【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试


【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试(精选6篇)

篇1:【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试

第二章 地球上的大气阶段测试

时间:90分钟 满分:100分

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2.影响该地区气候的风带或气压带是()A.赤道低压带 C.西风带


B.副热带高压带 D.东南信风带 B.①强③弱 D.②强④弱

4.当地人们喜欢身着白色宽松的长袍、裹头巾,这种着装更便于()A.散热、防风沙 C.接受“日光浴”

B.驱寒保暖 D.穿着和运动


5.该城市可能位于()A.回归线附近大陆西岸 B.40°N附近大陆西岸 C.回归线附近大陆东岸 D.40°N附近大陆东岸

6.市中心与郊区的气温差异导致市中心()A.降水的可能性较郊区大 B.降雪的可能性较郊区大 C.大气污染物不易扩散至郊区 D.不易受郊区燃烧秸秆烟雾的影响

读“某季节我国东部沿海地区高空等压面示意图”,据此完成7~8题。7.有关四地气压大小的比较,正确的是()A.①>③ C.④<② 8.此季节()①我国北方地区多沙尘天气 ②我国南方地区多雷雨天气 ③我国西南地区地震灾害多发 ④我国台湾滑坡、泥石流灾害多发




B.②④ D.③④ B.①<② D.④>③



10.有关R、Q、P三地降水的叙述正确的是()A.R处为锋面雨 B.Q处为对流雨

C.P处降水少的原因是气流下沉增温 D.R处降水多的原因是受高气压控制


B.乙 D.丁

A.夏季高温多雨 C.冬季寒冷干燥

B.终年高温多雨 D.全年温和湿润





B.④和⑧ D.②和⑥

.白天①地气温大于②地 B.城市出现晴朗天气 C.②地气温未来会升高 D.⑤⑧两地有连续性降水 14.图甲表示的锋面系统是()A.冷锋 C.准静止锋


B.暖锋 D.锋面气旋

15.从所处半球和气压场分布状况看,近地面该气压系统分别属于()A.北半球、高气压 C.南半球、高气压

B.北半球、低气压 D.南半球、低气压

16.该种天气系统出现时间与地点的组合,正确的是()A.1月 地中海 C.7月 蒙古

B.7月 夏威夷群岛 D.1月 冰岛


17.这次天气变化过程最有可能是由()A.反气旋造成 C.冷锋造成

18.这次降水的形成原因是()A.气流下沉造成 B.气流对流上升造成 C.暖气团主动沿锋面爬升造成


.暖气团被迫抬升造成 19.此系统易造成()A.长江中、下游地区的梅雨天气 B.东北、华北地区的夏季暴雨 C.东南沿海的台风天气 D.长江中、下游地区的伏旱天气


20.甲乙两天气系统分别可能是()A.气旋 冷锋 C.反气旋 暖锋

B.气旋 锋面 D.反气旋 准静止锋

21.如果甲天气系统达到非常强大的程度,则会出现()A.暴雨 C.寒潮

B.干旱 D.地震

22.如果乙系统出现时天气表现为大风、降温特点,则该天气系统是()A.冷锋 C.气旋

B.暖锋 D.反气旋




如果此图表示南亚季风环流,B处是印度洋,C处是南亚大陆,那么图中所示的是________季,②的风向为________季风。该季节,全球的气压带和风带向________(北或南)移,简述该季风②风的成因。(6分)(3)如果此图表示东亚地区夏季的季风环流,那么表示海洋的是________(用字母填空),②的风向为________季风。此季节________ 气压带被出现在陆地上的________(高压,低压)切断,使该气压带保留在了海洋上。(4分)




(4)图中甲、丙两个气候区的纬度分布有什么差异? 为什么会形成这种差异?(4分)








1.A 由图可看出,图示地区为热带沙漠气候,由于降水少,晴天多,大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用弱,地面获得的太阳辐射多,所以全年炎热,故A项正确。

2.B 热带沙漠气候区常年受副热带高气压带控制,B项正确。

3.D 该地区晴天多,白天、夜晚都是晴天,白天温度高,夜晚温度低,昼夜温差大,D项正确。

4.A 当地人们喜欢身着宽松的长袍、裹头巾,这种着装更便于散热、防风沙,A项正确。5.D 图中冬季气温值在-4℃~0℃之间,较寒冷,应位于40°N大陆东岸。

6.A 中心城区比郊区气温高,易形成上升气流,又由于城市中固体尘埃多,故水汽易凝结。但由于城区气温比郊区高,故降雪的可能性比郊区小,故A项正确。

7.D ③地海拔低于①,气压值③>①,同理气压值④>②,①、②海拔高度相同,①地等压面向上弯曲,②地等压面向下弯曲,气压值①>②,图中④处应为高气压,③处应为低气压,故气压值④>③。

