




贝瑟尼·汉密尔顿(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 AnnaSophia Robb 饰)是一个天生的冲浪天才,成长在夏威夷考艾岛的她过着田园般的生活。从很小的时候她就展示出了自己在冲浪方面的过人的才华。她和自己的好朋友埃兰娜(洛琳·尼科尔森 Lorraine Nicholson 饰)一起参加了全国的冲浪比赛,并且获得了不俗的成绩。但是在,汉密尔顿13岁那一年,一切都被改变了。那是在万圣节 前夕的一个早晨,汉密尔顿还是和往常一样到熟悉的海面上去冲浪。一条14英尺长的虎鲨袭击了她,张开血盆大口,咬下了汉密尔顿的左臂。一瞬间,汉密尔顿的生活和未来都被冲垮了,冲浪也似乎不再是她的“特长“。就在所有人都在准备为汉密尔顿另谋出路的时候,汉密尔顿却做出了一个惊人的决定:她决定用自己残缺的身体重返冲浪的赛场。在好朋友汤姆、切瑞和萨拉的帮助下,汉密尔顿用自己惊人的毅力重新起立,站在了冲浪板和浪头之上。

















作为在博仙妮背后默默支持的团队,澳洲品牌Rip Curl的创始人克劳曾对媒体说:“在得知事故发生后,我们马上行动起来,希望能陪博仙妮共度难关。也许我们筹到钱有限,但是一个冲浪运动员的天赋是无价的。当得知她短短三周就迫不及待地回到大海时,我们都非常开心,这是我们认识的那个博仙妮。”


作为Rip Curl品牌代言人,博仙妮不仅像她代言的服装一样崇尚自然美、运动美,也希望能用自己的经历鼓励更多需要帮助的人。她成立了非盈利基金会“博仙妮的朋友们”,在世界各地巡回演讲;她也认识了许多同她一样的截肢者和鲨鱼幸存者。




Host: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the junior portion of the Maui Jim Turtle Bay Resort Invitational. We’re expecting a great competition today. We’ve got skateboarding on the half-pipe. We’ve got all the action in the water. Watch top amateur surf…

Keoki: Hey, how is it?

Alana: Hey. Hey, Keoki.

Keoki: If you get tired waiting for the waves out there, you can always come and kick it with us. We don’t have to wait for the action.

Bethany: Well, when you get tired of the pipe, come surf some real waves.

Keoki: Hey, Thursday night is a full moon. If you guys aren’t doing anything, we’re all gonna go surfing.

Bethany: Yeah, if we don’t have anything better to do.

Keoki: Okay. See you guys later.

Bethany: All right. Bye.

Alana: Bye.

Host: In semi-final heat number one, we’ve got six competitors. In orange is Olivia Jenner. In black, Malina Birch. In blue, Bethany Hamilton. In yellow, Kaila Kahani. In white, Lalani Bri. And in pink, Alana Blanchard. And it looks like the local groms have tracked down Hawaiian surfing legend, Ben Aipa.

Audience: Yeah, Ben!

Alana: Hey, you see that sick air Keoki just got?

Bethany: I don’t think so.

Alana: What?

Bethany: You’re not going to distract me. I’m catching that next wave.

Holt: I don’t think they know how to compete.

Mother: Holt, you didn’t tell them, did you?

Holt: No, no. I didn’t want to make them nervous.

Father: I’m nervous enough for the both of them, as it is. You know, they both have to place.

Host: Black, Malina Birch, you’re in first. Blue, Bethany Hamilton, you’re in second looking for a 4.2 to overtake that top spot. Pink, Alana Blanchard, you’re in third, requiring a 5.4 to overtake first place. Just a reminder, ladies and gentlemen. The winners of today’s contest will qualify for the Hawaiian Island Regionals. Alana Blanchard finds the cover to finish things off. Solid wave for pink. Looks like we have a paddle-battle here.

Father: Go, Bethany! Go!

Host: It’s blue and black scratching for a solid set wave. Malina Birch taking the inside off of Bethany Hamilton. Here she is, up and riding. Malina Birch kicks things off with a very nice ride. And a strong carve off the top. She definitely knows what the judges are looking for. That will be a solid wave for black.

Bethany: Malina full on stole my wave, I had position.

Father: It’s okay, it’s all right. Look, next time, I want you to really focus on just diving into the water as far as you can. Rip that paddle back. Okay?

Bethany: Okay.

Father: All right, take a rest. You thirsty?

Bethany: Yeah.

Host: With five minutes remaining in this final, pink, Alana Blanchard, you are in first. Black, Malina Birch, you are in second. And blue, Bethany Hamilton, you are currently in third.

Mother: You’re not breathing, you know that, right?

Father: Go! Go!

Host: Big snap off the top. She draws out her second bottom turn, and hooks it one more time. Bethany Hamilton is holding nothing back. Potentially one of the highest scoring rides of the day. As this final comes to a close here at Turtle Bay.

Father: Yes! That’s what I’m talking about.

Ben: You’re doing a great job training her, Brother Tom.

