





摘要:汉语中有近义词和反义词之说,同样道理,英语词汇中,也有同义关系和反义关系的分类。同义词在英语文章中的显现能够证明学习者词汇量的大小,而反义词则是在写作中尤为重要,俗语或者谚语以及对偶句的应用往往使文章出彩,甚至起到强调警示的作用,令人印象深刻。当然,他们也有场合的差异,色彩的不同,甚至不同的人选词也会不尽相同。而且,他们的应用无疑给英语的学习带来了便利和兴趣。 Abstract: There are two kinds of words-synonym and antonym in Chinese. In fact, about English vocabulary, there are synonym and antonym classified by relations words. Generally, synonym may be a sign of your vast words, however, antonym appearing in proverb and balanced sentence could color and prominent your article and writing. Of course, there are differences among the occasion, word coloring and position if they are spoken or written by people. This point is of importance. In all, synonym and antonym used widely contribute to English learning. 关键词:同义词 反义词 对偶句 谚语

应用 提纲: 1. 开篇总述 2. 同义关系 (1) 语义差别 (2) 感情色彩的差别 (3) 语体色彩

(4) 写作时从句中运用以及修辞上的应用 3. 反义关系

(1) 换位反义词的对立统一 (2) 谚语和对偶句的应用


英语词汇可以按照不同的角度分为很多类,而在此着重讲的是词的语义分类(semantic classification of words)。词的语义分类指的是按词与词之间的语义关系对词进行分类。其中,词与词之间的同义和反义关系使我们平时最常见到的,也是文章中经常用到的,但是,对于现阶段,在我们的英语学习中,能够非常游刃有余的把握好它们用的场合,能在写作中巧妙的运用,还可以从修辞手段方面形成写作特色以及在一些谚语中的应用,做到这些,有一定

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词与词可以因表达同一的逻辑概念而结合在一起,这些词称之为同义词(synonyms)如look与see, watch,还如assume与suppose等。同义词意义相同,但形位结构、音位形状和用法不同。


如:amaze和astound这两个词的字面意思相同,均表示“使惊呼”的意思,但是在表达的语义上有着细微的差别。前者指“难以相信”(difficulty of belief),而后者指难以相信的程度更高(extreme difficulty of belief)。例如:

A teacher was amazed to find that a lazy student had gained a mark of 100 in an important test. A woman may be astounded to learn that her dearest friend has been spreading malicious gossip about her. 再如:statesman和 politician在字面上都是“政治家”的意思,但是,后者往往用其贬义,表示“政客”的意思。还有singer和 vocalist均表示“歌唱者”,但是后者含有褒义,指“歌唱家”或者“声学家”。再如philanthropist和do-gooder, intellectual和 egg-head, theft和 rip-off等三队同义词中的后者均有感情色彩。

再者,从语体角度来分析同义词的话,不同的同义词出现在不同的与体重,带有语体色彩。具有不用的语体色彩的同义词从使用平面角度来分析可以概括为书面式、口语是、正式和非正式等四种。例如:一次有一个学生在对外宾征求意见时说了:“I am desirous of exploring your feeling on the lecture.”很显然,这句话的场合不对,口语时应该说I’d like to hear your views on the lecture.这就是口语和书面语的差异。

然后,来说写作上,近义词的应用很多时候在从句( clause)和一些并列的语句中有的比较多,起到了解释说明的作用。例如:

She is a vocalist, singer working in the CCTV. (这里的singer是对前面的名词的解释。英

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Mr zhang is drawing and painting .有的时候我们会见到一些并列句,这些句子中的名词前后意思可能是一样的,也有些是短语,所以看文章时,我们有些时候可以从这一方面得知其意思。

There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond Lamb’s frontier. Indeed,” informal” may not be the right word to describe this essay; “limp” or “flaccid” or possibly “ spongy” are perhaps more appropriate. 这里的记歌词意思是相同的。

Keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute-I was all of these.在这里calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute它们的意思都是敏锐的,敏感的的意思。

此外,在一些谚语中也可以发现近义词的运用。例如: A single spark can start a prairie fire.







If A sells a watch to B, B buys a watch from A. If A gives a pen to B, B receives a pen from A. If A lends money to B, B borrows money from A. 英语中有一词多义的特征,所以反义词可能有不止一个。所以,在不同的场合要注意反义词的使用。如:

It is a difficult job to bring him round to our way of thinking.. 在这种场合下,difficult 的反义词是easy.如果说上下文是He is being difficult to us.则其反义词是obliging.。 He is being obliging to us.

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最后,谚语的使用。在英语中,就是(balanced sentence)对偶句,它们结构相似,但是意思相反。作为一种修辞手段,通过对比,使听者或者读者留下深刻的印象。而且,谚语读起来朗朗上口,易于记住。


A white lie is better than a black lie. As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. On hearing the news, he was angered, and I was saddened. If politician is concerned with successful elections, whereas the statesman is interested in the future of his people. 以上是一些对偶句(balanced sentence)在英语中的应用。 Every white has its black, and every sweet has its sour Pain past is pleasure. All things are difficult before they are easy. East or west, home is best. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. Actions speak louder than words. 这些都是一些中国的谚语和警句,但是经过了翻译,而且使采用对比式的译文。而对偶句和谚语在英语的写作中试一种修辞方法,对偶句叫做.antithesis, 而谚语属于引用典故allusions。但是,无论哪一种修辞都用到了同义词和反义词,有时二者都会用到。所以,同义词和近义词的应用非常重用,对我们的英语学习有重大意义。

