




2. 阅读理解测试考生阅读理解书面英语的能力


2.1 理解短文中的具体信息


2.2 根据上下文推断词义或句意


2.3 作出简单判断和推测


2.4 理解文章主旨和大意


2.5 理解文章的基本结构


2.6 理解作者的态度、观点和意图


3. 高考英语阅读理解试题答题策略


【例】It was a very happy family.The life was fairly well off.Father, Leopold, was a music master in Austria.Mother was warm hearted.There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old.Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced.How patient her father was, and how cleverly he showedMarianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces!She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. (1) And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when Marianne was practicing.

One evening at sunset Leopold patted Marianne’s shoulder, saying she had done well.At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father’s knee and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered.What a joke that was!Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, (2) “Look at your small hands.You must wait, little man!”

(3) There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece.When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes.Suddenly Leopold got up. (4) “Listen!”said he in a surprised voice.“Listen!”“Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!”

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other.He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness.“I love it.”whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart’s life of music.

1.Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because______.

A.he liked his sister

B.he loved music

C.he didn’t feel well

D.he didn’t want to make a noise

解析:推理判断题。根据判断, 关键词应为Wolfgang, quiet。用它们去文中扫描, 在第一段最后找到句子 (1) , 说Wolfgang不用别人提醒就会自觉安静下来听姐姐演奏, 表明他喜爱音乐, 故选B。

2.Wolfgang’s father told him he couldn’t play the piano yet because_______.

A.he was too small

B.his sister was taking lessons

C.he had to help his mother

D.he had to wait for his sister to finish practicing

解析:细节理解题。题干中出现told一词,跟说话有关,可能要在引号中找答案。在第二段最后找到句子 (2) ,说Wolfgang手太小,要等(到长大),故选A。

3.At tea time the family had______.

解析:细节理解题。根据判断,关键词应为tea。用它们去文中扫描,在第三段第一句找到句子 (3) ,其中“no end of fun”说明应选C。

4.Shortly after tea Leopold heard the music from upstairs.He was astonished because_______.

A.Marianne had never played the piece so beautifully

B.Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen

C.Wolfgang was playing in the darkness

D.Wolfgang loved the piece so much

解析:细节理解题。题干中出现after tea,说明答案出处在第3题之后,且关键词应为astonished。但用它去文中第三段以后扫描,却找不到。我们在句子 (4) 中找到了它的同义词surprised,从该句知道应该选A。


摘要:文章对照2013年福建省高考《考试说明》, 结合对近几年高考试题的分析, 认真研究《考试说明》, 了解新课程高考英语试卷特点, 适用有效答题策略, 提高复习效率。




“谈何容易”最早见于西汉东方朔《非有先生论》:“吴王曰:‘可以谈矣,寡人将竦意而览焉。’先生曰:‘於戏!可乎哉?可乎哉 ?谈何容易!’”张铣注:“再言之者,所以言谈之辞,何得轻易而为之。”“谈何容易”的原意是说在君王面前谈论事情不可不慎重。“谈”的意思是谈论、评论。“何容”是怎能容许的意思,“易”是轻易的意思。

