




一、 教案背景

1,面向学生: 高二

2,学科:高二英语选修七Unit 1 Living well 3,

课时:period 2 4,





二、 教学目标

1. 知识目标

a. 掌握以下重点词汇和短语

ambition, disability, fellow, independent, beneficial, encouragement, in other words, all in all, out of breath, make fun of.

b. 理解和运用以下重点句型 1. I have to adapt to my disability.

c. Just accept them for whom they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.

2. 能力目标

a. 通过对段落结构的分析,使学生掌握scanning的阅读技巧。要提高他们的阅读速度和快速寻找信息的能力,培养他们分析和概括能力。

b. 让学生理解残疾人及其生活情况,使学生明白身体有残疾并不意味着生活不如意,但 他们在日常生活和工作中比健全人面临着更大的挑战。


a. 结合个人经历,充分体验残疾人的感受,提高学生理解、尊重、关心和帮助残疾人意识。加强合作意识、陶冶情操,培养正确的审美观和价值观。

b. 在师生互动的活动中,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势。

三、 教材分析

Living well高中英语选修7 第一单元的内容。本单元以残疾及残疾人生活为中心,介绍了一些残疾人凭借顽强的毅力和社会的关爱克服生活中的种种困难,以积极的态度面对人生的挑战。本课时是第一课时,包括Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending四部分。通过本节课的学习,提高学生理解、尊重、关心、帮助残疾人意识,使残疾人与健全人一样共享美好生活。它在整个单元教学中占有十分重要的地位。这是对新课程目标中情感态度与价值观培养目标的全方位体现。

四、 教学过程

Step1.Leading in(导入)


1)Ask students a questions

Do you know her name? What’s her disability? What’s she famous for? Play a video for students to watch.


2)A guessing game

Who are they? What are their disabilities? What’s their achievements?

Show the pictures of Edison, Stephen Hawking, Beethoven, Hellen Keller and Zhang Haidi.

Step2. Warming up


Gao Qiang 1. represented her country in an athletics competition and won a gold medal in the 50-meetre race.

Barry 2. owns a personal website on the Internet.

Sally 3. played a major part in the school play; takes singing and dancing lessons after school.

Rada 4. passed the university entrance exam; will train to be a teacher.

Step3. Pre-reading

通过介绍“Family village”,让学生说出这一网站的目的,重点在于该网站不仅对残疾人大有帮助,而且对健全人也同样有所裨益。以激发学生的阅读兴趣。

1.To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to tell their personal stories.

2. Other disabled people also find the website beneficial.

3. The website is also a way for non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.

Step4 . Reading



五、 教学反思



八年级英语unit7课件:Past and present


Unit 1 Past and present Graar


掌握Unit1的语法: Present perfect tense 现在完成时的用法





2、构成: have(has)+过去分词。规律变化的过去分词与过去式的变化一样,在动词词尾加ed;不规律变化的过去分词见不规律动词表,需要同学们记忆。


现以see the fil为例将现在完成时的肯定句,否定句和疑问句列表如下:

肯定句:I/u/We/The have seen the fil.He/She /It has seen the fil.否定句:I/u/We/The have nt/ haven’t seen the fil.He/ She/It has nt/hasn’t seen the fil.疑问句:Have I/u/the seen the fil? es, u/ we/I/the have.N, u/ we/I/the haven’t.Has he/she/it seen the fil? es, he/ she/ it has.N, he/ she/ it hasn’t.(二)用法:现在完成时既涉及过去,又联系现在。

用法一:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与ust(刚刚),alread(已经),never(从来没有),ever(曾经),befre(以前),et(仍然),nce(一次),twice(两次),an ties(很多次),hw an ties(多少次),s far(迄今为止),during the past(last)three ears(最近三年来)等连用。

※ 副词的位置:①ust常用于肯定句中,放在have / has后,He has ust ce.②never表示否定, 放在have / has后, He has never visited the Great Wall.③ever用于疑问句中,句型为: Have / Has+主语+ever +过去分词?“……曾经……过吗?”用于询问某人过去的经历。Have u ever been t the far?

