









曾经有一次宁波市英语中考书面表达内容是有关旅游休闲和环保的热门话题,话题贴近学生生活,在考查写作和综合运用语言能力的同时不忘对学生进行思想品德教育。试题主题明确,文字描述和图示一目了然,但还是有一些学生把人称和人物都理解错了。如试题要求用第一人称来写,而不少学生却用了第三人称。其中第二条要点“我想把多余食物扔掉”和第四条要点“我想把多余食物给猴子吃”被误认为是“爸爸想把多余食物扔掉”和“爸爸想把多余食物给猴子吃”另外第五条要点“妈妈认为把多余食物给猴子吃是个好主意”被不少学生忽略。这些均是 审题不仔细而引起的。


该题是一篇日记,日记须用过去时态,而直接引语(即引号内的原话)则用一般现在时态。而许多学生时态运用混乱。有些通篇用一般现在时态;有些则是一般过去时态、一般现在时态、现在完成时态和过去进行时态大合唱;还有些虽大部分句子用过去时态,但对过去时态结构不明,如My mother agreed…写成了My mother was agree…等。


不同档次的书面表达都有类似的错误。如:There were some food left.等。


有相当一部分学生没有基本的组成句子结构的概念,中文式的表达出现较多。有些句子没有主语,有些甚至是单词的堆砌,把单词按照中文的习惯堆成一个句子,没有时态、语态、语法、基本句型等。因此有些学生书面表达写了一大堆,阅卷老师虽能揣摩其大意,却没有一句句子语法是正确的。如:but some food left/leaving, give monkey to food, give some food to monkey eat.等。




较普遍的错误有:a idea/an good idea,think a good idea,come up to an idea,throw away them,stop us to feed the animals(实际上想表达stop us feeding the animals),ask us not to fed the animals,the animals may ill.等。


有部分学生可能因基础薄弱等原因,答题时只抄几句阅读理解,或阅读理解和key words 间隔抄,更有甚者是只 字未写。









无论是人教版还是Go for it,一般都有一个明确的中心话题,教师可围绕这一中心话题,进行针对性的写作训练,如写影评,电影海报、便条、请假条、日记、通知、介绍全家福、看图写话以及文字表格类的写作。并上好习作讲评课,及时反馈信息,使不同层次的学生在每次习作中都有所获。这是提高学生书面表达能力不可缺少的一项工作。













Getting up early is a good habit.It is of great importance to our health, our study and our life.First, it can help us to keep fit and strong.We can improve our health by doing morning exercises, walking, running in the open air.Second, getting up early and reading aloud can help memorize what we have learned easily.Third, if we get up early, we don’t need to be in a hurry to go to school or work without having breakfast.So we’ll have a very good mood all day.If we stick to it, it will benefit us a lot, especially in our character-making.(2)、假如你是一名学生干部,学校要举行一次英语讲座,请你用学生会的名义写一份一百字左右的通知,包括下列内容:








There will be an English lecture on the modern American English by Mr Jackson, an American professor from Shandong University.It will be given in the school dining hall on Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.August 5,2001.Those who are interested in it are welcome.And you may invite your friends to attend it.Be sure not to be late.By the way, we have decided to set up an English Corner in our school.We will be able to have free talks in English and improve our English from then on.We’ll have a further discussion about it after the lecture.The Student’s Union

August 1,2001(3)请根据下面的表格内容写一篇关于“神舟”(“Shenzhou”)的短文。

时间进展情况 长期以来

中国人梦想进入太空 1999年至2002年




“神舟四号”的成功发射和返回,表明中国有能力把人送入太空 2003年

第一艘载人飞船进入太空,实现了中国人进入太空的梦想 注意:(1)词数100左右

(2)参考词汇:无人unmanned 载人manned 飞船spacecraft(单复同)

发射launch(vt./n.)One possible version:

The Chinese people have been dreaming of going into(outer)space for a long time.From 1999 to 2002 China had launched three unmanned spacecraft successfully.On Dec.31th

2002, the launch of the fourth spacecraft “Shenzhou Ⅳ”

was another big success and the spacecraft returned to the earth safely on January 5th , 2003.During its flight, seven scientific experiments were carried out.The purpose of the flight is to make preparations for the launch of a manned spacecraft next time.The successful launch and return shows that China is able to send a person into space soon.In 2003, Shenzhou V, the first manned spacecraft, was successfully sent into space, and the Chinese dream came true.How proud we Chinese are!

