



七年级英语暑假作业答案 英语练习一

一. CBADC DDCCC CABC无 CDBBC 二. 21. There is, Lucy’s 22. that speaking 23. doesn’t, any 24. with 25. does, look 26. have, time 27. Which girl 28. will visit 29. with 30. What’s

三.31. second 32. to get 33. waiting 34. don’t know, to do 35. is, lying 36. bookshelves 37. to leave 38. to be 四.39. capital 40. above 41. between 42. twentieth 43. dream 44. shower 45. cupboard 46. own 47. million 五.48. shares, with 49. sounds great 50. third 51. call, back 52. would, like, palace 53. wants, next to, hotel 54. climb, ladder, get into 六.CBCCD CACAD 七.ABAAC 英语练习二

一、1. change 2. tastes 3. tired 4. hungry 5. exercise 6. seldom 7. healthy / healthier 8. vegetables 9. important 10. energy

二、1. dancing 2. to cook 13. to be, playing 14. to see 15. feeds 16. bringing 17. to read 18. isn’t 19. healthy 20. is running


四、51. Eating, isn’t good for 52. on the Internet 53. sweet snacks any more 54. Good luck with 55. less than





一.1. western 2. sunny 3. pollution 4. minutes’ 5. less 6. good 7. golden 8. hungry 9. ninth 10. paintings 二.BCBAB CBCDC BDACD BBCAAA 三.32. videos 33. kitchen 34. pollution 35. souvenirs 36. western 37. .second 38. wooden 39. tidy 40. hospital 41. underground 四.ACAAC BDACA 五.CBBCA ABDCB 作文范文

My hometown is Danyang. It’s very beautiful and it’s in the east of Jiangsu province. It takes 15 minutes for me to walk to my school. There is not much pollution here because there are not many factories. I hope you can visit here. I will show you around my hometown and my school. 英语练习四


1.quickly 2.friendly 3.surprised 4.across 5.robbers 6.knives 7.Whose 8.turning 9.wooden 10.Suddenly 11will visit 12.are starting ,Shall cook 13.coming, will begin 14.talking 15.to carry 16.caught 17.take 18.playing

二、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词: 19-23 1.through 2. Shall 3. past 4. across 5. traffic


24-28 D A D B D ,29-33 C C C D C ,34-38 B D D A B

四、句型转换: 39.won’t join 40. Take turning right 41.Don’t climb 42.What is do


43.how to 44.turn right 45.out of 46.Walk straight on until

六、完型填空: 47-51 C A D D A , 52-57 A B C C B

七、阅读理解: 57-61 D A A C C

八、书面表达:(略) 英语练习五

一. 吴老师给七年级一班的同学出了些单项选择题,你也来做做看好吗?(15`) 1-5 BCDAA 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 DCBCC 二 Millie和Amy正在谈话,你能帮助他们完成对话吗?(5`) 1-5 BCDEA IV. Millie正在读一本旧书,这一页有几个字看不清,你能帮她选出来吗?(10`) 1-10 D A B B D D A B C D 三 阅读理解。(10`)

A. Mr. Wu正在让七年级一班的学生阅读一篇关于鸵鸟的文章,你也来试试吧! 1-5 C D A B B B. 七年级一班的学生正在进行阅读比赛,你也来试试看吧! 1. When it open its tail. 2. In the forests of southern Yunnan Province. 3. use, to make 4. 它绕着它的女友跳舞,好象是说 5. D 四 词汇(20`)

A. Millie正在做家庭作业她有几个单词不会写,你来帮助她一把吧! 1. amazing 2. lightning 3. elephants 4. frightened 5. himself B. Mille不知道该用什么形式的词来填空,你来帮他一把吧! 1. without 2. unusual 3. took 4. careful 5. to do 6. its 7. surprised 8. children’s 9. funny 10. lovely 五.改写和改错。(15`) 1. have no 2. Is there anything 3. return, to 4. How interesting the 5. is fond of 6. took me, to play 7. belongs to 8. take good care of 9. When do 10. dislikes


一、 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. ourselves 2. twelfth 3. careless 4. friendly 5. robbers

二、 选择题: B C A B A B C A C B C D B D C

三、 动词填空: 1. sing 2. are climbing 3. won’t come 4. lives 5. to run , caught 6. will find 7. to finish , working 8. to kill

四、 完成句子: 1. What fine 2. Shall go 3. long,does, take , to do 4. having a good time 6. the way to ,

五、 完形填空: B A A C C C D D B B

六、 阅读理解: D B B A C A D A D C

七、 书面表达:(略)

英语练习七 一.

