






牛津高中英语模块一Unit 2 (上)


1.学习谈论青少年经常遇到的问题 。






act(n), scene, curtain, trash, garbage, charge, adult, , behavior, teenager, punish, period, argument, relationship, force, unpleasant, character, explain, slam, vet(veterinarian), style, mess, thumb, vs(versus), plus, competition, sink, fault, boring.


common to对…来说很普遍, turn up调高声音, 出现 a waste of 浪费, no more不再, spare time空余时间, force….to…强迫(某人)做 , can’t wait to.. 迫不及待地要 , be supposed to被期望或要求, 本应该, do with 处置, 忍受, 需要 be a mess/ in a mess乱成一团, leave sb in charge 委托 …..负责, act like行为举止象 …, go unpunished不受惩罚, go out熄灭, have one’s arm crossed双臂交叉抱在胸前, deserve to值得去做,常用否定形式表示“不配” be hard on对某人苛刻, now that既然, in the form of以 的形式, than ever before比以前任何时候都, be angry at对某事生气, even if即使, treat sb like…象 一样对待 , argue about为 …而争吵, the cause of起因, differ in many ways在许多方面不同, fit badly非常不合身。


1. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.


这句话里有两个不同层面上的状语:过去分词短语“followed by a big dog” 是谓语“runs in”的伴随状语,而现在分词短语“walking very slowly”描述的是大狗跟随埃里克进来的行走方式,是动词“follow”的状语。


He ran after the thief, shouting angrily.

She sat nervously in the grand sitting room, watched closely by the butler.

The soldiers stood silently along the pass, rifles in hand.

2. You weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow.


be supposed to do sth:被期望或要求去做, 本应该去做。例如;

You are supposed to hand in your articles this Friday.

Girls are supposed to behave more quietly in this country.

在肯定句中until 必须和持续性动词连用时,在否定句里它主要和短暂性动词连用也可以和持续性动词连用,表示直到某时某个动作才开始。Until 还可以用在强调句中。Not until 放在句首时,句子要倒装。例如:

He slept until 8 o’clock.

He didn’t wake up till e8 o’clock.

It was not until 8 o”clock that he woke up.

Not until 8 o’clock did he wake up.

I won’t be free till Friday.

3. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, but Spot looks so hungry.


“with which you were to buy dog food” 是定语从句, 当关系代词是介词宾语时,介词常放在关系代词之前。例如:

the village we used to live in→the village in which we used to live


We are to hold up the enemy while our troups retreat.

The presidential candidate is to make a speech in our town on his way to Washington.

4. We thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions.


划线部分是“an adult” 的同位语, 它 和“an adult”所指相同,句法功能也相同,是对“an adult”含义进一步的说明。这个同位于本身又带有定语从句from whom we could expect good decisions 。

Expect sth from sb: 期望从某人那里得到或看到某事,例如: You can never expect generosity from a miser.

5. This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.


根据上文,this是指 our family。动词go 后面可以跟形容词,表示“变得”,例如:

go bad(变质), go dry(变干), go mad(发疯), go international (国际化)。Go 和一些含否定意义的形容词连用,则表示“不受……的, 未被…的”,如: go unchallenged, go unnoticed.

His theory has gone unchallenged in the world for half a century.

It’s strange that such a mistake can go unnoticed in the textbook.

6. If they knew that Spot was ill and we used the money to take him to the vet…

假如他们知道Spot得了病, 而我们用那笔钱带他去看兽医的话……..

这句话用的是虚拟语气, 省略的部分是: they would understand why the money is gone and the house is a mess. 当说话人只表示一种假设的情况、一种主观愿望,即认为动词所表示的动作或状态并非真实时,使用虚拟语气。表示和现在事实相反时,主句用过去将来时,条件从句用一般过去时。例如:

If I were you, I should wait till next week.

I she saw you now, she wouldn’t recognize you.

7. None of us stopped to think and we should have.


Stop to do表示停下来去做另一件事, stop doing则表示停止正在做的事情。 should have


We should have stopped to think, but none of us did.

8. Can you explain to me now why the house was a mess and what you did with the cash we left?


Be (in) a mess表示“乱成一团”; do with 表示“处理、处置”常和what 连用,它和deal with 不同,deal with 表示“处理、应付” we left 虽然只有两个单词,却是一个定语从句,它前面省略了作宾语的关系代词that或which。


2. Tom中学一毕业立刻就参军了。(upon)

3. 这场意外事故造成两人死亡。(result in)

4. 你写的内容和这个题目没有关系。(have nothing to do with)

5. Carter以及他所有的队员挖走了坟墓里的一切。(as well as)

6. 他是一位很了不起的老师,所有的学生都尊敬他。(look up to)

7. 请确定在你离开教室的时候将所有的门窗都关好,以防有人闯入。(make sure; in case)

