




()1.There aren’t students in the classroom.


()2.We_______are cars.


()3.—Here________your masks.

—Thank you.


()4.—What_______you like?


A.are;a catB.are;catsC.do;cats

()5.They like swimming on Sundays,_______we don’t.


()6.The books are nice.How much_______?

A.isitB.are theyC.they are


1.There aren’t students in the classroom.


()2.We_______are cars.


()3.—Here________your masks.

—Thank you.


()4.—What_______you like?


A.are;a catB.are;catsC.do;cats

()5.They like swimming on Sundays,_______we don’t.


()6.The books are nice.How much_______?



(一) 教材结构分析

小学英语新课标强调, 以“贴近生活”为基础, 以“激发学生的英语学习兴趣”为动力, 以“培养学生良好的语言能力”为突破点。本节课的教学正是这种指导思想的具体体现。本节课是《小学英语》五年级下册第四单元第一课第一课时。这一单元的课题是《Shopping》, 根据课题可以明确本单元的核心教学内容是“购物”。通过分析教材, 我设立本单元的学习总目标是使学生能运用英语说出一些生活中常用的物品名称, 能表述如何在商店中购物, 能读懂商品价格, 并将商品价格转化为文字信息, 能制作简单的购物单。本单元共四课, 第一课共三个环节, 分别是Look and listen, Listen and learn, Work with your friend。第一课创设一个商店购物的语境, 使学生能听懂对话, 读懂并会表述商品价格, 能进行购物活动的交流, 能表演课文内容。其中第一环节Look and listen是利用图片展现一个商店购物语境, 学生通过看图, 听对话, 在语言和图片之间建立起意义联系, 从而了解对话所表达的意义, 再通过角色表演巩固所学语言, 扩展对话内容。

(二) 教学目标分析

新课标强调知识和技能、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观三个角度的有机结合。在这种教学理念的指导下, 结合对小学高年级学生心理特点、认知规律以及小学英语学科特点、课本的教材结构的分析, 我设计了以下教学目标。


(1) 能听懂、会说本篇对话;

(2) 能听懂、会说新单词:Walkman、brand、prefer、hundred、test.

(3) 能运用“What can I do for you?”、“Which…do you prefer, A or B….?I prefer…”进行口语交际。


通过分组练习和角色表演练习, 发挥学生的想象力, 使学生能进行小组合作, 增强其参与意识、合作意识和竞争意识, 培养其团结协作能力及初步运用英语进行交流的能力。


通过活动和游戏, 进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 树立学生学好英语的自信心。

(三) 教学重点、难点分析

1、重点:听懂对话, 能通过角色表演扩展对话内容。

2、难点:学生运用“Which…do you prefer, A or B…?I prefer…”进行口语交际;百位数英语的拼读。


(一) 依据

我面对的学生是11—12周岁的学生。处在这一年龄段的学生, 好奇心强, 形象思维占优势, 抽象思维处于初级发展阶段。从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发, 依据英语教学直观性、兴趣性、活动性和主体性原则, 这节课我将通过看、听、说、演、练、唱等一系列教学活动, 采用多媒体、磁带、图片、实物、模型等教具教学, 充分调动学生眼、耳、口、手、脑等多种器官, 让学生在直观的教学情境中主动地愉快地学习, 完成预期的教学任务。

(二) 使用的教法和学法指导


主要采用情景教学法、愉快教学法、演示法、讲解法、谈话法等教学方法, 既面向全体学生, 又注重因材施教。借助一些直观教具, 丰富学生的感性认识, 帮助他们对知识的理解。让学生在创设的情景中学习, 通过倾听、观察、比较、讨论、积极与他人合作, 共同完成学习任务。这样既有助于学生掌握知识、又激发学生的学习兴趣, 培养其团结协作能力, 让学生在“乐中学”, 又在“学中乐”。


在教学中, 我将指导学生使用观察法、讨论法、模仿练习法、游戏法、小组合作法等学习方法, 让学生理解对话, 巩固所学语言, 扩展对话内容。培养学生敢于开口, 积极实践的良好学习习惯。


(一) 组织教学, 创设氛围

演唱上单元所教的英文歌曲:“Months and Seasons”。 (既复习了旧知, 又营造出一种宽松愉悦的教学气氛, 使学生在唱唱做做中迅速进入最佳的学习状态。)