(5)根据提示用英语介绍二十世纪杰出的女性之一:海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller.)。



2、七岁时,她的父母给她找了一名老师——Miss Sullivan.Miss Sullivan在教海伦的过程中遇到了许多困难。由于海伦的坚强意志和智慧以及Miss Sullivan的技巧和耐心,她们克服了所有的困难,并取得了成功。

3、她完成了大学教育,取得了英语文学学位;致力于盲聋儿童的社会工作;著有多本著作,其中《我的一生》(The Story of My Life)最为著名。



参考词汇:意志和智慧will and intelligence;技巧和耐心skill and patience;英语文学学位a degree in English literature

One possible version

Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century.She was born in America in June, 1880.When she was nineteen months old, she became blind and deaf because of a serious illness.From then one she lived in darkness and silence.Her parents were greatly worried.When she was seven, they found a teacher, Miss Sullivan, for her.Miss Sullivan had a lot of difficulties in teaching Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf.With Helen’s strong will and intelligence, combined with her teacher’s skill and patience, they overcame all the difficulties.Helen Keller became an able student and graduated from a college.She finally received a university degree in English literature.Later on she devoted all herself to helping the blind and deaf children.She wrote many books and The Story of My Life is a remarkable one.(6)、根据以下内容,写一篇介绍无锡简况的短文。

无锡位于太湖之滨,临近上海,以太湖而文明。是一座历史悠久、风景优美的城市,有“小上海”和“鱼米之乡”的美称。无锡面积大约有5,000平方公里(square kilometre),人口420万。在过去的20年里,无锡发生了很大的变化。无锡过去是一座小城市,但现在已发展成为一座现代化的大城市。所有的无锡人民目前正过着幸福、富裕的生活。

要求:词数100左右;要点齐全,字迹工整。One possible version:

Wuxi is a beautiful city with a long history.It lies in the south of Jiangsu Province.It’s beside the Taihu Lake and near Shanghai.It’s famous for the Taihu Lake.It’s called “little Shanghai”

and “Land of Fish and Rice”.It covers an area of nearly 5,000 square kilometres and has a population of 4.2 million.Great changes have taken place in Wuxi in the last 20 years.In the past, Wuxi was a small city.But now it has developed into a modern big city.All the people in Wuxi are now leading a happy and rich life.8)、请根据下面这幅漫画及提示,以“乐极生悲”(Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow)为题目,写一篇100词左右的小故事。


Mike is Mr and Mrs Smith’s only son„ One possible version: Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow

Mike is Mr and Mrs Smith’s only son.They love him very much.One day Mr Smith bought Mike a new bicycle.The moment he had the bike, Mike rode it around and around.How happy he was!Mr and Mrs Smith stood nearby watching happily.Now Mike managed to ride with his hands off.He shouted, “Look at me!”

How proud he felt!

While he was looking at his parents cheerfully, the bike gained speed.Oh, no!Off the bike fell the overjoyed boy.He got badly hurt.Mr and Mrs Smith were very sad.It showed the truth of the saying “Extreme joy begets sorrow”.The accident teaches us that we must think of danger in time of joy.(9)、请根据下问题是,写一篇英语日记




2、词数:100左右。One possible version: April 20, 2004 Tuesday Fine

This morning, after I finished my homework, I decided to go to the cinema to see a film.I was about to arrive at the cinema when I found a foreigner standing on the side of the road, looking nervous.Then I came up to him to see what was the matter with him.However, neither of us could understand each other.As last we both made ourselves understood with the help of body language.The foreigner wanted to go to the People’s Park.I stopped a taxi and told the driver to drive the foreigner to the People’s Park.Then I want to the cinema and enjoyed myself there.(10)、请用下列词汇写一篇短文,描述李萍照顾生病的王奶奶的经过。

lie sick on the bed / a bad cold / a high fever / look after / take one’s temperature / not

eel like / a bowl of / feed

„with / a good girl / like Lei Feng / take a good rest / be all right soon One possible version: Grandma Wang was lying sick on the bed.She caught a bad cold and had a high fever.Li Ping went to look after her.She took her temperature and gave her medicine.As Grandma Wang didn