8. 尽管这个地区被山环绕,但是山上的树木却正在遭到破坏。(even though)

9. 无论你做出什么样的决定,我们都坚决支持你。(whatever)

10. 政府一直向洪涝地区输送免费的食物和衣服。(provide)

11. 在这个天堂般的世界里,人和动物和睦相处。(live in harmony with)

12. 探险家们正在加紧搜寻一种像人一样的动物。(step up)

13. 由于他的无礼,我不想再和他说一句话。(due to)

14. 当他知道他在这次考试中失败了,他变得很沮丧。(go)

15. 根据最近一份调查报告显示,学生将一半以上的业余时间花在做作业上。(according to)

16. 警察已经阿排除了那个男孩被他继母的谋杀的可能性。(rule out, possibility)

17. 这把刀过去常被用来切肉。(used to)

18. 孔子是如此伟大的一个教育家,以至于他赢得全世界人们的尊敬。(so…that…)

19. 尽管这个工作很具挑战性,但作为一个很有经验的工程师,他还是完成了任务。(though, experience)

20. 老师总是鼓励我们要多尝试一些新的方法,并且要求我们在遇到失败的时候永远不要放弃。(encourage, require)

21. 谁将负责制作甜点?(charge)

22. 不好的行为理应受到惩罚。(suppose)

23. 既然教室一片混乱,我觉得我们应该将它清理干净。(now that, feel like)

24. 刚才我看到一道恐怖的闪电,随之是轰隆隆的雷声。(follow)

25. 我昨晚很晚才睡,因为我迫不及待的想知道比赛的结果。(can’t wait)

26. 他坚持一个人去冒险。(insist)

27. 我们都渴望听到刚才发生了什么。(dying)

28. 他花了一整天的时间解字谜中的十个词。(work out)

29. 我认为肥胖的人不用为他们的身体感到不自在。(embarrass)

30. 给你带来这么多的麻烦,我感到很抱歉。(ashamed)

31. 减肥药里含有一种有毒物质,这种物质通常会引起人的肝脏衰竭。(cause)


1. By the time you receive this letter, we have set sail for a faraway island.

2. Upon graduating from high school, Tom joined the army immediately.

3. The unexpected accident resulted in two deaths of people.

4. What you have written had nothing to do with this title.

5. Cater, as well as all his group members, emptied the tomb of everything it contained.

6. He is a great teacher, who all the students look up to.

7. Please make sure that you have closed all the windows and doors in case someone break in.

8. Even though this area is surrounded by hills, the trees are being destroyed now.

9. Whatever decision you make, we will strongly support you/ give you full support.

10. The government kept the flooded areas provided with food and clothing free of charge.

11. In this heavenly world, people live in harmony with animals.

12. Explorers are stepping up their research for a man-like creature.

13. Due to his rudeness, I said no more word to him. .

14. He went frustrated when he found out he failed in the exam.

15. According to a recent survey, students spend more than half of their spare time doing homework.

16. The police ruled out the possibility that the boy had been murdered by his step-mother.

17. This knife used to be used to cut meat.

18. Confucius was so great an educator that he earned respect from people all over the world.

19. Though the work is a bit challenging, he still achieved his aim as an experienced engineer.

20. Teachers always encourage us to try out new ideas and require that we should never give up when facing failure.

21. who will be in charge of making desserts?

22. Bad behavior is supposed to be punished.

23. Now that the classroom is a mess, I feel like that we should clean it up.

24. I saw a frightening lightening , followed by thunder.

25. I stayed up late last night, as I can’t wait to see the result of the match.

26. He insisted on going adventure by himself/alone.

27. We are dying to hear what happened just now.

28. He spent the whole day working out the ten words in the work puzzle.

29. I don’t think fat people should feel embarrassed with their body.

30. I am ashamed to have brought you so much trouble.


改革开放几十年以来, 我国中小学英语教材不断改革创新, 呈现出多样化的趋势。1990年开始, 全国出现了不同的教材, 打破了课程和教材单一的格局, 这符合教育现代化的要求 (刘道义等2011) 。就广东而言, 珠三角地区和东西两翼, 城市和农村的经济发展、英语教育水平等差别很大, 因此发展水平不同的地方选用的教材也不尽相同。笔者曾在深圳和粤西山区执教, 对两地初中英语教学和不同版本教材的使用有切身体会, 深知教材作为课程的依托、知识的载体、执教的依据和学习的资源在教学中所占据的重要地位。在此浅谈《仁爱英语》和《牛津英语》的特点异同以及在使用过程中的困惑和建议, 以期为教材编写者提供借鉴和参考。


教材作为教学的基本材料为教师组织和实施教学带来了极大的便利, 也为学生系统自学提供了基本条件, 更重要的是教材编写遵循课程标准和教学大纲, 用好教材, 教好学生是完成教学内容和实现教学目标的重要前提。