8.B 该季节大陆上形成低气压,海洋中形成高气压,此时北半球为夏季,据此分析可知B项正确。

9.D 丁在北半球低纬度,由副热带高压流向赤道低压,为东北信风。

10.C R处降水是由于气流上升运动,为对流雨;Q处降水是由于锋面活动,使暖湿气流沿锋面上升,为锋面雨;R处降水多是由于受赤道低压影响,故A、B、D三项均错。P处位于30°N,由于受副热带高压影响,常年盛行下沉气流,降水少。

11.A 读图,根据气温曲线和降水柱状图分析,孟买最冷月气温大于15 ℃,全年高温,有明显的旱雨两季;上海夏季高温多雨,最冷月气温大于0 ℃,冬季温和少雨;北京夏季高温多雨,最冷月气温小于0 ℃,冬季寒冷干燥。三城市共同的气候特点是夏季高温多雨,A项正确。

12.C 图甲中①点受暖气团控制,图乙中⑦、⑧点受暖气团控制,故C项正确。

13.A 白天①地为晴天,②地为阴雨天气,①地大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用小,故白天①地气温大于②地,A项正确;城市位于低压中心,盛行上升气流,为阴雨天气,B项错误;②地受冷锋影响,冷锋过境后,气温会下降,C项错误;⑤地位于冷锋锋后,有降水,但不是连续性降水,暖锋带来连续性降水天气,⑧地受单一暖气团控制,天气晴朗,D项错误。

14.A 由图甲可知,图中冷气团主动向暖气团运动,图甲表示的天气系统为冷锋,A项正确。15.A 图中气压场中心区气流下沉,地面水平气流由中心向四周辐散,且呈现顺时针方向,地转偏向力向右偏,为北半球反气旋。

16.B 1月份,北半球为冬季,亚欧大陆形成蒙古—西伯利亚高压;7月份,北太平洋形成夏威夷高压,故B项正确。

17.C 该天气系统过境时形成降水,并造成气温下降、气压升高,故该天气系统为冷锋,C项正确。

.D 冷锋天气系统中,冷气团主动向暖气团运动,冷气团插入暖气团前缘,暖气团被迫沿锋面抬升,从而成云致雨。故D项正确。

19.B 长江中、下游地区的梅雨天气是由江淮准静止锋造成的,A项错误;我国北方夏季的暴雨是由冷锋造成的,B项正确;东南沿海的台风天气是强烈发展的热带海洋气旋造成的,C项错误;长江中、下游地区的伏旱天气是由西太平洋副高控制形成的,D项错误。

20.B 由图可看出,甲为低压,即气旋,乙天气系统气压值高的部分由冷气团控制,气压值低的部分由暖气团控制,故乙为锋面系统。故B项正确。

21.A 由上题分析可知,甲天气系统为气旋,其达到非常强大的程度,则形成台风,会造成狂风暴雨天气,B项正确。

22.A 乙系统为锋面系统,冷锋过境时能造成大风、降温天气,故该天气系统为冷锋,A项正确。

23.(1)副热带高气压带 动力 西南风 温带海洋性(2)夏 西南 北


(3)B 东南 副热带高 低压

24.(1)反气旋(高压)顺 辐散 下沉 晴朗(2)冷锋 A(3)西安 西安等压线较密集,水平气压梯度力较大,风力较大 25.(1)亚热带季风或季风性湿润 澳大利亚东南部 南美洲东南部


(3)④ 气温年较差小,年降水量大,且季节分配较为均匀,具有海洋性特征




篇2:【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试



单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—Peter was killed in the earthquake!—_____ I talked with him last week.A.What a pity!

