




实施课外活动是全面推进素质教育,增进学生身心健康的必要手段。本着对每位学生负责的态度,认真的组织开展英语课外活动。因为开展这一活动,可以让学生在轻松中学习、运用和掌握知识,只要教师为学生精心设计作业,任人唯能,分层要求,就能让每个学生都在英语课外活动中有获得成功的机会,从而培养其学习的自信心和持久力,激发英语学习的兴趣。为达到这一目的, 七年级上学期英语课外活动特制订如下计划:







































在语言学习中, 听是思维接受语言的感官表现, 说则是思维表达的感官表现, 它是大脑与外界交流的基本表现形式。听、说两者的结合就是对听力理解的表达, 它是听者积极主动地参与语言交际的过程, 也是听者根据已有的经验或背景创造性地表达出来的过程。但无论是听还是说, 都需要大脑的主动参与。因此, 听说是最能锻炼大脑动用外语进行思维的训练方式。语言既是思维表现的形态, 又是思维赖以进行的工具。所以, 在英语学习中, 重视听说, 无论从思维的表现形态, 还是从思维赖以进行来看, 都是重要的一环。

在初中英语语言学习中, 听、说是学生获得基本语言知识和初步运用英语语言进行交际的基础。培养学生的听说能力是英语教学的基本要求, 听说课则是初中英语听说教学活动中的一种重要课型。在《义务教育课程标准试验教科书英语新目标Go for it》中每个单元Section A的1a-1e和Section B的1a-2d通常都是听说课型。通过听说, 学生可以学习语言结构、扩充词汇、表达思想等, 为进一步展开教学活动奠定基础。


通过对来自重庆各个区县参加国培的52名老师和对自己所在学校老师关于听说课教学的访谈式调查以及对自己平时教学方式的总结, 可以看到:对八年级教材中听力内容的教学设计教师大多采取了以下三种做法:

第一, 在重点校和一些重点班, 教师在教学设计上一般都具有听说课的三个环节:pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening。在听前环节中, 教师通常会以旧知识引出下文或引起学生兴趣;在听中环节中, 教师会放两遍录音, 第一遍做书上听力练习, 第二遍检查;在听后环节中, 教师会让学生读听力材料, 回家背诵。

第二, 在中等学校或普通班, 教师省略掉了听前和听后环节, 注重听中环节的教学, 有些教师让学生听两三遍教材, 做书上听力练习, 然后读教材后检查。

第三, 在一些农村中学, 由于听力是学生们的难点, 所以, 教师会采取先看书、后听力, 读懂后再听录音。这实际上把听力课上成了阅读理解课, 对学生的听力没有起到任何作用。

从调查结果来看, 不管学校和班级整体情况怎样, 目前重庆的绝大部分教师在八年级进行听说教学时, 普遍出现“同内容、同进度、同目标要求、同评价标准”等“一刀切”作法, 没有做到重视学生的个体差异, 让不同水平的学生得到提高。当然, 这种教学肯定严重妨碍了学生的个性发展, 致使优生在课堂上学得散漫, “学困生”却在“困进”的怪圈中愈陷愈深, 无力自拔。

从教师本身的情况来分析, 造成这种“一刀切”教学方法的原因有两点:第一, 七年级是起始年级, 教师在教学内容的处理和对学生的教法上都采用一致性原则, 即对所有学生使用同样的教学内容和教学方法。随着学生学习进程的渐渐深入, 尤其是八年级也是学生在学习能力和学习水平上出现较大分化的时候, 如果教师的教学方法并未做出相应的改变, 仍然沿用七年级的教学方法, 肯定会使优生上课缺乏积极性, “学困生”想积极参与又无从参与的状况。第二, 教师在进行教学设计时, 没有从学生出发, 没有对教材进行足够理解, 没有认真思考新课标要求, 教学活动单一, 不能引起学生的学习兴趣。

