



certificate of country of origin and quality 原产地和质量证明 bid no.标号: of the three standards listed hereinafter:(1)current chinese national standard;(2)ministry standard;been in operation satisfactory to the end users for at least 兹证明我厂(或我公司)所提供的 生物除臭设备(产品名称)的质量符合招标技术标书的技术条款,并满足以下标准中的一种标准:






兹证明我厂或我公司所提供的 生物除臭设备(产品名称)原产地是 江苏扬州,特此证明。

制造商:扬州森源伟业废臭气净化设备制造有限公司 signature for on behalf of the manufacture: name:篇二:翻译证明材料 mti翻译实践证明材料






【简介】: 大学英语四级 cet4(collegeenglishtestband4certificate)大学英语六级cet6(collegeenglishtestband6certificate)英语专业四级 tem4(testforenglishmajorgrade4certificate)英语


大学英语四级 cet4(college english test band 4 certificate)大学英语六级

cet6(college english test band 6 certificate)英语专业四级 tem4(test for english major grade 4 certificate)英语专业八级 tem8(test for english major grade 8 certificate)普通话等级考试 national mandarin test(level 1, 2, 3;grade a,b,c)日语能力考试 japanese language proficiency test(level 1, 2, 3, 4)商务日语能力考试 business japanese proficiency test 商务英语证书 business english certificate 雅思 ielts(international english language testing system)托福 toefl(test of english as a foreign language)bec初级(bec preliminary level,缩略为bec pre.)bec中级(bec vantage level,缩略为bec van.)bec高级(bec higher level,缩略为bec hi.)导游资格证书 guide certificate 秘书证 secretary card 中级涉外秘书证 intermediate foreign secretary card 会计证 accounting certificate 会计从业资格证书: certificate of accounting professional 初级职务(助理会计)证书 sub-accountant certificate preliminary level 中级职称 intermediate certificate 管理会计师证书: certificate in management accounting 注册会计师证书:(cpa certificate)certificate of certified public accountant 注册金融分析师(cfa)chartered financial analyst 特许公认会计师(acca)the association of chartered accountants cad工程师认证证书 cad engineer certification 电工证 electrician certificate 技工证书 technician certificate 教师资格证 teacher certification 心理辅导教师资格证书 psychological counseling teacher certificate 报关员资格证书 clerk for the customs declaration 报关员证书 customs declaration certificate 人力资源从业资格证书 qualification of human resources practitioners 驾驶证 driver’s license 国家司法考试证书 national judicial examination certificate(lawyers qualification certificate)

律师资格证书 attorney’s certificate 企业法律顾问执业资格证书 enterprise counsel qualification certificate 法律顾问 legal adviser 律师助理证 assistant lawyer certificate 会计从业资格证 certificate of accounting professional 初级会计职称 junior level accountant 中级会计职称 medium level accountant 高级职称 advanced level accountant 注册会计师 certified public accountant(cpc)

注册税务师 certified tax agents(cta)经济师 economist 精算师 actuary 审计师 auditor 统计师 actuary 物流师职业资格证书 certificate of international logistics specialist 国际物流师 certified international logistics specialist(cils)特许市场营销师 certified marketing manager(cmm)初级营销职业证书 introductory certificate in marketing 市场营销职业证书 certificate in marketing 国际商务谈判师 certificated international professional negotiator(cipn)投资咨询师 investment counselor 人力资源管理 human resource management(hrm)中国职业经理人资格认证 certificate of chinese professional manager 中国职业经理人 chinese professional manager(cpm)注册国际投资分析师 certified international investment analyst(ciia)注册金融分析师 chartered financial analyst(cfa)注册金融策划师 certified financial planner(cfp)

认证金融理财师 associate financial planner(afp)篇四:建筑证书中英文翻译


certificate of real estate ownership(房地产权证)

由政府部门颁发的关于某土地上所建建筑权属、地理位置、建筑面积等的证书。房屋所有权年限等于土地使用年限。新的房地产权证包括土地使用权信息和房地产权信息。建设工程完工时,对工程质量进行验收检查,合格后由建设质量监督总站颁发建设工程竣工验收备案证书。construction permit(施工许可证)

由建设工程管理局颁发的对于建筑单位可以开始在土地上建设的施工许可。engineering planning permit(建筑工程规划许可证)a permit issued by city planning management bureau for the construction planning which confirms its legitimacy to protect the lawful rights and interests of an entity or individual.it includes time schedule, details in construction area, approved layout, structure, etc.由城市规划管理局颁发的有关建设工程符合城市规划要求的法律凭证,用以确认有关建设活动的合法地位,保证有关建设单位和个人的合法权益,内容包括施工进度表、建筑地区详情、批准规划和工程结构等。land usage planning permit(建设用地规划许可证)a permit issued by city planning management bureau which confirms its legitimacy for the land usage planning.由城市规划管理局颁发的用以确认建设项目位置和范围符合城市规划的法律凭证。state-owned land use right certificate(国有土地使用产权证)a certification issued by administrative bureaus of houses and land resources certifying that the certificate holder legally has the right to use a piece of state owned land as approved by the governmental authorities.由房屋土地资源管理局颁发的表明土地使用者依法享有国有土地使用权的证明。


员工在职证明中英文签证所需在职证明在职证明EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATION兹证明 女士(身份证号:******************),自 年 月 日至今在我公司工作,任********有限公司 职务。特此证明。



The continuous ups and downs of notes and vocals make Tante untranslatable into any language. The song hit the Internet in late 2010, and was praised by netizens as a “divine tune”.


上面报道中的divine tune就是指“神曲”,divine tune的原意为supremely good or beautiful music(极端悦耳的音乐),但是作为网络用语,“神曲”的字面意思是“只有神能听懂的歌曲”,也就是说此类歌曲的歌词和曲调多有异于主流音乐,难于模仿或复制,但是流传度很广。

这首神曲出来之后,几乎秒杀一切海豚音(dolphin vocal sound)、绵羊音(sheep tone)等,受到大家热烈追捧,网上还出现了多个翻唱版本(cover version)。


Indonesia Embassy in china:

I have my staff passport number: XXX, G0XXXXXXX, duties as deputy general manager, a monthly income of $XXXX; in March 9th to 12 days of traveling to Indonesia for businevisits, I guarantee the company returned on time, do not violate local laws and regulations. My company retained their positions, please give the visa facilitation.

Company address: XXXX

Phone: XXXX


Mr. Zhou Han Che is the 职务 of our corporation. She began to work in our company since 来此单位工作日期 and has been in our company for来此单位工作时间, mainly charging of the affairs of 工作范围 , with a salary of around RMB月薪 /month.

Now, she has been permitted to take a vacation from 假期开始时间 to 假期结束时间, and she will take a journey to 国家名称 for 假期天数 days during this period.

All the expenses including travel, board and lodging, and any miscellaneous expenditure would be borne by . We hereby guarantee that Ms. 姓名 will obey the laws in and will come back to China on time before the expiry date of visa.


Dear Sir/Madam:

This is to certify that xxx, now is working for xxxx Co., Ltd as General Manager.xxxx joined xxxx Co., Ltd since year 2009, and her current monthly salary is RMB 5000.Thanks and best regards!Yours faithfully,xxxxx Co., Ltd

Add: xxxx

Tel: xxxx, Fax: xxxxx

本文来自 360文秘网(www.360wenmi.com),转载请保留网址和出处







美签 在职证明04-16


旅游 在职证明04-27


