










7.14世纪以后,英语开始恢复使用,杰弗里 乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1343-1400)的出现标志着以本土文学为主流的英国书面文学历史的开始。乔叟首创英雄诗行,即五步抑扬格双韵体,被誉为“英国诗歌之父”。他推动了英语作为英国统一的民族语言的进程。




3.该时期典型人物:英国托马斯 莫尔(Thomas More,1478--1535),作品《乌托邦》(Utopia),内容:社会平等,财产公有,人们和谐相处的理想国。


5.该时期典型人物:埃德蒙 斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552--1599)的长诗《仙后》(The Faerie Queen),主题歌颂女王,宣扬人文主义思想。文学特色:创造了有音乐性的“斯宾塞诗体”(Spens—erian)。

6.该时期典型人物:弗兰西斯 培根(Francis Bacon,1561--1626),散文家,作品是《论说文集》(Essays)


8.该时期典型人物:克里斯托佛 马洛(Christopher Marlowe,1564---1593)创作了新戏剧。主要组品:《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)、《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragically History of the Life and Death of Dr.Faustus)、《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta),主题:探索精神和极端的个人主义精神。

9.该时期典型人物:英国最杰出的作家是,威廉 莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564--1616),全部作品:两首长诗,154首十四行诗和38部戏剧。主要剧作有喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯

商人》(The Merchant of Venice);悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)、《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《李尔王》(King Lear)、《麦克白》(Macbeth);历史剧《亨利四世》(Henry IV);传奇剧《暴风雨》(The Tempest)。


11.Renaissance is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization, which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Generally, it refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century.Renaissance –Rebirth.(意大利语:Rinascimento,由ri-“重新”和nascere“出生”构成)是一场发生在14世纪中期至16世纪末的文化运动,在中世纪晚期发源于佛罗伦萨,后扩展至欧洲各国。“文艺复兴”只是对这一时期的通称。

12.文艺复兴的社会背景Historical Background:

1.The New Monarchy—The Tudor Dynasty by Henry VIII 新君主政体。

2.The Reformation宗教改革。

3.The Enclosure movement 圈地运动。

4.The commercial expansion 商业扩张。

5.The war with Spain 与西班牙之战。

6.Renaissance in Europe 欧洲文艺复兴的影响。

13.文艺复兴的特征Features of Renaissance:

1.A Thirsting for Classical literature, Greek and Latin authors

2.Dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas

3.The Keen Interest in Humanity

Humanism is the idea that man has a potential for culture which distinguishes him from lower orders of beings, and which he should strive constantly to fulfill.Rebellious spirit against the Medieval feudal value and blind faith in humbleness, servitude, and after-life.Belief in man’s divinity and capability of self perfection Emphasis of the importance of personal worth and enjoyment of the present life.三,17世纪文学


2.该时期典型人物:约翰 弥尔顿(John Milton,1608-1674),在1660年的查理二世复辟时期,主要作品有《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)和《复乐园》(Paradise Regained),诗剧《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes)。


该时期典型人物:约翰 邓恩(John Donne,1572--1631)和安德鲁 马维尔(Andrew Marvell,1621--1678)

4.王政复辟时期该时期典型人物:约翰 班扬(John Bunyan,1628---1678),典型

作品是《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress),采用梦幻的形式讲述宗教寓言,展现是17世纪英国社会的一幅现实主义图景。





4.该时期典型人物:乔纳森 斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift,1667--1745)是英国文学史上最伟大的讽刺散文作家,主要作品:《格列佛游记》是一部极具魅力的儿童故事。


6.塞缪尔 约翰逊(Samuel Johnson,1709--1784)是18世纪英国人文主义文学作家,在英语词典编撰史上有独特地位;《英语词典》(A dictionary of the English Language),这是英语史上第一部也是随后一百年间英国唯一的标准辞书。




1.18世纪末,19世纪初,苏格兰农民诗人罗伯特 彭斯(Robert Burns,1759--1796)。

2.威廉 布莱克(William Blake,1757--1827),是版画家兼诗人,他在诗歌中建立起自己一套独特的神话体系,具有神秘主义色彩,布莱克的革命性,独创性和复杂性使他成为浪漫主义诗歌的先驱。

3.1798年,威廉 华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770--1850)与塞缪尔 泰勒 柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge,1772--1834)合作出版了一本小诗集《抒情歌谣集》,这部作品的问世标志着英国浪漫主义文学的真正崛起。




7.乔治 戈登 拜伦(George Gordon Byron,1788--1824)和波西 比希 雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792--1822)是革命诗人。


9.约翰 济慈(John Keats,1795--1821),是创造艺术美的天才诗人。


1.1837年维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria, 1819--1901)登基。


3.该时期典型作家:简 奥斯丁(Jane Austen 1775--1817)以女性作家特有的敏锐和细腻刻画英国乡村中产阶级的生活和思想。


5.主要作品:《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice);《爱玛》(Emma)。

6.勃朗特三姐妹在19世纪英国文学上很重要,夏洛蒂 勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte,1816---1855)的《简爱》(Jane Eyre)受到20世纪女性主义批评家的青睐。艾米丽 勃朗特(Emily Bronte,1818--1848)的呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights)采用了间接叙述手法,具有神秘恐怖色彩。安妮 勃朗特的《阿格尼斯 格雷》。

7.查尔斯 狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812-1870)是19世纪英国最伟大的小说家;代表作品:《雾都孤儿》Oliver Twist,《大卫科索菲尔》David Copperfield, 《远大前程》Great Expectation, 等都是以孤儿为主人公;《荒凉山庄》Bleak House;《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities.8.查尔斯 狄更斯在他的小说中展示了一幅幅维多利亚时期英国社会生活的画卷,是一位具有浪漫,幽默气质的作家。


10.托马斯 哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840-1920),他的小说一直以故乡多塞特郡和该郡附近的农村附近作为背景。

11.托马斯 哈代早期作品描写的是英国农村的恬静景象和明朗的田园生活,后期作品是明显变得阴郁低沉,主题都是无法控制的外部力量和内心冲动决定着个人命运,并造成悲剧。

12.托马斯 哈代代表作品:《德伯家的苔丝》Tess of the D’ Urbervilles;《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure)




1,Early and medieval English Literature The Anglo-Saxon Period---Norman Conquest 449-1066 The Medieval English Period(1066-1485)

2,The Renaissance Period(1485Tudor Dynasty—1603 the death of Elizabeth)

3,The Seventeenth-century period(1063-1688)Early period literature(English Bourgeois Revolution)and Restoration literature(1066 Restoration-1688 Glorious Revolution)

4,The Eighteenth Century(1688-1798)新古典主义

5,The Romantic Period(浪漫主义时期)(1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads—1832 Sir Walter Scott’s death)

6,Victorian period(1837—1901)This period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria(1827—1901)

7,Modern Period(1900---)The modern period of English literature began with the 20th century.Chapter1, the Renaissance Period(1485---1603)

Features of English renaissance literature

Humanism is the essence of the renaissance The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English renaissance The greatest achievement of renaissance literature are poetry and drama

Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales

The playwrights A.Christopher Marlowe(1564—1593)马洛 29岁 主要作品:

(1)Tamburlaine the Great(帖木儿大帝,1587)(2)Doctor Faustus(浮士德博士的悲剧)(1589)(3)The Jew of Malta(马其他岛的犹太人,1590)The Jew is the archetype of Shylock in Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare

B.William Shakespeare(1964—1616)主要作品:

The types of plays历史剧

a, Historic plays(the king Henry series)b, Comedy(merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, as you like it, a midsummer night’s dream)


Portia c, Black comedies(the tempest)d, tragedy(Hamlet, King Lear,Othello, Macbeth)四大悲剧

Renaissance poetry

A, Edmund Spenser(1552—1599)The faerie queene 《仙后》

B, William Shakespeare(1564—1616)154 sonnets :十四行诗

PART2 the early seventeenth---century(1603—1660)The period of the English Bourgeois Revolution 2.1Cultural and political background 1,English revolution(the puritan revolution)Kong—parliament---civil war from 1642—1649 The Bourgeois dictatorship was established, and Cromwell(1649—1669)became the Protector of the English Commonwealth.The Parliament recalled Charles II to England in 1660.Then followed the Restoration period.----Influence on literature----Pamphlets 2,Science Galileo---推翻地心说

influence on literature---multi—valued

Poetry John Milton(约翰 弥尔顿1608—11674)主要作品:3 long narrative poems 1, paradise lost ,1667

2, paradise regained(复乐园,1671)3,Samson Agonistes(力士参孙,1671)

John Donne(1572—1631)The founder of the metaphysical school of poetry is JOHN DONNE.玄学派诗歌 主要作品:

早期:elegies and satires(挽歌与讽刺)Songs and sonnets(歌与短歌)后期:holy sonnets(圣歌集)Hymn(圣父赞美诗)

Prose John Bunyan(约翰 班扬,1628--1688)The pilgrim’s progress(天路历程),a religious fable(characters: submissiveness柔顺、loyalty , hope)

Francis Bacon Essays “of study”论学习

Plays: John Dryden All for love : a tragedy dealing with the same story as Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra

Chapter 3 the eighteenth century(1688—1798)Neoclassical period(1660—1789,18th century)


(1)compromise between the aristocracy and bourgeoisie---comparatively peaceful)(2)Industrial Revolution---rapid economic growth---British became the first powerful capitalist in the world


1,Daniel Defoe(丹尼尔 笛福,1660—1731)Robinson Crusoe(1719)

2,Jonathan Swift(1667—1745)斯威夫特 Gulliver’s Travel(1726)《格利夫游记》(1)to Lilliput小人国

(2)to brobdingnag巨人国

(3)to;aputa(flying island)飞岛

脱离实际的试验(4)to the country of the Houyhnhnms慧马国

3,Henry Fielding(1707—1754)亨利 菲尔丁 Tom Jones(汤姆 琼斯,1749)Joseph Andrews(约瑟 安德鲁传,1742)

Achievements of Fielding 1,founder of the English Realistic novel 2, father of the English novel 英国小说之父


Pamela Clarrisa(the first tragic novel in English literary history)

5,Laurence Sterne Tristram Shandy 项迪传

Poetry 1,Pope

Works: essay on Criticism

The Rape of the Lock

Essay on Man 2,Thomas Gray:感伤主义

从古典主义诗歌向浪漫主义诗歌过渡的最重要的英国诗人 Works: Elegy Written in a country churchyard

3,Oliver Goldsmith The deserted village:荒村


1,Richard Steele and “the tattler”

2, Joseph Addison and the “spectator” 3,Samuel Johnson

“a dictionary of the English language”

Play: Sheridan: the most important English playwright of the 18th century The rivals;The school for scandal

THE ROMANTIC PERIOD(1798—1832)Imagination: Singularity(奇异)Simplicity: Nature: back to nature

Pre—romanticism: William Blake, Robert Burns Romanticism: Wordsworth.Coleridge Late—Romanticism: Byron, Shelly, John Keats

1,William Blake Song of innocence Songs of experience

2,Rovert burns A red red rose Auld lang syne:友谊地久天长 William Wordsworth To the cuckoo I wandered lonely as a cloud My heart leaps up The solitary reaper


George Gordon Byron(1788—1824)CHILDE HAROLD’S PILGRIMAGE CAIN(该隐,1821)

DON JUAN(唐 桓,1818—1823)PERCY BYSSHE SHELLY(1792—1822)ODE TO THE WEST WIND(西风颂,1819)“if the winter comes, can spring be far behind?”


Jane Austen(简 奥斯丁,17775—1817)(1)SENSE AND SESIBILIY,1811(2)PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,1813(3)MANSFIELD PARK(曼斯菲尔德花园,1814)It reveals the amour—propre of human being


It contracts the true love and pinch pennies

(5)NORTHANGER ABBEY ,诺桑觉寺,1818 It satirizes the popular Gothic knightly lyric in the 18th century

Chapter6 the Victorian Period

English critical realism QUEEN VICTORIA(1837—1901)

Victorian literature(1)NOVEL became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought(2)Writers exposed all kinds of social evils—poverty, injustice, hypocrisy, corruption, snobbery ………

Writers such as Dickens, Thackeray, Mrs Gaskell, Ruskin, Bronte sisters showed their primary concern about the people in the primary concern about the people in the society with sympathy for the poor and the unfortunate and become the major voice of unfortunate and become the major voice of the literary would by presenting a faithful picture of the horrible capitalist England.Major writers of the period(1)Charles Dickiens(1812—1870)

主要作品: 17部小说 早期

(1)PICKWICK PAPERS(匹克威克外传,1833—1850)(2)OLIVER TWIST(雾都孤儿,1838)(3)NICHOLAS NICKLEBY(尼古拉斯,尼克尔比,1839)(4)THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP(老古玩店,1841)(5)DAVID DOPPERFIELD(大卫科波菲尔,1850)(6)DOMBEY AND SON(董氏父子,1848)后期(1)(2)(3)(4)

BLEAK HOUSES, 荒凉山庄,1853 HARD TIME,艰难时世,1854 A TLE OF TOW CITIES, 双城记

GREAT EXPECTATIONS(远大前程,1861)(2),William Makepeace Thackeray VALITY FAIR:名利场

The title was taken from BUNYAN’S PILGRIM’S PROGRESS MAJOR CHARACTERS Amelia sedley and Rebecca sharp

(3),Elizabeth Gaskell, Mrs Gaskell Gaskell was one of the English writers to describe in a novel the class struggle between the workers and the capitalists in “THE HUNGRY FORTIES”

Mary Baron: contains a vivid picture of the class conflicts which prevailed at that time North and South

(3)Bronte Sisters(勃朗特姐妹)(4)



Anne Bronte(1820—1849)

5)George Eliot 主要作品:

Scenes of clerical life(牧师生活的一瞥)Adam bede 亚当 贝德

The mill on the floss:弗洛斯河上的磨房 Middlemarch: 米德尔马契

Literay trends at the end of the century 1, neo—romanticism Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island 2,Aestheticism Oscar Wilde The picture of Dorian Gray A Woman of No importance An ideal husband The importance of being earnest 3, Naturalism Thomas Hardy,1840==1928(1)the return of the native,1878(2)the Mayor of Casterbridge,1886(3)Tess of the D’Urbervilles,1891(Tess, Angel Clare, Alec)(4)Jude the Obscure,1896


THE MODERN PERIOD The characteristics of modernism Major themes: the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself.From the public to the private, from the objective to the subjective Casting away almost all the traditional elements in literature like story, plot, character, chronological narration, which are essential to realism.As a result, the works created by the modernist writers can often be labeled as anti-novel or anti-drama.1, James Joyce,1882--1941 主要作品:


A portrait of the artist as a young man ,青年艺术家的肖像 Ulysses,1992,尤利西斯

Finnegans wake 1939 费尼根们的觉醒

2,William Somerset Maugham

Of Human Bondage The Man and Sixpence

3,Josepph Conrad Lord Jim Heart of Darkness

4,E.M, FOSTER A Passage to India Howards End Aspect of the Novel

5, D.H Lawrence Sons and lovers(Oedipus complex)The rainbow Women in love Lady chatterley’s lover

6,Virginia Woolf-------stream of consciousness novels The voyage Out Mrs.Dalloway To the lighthouse Orlando A Room of one’s own

English Literature after the WWII

1,William Golding The lord of the files The inheritors

2,John Fowles The French Lieutenant’s Woman(法国上尉的女人)The collector

WOMEN LITERATURE 1,Virginia Woolf 2, Doris Lessing The Grass is singing The golden notebook 3,Irish MURDOCK The black prince Under the net The unicorn

Poetry of modern Period 1,W.B.YEATS

Sailing to Byzantium When you are old No second troy

2, T.S.Eliot The love song of j.Alfred Prufrock The waste land Four quartets

3,Phlip Larkin(the movement poet)

Major playwrights of the period

A , George Bernard Shaw,1856—1950 The best dramatist since Shakespeare Promoted social reform with “drama of ideas.”


widowers’ house(鳏夫房产,1892)MRS.Warren’s Profession 沃伦夫人的职业,1894 Pygmalion:皮革马利翁,卖花女,窈窕淑女,my fair lady or

Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot The theater of the Absurd

the flower girl AMERICAN LITERATUR


I American Puritanism ,1620---end of the 18th century

II American Romanticism(the end of 18th cutury—1861)III The Realistic period(1861—1900)IV the modern Period(1900--)V The Postmodern Period(1945---)

American Puritanism(1620—the end of 20th century)Jonathan Edward,1703—1758 Freedom and the will,1754

Benjamin Franklin 1706—1790 Poor Richard’s Almanacs 1732 The Autobiography 1788

II American Romanticism ,the end of 18th century—1861

“the American Renaissance”:美国文艺复兴

New England Transcendental Movement:新英格兰超验主义运动

这个时期的主要作家及作品: Washington Irving;华盛顿 欧文

James Fenimore Cooper 1789—1851,库伯 Ralph Waldo Emerson:拉尔夫 华尔多 爱默生 Henry David Thoreau 梭罗

Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔 霍桑 Herman Melviile 赫尔曼 麦尔维尔

Edgar Allan Poe 艾伦 坡

Walt Whitman 华尔特 惠特曼 Emily Dickinson 迪金森

Washington Irving ,1783—1859 The father of American literature: 美国文学之父

The first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame

The legend of sleepy Hollow 断头谷 Rip Van Winkle瑞普 凡 温克尔

James Fenimore Cooper 1789—1851 The pioneers 拓荒者

The last of the Mohicans:最后的莫西干人 The Prairie: 草原

The Pathfinder 探路者 The deerslayer:猎鹿人

Ralph Waldo Emerson :拉尔夫 菲尔多 爱默生 1803--·881 主要作品:

Nature 1836 自然

The American scholar 1837 美国学者 Self-Reliance 1841 自立 The over—soul 1841 超灵

Self-trust is the first secret of success

A great man is always willing to be little

The first wealth is health

We are all wise for other people, none for himself

Henry David Thoreau 梭罗 An active transcendentalist 主要作品:


A week on the concord and Merrimack rivers:康科德和麦里马科湖的一周 Nathaniel Hawthorne :纳撒尼尔 霍桑,1804—1864

The scarlet letter,1850 Hester Prynne Dimmesdale Pearl DR.Chilingworth

The minister’s black veil: 牧师的黑面纱

Herman Melville 1819—1891 主要作品

Peua Ahab Moby—dick

Edgar Allan Poe

Poe was father of many things, one of which is psychoanalytic criticism, the other being the detective story 诗:

Annabel Lee To Helen 短篇小说

The Fall of h HOUSE of Usher The purploined letter The golden bug

Walt Whitman:华尔特 惠特曼

American poet, journalist and essayist, best know for Leaves of Grass:草叶集,1855 The father of American Modern poetry

Leaves of Grass:草叶集,1855 Includes the following famous poes Song of Myself自我之歌

There was a child went forth 有个小孩在长大 I hear America Singing 我听见美国在唱歌

Free Verse O Captain!My captain!Our fearful trip is done The ship has weathered every rack ,the prize we sought is won, The poet is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting

But O heart!Heart!Heart!O the bleeding drops to red

Where on the deck my captain lies Fallen cold and dead

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold Her early leaf’s a flower But only so an hour Then leaf subsides to leaf So eden sank to grief So dawn goes down to day Nothing gold can stay

By Robert forst

Emily Dickinson

1775poems in her life Them : religion death love ,nature


I died for beauty---but was scarce Apparently with no surprise Tell all the truth but tell it slant Success

Success: Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need

The realistic period ,1865—1914 The American civil war ,1861—1865 Two results 1,futher industrialization mechanization, urbanization, development of transportation and communication 2,westward movement;by 1890, the last of the first 48 states were settled

这个时期的文学写作特点 1, realism现实主义 2,local color地方特色 3,naturalism自然主义

4,feminist movement:女权运动

Emily Dickinson, Harriet Beecher stowe, Sarah Orne Jewett Kate Chopin Edith Wharton Willa Cather


Mark Twain 1835—1910 Local colorism Humor Language(vernacular language)


The celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county 1865 The innocents abroad 1869 The adventures of tom sawyer 1876 The prince and pauper 1881 Life on the Mississippi 1881 The adventures of huckleberry finn 1885(汤姆索亚历险记续集)A Connecticut yankee in king Arthur’s court 1889 The man that corrupted hadleyburg 1900 The mysterious stranger 1916

Henry James 1843—1916

Psychological realistic writer, short-story writer, playwright, critic Essayist,22novels and over 100 short stories and some critical commentaries

The creative life of Henry James can be divide into 3 distinctive periods

1,1865—1881 ,the American 1877,daisy mille 1878, The portrait of a lady,1881 These novels won hom international fame and reveal James fascination with his “international them”

Or American innocence in face of European sophistication 2.1885—1897,tales of subtle studies of interpersonal relationships

The Bostonian 1886 The tragic muse 1890

3,1895—1916 ,the summit of his art and thus the major phase: on international them ,and on people’s psychology The turn of the screw The wings of the dove The ambassadors The golden bowl Thematic concern: The international theme The meeting of American and Europe, with European decadence ,and its moral and psychological complications

Significance 1, the forefather of literature of “Stream of consciousness” 2,Point of view

William Dean Howells

The rise of Silas Laspham It is a fine specimen of American realistic writing

Thematic tern :middle class Genteel realism


middle class

genteel realism James

upper class

psychological realism Twain lower strata of

society localism

American Naturalism: pessimistic realism Naturalism: a genre of literary thoughts originated form the view of a French writer, Emile Zola

Writers: THEODORE Dreiser Stephen crane JACK LONDON THEODORE DREISER 1871—1945 作品

The financier The titan

An American tragedy The stoic

2,stepphen crane Maggie:a girl of the streets The red badge of courage Jack London The calla of the nature The sea wolf Martin eden(4)O henry The gift of the magi The cop and the anthem

Women writers Mrs stowe(harrie beebher stowe)Uncle tom’s cabin

Kate chopin The awakening A story of an hour

Willa cather My Antonia



初期英国文学严重影响着美国文学,在十九世纪末之前,许多人认为英国文学包含美国文学,直到二十世纪, 美国得到了空前的发展,无论经济还是文学都走向成熟。






英美文学评论不同于其他作品分析,一般文学作品评论或分析更注重作品本身的属性,而英美文学评论作品不同,其注重的是外在表现。想完全明白英美文学评论,首先要对英美文学作品有一个很深入的了解和分析, 只有深入了解才能对英美文学作品有一个深刻地评论。



语言不仅是民族的根本,也是一个民族沟通的重要桥梁,虽然英美国家都是用英语进行沟通,但是根据国民文化的不同、历史背景的差异和宗教信仰的区别等, 英语分为美式英语和英式英语,其谚语、习俗、典故都是大不相同的。只有了解这些差异,才能更好地对英美文学作品有一个更加客观、深刻地评论。不同种族的评论家有不同的习惯,如果分不清英式英语和美式英语的语言差别,那么便注定对英美文学作品内涵没有一个深刻地评论和认知。美国初期只是英国的分支,在语言上也同样如此。评论家评论文学作品时,基于英式英语的语言习惯,语言使用较严谨,所以英式英语是比较稳重而庄严的,英式英语是具有民族传统的正宗语言,流传至今。而美式英语就没有那么中规中矩,没有那么传统, 美式英语比英式英语大胆得多,美式英语创新、叛逆、张狂,在评论上更加肆无忌惮,两者在本质上具有很大的差别。这或许也是美式英语不再是英式英语衍生产物的一种标志。


英国文学评论有着悠久的历史,这也是一个包袱, 束缚了评论家的思维与观点,英国文学在矛盾中挣扎。莎士比亚的杰出作品《哈姆雷特》,其主人公“生存还是灭亡,这是一个问题”表现出的纠结和挣扎,也是当代英国评论家具有的典型性格。伊戈尔顿是注重社会主义思想和马克思主义的一位英国评论家,他的评论角度独特,他可以说是英国最有影响力的评论家。美国评论家马克·吐温在评论《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》时明显地表示了其人道主义的思想,这部作品也充分地描述出了美国的历史,在文章结尾,黑奴获得了自由,美国的奴隶制度被回避了,但从其他角度看,它对美国种族歧视进行了讽刺。可见美国文学评论的大胆和自由。前期的美国文学是英国文学的附属,很多人认为其是英国的一个分源,但是发展到二十世纪以后,美国文学不受英国传统文化的影响,凭借着自己的大胆创新和独特见解以及开放多元化的思维模式,取得了很多不朽的成绩, 经过多次巅峰发展,有了自己立意新奇的美国文化,这时美国彻底摆脱英国,真正地走向独立[2]。


人道主义指的就是维护人类的权力和利益。资产阶级为了巩固和建立资本主义制度,提出人道主义这一说法,随着时间的流逝和历史的发展,“人道主义”也逐渐变得完善。出于信仰基督教的原因,人们信仰上帝, 这些对文学评论发展都有一定的影响。英国文化和美国文化的差异导致各自对人道主义的理解也不尽相同。英国文学评论家对此的理解保守且成熟,而美国则相反, 更具有大胆创新精神。从英国传统的文化角度来说,对人道主义的保守认知随着时间的推移并没有持续太久便有了越来越多的人对其产生怀疑,人们认为革命的推动才能让社会更加快速地发展起来。保守的人道主义并不是社会完善和发展的唯一条件,只有在具备活力的基础上不断创新才可以起到催化作用。美国文学评论对人道主义有着比较独到的见解,且态度激进。产生差异的原因就是美国没有英国的传统文化,没有历史包袱,没有太多顾忌,可以自由发表观点[3]。


英国和美国的文化和历史背景截然不同,英国有着良好的民族传统,在十九世纪之前,英国文学在发展传统文化的同时又欲挣脱过于传统的方式,这是一种矛盾的体现,当时的文学作品明显地具有着宗教色彩,创作手法也很平常。二十世纪之后,英国文学有了质的转变, 评论家们对于之前的理论开始重新思考、重新审视,英国文学评论也进一步地朝前发展。这对当今社会文学理论的形成也有着非常重要的意义。美国文学作品的评论需要挖掘它的历史文化背景,因为美国是殖民地国家, 其文学作品受到了很多其他文学的影响,比如印第安文学,但这并不影响美国文学的发展,美国文学有自己独特的地方,它不是任何文学的复制品,其文学作品在世界文坛上后来居上,更有数十部文学作品获得诺贝尔文学奖,其作品更具创新性,更加独特[4]。美国文学更加注重人们的大胆和创新。





关键词:原文 资料 教学模式 英美文学



资料模式也可称为文学史模式,理论模式,评论模式。它有两层含义 : 一是将资料当作学习研究的客体,二是将资料当做阅读原文的前提。资料为主是这一模式的根本特征。资料的作用常常是被夸大,尤其是作家生平,时代背景,文学理论被视为原文意义之所在。文学教学研究往往与“理论”,“历史”等同起来。但是在实际应用中,资料的作用被过分夸张与原文地位下降互为因果,共同引发了文学中的许多弊端。


















——Early & Medieval literature 包括The Anglo-Saxon Period 和The Anglo-Norman Period ——Renaissance 文艺复兴

——Revolution & Restoration 资产阶级革命与王权复辟 ——Enlightenment 启蒙运动 ——Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期 ——Critical Realism 批判现实主义 ——20th Modernism 现代主义

传统诗歌主题:nature, life, death, belief, time, youth, beauty, love, feelings of different kinds, reason(wisdom), moral lesson, morality.修辞名称:meter格律, rhyme韵, sound assonance谐音, consonance和音, alliteration头韵, form of poetry诗歌形式, allusion典故, foot音步, iamb抑扬格, trochee扬抑格, anapest抑抑扬格, dactyl扬抑抑格, pentameter五音步

文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧novel起源:Christianity基督教Bible圣经myth神话The Romance of king Arthur and his knights亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)

一、1、The Anglo-Saxon period(496-1066)这个时期的文学作品分类:(pagan异教徒)(Christian基督徒)

2、代表作:The song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》(national epic)(民族史诗)采用了隐喻手法


例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved.To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period(1066-1350)Canto 诗章 受到法国影响 English literature is also a combination of French and Saxon elements.1、romance传奇文学 Arthurian romances亚瑟王传奇

2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(高文爵士和绿衣骑士)是一首押头韵的长诗 knighthood 骑士精神

三、Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400)杰弗里。乔叟 时期

1、the father of English poetry 英国文学之父

2、the heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵)lines in limbic pentameter(五步抑扬格)AA BB CC DD EE

3、代表作masterpiece:The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.朝圣者都是来自英国各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体

小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character 这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。

小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness.He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions(迷信)and a blind belief in fate(盲目地相信命运)他希望人们能从对迷信和对命运的盲从中解脱出来。

4、Popular Ballads大众民谣:a story hold in 4-line stanzas with second and fourth line rhymed(笔记)Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission(书上)歌谣是匿名叙事歌曲,一直保存着口头传播的方式。代表人物:Bishop Thomas Percy 托马斯。帕西主教 代表作:Robin Hood and Allina-Dale 罗宾汉和阿林代尔

四、The Renaissance(16世纪)文艺复兴时期(Greek and Roman)戏剧drama诗章canto The term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical(Greek and Roman)arts and sciences.文艺复兴最初是指经典艺术和科学在英国的复兴。

The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama 文艺复兴时期的英国戏剧也得到了迅速的发展。

1、key word: humanism 人文主义:admire human beauty and human achievement


1)、Thomas More 托马斯。莫尔 Utopia乌托邦

2)、Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯。培根 第一个散文家(essayist)

Of Studies 论读书

3)、Thomas Wyatt 托马斯。怀亚特 引入十四行诗的第一人

Sonnet(十四行诗):form of poetry intricately rhymed(间隔押韵)in 14 lines iambic pentameter 4)、Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙。斯宾塞poet’s poet(诗人中的诗人)The Fairy Queen《仙后》(epic poem史诗)5)、Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗。马洛

Blank verse(无韵体:不押韵的五步抑扬格)是十六世纪英国戏剧的主要表现形式。6)、William Shakespeare 威廉姆。莎士比亚 戏剧 drama 四大悲剧:Hamlet(哈姆雷特),Othello(奥赛罗),King Lear(李尔王),The Tragedy of Macbeth(麦克白)Sonnet十四行诗AB AB CD CD EF EF GG

五、The period of Revolution and Restoration(17世纪)资产阶级革命与王权复辟 Prose 散文

In 1649 Charles I was be headed.被送上断头台 England became a commonwealth under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell.克伦威尔 这时期French Influence是特色

1、文学特点the Puritans(清教徒)believed in simplicity of life、disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry、breaking up of old ideas.清教徒崇尚简朴的生活、拒绝十四行诗和爱情诗、与旧思想脱离。


1)、John Donne 约翰。邓恩“metaphysical”poets(玄学派诗人)的代表人物 Sonnet十四行诗 他的song: AB AB CC DDD Death be not proud(笔记)作品特点:①strike the reader in Donne’s extraordinary frankness and penetrating realism.(坦诚的态度和现实描绘)

②novelty of subject matter and point(新颖的题材和视角)③novelty of its form(新颖的形式)2)、John Milton约翰。弥尔顿 a great poet诗人(poem诗歌blank verse)

Defense for the English People为英国人辩护

Paradise Lost失乐园“Satan is not a villain”撒旦不是坏人 horrid crew 堕落天使

The poem Paradise Lost, consisting of TWELVE books, is marked for its intricate and contradictory composition.It is based on the biblical legend of the imaginary progenitors of the human race——Adam and Eve, and involves God and his eternal adversary, Satan in its plot.Paradise Regained复乐园

3)、John Bunyan 约翰。拜扬a great prose writer“give us the only great allegory(寓言)”

Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程 prose 散文

该书采用的写作手法“written in the old-fashioned(旧体形式),medieval form of allegory(比喻)and dream”

六、The Age of Enlightenment(18世纪)启蒙运动

Whigs and Tories 辉格党(自由liberal)和托利党(保守conservative)

Addison, Steele, Defoe, Swift,——most of the great writers of the age were, on occasion, the willing servants of the Whigs or Tories.prose 散文 sentimentalism 感伤文学 pre-romanticism早期浪漫主义 jack-of-all-trades全能手 radical激进

1、Emphasized formality or correctness of style, to write prose like Addison, or verse like Pope.强调正确的格式和写作规范,像艾迪生一样创作散文,和蒲柏一样创作诗歌。

The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism.启蒙运动世纪上是当时先进的资产阶级同落后的封建主义斗争的一种形式。

The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the viciousness of human nature, and prove that man is born kind and honest, and if he becomes depraved, it is only due to the influence of corrupted social environment.启蒙主义者颠覆了宗教所宣扬的人类本恶的观点;论证了人生诚实而友善,而腐化堕落则是后天腐败的社会环境所致。

Contrary to all reasoning, social injustice still held strong, found the power of reason to be insufficient , and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice.无论怎样讲究理性,社会不平等现象仍然普遍存在,理性的力量明显不足。因此呼吁把情感的诉求作为一种谋求幸福和社会公平的手段。2、18th century 文学的三个方面

The reign of Classicism(古典主义的盛行)、revival of romantic poetry(浪漫主义的复兴)、beginning of the modern novel(现代主义的兴起)


1)、Denial Defoe 丹尼尔。笛福realistic novel现实主义小说 他爸叫Foe Novel: Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记Jonathan Wild乔纳森。威尔德Moll Flanders摩尔。弗兰德斯

2)、Henry Fielding亨利。菲尔丁father of modern fiction(现代小说之父)Joseph Andrews约瑟夫。安德鲁斯受到了理查森的《帕美勒》的启发

作家之间的不同:Richardson---no humor, minces words, moralizes.不幽默,咬文嚼字,说教

Fielding---direct, vigorous, hilarious, and coarse to the point of vulgarity, full of animal spirits, tells the story of a vagabond life语音直接、生动、欢快、粗糙,甚至有点俗,精神焕发,讲述流浪者的故事。

The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling弃儿汤姆琼斯的故事the best novel of him.joiner接骨师

3)、Jonathan Swift乔纳森。斯威夫特 讽刺作家

Gulliver’s Travels格列佛游记novel反讽 Lilliput小人国

作品特点:no visible sign of anger, nor raising the voice;the tone is cold, restrained, ironic, varied only by some flashes of fooling when Swift’s sense of the ridiculous gets the better of him.怒不动颜,骂不扬声,语调冷酷,锋芒暗藏,讽刺辛辣,仅在讽喻之情难以抑制时才偶露揶揄之态。

A Modest Proposal 一个温和的建议

4)、Samuel Richardson塞缪尔。理查森

Pamela帕美勒The method of psychological analysis心理分析的方法 In the form of letters书信体小说

5)、Richard B.Sheridan理查德。B。谢尔丹

School of Scandal造谣学校,喜剧comedy 6)、Oliver Goldsmith’s奥利弗。戈尔德史密斯 散文作家essayist The Vicar of Wakefield威克菲尔德的牧师,小说novel The Deserted Village 荒村,诗歌poems 7)、Joseph Addison艾迪生

The Spectator and The Tatler are the first important recognitions by literature of the special interests of women readers.1.Sentimentalism感伤主义 no belief没有信仰

The representatives of sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism but they vaguely sensed at the same time the contradictions of bourgeois progress that brought with it enslavement and ruin to the people.感伤主义的代表人物在继续反对封建主义的同时又模糊的感觉到资本主义进程中出现的种种矛盾,感觉到资本主义制度对人性的奴役和破坏。

代表人物:Thomas Gray 托马斯。格雷 Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard 墓园挽歌---the best known poem in the English language

七、the Romantic Period(1798-1832)浪漫主义

the time begins with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads(1798), ending with Walter Scott’s death(1832).散文prose

1、前浪漫主义代表人物:William Blake威廉。布莱克 诗人poet代表作The Tiger Robert Burns罗伯特。彭斯苏格兰诗人poet Pre-Romanticism was greatly influenced by the Industrial revolution and the French Revolution 前浪漫主义极大地影响了工业革命和法国大革命。

2、教育意义Educational: liberty, equality and fraternity自由,平等,博爱

3、开始的标志:beginning with the publication of William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads


4、lake poet 湖畔诗人:Coleridge Southey Wordsworth威廉。华兹华斯poet-laureate桂冠诗人

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

The Prelude 序曲 自传性诗歌Autobiographical poetry With S.T Coleridge, they jointly published the “Lyrical Ballads”,与S.T.Coleridge一起联合发表了“抒情民谣”

作品特点:simplicity and purity of the language, fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry 简单而纯洁的语言,反传统形式的18世纪诗歌 2)、Lord Byron 拜伦 革命党人

Childe Harold Pilgrimage 查尔德。哈罗德游记cantos诗章

成名作:Don Juan唐璜poem 诗 satiric masterpiece 讽刺的杰作

Hours of Idleness闲散时刻 poem诗the first volume of poem首卷诗

3)、Percy Bysshe Shelley雪莱

Prometheus Unbound解放的普罗米修斯 戏剧 Ode to the West Wind西风颂poem诗

西风颂的韵:ABA BCB CDC DED EE To A Sky-Lark致云雀 4)、John Keats济慈 诗人

The Eve of St.Agnes 圣啊格良斯之夜 poem Ode to a Nightingale 致夜莺 poem Beauty is truth, truth beauty.美学原则 5)、Walter Scott 沃特。斯科特 Historical novel王朝小说

Ivanhoe 艾凡赫

He is the creator and a great master of the historical novel.他是创造者和历史小说大师

6)、Jane Austen 简。奥斯丁 女 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见

Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感

Emma 爱玛

写作特点:the love-making of her young people, though serious and Sympathetic, is subdued by humor to the ordinary plane of emotion on which deals with unimportant middleclass people.她是中产阶级小说的发起人。7)、Charles Lamb 查尔斯。兰伯essayist 散文家

6、十九世纪散文的特点:In the first of these two periods Addison and Steele socialized the essay, so to speak;they brought it into everyday life and made it familiar and delightful to the multitude.在这两个时期的开始,艾迪生和斯蒂尔的社会散文把散文带入日常生活,并使其熟悉和令人愉快。Early in the nineteenth century it became more definitely a means of intimate self-expression.在十九世纪前期,散文变得对自我的表达越来越肯定。

八、Critical Realism批判现实主义,The Victorian Period 维多利亚时期Humanism人文主义Chartism宪章运动

1、意义:Chartism signified the first great political movement of the proletariat in English history.在英国的历史中,宪章运动是伟大的无产阶级政治运动。


1)、Charles Dickens狄更斯

Hard Times 艰难时刻 Pickwick Papers匹克威客外传Oliver Twist雾都孤儿A Tale of Two Cities双城记(描述了法国大革命French Revolution)Nicholas Nickleby , Master Humphrey’s Clock ,The Old Curiosity Shop,老古玩店 Barnaby Rudge, American Notes,美国笔记 A Christmas Carol,圣诞颂歌 David Copperfield,大卫。科波菲尔德 Household Words, Bleak House,荒凉山庄,Hard Times,艰难时刻Our Mutual Friend,我们共同的朋友

特点:describing the misery and sufferings of common people描述苦难和苦难的群众

2)、Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特。勃朗特 女 Shirley雪利 Jane Eye简爱

Emily Bronte艾米丽。勃朗特 Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄(主人公:Mr.Heathcliff)特点:brought to the novel an introspection and an intense concentration on the inner life of emotion which before them had been the province of poetry alone.3)、Mr.Gaskell Mary Barton, North and South玛丽巴顿,北方和南方

4)、William Makepeace Thackeray :Vanity Fair名利场----this title was borrowed by Thackeray from The Pilgrim’s Progress by Bunyan.Thackeray draws a broad panorama of social life in his novel, ruthlessly criticizing money worship, cruelty and unscrupulousness.在他的小说中描述了广阔的社会生活,无情抨击了残酷和不择手段的拜金主义人物:Rebecca Sharp---a perfect embodiment of the spirit of Vanity Fair as her only aspiration in life is to gain wealth and position by and means.唯一的愿望:人生就是在名利场中,完美的获取财富和地位的手段。特点:novels mainly contain a satirical portrayal of the upper strata of society.小说是一个含有讽刺意味的上流社会写照。5)、George Eliot乔治。艾略特 女

Adam Bede novel, The mill on the floss, Middlemarch.Her preoccupation was always with the serious consideration of the moral position of the individual in the universe, but her psychological insight into the development of character.她最认真考虑的是个人的道德立场,但是她的心洞察了个性的发展。

特点:the significance of G.Eliot’s work lies in the portrayal of the pettiness and stagnancy of English provincial life.艾略特写作的意义在于琐碎的描绘和英国生活的停滞。

3、桂冠诗人(poet-laureate): 1)、Alfred,Lord Tennyson唐纳森

Break, Break, Break破,破,破 Crossing the Bar过沙洲

2)、Robert Browning My Last Duchess 已故的公爵夫人 Jealous嫉妒Stingy小气。Home-Thoughts, from Abroad异国情思

贡献:dramatic monologues戏剧独白dramatic lyrics戏剧抒情诗dramatic romances戏剧传奇

九、The transition from 19th to 20th century in English literature 19世纪到20世纪英国文学的过渡期

1、Aestheticism唯美主义“art for art’s sake”为艺术而艺术

2、代表人物 1)、Thomas Hardy 悲观主义者Pessimists,Tess of the D’Urbervilles 苔丝 Jude the obscure裘德 novel 特点:His career is thus divided sharply between his Victorian novels and his post-Victorian poetry.他的生涯就是他的小说和他的后维多利亚诗歌之间的尖锐分歧。2)、Oscar Wilde“art for art’s sake”为艺术而艺术The picture of…… ……的画像 3)、George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳 剧作家(playwright)Mrs.Warren’s profession华莱夫人的职业

4)、D.H Lawrence 劳伦斯 Lady Chatterley’s lover查泰来夫人的情人

The Rainbow彩虹Sons and Lovers儿子与情人(恋母情结)

3、“stream of consciousness” 意识流代表人物

1)、Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼亚。沃尔夫 Mrs.Dalloway, A Room of one’s Own Woolf was much concerned with the position of woman.非常重视妇女的地位 2)、James Joyce :Ulysses伊利斯


摘 要:在英美文学的发展进程中,两个国家之间的语言、文化及历史的差异性,促使文学评论也具有一定的差异性。