三、教师要从教材入手, 进行听说教学活动的分层设计

教师要创设有效的听力教学课堂, 必须从教材入手。从八年级开始, 教材的听力材料逐渐有了一定的难度, 尤其是每个单元的Section B, 有的对话内容较长, 也出现了词汇表中没有的生词或词组, 这给学生听和理解听力材料都带来了一定的困难, 阻碍了听的效果。比如“Go for it”八年级上第三单元的Section B, 第三单元的内容是用比较级的语法形式谈论两个人的比较, 对话内容长达14人次的交替说话, 共24句话。这段对话里有三个短语:in any way, I’d say, be a lot like, 虽然没有生词, 但是在之前在教材上没有看到这三个短语的用法, 因此会让学生在听的过程中会产生一些理解上的障碍。教师一定要认真分析教材, 在听前的活动中设计出有关这三个词的教学活动, 降低学生听力难度;或者教师在之前一定要教给学生有关听的策略, 比如抓关键词等。

Section B通常由该单元的问题情境构成, 训练学生的英语思维能力, 相对于语言知识的学习, 英语思维能力的训练和培养对学生来说是比较困难的。再比如Go for it!八年级上第八单元的Section B, 第八单元是谈论做奶酪三明治的过程, 它的重点在于关注描述做事的过程, 用上可以表示序列的副词。听力教材内容本身所涉及的词和动词短语都在Section A中比较熟悉了, 但是学生需要的是在听的过程中在头脑里形成做这件事的整个经过, 听后能将其回忆复述出来。这样的英语思维能力的训练会让学生感到有一定困难, 教师应该多放一两遍录音, 让学生反复熟悉, 然后引导学生一步步描述整个过程。

对于中国学生来说, 英语信息输入的主要渠道就是教材。在调查中我们发现, 许多教师通常采用听教材内容、根据教材要求完成听力活动的方式来完成听说课的教学, 单一的课堂活动使学生逐渐失去了学习兴趣, 统一的学习方法和评价标准更不能适合大多数学生。《新课标》在实施建议部分提出:“教师要结合实际教学需要, 创造性地使用教材。在教学中, 教师要善于根据教学的需要, 对教材内容加以适当的取舍和调整。”教材限于版面或其他原因, 不能设计更多的活动。程晓棠、孙晓慧著的《英语教材分析与设计》中谈到:教师在教材取舍和调整中采取的几种常见做法是:对教学内容进行适当的删减、对教材内容进行补充、替换教学内容和活动、扩展教学内容活动步骤等。教师一定要在充分理解新课程标准的要求下, 根据教材内容设计出符合学情的听说教学活动, 让每个学生都能参与到教学活动中, 获得成功。


(一) 初中英语听说教学活动分层设计的理念

1. 最近发展区理论

维果斯基的“最近发展区理论”认为学生的发展有两种水平:一种是学生的现有水平, 另一种是学生可能的发展水平, 两者之间的差距就是“最近发展区”。教学应着眼于学生的“最近发展区”, 为学生提供带有难度的内容, 调动学生的积极性, 发挥其潜能。总之, 他认为教学的本质是激励学生的学习积极性, 帮助学生全面发展。运用到了课堂导入中, 强调课堂导入应根据学生认知能力的不同来设计教学方式, 应着眼于学生的“最近发展区”。

2. 多元智能理论

多元智能理论由美国哈佛大学教育研究院的心理发展学家霍华德·加德纳 (Howard Gardner) 在1983年提出。加德纳发现人在学习能力上的差异, 并且认为, 学校一直只强调学生在数学和语文 (主要是读和写) 两方面的发展, 但这并不是人类智能的全部, 不同的人会有不同的智能组合。我们在此更强调发展学生听说方面的能力。

(二) 初中英语听说教学活动分层设计应遵循的原则

1. 因材施教原则

所谓因材施教, 是指教师从学生的实际出发, 使教学的深度、广度、进度适合学生的知识水平和接受能力, 同时考虑学生的个性特点和个性差异, 使每个人的才能品行获得最佳的发展。我们的教学活动分层设计就是遵循因材施教的原则, 使每个学生得到更好地发展。