④befre用于句末,The wan has never heard f that befre.⑤et 用于句末或nt 之后.Has the train arrived et? N, nt et.⑥alread用于肯定句, have / has 之后或句末.We have alread finished it.⑦s far用于句首或句末.S far, we have visited the n.用法二:表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态。时间状语有:

(三)现在完成时态中可以和表示一段时间的状语(fr,since,hw lng, all ne’s life)连用的动词必须是表示延续的情况或动作的动词,即延续性动词。如:be,have,nw,live,wr,stud,learn,teach,eep,spea,tal,draw,wait,wear,wal,sleep,drive,write,d,clean等。

I have been a teacher fr nearl 20 ears.Hw lng has he lived here?

(四)延续性动词的现在完成时可和包括“现在”在内的(到说话时仍未结束)表示一段时间的状语连用。如this rning,tda,this wee,these das

He has been t Beiing three ties this ear.He has written tw letters this rning.(说话时间在上午)

He wrte tw letters this rning.(说话时间在下午或晚上)


就结束的动作,这类动词叫做“非延续性动词”,常见的有:ce,g,arrive,reach,see,hear,clse,pen,leave,begin,start,lse,bu,fall,in,die,get up,bece,brrw,lend,find,finish,receive等。这些动词可用于现在完成时,说明某个动作的结果还存在,但不能和表示一段时间的状语(hw lng,fr,since)连用。

He has ce bac.(√)

He has ce bac fr tw hurs.(×)

※ 但在否定句中,非延续性动词也可用表示一段时间的状语来修饰,如

I haven’t heard fr father fr a lng tie.We haven’t seen hi since 1999.(六)当终止性动词(非延续性动词)与表示一段时间的状语(hw lng,since,fr,all ne’s life)相矛盾时,改正病句的方法有如下几种:

(1)用副词ag把现在完成时的句子改为过去时.He has ce bac fr tw wees.(F)

改为: He cae bac tw wees ag.(T)

I have lst bie fr ten das.(F)

改为: I lst bie ten das ag.(T)

(2)用“It is / has been+时间+since+过去时态”句型来改写。

He has ined the League fr 3 ears.(F)

It is 3 ears since he ined the League.(T)

I have bught the b fr 5 das.(F)

It is 5 das since I bught the b.(T)

He has died fr 20 ears.(F)

It is 20 ears since he died.(T)

(3)用“时间+has passed+since+过去时态”句型来改写。

He has left he fr 20 ears.改为: Twent ears has passed since he left he.He has lst his pen fr 2 das.改为: Tw das has passed since he lst his pen.(4)用系表关系来改写.He has died fr 20 ears.改为: He has been dead fr 20 ears.The factr has pened since 1999.改为: The factr has been pen since 1999.Hw lng has he left?

改为: Hw lng has he been awa?


He has bught the b fr tw wees.改为: He has had the b fr tw wees.常见的相应转换形式如下:

brrw / lend→eep, bu→have, finish / end→be ver, arrive /ce / g / ve / reach /get t→be in /at / be here /be there, begin / start→be n , pen→be pen , clse→be clsed, die→be dead , leave→be awa(fr), g t schl→be in schl / be a student, get up→be up, fall asleep→be asleep , fall ill→be ill, get t nw→nw, lse→be lst, bece→be, return / ce bac / get bac→be bac, in→be in / be a…eber, in the ar→be in the ar /be a sldier, receive / get a letter→have a letter , catch / get a cld→have a cld, begin t stud→stud


He has ined the ar fr three ears.(F)



一、创设情境, 做好“互动”的前置

虽然学生在具体学习中处于主体地位, 但是教师却发挥主导作用, 尤其在把握学习内容方向以及创设学习情境上, 更是具有主导作用。进行互动的前提是学生对内容有所了解, 教师在课前可以创设适当的情境引导学生导入。

在这一课中, 教师可以先用歌曲《The wheels on the bus》导入, 给学生营造一个a snack bar生活环境, 给学生营造一个轻松的氛围, 让学生在上课之前消除紧张, 从而有利于轻松地投入到学习中。接着用Where are we? 提问, 不仅对本节课提出了学习要求, 即学会征求别人意见以及具体询问价格, 而且还很自然的过渡到课题At a snack bar。

