



Wilma A.Davidson

Senneca Drive

Fairlawn, NJ 18227

Mr.Stephen R.Troutsman

Vice president MIS

lri Star Manufacturing, Inc.600 Commerce Street

Newark, NJ 18223

Dear Mr.lroutsman:

Enclosed is my resume outlining more than 15 years extensive experience in corporate telecommunications.In summary, my credentials include:

-broad experience in international computer networking

-design and implementation of voice, data and LAN systems

-in-depth experience with telecommunications and information processing technologies

-interpersonal skills for interfacing well with all levels of management

I would like to put this expertise to work in a senior telecommunications management and/or internal consulting position.Although I am concentrating my search in the greater New York City area, I would consider other locations for the right opportunity.If you are currently searching for someone with my credentials, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss I how might help you to solve some of your more difficult telecommunications problems.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Wilma A.Davidson(手写体)

Wilma A.Davidson

























伴随着经济全球化愈演愈烈的步伐, 旅游业迅猛发展的势头锐不可当。在世界旅游业飞速发展的洪流中, 中国也不断地通过发挥自身旅游大国的优势, 一步步向着旅游强国的目标前进。据中华人民共和国国家旅游局统计, 2013年上半年, 来华旅游入境人数达6411.16万人, 除香港同胞、澳门同胞、台湾同胞外的外国来华入境人数为1275.91万人, 占来华旅游入境总人数的19.9%。表1是笔者根据中华人民共和国国家旅游局公布的数据, 整理出的关于2013年上半年中华人民共和国入境旅游接待结汇的情况。


从表1可以看出, 入境旅游 (外汇) 收入有59.40%都是由除香港同胞、澳门同胞、台湾同胞外的外国人贡献的, 而这群人仅在入境人数中占19.9%。换言之, 19.9%的人创造了59.4%的价值, 这就是说, 中国入境旅游外汇收入主要还是由外国人贡献的。因此, 从这个角度来讲, 中国旅游业在全球经济一体化的大背景下, 稳定入境旅游外汇收入的关键在于稳定这19.9%人群的消费。要稳定甚至是提高这19.9%人群的消费, 作为以中文为母语的国家, 首先要重视的一个课题就是怎样培养旅游从业者与外国人进行有效的沟通交流, 以明白外宾的实际需求或是向他们介绍产品或是处理客人的突发事件等, 简言之, 就是要探讨如何培养旅游从业者应用全球通用语言——英文的实际能力。由于旅游业涉及的领域庞杂, 文章篇幅有限, 本文不能一一探讨。在此, 本文就截取旅游业组成部分中的酒店行业作为一个分析点。

2 酒店人力资源英文培训现状

2.1 参与者 (员工) 现状

2.1.1 排斥现象

在培训过程中, 通常会发现员工有以下两种典型表现:

(1) 除非酒店有硬性要求, 一般英文培训的参与者都是当日上班的工作人员, 休假人员主动参与较少。这就从侧面反映了酒店员工主动参与英文培训的积极性不高。

(2) 在英文培训过程中, 酒店员工几乎始终处于被动的接受状态, 而培训师则从头讲到尾, 特别是在口语培训中, 培训师始终主导着谈话, 而酒店员工在没有外力刺激的情况下则会一直保持沉默。这表明员工对参与课堂活动不感兴趣。这两种典型表现从根本上来说就是员工对英文培训的一种排斥。这种排斥现象会直接导致员工对英文的负面情绪, 不愿意甚至是拒绝接触跟英文有关的人或事物, 致使员工惧怕、排斥与外国人交流, 影响他们与外宾进行人际交往的同时, 影响他们对外宾服务的质量。

2.1.2 排斥现象的原因剖析

(1) 英文基础越薄弱, 语言自我保护意识就越强, 因此, 酒店员工对英文学习存在自我保护心理。从管理心理学的角度来阐述这个问题, 就很容易理解酒店员工对英文的排斥现象。管理心理学中有个概念叫做“自我认知”, 它是指每个人根据自己的成长经历、社会实践, 形成的自己对自己所有一切的认知。因此, 每个人在潜意识深处都会有一种自我保护意识, 为的就是让自己的能力和表现在别人看来是正面的 (这些正面包括优秀、完美、无私等一切有利于个人的褒义词) 。在酒店英文培训中, 员工的心理也是如此。酒店员工准入门槛底, 英文底子薄, 这就造成他们对自己的英文不自信, 进而导致担心自己在培训课中的参与会出错, 会闹笑话, 会让自己丢脸, 因此, 对他们而言, 零参与或者是被填鸭成了他们最安全的自我保护方式。这也印证了Alexander Guiora (1972) 提出的“语言自我”概念, 即二外学习者在语言习得体验中逐步建立起来并具有保护功能的一种心理屏障。

(2) 培训师培训策略不当容易增加学员的自我焦虑感。如果酒店员工的自我保护心理没有得到培训师的重视, 培训师在培训过程中对员工的表现反馈出负面评价, 例如培训师责备员工心不在焉, 培训师当众生硬地指出员工的表达错误, 培训师嘲笑员工的发音等, 都会加深员工的自我保护, 进而使员工产生沮丧心理, 挫伤其自尊心、自信心, 导致他们在日后的培训中产生期待性焦虑, 并由此产生一系列负面情绪。其中最常见的焦虑症状就是在培训中保持沉默、能不参与就不参与、避免和培训师的任何交流 (包括目光交流、语言交流、肢体交流) 等自我防御症状。因此, 员工降低自己在培训中的参与度, 目的就是将培训师对自己的负面评价因素降低, 以缓解自我焦虑感。

2.2 组织者 (酒店) 现状

酒店, 特别是高星级涉外酒店高度关注员工的英文素质, 英文培训也成为酒店人力资源部年度工作重点之一。笔者目前任成都某知名五星级酒店高级培训师, 接下来将以自己所服务的酒店为个案, 具体地说明酒店在组织英文培训方面存在的问题。表2是本酒店2013年全年英文培训计划表。

本计划表是由酒店人力资源部制定, 笔者作为高级培训师将按照本计划实施一年的培训。在实施过程中, 笔者认为存在以下两个问题。

2.2.1 培训安排不符合学习规律

以1月和7月培训安排为例, 内容都是预订服务、登记入住、前台服务, 但是中间的间隔是6个月。这样的培训安排, 在实际操作中, 遇到了两个难题:第一, 酒店员工在1月份培训中学到的知识, 有65%到了7月份已经被遗忘;第二, 由于酒店行业的人员流动率较大, 1月份的员工到了7月份很多已经流失, 新入职的员工并不具备1月份的知识, 在7月份要参加培训无疑又是从零开始。因此, 在讲授7月份的内容时, 还要花费大量的时间复习1月份的内容, 无法保质保量地达到培训目标。

2.2.2 培训只注重强化而忽视了日常训练

本培训计划是酒店人力资源部指定的全年英文培训计划, 分摊到每个部门课时总量如下:前厅部8小时、俱乐部4小时、西餐厅12小时、管家部8小时、会议中心4小时。这样的年课时量对于提高酒店员工的英文素质是远远不够的, 这样的培训仅仅能叫做强化训练, 它能做一些提纲挈领的突击训练, 如果不配合平时各部门日常训练, 酒店员工的英文水平很难持续性地提高。同时, 通过深度访谈员工, 发现员工很希望自己所在的部门每天能由部门领导组织英文学习或者抽查以实质性提高英文, 但是, 酒店并没有这方面培训的实质举措。

3 构建高效酒店人力资源英文培训的途径

基于上述分析和笔者的行业经历, 总结了以下英文培训途径。

3.1 强化培训和日常培训应交叉进行

英文强化培训是指酒店人力资源部定期确定一个主题, 组织相关部门、相关岗位在专业培训师的指导下进行学习的过程, 强化培训的时间从一个月1次到1个月4次不等, 主要是根据酒店的实际情况来定。培训内容以主题为中心, 延伸出相关专业英文表达, 教会被培训者在工作中可能听到的客人表达及其应对表达, 并将被培训者在实际工作中的难题集中到课堂一一解决。

英文日常训练是由酒店各部门的领班、主管、部门经理实行层级负责制在实际工作中开展训练的方法。所谓层级负责制就是上级负责对下级的培训, 即领班负责当班员工的训练, 主管负责领班的训练, 部门经理负责主管的训练。

3.2 课程分类, 培训分层

酒店人力资源部应考虑到酒店员工英文水平有高有低, 在制定强化培训的标准时可以适当地进行分类, 设立不同级别的课程, 如“初级英文人才培训”、“中级英文人才培训”、“高级英文人才培训”, 以满足不同员工的培训需求。

参加同一课程的员工英文水平还是会有差距, 这种情况就应该由酒店培训师在实施培训中根据员工情况进行隐形分层, 即学生处于什么水平, 培训师自己心里要有数, 在提问或分组时, 做出针对性的选择。例如, 在需要建立小组完成某个培训项目时, 培训师可按照1∶3∶1 (1个小组有1个基础好的员工、3个基础一般的员工和1个基础差的员工组成) , 这样既能保证每位员工都能参与培训, 也能实现“好带差, 差学好”的局面。

3.3 和谐的培训氛围

酒店培训师在培训过程中, 应尽力构建一种和谐氛围。例如, 员工在表达时语法出错, 培训师不要立即指出员工的错误, 也不要立即去纠正他, 而可以尝试给员工一些提示, 让他自我修正。因为培训师去纠正, 员工会认为自己得到了负面评价, 加深其自我保护和自我焦虑, 而员工的自我修正会使他感觉到自己成功地完成了一次课堂互动, 因此, 更容易给他正面反馈。当然, 如果很多人同犯一个问题, 培训师可在课堂中进行进一步讲解。

又如, 创设多种多样有意义的英文培训活动。例如, 将现代时尚娱乐节目融入到英文培训;在创设情景时不再是简单地口述一个例子, 而将某部英文电影融入其中、小组竞赛等。

3.4 日常训练分三阶段进行

日常训练在实施过程中的难点在于领班对当班员工的训练, 相对来说, 普通员工的英文基础较领班、主管、部门经理有一定差距, 因此, 训练的难度更大。在实施中, 以一个会话情景为例, 笔者认为分成三阶段为宜。第一阶段, 领班指导当班员工记忆专业术语、常用表达, 每天实施班前检查, 并在没有客人的空当, 与当班员工模拟对话, 纠正错误;第二阶段, 领班安排员工轮流与外宾进行实战, 自己在旁边观察, 如有需要, 由领班出面与外宾交流;第三阶段, 员工独立完成对外宾的一般服务。这三阶段时间安排通常为第一阶段1周, 第二阶段3周, 第三阶段的适应期为2周。正常情况下, 三阶段结束后, 当班员工对这个会话情景的运用能达到85%的合格率。此时, 方可进行下一情景的训练。

4 结语

由于酒店员工英文学习的动力主要来自于外部激励, 他们缺乏自身对英文的热情等内部动力, 因此, 无论是强化培训还是日常训练, 酒店人力资源英文培训必须被纳入到员工绩效考核对象体系。通过对员工完成英文培训的数量、质量进行评估, 酒店能使员工明确酒店的重视度及英文在酒店服务、沟通中的重要性;此外, 酒店还应结合一定的奖惩, 激励员工可持续地提升自我英文水平, 对为外宾服务时刻做好准备。


[1]谢昕颐.我国饭店英语的改良[J].中国商贸, 2011 (14) .

[2]董全悦, 刘曙光.如何做好饭店英语培训[J].商场现代化, 2008 (5) .





























-broad experience in international computer networking

-design and implementation of voice, data and LAN systems

-in-depth experience with telecommunications and information processing technologies

-interpersonal skills for interfacing well with all levels of management

I would like to put this expertise to work in a senior telecommunications management and/or internal consulting position.Although I am concentrating my search in the greater New York City area, I would consider other locations for the right opportunity.If you are currently searching for someone with my credentials, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss I how might help you to solve some of your more difficult telecommunications problems.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Wilma A.Davidson(手写体)

Wilma A.Davidson








Wilma A.Davidson

Senneca Drive

Fairlawn, NJ 18227

Mr.Stephen R.Troutsman

Vice president MIS

lri Star Manufacturing, Inc.600 Commerce Street

Newark, NJ 18223

Dear Mr.lroutsman:

Enclosed is my resume outlining more than 15 years extensive experience in corporate telecommunications.In summary, my credentials include:

-broad experience in international computer networking

-design and implementation of voice, data and LAN systems

-in-depth experience with telecommunications and information processing technologies

-interpersonal skills for interfacing well with all levels of management

I would like to put this expertise to work in a senior telecommunications management and/or internal consulting position.Although I am concentrating my search in the greater New York City area, I would consider other locations for the right opportunity.more:

If you are currently searching for someone with my credentials, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss I how might help you to solve some of your more difficult telecommunications problems.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Wilma A.Davidson(手写体)


102 Senneca Drive

Fairlawn, NJ 18227

Mr. Stephen R. Troutsman

Vice President MIS

lri Star Manufacturing, Inc.

600 Commerce Street

Newark, NJ 18223

Dear Mr. lroutsman:

Enclosed is my resume outlining more than 15 years extensive experience in corporate telecommunications. In summary, my credentials include:

-broad experience in international computer networking

-design and implementation of voice, data and LAN systems

-in-depth experience with telecommunications and information processing technologies

-interpersonal skills for interfacing well with all levels of management

I would like to put this expertise to work in a senior telecommunications management and/or internal consulting position.

