



As is known to us all, the most precious thing in the world is nothing but “today”.Therefore, it is necessary and significant for us to manage our time efficiently.There are some suggestions and methods to manage our time.我们大家都知道世界上最珍贵的东西不是别的而是今天。因此,有效的管理我们的时间是很有必要和意义的。有一些管理时间的建议和方法。

First, the most important thing is to know and understand how we have spent and managed our time before.Only in this way can we know in which we have wasted our time.We can do this by sorting out all things we do every day and then select the necessary thing and the wasted time.首先,最重要的是要了解我们之前是如何度过和管理我们的时间。只有用这种方式我们才明白我们已经浪费我们的时间了。我们可以通过整理我们每天做的事情,然后选出必须做的和浪费时间的事情。

Second, after the first step, what we should do is choosing the correct time.As the saying goes, “to choose time is to save time”.For one thing, we have to know and understand that which period we have more efficiency and have better quality in work or study so that we know how to make our schedule.For another, it is better to do the most important and urgent thing first in that we barely have enough time to finish all task within a day.第二,在第一步之后我们要做的就是选择正确的时间。常言道,“选择时间就是节省时间。”首先,我们必须了解在工作或学习中哪个时间段我们的效率更高,质量更好,这样我们就可以知道如何安排我们的时间。另一方面,最好先做最重要和紧急的事情,因为我们没有充足的时间能在一天内完成所有的任务。

Last but not the least, it is valuable to take full advantage of our leisure time tiny pieces of time.For example, we can do some reading when we are waiting for a bus, or we can practice our listening on our way to school.最后但并非最不重要的是充分利用我们琐碎的闲暇时间是有价值的。例如,在我们等公车的时候我们可以做一些阅读,或者在去学校路上时我们可以练习听力。

To sum up, time, like water in sponge, can be squeezed out if we like.Therefore, take full use of our time in that it is essential to lead a full and happy life.总之,时间就像海绵里的水,如果我们想是可以挤出来的。因此,充分利用我们的时间!因为这是充满快乐的生活必不可少的。
















An increasing number of people tend to express their views to the understanding of the text A Dill Pickle, especially the symbolic meanings of the title.To this, different people have different ideas.Now I will share my view with you by the analysis of the symbolic meanings of the title and the reasons why Vera left.In addition, I will also introduce something about Mansfield and her feminism to show my respect for her.The most important aspect I want to express is that I admire Mansfield’s feminism, but when it refers to the text A Dill Pickle, I feel strongly that we should analysis the man in an objective way.We are also expected to see the man’s advantages.What’s more, we also should appreciate Vera’s advantages and disadvantages.

2 Mansfield and Her Feminism

Mansfield was one of the most world-famous short story writers in the twentieth century in Britain.She was born in New Zealand, studied in England, and got fame in Europe.She paid attention to the minutia, sensitiveness, atmosphere and portraying characters rather than plot.“Critics praised her for her capturing the essence of Chekhov’s art for stories emphasizing atmosphere and actual life rather than exciting plot and for her“refreshing originality”and“sensitivity to beauty”.”

As a female writer, Mansfield gained material from the feminist perspective through trifles in daily life to portray life and character and to show the important content of the world.The feminist perspective is one of the linguistic characteristics in A Dill Pickle.The third-person point of view was used in the passage.Actually, the story teller was Vera herself.From Vera’s perspective, the relationship between the man and her was gradually clear.Readers show sympathy for Vera, and they can deeply feel Vera’s excitement, painful, desperate and exquisite feeling.When Vera chose to leave the former boyfriend, readers appreciate Vera’s courage.In A Dill Pickle, even though Vera said little, readers can feel her attentiveness and sensitiveness.Vera was really a brave woman.Six years ago, the man was young, dynamic as well as energetic and loved her crazily, but she left the man because she had known the weaknesses of the man.Six years later, outwardly, the man loved her, but she left, because of the everlasting weaknesses on the man.Compared with other writers, Mansfield had transcended herself.The modern feminist works researches not the relationship between genders but, in Mansfield age, the majority works were created by men and the leading figures were men.A Dill Pickle was created by woman and its leading role was woman.