二、生本互动, 夯实“互动”的根基

教师要充分吃透教材, 挖掘教材资源, 并且结合学生实际水平、认知需求以及本节课教学目标来制订切实可行的学习目标, 明确学生自学任务, 搭建生本互动桥梁, 给学生时间, 让学生进行个人自学, 自己去发现问题、思考问题, 进而为下一环节夯实基础。

在学习重点句型“How much is it / are they ?”时, 教师就可以利用小学生喜欢表现的心理, 结合句子难易程度以及学生个人的认知水平等等, 布置Group work:Read the new sentences to your Team leader这一作业, 然后各小组所有学生以此在组长面前进行朗读, 这样学生在自学中就会发现问题, 接着自己就会想方设法研究问题, 继而解决问题, 最后教师还可以让各小组推荐一名学生进行示范领读。

三、生生互动, 发挥“互动”的效用

当学生生本互动相对成熟时, 教师可以组织学生开始小组内部交流。小组可以围绕教师给的问题以及文本习题展开讨论, 可以采用轮流提问的形式进行。组长搜集学生遇到的问题进行讨论, 并尝试解决, 最后汇总组内无法解决的问题, 为进入下一环节互动做好准备。这种形式的讨论过程, 更利于学生对文本的把握。

在这一环节中, 教师要认识到自己的主导作用, 针对这一课, 教师可以呈现以下问题, 即:What would Su Yang like?/ What would Su Hai like?/What would their father like?/How much are they?让学生围绕这几个问题先进行讨论。此时, 教师需要耐心等待, 让他们充分思考, 或者组织学生进行讨论, 教师从中点拨, 从而让学生在讨论中真正有所得, 在生生互动中有所收获。


T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱?

—Its seven dollars. 七美元。

【中考链接】 —______?

—Only $5. It is very cheap. (2007浙江温州)

A. What time is it

B. How many do you want

C. How much is itD. Whats wrong

【答案与解析】 选C。询问物品的“价格”时,一般可用How much is / are ...?,也可用Whats the price ...?。

2. 【课本原句】 —Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

—Yes, please. 是的。

【中考链接】—Can I help you, Sir?

—______. I need some books about western culture. (2007云南省)

A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanks

C. Yes, you canD. No, you cant

【答案与解析】 选A。当商店里的服务员询问顾客要买什么东西时,一般用 Can I help you?;顾客如果想买东西,可以说Yes, please.,然后再说具体要买什么。

3. 【课本原句】 Here you are. 给你。

【中考链接】 —Could you lend me the book you bought last week?

—______. (2008四川成都)

A. Yes, here you are

B. No, I cant lend it to you

C. Its not interesting

【答案与解析】 选A。当你买、借东西时,对方给你时一般用Here you are.来表示。

4. 【课本原句】 —Thank you. 谢谢你。

—Youre welcome. 不客气。

【中考链接】 —Thank you for your help.

—______. (2008辽宁大连)

A. Thats great B. Youre welcome

C. Im sure of thatD. Im afraid not

【答案与解析】 选B。当对方向你表示感谢时,可用Youre welcome. 来回答,意为“不客气 / 不用谢”,也可用Thats OK. / Not at all.等。

5. 【课本原句】 Anybody can afford our prices! 任何人都能负担得起我们的价格。

【中考链接】 1) 根据题中空格后的英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

The girl likes the handbag very much, but she cant ______ (have enough money to buy or to do something) it. (2008江苏南通市)

2) Miss Li is ______ music teacher. We all like her very much.(2008山西省)

A. weB. us C. our

【答案与解析】 1) 填afford。根据括号内的释义“有足够的钱来买某物或做某事”来判断,应该用afford,意为“负担得起;买得起”。2)选C。此处应该用形容词性物主代词our,意为“我们的”,在句中充当定语。

6. 【课本原句】 The green shorts are on sale for $25! 绿色的短裤特价卖25美元。

【中考链接】 词语释义:

—Why are you in such a hurry, Meimei? —The fashion clothes are sold in the supermarket at the moment. (2007湖北黄冈)