2. 真实性原则

真实性原则强调的是语言材料的真实性、语言自身的真实性、语言环境的真实性和学生情感的真实性, 使教学活动以喜闻乐见的方式让学生去真实地体验、感受和运用语言, 达到听有所得、学以致用的目的。

3. 兴趣性原则


4. 输入优先原则

在语言学习中, 大脑必须先获得大量的语言信息积累才能掌握这种语言。对于英语来说, 学生要有足够的语言输入, 通过听觉和视觉大量感知语言材料, 通过多看、多听、多读来接触和理解语言材料的意义、形式结构和交际功能。所以, 教师要先在扩大英语语言输入、扩展听力材料输入、拓展语篇输入等方面进行教学活动设计, 让学生通过大脑把语言材料及其相关语境记下, 再通过运用来掌握语言。

5. 交际性原则

交际性原则是强调英语语言在真实环境中的运用, 这是我们学习英语的根本目的。


《义务教育英语课程标准 (2011版) 》 (以下简称《课标》) 要求教师在听说训练过程中改进方法, 认真研究学生的个性特点, 了解学生的知识基础和经验水平, 掌握学生的阶段性心理特点, 把握群体的共性、尊重个体的差异性、关注学习的发展性, 因材施教、面向全体。

那么, 在进行教学活动的分层设计时, 教师先要根据本班学生的具体学情, 认真研究学生的实际需要、能力水平和认知倾向, 为学习者设计教学, 优化教学过程, 选择适合本班情况的分层教学活动, 形成完整的教学设计, 然后再运用于实际教学中。教学活动应该从三个方面进行设计:Pre-listening (听前) , While-listening (听中) , Post-listening (听后) 。

(一) Pre-listening

在Pre-listening中, 根据图片或老师提问, 使学生对即将听到的内容进行思考、预测、讨论, 学生也可根据话题展开说的活动, 教师也可作背景知识介绍等。听前活动或以旧知识带动学生兴趣, 或引起学生的好奇心, 或起到降低听力难度的作用。

(二) While-listening

在While-listening中, 根据学情设计除教材提供的更多的教学活动, 使教学活动形成阶梯性的递进发展, 让各个层次的学生得到不同程度的发展。前面提到, 中国学生的英语信息主要来自教材, 所以, 对教材本身的深层次认识、解析、运用是非常关键的。在听力教学活动过程中, 对教材中听力材料应该充分加以利用。对教材中播放听力材料的处理有以下方式:听并了解文中大意、听文中细节、听并检查完成任务情况、听并模仿语音语调等。“不少学生能基本听懂听力材料的大意, 但对细节的记忆较差, 教师应在听力教学中加强训练学生边听边记录的习惯, 教师应指导学生抓住听力材料中的关键词或细节词, 特别是有关的人名、地名、时间或数字等。 (朱萍、苏晨杰2013) ”对听力材料的处理有以下方式:将对话改为文段或由文段改为对话、表演听力内容、复述、改写、背诵等。

(三) Post-listening

Christine C.M.Goh认为, “Post-listening activities should be an extension of communicative outcomes and listening materials.They have several aims which can be achieved concurrently or separately.” (听后活动应当是交际结果和听力教材的延伸。他们有几个可以同时或单独实现的目标。) 在Post-listening中, 教师可以让学生根据听到的内容做情境表演, 强化情境下的语言运用;可以进行分析和讨论, 培养学生用英语思维的能力;结合教材听力内容做更多相关内容的听力文章、阅读文章或写作练习;还可根据教学内容, 将听说课延伸为听说带词汇的教学、听说带语法的教学、听说带阅读的教学等。