Father: Thanks, Ben.

Ben: You got it, bro. Looks like she has a real future. As a pro.

Mother: She’s been working so hard.

Ben: Well, with her heart, her will, she’ll go far.

Host: Third place of the Turtle Bay Juniors final goes to Alana Blanchard. In second place, Malina Birch.

Bethany: Good job, Malina.

Host: Meaning, taking first place is Kauai’s Bethany Hamilton. Bethany! With today’s big victory, Bethany Hamilton has to be considered the favorite as we head to the Hawaiian Island Regionals.

Holt: Way to go, Bethany.

Mother: Girls, there’s some people down there you might want to meet.

Bethany: Who?

Holt: It’s the guys from Rip Curl, it’s no big deal.

Father: They want to sponsor both of you.

Bethany: No way! What!

Alana: Oh, my gosh!

Bethany: I got it, how about this one?

Alana: Nice, if you’re 100.

Bethany: Okay.

Alana: What about this?

Bethany: Are you kidding? Thing looks like a eye patch.

Alana: I think it’s hot.

Bethany: One wipeout in that tiny thing, and you’re going to be showing a lot more than your sick rides. Oh, so much for so little. Well, good thing it’s on Rip Curl. Yes!

Alana: But make sure to keep your eye on it, if you don’t want it snaked out from underneath you.

Malina: Hey, girls. You realize I’m gonna take you next time, right?

Bethany: Let’s just let the surfing do the talking.

Malina: Every day between now and regionals, when I’m in the water training, I’ll be thinking of you, Hamilton.

Alana: Creepy.

Bethany: Thanks, but I think you should stick to your training. Seems like you could use a little focus.

Malina: I guess we’ll find out.

Bethany: Good seeing you again.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. top amateur surf: 业余冲浪高手。amateur指的是业余爱好者,业余选手。例如:

You are a professional, but I am an amateur. 你是专职的,我是业余的。

2. full moon:满月。满月时涨潮,所以大家相约去冲浪。

3. air:样子,神态。例如:

He came into the room with an air of importance. 他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内。

4. You’re not breathing: 你快喘不过气来了,这里形容父亲汤姆相当紧张。

5. bottom turn: 浪底转向,是冲浪中最基本的动作之一。

6. hold nothing back: hold back指的是“阻碍,抑制”,因此这句话的意思是:贝瑟妮前方毫无阻碍。此外,hold back还可以指“踌躇”或者“隐瞒”。例如:

She held back from telling him what she thought of him.


7. bro: brother的缩写,这句的意思是:你办到了,小老弟。

8. pro: professional的缩写,职业高手。

9. go far: 扬名。例如:

She’s got a good education and a charming personality and she should go far.


10. eye patch: 眼罩。

11. wipeout: 被浪打翻,失败。

12. let the surfing do the talking: 水上见真章吧。



Sarah: You guys are usually the first ones in here, let’s go. Let’s finish up Rad Night with a game. Can anyone tell me what he or she thinks this is?

Alana: Easy, it’s a dodge ball.

Sarah: No.

Bethany: Or Mars? Mmm-mmm.

Timmy: A blob in a lava lamp?

Sarah: Very creative, but no. It’s a fly’s eye.

Boy: Weird.

Sarah: How about this one?



Bethany: Hey, I’m home!

Noah: Hey, there she is.

Timmy: How was your trip?

Bethany: Great. What’s all this stuff?

Noah: Oh, you know, just a little fan mail. Went ahead and sorted it out by country.

Bethany: Are you serious?

Timmy: Yup. And apparently, you are very popular in Madagascar.

Bethany: No way.

Noah: “Dear Bethany. My name is Stephanie Bolt. I’m 11 years old and I go to Northcross Intermediate School in New Zealand.”

Bethany: People are so amazing. There’s an eighth grader from North Carolina, who lost his arm. Logan, and he says he’s gonna try out for his school soccer team because of me. And he’s rooting for me in my next competition. I mean, I don’t understand, I totally blew it at regionals. Why would they want me to compete?

Mom: You tried. And apparently, Dylan and Stephanie like that.

Bethany: Hey, Dad. I need your help.

Dad: Name it.

Bethany: I think I want to compete.

Dad: You sure? You don’t have to.

Bethany: I’ll take it heat by heat.

Dad: Okay.

Bethany: So we need to figure out something. Some way so when I duck dive, I don’t get pounded.

Dad: Yeah. You mean something like this?

Bethany: Yeah.

Mom: You sure she can use it in competition?

Dad: Sure. Judges don’t score on how you get out to the waves. They only care what you do when you catch one. Go ahead, say it. I’m a genius.

Mom: You are…

Dad: Come on, say it. Tom, you’re a genius!

Noah: Genius.

Mom: You’re very smart.

Dad: Genius. Come on, you know it.

Mom: You’re cute. You’re very cute.

Dad: Genius. Genius.

Alana: Hey. Hey. Remember me?

Bethany: No.

Alana: That’s really nice.

