



Unit Two Book III Course: New Horizon College English

Week: 3&4

Tutor: Semester: 4nd

Teaching Objectives: the students will be able to 1)get familiar with the useful words and expressions in this part, and practice speaking with them in dialogue.(elective, compulsory, case, intrusion, consistency, lose interest in, be bored to, just as I thought, and so on.)

2)learn to use useful expressions conduct a series of listening and speaking activities related to the theme of the unit.3)create new dialogs with partners according to the given situations by using the useful expressions.4)improve their listening skills——the ability to catch the main idea and the specific information——and speaking skills.Focal points: 1.Talking about various aspects of school life.2.Making and replying to suggestions.3.Using exaggerations.Procedures Stage 1: checking up

Step 1: T: check students’ work assigned online before the class

Step 2: T: check students’ homework for the previous unit

Stage 2: lead-in

Step 1: Ss: watch and talk about various aspects of school in brainstorming.Step 2: Ss: Work either in pairs or groups of 4 or 6, discuss the following questions, and then share the answers with the whole class.Stage 3: Activities

Step 1: T: Explain the word and language tips.Ss: Listen to the 5 short dialogs and check the answers in part II Basic Listening Practice.Step 2 Ss: Listen to the dialog twice, and check the answers in part III Listening in.Task 1

Step 3 T: Explain the word tips.Ss: Listen to the passage twice, and check the answers in part III Listening in.Task 2 Step 4 T: Explain the word tips.Ss: Listen to the passage twice, and check the answers in part III Listening in.Task 3 Step 5 T: Explain the words and the culture in part IV Speaking out.Ss: Listen to the model dialogs one by one and pay attention to the underlined parts.(The models present some expressions used for making suggestions and giving replies.The underlined parts are either such functional expressions or the expressions that help to form the framework of the models.)T: For the part “Now Your Turn” after each model, divide the class into pairs to do the exercises and then ask them to role-play the dialogs.Walk around the class and give help as needed.Encourage Ss to use their names to act out their parts.Step 5 Ss: Listen to the passage, finish the exercise, and create a dialog based on the following pros and cons in part V Let’s talk..Homework: 1.Listen to the passages of task one in part Ⅵ.2.Review these useful words and expressions in this unit.


II Listening skills

1-5: B B D C A

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F

Task 2: 1-5: B B D A C

Task 3: 1-5: classical, peaceful, relaxing, Jazz, sadness

6-10: heavy metal, energy, sporting events, physical labor, road accidents

V Let’s talk

1-8: Good Morning to All, success, musical talents, without, second part, replaced, legal action, real owners

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-6: special, joke, talent, proud, loud, joy

7-12: honesty, dancer, talk, wondered, capture, fan

Task 2: 1-5: B A A D C

Task 3: 1-5: F F T T T

Unit 2 What’s on at the cinema?

II Listening skills

1-5: A D B C B

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: director, sound effects, good story, think, sad 6-9: violent, light-hearted movies, mystery movie, in the future Task 2: 1-5: D C D A B

Task 3: 1-5: film, directors, actors, important, the United Kingdom 6-10: viewers, 40 million, Olympic, World Cup, time

11-15: artistic value, depth, Best Picture, favor, science fiction V Let’s talk

1-5: A B C D D

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: memorizing lines, remember one line, I hear the guns roar, a loud boom, forgot his line

Task 2: 1-5: A C C A D

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!

II Listening skills

1-5: B A A A A

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: go out, flaming red, crush, chicken, likes

6-9: guts, turn him down, keeping everything, tell her

Task 2: 1-5: early, late teens, Double-dating, Group dating, marry 6-9: Adult dating, hardly, Blind date, never

Task 3: 3-2-1-5-9-7-6-4-8

V Let’s talk

1-5: B B C D A

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-4: B D C A

Task 2: 1-5: the young man’s plans, a nice house, God will provide for us, Don’t worry, sir, play the role of God

Task 3: 1-5: F F T T F

Unit 4 Beware of ads

II Listening skills

Good to the last drop.—Maxwell coffee

Make yourself heard.—Ericsson mobile phone

Obey your thirst.—Sprite soda drink

We lead.Others copy.—Ricoh photocopier

No business to small, no problem too big.—IBM company

Drivers wanted.—Volkswagen car

Don’t leave home without it.—American Express credit card

She works while you rest.—A washing machine

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-7: shoes, funny, a lot of life, ad, extra spring, money, tall man

8-13: millions of dollars, for nothing, reach the top, hard work, focus on, forget

Task 2: 1-5: F T F F T

Task 3: 1-5: A B B C C

V Let’s talk

1-5: T F T F T

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: banned tobacco/cigarette ads, young people smoking

cigarettes, ways around the law, new customers, old ones, smoking on campus

Task 2: 1-5: A C B D D

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

Unit 5 Does your best friend have four legs?