何为教材?顾名思义就是教学活动中所使用的材料。程晓堂 (2002) 认为教材有广义和狭义之分, 广义的教材指课堂上和课堂外教师和学生使用的所有教学材料。狭义的教材就是教科书。教科书是一个课程的核心教学材料, 一般根据课程的需要分级编写。从目前来看, 教科书除了学生用书以外, 几乎无一例外地配有教师用书, 很多还配有练习册、活动手册以及课外读物、挂图、卡片、音像资料等。本文提到的教材, 指狭义的教材, 即教科书。

在教材多样化的倡导下, 各种不同版本的英语教材如雨后春笋般不断涌现, 对教材的分析研究也随之增多, 国外的相关研究归纳起来有两个特点:第一, 教材评价的视角开阔, 如Cunningsworth和Tomlinson (1984) 所提出的整体印象评价和深入评价;Grant (1987) 倡导的初步评价、细致评价和使用中评价。第二, 评价的标准具体, 如Sheldon (1988) 列举的理据性、可行性、针对性、版式设计、易读性、连贯性、选材与排序、图文特色、得体性、真实性、充分性、文化性、教育性、交互性、灵活性、指示性和整体价格评价等53个具体指标。国内的学者 (钟启泉等2001) 则更倾向于把评价放到《英语课程标准》的框架下进行1。国外评价体系做得比较细致和规范, 但过于繁杂, 不符合中国实际。而国内多是目标方向性评价, 实际操作性不强。本文以教材使用中的实际问题为切入点, 对两套英语教材进行比较研究, 旨在找出两者存在的差异和各自利弊, 为教材编写单位提供一些来自教学一线的反馈意见。


《牛津英语》主要面向经济发达的城市学校, 《仁爱英语》则多在英语教学资源相对匮乏的农村学校使用。服务对象的不同决定了两套教材的定位不同。为了研究两者的差异, 本文以云浮市使用的仁爱版初中英语教材和深圳市所使用的牛津版初中英语教材为研究对象, 采用比较法和分析法试图回答以下四个问题:

(一) 两套英语教材的差异具体体现在那些方面?

(二) 二者在差异之外是否还有共同特点?

(三) 二者各有什么利弊?

(四) 如何完善教材?


虽然两套教材使用地的经济发展水平和教材使用对象的英语环境存在着明显差距, 但二者都和其他中学英语教科书一样有其固有的共同特点:图文并茂、色彩鲜艳、生动活泼且贴近生活。尽管如此, 两套教材在课程资源、理论依据、编写体系方面有着相当明显的差异, 体现了不同的价值取向。

(一) 课程资源

《仁爱英语》是中国唯一具有教材编写资质的民营机构——仁爱教育研究所编著, 提供的教辅资源丰富, 既有同步辅导图书、报纸 (如《教材讲解》、《英汉互动讲解》、《基础训练》、《仁爱英语》报纸等) 等, 还有多媒体教学光盘等电子教科书和优质示范课的视频资源, 甚至还开发出自己的电子产品 (点读笔、学习机等) 。可谓应有尽有, 配套齐全, 为教育资源欠发达地区的学生自学提供了有益补充, 也为教师备课、出题提供了方便, 尽显充分性, 凸显了它的平民本色。而且教辅产品设计者和制作者也都是教材编著者, 这些原配产品很好地体现了教材编著者的课程设计思路, 能更好地把握知识的系统性和连贯性。这是《仁爱英语》最具优势、也最有特色的地方, 正是这个原因, 越来越多的边远山区县市选用了仁爱教材。

相比之下, 《牛津英语》在这个方面显得很乏力。牛津教材是上海中小学课程教材改革委员会和牛津大学出版社合作开发的一套教材。表面上阵容大, 规格高, 但笔者结合自身多年教学经验, 认为它脱离了中国学生的实际:容量大, 生词多, 句子长, 难度高, 而且又没有相关配套练习, 使得很多一线教师叫苦不迭。后来市面上虽陆陆续续出现过一些配套教辅资料, 如《1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练》 (刘强2009) 、《1课3练单元达标测试》 (严军2011) , 但非常零散, 深浅不一。光靠着教材教学, 感觉是曲高和寡, 收效甚微。好在深圳地区英语教学起步较早, 学生英语基础普遍较好, 才没有造成书“亡”教“息”的严重后果。

(二) 编写思路

《仁爱英语》侧重理性认识, 重视内容的基础性、知识编排的连贯性和系统性。正如何安平 (2001:18) 所评价的那样, 它以外语教学的情景大纲来编写教材, 将语言置于一定的情景或场合之中, 其结构形式也常与情景发生某种联系。整套教材六册书以康康、迈克尔、简·爱、玛丽娅四个小主人翁相识、相知、成长、学习、生活的故事情节为主线贯穿始终, 像一部生活情景剧, 前后内容相接, 结构紧凑。每册由四个单元组成, 每个单元由话题——功能——任务构成。编写思路明晰自然, 知识结构由易到难, 符合学生认知规律。不足之处是, 较少考虑地域、学生等因素, 灵活性不强, 一些新奇特的事物、异域风情、东西方文化差异等学生感兴趣的元素涉及较少。

