




《My school》中part C.Story time是PEP小学英语四年级下册第一单元的第六课。在此之前,学生们已经学习了有关楼层和学校设施的单词和词组,并了解它们的功能,本课继续学习、巩固学校设施名称和相关楼层以及如何询问设施位置的句型:This is the music room.That is the gym.Is that the lunchroom?















教学重点:能够掌握有关学校设施的单词和词组以及询问学校设施的句型:This is the music room.Is that the lunch room?

教学难点:在实际情景中能够灵活运用stroy time部分的内容并能够大胆创编和表演相关对话。





3、小组活动学习法: 课堂各项教学活动均以小组活动为主线,全班活动为辅,学生互相交流、探究,共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义。






学 号:201421T241 专 业:学科教育(英语)学员姓名:曹丹 任课教员:苏勇

任务型英语教学教案 曹丹 201421T241 年级 :增盛镇中学八年级4班 课题名称:Unit2 Colors and Moods 教材选自:人教版新目标英语

一、教学案例的设计与分析 1.教材分析






1)怎样来正确使用与课文有关的重要词汇短语? 2)对文章的听读理解能力及获取具体信息的能力 3)对文章快速阅读的能力及阅读对写作的迁移能力 5.教学方法和教学工具

任务教学法(Task-Based Language Teaching),多媒体教室,录音机,教材 6.教学时间


7.教学形式:Task-based learning, activity-based teaching(class work;individual work;pair work;group work)

二、课堂教学程序的设计 Step1.Warming up 任务设计(1)do a survey about your favorite color(2)show up(设计目的:在正式阅读文章前,给学生分组布置任务,通过五环及福娃,要求前后四名学生为一组共同讨论各自喜爱的不同颜色的福娃及其原因,体现团队合作精神。小组讨论、协商,不仅给学生提供了大量的口头练习机会,而且是个取长补短,集思广益,互相学习的过程,有助于培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力从而发展他们的个性。)Step2.Leading-in 任务设计:As we all know, there are different colors in the world, and can you divide them into 2 parts?(设计目的:利用学生的旧知,鼓励他们把颜色分为warm colors和calm colors)Step3.Skimming 任务设计:skim “reading” within 90 seconds, try to finish the table(设计目的:在学生原有对颜色分类的认识基础上,快速阅读,抓取文章的主要信息,并对原旧知进行细化。)Step4.Scanning & Matching 任务设计:Scan the reading, and try to match the colors with what they represent.(设计目的:重要的词汇在学生理解课文后再次通过加深对词意的理解达到对词汇的掌握,学生将更多的注意力放在了语句中,单词记忆不再是孤立的,而是在句中理解词汇。)Step5.Revision 任务设计:help students revise all the information together blue---------calm calm white----------purity orange----------joy warm yellow---------wisdom energetic green-----------growth strong red-------------power(设计目的:对于输入的信息量及时地巩固,增强记忆)

Step6.任务设计1.read calm colors carefully by themselves and answer questions 1.What color can make you feel relaxed?(blue)2.Does white create a feeling of harmony?(No, blue creates a feeling of harmony.3.What else can blue represent?(sadness)4.If I’m feeling stressed, what color should I choose?(white)任务设计2.get information from warm colors and try to finish the following table 任务设计3.close books and listen to the tape, then catch the missing information about red and green.1.Green is the color of nature and represents new life and growth.It is the color of envy.2.Red is the color of heat and represents power and strong feelings.Red can also help us take action or make a decision.Step7.Discuss the passage carefully in groups, then try to fill in the table below:(设计目的:设计了创新思维能力的练习,采用不同方法,鼓励学生主动参与,展示个人才能。培养学生思考问题、表达观点的能力、引导学生运用所学的语言和知识进行交际,体现了语言为生活服务的宗旨。让学生进行一些即兴的、自由的交流活动,练习由浅入深,层层深入。)Step8.Game time 任务设计:If you tell us the correct color, you can get a present.If you can’t, you can get nothing.For example: The best color to represent 刘星 is red, because he has a strong personal and active but I think he should use blue more, it can help him calm down.1.Cui Yong Yuan used to worry a lot and often got stressed, he should use white more.2.Ying Mu Hua Dao often gets angry easily.I think he should use blue more as it can help him calm down.(设计目的:各种不同的练习使学生很快找出阅读内容的细节,听读结合,动静结合,张弛结合)Step9.Talk show 任务设计:ask students to talk about themselves, but they should mention the following points.My favorite color is.It represents.I like it because.I am.So, my favorite color match/doesn’t match my characteristics.设计目的:总结并巩固新授知识





