermall:Please, enter your shopping list.Thomas:(typing)Cybermall: Are you ready to start shopping, or do you want to take a look around? Thomas:I’m ready to start shopping.Cybermall: What’s first?

Thomas:The DVD player for my brother.Cybermall: Here is a selection of DVD players from Electric World.Please choose the brand and model you want.Thomas:Hmm…I think this one.Cybermall: Thank you.One Electra 77 DVD player, $175.What’s next? Thomas:I guess the sweater for my sister.Cybermall: Here is a selection of sweaters from Clothes World.Do you see the one you want? Thomas:Um, yes, this one, 3c.Cybermall: Thank you.What color do you want? What size? Please choose a color, then a size.Thomas:I’d like a black sweater, size small.Cybermall: Thank you.One sweater, number 3c, color: black, size: small.Next… Thomas:Next, I’ll get my mother’s present.I want to get her some gold earrings.Cybermall: Here are 10 choices of gold earrings from Jewel Mart.Please select the ones you want.Thomas:(click)Cybermall: Okay, thank you.We added the gold earrings to your shopping cart.That’s 75 dollars.Last on your list is your father.Your father wants some new golf clubs.We have golf clubs at Sports Express.Please select the golf clubs you want.Thomas: Okay.I guess there.(click)Cybermall: Thank you.A set of Big hit Clubs, $400.There are no your list.Are you ready to pay? Thomas: Yes.Cybermall: Please enter your credit card number.Thomas: Um, okay…(types in number)

Cybermall: Thank you for shopping at Cybermall.We will ship your order to you.Your total is…

319 Unit 19 Mmm, that’s good!Vocabulary Task Answers A cup of tea, a small glass of lemonade, a hot dog, A tomato salad, two pieces of sushi, a slice of Pizza, a bowl of beans and rice, a large order of French fries Script 1.A:What did you have for lunch? B:A hot dog.2.A:What would you like? B: A bowl of beans and rice.3.A:What can I get you? B:Two pieces of sushi and a cup of tea.4.A:What kind of salad do you want? B:Mmm, a tomato salad, please.5.A: What can I get you? B: A slice of pizza.6.A: What would you like with that? B:A large order of French fries.7.A: Anything to drink? B: A small glass of lemonade, please.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.a hot dog, a bowl of beans and rice 2.sushi, pizza, a hamburger 3.(fish)salad, sandwich 4.a cheeseburger, French fries, chicken 2 Second Listening Answers 1.beans and rice, avocado, fruit 2.sushi 3.a fish salad(seviche)4.chicken Script 1.What do I eat? Well, when I’m in a hurry, I eat a hot dog.But, when I want to eat something really good, I like to eat beans and rice, avocado, fruit.That’s traditional in Colombia.It makes me feel good to eat that.2.I’m from Japan.I’d say my favorite food is sushi Made with rice and fish, or pieces of vegetables.When I’m in a hurry, I eat a slice of Pizza or a hamburger.But I really like sushi.3.In Peru we eat a lot of fish.My mother makes Great seviche.It’s kind of a fish salad.It’s really good.But when I am really busy at school, I just have a sand-wich.4.In California, where I live, the drive-through by my house is great.Real fast.For lunch, I usually just leave school and get a couple of slices of pizza to go.Or a cheeseburger and a large order of French fries.On the weekend, I eat at home with my family, though.I really like the chicken my mom makes.Real World Listening 1 Predict Answers Cheese, water, flour, green pepper, sugar, olive oil, tomato sauce, sausage 2 Get the main ideas Answers 1.First you mix everything together.Then you cover the dough and wait.2.Next, you make the dough into a circle.Push it, and pull it, and stretch it.3.Then, spread some sauce onto the dough.4.Next,sprinkle about two cups of cheese on top.5.Finally, add toppings, like slices of sausage or strips of chicken.Then bake for 20 minutes.Script Simon: Many people like to eat pizza, but do you know how to make it? Today on “You Can Cook!” you can learn how to make delicious pizza.It’s easy.It’s fun.You can do it.To get started, check the list of ingredients: You need water, sugar, yeast, olive oil, flour and salt.Now, first, you need to make the dough.To make it, you just mix everything toget-her.Then, you have to cover the dough and wait one and a half hours.Now, the second step is the fun part.You make the dough into a big round circle.You push it and pull it and stretch it into a circle.The next step is the