1.pouring 2.able 3.collecting 4.visitors 5.award 6.organizing 7.result

8.abilities 9.dangerous,safety 10.himself 二. 11.thoughtful 12.matches 13.danger 14.careless 15.helpful 16.friendly 17.our 18.better 19.hearing 20.differences 三.

21.clean up the park 22.put out the fire 23.plant trees 24.be careful with fire 25.rush into the kitchen 26. be in hospital 27.row a boat 28.try our best 29.go skiing 30.no problem 四. 31-35 DCBDC 36-40 CCCCB 41-45 CCACB 46-50 BDCCB 五. 51.5-year-old;lost his way 52.does;hear from 53.hurt;fire 54.belongs to 55.Maybe; will visit 56.was able to 57.by himself 58.Finally; used; to open 59.is good at 60.It’s necessary 61.to save 62.will go 63.finish 64.hurt 65.plan 66.rowing 67.to ride 68.cry 69.looks 70.Is, going to watch 七.

71.What; weather; How /What going 72.It’s; to organize;class activity well 73.on fire; helping; out of 74.tell;to keep away from danger 75.couldn’t; because; forgot to bring 76.use;more often 77.try; best; better results 英语练习八 一.单项选择。

D B C B A A A B B A A C B B B A C A C C A C C 二.根据首字母、汉字填入适当的词。 Carrots, chasing, weighs, frighten, wings, clean, exercise, tricks, anywhere, pull 三.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

mice, feeds, Bring, noisy, barks, paws, to learn, twice, fun, slowly, brushes, care, carefully, interested, frightened, hunter, weighed, us, called, speaker 四.用合适的介词或副词填空。 at, to for, about about, like, of, to, in, of, about 五.改错,下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并订正。 63. C happily 64. D too much 65. B be late 66. D playing 67. D an 68. A noisy 69. B is playing with 70. C eats 71. C needn’t 72. C interested 六.句子改写。

That dog likes chasing cats. Take good care of your pet. Listen to your teacher. How often should you clean the fish tank? The two bags look the same. 七.句子翻译。

78. Most of the, stay at, by myself 79. is ringing the doorbell 80. to leep healthy, make sure, do exercise 81. am interested in watching 82. are, friend, shouldn’t be afraid / frightened of


一.单项选择 15% D A B A B D B C C D A B A B B 二.完形填空 10% A C A D C C B C B A 三.阅读理解 10% B D A B B 四.根据首字母或中文提示完成句子 10% 1. pour 2. collecting 3. memory 4. dangerous 5. wide 6. necessary 7. built, buildings 8. abilities 9. saved 10. geography 五.根据中文完成句子 40% 1. forward to hearing from 2. five-year-old, lost his money, cried 3. to recommend, for, Award 4. leave, on 5. help each other, learn from each other 6. What a brave, How brave 7. to change, once 8. is, trouble 9. Anything, happened to, that 10. leave, alone, too long 六.书面表达 (根据提示完成作文) 15% 略 英语练习十

一、选择填空 1-15 BD, CDBAB, BABCD

二、情景交际花16-20 DGCEB

三、 完型填空 21-30 CABAD, ABCBD

四、 阅读理解 31-40 CBCAD,CBCDA

五、词汇 41-50 How much, Are free. am afraid, speak to , have to to bring , take , to go, flying , him

六、短文填词 51 -60 Family, Jean, two, Tom, daughter, mother’s, parents, brother, sister, mother’s


作业1 七上 StarterUnits 1-3参考答案: 音标专项训练: I.答案略

II. 1. game

2.zoo 3. tea

4.bike 5. red 6. map 7. big 8. late III.1. A 2. B

3. B 4. B 5. C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B 作业2 七上 Unit1参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. first

2. phone 3. zero

4. meet

5. three

6. eight II. 1-5 CDCAD III.1. What’s her 2. What’s her 3. His name 4. Is your 5. is not

6. Yes is 7. No, aren’t

8. the name of Ⅳ. 1. telephone number is 2. your phone No isn’t 3. ID card 4. am Nice to meet 5. What’s a key