教育家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教师如果不想方设法使学生产生情绪高昂和智力振奋的内心状态,而只是不动感情的脑力劳动,就会带来疲倦.”教师可设计制作类作业让学生享受“I can do it in English!”的乐趣.圣诞节和元旦前夕,可让学生制作圣诞卡和贺年卡并填上祝福语,如“Best wishes!Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!”学完祈使句后,让学生为校园的各个场所设计英语警示牌.这样校园花草树木旁有了“Don’t pick the flowers!”垃圾筒旁有了“Please put rubbish in the bin!”的警示牌.这些作业让学生复习和强化所学知识,培养了学生动手能力和审美情趣,同时引起学生保护环境、关心他人,培养了学生的责任感.



1. 专题调查


2. 观察生活,应用语言

任务型教学认为:要培养学生在真实生活中运用语言的能力,就应该让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的生活任务.如学完有关天气的形容词后,让学生观察本地区一周的天气情况并作记录,下一周在课堂上用英语汇报记录结果.还可让学生收集、摘抄自己周围的英文商标、中英文广告、标牌,学生会发现身边有如此多的英语,如No smoking!与Made in Japan等.学生在完成作业的过程中,通过了解生活、观察自然,增强了参与意识,养成了良好的观察习惯和自觉学习的意识.


在大力推行素质教育的今天,重点是培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,为了学生的长远发展,教师应设计创新作业,激发学生学英语的积极性,培养创新能力,发挥创新的潜能并从中体验成功的愉悦.如让学生编辑英语手抄报,手抄报活动以培养学生能力为目的,让学生把学到的知识运用到实际生活中去,真正做到学以致用.如学习了方位介词之后,联系there be句型,让学生以此句型为主题编写手抄报,内容可以是:为自己设计一个卧室、一个教室、一个学校等,要求图文并茂.学生在编辑手抄报的过程中,加深了对there be句型的理解,运用能力大大提高,同时培养了学生的创新能力.


关键词:任务型教学 英语 学生

作为一线教师,觉得自己身上的担子很重。对于新教材心里没底,又没有现成的经验可以借鉴,只能是边学习边教学。新课改倡导以人为本,强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康的发展,培养学生良好的品质和终身学习的能力;新课改提倡交流与合作,自主创新学习。课程改革的成败关键在于教师,教师是课程改革的直接实施者。而以前教授时笔者针对课文内容常作如下的安排:1. 学生听录音,感知课文;2. 听音,识图;3. 听音,重复课文;4. 分角色朗读课文。上完课后笔者发现学生非常地听话,总是按照所给指令完成任务。老师让做什么,他们就做什么,学生始终处于被动中。可是这样的学习是不会有利于学生的长远发展的。每次期末统考笔者班上英语成绩平平,笔者和学生都有种事倍功半的感觉。






1. Pre-task:呈现话题,进入任务,介绍任务的要求和实施任务的步骤。

2. While-task:学生以个人、伙伴或小组形式完成各项任务,并进行汇报和评价其完成情况。

3. Post-task:学生巩固和操练语言知识。

比如在教高中二年级英语上册第2单元时,根据教学目标,笔者设计了四个任务:1. 根据图片学习、了解电视节目种类,并用对话谈论自己的喜好。复习What kind of TV shows do you know?2. 对不同种类的电视节目发表意见。根据以下句型进行练习:What do you think of soap operas / sitcoms / comedies etc.?以及表达I love it / them. I like it / them. I don’t like it. I can’t stand it. I don’t mind it. etc. 3. 完成练习,并根据听力内容进行对话。4. 进行调查,并能做口头及书面报告。



1. 给学生带来愉悦的情感体验;2. 能促进学生之间的合作与交流;3. 把静态学习变为动态学习。


1. 在任务型教学中,教师是从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动的,学生的活动具有明确的目标指向和具体的操作要求。在教学活动中,学生大脑始终处于一种激活状态,他们获得的不仅是语言知识,还获得了运用语言的能力。随着学习任务的不断深化,学生语言能力的不断提高,整个语言学习的过程就越趋于自动化和自主化,学生就越能创造性地表达自己的思想。

2. 由于有意义的任务活动贴近学生的生活、学习经历和社会实际,所以能引起学生的共鸣,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。

3. 小组讨论不仅给学生提供了大量口头操练的机会,而且给他营造了一个集思广益和互相学习的环境,有助于培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力;有助于发展学生的个性,提高其智力水平。