However, I do not think we should despise man to achieve the feminism.I do hope we can achieve feminism in a harmony way.

3 The Symbolic Meanings of the Title A Dill Pickle

3.1 The symbol of love between Vera and the Man

Since the text A Dill Pickle appeared in the contemporary college English edited by Yang Liming, one of the symbolic meanings of the title recognized by many professors is the symbol of love between Vera and the man.I am in favor of it.Their love, just like a dill pickle, has changed a lot and went through sour, spicy, bitter and sweet.However, we can see that the man also loved Vera deeply like six years ago in spite of his weaknesses.

3.2 The symbol of the feeling of Vera

It is obviously acceptable that the title symbolizes the feeling of Vera.Her feeling was complicated after she came across the man again six years later.She raised her veil and unbuttoned her high fur collar.Then, the strange beast in her bosom began to purr twice.In the text, Vera is looking forward to the meeting with the man, but it turns out to be no satisfaction at all.Apparently, she wanted to give the man chance again, which turned to be disappointing.However, could she be open-minded to forgive her beloved’s weak points?

3.3 The symbol of the change after separation

Having sold her piano, Vera lived a poor life.At the same time, her health was in a bad condition.Six years had seen her physical change just like the change of the taste of a dill pickle.It is well acknowledged that Vera has changed both physically and spiritually.However, can we readers see the hero’s change?Is it just his egoists that made Vera leave?Then have we ever considered Vera’s weakness?

Six years ago, the man was young and handsome.Six years later, he was far better looking with well-dressed, admirable clothes.Together with his appearance, I can see his change in financial status from poverty to financially secure, well-traveled.There are also some changes in experience and career of the man.Six years ago, he was unpractical, out of all proportion to the occasion.Six years later, he grew attractive, experienced, mature, very sophisticated, confident and behaving with an air of man.Six years ago, he was vague about future and life, dreamy, indecisive.Six years later, he became successful, and had established his reputation.

3.4 The symbol of Vera’s longing for the wonderful life

I agree that a dill pickle symbolizes Vera’s longing for the wonderful life.We can know that a dill pickle is not expensive.The coachman preferred to share the dill pickle with Vera, which stands for the care of people even unknown.Vera's life is very dull.So the meeting serves as an appetizer just as a stone is thrown into the motionless water and stirs up various desires to break the dull life of Vera.However, have we seen the man’s longing for the wonderful life?He improved his life conditions step by step.What’s more, he still loved Vera.Can we see his anticipation for the future?

3.5 The symbol of the attitude of the man to Vera

Once my teacher told me that the man just regarded Vera as an appetizer.In his life, Vera is just an appetizer, not a main course, meaning she is not a person that the man would like to spend the whole life with.She only makes his dull life a little colorful

.However, in Vera’s eyes, the man is just also like an appetizer.So can the man be to blame because of this?In our modern society must not we treasure our appetizer?

4 The Reasons for Vera’s leaving

From the author’s point of view, perhaps the reasons are as follows:six years ago, Vera left the man firmly, and she did it again six years later.It is said that the man's egoism prevented him from seeing how greatly their lives had diverged in the six years since they parted.We refer to that Vera was full of courage and quite rational.Because of Vera’s reason, she thought the man still had plenty of weaknesses.If she, like other women who were blind when they are in love, she would love the man again.When she stepped into the cafe, she found a paper daffodil on the table, and then she links the bad side of the man.Why did she fail to see the man’s admirable clothes and the Russian cigar?All the weaknesses on them made them apart, not the fault from one side.

However, according to the text, we can see Vera left the man for the following reasons.First of all, the man likes to show off himself.In addition, the man often interrupts her words.So Vera thinks that the man didn’t change in fact and chose to leave.But what if the man had changed his self-engrossed, would she leave again?Personally, why Vera can not stay for the man to help him change his weaknesses?

As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides.When we see the man’s disadvantages, we should also see his strengths;when we see Vera’s advantages, we should also see her weak points.Only by this way can our reader be more instructive.