B.I beg your pardon.C.Sorry to hear that.D.Is that so? 2.We’ll not attend the meeting _____ we are invited.A.if B.and


D.once 3.—They didn’t attend the conference.—They _____ a long trip abroad.A.prepared

B.were preparing for

C.were preparing

D.are preparing for 4.Wash your hands with soap _____ the experiment.A.in the end of

B.at the end of C.to the end of D.by the end of 5.His strength had almost _____ when they found him in the desert.A.given out

B.given in C.given up

D.given off 6.Many people came to the meeting, _____ of whom left early.A.number

B.the numbers

C.the number

D.a number 7.I’ll spend my holiday in Shanghai, _____ lies on the coast.A.who B.which C.where


8.On _____ the bad news, she cried with her face _____ in his hands.A.hear;bury



D.hearing;buried 9.Not far from the club, there was a garden, _____ owner was seated in it playing cards with his children every afternoon.A.its



D.of which 10.It’s quite _____ to score a goal in FIFA World Cup.A.a prize

B.a price C.an honour

D.a value 11.I met the teacher in the street yesterday _____ taught me English three years ago.A.which

B.when C.where

D.who 12.The people there were greatly _____ to see every-thing changed over a night.A.pleased

B.shocked C.interested

D.moved 13.Tell us about the people and the places _____ are different from ours.A.that B.who C.which D.whom 14._____ is no wonder the building is _____.A.It;in ruins

B.That;in ruins C.This;in ruin

D It;in ruin 15.—Do you mind if I open the window? —_____, but I’ve caught a bad cold today.A.No, not at all

B.Yes, of course not

C.Yes, please

D.I’m sorry 第二节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)

I have certainly seen lots of changes in my lifetime!I look around my home and see mod cons(现代化生活设备)that I could never have

of fifty or sixty years ago.I

the early part of childhood in a cottage without running water or electricity and yet these days, I feel 18

if there is a power cut for even just an hour or two!So, I have changed too.Things that I couldn’t even imagine in the past now seem quite.I don’t think, however, that people are happier today than they were 50 years ago.We are certainly materially better off than we were

most people still seem to be weighed

by problems.My daughter and her family are a good.They have a spacious, comfortable home with every labor-saving device you can.There’s a washing machine, a clothes dryer, and all sorts of other household items which are

to save time but it seems to me that my daughter and her husband just spend all that “saved” time!They 26

relax and are always complaining of being and “stressed”.Children these days have all sorts of “educational toys” and yet they seem unable to

themselves.My daughter tries to

the time her children spend watching television but when they aren’t watching TV, they are sad.They play with new

for a day or two and then

them once they have gone off them.When we were children, we had almost nothing but we were so

32.We had all sorts of fun and games in the nearby woods.But, of course, children can’t play

outdoors any longer.There is so much crime and parents are afraid to let their children go out alone

they are injured, kidnapped, raped or even murdered.These crimes may not be directly

with modern inventions but there must be some connection.16.A.seen B.dreamed C.spoken D.touched 17.A.took B.cost C.spent D.afforded 18.A.uneasy



D.happy 19.A.impressive



D.public 20.A.so B.while C.and D.but 21.A.down B.at C.off D.up 22.A.show



D.example 23.A.think of B.think over

C.think on D.think through 24.A.built B.arranged C.designed D.formed 25.A.playing



D.singing 26.A.sometimes



D.regularly 27.A.patient B.tired C.special D.worried 28.A.learn B.know C.enjoy D.teach 29.A.offer B.limit C.waste D.stop 30.A.programs



D.toys 31.A.give off

B.leave off

C.get rid of D.get off 32.A.inventive



D.excited 33.A.easily


C.conveniently D.safely 34.A.in case

B.so that


D.even though 35.A.connected



D.made 第三节: 阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

A Pablo Ruiz Picasso was the favourite child of his family.He was the only boy among a great many girl cousins.That was enough to make him important, but the father loved him especially, because he knew his son was going to be an artist.Pablo knew the word for pencil even before he could see Mamma and Papa.When he was small, he spent hours by himself making delightful little drawings of animals and people.If his mother sent him out to play in the square, he went on drawing in the dust under the trees.Don Jose Ruiz, Pablo’s father, was director of the museum in southern Spain.He earned only a small salary, but there was not much work to do and he was able to practice his hobby, which was painting pigeons.Don loved pigeons very much.He painted them dead or alive in ones and twos and in dozens.Sometimes he painted them on paper, cut them out and stuck them onto canvas(画布);sometimes he stuck real feathers onto his pictures.He knew a great deal about the technique of painting and he taught it all to Pablo.Life in Malaga was very pleasant.In the hot sunshine father and son would walk down to the beach to look at the boats on the shore or wander around the open markets.They made a strange pair.Don was tall and thin, with red hair and beard, sad gray eyes and a fine set of whiskers(腮须).He was so shy and correct that he was nicknamed “the Englishman”.Pablo was quite the opposite.He had his mother’s small, strong build(体格);he had straight black hair, and bright black eyes that noticed everything that was going on around him.36.Picasso’s father loved him especially, because