4. 任务完成的结果为学生提供了自我评价标准,并使其产生成就感,可转化为后续学习的动力。


1. 任务型学习活动的一大优点是能激励学困生的学习积极性,尽快大面积地提高学困生的成绩。这是以往各种英语教学改革收效甚微的症结所在。

2. 任务型学习活动的第二个优点就是能使学生真正成为学习的主人。他们从学习中看到提高,从提高中形成能力。这一过程完全是学生自己完成的,教师只起一个引导的作用。

3. 任务型语言教学的课堂是以学生为中心,教师只是组织者、引导者和学生的助手。在这样的课堂里,学生有更多参与合作的机会,可以互相帮助。每一个学生都有机会练习英语,表达自己的思想。学生通过各种各样的活动,如信息转换、配对活动和小组活动等,不仅掌握了基本语法知识,而且得到了更多的实践机会,提高了听、说等运用语言的技能。学生的积极性提高了,一切活动都是主动的,教师只是参与者和指导者。








1. 王景和. 英语教学名家谈 [M]. 吉林教育出版社,1998.

篇5:教案 任务型教学


T: Mike is an American boy.His father is a professor.He is invited to teach English in Ningde Teachers’s College.And Mike comes to China with his father.Now Mike is your new classmate.It is the first time for Mike to come to Ningde.What do you think he must know about Ningde?

(Get students to discuss in pairs.Then ask some pairs to report.Elicit “clothing, food, living and transportation” by discussing the question)

2.A further discussion(After eliciting “clothing, food, living and transportation’’, I divide the class into four groups, each group discuss one question.The group competition would encourage them to think creatively 引出衣、食、住、行四个方面后,将学生分成四组,每组讨论一个方面,活动性形式是小组竞赛,有利于调


(1)divide the class into four groups and have a group competition.The first group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can buy his clothes? Why? The 2nd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can eat? Why? The 3rd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can live? Why? The 4th group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can go on weekends? Why?

(The teacher give each group their grade according to their performance.)

(2)Get the four groups to take out their maps(the teacher should ask the each student to bring a map of Ningde with them in advance)and discuss.Ask them to underline the most proper places they think for Mike to go to.Ask each group to choose one place and then report and explain the reason.Give each

group their grade according to their performance.(after setting the task , get the students to look at the pictures with English explanation in them presented by multimedia visual aids, the English words like ladies’room, library church, cafe)此任务布置后,让学生看并讨论由多媒体呈现的附有英文解释的图片,即表示某些地点的生词:ladies’room, library church, café、、、、、、、T:(show the slides of ladies’ room and men’s room on slides)Hers is a place.In it there are a lot of different kinds of books.We can borrow books from it.But we have to return them on time.We call this place “library”.(display the picture of church in slide shows to present the word)

T:(show the picture of cafe)Here is a place.We can drink coffe in it.we call this place “cafe”.3.Set up a new situation:



(after the completion of the above task, the teacher needs to set up a new situation to help the student review the useful expressions on how to ask the way)T: Mike is new in Ningde.So it is easy for him to get lost on his way to these places.(过渡)If he gets lost, what can he do?(help the students to answer: he can ask a policeman or a passerby on the way.)(get the students to review the following sentences about asking the way.)

-----Excuse me, where is downtown library ?-----Excuse me, is there a police station near here?

(elicit the following sentence pattern through revision 在复习基础上,又引出两个新句型 ,)

T: when we ask the way , we can also say: Excuse me , can you tell ne the way to the men’s room?

Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? 4.Introduce the main task:


(It is natural to introduce the main task of this lesson after finishing the previous task.The students have laid a solid foundation for the further learning.)

T: so today’s main task is to help Mike ask the way and tell him the way so that he can reach the places he wants to go in Ningde.5.Ask the students to listen to a model dialogue(Section 2 lesson 61)

T: now let’s listen to the tape and pay attention to the way people ask the way and give the way in the dialogue.Listen first and try to answer the question:

How can A get to the library?

(the question is presented on slide)

Step 2 : Task cycle



1.students work in groups and read the map

T: suppose Mike starts from our school, he wants to go to the place you discuss just now.give him the direction.The sentence patterns in section 3, lesson 61 can help you.Then each group will choose a member to get ready to report.The reporter should try his best to say it correctly and fluently.2.Get each reporter to report.T: Other groups check their presentation while they are reporting and write down their mistakes but don’t interrupt them.(the teacher gives them prompts if necessary, but doesn’t

interrupt them.After their oral presentation, the groups evaluate each other’s performance and correct mistakes.And then the teacher offers feedbacks, evaluating their performance, correcting their mistakes if there are some left and giving each group their grades.)(教师要求各小组成员听汇报的同时,要关注汇报者指路的用语是否明确,是否最终能帮助麦克到达目的地,是否有语