(二) 复习旧知, 做好铺垫

提问:“When is the Spring Festival?/When is your birthday?/What’s the date today?” (既复习巩固了旧知识, 又为新知识的学习埋下了伏笔。)

(三) 创设情景, 导入新课

创设情境:今天是何平的生日, 妈妈和她一起去商店购买生日礼品, 并与售货员展开交谈。引出课题:Shopping。 (由于情境贴近生活, 学生感到亲切自然, 激发了学习兴趣。)

(四) 结合生活, 学习新知。多种形式, 练习巩固

1、多媒体展示图片 (何平和妈妈走进一家商店, 与售货员进行交谈) , 引导学生观察图片。

提问:“她们会说些什么呢?”“她们的对话如何用英语表达?” (这样既锻炼了学生的观察力和想象力, 又设置了悬念, 调动了学生的好奇心, 激发了他们的学习欲望。)

2、播放磁带中的前四句对话, 并用多媒体展示出来。

先学习几个生词:walkman、brand、prefer。只需听懂、学会发音和理解含义, 下一课时将专门学习。 (主次分明, 着重听说能力的培养。)

3、在教师引导下, 让学生听懂每句话的意思。

这里, 可用苏格拉底法让学生自己得出正确结论。 (充分发挥了学生学习的主体作用, 使学生积极主动参与教学活动)


do you prefer, A or B….?I prefer…”。多媒体演示各种实物:水果、玩具、文具, 让学生练习说“你更喜欢什么?” (利用直观教具, 通过替换练习, 突破了教学难点。)

5、采用多种形式, 让学生通过自读, 互读, 指名读, 开火车读, 分小组读, 角色扮演读等多种多样的形式来练习对话。

(在使学生知识得到巩固的同时, 提高了学生的语言能力, 更创造出一种和谐、融洽的教学气氛, 使学生保持振奋、饱满的学习情绪, 提高了合作意识, 培养了团结协作能力。)


展示图片, 听磁带, 多媒体展示对话, 学习生词“test、hundred”、理解句子含义, 多种形式练习巩固。

(五) 角色游戏, 巩固知识。运用句型, 扩展对话

把全班学生分成五个组, 即五个“商店”, 每组由一名学生当售货员, 其它学生充当顾客。顾客可以到任何一家“商店”“购买”自己喜欢的物品。教师到各组去指导, 同时教师也当顾客, 购买物品。 (通过分组的角色游戏, 学生所学语言在运用中得到了巩固和扩展, 听说能力得到了锻炼, 每个学生的创造个性得到了展现, 进一步激发学生的学习热情, 增强他们学好英语的信心。小组分工合作, 增强了学生的参与意识、合作意识和竞争意识, 培养了他们团结协作能力。)





()1. A. No, they aren’t.

B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, they will.

()2. A. In China.

B. In Australia.

C. In England.

()3. A. To visit the zoo.

B. To study hard.

C. To give them more space.

()4. A. Tigers.

B. flowers.

C. Planes.

()5. A. The Bird Nest.

B. The Summer Palace.

C. The Palace Museum.



()6. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Classmates.

C. Strangers.

()7. Where are they?

A. In a cinema.

B. In a zoo.

C. In a museum.

()8. What does the man mean?

A. He’ll throw the bag away.

B. He’ll collect broken bags.

C. He disagrees with the woman.

()9. What are they talking about?

A. Playing with toys.

B. Recycling.

C. Making cans and bottles.

()10. Where are they?

A. In an aquarium.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In a park.




()11. Why did the man buy lots of Chinese food?

A. He liked Chinese food very much.

B. His parents liked Chinese food a lot.

C. Chinese food was good and cheap.

()12. How often does the man go back to his hometown?

A. Once four years.

B. Four times a year.

C. Twice four years.

()13. What’s the weather like in the man’s hometown at thistimeof year?

A. It’s not hot in his hometown.

B. It rains a little.

C. It is hot and dry.


()14. Why did the man move to France last week?

A. To look for a job.

B. To visit places of interest.

C. On business.

()15. When did the man travel to New York?

A. Last Saturday.

B. The day before yesterday.

C. Last night.

()16. Where did the man have his dinner?