A. boughtB. have sale

C. on sale D. selling






Knowledge objective:

To master some words and expressions about places, positions and giving directions.Ability objective:

1.To ask the way and give directions.2.To understand a conversation of giving directions.Moral objective:

1.To be polite to others.2.To be ready to help others.3.To know more about Beijing and love Beijing.【教学重点】

1.To learn some words and expressions about places:

Bank, museum, along, across, cross, opposite, tourist, excuse, excuse me, street ,turn, third, guidebook, bookshop, right, why not ?? could, underground

2.To learn and review some words about positions: near,opposite, along, on the left/right, across.3.To learn some expressions about asking ways and giving directions:


1.To get information from the conversation.2.To ask the way and give directions.【教学方法】

PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach.【教学手段】

A tape recorder, multimedia ,PPT courseware, the teaching CD and some pictures.【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision【复习】

1、listen to an English song.Aim : to activate the classroom atmosphere.2、Do a duty :

Aim :To give one student a chance to train his spoken Englishin every class.3、Talking and acting:

Aim :to check if the students can practice the topic of the last

module and to develop the students’speaking and language expressing abilities.Step 2 Leading in


1、Play a guessing game: The teachers shows the pictures ofnew words and let the students say as quickly as possible.Ai : to check if the students preview the new lesson before the class and to be familiar with them.2、Look, think and say: the teacher shows some pictures aboutgiving directions and some road signs and asks the students to think and say the phrases.Aim :to consolidate the phrases about giving directions.3、Find and say.The teacher shows pictures of direction prepositions, and the students find the right words and make some sentences with the direction prepositons.Aim : to understand and master the usage of the directionprepositions.【总结


1. I don’t like to read books in the sunshine because it’s not good _______my eyes.

A. at B. for C. with D. to

2. Are they__________than an adult panda?

A. very smaller B a lot of smaller C much smaller D smaller a lot

3. Her science and English are a little better ______ Lucy’s.

A. at B. in C. than D. of

4. In order to protect our earth, we should use the bus _____and drive our cars _____.

A. more, less B. less, more C. much, little D. more, fewer.

5. Her physics ______ better than any other students’.

A. is B. are C. do D. does.

6. How do you read 4,444,444 in English?

A. four millions, four hundreds and forty-four thousand, four hundreds and forty-four

B. four million, four hundred forty-four thousand, four hundred forty-four

C. four, four four four, four four four

D. four million, four hundred and forty-four thousand, four hundred and forty-four

7. China is ________ country in the world.

A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest

8. -- Dad, I’ve just seen only one copy of “FOOTBALL” at the newsstand. -- Go and buy ___________back, Bob.

A. it B. other C. that D. one

9. Bill jumped__________than any other player at the sports meeting.

A. tall B. taller C. high D. higher

10. Mum, could I have an MP3 like this?

Certainly,we can buy_________one,but as good as this.

A. cheap B. a cheapest C. a cheaper D. the cheapest

11.Traveling by train is ___________excited than a rushed trip by air.

A. much B. a little C. far more D. little

12.Ill spend_________five days in Shanghai.

A. other B. the other C. another D. others

13.There are __________of listeners in the meeting room.

A. the large number B. the large numbers C. a large number D. large number

14. --Lily doesnt look so happy as her sister Rose. --No, shes ______than Rose.

A. less happy B. less unhappy C. less happier D. less unhappier

15. -Isnt Yantai in the east of China?-______.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it isnt. D. No, it is.

16. Youd better speak as____________English as you can.

A. more B. many C. much D. little

17 The__________panda weighs 50 kilos more than a man.

A. big B. large C. great D. giant

18. He runs fastest__________all the students.

A. in B. of C. at D. with

19. What do you think of Miss Li’s teacher? Oh, no one teaches___________ .

A. well B. better C. best D. good

20. You looked for it twice, but you haven’t found it. Why not try __________?

A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once

Ⅱ.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分) You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world. Its not terrible. In the desert we can find small or even big ones. We can see hills, too. As there is

rain in the desert, most plants there need water. Still we can see some plant life there. There is some water in some places in the desert. We call these places oases(绿洲). Sometimes the water under the ground or the rivers running through the desert. In the oases, there are villages and towns. People all kinds of crops (庄稼)in the fields there. People also outside the oases, but these people are not farmers. They 26 camels(骆驼), sheep, and other animals. The animals 27 the plants there and do not need much water. The people of the desert do not live anywhere for long. They keep from one place to another. They must always their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is no more leaves for their animals, they take down their tents and leave for another place. The desert people are each other. They are ready to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.