参考文献: Love is fallacy----Max Shulman 《英语词汇学》 张维友 《谚语讲义》

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devotion/loyalty 忠实/忠诚

faith/faithfulness/fidelity 忠实/诚实

allegiance 忠贞,效忠

honesty/sincerity/cordiality 诚挚,诚恳

hospitality 热情好客

friendliness 友好

amity 友好

credit/trust/credibility 信任,信用

reliability 可靠性

confidence/reliance 信心,依靠

diligence/industry/hard work 努力,勤奋

courage/bravery 勇气,勇敢

cooperation/collaboration 合作,协作

solidarity/unity 团结

sympathy/compassion/pity 同情,怜悯

mercy 仁慈,可怜

benevolence 善意,仁慈

appeal/attraction/temptation/lure/enticement 吸引力

humanity 人类,人性,人道,仁慈

humanities 人文学科

harmony 和谐

peace 和平

appreciation 欣赏

ingenuity/creativity 创造力,灵活性

dignity/self-respect/self-esteem/reverence 尊严,自尊,高贵

courtesy/manners/politeness /humility 谦卑,礼貌

innocence 无辜,清白

prestige 威望,名望;魅力,吸引力

reputation/fame 名声,名誉 perseverance 毅力

persistence 坚持

mercy/beneficence/goodness/kindness 仁慈,善良

integrity = honesty 正直,诚实

conscience 良心,良知

morality 道德观;values价值观

admiration/adoration 崇拜,敬爱

aspiration/desire/longing 希望,渴望

ambition 抱负,理想,野心

thank/gratitude/gratification 感谢,感恩,满意

generosity 慷慨,大方

reward 回报,奖赏

joy/happiness/pleasure/rejoice/elation/cheerfulness 快乐,高兴,愉快

prudence/carefulness/caution 谨慎,小心


immorality 不道德



deception/fraud/trickery/cheat/lie/betrayal/humbug/swindle/hoax/trick/mislead/coax/deceit/lie 欺骗,欺诈,哄骗

fiction/illusion/legend/tales/fantasy/myth/anecdote 虚构,假想

slyness 狡猾

fox 狡猾的人

abjection 悲惨,下流,卑鄙

guilt 罪行,内疚

anxiety/worry/apprehension 焦虑,着急

gloom/sadness/grief/melancholy/dismal 忧郁,郁闷,悲伤

irresponsibility 不负责任

insecurity 不安全

terrorism 恐怖

cruelty/bloodiness/brutality 残忍,残酷

discrimination/bias/prejudice/injustice/inequality/unfairness 歧视,偏见,不公平;

grievance 冤枉,委屈,不平

agony/misery/sadness/distress/pain/suffering/anguish/grief/sorrow/woe/grief 痛苦,伤害, 悲哀

abuse 滥用,虐待,辱骂,毁谤;

misuse 误用

timidity 胆怯,胆小

shyness/coyness/coward ness 胆小鬼

disorder/disturbance/mess/chaos 混乱,骚乱,失调,疾病

rage/anger/fury/annoyance/anguish/irritation 生气,怒火

indignation 义愤填膺,愤慨

handicap/barrier/obstacle/hindrance/barricade/problem 障碍,阻碍,问题


deficit/shortage/lack/scarcity/deficiency/scanty 缺乏,不足

for want/lack of 因为缺乏 contempt/despise/scorn 轻视,蔑视

superstition 迷信

disorder mess/trouble/chaos 无秩序,混乱

plague/disaster/accident/catastrophe/mishap/calamity/tragedy 祸害,灾难,事故;

victim 受害者

casualty 伤亡,死亡

mortality 死亡率

restriction/limitation/confinement/restraint 限制,制约,抑制

vice/sin/wick/evil 罪恶,邪恶

nightmare = bad dream 噩梦

self-doubt 自我怀疑

nonsense 废话,胡说

nuisance 讨厌的人或物

conspiracy/plot 阴谋,密谋

distortion 歪曲,扭曲

disrespect 失礼,无礼

imprudence/carelessness 粗心,不谨慎

abnormality 不正常,反常,变态 arrogance 傲慢,骄傲

blind pride 骄傲自大

absurdity/silliness/ridicules/mock/mimic/taunt/jeer 荒谬,可笑,嘲笑,辱骂

envy/jealousy 嫉妒,羡慕

arrogance 傲慢

hardship/adversity 逆境,艰难,患难

plight 困境,艰难

dilemma 两难处境,艰难处境

shame/humiliation 丢脸,羞愧

embarrassment/awkwardness 尴尬,难为情

harassment 骚扰,困扰

indifference/coldness/insensitivity 冷漠,无情

suffering/pain/ache/hurt/injury 痛,痛苦,伤害

despair 绝望

collapse 崩溃,倒塌

hostility 敌对,敌意

revenge 报复,复仇

plague 瘟疫,苦恼,灾祸

epidemic 流行病


Evolve : develop, upgrade, progress, advance, grow 进步 Toxic : poisonous , noxious , venomous 有毒的 Viable : feasible, possible, workable, practical 可行的 Overlook : ignore, neglect, underestimate 忽略

Eco-friendly : environment-friendly, green, low-carbon 环保的 Competition: rivalry, contest, battle, combat 竞争