’t feel like eating, she cooked her a bowl of egg soup.Then she fed her with it.Grandma Wang was very glad.She took Li Ping

’s hands and said, “You are really a good girl.You are like Lei Feng.” Li Ping asked Grandma Wang to take a good rest and told her that she would be all right soon.(11)、假定你是李明,是一名高中学生。你就要过暑假了,想在假期中去这个宾馆打工。写封信介绍自己:你对英语感兴趣,善于口语和打字;知道此宾馆是著名的宾馆,做好准备努力工作取得好成绩。(不必写地址,但其他格式要对。)One possible version: Dear Sir, June, 20th My name is Li Ming and I’

m a senior middle school student.I

’’’m very interested in English and Im good at spoken English and typing.Id like to find a summer job in your hotel.I know your hotel is one of the most famous hotels in the city.I



细读试题, 认真审题。通过审题弄清楚下面几个问题: (1) 所给情境和提示 (即内容是什么) ; (2) 要求是什么; (3) 写的体裁是什么 (如:通知、日记、书信、留言条、人物或地点介绍、看图写话等) 。

对于书面表达的内容和要求, 即对题目所提供的信息, 不论是中文、英文提示, 还是图画、图表, 都要认真分析, 反复推敲, 抓住要点, 掌握主旨大意, 这是做好书面表达的前提和先决条件。


编写要点提纲, 组织语言材料。我们在进行写作时, 要根据写作的中心思想考虑如何开头、展开和结尾, 设想几个承上启下的连词。将主要句型, 关键词语记下, 形成提纲, 写时切忌结构分散, 废话连篇, 严重离题。英语书面表达题材广泛, 内容丰富多样, 要弄清写作的要求是写人、叙事、介绍、通知、补全对话、书信、日记、留言条, 还是看图作文。如果是日记, 要写明年、月、日和天气情况;如果是书信, 则要注意书信的格式, 注意短文词数不要低于或超过规定的词数太多。拟定提纲时, 中心要突出, 条理要清楚, 不要写一些与主题无关的东西。


把列出的提纲写成英语, 再连句成篇。做好这一步骤需要注意下面六点:

(1) 尽量使用简单句和最熟悉、最有把握的句型短语来表达, 少使用一般疑问句、祈使句和感叹句, 不用或少用非谓语或情态动词等较复杂的句型, 切忌华而不实。

(2) 正确运用语法结构和关联词;主谓语要一致, 主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。

(3) 语言表达要符合英语习惯, 切忌汉语式英语。

(4) 运用语言时, 思维要活跃, 注意一个意思可以有多种表达形式。例如:如果通篇只用“There be”结构, 该书面表达的效果肯定会大打折扣。

(5) 句子连贯, 语句通顺, 表达清楚。

(6) 书写一定要工整、规范、清晰。四、反复检查

认真检查, 改正错误。写完作文后, 要做到认真检查, 改正错误, 做好这一步骤可以分为五步:

(1) 通读全文, 仔细检查, 看内容是否完整, 有无遗漏或误解。

(2) 检查格式是否正确, 有无文不对题或欠缺的地方。

(3) 检查语法是否正确, 有无句式或用语错误, 尤其注意人称的使用、名词的所有格、名词的单复数、冠词及时态等的使用。

(4) 检查词数的多少, 是否符合题目要求。

(5) 看一下书写是否规范, 有无拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面的错误。


越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活, 改善了我们的生活, 但同时也带来了很多问题, 如塞车和车祸, 给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生, 我们应该怎样做呢?

请写一篇有关交通安全的短文。 (80字左右)


1.遵守交通规则, 如走人行道/过斑马线。



你可以适当增加内容, 使短文通顺, 过渡自然。

参考词汇:sidewalk人行道, zebra-crossing斑马线

注:第一段已给出, 不计入总数。

With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life.But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.

Traffic safety is everybody’s business.We must obey the rules.For example, we must walk on walk side.When we cross zebra-crossing, stop and look left and right, then go across fast.Don’t play football on the road.We can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving, etc.





















