



































如何打破学生写作的僵化、题材的老化、语言的套话、素材的俗化的局面, 指引他们结合初中的生活, 投入到新鲜而富有活力的中学时代中来, 对他们进行写作兴趣的引导、作文素材的积累、语言运用的娴熟、真话作文的重塑与训练, 将是一件富有挑战性与建设性的工作, 对学生语文素养的提高将起到十分重要的作用。

1. 借助教材, 突出课堂作文训练的针对性。

起始年级应重视基础, 从课本出发, 充分发挥教材作用, 结合教师课堂的传授与同主题文章的阅读开展系列主题写作教学, 关注课堂教学的预设与训练的针对性。

教材以主题为单元, 打破了旧教材按体裁组织内容的僵化格局, 从追寻生命意义、坚定理想信念、感受自然风光、探索科学奥秘、领悟温馨亲情、激发想象思维六个单元模块入手, 给学生和教师提供了一个崭新的学习天地。在这里, 语文的含义丰富了, 语文的外延扩大了, 语文与其他学科的联系更加紧密了。虽然“她”依然没有提供写作的系统指导与评价的统一标准, 只是从一个单元教学主题出发, 进行主题式写作, 只有六篇作文训练的量, 远远达不到对学生读写文字训练的量化标准, 但是大量的贴近学生生活的阅读文本的摘选密切并丰富了学生的生活, 开阔了学生的视野。

2. 切实提高学生的作文水平, 让学生从敢说、能说开始入门。

说是写的基础, 学生只有敢于说话、说得流利、准确、有条理, 才有可能比较好地写作, 因为说口随心走, 笔随口走, 因此锻炼学生的语言能力就成为作文训练的基础功课之一。如课堂上的口头小作文、课文朗读、班级及学习小组间的辩论会等, 教师要及给学生以善意的提醒, 告诉他们注意把每一次发言都当成一次语言表达的训练, 尤其是在发言前先理清思路, 删繁就简, 比较清楚地说明自己的观点、描述出自己想说的事物或情景。

3. 指导学生多读优秀作品, 从仿写逐步过渡到独立创作。

作文如习字, 是一个循序渐进的过程, 在练习过程中, 如果我们不能给学生提供一些高水平的“范文”, 学生是很难体会到优秀作文的优点和魅力的。在农村中学中, 这些“范文”来自于语文教材、同学的优秀作品和教师的“下水文”等。要在阅读的基础上让学生做读书笔记, 找出有特色的词、句, 领会涵义, 并摘录下来, 并尽可能多地运用到写作当中, 学生在研读这些作品的过程中可以了解一篇优秀作文应该具备的基本要素。

4. 划出作文中有关描写、议论、抒情的语句。

在引导学生掌握记叙表达方式的基础上, 让七年级学生掌握并恰当运用描写、议论、抒情等表达方式, 是提高七年级学生记叙文写作水平的重要途径。但学生往往在综合表达方式的运用上做得不够好。为此, 我在课堂教学中首先要求学生能准确地分辨课文中描写、议论、抒情等表达方式;其次在写作文时要渐渐学会运用它们, 并在作文中把这些表达方式各自标示出来, 这样可使七年级学生从不会运用多种综合表达方式到有意识地、自觉地运用。经过一段时间的训练, 他们明白了写作文如果只用记叙文这种单一的表达方式, 作文就会像寒风中光秃秃的大树, 缺少生命力和美感;有了描写、议论、抒情等表达方式的综合运用, 作文才能像夏日的大树, 枝繁叶茂, 生机勃勃。