并列结构:and, or , as well as , both---and---, not only--- but also ---, other than, in addition, besides, on the one hand--- on the other hand ---, neither---nor --- , first--- second --- Various: a variety of , different, versatile, many, diversified 多种多样的 Forbid : ban, prohibit , deter, prevent, do not allow, do not permit 禁止 Discover : find , uncover, figure out, work out , detect 发现 Lower : reduce, decrease, drop 降低

Protestor :opponent, objector, go against 反对者

转折关系词:but, yet, however, whereas, nonetheless, nevertheless, notwithstanding, although, though, instead Extinct : die out, vanish, perish, exterminate, eradicate, wipe off 消亡

Originate from : come from, result from, stem from , derive from, begin with, root in 源于 Trace : find, detect, discover 找到

Famous: well-known, household, prominent, outstanding 出名的 Isolate ; separate, insulate, inaccessible, unreachable 隔离 Catastrophe : disaster, calamity, tragedy 悲剧

Via : by, through, by way of , by means of 通过(方法) Ancient: early, in the past, old 古老的 Replicate: copy, duplicate, imitate 复制 Mainly: primarily, principally 主要地

Rely on : depend on, account on, be based on 依靠

因果关系词:owing to, thanks to, due to, according to, be based on, because of , on account of , as a result of ,leading to, because, since , for , in that, as , therefore, hence, effect Boast: have, possess, pride oneself on, lay claim to 拥有 Proponent : advocate, supporter, champion 支持 Withstand: endure, survive, tolerate, weather 忍受 Might: power, force, potency 力量 Devastate: ruin, wreck, ravage, destroy 摧毁

Captivate: attract, charm, fascinate, enchant, draw 吸引 Harness: use, utilise, employ, exploit 利用 Launch: introduce, start, spring 开始 Overhead : expense, expenditure, cost 开销 A raft of : a lot of , massive, many 许多的 Imitate: copy, emulate, replicate, duplicate 模仿 Staff : clerk, employee, worker, crew, personnel 员工

Eccentric : strange, odd, weird, peculiar, bizarre, abnormal, unusual 古怪的 Fraud : deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating 欺骗 Misconduct: misbehavior, delinquency, wrongdoing 犯错 Sack: fire, dismiss, discharge 开除

Forsake: abandon, desert, discard, throw away 抛弃 Fabrication: forgery, fiction, falsehood, invention 捏造

Inevitable: unavoidable, foreseeable, predictable, inescapable 不可避免的 Polarise : divide, category, classify, group 分类 Criminal: convict, in jail, in prison, imprisoned 罪犯 Legitimate: legal, lawful, justified 合法的 Promote: improve, develop, boost 促进

Relaxing: easygoing, comfortable, not rigid, not nervous 放松的 Exchange: trade, swap, barter 交易

Originally: initially, primarily, at the outset 最初

Celebrated: famous, renowned, eminent, distinguished 出名的 Crude: raw, unrefined, unpolished, unprocessed 天然的 Proficient: capable, skilled, adept, competent 有能力的

Immense: vast, enormous, gigantic, colossal, immeasurable 巨大的 Symmetry: balance, evenness, equilibrium, regularity 对称的 Scarcity: lack, shortage, paucity, insufficiency 缺乏 Component: ingredient, element, factor, part 成分 Versatile: all-around, diversified, many-sided 多才多艺的 Yield: produce, provide, create 创造

Inert: unchangeable, stable, inactive, stagnant, sluggish 不变的 Major: main, primary, chief, principal, dominant, leading 主要的 Vanish: disappear, fade out, go away 消失 Approach: way, method 方法 Propose: come up with, provide 提议 Authority: government, official 权威机构 Resist: counteract, object, oppose 反对

Numerous: abundant, considerable, many 很多的 Consist: comprise, include, make up 包括 Altitude: high, height, elevation 高度 Spin: rotate, turn, swirl 旋转

Describe: state, tell, depict, portray 描述 Profession: occupation, job, work, vocation 工作 Prove: confirm, certify, verify 证实

Contradict: disprove, deny, dispute, oppose 反对 Calculate : measure, compute, count 计算

Feature: trait, attribute, character, characteristic, property, quality 性质

Stable: unchangeable, steady, settled, constant, perpetual, ceaseless, unvarying 稳定的 Encourage: increase, boost, improve 提升

Contagious: infective, infectious, catching, epidemic, spreading 传染的 Alternative: choice, replacement, substitute 选择,替代 Threat: danger, risk, hazard 风险 Rather than: instead of , not ---but --- 而是 Apt: appropriate, proper, suitable 合适的 Worthless: unvalued, useless 无用的

Divine: holy, sacred, hallowed, heavenly 神圣的 Ritual: ceremony, exercise 仪式

In lieu of : exchange, substitute, replace 替代 Academy: school, college, conservatoire 学院 Unveil: reveal, disclose, uncover, unwrap 揭露 Convince: persuade, sway, win over, prevail upon 说服 Commissioner: official, officer, administrator 官员 Charity: donations, contributions, offerings, alms 慈善 Symbolise: illustrate, represent, stand for 代表 Heritage: tradition, convention 传统 Expertise: know-how, specialty 专长

Suspend: defer, delay, halt, hang, hold over, interrupt, postpone 搁置 Dedicate: assign, devote, inscribe 分配

Decipher: decode, interpret, translate, explain 解释 Medical: pharmaceutical, surgical 医疗的 Hoax : deceive, fool, fraud, cheat 欺骗