.A.he was the only boy in the family

B.he was going to be an important person to his family C.he showed the gift of an artist in his early childhood

D.he looked like his mother 37.Pablo’s father painted a lot because

.A.he didn’t have enough money

B.he had plenty of time C.he liked the pigeons, especially the dead ones D.he looked after the museum 38.Don Jose Ruiz and Pablo were a strange pair because

.A.they liked to wander about the town B.they noticed everything that was going on around them C.one was tall and thin, the other was small and strong D.they looked so different from each other 39.The best title of the passage might be

.A.Pablo Picasso: the great artist B.The Boyhood of Pablo Picasso C.Father of A Great Artist

D.Father’s Influence(影响)on His Son


Benjamin Franklin was truly what we call a “jack of all trades”.Although best known for his experiments with electricity, Franklin was a scientist, a politician, and almost everything in between.Franklin was born in Boston in 1706, the tenth and youngest of his father’s sons.When he was 12, Franklin worked as an apprentice.He worked in his older brother James’ printing shop.He secretly started publishing his writing under the false name of Silence Dogood.James wasn’t pleased when he found out the writer was Ben.Ben stopped his job and set out for Philadelphia.In 1732, Franklin began publishing Poor Richard’s Almanack, where most of his sayings can be found.Many of these , such as “A penny saved is a penny earned”, remain popular today.Franklin is known as a Founding Father.This means that he was part of the group of men who founded their nation.He was a member of the Continental Congress and also the oldest person to sign both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.Electricity and weather were especially interesting to Franklin.He proved that lightning is electricity by catching sparks from a cloud while flying a kite in a storm.As Ben says, “If you would not be forgotten when you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing about.”

His theory seems to work, because Ben followed both pieces of his own advice, and we still remember him centuries later!40.Though Franklin did many kinds of work, he

.A.is mostly remembered for his experiments with electricity B.is better known as a Founding Father C.is best known as the oldest man who signed the Declaration D.is remembered mostly as the author of Poor Richard’s Almanack 41.The underlined word in the second paragraph probably means someone

.A.who owns a printing shop

B.who learns a trade by working with a skilled person C.who is skilled at his work

D.who does business with a printing shop 42.From the last paragraph we can see that ______.A.Franklin not only wrote things worth reading but also did things worth writing about B.Franklin listened to others’ advice and was remembered by the Americans C.Franklin wrote things worth reading rather than did things worth writing about D.many people followed his advice and succeeded at last


A star usually is someone who has become famous in sports, film, or pop music, someone like singer Michael Jackson.In the middle nineteen eighties, Michael Jackson successfully made a famous record, which quickly became the most popular recording in the history of music.This made Michael Jackson a bright star.One of the famous sports bright stars in the United States is Mohammed Ali.When he was a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olympic Games as a boxer.Then, he won first place in the world heavy weight boxing match.Before long, he was known as one of the greatest and most famous boxers in sports history.Everyone knows his name.Like the stars in the sky, a bright star will lose his brightness as time passes.He is loved by millions of people today, but will be forgotten tomorrow.43.What does this passage mainly talk about? A.Michael Jackson B.Mohammed Ali C.pop music and boxing D.bright stars 44.Michael Jackson is famous for

.A.his songs B.his film C.his sports

D.his heavy weight 45.What does “boxer” in the passage mean in Chinese? A.盒子 B.装箱者



46.What will happen to the bright stars at last according to the passage A.They will be remembered by millions of people.B.They will be loved by people for ever.C.They will be the most important people in history.D.They will lose their brightness and be little known.D “Someday, there’ll be no Americans left in the NBA,” said 12-year-old Xing Tao, who joined his school team two weeks ago after watching Yao Ming in a televised NBA game.“The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”

To China, Yao is a home-grown superstar who helped make the world’s first basketball league closer to Chinese players.To the NBA, the 2.23-meter center offers an opening of a different sort into the world’s largest new market.Yao’s NBA first appearance against the Indiana Pacers in October reached 287 million families in the US.That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao’s fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(抢篮板球)and got no points.Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10 rebounds.“This is one of the most exciting games I’ve had,” Yao said after Houston’s 95-83 victory.The NBA has to be excited about his on-count success.In all his games, he’s averaging 12.7 points and 7.7 rebounds, quite good for a new star.“Yao Ming has brought the NBA closer to the Chinese,” said NBA spokeswoman Cheong Sau Ching, “That makes the dream seem practical for other people in China and proud to be Chinese.”