书面表达是近几年中考新出现的一种题型,它主要考查考生用英语以书面的形式来传递信息进行交际的能力。新课程标准关于对考生写作的五级要求提出:能根据写作要求,、准备素材;能独立起草短文、信件等;能使用常用的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;能简单描述人物或事件;能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。 纵观全国各省市中考书面表达试题,其考查形式多样,主要有以下几种:①选词题 ②造句题 ③段落表达题 ④整篇段文表达。无论哪种测试题型都对考生的书面表达能力提出了更高层次的能力要求,考生们不仅要具有扎实的语言基础,还要对英语的写作常识有所了解。 一、英文标题的写法 一篇文章通常包括四部分:标题、引言、扩展和结尾。题目应放在第一行的中间,和正文之间留有一行或两行的空白。如果标题过长,就把标题写成两行。第二行比第一行短,写在第一行下方的中部。例如: The Comparison Between City Life and Country Life 题目的第一个字母和重要单词都要大写。例如:One Day in the School Life 题目中的介词、连词和冠词通常不大写,但如果标题中的介词是五个以上字母构成的(如:through, between, above, among, against, beyond等),这个介词通常要大写。例如: To Learn English Through Reading 另外考生们还要注意不能在标题下加横线,标题也不应该用引号和括号;即使是完整的一句话,也不用句号,但问号或感叹号是可以使用。例如: Is It an Accident? What a Kind Girl She is! 二、标点符号 英汉常用标点符号对照表

逗号 句号 问号 感叹号 顿号 省略号 冒号 书名号 连字符 汉语 ,  。 ? ! 、 …… : — 英语 , . ? ! , … ,& : “”


A case in point is (例子一).Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb(谚语)。

With the rapid development of science and technology in China , an in creasing

number of people come to realize it is also of practical use to stick to the saying”(谚语)”. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying , the more benefits we will get in our daily study job.






Currentlyreally an important concern to every one of us.As a result,we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.

As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.First . In addition ,another way contributing to success of the solving problem

we should find a number of various of various ways.But as far as I am concerned ,I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say,(方法)。







1) 句子都要有主语

例:他是一个工人, 在工厂努力工作。

He is a worker and he works hard in the factory.


Yesterday we planted a lot of trees.


It is already 4 o’clock.

2) 主语由名词、代词、动名词、不定式等充当

Doing morning exercises is good for our health.

Seeing is believing.

To see is to believe.

3) 可数名词单数前要有a/an, the修饰, 或使用复数形式;可数名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰, 用单、复数都行。

I practice conversations with my friend (s) .

4) 列举一系列事物, 最后一词要用and连接。

My mom bought many fruits—bananas, apples and pears.

5) 句子要有谓语动词。

He very busy. (×) →He is very busy. (√)

We at home. (×) →We are at home. (√)

Our teacher is ill, who will instead of her? (×) →

Our teacher is ill, who will be instead of her? (√)

Our teacher is ill, who will take the place of her? (√)

I by bike to school. (×) →I go to school by bike. (√)

6) do/does/did后动词原形。

to (不定式符号) 后动词原形

Did you ever learned English?

John went to work at 7 o’clock.

7) 并列的谓语动词和句子应使用连接词连接。

He got up and hurried to school.

Now trains are allowed to travel at 25okph and the journey time is only 10 hours.

8) 介词后+名词/动名词/代词。

I look forward to receiving your letter.I learn English by listening to tapes.

9) 句子成分顺序:主、谓、宾、状 (方式、地点、时间) 。

I read books at home.

I was reading books in bed at home at 10 o’clock last night.


10) 掌握五种中考必考时态和两种语态。


11) 文章要有起首句和结束语。

中考书面表达开头和结尾部分的内容是改卷老师最重视的内容, 写好起首句和结束语使得文章结构完整。


(1) 开门见山法。根据文章的内容, 开门见山地介绍需要描述的人和事物。如:I dream of a wonderful birthday party.或者I like sports and I am good at playing basketball.或者Unfortunately, he had a bad day yesterday.

(2) 回忆事实法。当写日记游记和其他类型的记叙文时, 常用此法。

如:Last Sunday Li Hua went to the fields to catch frogs.或者Yesterday our class organized an activity to serve the aged people.