Maneuver : trick, intrigue, ploy, tactic, scheme, operation, exercise 战略 Revise : alter, amend, change, correct, improve, rewrite, adjust 修改 Suburban : peripheral, outlying, out-of-town 郊区的 Associate: connect, link, join, combine 结合

Derive from : originate from, come from, stem from, result from 源于 Intervene : insert, interfere , interrupt 介入 Rescue : save, recover, release, free 拯救,释放 Alert : warn, caution, precaution 警告 Account: record, evidence, register 记录

Plunge: decrease, dive, drop, fall , plummet 下降 Exotic: foreign, strange 异国的

Rudimentary : fundamental, basic, preliminary, infrastructural 基本的 Demanding: burdensome, arduous, rigorous, exacting 苛责的 Burst: explode, break 爆发

Mature: adult, full-grown, ready 成熟的 Deplete: drain, exhaust, impoverish, use up 耗尽 Tolerate: put up with, endure, bear, withstand 忍受 Mortal: fatal, lethal, vital 致命的

Fertile: abundant, fruitful, productive 有成效的 Descend : decline, drop, fall, plunge 下降 Cope with : deal with, dispose, handle 处理 Worship: pray, appeal, beg, petition 恳求

Decorate: adorn, beautify, fix up, ornament, embellish 修饰 Resemble: be similar to, look like 类似 Cure: treat, heal, remedy, restore 治疗 Depart: go off, exit, leave 离开

Shorten: reduce, lessen, cut, decrease 减少 Diagnose : analyse, deduce, interpret 诊断,分析 Indulge: spoil, impair, pamper 纵容 Domestic: home, local, national, civil 国内的 Flexible: elastic, not rigid 灵活的

Dual: two, double, both---and--- 两个 Commute: exchange, travel 往来两地 Evacuate : leave, quit, depart 离开

Implement: carry out, bring about, complete 执行 Revenue: earnings, income, proceeds, gain 收益 Attribute: feature, trait, characteristic, quality 特征

Correlation: relation, relationship, connection, association 关联 Plague : trouble, harass, worry 麻烦

Compensate : balance, make up for, offset 弥补 Accredit: ascribe, attribute, assign 分配

Wreck : demolish, destroy, devastate, dismantle, ruin 毁灭 Distinction: difference, variation 不同 Permanent : forever, always, eternal 永恒的 Parallel : alike, analogical, like, similar, akin 类似的 Determine: decide, judge, resolve, settle 决定 Exclusive: only, barely, merely, unique 仅仅

Irritate: spur, agitate, provoke, incite, stimulate, stir up 激发,刺激 Usher: lead, guide, conduct 引领

Foremost: chief, important, dominant, first, leading, main, primary, principal 主要的 Understand: appreciate, comprehend, know, realize, recognize, perceive 理解 Encourage: inspire, promote, sponsor, support, urge, motivate 鼓励,支持 Detrimental: harmful, bad, deleterious 有害的

Underestimate : undervalue, overlook, ignore, neglect 忽略,低估

Logical : reasonable, fair , sound, justifiable 合理的 Portable: conveyable, moveable, transferable 可移动的 Envision: imagine, foresee, predict 预测 Virtual : fictitious, unreal 虚拟的

Setback: frustration, disappointment, failure 失望,失败 Milestone: turning point, landmark, benchmark, holy grail 里程碑 Previous: earlier, prior, former, before 之前的 Engender: produce, cause, bring about, generate 产生 Secure: obtain, acquire, capture, procure 获得

Category: class, sort, type, classification 类别

Recruitment: staffing, employment, enlistment 招聘 , 纳入

Comprehension : understanding, conception, grasp 理解

Military: army, force, arms, war, weapon, foe, enemy 军队

Format: model, mold, pattern, type 形式

Extraordinary: exceptional, marvelous, noteworthy, remarkable, special, unusual 非同寻常的

Approximately: about, around, almost, nearly 大约

Lavish: sumptuous, extravagant, generous 丰富的,浪费的

Antiquity: ancient past, the distant past, time immemorial, bygone days 古老 Shade: cover, shelter, shadow, obscurity, subtle 模糊 Durability: permanence, endurance, indestructibility 持久 Discrete: separate, disconnected, detached 不连续的 Minimize: abate, reduce, lessen, minimalise 减少

Intrigue: evoke, spark, encourage 鼓励

Depress: discourage, lessen, lower, reduce 阻碍

Pervasive: prevalent, universal, popular 普遍的 Criteria : standard, benchmark, specification 标准

Possess: have, hold, maintain, occupy, own 拥有

Encompass: encircle, enclose, include, surround 包围 Slang: jargon, term 术语

Hamper: hinder, impede, block, limit 限制,阻碍

Challenge: confront, defy, dispute, doubt, question 质疑 Semblance: appearance, look, camouflage 外表 Cue: clue, hint, key, signal 线索

Secrete: discharge, excrete, exude, release 释放 Devoid: blank, empty, vacant, lack 缺乏 , 空白 Olfactory: odor, smell 气味

Intact : complete, unchanged, uninjured, untouched, whole 完整的 Pretend: disguise, deceive, conceal , lie 隐瞒 Escape: evade, flee, get away 逃跑

Spouse: husband, wife, life partner, mate 配偶

Identify: distinguish, differentiate, recognize, know , pinpoint, detect, ascertain 识别,认出 Potential: hidden, likely, possible, promising 潜在的 Identical: same, alike, duplicate 一样的 Undermine: damage, destroy, weaken 弱化