5. 指导学生认真观察, 体验生活, 用心思考, 培养学生做生活的有心人。

中学生的作文, 要求学生自己写出对自然、社会、人生的独特感受和真切体验, 而这种感受和体验都来源于生活, 而观察是学生体验、了解生活的重要方式。俗话说:“巧妇难为无米之炊。”对于写作来说, 材料是木之本、水之源。为了获取材料, 必须学会观察, 无论是写景还是写物, 都离不开观察, 只有通过仔细的观察, 才能写出景物的个性来。伟大的革命先驱者鲁迅先生在谈到写作的时候曾经说过这样的话:“要创作, 第一须观察”, “对任何事物必须观察透彻, 方好下笔。”法国作家福楼拜在指导他的学生莫泊桑写作时强调指出:“对你所要表现的东西, 要长时间注意去观察它, 以便能发现别人没有见过和没有写过的特点。任何事物里, 都有未曾被发现的东西, 因为人们用眼观看事物的时候, 只习惯于回忆起前人对这事物的想法。最细微的事物里也会有一点点未被认识的东西。让我们去发掘它。”所以说, 观察是写作前的必要准备, 是摄取信息的重要途径。培养学生的观察能力, 让学生养成良好的观察习惯对于写作来说非常重要。学生通过感觉器官的活动, 对需要了解的事物或对象从各种角度、各个侧面进行仔细的观察与积累, 捕捉生活的每一个精彩瞬间, 形成有关事物的感性认识, 把生活中的美妙感受细细地写下来, 这就为进一步的语言表达做好了必要的准备。从这点来说, 培养学生的观察能力对七年级学生来说十分重要。教师应该结合学生的知识水平、生理情况, 结合本校的特点, 结合学生的学段特点, 充分地调动学生的积极性, 指导学生观察身边的生活, 体验自身经历的事情, 并及时地记录下来, 占有丰富多彩的生活素材, 使得学生在写作中有“米”下锅, 写出自己独特的感受和体验。

6. 作文形式要多样, 以写读书笔记为主。



1. How did you s____ your winter vacation?

2. My sister e____ playing chess.

3. Do you r____ Ms Zhang, our English teacher?

4. Don’t eat or d____ in the library.

5. Bob has to p____ playing the guitar every day.


1. One of the students always ____(play) soccer in the hallway.

2. Jack ____(take) me to the library yesterday.

3. There ____(be) a zoo, two banks, and four libraries in our city.

4. Jenny wants ____(see) the giraffes.

5. Thanks for ____(ask) me to go to the party.


1. “Is he ____?” “No, he’s of medium height.”

A. popular B. youngC. shortD. heavy

2. “The girl ____ long black hair is Angela.” “Yes, she is ____ a white T-shirt.”

A. in; inB. with; inC. in; withD. on; in

3. “What do you want for dessert?” “I’d like ____.”

A. a bowl of noodlesB. some fish

C. rice and chickenD. fruit and ice cream

4. The sunglasses ____ expensive. How much ____ the banana ice cream?

A. are; areB. are; isC. is; isD. is; are

5. “____ was your summer vacation?”“It was pretty good.”

A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. What

6. “I love Sports News. What about you?” “____. It’s too boring.”

A. I don’t mind itB. I like it very much

C. I can’t stand itD. I do, too

7. “Where is Peter?” “He ____ volleyball with his friends in the school gym.”

A. playsB. is playingC. played D. would play

8. The teacher let each of us ____ a story.

A. readsB. tellsC. toldD. read

9. “What does Sue ____?” “She’s tall with brown curly hair.”

A. look likeB. think ofC. look forD. think about

10. Mum made the two brothers ____.

A. stop fightingB. stop to fightC. stopped fightingD. stopped to fight

11. It’s ____ cold this morning, isn’t it?

A. a kind ofB. a bit ofC. kinds ofD. a bit

12. “Can I help you?” “____.”

A. Here you areB. You’re cleverC. I’m sorryD. Yes, please

13. ____ play soccer in the hallways!

A. NotB. Can’tC. Don’tD. Be not

14. They discussed for an hour and ____ where to go on vacation.

A. decideB. decidedC. decidingD. is deciding

15. “____ she have to wear a uniform on school days?” “Yes, she ____.”

A. Is; isB. Did; hadC. Does; doesD. Does; has


One day Tom and his mother were on their way home from the market. Mother __1__ a stick(棍) and stopped. “Here is a fine stick, Tom,” she said. “I’m __2__ it is not a drum. I know that you want to __3__ one.”

