



Respect leadership:

Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance, reading I the application letter, thank you for give me a success opportunity and challenge.My name is XXX, fujian is XXX, XXX university tourism culture college department of tourist management 2012 graduates.In the college study life, system to study tourism management specialized knowledge, take an active part in the hotel practice, work and formal professional learning, I have a preliminary of the quality of the managers and professional skills.In the study of this course, but also study the enterprise culture, to know the enterprise culture to an enterprise that is very important.During the period of school I also study hard theputer, through theputer level 2, to the application ofputer basic proficiency.Can skilled carry on some English dialogue.Also study hard the hotel management professional managers, and through the professional managers of the certificate.I in July 2013 in kunming XXX hotel(original XXX hotel)is the 6-month practice work, learn to as a good manager, should have good professional quality and proficient skills.In the hotel internship, in the food and beverage department and the front office study respectively the different departments of the professional skills, but also to understand thepany each department though it is different, is an inseparable whole.So in the work should understand each other, for himself or for everybody, the harmonious work can create a pleasant working environment, can generate profit!This is my internship in experience.Hope I this urgently want to enter yourpanys heart can get reply, the future will do ones best, set not great expectations!Heartfelt thank you!

Finally, once again thank you for reading this letter, are looking forward to your early reply, and wishes the prosperity of yourpany!


× × × Leadership:

Your busy schedule to take some time to read my material in this job, Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity for success and challenges.I called XXX, XX people, XX Tourism Management Institute of Tourism Department of × × × ×-year graduates.Learning in the university life, a systematic study of the tourism management

expertise, and actively participate in the practice of travel agents, tour guides part-time work and regular professional training, so I can have a quality manager and vocational skills.The courses in learning, it is also a minor in the legal profession, the law also have a certain understanding, to obtain a certificate of legal minor.English has passed CET-4, and × × × ×-year tour guides to pass a national qualification certificates.At work, I served as a member of the class life of the party branch secretaries and Mission, the Mission branch in the organization of work performance and personal优秀团支部been outstanding title of League cadres.Has served as executive director of the Tourist Association and the Association of Computer and other computer-loving students to create a common

network of Zhejiang Forestry College野风studio, is responsible for financial management and the technical aspects of the project, in the work of the management of accumulated experience.At the same time, a number of sites involved in the planning and production, with web

design, web development skills and experience, the basis of a certain art.At the same time to a wide range of office software proficiency to master VB, C programming language.Computer has been through two

test computers, Zhejiang University(VB language)and the National Computer Rank Examination III(Network Technology).Now I am going to bid farewell to a variety of campus life, face to create a cause, I look forward to in your organization to find a good space for development, and real hope in your heart to do, under the leadership of Moses, and share weal and woe!If you hire, will live up expectations!Thanks敬候complex, heartfelt gratitude!Finally, once again Thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible and wish the prosperity of your organization!


1990年4月至7月初, 我在依阿华州Ames小镇的Iowa State University度过了初到美国的三个月, 其中大部分时间在Herbert Fromm教授的实验室做轮转 (rotation) , 跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究 (刘峰现在University of Texas Health Science Center做教授) 。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次, Fromm教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇Journal of Biological Chemistry的文章, 我提前两天开始阅读, 第一遍花了足足六个小时, 许多生词只能依靠英汉词典, 文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂, 当时的感觉是JBC的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给Fromm教授和师兄师姐留下好印象, 第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍, 还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是, 前前后后, 真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间!

1990年7月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后, 与本科来自北京大学的虞一华同在IPMB program。虞一华大我一岁, 来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生, 对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在IPMB的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读, 看得我很眼馋, 也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长、诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore如何深陷泥潭, 人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈, HIV病毒究竟是谁发现的, 等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起, 每一期新的《科学》和《自然》杂志一到, 我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍, 这些内容往往出现在“News&Comment”“Research News”“News&Views”“Perspectives”等栏目, 文笔平实, 相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时, 我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听, 而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》, 我也常常翻看《科学美国人》 (“Scientific American”) 。

与《细胞》 (Cell) 《生物化学期刊》 (JBC) 等非常专业的期刊不同, 《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“Perspectives”和《自然》周刊的“News&Views”栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍, 一般1~3页, 读起来比较通俗易懂, 较易入门。读完这些文章后, 再读原始的科学论文, 感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下, 找找差距, 有时甚至也能找回来一点自信!