《牛津英语》侧重感性认识, 重视学习者的心理因素, 全套教材以功能—意念大纲为主导来编写, 强调语言的表意和行事功能, 从用语言来表达什么和做什么两个角度来切分和归纳语言点 (Wilkins 1976;Brumfit 1983;转引自何安平2001:28) 。文本内容取材广泛, 天文、地理、历史、小说都有涉及。它从学习者的心理需要出发, 以容易引起兴趣、满足学生好奇心的话题模块为载体, 设计了不同的学习任务和活动来培养学生语言的实际运用能力:通过创设真实、地道的语言情境, 让学生感知、运用语言, 强调语言学习的交际功能。但对每个模块之间的衔接处理失当, 要么随意抛弃, 要么流于形式, 整合的力度不够, 没有真正按照功能—意念大纲的要求采用循环扩展的模式来排列教学材料, 即同一个意念或功能可以在不同的时间或以难度不等的方式重复出现 (何安平2001:29) 。笔者结合自身多年教学经验认为该教材过度注重情境、活动、交际, 忽视语法, 以至于难以在学生头脑中构建知识体系, 致使学生后续复习效果差。

(三) 编写体系

编写体系是教材编写的灵魂所在, 最能说明教材的设计理念和核心价值, 本文从以下三个方面对两种教材进行对比分析。

1. 语言技能的结构安排

《仁爱英语》每单元的每节课都是以Listen、Read and say、Pair work、Work alone、Group work、Written work、Class activities和Project等多个活动相结合, 按照一定的顺序展开的听、说、读、写训练。其中Group work、Class activities和Project在一定程度上融合了四项语言技能, 并且各有侧重。教材配备了许多图片, 协助教学。各部分前后照应, 衔接紧密, 采取的是相辅相成的整体战略。

《牛津英语》每单元的每节课活动内容不同:将阅读 (Reading) 、听 (Listening) 、语法 (Language) 、说 (Speaking) 、综合运用 (Using English) 、写 (Writing) 和练习 (More practice) 等活动分开, 每节课只开展其中的一项活动, 用这些独立的活动单元配以丰富的图片, 围绕中心话题展开语言技能训练, 采取的是先各个击破再打歼灭战的战略思想。用快节奏、多侧面、重反复的模式细化基础活动, 最后着重培养综合技能。用一句话概括:《仁爱英语》讲大局, 《牛津英语》重细节。

此外, 虽然《牛津英语》每一单元的活动安排都一样, 顺序也没有变化, 但活动样式和类型却比《仁爱英语》丰富得多。以课本练习为例, 《仁爱英语》多是一些单词填空、连线搭配和问答题, 而《牛津英语》除此之外还有生活常识题、根据标题和图片猜大意等新题型, 这也更多地体现了技能培养的过程和方法指导。

2. 语音和词汇的呈现方式

《牛津英语》没有特别设语音部分。而《仁爱英语》在低段教材中列出了拥有相同发音字母的不同单词, 词旁配有图片解释单词的含义, 以使练习变得简单。这一点《仁爱英语》比《牛津英语》考虑周到, 但在词汇排版方面, 不如《牛津英语》周到细致, 因为《牛津英语》在课文中用了不同颜色的字体来标出不同要求的生词, 方便学生预习, 让学生在阅读课文的过程中有效提高了对生词的敏感度。就词汇量来说, 二者都欠妥当:教材中新单词数量过多, 且分布不均, 有的课一页单词多的就有20多个, 而有的课则一个生词都没有。仁爱英语有时一个Topic就有七八十个生词, 要在一个星期内背下来, 这对于有多年英语学习经验的成人而言不成问题, 但对大多数还是十二三岁, 英语知识还相对欠缺的孩子来说并不简单, 尤其一些农村地区的学生在小学没学过英语, 英语基础基本为零, 升入初中后, 科目一下增加那么多, 都还没完全适应, 每天还要学如此多的英语单词, 学习负担过重。针对这一问题, 部分一线教师为减轻学生的负担, 对非课标标准词汇一律不讲解, 也不做任何要求;这样, 对学生而言, 词汇记忆的压力虽然暂时减轻了, 但阅读中词汇的障碍却加大了。