“Thank you, Mother. I know that you’ll buy me a drum if you have the __4__,” said Tom, taking the long __5__.

Soon __6__ met a woman. She was trying(正在试着) to start a fire(火), __7__ she couldn’t start it. “Here, use(用) the stick,” said Tom. The woman used the stick to start the fire. Then she __8__ Tom a piece of bread.

Next Tom and his mother met a man and a little girl. The girl was __9__, so Tom gave her his bread. “Here, __10__ this drum,” said the man. “Someone gave it to my daughter, but she doesn’t need it.”

1. A. wroteB. madeC. foundD. visited

2. A. lateB. oldC. happyD. sorry

3. A. seeB. haveC. drawD. know

4. A. moneyB. timeC. addressD. menu

5. A. drumB. stickC. pictureD. money

6. A. sheB. weC. theyD. it

7. A. ifB. becauseC. soD. but

8. A. showedB. gaveC. soldD. described

9. A. hungryB. tiredC. busyD. relaxed

10. A. washB. eatC. takeD. order



David Wang was a rich(富有的) young man. He often went out to dinner with friends. He usually went to the same restaurant, but the waiters there did not like him. David liked showing off(卖弄) and he always made fun(取笑) of the waiters. He often asked them difficult questions and then gave them the answers. He thought it was funny.

One day he took a beautiful girl to the restaurant. Her name was Maggie. David asked her, “What do you want to eat?” She opened the menu and looked at everything and then said, “Don’t those fish look good?”

David looked at them and said, “Yes, they do. I know a lot about fish.” Then he turned to the waiter and said, “Waiter, aren’t these fish French?”

“I don’t know,” answered the waiter. “They didn’t talk to me about it.”


1. From the story, we know that ____.

A. David was always kind to othersB. David often played jokes on the waiters

C. David and the waiter were friendsD. David liked eating French fish

2. Why didn’t the waiters like David? ____.

A. Because David liked girls very much

B. Because David was a rich young man

C. Because David asked them difficult questions

D. Because David didn’t like the food

3. What does the underlined word “them” refer to(指的是)? ____.

A. GirlsB. WaitersC. QuestionsD. Fish

4. David wanted his friends to think he ____.

A. was richB. knew a lotC. was a good cookD. was strict

5. What can we infer(推断) from the story? ____.

A. The fish could speak FrenchB. The fish were French

C. The waiter could speak FrenchD. The waiter didn’t like David’s questions


Message Board(留言板)


Call Jolin at 2261-9621.



Do your homework and study English. By the way, call Ken at 2936-4488.



I’m at Grandpa’s house. I made some tomato sandwiches. They’re on the kitchen table.



1. Where can Nina read the messages? ____.

A. At schoolB. At a bus stationC. At the post officeD. At home

2. Who asks Nina to do her homework? ____.

A. KenB. MumC. DadD. Eric

3. What will Nina do after reading Eric’s message? ____.

A. Call EricB. Eat tomato sandwiches

C. Call 2261-9621D. Go to Grandpa’s house

4. What did Mum do that day? ____.

A. She went to a storeB. She went to a movie

C. She went to buy sandwichesD. She went to see Nina’s grandpa

5. Who called Nina when she was out? ____.

A. Eric and DadB. Dad and MumC. Jolin and KenD. Ken and Eric


() 1. I have a sister. We live in the same room. She never stops talking. She often wears my clothes

and takes away my things. I can’t stand her any more.

() 2. I lost a black bag with a Sony CD player inside(在里面) on Friday night.

() 3. I’ll go to Paris on vacation next month but I can’t take my dog with me. What can I do?

() 4. I like to study math but I’m not good at English. In fact, I can’t speak or write.

