



My name is XX. I come from XX. I major in XX, and I have had got my B.A. degree in July 200X from XX University. Generally speaking, I am an extroverted girl/boy with strong desire for knowledge as well as vigor for action. During my four years in the college, I have grown a real exuberant spirit for life. I would admit proudly that I have had a g

As for my major, I am confident about myself in this filed, and some certifications may help to prove, such as TEM-4, TEM-8, CET-6. As for my social abilities, I am no less confident about myself in this field; As for my social abilityies, I feel no less confident about myself, I used to be tutor, part-time editor, translator and interpreter during my college, and my social abilitise and people skills are much improves as a resule of my participation.

I am quite sure there will be no regret between us if I am lucky enough to be chosen, and I believe I will never let you down. Thank you so much!


what does the holiday mean?


The term "pass year" is used for the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). The word "Year" in Chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. To combat the beast, the Chinese hang "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire. This tradition in many ways resemble the Western belief of using garlic and crosses to fight vampires.中文中“过年”这个词组用以表示对春节(中国新年)的庆祝。“年”这个字在中文里是一种恐怖的怪兽。因为“年”害怕红色和火,所以中国人会在门上悬挂“春联”写上美好祝福,并放鞭炮来赶跑它。这个传统有点类似西方人用大蒜和十字架吓跑吸血鬼的传统。

Why New Year is so special?


The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This year is the year of Tiger. Each animal represents a different "personality". According to legend, people held a conference with all the animals, informing them that they would pick the 12 to represent the zodiac. However, in spite of being fast, the cat was not picked as its then-close friend, the rat, did not wake it. This action sparked off a rivalry that continues till this day.


What do people do?


Eat, eat again, and then eat some more! As the old Chinese saying goes: food is everything.吃、接着吃、再吃更多东西!就跟一句中国古话说的那样:食物即一切。(沪江小编:这算是哪门子“中国古话”!?)

The tradition is to have different main courses everyday from the 1st day of the New Year to the 15th day of the New Year, from Jiao Zi (dumplings), noodles, spring rolls, sticky rice cakes, and Tang Yuan (stuffed rice balls). Besides culinary satisfaction, each food has a meaning as well: for instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold, implying a wealthy year ahead.传统就是,从新年第一天开始直到正月十五,每天都要吃不同的主菜。从饺子、面条、春卷、年糕到汤圆。除了祭好五脏庙以外,每一种食物也有含义:比如饺子看起来就像金元宝,这意味来年的丰衣足食。

Besides eating, young people visit older family members and kids are blessed with a red pack of "lucky" money. And then, people gather and eat again (!), leading to a lot of advertisements about fitness right after the Chinese New Year holiday.除了吃以外,年轻人要去拜会家里的老人家,而小盆友们就有大把压岁钱拿。跟着,人们又聚在一起吃,所以节后中国就会出现很多减肥广告……(沪江小编:写这东西的老外看就知道被骗了。这是哪家的规矩……不过没事,大家随机应变、等见了老外把真正的中国习俗告诉他们吧。)

Happy Chinese New year!!!


空姐自我介绍英文的我是一个活泼.开朗有上进心的女孩,身高170 休重54KG,我喜欢微笑对待身边所有的事情,空姐自我介绍英文的。微笑能给人友好的信息。空姐是我从小到大的梦想,我喜欢在蓝天下飞翔的感觉,在困难面前,我从不退缩。总是微笑面对!勇于向前。我热爱空姐这个高尚的职业。积极乐观的态度。吃苦耐劳的精神都是我所具备的,我相信我能胜任!

I am a lively, cheerful and ambition girl. I am 170cm talland 54KG weight. I like to treat everything around us with a smile. A friendly smile can pass a good intention to people. To be a stewardess is that I have always dream of, I like the feeling of flying in the blue sky. When facing

difficulties, I never backed down, I always smile to confrot them and have the courage to move forward. I love to be a flight attendant, this is a noble profession. positive and optimistic attitude, tradition of hard work are all I have, I believe I can do it.

I am a extroverted and aspirant girl. I am 1.7 meters tall and 54 kilogrames. I like smile with all thinkgs around me for smile can give friendly message to others. Being a stewardess is my dream for I like feeling flying on the sky. I never give up facing difficulties. I always smile with them and keep forward. I love the job of being a stewardess. I have optimistic attitude and work hard. I believe that I am competent enough to fill the job


面试的英文自我介绍 i am from guangxi university for nationalities no.xx professional graduates. allow me to take up a few minutes examiners to conduct a self-introduction!

after several years of university campus life, i learned a lot of knowledge. i am pleased to accept and learn new things and do things in life are so self-disciplined; students do in the director-general, through a wide range of unusual and effective improvement measures to complete the communication and cooperation between the departments. a serious and responsible work. with team spirit. academic performance among the best in class, studying and strong interest in learning the spirit of the regular teachers have been well received.


It’s my great honor to talk about my family. My family is very warm and harmonious. There are four people in my family ---father, mother, brother and me .My parents and my brother are typical Chinese farmers. Both of them are hard-working, diligent and kind. In order to support the family and pay the expensive tuition fee for me, they do the farm

That’s my family, plain but happiness. I know that knowledge can change one’s life. So I will study harder .No matter how difficult it is, I will persist in and never give up. Then I will return to my parents and my brother, using all my efforts to make my family better and better. So I hope you could give me a chance to complete my education. Only in this way can I create a steady and more hopeful condition to change my life and my family.

That’s all. Thank you!