六、以Go for it八年级 (上) 第十单元的Sec-tion B为例, 进行听说教学活动的分层设计

Unit 10 Section B是该单元的第三课时, 现仅就听说部分进行活动设计。

学情分析:重庆复旦中学是一个市级重点中学, 笔者所教的六班在年级是一个优班, 但是学生听说能力和知识水平发展很不均衡。对教材中Section B的内容有65%左右的学生能听一遍后做正确, 25%左右的学生需要听两遍, 10%左右的学生听了两遍后也不能完全做正确。学生在学Section B前已经能对if引导的条件状语从句有一个比较深刻的了解, 也能较好地运用。这一节课是要通过熟知的条件状语从句引导学生对一件事的后果进行假设性的讨论。

(一) Objectives

By the end of the lesson:

1. Ss who are in the first level are able to answer the questions“What will you do if...”and find out more information about the listening materials.

2. Ss who are in the second level are able tocatch some more details of the conversations and express their opinions.

3. Ss who are in the third level are able to debate freely and be interested in the beautiful essay.

笔者希望通过这节课, 不同层次的学生能在不同层次的教学活动中获得发展。

(二) Procedures

1. Pre-listening

Michael, an American boy, is good at basketball.Let’s meet him.Turn to P76.Ss talk about the picture.Guess what they are talking.Ss predicate the context of the listening, write down some verb phrases and number them.

学生根据图片对1b的内容进行预测, 降低听力难度。 (一层次)

2. While-listening

Activity 1:Try to listen to the tape, write down the v.phrases of the context.

Activity 2:Listen to it again, try to write down more phrases, and then fill in the blanks, who said it?

Check the answers.On the PPT, there are some v.phrases:be happy, go to college, be famous, travel around the world, make a lot of money, get an education.Read the phrases.

Activity 3:Listen to it the third time, do 1c, complete the sentences.And then tell us what Michael/agent/his father/his mother said.

Check the answers.

Activity 4:Listen, and read it after the tape.Pay attention to the tone and pronunciation.

对于学生来说, 听力教材只听一遍是不够的, 所以我设计了四个教学活动, 让学生在每一遍的听中关注每一个活动。 (这部分的活动中第一和第四属于一层次, 第四层次要听录音跟读, 并注意语音语调, 这是很关键的一个教学环节, 学生应该多跟读原音, 模仿语音、语调。第二、三活动属于二层次。笔者希望每个学生通过对教材的反复听, 达到熟悉、掌握听力内容并达到以后能自然地在真实的语境中进行交际的目的。)

3. Post-listening

Think about what opinion you agree with.Some Ss agree with Michael and the agent.Ss agree with his parents.Let’s debate about“Should Michael join the basketball club?”

Divide the whole class into two groups.One group is for the opinion.The other group is against the opinion.

Find your friends, 4 of you will be a group.Write down your opinions on the poster.

Next, show your poster and express your opinions in class.After class, put the posters on the wall.

这个辩论赛的听后活动是对听力教材的一个延伸, 但并非是将活动设计得很难。差点的学生可以根据书上内容进行回答, 好点的同学也有自由畅谈、发挥的空间。学生各有各的观点, 作为老师, 我认为没必要引导学生去认可某种观点;有自己的看法并能说出理由就很好了, 这就已经表明孩子在成长。

Today we use“if”adverbial clause to express what could be happens and what’s the result.Not only for it, but we can use it in a beautiful essay.It’s for Michael Jackson.它不仅是给MJ的赞歌, 也会激励更多生者向MJ一样经历痛苦却成为顶天立地的人。让学生听录音, 欣赏美文, 让他们在美丽的文字间体会那一丝感动。

这节听说课教学活动的分层设计, 使得全班每个孩子都积极参与到各种不同的活动中来, 从听到说, 每个人都能在自己的能力上得到一定的提高, 都能获得快乐。


在英语听说教学活动中, 教师要通过听说教学过程的层次化使不同能力和水平的学生都能达到相应的目标, 并逐渐使低层次学生向高层次接近。听前、听中、听后三个阶段教学活动的分层设计实施, 将会更有利于学生听说能力的培养, 会让更多学生对英语产生持续兴趣, 也会让学生更积极主动地在生活实际中运用英语。教师要准确把握听说教学的广度和深度, 使听力教学不断得到优化, 取得更好的效果。


程晓堂, 孙晓慧.2013.英语教材分析与设计[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.