Likelihood: possibility, feasibility, presumption, probability 可能性 Concentrate: focus, emphasize, intensify 强调

Exceptional: special, extraordinary, notable, outstanding, remarkable, unusual 显著的 Predate: precede, antedate, preexist, antecede 之前存在 Satisfy: appease, content, gratify 满足 Option: choice, alternative, selection 选择

Crucial: critical, important, key, essential, pivotal 重要的 Ultimate: eventual, final, last, terminal 最终的 Elusive : ambiguous, unclear, blur, obscure 模糊的 Coin: devise, invent, make up, first use, originate 发明

Integrate: combine, unite, mix, cooperate, coordinate , absorb, include合并 Poverty: poor, impoverishment, destitution 贫穷

Uniform: consistent, constant, symmetrical, unvaried, same, even 一致的 Priority: highest, first, precedence 优先

Transparent: see through, crystal, translucent 透明的 Discrepancy : difference, confliction, contradiction 差异 Synthesize : integrate, combine ,mix 结合 Feeble: frail, powerless, weak 虚弱的

Microbe: virus, microorganism, bacteria 细菌,微生物 Target: goal, aim, object 目标

Odds: chance, opportunity, possibility, likelihood 可能性 Call for: require, demand, need, want 要求

Impartial : fair, indifferent, neutral, unbiased, unprejudiced, even equal 公平的 Undertake: take on , assume, carry out 执行 Designate: title, entitle, term , call 命名

Multifarious: diverse, diversified, varied, various, miscellaneous 多种多样的 Manifestation: exhibition, expression, indication, demonstration 展现 Regarding: concerning, about, as regards, on the topic of 与---有关的 Concord: harmony, accord, unity 和谐,统一 Formulate: frame, verbalize, voice, articulate 表明 Demise : death, decease, departure, termination 死亡,终止 Superior : better, greater, higher 更好的 Schedule: timetable, arrangement 日程安排 Apparatus : equipment, device, outfit 仪器 Invert : reverse, turn around, upside down 相反的

Modify : adjust, alter, change, vary , shift, adapt , amend, revise 修改 Authenticate: verify, distinguish, certify, prove 证实 Veteran: experienced, practiced, sophisticated 老练的 Damp: wet, moist , humid 潮湿的

Ascribe: attribute, assign, contribute 认为—属于

Circumstance: condition, situation, case, scenario, environment, surrounding 情况 symbol: sign, icon, representation 代表 Refresh: renew, restore, rejuvenate, recover 恢复 Sponsor: back up, fund, promote, support 支持 Tournament: contest, match, game, competition 比赛 Curve: bend, curl, turn , twist 弯曲的

Susceptible: vulnerable, fragile, subject 易受影响的 Transmit: send, deliver, transfer 发送 Curb: control, restrain, check 控制 Pick out: choose, select, sort out 选择

Replenish : complement, furnish, provide, supply 提供,供应 Flatten: level, smooth 铲平

Steep: sharp, dramatic, noticeable 剧烈的 Enhance: better, enrich, improve, uplift 提高 Harsh: coarse, rough, tough, rude 粗糙的 Boom: flourish, prosper, thrive 繁荣 Legacy: heritage , heredity 遗产

Rigorous: hard, harsh, relentless, rigid, severe, strict 严酷的 Agriculture: farming, cultivation, husbandry 农耕 Deem: believe, consider, judge, regard, suppose, think 认为 Distribute : scatter, dispense, disperse, spread, allot, allocate 分配 Cultivate: develop, improve, prepare, train , nurture 培养

Astounding : amazing, astonishing, surprising, shocking 令人惊讶的 Breakthrough: advance, step forward, revolution, development 进步,发展 Account: story, record, statement , description 描述 Search: seek, find, look for, explore, hunt 寻找

Enlighten: educate, explain, illuminate, inform, instruct, teach 教育 Practical: useful, functional , helpful, feasible 实际的 Reshuffle: reorganize, reconstruct, reform 重建 Soak: saturate, sop, steep, wet 湿透 Evaporate: disappear, fade away, vanish 消失

Concrete: cement, solid, substantial, tangible 实实在在的,具体的 Flora: plant, foliage, vegetable, botany 植物 Spice: flavour, season , taste 味道

Novice: beginner, freshman, greenhorn 新手 Principle: doctrine, dogma, law , rule 规矩

Pattern: design, example, illustration, model 模式,方案 Victory: success, triumph, win 胜利

Complex : complicated, confused , sophisticated 复杂的 Manufacture: make, build, construct, create, devise 制造 Edge: fringe, border, advantage 优势 Split : bisect, separate, halve, divide 分裂 Crack,: crevice, gap, rift 裂痕

Wary: careful, cautious, guarded, suspicious 谨慎的


[基础词汇] 英语四级考试常见易混淆近义词(5)

1. ability n. 能力,本领,技巧~to do sth.

capability n. 才能,可能性,性能~ to do/of doing sth.

capacity n. 容量,潜能,智能~to do/for doing sth.

2. able adj. 能干的,有能力的~to do sth.

capable adj. 能胜任的,有可能的~of doing sth.

competent adj. 能胜任的,(知识技术)过硬的~ to do/for sth.

qualified adj. 符合资格/条件的~for sth./in doing sth.