II Listening skills

1-5: A B B D C

III Listening in

Task 1: 4-1-3-5-2-6

Task 2: 1-5: A D B C C

Task 3: 1-5: C D B A C

V Let’s talk

1-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money

7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door

13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview

6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chicken

Task 2: 1-5: C B C D D

Task 3: 1.in the theater

2.a ticket

3.well-trained, intelligent, human

4.any problem, leave the theater, any other dog

5.let the dog in, almost empty

Unit 6 What’s in fashion?

II Listening skills

Dialog 1: D, The first girl(The girl who wears the short skirt)Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.III Listening in

Task 1: 1-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her 5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder

Task 2: 1-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded

6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part Task 3: 1-5: D A C B C

V Let’s talk

1-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches

6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: T F T F F

Task 2: 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore Task 3: 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion

5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive

Unit 7 Does money talk?

II Listening skills

1-5: B A A D B

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percent

Task 2: 1-5: A B D C C

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

V Let’s talk

1-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close 8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, check

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luck

Task 2: 1-5: D C B D A

Task 3: 1-5: T F F T T

Unit 8 Crime does pay!

II Listening skills

1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly 7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for example III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F

Task 2: 1-5: B D C A C

Task 3: 1-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low 7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door

V Let’s talk


VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1.freeze

2.tall, shorter, red jacket

3.his gun, open, the rest of the people

4.key, safe

5.calm, a medal

Task 2: 1-5: A D C D B

Task 3: 1-5: F T T F F

Unit 9 Are you safe today?

II Listening skills

1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more, big hole, danger, 32 7-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilot

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: T F T F F

Task 2: 1-5: D A B C C

Task 3: 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent, nearly 5 percent

8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, at least a foot, children and pets

V Let’s talk

1-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car and killed the owner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, I was speeding, too

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: 120°, burns, candles, blow them out, electrical appliances 6-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exits

Task 2: 1-5: A C C B D

Task 3: 1-5: emergency 911, had broken down, woman passenger, No.15, 15 miles

6-9: ambulance, the operator, calm and warm, a boy

Unit 10 Want freedom from fear?

II Listening skills

1-8: take off, land, representative, how a plane flies, stays on the ground, short flight, increase, another city

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: go camping, planning to go, the mountains, the most beautiful, drive

6-11: heights, wonderful views, skip the climbing, clean up, fun, overcome Task 2: 1-5: T F F T F

Task 3: 1-5: C D B A A

V Let’s talk

1-5: a school examination, the basement, shopping, steps, frightened 6-10: come in, the window, toy gun, upstairs, take the dog

11-14: have heard, the window, her parents, dial the number

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-6: first prize, software competition, a trip to, fly, turns, goes pale, a cold sweat, some medicines, cause, a lot of trouble Task 2: 1-5: A C D B A












总体而言,凯美瑞·骏瑞2.5S与普通凯美瑞在调校上没有太多区别,2.5L 4缸发动机输出响应非常迅速、轻巧,虽然相对V6来说动静大了点,但135kW、235Nm的输出也不是虚的,0~100km/h仅9.4s的成绩也说明其足以应付各种路况。起步时很平顺、安静,改善了6代起步的“小暴躁”。两款车型的主要的不同是在变速器的换挡设定上。