6. My name 7. What’s his 8. telephone number

V.1. years 2. is 3. eleven 4. my

5.friends 能力提升: 1-5CAABC

6-10 DDCBA 作业3 七上 Unit2参考答案: 基础达标: I.读音写词

1.father. 2. Mother. 3.parents. 4.cousin, daughter. 5.photo, family. 6.picture. II用所给词的适当形式填空

are 2.Those

3.first 4.are

5.parents Ⅲ.改写句子

These ,are 2.Who, are 3.Are ,your 4.This ,isn’t 5.Yes , it 6.Who 7. These are 8. Father, mother. Ⅳ.完成句子

your, son 2. My , a 3. These, are 4. Those, are

5. These , brother


Those , parents. 8. He’s,

brother V.选词并用其适当形式填空


2. parents 3. Those

4. brother


Is 能力提升:C C B D C

4 七上 Unit3参考答案 基础达标

I 1.these 2.His 3.dictionary 4. Excuse 5. Thank 6. notebook II 1. my Her 2. not her 3. his, his 4. that a 5. you his 6-10 CCBAB Ⅲ 1. What’s that 2. Is your it is mine 3. It isn’t 4. How do you spell 5. It is not her ruler. 6. Those are watches 7. How is 8. What’s this Ⅳ 1. your pencil it is It’s my pencil 2. your ring it isn’t It’s his ring 3. What’s this It’s an orange 4. How do you spell 5. call at 6. a set of keys 7. Ask for 8. ID school card V Keys are Are your me 能力提升任务型阅读

1. Many Chinese people eat three meals a day./ Three. 2.have/eat, for 3.lunch , tea 4.C 5 开放性试题,答案不唯 作业5 七上 Unit 4参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. those

2. photos 3. friends

4. math

5. plant

6. room II. 1-5.BAAAC

III.1. Is not 2. Is my 3. Where are 4.is on 5.That is

6. I don’t know her phone number. 7. I need my notebook 8. Can you bring the key to your brother? Ⅳ. 1. Is under 2. Where are 3. are everywhere 4. model hers 5. are on 6. need don’t know

7. bring to

V.1. are 2. has 3. to find 4. help

5.asks 能力提升:完形填空:CADBC ADBCD 作业6 七上 Unit 5参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1.sounds 2. volleyball 3. same

4. love, with 5.sports, them

6. only 7. boring 8. difficult II. 1—7: A D B A C C 8. good 9. friends 10. play III.1. don’t have 2. doesn’t have

3. they do, they don’t 4. Does have 5. Where do, do your

6. play soccer with 7. difficult for me 9. The computer game is difficult. Ⅳ. 1. Do have 2. don’t have, but does 3. has two, four volleyballs 4. with classmates after class 5. Let’s play

6. don’t have 7. sounds relaxing 8. the same

V.1. has 2. tennis 3. doesn’t 4. play

5.watches 能力提升: A B C D ,擅长 七上 Unit6参考答案: 基础达标:

I. 1.burgers 2.healthy 3. tomatoes 4.bread 5. strawberries 6.sure II. 1.eat 2.are 3. has 4. Does like

5. playing

6. doesn’t run

7. B

8. C

III.1. Does have

2. don’t like or 3. What do like 4. have brothers 5. That’s an 6. How about 7. She likes bananas for dinner. 8. My parents want me to eat some healthy food. Ⅳ. 1.to be so 2.plays basketball well 3.What do 4. have week 5.sounds boring 6. after dinner 7. Do pears don’t 8. likes carrots tomatoes 9. For breakfast eggs bananas apples V.1.calls . worked 3.is 4. to see

5.won 能力提升: 1.zoo 2.food 3.three 4.don’t think right 5.首先,动物园是人们能看到世界各地很多不同种类的动物的地方。

作业8 七上 Unit7参考答案:

I. 1.Much2.dollars3.come 4.clothes 5. sell

6. pair Ⅱ

1-9 BCADD 6-10 CACA Ⅲ 1.Doesn’t 2. What do you 3. What can do for 4. How much? 5. The blue sweater is sever dollars