3. 教学活动的任务设计

《牛津英语》的课堂活动设计丰富多彩, 花样繁多, 充分考虑到了学生的心理特征。例如, 《牛津英语》8B (八年级下册) 32至36页中, 单单一项代词学习, 就有情景对话、看图填空、看图答题、一般疑问句回答、用代词替换文本中指定的名词等多种形式来体验代词的实际运用, 还借助大量的图片给予学生具体生活情景, 让学生懂得了如何用代词进行描述事物、做简易回答等。图片中形态各异的人物能够激发学生的好奇心, 使他们有兴趣用代词去描述不同人物形象的行为, 目的性强, 能有效地激发学生的兴趣。相比之下, 《仁爱英语》也有不少语言活动, 如歌曲、项目活动、看图说话等, 但这些活动本身的趣味性不强。

通过对比, 笔者发现这两种教材各有特色:《仁爱英语》通俗易懂, 以学习者的认知水平和认知结构为出发点, 通过循环语言点, 学习者能够有效建立知识体系, 但教材中的活动安排不够丰富多样, 且活动过于分散, 不便“集中力量打歼灭战”;《牛津英语》从培养学生兴趣出发, 提供了具有时代气息的语言材料, 设置了逼真的语言运用情景, 注重交际的语言实践活动, 符合现在学生追求时尚、新潮的心理, 但整体难度偏高, 缺乏层次和梯度, 难以形成知识体系。


(一) 与时俱进

取材不局限于学习、生活场景, 按“新课标”的要求积极利用音像、电视、书刊杂志、网络信息等丰富的教学资源, 拓展学习和运用英语的渠道;多选取一些新颖、有趣的素材作为话题, 体现信息化时代知识传播的迅捷性和广博性。如科技类产品iPad、iPhone等, 网络类的QQ、博客、论坛甚至游戏, 电影类的《阿凡达》, 或国际政治等等, 使教材内容紧跟时代的发展, 内容贴近现实, 贴近学生生活让学生开阔视野, 乐学、爱学 (魏运华、李俏2007) 。

(二) 课文中多涵盖一些能体现东西方文化差异的内容

学生对西方文化、中西文化差异很好奇, 以此为突破口可以快捷而有效地培养学生的英语学习兴趣, 这是英语教材的一大优势, 不用实在太可惜。笔者建议, 可以用英语俚语、习语作为课本语言, 也可以选取一些圣经故事、西方节日或英美文学的介绍等等为课文内容。

(三) 优化课文结构

在保证课文教学流畅性的同时, 做到语法知识教学的系统性, 均匀分布各课生词量, 控制总量, 课文语言少用长句、复杂句, 借助语料库等技术手段, 检索并调用在英美国家真实使用的一些语例, 特别是那些短小精悍而又表达力强的高频词汇、地道短语或句型 (何安平2004:46) 。课文中的生词可以用不同颜色来标识, 强化学生对生词的敏感度。教辅资料讲解不宜太过复杂和超前, 以免让学生产生畏难心理。

(四) 注意细节

要加大审核把关力度, 拒绝使用假冒伪劣产品。教材的权威性决定了教学资源选取的严肃性, 因此教材中的一些材料 (包括影视、图片、谚语等) 最好原汁原味, 原版引进。


对普通一线英语教师来说, 驾驭好教材才能使之发挥最大的效益。要想做到这一点, 教师就要做教材的研究者, 对教材的优点、缺点做到心中有数, 并根据学生的需要和实际, 及时增删教材内容, 调整教学顺序, 并能够从理论的高度认识教材所反映出的语言观和语言教学观, 从而选择适当的教学方法和技能, 并根据教学对象的实际情况扬长避短, 有重点有选择富于创造性地灵活地使用教科书 (何安平2001:2) 。此外, 笔者认为, 教学第一线的教师们更熟悉中国学生怎样才能更好地学习英语, 相关专家在编写教材时, 不妨向他们了解情况, 倾听他们的意见和建议。





刘道义, 龚亚夫, 张献臣.2011.我国中小学英语教材建设的历史经验及启示[J].课程·教材·教法 (1) :69-75.


魏运华, 李俏.2007.我国中小学教材研究述评[J].课程·教材·教法 (8) :13.


钟启泉, 崔允螂, 张华.2001.为了中华民族的复兴为了每位学生的发展——基础教育课程改革纲要 (试行) 解读[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社.

Cunningsworth, A.&Tomlinson, B.1984.Evaluating and selecting EFL teaching materials[M].London:Heinemann Educational.

Grant, N.1987.Making the most of yourtextbook[M].London:Longman.