21. A. stones B. trees C. flowers D. grass

22. A. much B. plenty of C. little D. a little

23. A. comes from B. is carried from C. is put in D. ends

24. A. find B. grow C. cut D. sell

25. A. play B. sleep C. live D. travel

26. A. buy B. have C. kill D. meet

27.A. hope B. see C. find D. eat

28.A. jumping B. running C. moving D. driving

29.A. look for B. wait for C. bring out D. send for

30.A. useful B. polite C. friendly D. popular


Many places in the world need more fresh(淡的)water. Every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh. Why aren’t there many factories like the Symi factory? In some places,the sun isn’t hot enough, or it doesn’t shine every day. In these places,other ways of heating(加热)sea water can be used. These ways cost more money,but they work faster than the sun. By boiling(煮沸)sea water with high heat,a lot of fresh water can be made quickly.But heating is not the only way to get fresh water from salt water.Other ways are tried. One way is freezing(冷冻).The fresh part of salt water freezes first. To get fresh water, the pieces of ice are taken out. Which way is the best? The one that gives the most water for the least money. It may be a different way for each place. Symi’s way seems very good for small, hot places. It doesn’t make very much water at a time. But the factory is easy to build and cost little. That’s why people in many dry places talk about Symi.

31.From the passage we know that fresh water ________.

A.is needed in many countries B.is needed in every country C.is very important for factories D.is very important for farms 32.The Symi factory ________.

A.is a fresh-water factory B.can be built everywhere C.can make much fresh water at a time D.doesn’t need sunshine every day 33.Which is the best way for small and hot places to get fresh water?

A.Boiling or heating the sea water. B.The way in sunny places. C.The Symi’s way. D.Freezing the sea water in cold places. 34.The writer is mainly talking about ________. A.water-making factories in different countries B.the ways of making fresh water from sea water C.hot places and dry places D. how to make water hot

IⅤ.读音写词 根据句意和所给音标写出正确的单词(7分)

35. China has the biggest ________________ /.p?pjuleI??n/ in the world. 36. I don’t like __________./dez?t/

37. Our _________ /?v?nm?nt/ works for people.

38. We should make some rules on whale ______________. /pr?tek?n/

39. He can’t go to school because of his __________./Iln?s/

40. India is an old country. It’s as___________ /e?n??nt/ as China. 41. We should __________ /pr?tekt/ our only motherthe earth.

V.选词填空 (10分)


One of the most 42___________ sports in the world is mountain 43_________, and one of the most popular places to go for this is the Himalayas. These extremely high 44_______ attract 45_________ from all over the world. Many people say this is one of the most 46________ parts of the world.


47. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high.(对画线部分提问) __________ _____________ is Qomolangma?

48. Lucy is 160 cm tall. Lily is 160cm, too.(改为同义句) Lucy is ______ _________ ___________ Lily.

49. His mother is ill. He has to take after his mother.(改为同义句) His mother is ill. He has to ________ __________ his mother.

50. He spent 2 hours playing computer games last night. (改为一般疑问句) ________ he _________ 2 hours playing computer games last night? 51. adult, can, much, than, cat, a, more, eat, panda, an (连词成句)

__________________________________________________________. Ⅸ.完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 52. 在将来,有更多机器人在家里工作。

_________ ________ __________, there will be more robots working at home. 53. 鲸现在处于险境。 The whales are ________ __________ now.

54. 那个人死于癌症。 That person ____________ ___________ cancer. 55. 当他们面临困难时,他们变得很紧张。




2 .在简单地图上进行区域划分;

3 .在地图上指出四大区域的地理位置、范围及划分原因;

4 .在地图上找出秦岭、淮河,并说明秦岭—淮河一线的意义。







二、新课导入 阅读课本回答:

1 .地理区域的划分可以分为哪些类型?为什么会出现不同的地理区域?