6. How much

7. at very good prices Ⅳ. 1.How much 2.color T-shirt 3. Can help

4.love green. How much

5. looks nice

6. take it

7. one pair two pairs Ⅴ 1.sells 2.has 3.are 4.need 5.Come Ⅵ

CAC BDBDACB 作业9 七上 Unit8参考答案: 基础达标:

Ⅰ 1. February

2. September

3. twelfth

4. art

5. festival 6. first Ⅱ 1. son’s

2. have

3. eighth

4. to buy

5. Dave’s

Ⅲ 1. don’t have

2. When is

3. enjoy yourself

4. see you

5. Do you want to come to my birthday party? 6. How old

7. When do have 8. What’s date

Ⅳ 1. June 28th

2 Do like book sale I do when is

3 thirteen years old

thirteenth birthday

4. School Day on

5. Is first it is

6. an art festival

7. art music

8. really busy Ⅴ 1. Children’s

2. third

3. actor

4. Mary’s

5. students’ 能力提升

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D 作业10 七上 Unit 9参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. subject

2. because 3. science


5. hours

6. useful II. 1.was born 2. began was

3.to learn

4. took

5. B III.1.is science

2. What is favorite subject

3.don’t think is

4.favorite subject English

5.when do have 6. Why do like 7.Her favorite teacher is Mr. Smith . 8.for helping. Ⅳ. 1.What favourite subject 2.My favourite subject 3.Why like fun 4.Who

5.Why 6.the next day Saturday

7.difficult interesting

8.have for two 9.for sure V.1. studies 2.to learn 3. gets 4. clean

5.does 能力提升:1.others 2. ask for more food and forget to turn off the lights。3 We can’t use anything and cant move. 4.我认为我们应该对每天浪费东西的同学说不。5. Waste

作业11 七下Unit1参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. join 2. sing 3. speak 4. drawing

5. weekend

6. write II. 1. play 2. to join

3. dancing

4. to tell

5. speak III.1. can not 2. Does your want to 3. What club does want 4. helps learn/ study 5. Can play or

6. What can play 7. but he can’t 8. Are you good with the old people? Ⅳ. 1. good with 2. tell you stories make friends 3. wants to join

4. help with 5.What sports

6. Let’s join 7. Are busy 8. on the weekend 9. needs help to teach V.1.kind 2. can 3. violin 4. with

5.join 能力提升: CBADB ACDCA 作业12 七下 Units 2参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. homework 2. usually 3. exercise

4. quarter

5. shower

6. o’clock II. 1.has

2. teeth


4. to eat/eating

5. sister’s III.1. Can do 2. What time does go 3. doesn’t do 4. What do 5. take to

6. Where does have 7. When do you usually play chess with your friends ? Ⅳ. 1. at about 2. to get 3. family has 4.What time take a walk 5. healthy likes eat

6.brush teeth 7. at 8. play sports for

9. radio station V.1. has 2. walk 3. takes 4. from 5.tired 能力提升: CBDBA 作业13 七下 Unit3参考答案


I 1.take, 2. train, 3. river 4. boat 5. bridge 6. between II 1-5 DADCD 6-10 BCCCA Ⅲ. 1. Does have 2. How far from 3. How long does take your 4. takes to do 5. takes the bus to 6. How to 7. walking to 8. Ti is their dream to have a bridge. Ⅳ 1.How does get

takes the bus.

2. between and 3. come true 4. an eight-year-old 5. is afraid of 6. is easy to 7. far is from V 1. speak 2. swimming 3. watches 4. is waiting 5. go 能力提升任务型阅读

1.One 2. B


4. People usually have a good time during the festival. 5. B 作业14七下 Unit 4参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. quiet

2.noisy 3. practice

4. fight


5. classroom

6. after III.1. Don’t play 2. Does have 3. Keep quiet

4. enjoy themselves 5. don’t

has 6. Don’t play 7. What do 8. went by Ⅳ. 1. Don’t be 2. listen to 3. too many 4. make rules

5. wear school

6. talk about 7. has to

8. finish by V.动词填空:are,, make, Don’t, run, work 能力提升:ACBCA DABDC 作业15 七下 Unit5参考答案: 基础达标:

I.1. smart

2. Australia 3. sleeps

4. legs

5. friendly

II. 1.interesting 2. to eat


4. go

5. goes

6.first III.1. Does like 2. What animals 3. kind of 4. does come 5. Why not see

6. Why you 7. What do 8. Why don’t you see the pandas first? Ⅳ. 1. cut down 2. get lost 3. to save 4. comes from 5. helps with 6. for a long time 7. remember places with 8. symbol good luck

V.1. because 2. beautiful 3. China 4. to play

5. quiet 能力提升: ACBAD 作业16 七下Unit6参考答案:


I.1. host 2. Dragon 3. living 4. studying 5.wish 6.clean II. 1.is swimming 2. Do 3.playing

4. helps 5. is sleeping

6.have 7. C

8. C III.1.Is she reading 2. What is doing 3. Why do 4isn’t watching 5. doesn’t want 6.more than

7 having fun 8. Steve is listening to music in his bedroom. 9. My father sleeps eight hours every night. Ⅳ. 1. is reading 2. is drinking tea 3. Are walking 4. is boring Let’s go to the 5. a photo Mary’s family

6. sounds good 7. are talking to/with 8. making friends

9. is going help with/study V.1. are playing 2. is running 3. look 4. are 5.talk 能力提升:1.C 2,F3.three/3 4.在第一张照片里,他和家人正在吃饭。 5.Yes,I do./No, I don’t.

作业17 七下Unit7参考答案:


I.读音写词 weather 2.doing 3.visiting II用所给词的适当形式填空/单选.

1. is snowing ,2. to visit,3. to help,4. speaking 改写句子

1.aren’t sitting2. What are doing3.to learn4. How’s the weather like in Jinan5. The weather is hot and cloudy. 完成句子

1. How’s going 2.take a message for 3.are playing basketball4. How weather sunny5.tell call back . No, problem V选词并用其适当形式填空 watching, swim ,is, take ,write 完形填空

BABDB BDBCD 作业18 七下Unit8参考答案:


Ⅰ1. supermarket 2. street 3. money 4. spend

5. around 6. crossing Ⅱ1. is

2. looking after 3.riding 4. Mary’s


Ⅲ 1. between…and…

2 .Are any

3. in front of

4. How does go

5. Where is

6. lots of

7. in front of

8. the way to Ⅳ 1. How many are there

2. Turn left

3. To get to

4. clean air sunshine5. time goes quickly.

6. along across from

7. the way to

8. turn right on Ⅴ 1. are 2. supermarkets

3. many


5. goes 能力提升 阅读理解:

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5.D 作业19八上 Units 9-10参考答案:


I.1. tonight

2. another 3. differently

4. describe

5. each

6. medium II. 1.height 2. singing, singer


4. photos

5. friendly III.1.Does have 2. What does look like 3. isn’t tall thin 4.has straight blonde hair 5.the same as

6. What is 7.his brother is of medium build . 8. Is tall or short Ⅳ. 1.of medium height 2.long straight hair 3.tall or short 4.look like 5.medium build 6. long straight brown 7. Do have 8.medium build good at playing V.1. am 2.wear 3. play 4. popular

5.funny 能力提升 任务型阅读

1.playing basketball 2.Hong Kong

English 3. She has black hair and black eyes. 4. 你能找到我吗? 我是那个戴眼镜的男孩。5. There are seven. 作业20七下 基础达标:

I.1. specials 2. order 3.bowl

4. different

5. candle

6. popular II. 1.is

2. would


4. to drink 5. is III.1.Would, like, any 2. What would 3. doesn’t like, or 4. would like to 5. with chicken

6. What kind of, do 7. What size bowl of, would

8. No, there isn’t Ⅳ. 1. May, take, order

2. would, like, or, pancake

3. some good specials 4. a large bowl of noodles

5. mutton, potato

6. also, some ,with 7.What size 8. kind, noodles V.1.adress 2. chickens 3.large 4.porridge

5. dumplings 能力提升: D A C A B B D Unit10参考答案:

作业21 七下 Unit11参考答案: 基础达标:

1 excellent 2 feed 3 pick 4 interested 5 museum 6 expensive 1 were 2 rained watched 3 went 4 climbed 5 have 1 didn’t have any or 2 did see any 3 how was your 4 what did do 5 when did clean 6 grew last year 7 I didn’t 8 I didn’t know they could play chess with us. I.1 did his last night 2 how was trip last 3 did take any photos 4 gift shop expensive 5 everything about 6 all in all an exciting 7 quite a lot of 8 didn’t at all II.Was slept got went relaxing III D B A A D 作业22 七下 Unit12参考答案:


I. 1.camped 2.sheep 3. language 4.natural 5. forest 6. beach

II. 1.to watch 2.lost 3. flew 4. relaxing

5. C

III. 1. Did have any

2. didn’t do 3. When did 4. How was 5. didn’t have 6. wrote 7. had fun 8. It’s to Ⅳ. 1.shouted at/to 2. with over 3.so that 4. made a fire 5.up and down 6. studied for 7. It’s interesting to 8. stays up V.1.visited 2. to see 3.drank 4. sleeping

5.moved 能力提升: 1.独自,单独2.D 3.One evening,Bill doesn’t come to the restaurant. 4.他没有接电话。 5.B 作业23上Unit1&Unit2参考答案

基础达标:I. 1. anywhere 2. wonderful

3. dislike 4. least

5. almost 6. comedy II. 1. came

2. talking


4. began

5. teachers, students 6. twice 7. read III. spent 20 yuan buying

2. Did your family and you visit some places of interest. 3. How often

4. How many hours does 5. Does have any

6. We didn’t do our homework 7. What does do IV. 1. Nearly no

2. Staying up

3. such that

4. decided to take the train 5. looks great

from the top of the mountain

6. hour later stopped drank 7. playing basketball 能力提升:1.likes 2.will become

3.was lost 4.thought 5.to cry/crying



(3):尼罗 主要流经热带沙漠气候,降水量小

3.(1)1月份是南半球的夏季,南极夏季气候比较暖和,适宜考察。 (2)北


P9 4.(4)B(5)C(6)AB 各地风情:


埃:非,开罗,白种,阿拉伯语,石油羊毛制品,亚历山大,发展中 俄:亚,莫斯科,白种,俄语,重工业产品,海参崴,发达 法;欧,巴黎,白种,法语,小麦葡萄酒,巴黎,发达 美:北美,华盛顿,白种,英语,小麦,纽约,发达 巴:南美,堪培拉,白种,英语,羊毛,悉尼,发达

P10 2.横着:印度 瑞士 日本 巴黎 西藏 西亚 慕尼黑 3.(1)500 (2)B (3)为热带气候,水分充足 <4>大量物资自己利用 <5>珠穆朗玛峰南部 <6>水稻,小麦

4.美 华盛顿 波士顿 旧金山 洛杉矶 休斯顿

密西西比河 加拿大

低 东西为山脉,密西西比河在中部汇流

大西 太平 白令

北温,北寒,热 夏威夷州是热带,本土是北温带,阿拉斯加州是北寒带 5.南 大西洋 太平洋 <3 大堡礁



第一页;1---3CDCD 4,端午节,吃种子,是为了记恋屈原跳江这个故事 第二页;1----5CCAAC 6----10GCFDA 第三页;1,郊外,公园,大地,花木 2,他急着获取太阳能量 累累的果实把枝头压弯 排比拟人 3,春夏秋 冬的美 4,清明说明了初冬的景色是纯洁的无私的 5,终结全文,指出冬天那种甜蜜 6,因为初冬甜蜜清明它象征着春天的到来庄重安然

第四页,1,,where is 2,its lives 3,is there 4i can 5,are from 6---15DADBBCCDBB 第五页;1,墔,催 2,郎,廊3,争,睁4,---5,蹦,迸6泪,累7---10BADB 第六页;1--10DBBDDCADCD 11--20DDCDDCABCC 第七页;1--6ABCCDC 第八页;1--5DDCBA 6are,any 7,where,are 8,does,likes9,what are 10what,is 第九页;chou看pozhan漏洞 2但是他的心里仍装着美不然不会把月光误做手帕3,表现出了小姑娘面对自己人还保持着乐观的心态4要用乐观向上看待生活 第十页;1--11DBCBACBBBAD 第十一页;1,zao zhui lian ying 2,略 3---4DA 5(1)因为雨他能滋润大地给万物生机(2)没有声音默默无闻使人找到方向(3)潜入无声这个词用得好因为这词说明了春雨无私奉献。 第十二页;7---11EGACD 第十三页;AA 3,是指让人类可以去联想未来生活 是说明这种牌子的电脑用处大 (2)妙在用词新颖能结合生活来取名吸引买主 4,碧玉一样无暇 如茶一样清香自然 5,人需要微笑需要欢乐需要宽容如果一个苹果代表一个微笑我送你一个果园