A. In France.

B. In Tokyo.

C. In Hong Kong.


()17. How did Jane hurt herself?

A. Maybe she fell down from the ladder.

B. She must be beaten by someone.

C. She wanted to kill herself.

()18. What’s the matter with Jane?

A. She walks slowly.

B. She couldn’t run.

C. It’s difficult to walk.

()19. Where is Jane now?

A. She is in hospital.

B. She is at home.

C. She is on her way to hospital.

()20. What does the man worry about?

A. The picnic.

B. Her leg.

C. Her study.


()21. Why can’t birds fly high up in the sky?

A. It’s difficult for them to breathe.

B. They can’t fly easily in the thin air.

C. A and B.

()22. When do many birds fly to a new place?

A. In winter and autumn.

B. In summer and autumn.

C. In autumn and spring.

()23. How can’t birds get lost?

A. They fly near the ground.

B. They fly together.

C. They fly in the daytime.

()24. What happens to the birds which fly low over the ocean?

A. The birds get hurt.

B. The birds get food.

C. The birds get lost.

()25. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The birds fly near the ground to look for places they know.

B. The air in the high sky is too thin for birds to fly.

C. The birds are easy to get lost when they fly.


Ⅱ. 选择填空(本题共15分,每小题1分,满分15分。)


()26. — When do you have the guitar class?

— I just have it ______ Sunday morning.

A. inB. on

C. atD. for

()27. — Waiting for her made me ______.

— So did I. She always comes late.

A. angryB. happy

C. pleasedD. glad

()28. — ______ you ever ______ to a concert?

— Yes, I have. I went to the National Day Concert last year.

A. Have; beenB. Have; gone

C. Have; comeD. Did; go

()29. — What ______ people in Korea supposed to do when they first meet?

— They usually bow.

A. doB. have

C. areD. would

()30. — What do you usually do in your sparetime?

— I usually ______ my friends’ homes.

A. come acrossB. pass by

C. drop byD. look at

()31. — Manatees are ______ animals. There aren’t many of them in the world.

— What a pity!

A. interestingB. common

C. endangeredD. playful

()32. — Seeing the national flag of China ______ me feel ______.

— I agree with you.

A. let; pride

B. makes; proud

C. keeps; confidence

D. have; tiny

()33. — I am very sorry. I can ______ understand what you said.

— It doesn’t matter. I can say it again.

A. everB. hardly

C. hardD. always

()34. — I visited the zoo last week and I couldn’tbelieve ______ I saw.

— What did you see?

A. thatB. what

C. whereD. which

()35. — We should urge people ______ driving cars.

— Yeah. We should walk or ride a bike.

A. stopB. stopping

C. to stopD. stopped

()36. — There ______ a lot of manatees, but now they are endangered.

— We are supposed to save them.

A. were usedB. used to be

C. used toD. used to being

()37. — Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, ______?

— No, he couldn’t.

A. did heB. couldn’t he

C. can heD. could he

()38. — Have you ever ______ Li Ming?

— Yes. He is clever and friendly to others.

A. heard ofB. heard from

C. hearD. hear for

()39. — Last month Jack ______ an award at


— Really?

A. winB. won

C. beatD. hit

()40. — Which would you like, tea or coffee?

— ______ is OK.

A. EitherB. Both

C. NeitherD. None

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共25小題; 每小题1分,满分25分)



One day a lawyer’s wife fell ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying41 . So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house, “If I do cure your wife, I am afraid that you 42 not pay me.”

“Sir,” replied the lawyer, “Here is $500. No matter whether you cure my wife43kill her, I will give you all this.” The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reachedthewoman’sbedside, itsoonbecame 44to him that he could do little. She was badly ill, and though he gave her some 45 , she soon died. He toldthelawyerhewasvery 46 , andasked for themoneywhich hehad 47 . “Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer.

“Of course I48 ,” said the doctor.

“Well! Did you cure my wife?” said the lawyer.

“I’m afraid that was 49,” said the doctor.

“Well then,” said the lawyer, “Since you neither killed her nor cured her, I have50to pay you.”