从1998年在普林斯顿大学任职到现在清华大学做教授, 我总是告诉自己实验室的所有年轻人 (包括本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后) 下面这几点读科研论文的体会, 也希望我的学生跟我学:

(1) 请每位学生每周关注《科学》和《自然》 (生命科学界的学生还应该留心《细胞》) 。如果时间有限, 每周花一个小时读读这两本周刊里的文章标题以及与自己研究领域相关的科研论文的abstract即可!这样做可以保证一个学生基本上能够跟踪本领域最重要的发现和进展, 同时开阔视野, 大概知道其他领域的动态。

(2) 在时间充足的情况下, 可以细读《科学》和《自然》里的新闻及科研论文。如果该科研论文有“News&Views”或“Perspectives”来介绍, 请先读这些文章, 这类导读的文章会提炼问题, 就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉, 对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。

(3) 在读具体的科研论文时, 最重要的是了解文章的主线逻辑。文章中的所有Figures都是按照这个主线逻辑展开描述的。所以, 我一般先读“introduction”部分, 然后很快地看一遍Figures。大概知道这条主线之后, 才一字一句地去读“results”和“discussion”。

(4) 当遇到一些实验或结果分析很晦涩难懂时, 不必花太多时间深究, 而力求一口气把文章读完。也许你的问题在后面的内容中自然就有解答。这与听学术讲座非常相似!你如果想每个细节都听懂, 留心每一个技术细节, 那你听学术讲座不仅会很累, 而且也许会为了深究一个小技术环节而影响了对整个讲座逻辑推理及核心结论的理解。

(5) 对个别重要的文章和自己领域内的科研论文, 应该精读。对与自己课题相关的每一篇论文则必须字斟句酌地读。这些论文, 不仅要完全读懂, 理解每一个实验的细节、分析、结论, 还必须联想到这些实验和结论对自己的课题的影响和启发, 提出自己的观点。

(6) 科学论文的阅读水平是循序渐进的。每个人开始都会很吃力, 所以你有这种感觉不要气馁。坚持很重要, 你一定会渐入佳境。当你有问题时或有绝妙分析时, 应该与师兄师姐或找导师讨论。

(7) 科研训练的一个重要组成部分就是科研论文的阅读。每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外, 你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课, 在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论 (Journal Club) 。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论, 你们学生可以自发地组织起来。

(8) 前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力, 但是一旦入了门, 就要学会critical reading。不要迷信已发表的论文, 哪怕是发表在非常好的期刊上。要时刻提醒自己:该论文逻辑是否严谨、数据是否可靠、实验证据是否支持结论、你是否能想出更好的实验、你是否可以在此论文的基础上提出新的重要问题?等等。

天外有天, 读科研论文是一件很简单但也很深奥的事情。一般的学生常常满足于读懂、读透一篇好的论文, 优秀的学生则会举一反三、通过查找references纵深了解整个领域的历史、现状, 并展望该领域未来的可能进展。

我从1990年对学术论文一窍不通到1996年博士后期间的得心应手, 还常常帮助同事分析, 自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足, 颇为羞愧。1996年, 是SMAD蛋白发现及TGF-b信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年, 哈佛医学院的Whitman实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“Article”的形式发表了一篇名为A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF-b signaling的文章。读完之后, 正好遇到TGF-b领域的著名学者Joan Massague, 我对Joan评论说:I’m not so sure why this paper deserves a full article in Nature.They just identified another Smad-interacting protein, and the data quality is mediocre.完全出乎我的意料, Joan马上回应我:I disagree!This paper links the cytoplasmic Smad protein into the nucleus and identifies a transcription factor as its interacting protein.Now the TGF-b signaling pathway is complete.It is a beautiful Nature article!这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后, 我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性, 这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。


1990年4月至7月初,我在依阿华州Ames小镇的Iowa StateUniversity度过了初到美国的前三个月,其中大部分时间在Herbert Fromm教授的实验室做轮转,跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次,Fromm教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇《Journal of Biological Chemistry》的文章,我提前两天开始阅读,第一遍花了足足六个小时,许多生词只能依靠英汉词典,文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂,当时的感觉是JBC的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂?!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给Fromm教授和师兄师姐留下好印象,第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍,还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是,前前后后,真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间!

1990年7月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后,与本科来自北大的虞一华同在IPMB program。虞一华大我一岁,来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生,对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在IPMB的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读,看得我很眼馋,也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore如何深陷泥潭、人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈、HIV病毒究竟是谁发现的,等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起,每一期新的《科学》和《自然》一到,我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍,这些内容往往出现在“News & Comment”“Research News”“News & Views”“Perspectives”等栏目,文笔平实,相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时,我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听,而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》,我也常常翻看《科学美国人》(“Scientific American”)。

与《细胞》(Cell)、《生物化学期刊》(JBC)等非常专业的期刊不同,《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“Perspectives”和《自然》周刊的“News & Views”栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍,一般1~3页,读起来比较通俗易懂,较易入门。读完这些文章后,再读原始的科学论文,感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下,找找差距,有时甚至也能找回来一点自信!





如果该科研论文有“News & Views”或“Perspectives”来介绍,请先读这些文章,这类导读的文章会提炼问题,就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉,对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。










每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外,你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课,在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论(Journal Club)。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论,你们学生可以自发地组织起来。

8.前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力,但是一旦入了门,就要学会critical reading。



我从1990年对学术论文一窍不通到96年博士后期间的得心应手,还常常帮助同事分析,自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足,颇为羞愧。1996年,是SMAD蛋白发现及TGF-β信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年,哈佛医学院的Whitman实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“Article”的形式发表了一篇名为“A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF-β signaling”的文章。读完之后,正好遇到TGF-β领域的著名学者Joan Massague,我对Joan评论说:“我不是很确定为什么这篇论文能够在《自然》杂志上以论文形式发表,他们只不过是找到了另一个SMAD蛋白相互作用而已,并且数据质量堪忧。”完全出乎我的意料,Joan马上回应道:“我不同意!这篇论文把细胞质SMAD蛋白质和细胞核联系了起来,并且发现了作为相互作用蛋白的转录因子。这就完善了整个TGF-β的信号传导过程。这是一篇相当美妙的《自然》论文!”这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后,我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性,这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。


Hello!First of all, please allow me to work hard to extend your deep respect, and bring to you my sincere greetings and best wishes!Thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read my job material!