2 .一个地区只能属于一个地理区域吗,可以同时兼有多重“身份”吗?

3 .我国四大地理区域是按什么划分的?

4 .尝试划分区域活动P3第1题。

5 .邮政编码与不同级别的行政区域之间有关系吗(活动P3第2题)?还有哪些事例反映出区域的不同尺度或不同级别呢?



1 .地区与南方地区的`分界线大致与_____(山脉)、____(河流)一致。

2 .西北地区与北方地区的分界线大致是影响的界线,大致与_____mm等降水量线一致。 3 .青藏地区与西北地区及北方和南方地区的分界线大致与_____、_____级阶梯分界线一致。

4 .地理区域可以划分为多种类型,如_____、_____和_____等。

5 .在我国四大地理区域中,地势最高的是_____地区,地势最低的是_____地区。


北方地区和南方地区的分界线,大致与下列哪一条年降水量线最接近?( )

A、200mm B、400m C、800mm D、1600mm

2 .我国北方地区和西北地区分界线确定的说法,正确的是( )

A、气候差异 B、地形差异 C、河流差异 D、植被差异 3 .从区域的角度看,既是行政区域又是经济区域的是 ( )

A、青藏高原 B、山西 C、深圳 D、山东半岛

4 .下列区域中属于同一尺度的是 ( )

A、深圳、广东 B、北京、重庆 C、香港 D、西藏自治区、西双版纳傣族自治州

5 .我国四大区域中,面积最大的是 ( )

A、北方地区 B、南方地区 C、西北地区 D、青藏地区

6 .北方地区不包括哪一个省?

A.山东省 B、山西省 C、河北省 D、浙江省

7 .云南省位于的温度带是 ( )

A、亚热带 B、温带 C、寒带 D、热带

8 .上海市属于四大地理区域中的 ( )

A、北方地区 B、南方地区 C、西北地区 D、青藏地区

9 .位于我国的第一级阶梯上的地理区域是 ( )

A、青藏地区 B、南方地区 C、北方地区 D、西北地区

10 .我国陆地最低点位于 ( )

A、北方地区 B、南方地区 C、西北地区 D、青藏地区


1 .将图中大写英文字母代表的地理区域名称填在下列空格内: A、南 方 地 区, B、_____________地区, C、_____________地区,D、_____________地区。

2 .图中C地区最突出的自然地理特征是_________, D地区最突出的自然地理特征是_________。

3 .A、B两地区的地理分界线(图中虚线)是_______岭―_________河一线,



2 .我国的四大地理区域。




Detailed Solution for Unit 7

How do you make a banana milk shake? 【重要词汇详解】 1.cut 切,割,剪,割破

cut up 切碎、粉碎、捣毁。e.g.I cut my finger when I cooked dinner yesterday.昨天我做晚饭时割破了手指。

The butcher cut up the meat.屠夫把肉切碎。

2.add…to把…加到…上。e.g.If you add 5 to 6 , you get 11.五加六等于十一。

Please add turkey slice to the sandwich.请把火鸡片加到三明治里。



turn on


peel 剥皮、削皮

cut up 切碎

pour 倾倒、灌、浇

drink 喝

mix up 混合在一起

add … to … 把…加到…上

put …in / into …把…放到…里面

put …on …







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yogurt 酸奶








slice 薄片


lettuce 莴苣,生菜 sandwich三明治





blender 果汁机、搅拌机







first 首先






uncountable不可数的countable 可数的 noun名词

slice n.薄片

instruction 指示、命令

top 顶部










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egg beater打蛋器



桃peach pear梨

grape葡萄 strawberry草莓


sesame oil 香油

butter 黄油

salad oil 色拉油 peanut oil 花生油


1.Turn on the blender.打开果汁机。

turn on以及本单元学过的cut up,mix up等都属于“动词+副词”结构的短语,其宾语是名词时,名词位于动词和副词之间或副词之后均可。但宾语若是代词时,代词必须位于它们之间。如:Turn it on.把它打开。

2.How many bananas do we need?我们需要多少个香蕉?/ How much cinnamon do we need?我们需要多少肉桂?