第十四页;where is get to do like 6,nimal riendly etter it leves octor other ews ummer 16我们不要居功自傲骄傲使人落后我们要不断的创新探索 (2)我会劝爱迪生不要骄傲要虚心要继续发展 第十五页自己做太多了不想发 第十六页;1---5ABCCA 第十七页;1,qie zhan jiu ping 2,数字,比较,分类,设问,3,7612435 4,D 第十八页;1---5ABCDB 6---10BCDFE 司马迁,司马光,纪传体,编年体,南宋,北宋,取材广泛,历史事实 第十九页;413 4,562413 5,BA 第二十页;6---15;CBACDDCAAABC 第二十二页;CBBAC ABCD ABCD ABCD AB 第二十三页;CDBAA 第二十六页;CEADB 第二十七页;ABACBCACABCABABC 第二十八页;DCAABCADDCB 第二十九页;BAACCA 5,神通广大护森取西经

第三十页;11---15DFEGA 锦衣卫,皇帝 说明了明太祖设立机构检察官臣,反映了明朝专制统治的特点 第三十一页;略

第三十二页;6---15DBCDCDCADA 第三十四页略

第三十五页;ABC BC ABC 第三十六页;FEAHDGCBBADDC 第三十七页;A情景,语言,叙述,比喻,拟人,排比。夸张D 第三十九页;11----20ABCBCBBDAB 第四十二页;CBABC 第四十六页,BEAGCHFDCI 理科

第一页;A,B,D,【x】-4=3分之1 2.85 -3分之5 第二页1.X-X-1/3=11 2,2X+3=7X-4=7/5 [2]2X-X=7 [3](30%X-4)x1/2=20%X+6=160 3,X=6 X=5代入方程得a=-10 4,3 5,(1)X=0 (2)X=-17(3)X=-26/7(4)=-1/2 第三页1,,解;设原来三位数的百位数是X,100X+10(4X-3)+3X+1+270=(4X-3)乘100解得X=2 2,解;设母X岁,女Y岁 X+2=(Y+2)乘6 (Y+22)乘2=X+22 解得X=28 Y=3 3,解,设原来正方形边长是X,3X=4(X-3) X=12 4;略 5;解,设有X间宿舍要求住宿的学生有Y人 4X+20=Y (X-1)8=Y 解得X=32 Y=3 6;15X除以3=12X除以2=110 第四页7;解,设原定天数为X天240+400=280X-200解得X=6 6乘240+400=1840 8,阿拉伯半岛 青藏高原 9,马来群岛 青藏高原 10,东亚 西亚 11,70% 12北半球 东半球 东南 13 --- 乌拉尔山 14-19BDBDBD 第五页CBA 4,X=61 5,X=18/12 6,X=140 第六页9,盐 维生素 糖类 蛋白质 脂肪 水 10,被人体吸收 消化 11蓝色 黄色 12,葡萄糖 氨基酸 甘油 脂肪酸

13,蛋白质 糖类 14略 15,无变化,无淀粉,变蓝,有淀粉,无变化,已消化唾液淀粉没对淀粉进行消化

第七页;解,设十位数字为X10X+N-X+10(n-x)+C=11N 2,良好 3,解设全班有X人2/3X+4=1/3X-1/4+2/9X-3/8 X=96 96-96乘2/3-4=28 28乘2/3=16 第八页1,6;4;3 2,3/2 3,2 1 4,3/8 5,9/7 6,X,Y=--2/3 7M=1,N=2 8=--66 10B=--7 第九页;;BCB 4,新德里 孟买 加尔各答 巴基斯坦 孟加拉国 水稻 小麦 第十页;1,2 2,大于77 3,2 4,X=Y=1 5,-27 6,32X+32Y=400 7,--9略谁要的可以来找啊 第十一页;1,C,B,C,A 5,动脉;管壁厚,弹性大,流速快 静脉;管壁薄,弹性小 管腔小 毛细血管;管壁极薄,流速最慢,弹性小,管腔小 6, 管内径极小,管壁极薄,流速最慢 7,运动和呼吸 8,Y=1=5/3 第十二页;X=23/15 Y=13/8 第十三页;解,设十位数为X,10X+X+1=X+X+1 X=0 0+1=1 2,解,设金牌有X块3X+6/5X=42 X=10 银;10乘6/5=12 铜;10乘2-5=15 3,解,设快车速度X慢车速度Y 解得X=34 Y=12 4,解,设甲乙每小时各做X,Y个零件 解得X=184 Y=79 5,略