M: Wow, with so many plants, how did you get around? W: We rode a tour boat down the Amazon River – it connects the whole jungle, and the local people use it to travel, too.It’s amazing being somewhere so far away from technology,without any electricity for miles and miles.The local people don’t even see the world outside of the jungle, never traveling more than 15 minutes up or down the river their whole lives!M: What an entirely different lifestyle!It must be completely different there.Did you get to meet any of the villagers? W: Oh yes!Here’s the story: I finished a small blue bottle of wine and was about to throw it away.The tour guide told me to save it.Later, when we arrived at one of the villages, he introduced me to an old woman there who greeted our boat.I gave her the wine bottle as a gift.She looked at it like a great treasure, and she said that it would be an honored prize for her hut.I was shocked that something so small and common for me – could mean so much!M: Emily, I suppose we really take modern life for granted.Q1: What does the woman say about the plants in the Amazon rainforest? Q2: What does the woman say about the local people? Q3: Why was the old woman in the village so excited? Q4: What has the woman learned from her traveling experience? Passage 1 Scripts I believe watching nature programs on television is not going to give us and our children a real experience of nature.On the contrary, they may distance us from nature – actual nature – even further.Because real nature experiences mean contact with nature.It means being with and within nature, to experience it with all five senses.True, TV programs give us joy but they will never be able to help us form a relationship with nature.We watch our small screens come alive with the vivid colors and we all let out “aahhhh …”

and “wooooow”.But, never once will we feel the pleasure of being close to nature.Worse still – the programs such as those on the Discovery Channel make nature seem so strange, and so far away, in the forests of the Amazon or in the wilds of Africa.Children may grow up without even realizing that the flowers, plants or a couple of trees in their backyard are nature and they are equally precious.The truth is – nature is so close to us.We don’t need to go anywhere far to enjoy such experiences.It is right there in our backyards.Or, in parks, gardens, forests, or national parks.All we need to do is make an effort to get closer to nature – know it, appreciate it, and explore it.Feeling the soil under our feet and the wind in our hair;listening to the sound of the fallen leaves and taking in the smell of the wet soil – all these are pure joy to the senses that we must experience.Q1: What may happen to children after watching nature programs on TV? Q2: How should children get close to nature according to the speaker? Q3: What impression might the Discovery Channel leave on children? Q4: What is the main idea of this passage? Passage 2 Scripts and answers I have never been able to understand people who don’t see the point in traveling.The


Lesson A Foods We Like 1.Teaching Focuses:

1)Vocabulary link to describing foods.2)Foods-related activities.3)Expressions for offering and suggesting.4)Pronunciation: sentence stress and rhythm.2.Difficult Points:

Task 1: Foods of the southern United States Task 2: The slow food movements Task 3: Who eats What?

Task 4: Hot, hotter, hottest!Surprising facts about chili peppers Task 5: The healthiest people in the world

Lesson B Eating out

1.Teaching Focuses:

1)Useful words and expressions for Global Viewpoint: Favorite foods & International Foods

2)Interviews about foods 3)Video: The spicier the better

2.Difficult Points:

1)Everyday English expressions, such as “man”, “born and raised”, etc.2)Retelling the story.3)Specific information in the video and the summary.III.Teaching Approaches: topic-oriented, task-inducing, students’ participation IV.Time Allotments Lesson A: 2 periods Lesson B: 2 periods V.Teaching Procedures:

Periods 1-2 Lesson A Foods We Like I.Warm-up Activities(10 minutes)1.Introduce the topic: food culture.2.Present the vocabulary.Have students fill in the space with the adj.from the box.3.Check answers.II.Listening Activities(40 minutes)Activity 1: Foods of the southern United States 1.Pre-listening: Familiarize students with the new words.2.While-listening: First listening to match the picture;Second listening to get the very adjectives for foods.Activity 2: The slow food movements

Pre-listening: Have students read the useful expressions.1.While-listening: Listen twice to finish the exercises.2.After-listening: Guide students to talk about the topic.Activity 3: Who eats What? 1.Pre-listening: Have students to describe their favorite foods.2.While-listening: Have students to answer the questions.Activity 4: Hot, hotter, hottest!Surprising facts about chili peppers 1.Pre-listening: Have students read the new words.2.While-listening: Listen twice to finish the exercises.First listening to fill in the blanks in the table;second listening to answer the questions.3.After-listening: check answers.Activity 5: The healthiest people in the world 1.Pre-listening: Have students read the new words.2.While-listening: Listen three times to finish the exercises.First listening to answer the questions;second listening to fill in the blanks;third listening to complete the summary.3.After-listening: check answers.III.Consolidation(15 minutes)1.Have the students think about the other expressions for describing foods.2.Ask students to talk about their favorite foods in their hometowns.IV.Summary(10minutes)V.Assignments(5 minutes)1.Review and finish all the remaining listening tasks in this unit.2.Preview Lesson B of Unit 3.Periods 3-4 Lesson B Eating out

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