Yao is not the country’s first player in the NBA, but Yao’s combination of modesty and skills makes him a favorite back home.47.What’s the direct reason for Xing Tao to join the school basketball team? A.He watched an NBA game.B.He liked basketball.C.He hoped to play for NBA.D.He had a dream that he would become a basketball star.48.How many points did Yao Ming win in his first game in NBA? A.0.B.2.C.29.D.10.49.What does the underlined word “letdown” in the second paragraph mean? A.failure


C.disappointment D.sadness 50.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Middle school students want to play basketball.B.Yao Ming makes NBA closer to China.C.There’ll be no Americans left in the NBA.D.There are many new stars from China in the NBA.第四节 阅读表达题(共5小题;每小题3分;满分15分)

When Michael Mandiberg visited Dafen Oil Painting Village one Friday morning, he was attracted by so many original works.Disoriented and confused, he wondered if the Painting Village was really the vil?鄄lage described in a New York Times report, which drew him from New York to the village earlier this month.“The New York Times said Dafen was a village, but what I saw is a modern city, with lots of shops, buildings, and factories,” Mandiberg told the Shen?鄄zhen Daily after spending a week there.An assistant professor with the Department of Media Culture of the City University of New York, Mandiberg became interested in Dafen after reading a New York Times report entitled “Own Original Chinese Copies of Real Western Art” published July 15, 2005.He came to Dafen to shoot a 10-minute documentary for student research and screening in galleries.Mandiberg spent a whole week talking to painters, and visiting shops, museums and factories.It was a brand-new experience for him, as he had never seen such mass-production of art._______________.In one of the factories, the process of producing a painting is broken down into five stages, with skillful painters in charge of the first and final stages.In the other factory, the painting is produced in a 20-part process.“Dafen is a good place for painters to make a living.In New York, most artists have to do other jobs, like teaching or working in galleries, to support them?鄄selves,” said Mandiberg.However, Mandiberg is not optimistic about the future of original works from the village.“Some museums in Dafen sell originals at prices as high as $3,000, but foreigners will not buy them.When people buy a painting, they want identification with artists.People don’t spend over $500 on an object which they are not familiar with,” he said.51.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)

_________________________________________ 52.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

He was awe-struck by the quantity of paintings in the village._________________________________________ 53.Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


54.According to the whole passage, what were Mandiberg’s impression of Dafen?(Please answer within 40 words.)

_________________________________________ 55.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese._________________________________________ 第五节 书面表达(满分30分)今年5月27日在印尼地区发生了破坏严重的地震,约5000 人丧生,200,000人无家可归,这次地震给印尼人民造成巨大的损失,他们急需各类援助。假设你是你校校报的编辑,请用英语写一份向印尼地震灾区灾民募捐的倡议书。开头已给出。要求:词数100左右。



donation—捐赠品 My dear schoolmates, Unit 4 Earthquakes 单元检测试题




11-15DBAAA 第二节:16-20BCACD



31-35CADAA 第三节:36-40CBDBA


篇3:【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试

















[1]薛金星.十年高考试题全解.语文[M].北京:北京教育出版社, 2003.

[2]任志鸿.十年高考分类解析与应试策略.语文 (学生版) [M].海口:南方出版社, 2006.

[3]人民教育出版社, 课程教材研究所, 中学语文课程教材研究开发中心, 北京大学中文系, 语文教育研究所.普通高中课程标准教科书语文3 (必修) [M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2007.

[4]任志鸿.十年高考分类解析与应试策略.语文 (学生版) [M].海口:南方出版社, 2011.

[5]迟桂凤.浅谈初高中诗词鉴赏之衔接[J].语文天地, 2011, (11) .