() 5. I have too many lessons to learn. I’m tired these days. I never have any fun,


A. Go to your teacher for help and your classmates can also help you. Do more listening,reading, speaking and writing.

B. You can talk to your sister and make some rules. Rules can help you get along(相处) witheach other easily.

C. Go to the lost and found case. I saw one there. It may be your bag.

D. Talk to your friends, brother, sister or parents. They can help you feel better(更好).

E. Call your friends, classmates or cousins. Someone may help you look after(照顾) it.


Tom and John were brothers. They lived in the same room and were in the same class. One day, they had a fight, ①so they didn’t speak to each other for a few days. One Monday evening, Tom was very tired whenhe came back from school. He went to bed after supper. ②他没有对约翰说什么。③John helped his mother with the housework. Then he did some homework. When he went to bed, he found a piece of paper on the small table near his bed. On it were the words, “John, wake me up at 7 am, Tom.”

When Tom woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 am and on the small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read these words “Tom, wake up. It is 7 am, John.”

1. 把①处译成汉语:____________________________

2. 把②处译成英语:____________________________

3. 写出③的同义句:John helped his mother ____ the housework.


4. One evening John went to bed earlier than Tom.

5. John did not write anything the next morning.


1. She likes dumplings, fish, and orange juice. (改为否定句)

She ____ like dumplings, fish, ____ orange juice.

2. Nancy is reading a book now. (对划线部分提问)

____ is Nancy ____ now?

3. Gina often dances in the music hall after class. (用now改写句子)

Gina ____ ____ in the music hall now.

4. Li Lei comes from Canada. (改为同义句)

Li Lei ____ ____ Canada.

5. He played basketball last weekend. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ he ____ last weekend?


1. 我认为他不能来参加这个聚会了。

I ____ ____ he ____ come to the party.

2. 你为什么不喜欢这部电影呢?

____ ____ ____ ____ the movie?

3. 十点了。该睡觉了。

It’s 10 o’clock. It’s ____ ____ go to bed.

4. 我们想在晚饭前先喝点汤。

We ____ ____ drink some soup before dinner.

5. 下课后不要在走廊里跑。

____ ____ in the hallways ____ ____.


Lingling: Sally and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.

Daming: Oh, really? __1__?

Lingling: We drank tea and watched Beijing Opera.

Daming: __2__?

Lingling: We liked it very much. It was interesting and wonderful!

Daming: __3__?

Lingling: We stayed there for two hours.

Daming: Oh, you had a great time, didn’t you?

Lingling: Yes, __4__. Sally enjoyed it very much and we decided to watch it again next week.

Daming: __5__?

Lingling: Of course! We can go together then!


请根据下表内容,以My Mother’s Busy Day为题写一篇短文。要求:70词左右,语句通顺。

My Mother’s Busy Day










According to the research of American population in , it has been reported that Asian people were only about 6% in America, which was a very small group. Thus, it means that most American people don’t have the chance to communicate with Asian people and what they know about Asia is from the media. The sad thing is that the media like to create the stereotype of Asian people, which is showed in the screen. We can see the Asian image from the movie, who are often rude and impolite. American people know little about Asian people. They should travel to other lands and learn to embrace the diversity. Then they will find that they get the wrong idea about other lands.


It is said that French is the most beautiful language in the world. I heard it when I was very small, which was from a textbook. At that time, I believed it and kept it in my heart. But as I grew up, I found that it was not true. I learned that every language was beautiful. There did not exist the most beautiful language. Some dialects were going to disappear, because less people use them, even the local people started to stop speaking it. Every language presents some culture and it is the feature of diversity. The world is beautiful because of its diversity. If we learn more language, we know more about the world.


2013年1月24日, 中国兵工学会七届七次常务理事会在北京召开, 会议由学会理事长马之庚主持。中国科协学会学术部副部长朱雪芬代表科协出席了会议。

学会秘书长邓少生首先向常务事理做了《充分发挥学会特殊优势为兵器科技创新发展做出新贡献》的报告和秘书处2012年度财务工作的报告。常务理事审议通过了第五届中国兵工学会科学技术奖获奖者名单, 听取了学会常务理事冯长根关于《改进和加强学术期刊工作的意见》的汇报, 审议通过了若干其他组织工作的议案。冯长根和朱雪芬简要传达了中国科协八届三次全委会会议精神, 传达了中央书记处和李源潮同志对科协工作的指示和要求;通报了2013年科协的重点工作。冯长根和朱雪芬充分肯定了兵工学会的工作, 希望学会进一步规划好发展目标, 提高软实力, 把智慧和力量凝聚到国家创新体系建设的大事业中去, 为国家和国防科技事业做出新的贡献。