Bethany: Best friends since birth, nothing. No. Nothing. Good. Good sign. Hey, thanks for coming.

Alana: Thanks for calling. I’m sorry I snapped at you at regionals.

Bethany: Me, too.

Alana: I miss you.

Bethany: Me, too.

Alana: Friends?

Bethany: Of course.

Keoki: Hey, Bethany!I saw you surfing out there this morning. You were amazing.

Bethany: Maybe for a girl with one arm.

Keoki: By any standard. As for one arm, that just levels the playing field.

Bethany: All right, all right. What do you want?

Keoki: I want you to dominate at nationals.

Bethany: Hey, Keoki, thanks.

Keoki: For what?

Bethany: Just for always showing up for me, no matter what.

Keoki: Well, it’s because I care about you. I mean, even if you did miss my last competition and all.

Bethany: I was in the hospital, you psycho.

Keoki: Excuses, excuses. Bethany, I’m sorry. I wasn’t even…

Bethany: Gotcha. Sucker!

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. fan mail: 粉丝邮件,一般是影迷(或球迷)写给明星的信。

2. no way: 不会吧。no way一般表示“决不,不可能”。例如:

I am in no way to blame. 我一点儿也没错。

3. root for: 支持,赞助。例如:

John was rooting for the Scottish football team in the World Cup.


类似的说法还有thump for, thump在此处表示“竭力支持”。例如:

All her classmates thumped for her. 她的同班同学都全力支持她。

4. Name it: 讲出来。例如:

She can make anything: chairs, tables, cupboards you name it.

她什么都会做: 椅子、桌子、柜橱——你说出什么她都会做。

5. snap at: 厉声说,急促地说。例如:

The mother snapped at the noisy children. 母亲厉声斥责吵吵闹闹的孩子。

6. playing field: 运动场。

7. psycho: 精神病患者,也可以表示精神分析,心理分析。

8. gotcha: I’ve got you. 常用于口语。在这里贝瑟妮的意思是“你被骗了”。



Host: Way to go, Bethany!

Bethany: Yeah!

Host: Unbelievable. Bethany Hamilton’s amazing wave at the end does not count. She stood up after the horn. So she gets no score. Malina Birch, your new National Champion.

Dad: No!

Bethany: It’s okay, Dad. It’s okay.

Dad: But it didn’t count.

Bethany: It counted. It totally counted.

Dad: Yes, it did. I’m still checking that video. Noah!

Bethany: Hey. You okay?

Mom: Very. Are you?

Bethany: Yeah. Yeah, I think so. What am I supposed to do now?

Mom: You’re supposed to enjoy it. All of it. For the rest of your life.

Host: In fifth place, Bethany Hamilton! Good job.

Keoki: Yeah! Bethany!

Host: And in fourth place, Leila Hurst. Third place, Nagé Melamed. Second place, Alana Blanchard.

Holt: Way to go, baby!

Host: And in first place, Malina Birch.

Bethany: Hey. Hey, Malina. Great job. You’re a tough opponent.

Malina: Bethany Hamilton, nobody is as tough as you. Get up here. Come on. Come on. I’d like to share this win with Bethany Hamilton. Because the judges may not have counted that last wave, but I did.

Reporter: Bethany! Bethany!

Holt: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just back off, okay.

Bethany: It’s okay.

Holt: Are you sure?

Dad: You don’t have to talk to them.

Bethany: Yeah, but what about Dylan or Logan or Stephanie? What if they’re watching?

Reporter: Bethany, I’m from Transworld Surf magazine. Are you upset you didn’t win today?

Bethany: I didn’t come to win. I came to surf.

Reporter: Bethany, I just wanted to ask you if you could go back to that day and not have gone surfing, would you do it?

Bethany: I wouldn’t change what happened to me, because then I wouldn’t have this chance in front of all of you. This chance to embrace more people than I ever could have with two arms. I was born to surf. This is why I wake up at the crack of dawn every day. This is why I endure belly rashes, reef cuts, muscles so tired they feel like noodles. And I’ve learned that life is a lot like surfing. When you get caught in the impact zone, you need to get right back up because you never know what’s over the next wave. And if you have faith, anything is possible. Anything at all.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. way to go:好样的!干得好!是“That’s the way to go.”的缩写, 用来告诉一个人他做得很好,请继续保持。有点儿像中文里的“加油!”的意味。常常在一些竞赛活动(球赛、赛车等)中可以听到。例如:

Daisy, keep your hands up…Way to go. Very good!Daisy, 双手保持抬高,非常好!很好!

2. in fifth place:第五名。

3. tough:不屈不挠的,顽强的,也可以用来指“棘手的、费劲的”。例如:

That was tough work. 那是棘手的工作。

4. back off:后退,让开。例如:

John was ready for a fight but he backed off at the last minute.


5. be born to:为……而生,生来就……。这句的意思是“我为冲浪而生”。

6. crack of dawn:黎明,破晓。例如:

She got up at the crack of dawn. 天刚亮她便起床了。

7. belly rash:腹部皮疹。

8. reef cuts:礁伤。

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