()41. A. taxesB. bills

C. businessD. medicine

()42. A. can B. must

C. shallD. may

()43. A. but B. yet

C. orD. and

()44. A. clean B. clear

C. fineD. easy

()45. A. adviceB. food

C. medicineD. examination

()46. A. terribleB. sorry

C. helpfulD. sad

()47. A. given B. paid

C. promisedD. agreed

()48. A. didn’t B. have

C. didD. haven’t

()49. A. impossibleB. hard

C. difficultD. uneasy

()50. A. something B. a bit

C. nothing D. a little


Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself”.

When I was 14, I was51nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often52me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, 53happened. It changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to54part in it. What a(n)55idea!

It meant I had to 56 in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 57.” Then, Mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I 58 the topic “Believe in yourself ”. I tried my best to 59 all the words of the speech and practised it over 100 times. 60my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could 61believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the 62 fromthe teachers and students. Those 63who once looked down on me, then all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried64 .

65then, everything has changed for me. Whenever I do anything, I try to tell myself to be confident and I will believe in myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.





















3、x个4.5相加,和是4.5x。()4、0.32 = 0.9()

5、ac-bc =(a-b)c()


1、方程10x = 5的解是()


A、2 和0.1×2B、0.2 和0.1×2C、0.12 和0.1×23、与a相邻的两个数是()A、9、11B、a-


































1.—Howis filmyousawlastnight?

—Youmean one,LostinThailand(《人再囧途之泰囧》)?That’swonderful!

A.a;the B.the;the C.the;/ D./;the


2.Wearewatchinga .Thefootballplayersarerunningfast.




3.Paulwants anactorbecausehelikesacting.




—Ithinkso.I’vegoteverything .



5.ThestoryofTomSawyer inMissouri,America,inthe19thcentury.





— .Butmymotherlikesthem.







(一) 教学内容

本堂课是北京版《英语》三年级上册第五单元的复习课, 是第四课时。在前三课时中, 学生分别学习了询问天气、表达着装和描述四季气候特点等的功能句型以及天气类 (sunny, warm, cool, cold, hot, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy) 、服装类 (raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves) 和季节类 (spring, summer, autumn, winter) 的词汇。基于上述学生已有的知识储备, 教师设计了课堂活动, 通过the four seasons in Beijing这个主题, 以及“What are the four seasons?What’s the weather like in each season in Beijing?What shall we wear in each season?Where can we go in each season?What shall we do there?”等话题的谈论, 引导学生关注北京的四季, 体会四季的美好, 从而激发学生热爱不同季节的情感, 并学会用英语向外国朋友介绍美丽的北京。

(二) 学生情况

授课对象是北京市顺义区后沙峪中心小学三年级的学生, 他们的年龄在十岁左右, 活泼好动, 喜欢直观形象思维, 对游戏、竞赛、小组创作比较感兴趣;有着较强的求知欲和表现欲。

在知识储备方面, 学生对四季和衣服名称, 以及不同季节天气的特点等语言知识掌握得比较扎实。但学生自如运用语言的能力不足, 且受教材背景知识以及生活经历限制, 在四季风景的思考和表达上存在一定的难度。因此在实施教学时, 教师注意每个活动的示范和“小台阶”的搭建, 降低活动难度, 引导学生先听后说、先读后写, 帮助学生顺利完成本课时的学习任务。同时, 本堂课教师运用了色彩明亮的季节树、操作简易的任务单, 以及小组合作的学习与展示形式, 给学生营造了一个舒适、放松的学习环境。

(三) 教学手段

1. 教学方式

本堂课从一个主题入手, 谈论与其相关的不同话题, 每个话题学生都需要完成不同的学习任务, 如指认季节树、描述季节的天气特点、为季节选择合适的衣服、将北京的不同季节介绍给外国朋友等。学生在独立思考、小组合作中完成任务并进行成果展示。

2. 教学手段

在本课教学过程中, 教师运用听、说、做、读、演等多种形式, 让学生在相对真实的语言交际环境中激活、运用语言, 在互动活动中完善知识体系, 提高语言表达能力, 发展综合语言素养。

3. 技术准备

多媒体设备、自制PPT演示文稿 (内有视频、图片、文字描述) 、板贴图片、板贴字卡、胶棒、单词卡片、学习任务单。

(四) 教学目标

1. 能够听懂、会说、认读季节、天气、服装和活动类词汇。

2. 能够运用“How many seasons are there?Whatare they?What’s the weather like?What shall we wear?Where can we go?What shall we do there?”等功能句型和相关的季节、天气、服装、活动类词汇谈论北京四个季节的主要特征和活动特点。