同样是表示“多少”,为什么前一句用how many,而后一句用how much呢?


how many常用来提问可数名词的数量,后跟可数名词的复数形式,而how much常用来提问不可数名词的数量,后跟不可数名词。本单元学过的yogurt,relish,mustard,cinnamon等这些不能用数目来计算的名词均为不可数名词。e.g.(1)How many apples do we need to make fruit salad ?





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(注意:How many 后面接可数名词的复数。)

(2)How much yogurt do you put in the smoothie ?

Two cups of yogurt.你在饮料里面放了多少酸奶?


how much还可以用来询问价格,我们在七年级已经学过,这里就不多说了。

3.First,put the mayonnaise on a slice of bread.Then...首先,把蛋黄酱涂到一片面包上。然后......我们在什么情况下使用first,next,then,finally呢?那就是在叙某项目的操作步骤、说明使用某物的方法或叙述某一事件发生的顺序等时,常常用到这四个单词,这样才能使你的叙述或说明更加有条理,而且清楚、完整。如果叙述或说明的步骤特别多时,可在first与finally之间插入second(第二),third(第三),fourth(第四)或next, then等等,但first与finally一首一尾的位置要相对固定。4.First,put the butter on a slice of bread.Then cut up an onion and a tomato.Add these to the bread.Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread.Put the relish on the chicken.Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.首先,把黄油涂在一片面包上,然后切洋葱和西红柿,再把这些东西放在面包片上。接下来放一些生菜和鸡肉片在面包片上,把调味





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在生活中,我们经常要向别人讲述一件事情发生的经过,或者讲述做事的先后顺序。也就是叙述一个过程,恰当的使用first , next , then , 和finally,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性。

first …(首先…),next …(接下来…),then …(然后…),finally …(最后…)。如我们把上面的句子改成以下的对话:

A: How do you make chicken Sandwich ?

B: Well , first , put the mayonnaise on a slice of bread.Then cut up an onion and a tomato.Add these to the sandwich.Next , put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the sandwich.Put the relish on the chicken.Finally , put another slice of bread on top.A: It must be delicious.Thank you for telling me.【语法知识聚焦】

1.可数名词和不可数名词(Countable noun and Uncountable noun.)


可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。可数名词的单数可以与冠词a/an 连用。不可数名词一般没有复数形式,不能与a / an 连用。在这里,我们重点讲述不可数名词。

(1)不可数名词包括各种物质的统称。e.g.bread 面包 stone石头

beer啤酒 water水

cream奶油 wood木头






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ice 冰








advice 主意/忠告





baggage 行李




knowledge知识 news新闻

(4)不可数名词没有复数形式,不能与a / an 连用,在前面往往加上some(一些),any(任何), no(没有),a little(少许)等词,或与量词搭配,组成短语。e.g.<1>I don’t want any advice or help.I want some information.<2>a piece of news.一条消息

a drop of oil


a cake of soap


a cup of tea


two slices of bread 两片面包

three teaspoons of mayonnaise 三茶匙蛋黄酱

(5)英语名词的可数或不可数,不要从汉语本身去理解,要根据英语的习惯和特点判断、记忆。例如:money是不可数名词,dollar则是可数名词。e.g.I have much money.我有许多钱

He has many dollars 他有许多美元。






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如hair 指一个人头上的全部头发时,是不可数名词;如果指每一根毛发时,就是可数的,可以说one hair , two hairs.e.g.Her hair is black.Whenever she finds a grey hair she pulls it out.她的头发是黑的,她只要发现有一根白发就将它拔掉。



Stand up , Please!请起立。

Don’t wake me up tomorrow morning.明天早上别叫醒我。

Hurry up , or you will be late.赶紧一点,否则你会迟到的。

Don’t run in the hallways.在走廊上不能跑。

Peel the apple , please.给苹果削皮。

Exercise : 汉译英





Keys :

<1>Cup up three bananas , three apples and a watermelon.<2>Put the fruit in a bowl.<3>Put in two teaspoons of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt.<4>Mix it all up.精心收集




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