My name is XXX, Guangxi College of Finance and Economics of the Economic Information Department of Information Management and Information System professional graduates a year.And good humor, optimism, generous, strong and confident, studious, has a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility.I firmly believe that the “sweat and post-harvest is the most loyal partners, vision and hard work is the most intimate lover.”


Dear leaders:

Thank you for your busy schedule to read this material I, and wish your organization the prosperity and bright future!

My name is XXX, the XX School of Business Administration

Department of the college graduates in XX.I am studying in school, pay attention to ideological and moral cultivation, strict demands on themselves, to participate actively in the party school classes and actively participate in the study of political theory to explore, at the same time, I am positive side to the party organizations have joined the Chinese Communist Party.Actively participate in social practice activities, good academic performance.Four years of university study, I systematically studied the theory of business administration and related professional knowledge, with a strong theory and in practice the process of combining theory and practice, has a certain ability to integrate theory with practice.In order to further improve the knowledge

structure, to broaden knowledge, I carefully study the professional courses and strive to improve the level of theory and practice of professional skills to the depth of theoretical knowledge.Proficient in English, four have already passed national examinations in English, took part in spoken English training.In addition, I adhere to the enterprise management, marketing expertise at the core, and actively involving knowledge check.In order to adapt to the needs of development and self-loving, I self-study related to computer knowledge, able to skillfully operate a computer, familiar with DOS, Windows98, Windows XX, Windows XP,such as Red Flag Linux operating system, Microsoft Office series of office software, ASP, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, FrontPage, Photoshop and other web design software, can be skilled with Visual Basic, FoxPro, C, such as computer programming, has been through the National Computer Rank Examination(II), took part in XX Chinese computer software professional and technical proficiency test(programmer level).I am cheerful character, honest and warm.While studying at the school study, I actively participated in basketball, table tennis and other sports, exercise my strong physique for the future work of laying a solid foundation;long-term as student leaders, former members of the study, organization members, the party constitution

study group, hospital and other key post of head of the student group.I work hard passion for work, the actual wide, in order to learn

their book knowledge with practical application of the combination, I also used to carry out various forms of holiday activities in social practice, and achieved remarkable results, the accumulation of a number of social work experience.Respect for the leadership of the new century as a fresh

university graduates, I admit: I lack many of the inexperienced experience.However, I firmly believe that: through the efforts, I will arrive as quickly as possible the forefront of the times, the future I will move to prove his ability to test their will and accept all the new challenges in order to return your organization to my The知遇之恩.I sincerely hope that your organization can give me a

chance, let me have a space to show self, I will sincerely cooperate with colleagues for the development of your organization to make its own modest.Please write or telephone interviews, I would like to further echo.Sincerely,Salute!

篇7:专业英文自荐信 物业管理

dear leaders:


first of all, thank you for your work in a busy自荐信of my attention, where you will savor a century, the desire of university students and absolute sincerity of heart.

i graduated from the university of shenyang construction professional property management. the new century, the opportunities and challenges have become the theme of the times, and a reasonable choice and use of talented people, a period of time than ever before are more obvious the importance of the times. for the company to find a good assistant, i know you and look forward to the responsibility, and to seek a full play to its own expertise to the full is my wish. i believe that with my abilities, knowledge to meet the challenges of any work, but i believe i will win the outstanding performance of your appreciation.

talent is becoming more competitive, the opportunities and the same pressure. in a few years of university life, i would like to improve their own quality, solid professional foundation, become more qualified and talented people to ask their own criteria. i know that knows no boundaries of xuehai, facing the wall and knew the meaning of the decade. . . . . .

now, as the early studies, to be pregnant in order to benefit from red cliff, in order to take good scholar-lun. to face challenges, i would like to show the school, and create a better future!

world first bole, chollima after, i am not claiming to pearl baoyu, superb talent and learning more to call himself or herself, hurried time, knowledge at the beginning of the school to the community, i know there is a growing process. but fortunately, i live in an era of wind and waves, as long as more than the struggle and confidence, move forward unabated, with the pursuit of the future and explore the cause of devotion and love, i can be in a civilized and self-confidence, unity, collective progress in, do our best to add brilliant, i must live and love your expectations.

i am looking forward to another challenge in life, but also look forward to the event before exposure to the work of good will and development to the infinite space. give me a piece of the sky, i will make it more beautiful, this is my commitment to never. look forward to your good news!

loyal blessing: the prosperity of your company, all staff working smoothly!