3. 能够通过小组互助活动, 提高分析问题、解决问题的能力, 提升查找信息、自学英语知识的能力, 并在交流讨论中提升团队协作意识。

4. 通过唱歌、欣赏视频、制作季节树、向外国友人介绍北京等活动, 感受北京的四季之美, 加深热爱北京的情感。

(五) 教学重点

能够运用“How many seasons are there?What are they?What’s the weather like?What shall we wear?Where can we go?What shall we do there?”等功能句型以及相关的季节、天气、服装、活动类词汇谈论北京四个季节的主要特征和活动特点。


Step 1:复现单元主题

上课前, 教师播放歌曲视频, 歌词如下:

There are four seasons that happen in a year.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Four seasons that happen in a year.

学生跟唱, 然后回答教师的问题。

T:Do you know what is the song about?


T:Yes!Today we are going to talk about the seasons in Beijing.And we will talk about it in these five parts.

教师呈现本堂课主题, 并通过PPT展示与主题相关的五个话题 (见图1) 。

【设计意图】用歌曲激活本课核心主题;通过话题呈现, 引导学生明确本课时的学习任务。

Step 2:激活运用已知词汇及重点句型

Activity 1:Talk about the four seasons.

教师在教室摆放4棵季节树 (见图2~3) , 结合PPT中的第一个话题向学生提问:

T:How many seasons are there in Beijing and what are they?

Ss:They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

T:Now!Look!There are four trees in our classroom.Can you tell me which one is the spring tree?

S:The first one.

T:Yes!And which one is summer (autumn/winter) tree?

S:The second (third/fourth) one.

Activity 2:Talk about the weather in the four seasons.

教师呈现PPT中的第二个话题:What’s the weather like in the four seasons?引导学生思考回答。

T:How about the weather in spring/summer/autumn/winter?


教师根据学生的回答, 将天气类词卡贴在相应的季节树上 (见图4~7) 。

Activity 3:Talk about the clothes.


教师通过PPT呈现衣服类词汇:jacket, T-shirt, shirt, overcoat, raincoat, vest, sweater, dress, skirt, cap, hat, shorts, trousers, gloves, slippers, sandals, sneakers, boots, sunglasses, 并带领学生一起复习。

T:Let’s read together!


(1) 教师呈现第三个话题:What shall we wear in the four seasons?

(2) 教师以夏天所穿衣服为例引导学生将衣服按季节分类 (见图8) 。

(3) 教师布置任务:给季节寻找合适的衣服。要求学生以小组合作的方式完成学习任务单。

T:We can wear...in spring?How about other seasons?What shall we wear in other three seasons?Now it is your time, work in groups and finish Task1on your study paper.


(4) 小组展示

每组任选一个季节, 小组成员将学习单上所选择的衣服粘贴在对应的季节树上, 并用简单的句型介绍:“In summer we can wear...”

介绍完毕后, 其他小组可以进行补充 (见图10~11) 。

【设计意图】该环节中, 教师重点设计了三个活动, 用季节、天气、衣服等话题激活学生已知的词汇和功能句型, 并通过分类活动有意识地引导学生关注不同季节的特点和变化, 为介绍不同季节的特征的活动做好准备。小组活动在反馈学生生活常识的同时也训练了学生的观察能力、动手能力、小组合作和展示的能力。

Step 3:Talk about the activities in four seasons.

Activity 1:Enjoy a video.

1.教师询问学生:We all live in Beijing.Where can you go in Beijing in summer?

2.教师呈现活动任务:I will show you a video about the four seasons in Beijing.I have two questions for you:Where can we go in four seasons?What shall we do there?

3.教师播放介绍北京四季景色的课件, 学生欣赏并了解北京四季的不同景色。

4.学生回答教师的问题:How about the four seasons in Beijing?Are they beautiful?Where can we go in Beijing in summer/autumn/winter?What can we do there?

【设计意图】通过欣赏视频唤醒学生对北京四季之美的认识并整体感知、理解语言, 用两个问题引导学生关注视频中的地点和活动信息。学生结合前几个活动逐渐建构起对四季中天气、着装、景点、活动等的系统认识。

Step 4:介绍北京的四季景色

Activity 1:呈现任务, 理解情景

1.教师创设情景:Oh!My We Chat is ringing!Who is speaking and what does he want to do?Let’s listen!