3. absence n. 缺席,不在,缺乏(证据,理由)

lack n. 缺少,没有(信心,经验)

want n. 需要,缺乏(知识,关心)

4. accept vt. 接受(可拒绝)

receive vt. (无法拒绝地)收到

5. accident n. 意外事故,灾祸

incident n. 事件,事变,(政治)事端

event n. 大事,重大事件

occurrence n. 偶然发生之事

6. accomplish vt. 完成 achieve vt. 获得(成就)

attain vt. 达到(目标)

7. accordingly adv. (自然而平常的因果)于是,据此

consequently adv. (未必必然之)结果,因此(=as a result)

hence adv. (为强调前因之)因而,所以,这样(thus)

therefore adv. (作为必然结果/结论)因此(because of this)

8. accurate adj. (话、计算等)准确,精确的

exact adj. (数字、细节)与事实/标准相符的,确切的

precise adj. 精确严密的,严谨无误的

9. accuse v. 控告(~sb. of…)

charge v. 控告(~sb . with…)

scold v. 责备(~sb. for…)

sentence v. 判处徒刑(~sb. for…)

10. acknowledge v. 公开承认(本来否认之事)~ a secret

admit v. 不情愿、被迫承认(真实性)~ a statement

confess v. 认错,招供 ~ (to); ~ a crime

11. adapt vt. 使(有能力)适应(新环境、条件) adjust vt. (调整以)适应,调节(机器、仪器)

regulate vi. 校正,调节(温度、速度);控制

12. adequate adj. (相对于某一标准的)足够的,适当的

enough adj. (相对于愿望、要求的)足够的

sufficient adj. (相对于实际需要的)足够的,充分的

13. adhere vi 坚持(原则等~ to)

insist vi 坚持(观点等~ on, ~ that)

persist vi 坚持(行动等~ in)

persevere vi. 持之以恒

stick vi 坚持,粘着(原先的立场、主张、承诺等~ to) 14. advise v. 建议,忠告

counsel n. v. (审慎而正式)忠告,顾问

15. area n. (与面积相关的)地区,区域

region n. (与某天然色、气候相关的)地区,大行政区

zone n. (与地理上、军事、政治、商业等相关的)区

district n 行政划分的区(比region小),(市内的)区

16. affect vt. (直接,有形的;不良的,情感的)影响

influence vt. (潜移默化地)影响

impact vt. 冲击,(巨大地)影响

17. aid v. (急需的、经济等方面的)援助

assist v. (辅助、次要的)协助,起助手作用

help v. (精神、物质上)帮助(以达到某种目的)

18. aim n. (军事,体育)目的,目标,明确的奋斗目标

goal n. (长期努力的)目标,终点

objective n. (具体、直接、很快可达到的)目标,目的

purpose n. 意图,目的

19. allow v. (不加阻止、默许)准许,许可~ sb. to do, ~ for

permit v. (正式而严肃的)允许,准许~ sb. to do, ~ doing sth.

20. alter v. (局部、尺寸等)改变~ a dress改制衣服

change v. (通用词)变化,改变~ a dress换衣服

convert v. (本质、信仰等)转变~ sb./sth. into

shift vt. 变换(档,速,位置);(并非出于自愿的)改变,更换,转移

transfer vt. 搬迁,调动;改转(车票等)

vary vi. (一定范围内)变动,变化

21. amaze v. (=surprise greatly)使愕然

astonish v. (对无法理解、解释之事的)震惊

surprise v. 使吃惊

22. answer v. 回答(问题),接(电话),(对敲门等的)答应

reply v. (正式、书面的)答复~ that…, ~ to …

respond vi. (口头或行动上的)响应,反应~ to

23. apparatus n. (与某职业相关的)仪器、器械

appliance n. (常~s)电器

equipment n. (不可数)设备,装备

implement n. (大型)工具,(农)具,器具

instrument n. 精密仪器,乐器

24. apparent adj. 表面的,明显的(←appear)

distinct adj. 与众不同的,清楚的(→distinctive)

evident adj. 有证据表明的,显然的(←evidence)

obvious adj. 显而易见的

25. appear vi. (事物)出现

arise v. (问题等)出现

emerge vi. (从…冒出)~from…

happen vi. 发生,碰巧

occur vi. 发生,想起~to do sth.

take place vi. (依据安排等)进行,发生 26. appropriate adj. 非常匹配的,合适的~for…

fit adj. (衣)合身的;恰当的be ~ to do sth./for sb.

proper adj. 适合(情理)的,适宜的

suitable adj. 与某场合相适应的,恰当的~ for…

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27. argue v. (引经据典的)辩论,争论~ for/against…

debate v. (公开、正式的)论证,辩论

dispute v. n. (激烈、频繁的)争论,争执,争议

discuss v. 讨论

28. arise vi. (问题等)出现

raise vt. 提起,抬高,升起

rise vi. 升起,上涨

lift vt. 提,举,抬起

29. artificial adj. 人造的,人工的(仿效自然物)

synthetic adj. 合成的(通过化学成分组合)

false adj. 虚假的,错的(←true),代替真的

unnatural adj. 不自然的(←natural),做作的

unreal adj. 不真实的,虚构的(←real)

30. attempt v. 企图,试用~ to do sth.

endeavor v. 努力,尽力~ to do sth.

strive v. 力争~ for…, ~ to do sth. 31. attract vt. 吸引,引起,使感兴趣

draw vt. 招引,吸住,故意引起注意

32. attract vt. 吸引,引诱

charm vt. 迷住,使陶醉

fascinate v. 使神往,使忘情

33. average adj. (通过数字统计而确定的)一般的,普通的

normal adj. 正常的,符合标准的(如体温等)

ordinary adj. 普通的,平凡的

regular adj. 有规律的,经常的

34. aware adj. ~ of知道,意识到→unaware不知道

conscious adj. ~ of对…有意识→unconscious失去知觉的

35. awful adj. (情感上认为环境等的)可怕的

dreadful adj. (对鬼、死、恶梦等)可怕的

fearful adj. 害怕的,担心的 36. ban v. 严令禁止,查禁

forbid v. 不许,禁止(做某事)~sb. to do st.

prohibit v. (正式地)(为法律,规章制度所)禁止,制止~ sb. from doing sth.