篇4:【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试


























篇5:【整合】人教版高中地理必修一 第二章 单元测试

第二节 大规模的海水运动(第1课时)


[知识与技能] 1.通过比较、分析,归纳世界表层洋流的分布规律。2.了解洋流对地理环境的影响。[过程与方法] 1.读图分析法、比较法、案例分析法。

2.通过绘制洋流分布图掌握世界洋流的分布规律。[情感、态度与价值观] 培养学生科学研究的方法和态度。





●课时安排 2课时



1.海水的温度:表层海水温度由低纬向高纬递减;深层海水温度由水面向水深1000米处递减,而1000米以下保持在低温状态 2.海水的盐度:



②地表径流的注入:地表径流注入越多,盐度越低 ③洋流:暖流有增盐作用;寒流有减盐作用



1.洋流的定义:表层海水常年稳定沿一定方向做大规模的流动 2.洋流的成因分类:风海流、密度流、补偿流 3.洋流的性质分类:寒流、暖流(会分辨)[读图思考]P57 4.世界主要海区的洋流分布:(1)太平洋海区:三圈环流形式(2)大西洋海区:三圈环流形式

(3)印度洋海区:北印度洋的季风环流(夏季顺时针方向流动,冬季逆时针方向流动)[小结] ●板书设计


第二节 大规模的海水运动(第2课时)




1.对沿岸气候的影响:暖流有增温增湿的作用;寒流有降温减湿的作用 [案例1]北大西洋暖流与西北欧气候;秘鲁寒流与南美大陆西岸气候



(1)积极影响:顺风顺水(顺洋流)航行,可节省时间和燃料(2)消极影响:寒暖流交汇处易出现海雾;洋流携带的冰山 4.对海洋污染物的影响:

(1)积极影响:降低污染浓度,加快海水自净(2)消极影响:扩大污染范围 [阅读]厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜现象


第二节 大规模的海水运动(第2课时)


1.对沿岸气候的影响: 2.对渔业生产的影响: 3.对海上航行的影响: 4.对海洋污染的影响:


Parts1-4)Teacher shows answers on the screen.T: Please look at the screen and check your answer.Do you have any question? S: Are “such as” and “for example” the same? T: OK.I’ll give you two examples:

1.He knows five languages, such as Russian, French and Spanish.2.The differences in the spoken language are greater.For example, Americans say dance [dæns], and in southern England they say [dæns].Students ask any questions and teacher explains to them in class.Step II warming up Arouse the students’ interest in reading.Let the students know of world English.T: So much for the words.Can you name some countries in which English is spoken? Ss: Of course.America, Britain, Canada, Australia…

Teacher writes American, British, Canadian, and Australian on the blackboard.Then add English to these words.T: Are these Englishes the same? S1: I think they are the same.They are all called English.S2: I don’t think so.As I know BE and AE are different in spelling, pronunciation and so on.T: Well, turn to page 9.Read the Warming Up.Please answer the questions below.Ss:(scanning)There is more than one kind of English.T: Please go on reading and try to tell AE words from BE words below.After reading, the students give their answers.T: Who will show your answer? S: I think “mum, in a team, rubber, petrol” are BE words.And “mom, on a team, eraser, gas” are AE words.T: Can you give them a name? Ss: World English.T: Very good.Step III Pre-reading Activate the students’ background knowledge of English.T: From Warming Up we know many people speak English in the world.How many people speak English and why do so many people speak English? Please discuss with your partners and answer the questions.A few minutes later.Sa: Maybe 1000 million people speak English today.Because many countries were colonies of England, so English is spoken as a first or second language in many countries.Sb: We can’t get the exact number.More and more people begin to learn English because English is the working language in the United Nations.Everywhere children go to school to learn English.T: Excellent!About 1500 million people speak English as their first, second or foreign language.But they don’t speak the same kind of English.Step IV Reading

Get the students to know the history of English and help the students to form a good habit of reading.Point to the blackboard.T: how did different kinds of English come about? Please read the test “The Road to Modern English” quickly and pick out the answer.Students read quickly to find the answer.T: Any volunteer to answer the question? S: I will.English has changed over time.All languages change when cultures communicate with one anther.T: Any different ideas? Well, you all have the same answer.Task 1: Reading and choose correct answers.T: Turn to page 10.Please read the questions and multiple answers first to know what information we should get, and then read the passage to find the answer.A few minutes later.T: Now who would like to tell us your answer? Any volunteer? 1 A 2 D 3 C 4 D 5 B