教师播放Mike的微信留言:Hello, Bob.I have a piece of good news.I will go to Beijing next month.I will go there for study.But I really don’t know anything about Beijing.Can you tell me something more about Beijing.For example, which season is it in Beijing?How’s the weather?Is Beijing beautiful?Where shall I visit in Beijing?What shall I do?Can you help me?

播放结束后, 教师布置任务, 让学生帮助Mike解决问题。

2.师生共同谈论Mike的留言信息, 如“What happened to Mike?What does Mike want to know?”等。

3.教师提供语言框架, 学生以补充所缺关键信息的方式完成回复Mike的信息。

Activity 2:学生分组独立完成任务

1.教师继续呈现任务:Now, there are three other friends will come to Beijing.Let’s listen and find out what they need.

2.教师播放Lily, Charlie, Tina三个朋友的微信留言, 学生仔细倾听。明确这三个小朋友也想来北京参观, 他们也想了解北京不同季节的特点。

3.教师提出任务要求:各小组选择最感兴趣的季节, 并根据教师提供的语言框架和短语、词汇完成对这个季节的介绍以及对Lily/Charlie/Tina的回复。

Hello, __________.

Welcome to Beijing in_________.

It’s a_________season in Beijing.


You can wear_______.

You can go to_______.

You can_______there.

Have a______trip!

(beautiful, great, interesting, good, wonderful, nice...)

4.学生进行小组活动, 完成任务单Task 2, 教师适时指导。


【设计意图】给朋友回微信的情景既真实又有时代感, 容易激发学生的学习兴趣并使学生体验帮助别人的美好的情感。小组合作完成任务不仅降低了学习难度, 给学生提供了很好的语言支撑, 符合学生的认知实际, 还培养了学生的小组合作能力, 增强了学生的自信心与语言表现能力。在听微信留言、微信书写回复、口头表达的过程中, 学生学会运用语言知识, 发展了语言综合运用能力。向外国小朋友介绍北京的四季之美, 激发了学生热爱家乡的情怀。

Step 4:Homework

教师给学生布置作业:仿照任务2, 选择一个季节, 向朋友介绍北京的天气、着装、饮食、主要活动等。


本堂课最大的亮点在于创设了真实的情景。授课教师采用了色彩明亮的季节树, 使学生走进教室的一瞬间就能感受到本堂课的主题学习内容。同时四季树替代了传统的板书教学形式, 让英语课显得更为生动、活泼并富有感染力。学生在这种真实的教学情境下, 理解知识更为简单, 语言的运用更为自如。

授课教师还将教学内容自如地与生活实际相联系, 通过介绍北京四季景色的视频, 学生能感受到一年四季的鲜明转化。简易操作的任务单, 以及小组合作的学习与展示形式, 使学生热情高涨、积极参与。学生在展示环节中大胆展示了设计, 熟练地运用了本堂课所学的语言知识, 收到了良好的课堂效果。

本堂课中, 授课教师面向全体学生, 尊重个体差异, 运用灵活的教学方法和趣味性强的活动形式帮助学生复习运用, 全方位调动学生进行听、说、读、演的积极性, 努力营造和谐有序的课堂场景。

除上述优点之外, 本堂课也存在着些许不足, 如授课教师的语速偏快, 学生小组合作学习的有效性还需要加强等。


本堂课采用活动驱动型教学模式, 通过创设情境, 借助小组合作、师生互动、小组汇报展示等活动, 让学生在比较真实的情景中进行体验式学习。团队合作活动在培养学生综合运用语言能力的同时使学生的多元智能在交际活动中得以体现和发展。本教学设计与其他教学设计相比有如下三个特点:

1.信息可视化, 内容情景化

本堂课, 张旭超老师以树为载体, 将四季“搬”进了课堂, 为学生营造了直观形象的主题环境。依托四季树的背景, 将谈论的天气、着装等词汇分类粘贴在不同的季节树上, 取代了以往呆板的板书, 突出了每个季节的不同特点。季节树营造了语言表达的物理环境, 有利于学生的学习和交流。

2.主题突出, 话题完整

本堂课的主题是The four seasons in Beijing, 围绕这一主题, 张老师设计了五个话题, 包括四季的名称、天气、着装、特色的景点和活动等。五个话题层层递进, 不同话题的讨论与活动突出了本堂课的主题。



A)语法知识 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

( )1. —Did you buy ________ on vacation?