朱萍, 苏晨杰.2013英语教学活动设计与应用[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.














1、假设你应邀在明天的班会上作题为“How to study English well”的演讲。请根据以下信息写一篇80字的演讲稿。演讲稿开头已给出,不计入总词数。1.早晨起床后、晚上睡觉前大声朗读英语; 2.课余时间多听英语磁带,提高听力技能; 3.不要害怕课堂说英语,多做课堂笔记; 4.有时看一些英语电影或电视剧。

Good morning, everyone!I’m very glad to talk about how to study English well._______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: Good morning, everyone!I’m very glad to talk about how to study English well.First of all, I think we must read English aloud in order to practice our spoken English after getting up in the morning and before going to bed in the evening.Secondly, we should do more listening practice to improve our listening skills.Thirdly, don’t be afraid to speak English in class.Sometimes we can watch some English-language TV plays or films.It helps a lot.We should also take lots of grammar notes in class and try to write our own sentences.I’m sure you’ll make great progress in learning English.That’s all.Thank you.2、请你介绍一下你游览北京的经历,内容如下: 1.北京在中国的北方,每年有很多人到北京来旅游。2.来过北京多次,跑遍了北京城。3.爬过长城,到过颐和园和故宫。

4.拍下了很多照片,与老外用英语交谈过。One possible version: Beijing is in the north of China and it’s the capital of China.There are many places of interest there.A lot of people come to visit Beijing every year.I have been to Beijing many times.I have traveled around Beijing.I have climbed the Great Wall.I have visited the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.I have also had conversations with foreigners and I have taken lots of photos.3、假如你叫吴明,对航天英雄杨利伟非常羡慕和崇拜,于是给他写信。请按要求写一封60-70词左右的信。1. 10月15日我国发射“神舟”五号载人宇宙飞船。中国成为第三个能把人类送上太空的国家。2.对他表示祝贺。3.决心向他学习,长大后为祖国服务。One possible version: Dear Uncle yang, I’m sending you this letter to give you my congratulations.On October 15,2003, China sent up the first space craft.Shenzhou V into space successfully, you became the first spaceman in China.Now China has become the third country than can send a person into space.You are so great that I admire you.I muse learn from you and try to improve myself.When I grow up, I will serve our country.Yours truly, Wu Ming





Today our teacher told us something about Project Hope.We heard that…

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: Today our teacher told us something about Project Hope.We heard that many children in the countryside still had no chance to go to school.“They are too poor to go to school,” the teacher said.After the class, I went back home and saw the little box in which I saved my pocket money.I wanted to buy myself a new school bag.But now I thought of the country children who were eager to go to school.So I decided to send my money to them.I started to write a letter to them right away.After finishing it, I went to the post office and mailed the letter together with all my pocket money.I hope it could help the children in poor area.5、以My Musical Habits为题写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下你的音乐爱好,可适当扩写。内容要点包括: 1.介绍你爱好的音乐;


3.你喜欢流行音乐,在上学和放学的路上你经常听MP3,也能唱很多流行歌曲; 4.有时去听音乐会。

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: My Musical Habits I love music and I have some good music habits.I enjoy playing musical instruments, listening to music and singing songs as well.I practice playing the guitar for half an hour after supper every day.Pop music is my favourite.I often listen to MP3 on my way to school and after school.In this way, I’ve learned many popular songs.So I can sing lots of them now.And sometimes my parents take to concerts.Music makes me happy and relaxed.Music makes my life rich and colourful.Music is really important to me.6、根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词语必须用上。字数60~70左右。