摘 要:英语教学最重要的是培养学生的英语应用能力,而牛津版教材遵循现代语言教学理念及学生的认知规律设计,为提高学生的英语素养提供了坚实的基础,但是更重要的是教学过程。本文对牛津高中英语教材的特点进行了分析,并对如何利用教材实施教学进行了探讨。

关键词:英语教学 牛津版 实践 综合素质





牛津高中英语新教材的编写结构和特点分析如下:牛津高中英语教材采用模块划分的方式,一个模块三至四个单元,一个单元七个版块,即:welcome to the unit;reading;wordpower;grammar and usage;project;self-assessment。其中Welcome to the unit部分通过照片、图片等引出一个或几个相关话题,由下面三个问题引发讨论,这三个问题大多是开放性的。该部分教学,既是一种读前热身,也是对本单元话题的一种导入,有利于激活学生已有的相关知识,为接下来阅读和后面一系列活动做好铺垫。Reading部分包括:读前问题A,阅读材料本身B,读后练习C-F,和紧跟在阅读文章后面的Reading strategy。A中有三到四个问题,练习快速阅读。B则是阅读文章,对话或短文,跨两页。C是关于文章的更多问题,从更多的细节到文章的深层理解。D要求根据上下文猜测和理解词义。E要求根据课文意义完成短文,综合理解。F是拓展延伸练习,依据与课文相关的话题或细节开展讨论。该部分既是教学的重点,也是教学上的难点;Word power则从两个方面帮助学生学习新的单词,力求快速、高效地扩大词汇量。




可以利用图片呈现目标,设置举例型任务。例如在总结“Its+adj.+for sb.+to do”的句型时,可以借助图片进行教学,教学效果较好。先呈现第一幅交通灯为红色的图,然后问学生:When the traffic lights are red, whats dangerous for you to do?“学生很快回答:Its dangerous for us to cross the road.我把这句话写在黑板上,让学生对这个句型产生印象。


即教师先向学生逐步渗透具体的语言现象,然后让学生观察、分析并找出规律,归纳和总结出语法规则。这样就能使语法知识更容易被学生接受、理解和掌握。例如:在复习不定式做宾语的句型结构时,我先启发学生:Do you think it very important for you to learn English?学生会立刻回答:Yes.我就把“I think it very important to learn English well.”的句子呈现到黑板上。此时,不急于点明“to do”的用法,而是请学生用完成句子的形式来呈现更多的句子,以检验学生对语法要点的理解。如:

We feel it possible (赢得比赛的胜利)。

例如在呈现每个句子时留出一定时间让学生两人一组讨论,待学生完成句子后,让他们思考这些句子结构是否相同,学生通过观察分析发现它们结构相同,进一步问他们能否总结一下它们相同的句型结构。学生通过比较分析,很容易找到规律,归纳出结构如下:主语+动词(feel/find/think…)+it+adj.+to do,让学生们注意句型中“it”和“to do”的关系,学生很快发现他们在句子中的成分相同,“it”称为形式宾语,“to do”称为真正的宾语。


例如,在Book 9 Unit 2中,作者从希腊古城的介绍引出了古希腊人对西方文明的影响;在随后的文章中又介绍了中国的明清皇家陵墓这些文化遗产,这些宏伟的建筑表明了古代劳动人民智慧的结晶。学生阅读了这些课文会更加清楚地认识到古代文明对人类的发展做出了巨大的贡献,努力保护先人们留下的文化遗产,潜移默化地影响学生的文化价值观。


体验学习(Experiential Learning)的思想最初来自美国著名教育家杜威的“经验学习”。体验学习是一种以学习者为中心的学习方式,是指学习者在通过对实践活动的结果进行反思、抽象概括并再次付诸实践验证后获得新的知识、技能和情感态度的学习过程。通过对牛津高中英语的教材结构体系和教学方法的分析可以发现它与体验教学法的结合点,具体体现在:











A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

2. National day is _______by seven days of holiday in our country.

A. congratulated B. observed C. held D. cheered

3. ________him and then try to copy what he does.

A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch

4. The storm stopped but the waves were still______ the shore.

A. striking B. hitting C. beating D. knocking

5. We all ______you good luck in the coming examination.

A. hope B. expect C. wish D. want

6. Attention, please. And keep _______when I am taking a photograph of you.

A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent

7. --------What do you think of the TV play” The Meteor Garden”?

--------I take no interest in it. One of the reason is that such a life is out of our ______.

A. mind B. reach C. sight D. point

8. To work honestly________ in the long run.

A. pays up B. pays off C. pays back D. pays for

9. His work was most unsatisfactory, so we paid him______ at the end of the week.

A. off B. away C. down D. up

10. Can you _____what happened in you childhood to your present state of mind?

A. connect B. keep in touch with C. relate D. join to

11. Having seized the historical developing opportunity, we Chinese people are_____ all the advantages we have, heading for the goal.

A. trying our best of B. going all out of

C. sparing no effort of D. making the best of

12. The doctor keeps________ touch________ telephone_________ his patients.

A. in; with; with B. in: by; with

C. on; by; with C. on; with; by

13. All of________ sudden, I caught_______ sight of my English teacher in the crowd, smiling to me. I calmed down.

A. a; 不填; B. a; a; C. 不填;a; D. 不填;不填;

14. Ronaldo was_____ to win the 100-meter hurdles race, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.

A. possible B. probable C. likely D. maybe

15. People there soon came to regard the white settlers as their ________enemy.

A. deadly B. dying C. dead D. death

16. Though he was not rich enough, his wife often asks him for_____.

A. jewels B. jewelries C. a jewellery D. jewel

17. Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the people_____ those who had already taken them.