—I bought a mini bag ________ my little sister.

A. special something; for B. anything special; for C. special anything; to

( )2. —Do you remember Mr. Lee?

—________!He is a kind teacher.

A. It sounds great B. Many thanks C. Of course

( )3. I look forward to ________ my pen pal soon.

A. receiving B. hearing from C. receive the gift from

( )4. —Bob feels ________ today.

—He should see a doctor.

A. terrible B. happy C. unlucky

( )5. —How have you changed ________ you started junior school?

—Ive learned a lot and Im more outgoing.

A. when B. while C. since

( )6. Good luck and ________ see you again ________ soon!

A. wish to; some time B. expect to; sometimes C. hope to; sometime

( )7. —Remember ________ me this weekend.

—Yes, I ________. Well meet at the zoo.

A. to call; will B. calling; do C. to ring; can

( )8. —May I ________ your short story?

—Sorry, I ________ it to Peter yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed B. have; give C. borrow; lent

( )9. —________ are you going to do ________ you graduate?

—I want to go to senior high school.

A. Where; when B. What; after C. How; till

( )10. —I wonder if ________ our graduation party, Mom?

—Id love to. It depends ________ my time.

A. will you take part in; upon B. you would join; /

C. you can take part in; on

B)詞语填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

Do you like to be a volunteer? What kind of job does a volunteer do? Will people pay money for volunteers? If you 11 the word “volunteer” up in a dictionary, it explains like this: “A person who offers to do 12 of his or her own free will.” So, people will not pay money for volunteers.

Last weekend, my English teacher Mr. Zhang asked me 13 I was willing to help the old people in the Peoples Hospital. I asked him 14 I should do. He said that we would sing songs and have a fashion show for them. I can sing English songs, but I can not make a fashion show 15 I dont know how to design my own fashion. Mr. Zhang gave me some 16 with a whisper. I smiled and nodded.

The show was 17 . First, I sang an English song for the old people. They liked it very much. When it was my 18 to show my“fashion clothes”, I ran to the dressing room to change my “clothes”. 19 I was walking out in newspaper, the applause was breaking out for me. Haha, my fashion was made of newspaper. It made them surprised and 20 !

( )11. A. look B. see C. watch

( )12. A. anything B. something C. everything

( )13. A. when B. how C. if

( )14. A. whatever B. what C. what if

( )15. A. because B. so C. until

( )16. A. help B. orders C. advice

( )17. A. going B. turning C. coming

( )18. A. order B. turn C. number

( )19. A. While B. As if C. Before

( )20. A. friendly B. happy C. exciting



Our junior school life is so fast that we will say good bye to each other soon. June is coming and students like to write memories and wishes on cards. Here are three cards from Grade Nine.

“Hi, Meng. You are my best friend. Do you remember the first day we met together in this school? You wore a pair of jeans, with a pair of glasses on you small nose. Your glasses were always slipping down because of your sweat. We studied from Grade Seven to Grade Nine. We were always desk-mates. We had dinner together and played on playground, too. You leave me good memories in my mind and I will never forget you. I always remember the days we spent together!” her desk-mate Lily wrote.

“You like red color and you are always in red. You always made me cry. You were so tiresome that I didnt want to talk with you any longer. But when you said sorry to me, I forgot all the pranks (恶作剧) as soon as possible. You always made me laugh. When I felt sad, you always encouraged me to go ahead. We had happy life together. We cried, we laughed, we played games and we did homework together. This is our school life, simple and easy, pure and innocent, but now we are saying good bye!Dont forget me, my tiresomeness!” a girl named Jane wrote to her friend Amily.

“You said you would buy another new football for our school team. Dont you remember? Why not keep your promise? Later I knew your pocket money was lost. I misunderstood you. I am sorry, John. You play football as well as a star and you helped me with my Science subject as carefully as a teacher. You will be a football player when you grow up, wont you? I hope you can achieve your dream!” Tommy wrote on a card to his partner.