(3) 概括定义法。如:Heath is very important to us.或者Life without friends must be boring.


(4) 首尾呼应法。文章的结尾与开头互相照应。如文章开头写I had a good time last night.结尾部分可写I really had a good time last night.

(5) 表达愿望法。比如在写寒假或暑假计划时可这样表达

I hope I will have a great time on winter vacation.或者I can'wait!或者I'm sure it will be a wonderful trip.

(6) 建议法。If everyone offers love to others, our world will become more beautiful.

12) 适当使用连接词。正确使用连词, 能使文章过渡自然, 表达流畅。

如用and, as well as, or等表并列关系;用but, yet, however等表转折关系;用when, while, after, before, then, after that等表时间关系;用so, therefore, as a result等表因果关系;用for example, such as, for one thing, for instant表解说关系;first….second…., third…., at last/finally, next, then, to start/begin with since then, first of all, from now on, after that, at the same time等表时序关系。

13) 适当使用复合句。如适当使用一、两句并列句、宾语从句、定语从句或状语从句, 可使文章不过于简单, 更有文采。当然要以句子不出现语法错误为前提。如:

My parents think that teenagers should stay at home to go over their lessons. (含有宾语从句的复合句)

When I get back home from school, I’m not allowed towatch TV. (含有状语从句的复合句)

I feel worried about them and I don’t know what I should do. (并列句)

14) 适当背诵一些范文, 也可快速提高书面表达能力。




and, also, too, as well, both... and, as well as, neither... nor, not... but, either... or等。

1. I know my grandma loves me, and I love her as well.(2014河南)

2. Both their music and costume were wonderful.(2014广东)

3. I think we must neither play with fire in the mountains nor swim in the river alone.(2013福建福州)

4. He is both my father and my good friend.(2013安徽)

5. Sometimes the one who beats you is not others, but yourself.(2011山东烟台)

6. You can go to Lushan Mountain either by train or by bus.(2011江西)


Whats more, whats worse, besides, also, in addition, moreover, worse still, above all, not only…but also, most importantly等。

1. In addition, never forget to spend some time playing for fun.(2014甘肃白银)

2. Whats more, following traffic rules is also very important. (2014安徽)

3. Besides, the tourists can enjoy different kinds of delicious foods and special local products. (2014福州)

4. Moreover, its better if the family lives within a twenty-minute walk from my school and provides a bedroom with a bathroom.(2014温州)

5. Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us cleverer and happier.(2013山东烟台)

6. Whats worse, lies never go far.(2012连云港)


but, while, however, yet, instead of, still, on the one hand, on the other hand, in spite of等。

1. Instead of punishing me, he gave me a book and said he knew how I liked books.(2014齐齐哈尔)

2. However, only a few students spend time practicing listening and speaking.(2014浙江绍兴)

3. However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or playing on-line game.(2013山东烟台)

4. But I believe our friendship will last forever.(2014山东德州)

5. On one hand, students arent very interested in reading, on the other hand, they cant read in right ways.(2011浙江绍兴)


in my opinion, in my view, I think, I'm sure, I hope, as far as I'm concerned等。

1. In my opinion, we teenagers should have a design for our future life.(2014山东烟台)

2. I think these rules are necessary as safety comes first.(2014安徽)

3. I hope it wont happen again.(2014台州)

4. In my view, I dont like the way we study, because I think its boring.(2012浙江宁波)

5. Im sure the column will be helpful and useful.(2011浙江台州)


at first, at times, then, later, after, since then, meanwhile, when, while, before, as soon as, from then/now on, now, suddenly, next, at the same time, after a while, gradually, finally, in the end, at last, at present, at once, immediately, the moment, recently, lately, for the first time, in a few days, first of all等。

1. At times, people seem unfriendly and offer no help when others are in trouble.(2014陕西)

2. Then well be happier and healthier.(2014漳州)

3. After that we will have many activities, such as singing, dancing, telling stories, and chatting to cheer up the old.(2013湖北武汉)

4. Meanwhile, I didnt fall behind others in study.(2012山西)

5. At the same time, we are really happy to invite you and your students to come Nanjing in the summer of 2014.(2012江苏南京)