3、他向我询问去温泉饭店(the Hot Spring Hotel)的路。


5、他非常感谢我,我也为能帮他而感到高兴。提示词语:go out for a walk, on the road, the way to, walk along, on the left, thank for, be happy that One possible version: Yesterday evening, I went out for a walk with my mother.On the road, we met a foreigner.He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left, then he could see the hotel.He thanked me very much for my help.I was happy that I could help him.7、动物是人类的朋友。而许多动物却濒临灭绝。你想拯救哪种动物?为什么?为此我们该做些什么? One possible version: Today many animals are in danger.They’re always killed.They have no place to live in.The panda is one of the animals most in danger.They mainly live on bamboo.The area of bamboo is becoming smaller,so pandas have less and less land to live on.Baby pandas often die.The situation is becoming very serious.So we need to protect and save them.We can build enough nature reserves.The nature reserves will be bigger and the bamboo will be better.Let’s try our best to save animals in danger!


One possible version: My favourite play is Hi,Ke’ai.It takes place in Beijing.It’s the story of a boy called Ke’ai.His parents would like him to become a painter or musician or scientist one day.They teach him to paint and to play the piano,but Ke’ai doesn’t enjoy these activities.He only wants to be himself.The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to understand their children.It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.9、Betty 要来你所在的地方旅游,请你提出相关的天气信息,内容包括全年中这个时候的天气状况、近几天的天气预报、备用衣服等。One possible version: Dear Betty, I’m happy to know that you’re coming to Shandong.The best time to visit Shandong is in autumn.In spring, it’s quite windy and there can be sand storms.It’s very hot in summer but may get cooler after showers.Winter is freezing and dry, but the city is beautiful after snow.These days the weather is getting colder.Sometimes it’ll rain a little.If you come at this time, please wear more clothes and bring an umbrella.Yours, Daming.10、假如你是Mike, 下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请写一封电子邮件向你的笔友Lucy做一下介绍。词数80左右。1.上课不能迟到; 2.课堂上保持安静; 3.见到老师要问好;

4.不许在教室里吃东西; 5.不许在课堂上听音乐、玩游戏。One possible version: Dear Lucy, Thank you for your last letter.You want to know the rules in our school.Now let me tell you.We can’t be late for class.We can’t talk loudly in class.We should be quiet.When we meet teachers on our way, we should greet them.We can’t eat or drink in class.And we can’t listen to music or play games in class.Good luck to you!Yours,Mike.11请以“Welcome to My Hometown” 为题,写一篇介绍自己家乡,宣传家乡特色的短文。不少于70词。内容包括:






Unit1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. Type of this lesson: Listening and speaking

 Teaching aims: To understand the conversation about the sports.To understand the comparison of sports.To talk about the sports that that one likes and gives reasons, using

comparatives. Teaching key points: Key vocabulary:baseball, volleyball, boring, exciting,relaxing ,matter, hurt, stadium, miss, mind, plenty, plenty of

Key structures:Watching is not dangerous and it’s more relaxing

too!And staying at home was easier than going

to the stadium. Teaching difficulties: the use of comparative degree of adjectives with two or more than two


 Teaching steps:

Step1, Greetings

Step2, Lead-in

1.Ask students some questions.How was your weekend? What do you usually do at the

weekend? Do you usually do some sports at the weekend? Who does some sports at the


2.Say “ I usually do some sports at the weekend.I think it is good for our health.Do you agree

with me ? so today let’s talk about sports.3.Look at the picture, what is he doing?(He is playing tennis)I like playing tennis very much,I think it’s very enjoyable.I think nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.Step3, Presentation/ Vocabulary/ Speaking

1.Show student some pictures about sports.Elicit basketball, football, table tennis, volleyball,tennis and baseball

2.Say “I like basketball very much, because it’s very exciting and relaxing.Ask students

“ what sports do you like? Why?Give them more pictures about sports.3.Elicit the answers from the students and elicit some adjectives.4.Continue to say “I don’t like baseball, because it’s very boring and difficult.”Ask students

“How about you? Can you tell me what sports you don’t like?”