第十四页答案;B,A,D,D,C,A,A,B,B,C,A 第十五页;C,D,A,D,D, 6,67.5度 7,中线 8,大于4 9,10厘米 10,4,4,3 12,,三,一,一 13,1,3 14,4,3,3 15,110度

第十六页;16,解,4,6,8 钝角三角形 17,,0度小于X小于180度 18,75度

第十七页;C,D,B,B,D,A 6,135度,120度,115度 7,36度 8,30度,40度 9,吸气时长大呼气时收缩 第十八页;1,35度 4,45度

第十九页;B,C,B,C,B 6,1 8,2小于M 9,6CM 10,75度 11,20度 第二十页;12,120度 13--- ---- 埃及,埃及 14,土其尔,苏尹士 15,高温,稀少,缺乏 16,储量,生产,输出

波斯 17,白色,阿拉伯,斯兰,---- 圣城 18,犹太,波斯,尹思兰,基督 19,中东,

第二十一页C,B,B,C,B 6,65度 等腰三角形性质 7,等边,锐角 8,10 9,120度 10等边三角形 11,100度 40度

40度 12,30度 13,圆 14,原点,数轴,相反数 15,取 第二十二页;16,等腰三角形2,等边三角形2,正方形3,正五边形4,正六边形3 18,欧洲,1957,经济联盟,法国

意大利,荷兰,比利时,卢生堡,德意志白共和国,12 19,EEC,EV 20,政治,商业,旅行 21,政治,经济 第二十三页;A,B,A,D,C, 7,大于号 8中线 9,40度

第二十四页;角膜和瞳孔,曲度,晶状体 瞳孔,晶状体,玻璃体,视网膜,视神经 暗,强,睫状体,瞳体 1768 第二十五页;A,C,B,B,D,A,C,B 第二十六页;1,43 2,7 3,17/3 517/3 6,63,66 7,2.16,2.16 8,16,16,20,21 9,35,35 第二十七页;6又11/23 93% 0.01 139500 3,5.5 ,1又7/12 4,公平因为各50%一样

第二十八页;A,C,B,D 5,眀诵诊断,适当,科学,适宜,合理 6,吸烟喝酒西毒 7,世界无烟日,国际禁毒日

文科P35 6.朝鲜战争。 上甘岭战役。



巩固新生的人民政权,提高了中国的国际地位的国际威望。 文科P41 3.翻译:【译文】




一、 1- 5:cDDDD 6- 10:ADccD 11- 15 :BABDc 16- 20:ccABA

二、1 dangerous 2 frightened 3 scientists 4 twentieth 5 towards 6 practices 7 None 8 north-west

三、1 is knocking 2 bought 3 to learn 4 goes 5 playing 6 Don’t forget to take

7 doesn’t rain 8 Listening 9 will begin

四、1 What’s, weight of 2 couldn’t see anything 3 each of , has 4 Don’t take 5 Which book 6 How long 7 different from 8 What did , do

9 How tall the building is!/What a

tall building!

10 I was excited to see so many amazing things.

11 It is necessary to walk the dog once a day.

五、1 in---on 2 beautifully--- beautiful 3 searching后加 for

4 were---was 5 opened---open

六、1 Look! How happily the children are playing!

2 Thank you for recommend me so interesting film.

3 It’s bad for your health to go to school without breakfast.

4 Do you know what happened to him last week?

5 The teacher asks the children to keep away from danger.

七 完形填空 1-5 cADBc 6-10 BAcBD

八 阅读理解 1-5 AcBDA 6-10 ADDcB

十、Dear chairperson

I would like to recommend Simon for this year’s Youth Award.

Simon is a clever can learn things is good at his lessons.

Simon is thoughtful,so he plans things very often organizes class

all like is also very he saved a boy out of

boy’s parents are very grateful to him.

All of us think Simon should get this look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully












