



Motherland - Mother, a sacred and cordial name. The motherland is every one of our Chinese people, every young and middle-aged and well-deserved mother.

Our national anthem - ”Volunteer march“, vigorous bold, magnificent, it records the Chinese people brave fighting the process, exciting, people up, is the best patriotic poem.

Our country is a civilization with a long history of five thousand years and a splendid culture. She has a land of 9.6 million square kilometers and has a splendid culture of reputation. It has four great inventions, both inside and outside, Has a majestic Forbidden City Palace, has a beautiful scenery of the Suzhou Forest Park, there are unparalleled Summer Palace.

Five thousand years ago, like an old and long poem, but also like a long picture, more like a wonderful novel ... ... show the mother of the mother of sixty years, ”Shenzhou five “The completion of the Three Gorges Project, the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games, the success of the 20xx Shanghai World Expo ... ...” Shenzhou VII “” Change One “” Temple One "successful launch, the return of Hong Kong and Macao, the completion of the Three Gorges Project, the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games, the success of the 20xx Shanghai World Expo ... ... All this is all that shows the prosperity of our country today.

Everest taught us to have a tall and straight backbone; the Millennium snow-capped mountains taught us pure and wisdom; the Great Wall taught us great morals ... ... our country is a giant, Pentium of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River is his endless Blood, dense forest is his elegant long hair, towering mountain is her not the backbone of the beam, the vast plain is her broad mind ... ...

Motherland, we are proud of your children and we are proud of having your mother.

I am proud, I am Chinese; I am proud, I was Hualongs successor! I love you, my motherland!


I am a primary school student, the motherland is our mother, we are the flowers of the motherland, I love my motherland!


When I love my country, I have to act in my life:


In such a serious epidemic situation, I want to study hard at home, do not go out and do not contact others, and study hard at home, which is the best return to the motherland.




1. 良好的心理。先从心理着手, 让学生爱上记单词。

1) 与学生身边的事联系起来, 迎合他们的喜好, 促使他们主动记忆。比如:我在教mouse这个词时, 告诉学生, 除了“老鼠”的意思, 还可以指“鼠标”, 但它们的复数形式不同。举例向学生说明, 小明去商店对营业员说:“Iwant two mice.”营业员目瞪口呆, 接着小明拿出一个鼠标晃了下, 营业员说:“Oh, you want two mouses.”原来复数mice意指老鼠, 而mouses意指鼠标。学生们听后大笑, 就自然而然记住了。

2) 记忆途径多种多样, 保持心情愉悦。时不时进行花样繁多的比赛, 可以有:听音拼词、听写、抢答、猜谜等各种同桌竞赛、小组竞赛、男女竞赛等。

3) 时刻保持自信心, 才会拥有成功感。对于优等生不断表扬, 对于后进生发现其闪光点适当鼓励, 让所有学生觉得老师对自己有信心, 他们学习过程中就会产生成功感。

2. 找妙招。

1) 在一定的语境中记单词。

在对话或短文中记单词, 切忌死记硬背词汇表单词。每次做好完型填空或阅读理解后, 查一下陌生单词的意思和用法, 以后再碰到时, 这个新单词就已转化为旧单词, 于是变成长时记忆了。

2) 合理安排时间, 排除干扰, 不相互混淆。

记新单词的时候, 也许会被以往学过的单词影响, 这就是心理学中的前摄抑制 (指先学习的材料对记忆后学习材料的干扰) 和倒摄抑制 (指后学习的材料对先前学习材料的干扰) 。比如:教feel和fall的过去式和过去分词时, 就要分两个时间教, 因为feel-felt-felt和fall-fell-fell读起来有点混, 记起来当然也会混淆。当把前者记熟之后再学后者, 相对来说就容易了。还有一种是, 开始和结尾记忆的单词比中间时间记忆的要牢, 因为中间的受到这两种抑制的影响。所以清晨起床时和晚上睡觉前记忆效果会比较明显。教师可根据此特点, 把难记的词放在最初教, 最后再总结加以巩固。

3) 直观呈现方式。

化繁为简, 把抽象或繁琐的单词通过直接的图片或实物展现出来, 使学生对单词形成直观形象的认识。

4) 编顺口溜。

比如:黑人吃土豆, 英雄吃番茄加个芒果。就把变复数时要加-es的这5个词negro、potato、hero、tomato、mango集中记住了。

5) 现代化工具。

学生可以使用金山词霸和词汇检索等程序查找单词、短语和例句, 用电子词典帮助复习, 用软件帮助背单词。


1. 读音规则记忆法。

教师应该系统地教会学生音标知识, 如元音字母a、e、i、o、u在开音节中发字母本身音, 在闭音节中发短音。以便学生先会读, 继而正确地读、大声地读, 让读声刺激大脑, 从而加强记忆, 真正记住正确的单词。

2. 分析单词的形态。

(1) 教给学生关于英语词根和词缀的知识。

(2) 教给学生英语构词法的知识。

3. 联想记忆。

联想是记忆的基础, 联想记忆是将平常枯燥的单词转化成夸张、生动、顺序关联的图像而进行记忆的方法。

4. 思维导图记忆法。

思维导图记忆法, 是通过左右脑结合的方式, 先用思维导图对10个甚至更多的英语单词进行分析、归纳、整理等, 将共同元素和不同元素区分, 达到以繁化简的作用, 从而可以将10个单词的信息量降到1个、2个之间。

教师可指导学生将一个单词的类别画成一幅图, 中心是主题词, 朝四面八方像枝干一样伸展出去, 用图标、照片和图画表示。串连起来, 就是一幅直观表达单词全貌的“思维导图”。在此画面上理解记忆单词, 能够事半功倍。

思维导图可以徒手画出也可利用计算机软件来制作, 无论采用哪种方法, 原理是一样的。

(1) 首先, 把主题画在纸的中央。主题可以用关键字和图像来表示。关键字应该是具体的、有意义的。这样, 有助于我们进行回忆。

(2) 整理思维过程。需要多次对思维导图进行整理, 通过这些反思与完善, 学习者才能在此过程中得到新的启示。若是依靠程序作图, 我们还可以在主干中插入一些关于单词的超级链接以及注释和书签等。













being proud is that the motherland already culture having 5000 years history, have created many being worth it cultural relics and historic sites that we adore. calm down by that uninterrupted growth , our country have experienced a lot of dynasty turbulence, after oppressing and the war outburst for feudalist society, be founded and opening to the outside world to republic of china, our country people successively has set off the head of a family form living , acting on self"s own freely , our country already becomes a great power now , a lot of product already enters international market , a galaxy of talent moreover all all are to have a facile imagination , thought opens to the outside world , intelligence surpasses, i believe in , make great efforts process a few although our country does not belong to the developed country now,we are sure to keep a foothold on the world , become and the developed country part, this is that i need to sing the praises of and is that makes great efforts.

i love me going through all the vicissitudes of life so but the motherland who not falling down but, before hers, have experienced so many disturbances , having been really to make me be full of praise, that she has been pregnant with promising my scenery the scenic spot elegant and pretty, heroic figure , my motherland who still has many moving one to song and tears is firm , rich, i am loving her deeply.






Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here.Today my topic is “I love you, China.”

Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese.Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “I love you, China!”