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37. bare adj. (表面)光秃的,赤裸的,无装饰的

empty adj. 空的(里面没有东西)

hollow adj. (中间/里面)空的,有洞的

vacant adj. 无人占用的,空着的

38. base n. 根基,基座an air base空军基地

basis n. 基础,根据on the basis of

foundation n. 地基,(支持某事、理论的)基础

39. basic adj. 根本的,基础的

elementary adj. 初步的,基础的(知识)

fundamental adj. 根本的,首要的

primary adj. 最初的,主要的

40. beat v. 击败;心跳

knock vi. 敲 ~ at; vt. (不小心)碰到

hit v. 击中

strike v. 打,敲击 41. behavior n. (有意或无意的)行为,举止

conduct n. (人的与道德责任相关的)品行,行为,表现

manner n. 举止,态度,礼貌

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42. belief n. 信仰,相信

confidence n. 信心,自信

credit n. 信誉,(商业)信用

faith n. 信任,信念

trust n. 信赖,信托

43. career n. 事业,(终生或作为事业的)职业

occupation n. (训练有素的正式)工作,职业

profession n. (经专门教育、训练、专业的)职业

trade n. 手艺,(手工,简单技术的)职业

44. case n. (需考虑,研究,调查,处理的)事例,实例,案例,病例

instance n. (用作佐证的)例子,例证

sample n. 样品,(代表整体的)标本,抽样

45. caution vt. 提醒(别人提高警惕,预防不测)

warn. vt. 告诫,警告(别人有危险,或威胁要惩罚)

46. certain adj. 肯定的,确认的I’m ~that/It is ~that

positive adj. 确定的,确信的,肯定的(←negative)

sure adj. 一定的,有把握I’m ~ (不能说: It is ~)that

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47. certainly adv. 当然,无疑

surely adv. (我敢)肯定,定然会

48. chance n. (幸运或偶然),机会by~ 偶然/意外地

occasion n. 时机,(某个时刻提供的)机会by~of 由于

opportunity n. (适合某人做某事的)良机,机遇

49. character n. (人、物由charasteristic组成的)总特征

feature n. (部分细节之形状、重要性)特征,脸面特征,五官

characteristic n. (突出而稳定,区别于他人的本质)特征,特点

property n. (物理)属性

50. cheat v. (为私利、不诚实)而欺骗,骗取;作弊

deceive v. (歪曲真相的)欺骗,诱骗

fool v. 愚弄,哄骗

51. chief adj. (顺序、等级等)首要的,主要的,地位最高的(人)

main adj. (只用于物)主要的in the ~基本上

major adj. (规模,数量等超出同类)重大的,较大的,更主要的(←minor)

principal adj. (力量、权力、规模等)居于首位的,最主要的,首要(人物)

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52. claim v. 要求(得到),索取,要回(本来属于自己之物)

demand v. (以断然之命令)坚决要求,需要

request v. 请求,(礼貌、正式的)要求

require v. (作为条件、习惯、法令等的)要求,需要

53. comment n. 评论,批评make ~s on

commentary n. 实况解说词,(对文章、作品的)评语,解释

remark n. (口头、随意的)评论,看法pass/make a ~ on

54. compare v. 比较(相同之处)

contrast v. 对比(差异之处)

55. compel v. 强迫,使迫不得已~sb. to do sth.

oblige v. (常用于因外因、道德、法律等而)不得不be ~d to do

specimen n. (动植物)标本;(各自独立的)标本

56. complex adj. 复杂的,难理解的

complicated adj. 结构错综的,复杂难懂的

sophisticated adj. (设备)复杂而技术含量高的,复杂高深的

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57. compose vt. 组成be ~d of

comprise vt. 由…组成comprise=be comprised of

consist vi. 由…组成~ of

58. conceive v. 构思,想象出

fancy v. (异想天开地)想象,梦想,遐想

imagine v. 随意设想,任意相象

59. conclude v. 推断出(结论)

deduce v. (演绎式)推论

infer v. (由事实证据)推论,推测

60. conference n. 商讨会,研究会,记者招待会

congress n. 代表大会,国会

gathering n. 聚会,集会

meeting n. 一般会议,碰头会

61. considerable adj. 相当(大、多)的,可观的

considerate adj. (对他人感情、处境)考虑周到的,体贴的a ~ wife

thoughtful adj. (无私)关心他人的,体贴他人的a ~ gift

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62. constant adj. 经常不变的,固定的;稳定的

continual adj. 不断的,频繁,反复的(有间断)

continuous adj. 连续的,持续的(无间断)

consistent adj. 始终如一的,一致的

63. contain vt. 包含,容纳(某些内容、细节→content)

embrace vt. 囊括,包括(所有应包容之物)

include vt. 包括(要素)

involve vt. (性质的)包括,涉及

64. contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的(包括目前在内的历史时期)

current adj. 现行的,当前的,目前的;流行的

modern adj. 时髦的,现代的(历史上的一个时期)