3.Set up four situations Mike may be in.(multimedia visual aids)(Get each group to choose a situation and make a dialogue.Then get each group to act out their dialogue)Situation1: one evening, after having dinner in a restaurant with his family , Mike wants to go to People’s Cinema to see a film, but he doesn’t know the way.What will he do? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation2: one day Mike goes to Nanji park((multimedia visual aids)by bike.but makes a mistake, he goes to Jintai mountain , what can he do ? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation3: one Sunday morning , Mike’s family want to go to the church(multimedia visual aids).Is there a church in Ningde? How can they get there? Please make a proper dialogue.Situation4: one day Mike and his mother are shopping in Walmart shopping mall.Suddenly Mike’s find her handbag is stolen.Her money ,mobile-phone and ID card are all in it.Mike

doesn’t take any money with him.what can they do? How can they get home ? please imagine what the situation is and make a proper dialogue.Step 3:post-task 一.language focus and summary 1.Talk about the differences among the words “cross, across and crossing”.(1)get the students to translate the following three sentences and pay attention to the meaning of the underlined words(with the multimedia visual aids)1)turn left at the second crossing.2)go across the bridge.3)cross the bridge(2)ask the students to find out the difference of the three words based on their meanings, parts pf speech and usage.(I f one student gets the right answer, his group will get 10 points)(3)the teacher draw a conclusion Cross:v

Across: prep

Crossing:n 2.Ask the students to tell these building correctly ,quickly and fluently, then the teacher shows again the pictures of some places such as church……………

3.get the students to summarize the useful sentences about asking the way and giving the way.(if a student tells a right sentences, his group will get 5points)1)Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital?.Where’s the(nearest)…, please?

.Is there a … near here?

.Which is the way to …?

.How can I get to …?

.Can you tell me the way to …?

.Do you know the way to …?

.Can you tell me how to get to …?

2)•Go along this road and …

•Go up this road to the end.•Go on until you reach the end.•Turn left at the … crossing.•Take the second turning on the left.•Go across the bridge.•It’s between the … and the …

•You will see … in front of you.•You can’t miss it.Ask the students to read these sentences correctly

4.Ask them to choose a place and work in pairs to ask and answer and make sure that they can further practice the useful sentence patterns.二 :Conclusion

Work out each group’s total grades to see which group gets the highest mark an give the winners some bookmarks as a prize.Meanwhile encourage other groups to work harder next time and not to be discouraged.Step 4: Homework

篇6:教案 任务型教学 Step 1

(Get students to discuss in pairs.Then ask some pairs to report.Elicit “clothing, food, living and transportation” by discussing the question)(用多媒体打开一个画面引出本节课的话题,吸引学生的注意力。借助生动的画面和视觉信息进行导入激发学生学习兴趣,引发学生积极思考。)

2.A further discussion(each of the four groups discusses one of the four aspects of living)

(After eliciting “clothing, food, living and transportation’’, I divide the class into four groups, each group discuss one question.The group competition would encourage them to think creatively 引出衣、食、住、行四个方面后,将学生分成四组,每组讨论一个方面,活动性形式是小组竞赛,有利于调动学生完成任务的积极性)

(1)divide the class into four groups and have a group competition.The first group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can buy his clothes? Why? The 2nd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can eat? Why? The 3rd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can live? Why? The 4th group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can go on weekends? Why?

(The teacher give each group their grade according to their performance.)

(2)Get the four groups to take out their maps(the teacher should ask the each student to bring a map of Ningde with them in advance)and discuss.Ask them to underline the most proper places they think for Mike to go to.Ask each group to choose one place and then report and explain the reason.Give each group their grade according to their performance.(after setting the task , get the students to look at the pictures with English explanation in them presented by multimedia visual aids, the English words like ladies’room, library church, cafe)此任务布置后,让学生看并讨论由多媒体呈现的附有英文解释的图片,即表示某些地点的生词:ladies’room, library church, café、、、、、、、T:(show the slides of ladies’ room and men’s room on slides)Hers is a place.In it there are a lot of different kinds of books.We can borrow books from it.But we have to return them on time.We call this place “library”.(display the picture of church in slide shows to present the word)

T:(show the picture of cafe)Here is a place.We can drink coffe in it.we call this place “cafe”.3.Set up a new situation(what should Mike do when he gets lost?)