1. He ____(stay) late at the party last night.

2. I ____(visit) the star only yesterday.

3. What about ____(go) to the mountains?

4. In the past, I ____(love) watching action movies.

5. Mr Chen ____(write) many story books last year.


talked, was, other, danced, number, played, joined, me, got, saw

The beach party last weekend was great. It __1__ a warm night. I took the __2__ nine bus to the beach. I __3__ there at about 7 o’clock. I __4__ many people on the beach. Some people __5__ with friends. Some __6__ beach games and beach volleyball. At 9 o’clock, the beach music party began. We __7__ in dancing. There were many people from __8__ countries. We __9__ to the music. We were all very happy. I also made a friend(交朋友) from Hong Kong. He told __10__ some funny jokes. We all had a good night.


1. “How was your school trip?” “It ____ so good. We walked all day. I was really tired.”

A. wasB. isC. wasn’tD. isn’t

2. “Did you ____ your weekend?” “Yes, I had fun with my friends.”

A. enjoyB. haveC. spend D. visit

3. “What ____ do you like?” “Geography.”

A. colorB. subjectC. animalD. language

4. “I watched TV and listened to music on Saturday.” “Sounds like a ____ weekend.”

A. busyB. boringC. relaxingD. tiring

5. I think he ____ to the cinema yesterday.

A. doesn’t goB. goesC. wentD. is going

6. Be quiet!Kate is studying ____ her math test.

A. forB. to C. withD. about

7. “Let’s go to the park!”“Oh, I went there ____.”

A. todayB. now C. tomorrowD. last week

8. “____?” “I had a boring weekend.”

A. When did you go thereB. What did you do yesterday

C. How was your weekendD. Where did you go this morning

9. We asked some students ____ last week.

A. what they didB. what did they do

C. what they doD. what do they do

10. I’m hungry, but there isn’t ____ to eat.

A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything


Yesterday was Sunday. My sister and I went to Ocean(海洋) Park. We __1__ there by bus.

We __2__ there at eleven o’clock. __3__, we went to watch the dolphin show. The animals were very __4__ and lovely. They could play a lot of __5__.

After that, we went to see fish. There were 800 __6__ of fishes there. They were very cute and they __7__ beautifully.

Then we went to watch two sea lions(海狮). They were An An and Jia Jia. They were very lovely. We __8__ the visit very much!

Finally(最后), in Chinese’s World, there were many __9__ things. We __10__ a lot of toys, T-shirts and hats. We were very excited.

1. A. ranB. walkedC. wentD. were

2. A. stoppedB. arrivedC. satD. went

3. A. FirstB. SecondC. ThirdD. Last

4. A. scaryB. cleverC. dirtyD. dangerous

5. A. musicB. testsC. gamesD. balls

6. A. kindsB. namesC. songsD. animals

7. A. studiedB. swamC. practicedD. danced

8. A. paidB. tookC. enjoyedD. watched

9. A. uglyB. interestingC. regularD. dangerous

10. A. hadB. gaveC. tookD. bought



My friend Lisa had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, she did her homework. Then she went to the bookstore, because she wanted to buy a book about Harry Potter. It is her favorite book. She has a lot of posters(海报) of Harry Potter. After lunch, she visited her grandparents and played soccer with her cousins. In the evening, she helped her mom clean the house. She liked to help her mom with the housework. After that, she read the book about Harry Potter. That was fun.

On Sunday, she went to a stamp(邮票) show in Central Garden. She likes collecting stamps. In the evening, she went back home. She was too tired and went to bed early.


1. Lisa went to the library to read a book about Harry Potter at the weekend.

2. Lisa visited her grandparents on Saturday afternoon.

3. On Saturday evening, Lisa was too tired and went to bed early.

4. There was a stamp show in Central Garden on Sunday.

5. Lisa had a busy but interesting weekend.


During the day we work and play, at night we sleep. Our body rests while we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most while we are asleep. Children usually need more sleep. We can learn our lessons better, after we have had plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our head. Our lung(肺) needs to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls who want to be strong must get plenty of sleep.