65. continually adv. 不断地,老是(但有间断)

continuously adv. 一直,连续不断地

gradually adv. 逐渐地

unceasingly adv. 无休止地

66. controversial adj. 有争议的

contradictory adj. 相矛盾的,对立的

contrary adj. (观点,说法)

opposite adj. (空间上,性质等)相对的,对面的

67. convince vt. 使信服,使相信~ sb. of

persuade vt. 劝说,说服~ sb. to do/into/out of

68. criminal adj. 犯罪的,应受刑法处罚的

guilty 犯有…罪的,自觉有罪的~ of

69. critical adj. 紧要的,危急的

crucial adj. 关键的,决定性的

vital adj. (与生命有关因)而极其重要的,不可缺少的

70. cure vt. 治疗,治愈~ sb. of sth.

heal v. (使)(外伤等)痊愈

remedy vt. 治疗,纠正(身体/思想上的不健康)


作者:高庆强 收录:中华论文网(www.zclw.net)

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[关键词]同形异义词 多义词 英语学习

作为语言的基本单位,词汇是英语学习中非常重要的一部分。在词汇学习的过程中,我们会遇到诸多困难。其中之一便是多义词与同形异义词的区分。多义词即一个词具有多种意义、且意义之间密切相关。例如,hand的词义多达五个:He was walking with a book in his hand.(手);The hand of the clock goes around„(指针);He is a good hand at games.(有某种经验的人);He writes a good hand.(字迹,手迹);The sculpture of Lei Feng shows a master hand.(手艺,技能)。而同形异义词则是指那些形状相同、但各词义却相差甚远、毫无关联的词。以bear为例,She cannot bear children.可作出两种解释:第一,She has no ability to give birth to children;第二,She cannot tolerate children。由于多义词和同形异义词都是形同而义不同,所以学习者难以区别。


1.多义词的起源。多义词产生的第一种方式是辐射。在这个过程中,原有的词义作为核心词义派生出许多新的词义。换言之,多义词的产生就是一个单词意义结构的不断发展和扩张。当一个单词刚出现时,只被赋予一个词义,即原始词义。随着时间的推移和语言的不断发展,该单词被赋予越来越多的词义,即派生词义。例如,neck的核心词义是that part of man or animal joining the head to the body,即脖子,下列词义都是从这一词义派生而来:①that part of the garment,即衣领;②the neck of an animal used as food,即动物颈肉;③the narrowest part of anything,即细长部分,颈部。虽然neck的三个派生词义不尽相同,却都与其原始词义有关。其中,①为词义转化;②为词义专业化;③为词义延伸。

多义词产生的第二种方式是连锁变化,是指一个词可能在其它意义上失去其原始意义的意义转换过程,即一个词所产生的意义与其原始意义无关。cheater是词义连锁变化的一个典型例子。最初它是指充公产业官员(an officer who attended to escheats),后来又指不诚实的充公产业官员(an escheator who was dishonest)。如今cheater只保留了“不诚实的人”的意思,这与其原始词义大相径庭。


2.同形异义词的起源。同形异义词的起源主要有三种:一是音和形的改变。有些同形异义词在语言发展的最初阶段由于来自不同的词源,发音也不同,但后来在语言的发展过程中,尤其是在经历了“元音大转变”之后偶然汇合成同形异义词。例如,ear有两个来源,其一是来自古英语的eare, 意为耳朵,另一个是来自古英语的aer,意为植物的穗;二是吸收外来语。由于大量从外语中吸收词汇,导致了许多外来词汇碰巧与英语中的一些词汇在发音和拼写方面完全一致,造成了许多同形异义词。例如,作“市场”讲的fair是来自拉丁语的feria,而作“非常”讲的fair则来自古英语的faeger。另一来源则是古法语中的baler,即舞会;三是词语缩略的结果。有些同形异义词是通过缩略方法造成的。如cab←cabriolet(双轮马车),cab←cabin(小屋),cab←cabbage(洋白菜)。







由于多义词有多个词义,同形异义词音和形都相同,二者经常在日常生活中引起语义含糊。例如Are you engaged?这个句子,由于engaged的多义性,可以至少有两种解释:“你忙吗?”和“你订婚了吗?”选择哪一种应视具体语境而定。鉴于多义词和同形异义词的这一特点,它们经常被作家、政治家等巧妙运用,以取得一种意想不到的效果。

英国著名作家狄更斯在其小说《雾都孤儿》中就利用board的一词多义,生动地叙述了这样的场景:当Oliver被董事会叫去时,听到有人喝声道:“Bow the board”(向董事会的人鞠躬),可Oliver未明白此话,在那里又未见到“木板”,只好向桌子鞠了一躬。这一场景的描述,通过多义词board的运用,将Olive表现出的尴尬描写得淋漓尽致。

美国历史上著名的政治家、科学家、作家、《独立宣言》的起草人富兰克林,就也利用多义词hang说过这样的话,“We must hang together ,or we shall all hang separately。”此句中,使用两次hang,使整个句子寓意深刻,耐人寻味。第一个hang与together连用表示团结,第二个hang与separately表示若不团结则会出现相反的结果。







[4]Hatch,Evelyn.&Brown,Cheryl.Vocabulary,Semantics and Language Education[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.