Although I am concentrating my search in the greater New York City area, I would consider other locations for the right opportunity.





Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name:William Xie      Gender: Male   Age:38

Education:Master in Engineering

Mobile: 1381234567


Mail Address: Room 402, No. 32, Lane 1133, Zhang Yang Road,

Pudong, Shanghai, PRC, 20

Work Experience

Jan --Oct .  Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC.

Aug --Jan.2005.  US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group). My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC.

- Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services). With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong.

- As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company.

Sept --Aug 2003. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager

- As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office.

- In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to,

German based ALPINE, for grinding, classifying and engineering facilities, whose customers scattered over the sectors of pharmaceutical, chemical and mining

US based Hosokawa BEPEX, a subsidiary engaged in SSP technology while its products are used for soft drink bottling and Industrial fiber. That business belongs to petrochemical, polymer and chemical fiber fields.

Jan 1996--Aug 1997, Sales Representative in Automation department with Barco (A Belgium based company) Shanghai Representative Office. My responsibilities included sales and marketing of the computerized monitoring system on textile and pharmaceutical sectors, and cleaner, sensor and electric controller used on textile equipments.

Sept 1990-- Aug 1993.  No. 2 Textile Mill of Zibo City,Shandong Province. As the workshop technician, I was mainly responsible for daily operation, facility maintenance works. During that period of time, I have been substantially involved in installation and adjustment of a brand new production line.

Major skills

Rich experiences in sales and engineering project management









A Resume Of Xueyou Zhang

Personnal Data

Name:Xueyou Zhang





Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.


Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 2002 to date.

-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.

-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.

-Documented all programs as completed.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 2002

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992―1998

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.


I’m greatly grateful that you can spare your time to read my self-recommendation letter .I’m a college graduates from ×××

University of Foreign Languages .I have learned a lot from my three-year college life .I’m always working hard in the school courses .Because I’m an English major student ,I spend a lot of time in learning English .Taking my listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing skills of English for example ,I do well in writing and reading especially ,and I have already passed CET-4 and CET-6 .I know today’s society is all about internet ,so I study hard in the knowledge of computer and have learned a variety of computer software application and operation ,e.g. word ,excel ,powerpoint .Besides I got known internet explorer ,outlook express ,then I got the certificate of NCRE-1 .

As for me ,I’m a quiet girl just in the first impression ,actually I’m a happy person among friends .I like group activities ,especially lively surroundings attract me and I prefer to shuttle back and forth in the streets with my friends .However ,I like quiet space in my study time ,which can let me think more clearly .Not only that ,I enjoy staying in the library doing my homework and reading ,sometimes I will make some notes when I meet some beautiful words .There is a good learning

atmosphere in the library ,where I can clearly realized I’m a student and time is limited for me to learn knowledge .In my spare time ,I Like to do some sports ,such as playing badminton ,jogging ,etc .

I have good moral accomplishment and a firm political direction in the moral character ,I often focus on the news of the country and gradually get close to the Party ,which let me know more about the Party .For my progress ,I applied for joining in the Party in my freshman’s year ,and I wrote reports in time so that the Party can understand my thoughts and examine me .In my sophomore year ,I was fortunate to be recommended for a Party activist .

In the college life, I am sincere to my classmates and glad to help others both in their study and life .As I am an easy-going person ,I stay harmonious with other classmates .

In the moment of upcoming graduation and social journey, I’m standing up to meet new challenges and scale new heights with full enthusiasm, firm beliefs and high sense of responsibility .

I’m full of energy in my beautiful age .I’m looking forwarding to showing my ability in a broader world .As I’m not satisfied with the current knowledge that I learned from books ,I expect to get into practice and improve myself .So I hope to join in your company , and I will be down to do my job ,make every effort to achieve good results at

work .Therefore I profoundly believe that I can get repays due to my efforts .Only a man can put his strong points into the society can he realize his self-worth .I will be bound to do it ,while others don’t

want to do. I will try my best to do it, while others can do and make my strength come into play.

I sincerely hope your company can give a comprehensive survey to my ability .If you are satisfied with my performance ,I will be honored .And I will devote myself to my work in the future .I’m looking forward to your reply .Thank you .


I am a student from Xinhua Middle School, aged 17.I think Im qualified for the job .First of all, as a student, Ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. Im enthusiastic about English and do well not only in speaking but also in writing. Besides, Im easy to get along with an enjoy working together with others. Last but not least, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position.

I would appreciate it if you could allow me an interview.Im looking forward to your reply.