sauce.You spread some pizza sauce, some tom-ato sauce, onto the dough.Not a lot of sauce.Too much sauce and the dough gets too wet.Then you add cheese.Mozzarella cheese is good.Two cups of cheese is about right.Sprinkle it on top.Now you are ready to add the toppings.You can use slices of sausage, diced onion, pieces of green pepper, chopped mushrooms, shrimp, strips of chicken…whatever you like.Next, you bake it for about 20 minutes.320 Unit 20 In the news Vocabulary Task Answers/Script

1.A: Italy won the soccer match yesterdayAgainst Brazil, 2-1.B: Great.I wanted Italy to win.2.A: A big earthquake hit Chile on Tuesday, Morning.3.A:OPEC leaders are meeting this week toDiscuss oil prices B: Good.Maybe prices will go down.4.A: A bus fell off a bridge in Thailand early this morning.eighty people are missing.B: This ’s horrible.5A: The weather forecast said rain today, but sunny and warm tomorrow.B: This ’s good news.I’m tired of rain.6.A fire in the Los Angeles area destroyed 75 homes last night.B: Oh, that’s awful!

7.A: A British zoo owner helped orphaned baby Gorillas in central Africa return to their homes.B: That’s great.Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.Someone won a lot of money.3.Brazil won a match 2.There was a hurricane.4.A boy saved a girl.2 Second Listening Answers 1.Wow!2.That sounds bad!3.Great!Brazil’s doing great in the Word Cup.4.Incredible!Script 1.A:Look at this magazine article.B:What? A:This story here in people magazine.Look.It says: Man Wins 5Million Dollars on game show!B:Wow!2.A:Turn on the radio.Did you hear the news? B:No, what happened? A:They said that a huge hurricane just hit Haiti and it’s moving this way.B:A hurricane? That sounds bad!3.A:Can I look at your newspaper a minute? B:Sure.A: I just want to read the sports headlines.B:Sure, go ahead.A:Great!Brazil’s doing great in the Word Cup.4.A:This CNN website is great.B:Yeah, you can get news from all over the World.A:Like this story about the boy in Australia who saved his sister from a crocodile? B:Yeah, and he’s only five years old.Incredible!Real World Listening 1 Predict Answers(Gorilla)Gorilla Called Hero at Zoo(Snowy picture)Avalanche in Swiss Alps: Search on for Skiers(Train tracks)Italian Train Jumps Tracks(Mouth)Smiling May be Healthy(Person)Sony Brings 3-D Christmas Smiles 2 Get the main ideas Answers Will vary – key ideas of the stories are as follows: 1.A gorilla saves a baby girl at the zoo.2.Happy people live longer 3.Sony announces new virtual 3-D game.4.Ten skiers missing after avalanche in the Swiss Alps.5.Italian train went off tracks.66 people hurt.Script Announcer1: At the San Diego zoo yesterday a gorilla saved a baby girl after the baby fell in with the gorillas.The mother gorilla picked up the baby girl and carried her to safety.Announcer 2: Health Beat: A new study shows that people who are happy live longer than people who are not happy.Doctors don’t know why.But remember to smile!

Announcer 3: From the Financial Times: Sony announces a new 3D-virtual game system that will make every boy and girl happy.It will go on sale next month in time for Christmas.Announcer 4: This just in from Switzerland.Ten kiers are missing after an avalanche in the Swiss Alps.Announcer5: World News: This just in from Italy.An Italian passenger train went off the tracks this morning between Rome and Naples.No one knows why.66 people hurt.

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