完成以上任务后,又设计一个新情景,目的是帮助学生复习以前学过关于“问路”的表达。(after the completion of the above task, the teacher needs to set up a new situation to help the student review the useful expressions on how to ask the way)T: Mike is new in Ningde.So it is easy for him to get lost on his way to these places(过渡).If he gets lost, what can he do?(help the students to answer: he can ask a policeman or a passerby on the way.)(get the students to review the following sentences about asking the way.)

-----Excuse me, where is downtown library ?-----Excuse me, is there a police station near here?

(elicit the following sentence pattern through revision 在复习基础上,又引出两个新句型)

T: when we ask the way , we can also say: Excuse me , can you tell ne the way to the men’s room?

Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? 4.Introduce the main task:(help Mike ask the way and tell him the way)有了前面的铺垫,很自然地引出了本节课的主任务

(It is natural to introduce the main task of this lesson after finishing the previous task.The students have laid a solid foundation for the further learning.)

T: so today’s main task is to help Mike ask the way and tell him the way so that he can reach the places he wants to go in Ningde.5.Ask the students to listen to a model dialogue(Section 2 lesson 61)

T: now let’s listen to the tape and pay attention to the way people ask the way and give the way in the dialogue.Listen first and try to answer the question:

How can A get to the library?

(the question is presented on slide)

Step 2 : Task cycle


1.students work in groups and read the map

T: suppose Mike starts from our school, he wants to go to the place you discuss just now.give him the direction.The sentence patterns in section 3, lesson 61 can help you.Then each group will choose a member to get ready to report.The reporter should try his best to say it correctly and fluently.2.Get each reporter to report.T: Other groups check their presentation while they are reporting and write down their mistakes but don’t interrupt them.(the teacher gives them prompts if necessary, but doesn’t

interrupt them.After their oral presentation, the groups evaluate each other’s performance and correct mistakes.And then the teacher offers feedbacks, evaluating their performance, correcting their mistakes if there are some left and giving each group their grades.)(教师要求各小组成员听汇报的同时,要关注汇报者指路的用语是否明确,是否最终能帮助麦克到达目的地,是否有语言、语法错误。等四组汇报完后,小组先讨论,得出结论,并向全班公布结果。此后老师做总结并按照情况结合各组打分。)

3.Set up four situations Mike may be in.(multimedia visual aids)(Get each group to choose a situation and make a dialogue.Then get each group to act out their dialogue)Situation1: one evening, after having dinner in a restaurant with his family , Mike wants to go to People’s Cinema to see a film, but he doesn’t know the way.What will he do? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation2: one day Mike goes to Nanji park((multimedia visual aids)by bike.but makes a mistake, he goes to Jintai mountain , what can he do ? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation3: one Sunday morning , Mike’s family want to go to the church(multimedia visual aids).Is there a church in Ningde? How can they get there? Please make a proper dialogue.Situation4: one day Mike and his mother are shopping in Walmart shopping mall.Suddenly Mike’s find her handbag is stolen.Her money ,mobile-phone and ID card are all in it.Mike doesn’t take any money with him.what can they do? How can they get home ? please imagine what the situation is and make a proper dialogue.Step 3:post-task 一.language focus and summary 1.Talk about the differences among the words “cross, across and crossing”.(1)get the students to translate the following three sentences and pay attention to the meaning of the underlined words(with the multimedia visual aids)1)turn left at th second crossing.2)go across the bridge.3)cross the brodge

(2)ask the students to find out the differenced of the three words based on their meanings, parts pf speech and usage.(I f one student gets the right answer, his group will get 10 points)

(3)the teacher draw a conclusion

2.get the students to summarize the useful sentences about asking the way and giving the way.(if a student tells a right sentences, his group will get 5points)1)Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital?.Where’s the(nearest)…, please?

.Is there a … near here?

.Which is the way to …?

.How can I get to …?

.Can you tell me the way to …?

.Do you know the way to …?

.Can you tell me how to get to …?

2)•Go along this road and …

•Go up this road to the end.•Go on until you reach the end.•Turn left at the … crossing.•Take the second turning on the left.•Go across the bridge.•It’s between the … and the …

•You will see … in front of you.•You can’t miss it.3.Ask the students to read these sentences correctly ,quickly and fluently, then the teacher shows again the pictures ofsome places such as church…………… Ask the students to tell these building correctly Ask them to choose a place and work in pairs to ask and answer and make sure that they can further practice the useful sentence patterns.二 :Conclusion

Work out each group’s total grades to see which group gets the highest mark an dgive the winners some bookmarks as a prize.Meanwhile encourage other groups to work harder next time an dnot to be discouraged.Step 4: Homework
