





1)This is a general discussion today about the issue of … those who criticize… argue that… They believe that… But people who advocate… on the other hand, argue that… quite a few believe… 这是当今对于某事的普遍讨论……那些持批评意见的人……觉得…… 他们认为…… 但是那些支持者……则从另一方面,认为…… 他们中相当多的人认为……

This is a much debate nowadays over/on the problem of… those who object to… argue that…They believe that… But people who favor… on the other hand, argue that…

近来对于某某问题的辩论比较多见……那些反对……的人认为……他们相信…… 但是那些赞成的人……则相反,认为……

This is a public controversy present days as to the issue of …


2)When it comes to… most / many people think / argue that…,but other people think of(view / regard)as …


3)In recent years these is a general awareness of…..近些年来人们普遍意识到……

In the past few years there has been a widespread realization of …


In recent years there is a growing feeling towards…


4)Now people in growing(significant)numbers are beginning(coming / getting)to believe(realize/ be aware)that …


5)Now it is commonly(widely / generally)believed(thought/ felt/ accepted)that …


6)In the past … years there has been a sudden(dramatic / sharp)rise(increase)in …



1)From what has been discussed above, we may safely reach the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that…


Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely reach the conclusion that…


2)All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that …


All the analysis justifies an unshakable conclusion that…


All the evidence confirms a just idea that..所有证据都证实了一个想法……

3)It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the improvement of …


It is high time that we put special emphasis on the development of …


It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on the increase of…


4)There is little doubt that serious(special / immediate/ considerable)attention must be called(paid / devoted)to the problem of…


5)It is necessary(essential)that effective(quick / proper)actions(steps/ measures)should be taken to correct(end / prevent)the tendency(situation/ phenomenon).为纠正(终结、抑制)这种倾向(局面、现象)而采取有效(快速、适合)的措施(步骤、手段)是有必要的(非常重要的)。


1)The advantages of … outweigh any benefit we gain from …


The advantages of … carry more weight than those of …


The advantages of … are much greater than …


2)When the advantages and disadvantages of … are carefully compared, the most striking

finding(conclusion)is self-evident(obvious)


3)Although everyone believes that … I doubt(wonder)whether the argument bears close

examination / much analysis.尽管大家都认为……,我仍然怀疑这些辩论是否能经受住细致的考验(更严格的分析)

4)Contrary to widely(commonly/ generally)held(accepted)belief(ideas / views), I believe

(argue)that …


5)Although it widely accepted(commonly held/ generally agreed)that…, it is unlikely to be

true that…


6)It is true that…, but this is not to say that…


7)Too much attention paid to … may overlook other facts…


Too much importance attached to … may neglect other facts…


8)What these people fail to consider is that…


9)At first thought , this may seem a sound idea ,but on second thoughts, we find that …


At first thought, this may seem an attractive solution, but carefully weighing on the mind, we find that…



1)Among the most convincing(important)reasons given(cited/ offered)by people for …, one

should be stressed(emphasized/ mentioned)…


2)One may regard(view / think of)the trend(phenomenon)as a sign(result)of …


3)The failure(change/ success/ increase)in … mainly(largely / partly)results(arises)from the

fact that…


4)There are many(several)causes(reasons)for this dramatic(significant)growth(decline/

increase/ change)in… First…Second…Third…


5)A number of factors could account for(contribute to / lead to / result in)the change(success

/ development/ increase/ decrease)in …


6)It is no easy task(simple job)to find the reason for this complicated phenomenon which

involves several factors.找到这个涉及到很多因素的复杂现象的原因并非易事(简单的工作)


1)We may cite(quote / mention)a single(common)example of…


2)A recent(new/ nationwide)study(survey/ poll)conducted(taken)at a university

indicates(reveals/ suggests/ proves)that …


3)According to figures(situations)released by the government…


As can be seen in the findings(data)provided by an institute…


There is(no)good evidence to show that…


There is little evidence against…


There is strong proofin favor of …

有强有力的证明支持…… 4)


Where is your mother from?

3.她來自紐約.She’s from NewYrok.4.你姓什麽?

What is your last name?

5.你老板姓陳.Your boss’ last name is Chen.6.Tom現在住在哪個城市?

Which city does Tom live?

7.他們住在紐約.They live in NewYrok.8.你的老師是單身麽?是的Is your teacher single? Yes, she is.9.瑪麗今天怎麽樣?她很忙

How is Mary today? She is very busy.10.你丈夫在哪裏工作?

Where does your husband work?

11.他們在TPR學校上班.They work at the TPR School.12.我父親是一名消防員.My father is a fireman.13.瑪麗和珍妮在一家公司上班.Mary and Jenny work in the same company.14.他的工作怎麽樣?很無聊

How is his job? It is too boring.15.他們幾點上班?

What time do they go to work?

16.他們9點上班.They work at 9:00AM

17.我真的很累.I am very tired.18.現在才下午1點.It is only 1:00PM.19.冰箱裏有吃的嗎?

Is there any food in the fridge?


My cell phone doesn’t work.21.電腦旁邊有一本書嗎?

Is there a book next to the computer?

22.桌子下面有一只狗.There is a dog under the table.23.明早早餐你想吃什麽?

What would you like for breakfast tomorrow?

What would you like to have for breakfast tomorrow?

24.我想吃油煎雞蛋.I want to eat fired egg.25.一年有多少個月?

How many mouths are there in a year?


How many hours are there in a day?


What are you doing?


What is your wife doing?

29.他們在看電視.They are watching TV.30.Tom在跑步,聽音樂

Tom is running and listening to music.31.Lily正走進超市.Lily is walking into the supermarket.32.你會游泳嗎?


1.qu’est-ce que这个句子通常用来问物, 第一个que表明问的是物而不是人, 第二个que指这个物在句子中作宾语或表语。


例句1.Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?你喜欢做什么?

例句2.Qu’est-ce que c’est?这是什么?

在例句1中, 第一个que表示问的是物, 第二个que做faire的直接宾语, 例句2中, 第二个que做c’est的表语。等下也会应用到这两个例句。

2.在qu’est-ce qui中, 第一个que表明问的是物而不是人, 第二个qui指这个物在句子中作主语。


例句3.Qu’est-ce qui se passe?发生了什么事?

因为在法语中, 表示发生的se passer这个动词以物为主语, 所以应该使用qui来表达这种关系。注意, qu’est-ce qu’il y a?这个句子也可用来表示发生了什么事, 但在这句话中, 第一个que指代的物在句子中作谓语avoir的直接宾语, 所以后面只能使用que。由此可以看出, 哪怕是同样的意思, 使用的动词不同、结构不同, 疑问词的选择也不同。

3.在法语中, qui做疑问代词时可以是主语, 可以是宾语, 也可以是表语。在qui est-ce qui中, 第一个qui表明问的是人而不是物, 第二个qui指这个人在句子中作主语。但实际上, 我们很少会这么说, 写出这个句型是为了与其他三个形成对比。在书面语和口语中, 我们直接用qui来表示人。


例句4.Qui est-ce?这是谁?

例句5.Qui a casséla fenêtre?谁打破了窗户?

例句6.Qui te cherche?谁找你?

例句7.Qui cherches-tu?你找谁?

由于例句6和7在词形上十分相似, 例句6中的te是直接宾语人称代词前置在动词前, 例句7中tu是主语, 是cherches这个动作的发出者, qui是cherches的直接宾语, 辨析力不强的学生极容易看错, 所以在这种情况下, 例句7可以使用第四个句式避免混淆。

4.在qui est-ce que中, qui表明问的是人, que表明人做句子中动词的直接宾语。这样就可以很好地看出qui到底是主语还是宾语。


例句8.Qui est-ce que vous aimez?您喜欢谁?

例句7经过转化后, 可以变成Qui est-ce que tu cherches?一目了然, 也避免了理解错误的麻烦。

以上疑问句在变成间接疑问句时, qu’est-ce que须变成ce que, qu’est-ce qui须变成ce qui, qui用来做主语、宾语和谓语时, 保持不变。

如以Je voudrais savoir (我想知道) 为主句:

例句1.Je voudrais savoir+Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?

=Je voudrais savoir ce que tu aimes faire.我想知道你喜欢做什么。

例句2.Qu’est-ce que c’est?

=Je voudrais savoir ce que c’est.我想知道这是什么。

例句3.Je voudrais savoir+Qu’est-ce qui se passe?

=Je voudrais savoir ce qui se passe.我想知道发生了什么事。

例句4.Je voudrais savoir+Qui est-ce?

=Je voudrais savoir qui c’est.我想知道这是谁。

例句5.Je voudrais savoir+Qui a casséla fenêtre?

=Je voudrais savoir qui a casséla fenêtre.我想知道谁打破了窗户。

例句6.Je voudrais savoir+Qui te cherche?

=Je voudrais savoir qui te cherche.我想知道谁找你。

例句7.Je voudrais savoir+Qui cherches-tu?

=Je voudrais savoir qui tu cherches.我想知道你找谁。

例句8.Je voudrais savoir+Qui est-ce que vous aimez?

=Je voudrais savoir qui vous aimez.我想知道您喜欢谁。

以上例句是特殊疑问句在句子中变成间接疑问句的转化, 实际上, 我们可以通常省掉这么一个步骤, 把ce看做是关系代词的先行词, 而整个ce que、ce qui在主句中充当成分, 而在从句中充当主语或直接宾语。


例句9.Il est parti sans nous dire au revoir, ce que je n’avais pas prévu.

他对我们不告而别, 这是我所没预料到的。

在这句话中, “他对我们不告而别”这一件事情整体作为prevoir预料的直接宾语, ce用来指代这件事, que表明和从句动词的关系。使用ce que句型, 可以使句子变得简洁, 代替了并列句et je ne l’avais pas prévu。

例句10.Depuis la mort de sa mère, il ne mange ni ne boit, ce qui nous inquiète beaucoup.自从他母亲死后, 他不吃也不喝, 这让我们十分担心。

在这句话中, “他不吃也不喝”这件事情成为“让我们担心”的原因, ce用来指代这件事情, 而使某人担心的用法是inquiéter qn, 这件事情做动词inquiéter的主语, 所以只用qui来表示和从句动词的主语关系, 代替了并列句et cela nous inquiète beaucoup。

由此看出, 恰当地使用这两种句型, 可以优化句子结构, 体现出使用者对法语疑问词和关系代词较为良好的运用。通过以上例句的对比, 我们已基本能够分清这四个句式的用法, 但在具体的题目中, 如一些为了备考专四的训练题中, 学生仍然有不少困惑, 以下面两个句子为例:

例句11.Dites-nous ce qui vous attire le plus en Chine?告诉我们中国什么最吸引您?

在这句话中, 吸引人的是物, 并不是人, ce指代的是这个物, 且在从句中做动词attire的主语, 如果说qui vous attire le plus en Chine, 意思是谁最吸引您, 不能使用ce que, 因为ce指代的物并不做动词的宾语。要注意的是vous在从句中是直接宾语而不是主语, 粗心或辨析力不强的学生极容易将动词前面的宾语人称代词当成动词的主语而做出错误的选择。

例句12.Dites-nous qui nous pouvons choisir comme représentant?告诉我们可以选谁作为代表?

在这句话里, qui表示人, 做从句的直接宾语, 由于后面有“代表”这个词的限定, 我们无法使用表示物做从句直接宾语的ce que, 因为ce用来指物;如果没有“作为代表”这个补语的限定, 我们则可以说ce que nous pouvons choisir, 意思则变成告诉我们可以选择什么。有的学生会问, 可以使用ce qui吗, 答案是不行, 因为ce指代物, qui表明做从句主语, 这两方面都不符合语法要求。

综上所述, 正确使用这些句型的关键在于:一是学生在使用这些句型时, 只需把握两个基本原则——疑问词指代的是人还是物;二是相关动词的用法, 如是及物动词还是不及物动词, 是直接及物动词还是间接及物动词等, 疑问词和先行词做相关动词的主语或宾语等, 则可以清楚地知道它们之间的区别, 正确运用。希望这些例句能够对学生有帮助。

摘要:法语专业或其他专业二外法语的学生常常会在学习特殊疑问句时及学习语法时遇到qu’est-ce que, qu’est-ce qui, qui est-ce qui, qui est-ce que这四个词形相近而意思不同的问句, 由于总结和辨析能力较弱, 不能很好地区分它们。本文通过例句对比分析这4个句型, 得出它们的相似和不同处, 从根本上帮助学生理解其使用原理, 有利于学生正确使用这4个疑问句, 为他们扫清一些障碍。



[1]毛意忠.法语现代语法[M].上海:上海译文出版社, 2008 (5) .


I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。

I’m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

I’ll call you. 我会打电话给你。

I feel like sleeping/taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。

I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。

I need you help. 我需要你的帮助。

I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。

I see what you mean. 我了解你的意思。

I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。

Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

Tom’s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?

Do you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?

I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。

Let’s get together for lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。

How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何?

Do you think you can come? 你认为你能来吗?

How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样?

Here is my card. 这是我的名片。

I guess I could come over. 我想我能来。

How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?

I know what you want. 我知道你想要什么。

Is that why you don’t want to go home? 这就是你不想回家的原因吗?

It’s not as cold/hot as it was yesterday. 今天不像昨天那么冷/热。

It looks very nice. 看起来很漂亮。

Thanks for taking me to the movie. 谢谢你带我去看电影。

I am too tired to speak. 我累得说不出话来。

Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?

Where did you learn to speak English? 你从哪里学会说英语的呢?

I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.


May I have your attention please? 请大家注意一下。

I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。

How do you like Hong Kong? 你觉得香港怎么样?

How long will it take to get to your house? 到你家要多久?



I.I must apologize to you for... (being late/my absence) 我必须为… … 向你道歉 。

2.l am terribly sorry for what l have done 我为我做的事感到非常抱歉

3. It is very inconsiderate of me to do... 我 因欠考虑而做…

4. Please forgive me. 请你原谅我 。

5.I owe you an apology我向你道歉 。

6.l have to say sorry to you 我 向你道歉。

7.I regret to inform you that l am unable to do…我很遗憾告知您我不能……

8.It is my fault 这是我的过错。

9.I am sure you can understand this 我保证你会理解这件事 。

1O.Please pardon/excuse/forgive me请你原谅我 。

11. Please accept my apologies for…once more/again 请再一次接受我为… 的歉意 。

12.I express my regret at being unable to do… 对未能做… … ,我表示遗憾 。

13. l will try my best not to make such kind of mistakes again 我将尽量不再犯此类错误。


Dear Miss Morgan,

I am sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. Now I am writing you this letter to show my deep regret. I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for my absence.

I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. The reason for my absence is that my uncle is returning home from France,

and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3:30 tomorrow

afternoon./(that I have to pick up a friend from airport. It is the first time that my friend has come to our city so I will go to airport to pick him up so that he will not lose his way.)


1) Thank you very much for…

2) Many thanks for your…

3) Please accept my sincere appreciation for×××

4) I am truly grateful to you for×××

5) It was good (thoughtful) of you ×××承蒙好意(关心) ×××

6) You were so kind to send×××

7) Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality(盛情款待) and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

8)I hope I can reciprocate (回报)your kindness when you come to ×××

9) Thanks a million ( or Thanks ever so much)

10) Oceans of thanks .(感谢之至)

11) I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted (愉快) (relieved, amused, enchanted 轻松) me.

12) Please accept my sincere appreciation for…请接受我对……衷心感谢。

13) I sincerely appreciate…

14) I am very sincerely grateful to you for…

15) I wish to express my profound appreciation for… 我对……深表感谢。



1.I saw/heard of a vacant position of…….advertised in……

2.I wish to apply for a position as…….3.This is the very job I am looking for……


4.I think my……are the very qualities for the job.5.I think my……fit the position.第三段