As to the reason why Vera left, I hold the view that she is not persistent enough to stay with the man.Certainly, there is no doubt that the choice of Vera can be also understandable.Vera is definitely a woman full of pursuing independence.However, she is not a woman who wants to catch her love firmly, but a woman who chooses to avoid.I can see both the advantages and disadvantages of Vera and the man.

5 Conclusion

I appreciate that Katherine Mansfield, a feminist, was brave enough to use her own way to ponder on females.I can understand why Vera left, but I can not accept we just say the man is so selfengrossed.We can think in our mind whether we, ourselves, sometimes are self-centered.Certainly, I can see Katherine Mansfield used the symbolism very well in the text, especially in the title.So we should be object enough to see the man in the text A Dill Pickle.It is unfair to just see the man’s disadvantages.We should learn to think more from the text A Dill Pickle.As to Vera, we, readers, should also pay attention to her weaknesses.Is it just the man’s self-centered characteristic that made her leave?If so, can we say that she still loved the man very much although six years has passed.

All in all, we should treat the man and Vera in the text fairly.Every man has his weak points.So I feel strongly that it is unfair to say the man is so self-engrossed to show Vera’s rational thinking.If we think the reason for Vera’s leaving carefully, we also can see his self-centered because she even does not stand his beloved man.If I were her, I would try my best to stay to help my lover to change his weak points rather than go away.

On my part, it would be better for Katherine Mansfield to express her feminism in an objective and harmonious way.


[1]曹艳艳.浸泡在酸涩中的花样爱情[J], 大众文艺, 2010 (12) :68.

[2]陈跃.从《莳萝泡菜》谈曼斯菲尔德的独特艺术[J], 新西部, 2010 (04) .

[3]何丽丹Katherine Mansfield:A Special Feminist-By a Close Reading of A Dill Pickle[J].海外英语, 2011 (8) .

[4]侯维瑞, 李维屏.英国小说史 (下) [M].南京:译林出版社, 2002:669.












1. 材料选择要真实。例文《我心中的英雄》的小作者就选择了自己亲眼看到的事物,眼看着柔嫩的小植物在寒风中“哆嗦”,并且慢慢地枯萎,本来作者对它的生存已不抱希望了,可是,“它竟用尽全身的力气,让最后一根枝条站了起来” ,让“生命重新焕发出了青春,又变得五彩斑斓起来”。正因为是自己亲眼所见,所以感受特别真实,写起来也有话可说。

2. 选择材料要典型。所谓典型,就是要有代表性,要能说明问题。例文《我心中的英雄》的小作者在选择材料时就注意到了这一点,“一盆极不起眼儿的小植物”,在历经寒风的摧残后,却顽强地生存了下来,长出了新的枝叶。小植物这种对生命不息、拼搏不止的追求,是可以让很多人受到鼓舞的。这正是本文选材的独特之处。






















今生总是喜欢站在故乡的月光下重复听着一首歌:“妈妈,月光之下,静静地 我想你了,静静淌在血里的牵挂……妈妈 月亮之下,有了你 我才有家,离别虽半步即是天涯……”歌声俘获了游子疲惫会痛的灵魂,月光抚摸了游子尖锐疼痛的忧伤……











The following is the summarization of our translation experiences in the translation of the Sections of Symptoms and Signs in TCM papers.

Some clinical TCM papers consist two parts in the Sections of Symptoms and Signs:the syndrome + symptoms and signs.Here we mainly discuss the translation of the Sections of Symptoms and Signs of this type in clinical TCM papers in this article.

The Chinese description of these Sections is briefly classified into the following four types.

1.The Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs, and the former is relatively shorter, with the Chinese expressions of“症见…”, “见…”, “而见…”etc.

The translation pattern:syndrome + (clinically)marked by/characterized by/with the manifestations of…

Example 1血虚气弱,症见乏力气短、神疲懒言、汗出恶风。[2]

Translation Deficiency of qi and blood(clinically) marked by lassitude, short breath, spirit tiredness without the desire to talk, sweating and aversion to wind.