( )21. What was Meng wearing when Lily first met her desk-mate?

A. She was in red. B. A pair of jeans. C. Sport clothes.

( )22. Tommy misunderstood his partner because ________.

A. John did not keep his promise

B. his partner didnt win the match

C. John helped with his Science

( )23. What does the underlined word “encourage” mean in Chinese?

A. 误解 B. 嘲弄 C. 鼓励

( )24. Which one is NOT mentioned for Amily?

A. She likes making pranks. B. She is lazy to play sports.

C. She plays games with Jane.

( )25. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Three Good Junior Students.

B. Message Cards for Graduation.

C. Saying Goodbye to Yesterday.



[Dear Sam,

How are you? This is my montage album. Is it funny? When I was a baby, I liked soft toy rabbit. I also liked eating junk food. I knew its not good for health, but I cant help eating it!

Now I am in Grade Nine. I like English very much. But sometimes I think its difficult to write it. Can you please teach me how to improve my English writing? Sam, you are in Scotland, arent you? Youre learning Chinese, arent you? I think its very interesting to make a foreign pen pal...]<\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\2015年1-2期(湖南版) 九年级 图1.tif>

( )26. This is probably a letter from a ________.

A. Chinese girl in junior school to a boy Scotland

B. Chinese girl to an English girl

C. girl in China to a boy in England

( )27. The girl is going to________.

A. teach her pen friend how to write Chinese letter

B. show her photos to her classmate in junior school

C. ask her pen friend to teach her English writing

( )28. What do you think of the girls English?

A. Her English is good but with grammar mistakes.

B. Her English is good but with spelling mistakes.

C. Her English is excellent without any mistakes.



Well have a graduation party on Saturday evening. Remember to bring your mobile phones to take photos at night. This is the last night to record our school life. Well have some interesting games and talk shows as well.

Time: at 8:00 p.m. on 21st June

Place: in the dining hall at school

Host: Mr. Jiang (will give us a speech)] ( )29. This is a notice for ________.

A. birthday party B. graduation party C. concert party

( )30. Which is WRONG according to the passage?

A. It will start at eight in the evening. B. Youre allowed to take mobile phones.

C. Mr. Jiang will give us a magic show.


A)完成对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(每空2分,共5小题,计10分)

Dingdong: 31. ____________________ after graduation, Lingling?

Lingling: Im going to have a summer vacation.

Dingdong: 32. ____________________?

Lingling: Im going to Shenzhen.

Dingdong: 33. ____________________?

Lingling: Im going to leave on July 10th.

Dingdong: 34. ____________________?

Lingling: I will stay there for one month.

Dingdong: 35. ____________________?

Lingling: Ill go by train. Its cheaper than by plane.


Welcome to BBC World Service. Typhoon Kalmaegi has swept past Hong Kong, closing schools and disrupting flights because of the strong wind. More than 500 flights were delayed as the storm passed by on its way to Chinas Hainan Island. Morning trading was cancelled on the Hong Kong stock exchange, while schools and business were ordered to close until the storm was lowered.

The storm blew in from the Philippines, where it cut power and soaked (浸湿) farmland. At least six people are reported to have died when a ferry (渡船) sank in the central Philippines on Saturday evening, after stalling (熄火) in bad weather. Twenty-five people needed hospital treatment for storm-related injuries. Before midday on Tuesday the warning was down to three, however, as the storm headed to Hainan.

“Although Kalmaegi is moving away, it will still affect the south-west part and high ground of Hong Kong,” the Hong Kong Observatory (气象台) said. In China, dozens of flights were cancelled as the typhoon approached, including all flights out of Haikou, the capital of Hainan province.

36. Why did Hong Kong close schools?

___________________________________________________________________________37. When did the ferry sink in Philippines?

___________________________________________________________________________38. How many people did they need hospital treatment?

___________________________________________________________________________39. Where is Haikou?

___________________________________________________________________________40. What media is the news from?




1. 学习和生活上的关心和照顾;

2. 鼓励自己克服困难,迎接挑战;

3. 爱好、困惑、进步、感恩等等。


1. 80词左右,文章开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 请不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名和校名。

Dear Mr. Li,

How is it going? ____________________________________________________________




Best wishes to you and your family!

Your student,