1. Our body grows most while we are ____.

A. eating B. sleeping C. playing D. reading

2. Too little sleep makes us ____.

A. growB. happy C. tired D. relaxed

3. What may cause(引起) us to feel tired in the morning? ____.

A. Too much sleepB. Too much cold air

C. Not enough fresh airD. Eating too much

4. What does the lung need most? ____.

A. Fresh airB. Warm airC. CoveringD. Water

5. In order to get plenty of fresh air at night, you should ____.

A. sleep ten hours B. not cover your head

C. sleep outsideD. not open the window


My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon, Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

One afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack couldn’t stand it. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time, he held the man’s hat in his mouth.

1. From the story, we know that Jack is ____.

A. Dick’s good friendB. a large police dog

C. a young man D. a young man’s dog

2. Where does Dick take his dog out for a walk every Saturday afternoon? ____.

A. In his room B. In the street

C. In the park D. In the field

3. Jack became very worried one afternoon because ____.

A. Dick couldn’t take him out for a walk at the usual time

B. a young man came to visit Dick that afternoon

C. Dick walked around his room several times

D. he couldn’t find the young man’s hat

4. What does the underlined(下划线) word “stand” mean in the passage?____.

A. 站立 B. 理解C. 支持D. 忍受

5. Why did Jack sit down again in front of the man with the hat in his mouth? Because he ____. A. tried to make the man laughB. liked the young man very much

C. asked the young man to leaveD. wanted to talk with the young man


I heard a knock(敲门声) at the door. I looked out of the window. __1__ “I’ll get it,” I called to Mom. __2__ It was at Griffith Park on Saturday afternoon. Mom liked going to the party. She cooked a large pie(馅饼) for dessert. __3__ There were so many people there. Suddenly, Mrs Ellis’s dog ran to me. It knocked(撞) me down. __4__ I was OK, but I had all the pie myself!


A. On Saturday afternoon we went to the park with the pie.

B. The warm pie was all on my face.

C. Mrs Ellis told us about a neighbourhood party.

D. I saw our neighbor, Mrs Ellis.

5. What’s the best title for the story? ____.

A. A Lovely DogB. Saturday at the Park

C. An Interesting PartyD. A Large Pie


1. A: He has no brothers or sisters.

B: He has no brothers ____ ____ sisters.

2. A: Her weekend was very busy.

B: She ____ ____ ____ weekend.

3. A: Do you think everyone enjoys their weekend?

B: Do you think everyone ____ ____ ____ ____?

4. A: I can see nothing because it is very dark.

B: I ____ see ____ because it is very dark.

5. A: Did they take a walk with their pet dog last year?

B: Did they ____ ____ a walk with their pet dog last year?


1. 露西经常在晚上阅读。

Lucy often ____ ____ ____ in the evening.

2. 那位老先生和儿子昨晚去散步了。

The old man and his son ____ ____ ____ ____ yesterday evening.

3. 汤米,练习钢琴的时候到了。

Tommy, ____ ____ ____ ____ the piano.

4. 我回家的时候看到孩子们在做游戏。

I ____ the kids ____ the games when I went home.

5. 我们上周日去购物了。

We ____ ____ last Sunday.


Mary: Hey, Karen!What did you do __1__ weekend?

Karen: On Saturday morning I went to the __2__.

Mary: How was the beach?

Karen: Great! I went with Nancy, and __3__ was really fun.

Mary: What? __4__ Lisa?

Karen: No, with Nancy. She’s really good.

Mary: I know. What did you do __5__ Saturday night?

Karen: I went to the movies with Mark. What did you do __6__ the weekend, Mary?

Mary: Me? On Saturday I __7__ __8__ home and cleaned my room. On Sunday night I __9__ to the library.

Karen: Sounds __10__ a good, quiet weekend.