A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that

18. ______Wang Mei, two more girls in our class took part in 1500-metre race and she won the first.

A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. But

19. I know nothing about the meeting_____ it was held.

A. besides B. except C. except for D. except where

20. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially_______ Father was away in France.

A. as B. that. C. during D. if

21. ----How are you getting on with your work?

----All goes well as _____.

A. planned B. to be planed C. being planned D. planning

22.Please go and _________a good meal. We shall have the honor of Mr White’s staying for supper.

A. prepare for B. prepare c. get ready for D. have

23. In our childhood, we are often________ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped

24.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would_______.

A. act B. help C. serve D. last

25. What surprised me was not what he said but ______he said it.

A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which

26. He got to the station early, _______missing his train.

A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of D. in search of

27. ----Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?

-----Yes. He had never praised him_______ he become one of the top student in his grade.

A. after B. unless C. until D. when

28. ---How did you sleep last night?

---Like a dog. Never slept_______.

A. well B. deeply C. better D. best

29. The matter_______ your fate can’t be taken for granted.

A. in relation to B. has relation to C. has relations with D. to relate to

30. I am sure that David will be able to find the library----he has a pretty good_____ of direction.

A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

31. When he come to, he found himself____ in hospital.

A. lay B. was lying C. lain D. lying

32. With fewer people_______ hens, the price of eggs________.

A. rising; rises B. raising; raises C. rising; raises D. raising; rises

33. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style_______ in a personal style.

A. rather than B. other than C. better than D. more than

33. ----let me have a look at your new stamp.

----here it is.

----_____with mine, yours is ______.

A. to compare; with great value B. comparing; having great value

C. compared; of great value D compare; great valuable

34. Keep_____ to us or you’ll lose your way.

A. closed B. next C. close D. nearly

35. All she needed to ____to her happiness was a baby.

A. finish B. complete C. add D. receive

36. In a word, I don’t think what you said________ at all.

A. makes sense B. makes no sense C. is of little importance D. has a sense

37. The theory which has been against for many centuries______ true.

A. proved B. proved to be C. turned out to be D. all of above

38. ----I’m leaving now.

----Make sure_____ the door.

A. for you to lock B. to have locked C. of locking D. you lock

39. She is beautiful and kind. She is really fit______ you to get married______.

A. of; to B. for; to C. of: with D. for; with

40. It takes almost a whole night for a train to_____ the large province, for it____a bout three time zones.

A. cover; covers B. travel; has C. cover; has D. travel; covers

41. I come into _______with all kinds of people in my work.

A. contract B. attack C. attract D. contact

42._______came that he was punished by the King for he didn’t________.

A. A word, keep his words B. The word, keep his word

C. Word, keep a word D. Word, keep his word

43. I’m sorry, I’m not______ position to _______ you financially.

A. in a, help B. on the , help C. at a, helping D. in the, help

44.I couldn’t help_____ the computer because I was not free at that time.

A. repairing B. repair C. to repairing D. repaired

45. She would not______ the fact that she______ the lowest grades in the recent maths exam in her class.

A. receive; accepted B. accept; received

C. admit; accepted D. realized; got

46. The River Nile______ flood large areas, but now its water______ produce electricity.

A. was used to; is used to B. used to; is used to

C. was used to: is using to D. used to uses to

47. Before the final examination, many students have shown______ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.

A. anxiety B. marks C. signs D. remarks

48. Tasting _____, this kind of fried chicken sells _______.

A. well; good B. to be good; well C. good; well D. to be well; good

49. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ______ , he could neither sleep nor eat.