Example 2痰热内盛,而见身热、烦躁、谵语、神昏、苔黄舌红。[4]

Translation Excessive internal sputum and heat with the manifestations of body fever, dysphoria, delirium, coma, red tongue with yellow fur.

Analysis In these examples,the description of the syndrome precedes that of the symptoms and signs, and latter is comparatively longer, often followed by the Chinese expressions of“而症见…”, “症见…”, “见…”, “而见…”etc.When translating this type of related contents, we may apply the English expressions of“marked by”, “characterized by”, “with the manifestations of”etc.as the corresponding English equivalents o f“而症见…” , “症见…” , “见…” , “而见…”e t c .Grammatically speaking, “marked by”and“characterized by”are past participles used as attributes modifying the preceding parts, and the expression of“with the manifestations of”is a prepositional phrase modifying its preceding part as the attribute.

2.The Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs, and the former is relatively shorter, withoutChinese expressions“症见…”, “见…”, “而见…”etc.

The translation pattern: N1 + N2 + N3 … with + syndrome ( N = symptom, or sign )

Example 1湿热下注,肛周溃烂、尿黄尿少、舌苔黄腻。[5]

Translation Perianal ulceration, yellow and scanty urine, yellow and greasy fur with downward flow of dampness and heat.

Example 2湿热留恋,小便赤少、舌苔黄腻、脉象滑数。[6]

Translation Dark scanty urine,yellow and greasy fur, slippery and rapid pulse with lingering dampness and heat.

Example 3阴液亏耗,口鼻干燥、舌红少津、脉细数。[7]

Translation Dry mouth and nose, red tongue with scanty fluid, thready and rapid pulse with body fluid deficiency and consumption.

Analysis In the above three examples, the syndromes o f“湿热下注” , “湿热留恋”a n d“阴液亏耗”a r e respectively the causes of the symptoms and signs in the three corresponding examples. For instance, “阴液亏耗”is the cause of“口鼻干燥、舌红少津、脉细数”.

For example,

He walked slowly with (= because of ) the big bag in his hands.

Such usage may avoid using verbs and sentences.The usage of “with” in such way may be applied in the translation of the Section of Symptoms and Signs with the syndrome preceding the symptoms and signs, and the description of the syndrome is relatively shorter.

3.The Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs, and the former is relatively longer, with/without the Chinese expressions“症见…”, “见…”,“而见…”etc.

The translation pattern:syndrome + with + N + doing/done + marked by/characterized by…

Example 1湿热蕴久,耗伤阴津,症见咽干、手足心热。[8]

Translation Long accumulation of dampness and heat with body fluid consumed characterized by dry throat and feverish sensation of feet and soles.

Example 2肝郁化火,耗伤阴津,眩晕少寐、舌红少津、脉细。[10]

Translation Liver depression transforming into fire with body fluid scorched marked by endless dull hypochondria pain, vertigo, poor sleep, red tongue with scanty fluid, and thready pulse.

Analysis In these examples, the Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs.The syndrome is the cause of the symptoms and signs.In addition, the Chinese description of the syndrome is comparatively longer.For instance, in Example 1, the syndrome of“湿热蕴久,耗伤阴津”is the cause of the symptoms and signs of“咽干、手足心热”.

4.The Chinese description of symptoms and signs precedesthat of the syndrome, and the latter is relatively shorter.

The translation pattern:N1+N2+N3…+due to+syndrome ( N = symptom, or sign )

Example 1精神困顿、食少不眠、不时汗出、面色无华, 气阳偏虚。[11]

Translation Mental fatigue, poor food intake, insomnia, occasional sweating, and lusterless complexion due to yang qi deficiency.

Example 2腰脊酸痛,肾气虚。

Translation Aching pain of the waist and the back due to kidney qi deficiency.

Example 3痛经、产后头痛、产后伤风、产后痹痛等寒症。[12]

Translation Dysmenorrhea, postpartum headache, postpartum attack by pathogenic wind and cold, postpartum physical pain, etc.due to cold syndrome.

Analysis The description of symptoms and signs precedes that of the syndrome, and the former is comparatively longer.The syndrome is the cause of the symptoms and signs.