6. Gradually, my English has got improved.(2011上海)


if, unless, once, in case, as/so long as等。

1. If I enter my favorite high school, Ill get rid of the bad habit—too much watching of TV.(2010沈阳)

2. If possible, Ill try my best to learn more useful skills and get more knowledge.(2013江苏连云港)

3. As long as were true to each other, lies, whatever kinds they are, wont stand in our way.(2012连云港)


firstly, secondly, thirdly, at last, first of all, last but not least等。

1. First, we can build lots of some libraries in the city. Second, if new books can be introduced often, more people will be interested in reading. Third, if the seats in the libraries are very comfortable, people will enjoy reading there a lot.(2014重庆)

2. Last but not least, summer is coming, we must remember its dangerous to swim alone.(2014兰州)

3. Firstly, we have different tasks in group work. Secondly, we discuss the topic the teacher provides. Thirdly, someone writes down the key points and forms a report. Fourthly, we must finish the task in time. At last, one of us comes to the front to make a report.(2012浙江宁波)


such as, for example, and so on, like等。

1. We need to do lots of listening and speaking practice, such as watching English movies and listening to English songs.(2014绍兴)

2. For example, could you tell me how long the course will last?(2014南京)

Firstly, we should get into the good habit of keeping clean, such as washing hands before each meal, keeping ourselves and our clothes clean, having clean food and so on.(2009贵州贵阳)


So, therefore, thus, as a result, so that, so...that, such...that, because, because of, since, as, for, thanks to, due to等。

1. I like cooking very much, so I want to cook by myself.(2014温州)

2. Therefore, we will have even more environmental problems and live in a world with less energy available.(2013江苏苏州)

3. As a result, people will have a higher standard of living and live longer.(2013江苏苏州)

4. Thanks to it, I have always got good marks in English.(2011年上海)

5. Ill take a walk with him after dinner and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much.(2013安徽)


in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth, to be honest, according to, or rather等。

1. As a matter of fact, buses play an important role in our daily life.(2010北京)

2. In fact, they think that the world will be a better place than it is now and our live will be greatly improved.(2013苏州)


most important, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, indeed, surely, certainly, above all, after all等。

1. They insist that white lies are lies after all.(2012连云港)

2. Most importantly, if you have an emergency, you can get the most convenient help immediately.(2010北京)

3. Most importantly, he is good at playing chess. (2010湖北武汉)


for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to等。

1. In order to get enough sleep, we should keep away from computer games.(2014漳州)

2. I am determined to work hard at all my lessons so that I can enter Beijing Medical University.(2014山东烟台)

3. I suggest students who will attend the lecture should take a notebook with you so that you can make notes for further consideration.(2009江苏无锡)

4. I will study hard to get more knowledge in order to achieve my dream.(2012山东滨州)


In short, in a word, all in all, in brief, on the whole, in general, after all, above all, finally, at last, as we know, in conclusion, generally speaking等。

1. In a word, if we make good use of time and from good habits, well have enough sleeping time.(2014漳州)

2. All in all, we enjoyed ourselves in the festival and I hope more people can join us next year.(2014广东)

3. All in all, I love shopping online.(2012湖北黄冈)

4. In a word, it is unforgettable, isnt it?(2011浙江湖州)


As the proverb says / goes..., 正如谚语所言……

Everybody knows that..., 每个人都知道……

Generally speaking..., 一般说来……

It is known to us that..., 众所周知……

As we know that... 众所周知……

It is said that... 据说……

1. As I know, you like music, dancing and reading.(2014湖南)

2. As we all know, reading is very important to us.(2014重庆)

3. As we know, students should learn how to get on well with others.(2012安徽)

4. It is known to us that students spend much time in studying at school.(2009贵阳)

5. It is said that the chief lecturer Chen Jun is an excellent teacher who was just returned from the USA after an academic visit.(2009江苏无锡)


believe it or not, of course, honestly, to my joy

1. Believe it or not, he did it and we saw his great improvement after that.(2014山西)

2. Of course, sometimes I want to buy something expensive.(2012江西南昌)

3. To tell the truth, the Internet brings students many advantages.(2010甘肃兰州)