A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise

50. We can’t ______ other countries in trade if we don’t develop our national economy.

A. compete for B. compete against C. catch up D. catch with

51. Tom and Mary______ in , that is to say, They_____ for 5 years.

A. married; have married B. have been married; got married

C. got married; have been married D. were married; have married

52. Washington, a state in the United states, was named_______ one of the greatest American presidents.

A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of

53. Our country has a _____ history of 5000 years.

A. recording B. recorded C. record D. records

54. Eating to much can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to

55. He_____ to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.

A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. offered

56. We must have a limit____ the expense of the trip.

A. about B. to C. in D. for

57. The young man______ in studying paid no attention to the outside world.

A. involved B. involving C. to be involved D. being involved

58. Please_____ all these figures to see how much they_____.

A. add; add up to B. add up: add up to C. add up; add up D. add; add to

59. If you fight_____ a better future, first of all, you should fight_____ the difficulties.

A. /; for B. against; with C. for; against D. with; /

60. None of us expected the chairman to _____ at the party, we thought he was still in hospital.

A. turn in B. turn over C. turn up D. turn down

61. The plane crashed and they______ on a _____ island in the Pacific Ocean.

A. landed; deserting B. were landed; deserting

C. landed; deserted D. were landed; deserted

62. Thank you, but I’ll have to____ your offer.

A. turn away B. turn down C. turn back D. turn off

63. My English teacher often______ far into night going over the books.

A. stayed up B. stayed C. remained D. kept

64. As is known to us, theory is based on practice and______ serves practice.

A. by chance B. in turn C. in return D. in reply

65. The_____ to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.

A. ruin B. destruction C. damage D. harm

66. When we found a cook_____ , he will be dismissed.

A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke

67. What he has in mind is beyond____ . No one can tell what she will do next.

A. imagination B. control C. description D. belief

68. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. ______, she is a great musician.

A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual

69. I’d like to buy a house-------modern, comfortable, and_____ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all

70. We are all fond of _____.

A. journey B. trip c. voyage D. travel

71. The soldier was_____ of running away when the enemy attacked.

A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished

72. The Chinese people fought_____ the Japanese invaders_______ freedom over 8 years.



I 词性与词形

1. confuse vt. 使迷惑; 混淆→ confusing adj. 令人迷惑的; confused 糊涂的 → confusion n. 混乱;混淆

2. Europe n. 欧洲 → European adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的 → European n. 欧洲人

3. mix vt. 混合 →mixture n.混合,混合体

4. create vt. 创作;创造→ creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的 → creation n. 创造; creativity 创造性,创造力; creature(上帝创造的)生物

5. contribute v. 贡献,捐献,促成 →contribution n. 贡献,捐献; contributor 贡献者 → contributory adj. 捐助的,有贡献的

6. access n. 通道;(使用的)机会,权利 vt .进入,使用 →accessible adj. 可(或易)接近的;可(或易)进入的; 可(或易)得到的;可(或易)使用的[(+to)]

7. replace vt. 取代;把……放回原处 →replacement n. 取代;放回原处 → replaceable adj. 能够被取代的

8. serve v. 服务,服役;上(菜等),敬(烟等) → service n. 服务,服役 →servant n.仆人

9. adopt v. 采取,采纳;收养→adoption n. 收养;采纳→ adoptive adj. 收养的;采纳的

10. embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使难堪 →embarrassing adj.令人难堪的 embarrassed adj.难堪的

11. pronounce vt. 发音 → pronunciation n. 读音,发音

12. process vt. 加工,处理 → process n. 过程 → processed adj. 加工过的

13. difficulty n. 困难,难点 →difficult adj. 困难的

14. appearance n. 外观,外貌 appear vi. 出现;显露; 似乎,看来好像

15. simplify vt.简化 simple adj. 简单的 simplified adj. 简化的

16.distinguish vt.区分,辨别 distinction n. 区别,差别

17.convenient adj.方便的 convenience n. 方便,便利

II. 词组

1. stand for 代表

2. all over the world 全世界

3. name after 以…命名

4. be made up of / consist of 由…..组成,构成

5. mix…..with….. 把…..与…..混合

6. pick up 拿起,拣起,中途搭人,偶然间习得,接送

7. contribute to 是……成因之一

make contributions to 对…做出贡献

8. result in 结果, 导致 (lead to)

result from 由于, 因为

as a result of 由于……的结果

9. take control of 控制

10. work as 担当, 担任

work on 致力于,从事

11. mother tongue / language 母语

12. take the place of 取代, 代替

be replaced by/with 被…….取代

13. depend on 视….. 而定,取决与 it all depends 视情况而定

14. relay on 依靠, 依赖

15. come into widespread use 开始广泛应用

16. get along with 进展, 相处

17. up and down 上上下下

18. for the first time 第一次

19. look into one’s eyes直视某人

20. make fun of 取笑

21. in a word 一句话, 总之, 简言之in other words 换句话说

22. differ from….in….. 在….方面和…….不同

23. as a whole 总体上

24. turn into 使…..变成

25. confusing rules令人困惑的规则

26. look forward to sth / doing 希望得到某物, 希望做事情

27. borrow words from other languages 从别的语言借用词语

28. set a standard for sth 为什么制订标准

29. official language 官方语言

30. throughout history贯穿历史

31. official occasions官方场合

32. aside from 除…之外

33. go through 经历;遭受

34. in conclusion 总之

35. show respect for 尊敬

36. in that 因为,由于

37. over time 随着时间的过去,经过一段时间

38. ought to 应该,应当

III 句子

1. In fact, we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.(虚拟)

2. After the Norman Conquest, high-class people spoke French while common people spoke English. (while 并列连词,表示对照比较)

3. The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.

(主语﹢be﹢adj. ﹢动词不定式的主动形式作状语)

4. It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying.(It 为形式主语)

5. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.

6. Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects

7. While the students found the soldier’s idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.(while 引导让步状语从句)