5.Elicit the answers from the students and elicit some adjectives and write them on the

blackboard.6.Read the adjectives on the blackboard together.7.The teacher says “I not only like playing basketball, but also like swimming.But I think

swimming is more relaxing than playing basketball.”

8.Ask students to make sentences like the example.9.Students say their sentences one by one.10.Work in pairs and ask and answer.Step4, Listening

1, Read the words in the box in Activity 1 chorally.2, Match the word with the pictures.3.Say “Just now we talked about our favourite sports , Daming and Betty also like sports very much.Let’s listen to the tape and find out what sports they like.When you are listen, you should number the words as you hear them..4.Play the recording and listen for the first time.5.Listen again and ask the students to check their answers.6.Elicit the answers from the students.7.Listen and check the answer together.Step5, Listening and reading

1.Ask students to read and listen to Activity 3.And answer the questions.2.Ask a student “ What do you do and say when you meet your teacher?” and write it on the

blackboard.3.Write the answer on the blackboard.4.Do Activity5.Work in pairs and.Talk about what so you do and say when you meet different

people.5.Elicit the answers from students.Step6, Listening and reading

1.Students work in pairs and read the conversation by themselves.2.Listen to the tape.3.Answer the teacher’s questions:

What do Russian/ Chinese/ Americans/ India/ Maori people do when they meet?

4.Work in pairs and find out the answers from the conversation.5.Elicit the answers from students.6.Listen to the tape and read the conversation.7.Read the conversation in roles.8.Complete the table with the correct form of the words from the box.Step7, Pronunciation and speaking

Homework: Copy the new words and try to remember them.Recite the conversation.Reflection:

Unit2 This year we are training more careful. Type of this lesson: Reading and writing

 Teaching aims: To skim the text on sports and understand its main idea

To be able to describe sports and games, using the comparative forms of

adjectives.To make comparison with given information

 Teaching key points: Key vocabulary:beat, careless, coach, fan club, against,practice, warm, warm up, usual, better, pass, pity, loudly, trainKey structures:We all arrive as early as we can so that weave time to warm up.It’s more difficult to practice in winter.It gets dark earlier.This year we are training more carefully.That means we have a better chance of winning. Teaching difficulties: To be able to use imperative sentences

 Teaching steps:

Step1, Greetings

Step2, Revision

Revise the sports we talked about in last class.Step3, Lead-in

1.Show students two pictures on page 20, ask them what sport it is and what people

are doing in the picture.2.Students have discussion about the pictures

Step4, Vocabulary/ Presentation

1.Students say something about the pictures.2.Use the pictures to elicit the new words.Beat, cheer…on, coach, fan club, play against, train,pleased, pity, loudly, confident.3.Read and repeat the new words chorally.Step5, Reading

1.Tell students to look at the title of the passage by Daming and ask them what the passage is

about.Ask them to guess what sport he is training for.2.Elicit the ideas from the class.3.Write some general pre-reading questions on the board for the students to focus on while they

are reading.Why is Daming going to school on Saturday?

How does the team practice this year?

Why is it good to have fans around?

4.Read the passage, students check their guesses and answer the questions.5.Elicit answers to the questions from the class.6.Listen and read the passage.7.Complete the table after the passage.Read the passage again, underline the key information

and complete the table.Step5 Exercises



Step6 Writing

Homework: 1.Copy the new words and try to remember them

2.Finish Activity5 and 6 on Page21.Reflection:

Unit3 Language in use

 Type of this lesson: Revision and application

 Teaching aims: To summarise and consolidate the use of comparatives

To practise using adverbs after verbs and distinguish adverbs from adjectives. Teaching steps:

Step1.Preparation/ Language Practice

Go through the sentences in the practice box with the students.Read the sentences together





